Miura 200
Miura 200
Miura 200
Instrumentation Series
Random Access Autoanalyzers
i.1.1 Document
• Codice del documento: MNT-10910-01
• Revisione del documento: B
• Data di revisione: 23 Aprile 2008
i.1.2 Instrument
• MIURA: p/n 10001-xx-A (xx=version)
• MIURA 200: p/n 10674-xx-A (xx=version)
MIURA 100: p/n 10750-xx-A (xx=version)
i.1.3 Producer
• I.S.E. S.r.l.
Via delle Driadi, 45
00133 Roma – Italy
Phone: +39 06 20610289
Fax: +39 06 2018131
E-mail: info@logotech-ise.com
WEB: www.logotech-ise.com
i.2 Copyright
The content of this document, the pictures, the tables and the graphics included,
is intellectual property of I.S.E. S.r.l.
Unauthorized copies, total or partial, could cause legal actions in
i n order to preserve
owner’s interests.
i.5 Documentation
IEEE, 802.3
“Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method
and physical layer specifications”.
ANSI, X3.15-1976
“Bit sequencing of the code for information interchange in serial by bit data
transmission (with ANSI X3.15-1976)
ANSI, X3.16-1976
“Character structure
structure & character parity sense for serial by bit data communication
in the code for information interchange (with ANSI X3.16-1976/R1983)”.
3.2. Communication
3.2.1. Level 1 ...............
Connection Establishing .............................
Phase ............................
Phase............ ............................
.......................... .............................
............................ .................7
3.2.2. Conflict Resolution Phase..............
3.2.3. Data Transfer Phase .............
3.3. Application Level
3.3.1. Header Message ..............
..... 10
3.3.2. PatientInformation
PatientInforma tion Message ..............
.............. 11
3.3.3. TestOrder Message......
............ 13
3.3.4. Result Message ..............
....... 16
3.3.5. Terminator Message.............
................ 18
3.3.6. RequestInformation
RequestInf ormation Message......
...... 19
3.4. Communication Scenarios...........
............ 20
3.4.1. Analysis Request – Communication Sequence..............
.......... 21
3.4.2. Analysis Results Request
Request – Com
munication Sequence.............
............. 22
1. General
This document describes the electronic transmission of digital data information
between a laboratory instrument and an information computer system. In
particular, in the following of this document the data exchange protocol has been
exposed and the connection schematic between the MIURA instrument (in the
following called Autoanalyzer) and the Host Computer (part of the Laboratory
Information System - in the following called Host) has been shown.
This kind of connection allows the “Autoanalyzer to/from Host” bi-directional
communication to improve automation in data request transmission (i.e.: work-lists
and patient data) and in patient final results data response.
This document finally defines the digital message structure allowing the data
transfer between Autoanalyzer and Host.
2. System Configuration
The communication between the Miura System and the external Host is compliant
to the IEEE 802.3 standard, that regulates the most common local area network
(LAN) technology based on Ethernet standard. The Miura System Personal
Computer is then provided with an internal network interface (Ethernet interface);
it is linked to the laboratory information local area network through a Hub or
through a Switch Hub the connects several other stations for communication
purposes. The Host Computer is obviously part of the same network and it is
connected in the same manner.
The following picture shows the functional diagram of connection.
The block number hallows the receiver to recognize the block that have been re-
This number is sent as an ASCII character and it is increased for each message (the
number “7” is followed by the number “0”).
The checksum allows the receiver to recognize a message that has not been
correctly received. The checksum can be calculated as the arithmetic sum of all
received bytes without carry-over (the calculation doesn’t take into consideration:
<STX>, the checksum characters and the final <CR> and <LF> ).
The data transfer phase is terminated with the message <EOT> (End of Text) whose
value is: 04 hexadecimal (HEX).
All fields related to the messages described in the following of this document must
always be present in order to allow the correct interpretation of the messages
The fields the actually have no meaning for the MIURA System can be “nul value”,
that means: no character is send in between the headers.
Note: In the following Message Description Tables, the column “L” defines the
message length for the fixed length fields. No value is inserted for the fields that
have no fixed length.
Field delimiter = vertical bar (|) Latin-1(124)
Repeat delimiter = backslash (\) Latin-1(96)
Component delimiter = caret (^) Latin-1(94)
Escape delimiter = ampersand (&) Latin-1(38).
PracticeFieldNumber1 O
PracticeFieldNumber2 O
AdmissionAndDischargeD O
AdmissionStatus OP - outpatient O
PA - preadmit
IP - inpatient
ER - emergency room
Location O
NatureOfAlternativeDiagn O
AlternativeDiagnosticCod O
PatientReligion P - Protestant O
Fields meaning:
• Method Name: name given to the analysis method
• Method Acronym: acronym given to the analysis method.
• Method Barcode: identification barcode of the analysis method
(placed on the reagent bottle). Associate this value
to the second element of UniversalTestID.
• Method Internal Index: identification code of the analysis method.
CollectionEndTime O
CollectionVolume O
CollectorID O
ActionCode 1 C cancel request for the N
battery or tests named
N new requests
accompanying a new
P pending specimen
UserFieldNumber1 O
N normal
A abnormal
NatureOfAbnormalityTestin O
W Warning: Validity is
DateOfChangeInInstrumen Standard, execution 14 Format: O
tNormativeValuesOrUnits date YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
OperatorIdentification O
DateTimeTestStarted O
DateTimeTestCompleted 14 Format: N
InstrumentIdentification “Miura” N
T sender aborted
EndingRangeIDNumber O
UniversalTestID ^barcode_test ^^ N
NatureOfRequestTimeLimits O
BeginningRequestResultsDa O
EndingRequestResultsDate O
RequestingPhysicianName O
RequestingPhysicianTeleph O
UserFieldNumber1 O
UserFieldNumber2 O
RequestInformationStatusC P preliminary results N
F final results
L.I.S. Server
request with
positive feedback
Patient Info
Add analysis
End of
L.I.S. Server
request with
ositive feedback
Query over
<ACK> results
<STX>Result<ETX> Data