DLP Demo Science 5

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Teaching Week

November 15, 2023 2

DAILY Dates: #:
Quarter: Third Quarter Day #: 2 SCHOOL LOGO

Learning Living Things and Their DLL

Area: Environment #:

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of how plants reproduce.
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to create posters on how to take good
care of the flowers.
C. Learner’s competencies /Code Describe the reproductive parts in plants and their functions.
Specific Objectives
1. Cognitive Identify and describe the different parts of a flower.
2. Affective Practice ways on how to take good care of the flowers.
3. Psychomotor Create a poster showing the parts of a flower and ways on how to
take care of it.
II. Topic: Sub Topic: Male and Female Reproductive Parts of the Flower
CONTENT Parts of the Flower
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 49 – 2. Learner’s Materials Page 73 - 74 3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal
B. Other Learning Resources :powerpoint presentations, video clips, pictures
A. Reviewing previews lesson or ELICIT
presenting the new lesson Sing a song about the parts of the plant

Ask: What are the different parts of a plant?

B. Establishing a purpose to the ENGAGE

lesson. What can you say about the plants in picture A and B ?

Picture A
Picture B

Based on the two pictures, Picture A is flowering plants and

Picture B is non – flowering plants.

C. Presenting examples/instances of EXPLORE

the new lesson Group Activity 1:

1. The class will be grouped into 5 having 1 member as the leader.

2. The pupils will make a KWL Chart about flowers.
3. Each group will present their work.

What they What they
already want to
KNOW know about
about flowers?
D. Discussing new concepts and EXPLORE
practicing new skills # 1. 1. The class will be grouped into 5 having 1 member as the leader.

2. All the groups will be given 15 minutes to go to the garden and

look for 3 different kinds of flowers.

3. In a short bond paper, the pupils will write the name and draw
the flower. Then, they will answer the following questions:
a. What are the 3 different names of the flowers?
b. What are the individual differences of each flowers from one
another? Show the differences in the class.
c. What have you realize in your activity.

4. Each group will choose a representative to present their

observation report for two minutes.

Flowers are the seed –bearing part of a plant.

Now, let’s find out on this video that I’m going to show you.

E. Discussing new concepts and EXPLAIN

practicing new skills # 2. ( Present a video clip)

What are the different parts of a flower mentioned in the video

Will you describe each part of a flower?

A complete flower has the following parts:

1. Receptacle –is the enlarged upper end of a flower stalk

which bears the flower or group of flowers.

2. Sepals - are modified leaves which enclose and protect the

other parts of a flower when it is still a bud. When the
flower blooms, the sepal supports the bottom of the flower.
Group of sepals are called calyx.

3. Petals – form the most obvious part of the flower. Most

petals are brightly colored to attract insects. Group of
petals are called corolla.
4. Stamen – male reproductive organ of the plant.

 Pollen grains – yellow powdery substance which

contains the sperm or male gametes.
 Anther – holds and produces pollen grains.
 Filament – stalk that holds the anther in position.

5. Pistil – also known as carpel is the female reproductive

organ of the plant.

 Stigma – flat top swollen structure at the end of the

pistil. It receives pollen grains. The mature stigma
secretes a fluid that stimulates the pollen grains to
 Style – a stalk that connects the stigma to the ovary.
It is tall enough to trap pollen grains.
 Ovary – found at the base or bottom of the style
which contains ovules or egg cell (female gametes)
Activity #2
Using the graphic organizer, identify from top to bottom the parts
of the flower. Use manila paper.

Discussing new concepts and practicing EXPLAIN

new skills # 3. How are you going to take care of the flowers in your garden?

F. Developing Mastery ELABORATE

Answer the following questions briefly:
1. Why are flowers important to plants?
2. What are the parts of the flower? Describe their

1. 5.

3. 6.

4. 7.

G. Finding practical application of ELABORATE

concepts and skills in daily living. Why is flower picking prohibited in parks?
H. Making Generalization and ELABORATE
Abstraction about the lesson. 1. What are the parts of the flowers?
2. What are the uses of flowers in our daily lives?
I. A. Evaluating Learning EVALUATION
Direction: In a sheet of paper, illustrate the different parts of a
Gumamela flower and identify each part.

B. Application Question: What are the implications of flowers in your daily lives?
J. Additional activities for EXTEND
Application or Remediation In a short bond paper make a slogan of your own advocacy on
how to love and care our
flowers in our garden.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the Evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why
did this worked?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or superior can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did I
used/discovered which I wish to share with other

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