Mother N Child
Mother N Child
Mother N Child
- Amniotic fluid exceeds 1500 mL ANTEPARTUM HEMORRHAGE
- Amniotic Fluid Index of 5 – 25 cm - Bleeding from the genital tract in late pregnancy.
- May occur as early as 16 weeks After the 28th week of gestation until 2nd stage of
- Pt. w/ polyhydramnios must be placed in upright labor
position to relieve dyspnea PRIMARY CAUSES OF ANTEPARTUM
1. Chronic Polyhydramnios 1. First trimester
o 30th weeks - Threatened miscarriage
o Common type; gradual in overt - Imminent miscarriage
2. Acute Polyhydramnios - Incomplete miscarriage
o 20th weeks - Complete miscarriage
o Sudden occurrence, rare - Ectopic pregnancy
RISK FACTORS: 2. Second trimester
- Increased blood glucose level - Hydatidiform mole
- Premature cervical dilatation
3. Third Trimester Separation cuts off blood supply to the fetus
- Placenta previa SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
- Placenta abruption Sudden, sharp fundal pain
- Preterm labor Heavy vaginal bleeding
EFFECTS Uterus is tense & rigid (Convelaire uterus)
Hypovolemic shock Dark venous blood
Disseminated intravascular coagulation TYPES
o blood disorder that may occur with/by trauma 1. Revealed hemorrhage
Renal failure Blood flow to the external
Still birth No blood is accumulated behind the placenta
A low-lying placenta is susceptible for hemorrhage 2. Concealed
due to mild trauma, may be caused by vaginal blood is retained behind the placenta
examination signs and symptoms of hypovolemic shock is
TYPES enlarged & painful uterus that appears bruised
1. PLACENTA PREVIA and edematous
Placenta is in low implantation that crosses the 3. Mixed
cervical os (near the cervix) Blood drains thru vagina and some is retained
Most dangerous behind the placenta
Painless vaginal bleeding o PIH
Soft uterus (not tender) o High parity
Fetal head remains unengaged o Multigravida
Malpresentation o Drug abuse (cocaine)
Lie is oblique or transverse, unstable in o Short umbilical cord
multipara o Advanced maternal age (35 yrs. old)
Bright red blood
Kehr’s Sign – collection of blood under the
2 MAIN TYPES diaphragm; shoulder referred pain
1. Minor Placenta Previa Normal hemoglobin
Low but does not cover the internal cervical Men : 13.5 – 17.5 g/dl
os Women : 12.0 – 15.5 g/dl
2. Major Placenta Previa Fibrinogen – soluble protein in the plasma that is
Lies over the internal cervical os broken down to fibrin by the enzyme thrombin to
Covers the cervical os form clots
EXTENSION Adult : 200 – 400 mg/dL or 2 – 4 g/L (SI units)
Type 1 – Low lying Newborn : 125 – 300 mg/dL
o Majority of placenta is in the upper uterine Oxytocin – induce and augment contractions/ labor
o Vaginal delivery is possible - also known as labor dystocia
o Blood loss is mild - When baby does not exit the pelvis during
Type 2 – Marginal childbirth due to being physically blocked,
o Placenta is partially located in the lower despite the uterus contracting normally
segment near the internal os CAUSES:
o NSD is possible if placenta is placed 1. Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)
anteriorly 2. Fetal malformation (Hydrocephaly)
o Moderate blood loss 3. Pelvic tumor; pelvic bone contour
o Fetal hypoxia is more likely 4. Problems in the ‘Ps’ (Power, Passenger,
Type 3 – Incomplete or partial central Passage, Psyche)
o Placenta is located centrally over the internal THE Ps
os 1. Power
o Bleeding is likely to be severe Sluggishness of contractions
o NSD inappropriate Three types:
Type 4 - Central or total o Hypotonic contractions – low /
o Placenta is located centrally over the internal infrequent contractions
cervical os o Hypertonic contractions – frequent
o Severe bleeding contractions
o NSD not considered, cesarean section is o Uncoordinated contractions – more than
used one pacemaker is initiating the
- Intrauterine hypoxia (may lead to DIC) 2. Passenger
- Intrauterine Fetal death (IUFD) Large fetal head (big for the pelvis)
- Postpartum hemorrhage Hydrocephalus (brain surrounded by fluid,
- Maternal shock/death which makes the skull swell)
- Low birth weight Twin pregnancy (locked at the neck)
- Fetal hypoxia (low oxygen level) Conjoined twins (fused together w/ some
shared organs)
3. Passage
Premature separation of a normal situated
Birth canal
placenta from the uterus occurring after 28 th
Pelvis is too small or has an abnormal shape
weeks, before the fetus is born.
Presence of tumor or other physical GROWTH – physical increase in size or amount that is
obstruction in the pelvis easily observed.
Bony pelvis, may be: TYPES:
o Contracted due to malnutrition - Physical growth (Ht, Wt, head & chest
o Deformed due to trauma, polio circumference)
4. Psyche - Physiological growth (vital signs)
Pain, stress/anxiety, fatigue DEVELOPMENT – ability of a person to things that
SIGNS are complex and difficult; growth in psychomotor
(Early signs) capacity
Cervix dilates slowly; edematous TYPES:
Presenting part does not enter pelvis - Motor development
Early membrane rupture - Cognitive development
(Late signs) - Emotional development
Maternal & fetal distress - Social development
Abdomen is tense & hard to palpate Stages of human growth
Contractions are long, strong with little or no
1. Fetus
relaxation between
o Dependent on the maternal body
Bandl’s Ring (Pathologic Retraction Ring) is
2. Infancy (Up to 1 year)
o Dependent to the parents
o A shallow depth in the middle of the
o Learns to cry and make sounds
3. Toddler (1 to 5 years)
o Depression between the upper & lower
o Cognitive & emotional development begins
halves of uterus, at above level of
4. Childhood (3 to 11 years)
o Motor skills are developed
Lower uterine segment is very thin & ready to
5. Adolescence (12 to 19 years)
o Physical changes are visible (hair growth, breast
Low vital signs
growth, voice change)
o ↑ PR, above 100 bpm
6. Adulthood (20 years to death)
o ↓ BP
o Can reproduce
o ↑ RR, above 30 bpm
o ↑ Temp.
Meconium drain in vagina Physical growth
Concentrated (meconium/blood) urine Weight : 2.7 – 4 kg
Edema of vulva & cervix Height : 47.5 – 53.75 cm
PROLONGED LABOR Girls ave. Ht. : 49 cm Boys ave. Ht. : 50 cm
1. Latent = > 8 hours Head circumference : 33 – 35 cm
2. Active = > 12 hours Chest circumference : 30.5 – 33 cm
PROLONGED SECOND STAGE OF LABOR Abdominal circumference : 31 – 33 cm
Multipara = > 1 hour Length : 19 – 20 inch / 49 - 50 cm
Primipara = > 2 hours Weight loss of 5% - 10% by 3 – 4 days after birth,
due to:
MATERNAL COMPLICATIONS o Withdrawal of hormones from mother
Post partum Hemorrhage o Loss of excessive fluid
Fistula o Passage of meconium and urine
o Abnormal opening (due to ruptured o Limited food intake
tissue) between the; Weight gain by 10th day; ¾ kg weight gain for 1st
Vagina & urinary bladder month
Vagina & rectum Head is ¼ of the total body length
Vagina & urethra/ureter Head has 2 fontanel (anterior & posterior):
Slow return of uterus to pre-pregnancy size o Anterior
Shock (low blood pressure & high pulse rate) diamond in shape
Paralytic ileus junction of the sagittal, corneal, frontal
o Small intestine is paralyzed sutures
o Stops movement between 2 frontal & 2 parietal bones
Sepsis 3 – 4 cm in length & 2 – 3 cm in width
o Widespread infection throughout the Closes at 12 – 18 months
body o Posterior
Death Triangular in shape
NEONATE COMPLICATIONS Between occipital & 2 parietal bones
Neonatal sepsis Closes by 1st month of age
Convulsions Physiological growth
Facial injury Temperature : 36.3 - 37.2 C
Severe asphyxia Pulse : 120 – 160 bpm
o Life threatening lack of oxygen Respiration : 35 – 50 bpm
AMNIOTOMY – artificial rupture of the
1. Touch
membranes, intentional rupture of the amniotic sac
o Most highly developed sense
o Lips, tongue, ears, & forehead
o Pupils react to light - 1 – 2 months: coos
o Follows object in line of vision - 2 – 6 months: laughs & squeals
o Binocular vision – ability to fuse two images into - 8 – 9 months: babbles mama/dada as sounds
one - 10 – 12 months: mama/dada specific
3. Hearing - 18 – 20 months: 20 to 30 words – 50%
o Ordinary sounds are heard well before 10 th day of understood by strangers
life - 22 – 24 months: two word sentences, >75%
o Reacts thru cry, eye movement, cessation of understood by strangers
activity, startle reactions - 30 – 36 months: almost all speech understood
4. Taste by strangers
o Bitter and sour are resisted
o Sweet fluids are accepted
5. Smell
o Used when searching for the nipple & breast milk