Pregnancy Hypertension
Pregnancy Hypertension
Pregnancy Hypertension
Group members
Noela Norah - H12/03897/18
Bovine Omumi – H12/01766/18
Dennis Kiprotich – H12/01758/18
Amos Kipngeno – H12/01750/18
Brian Kiprop – H12/01751/18
Cynthia Cheruto - HP12/07578/18
Collince Obala –H12/01788/18
Bill Clinton - H12/01749/18
Benard Akungu -H12/01754/18
Ashline Awuor - H12/01740/18
Fredrick Ouma - H12/01775/18
Kelvin kipkeu -H12/01767/18
Diagnostic criteria:
(1) Rise of blood pressure to the extent of 140/90 mm Hg or more during
pregnancy prior to the 20th week (molar pregnancy excluded)
(2) Cardiac enlargement on chest radiograph and ECG
(3) Presence of medical disorders
(4) Prospective follow up shows persistent rise of blood pressure even after 42
days following delivery.
Maternal risk
In the milder form, the maternal risk remains unaltered but in the severe form or
when superimposed by pre-eclampsia, the maternal risk is much increased.
Fetal risk:
Due to chronic placental insufficiency, there is intrauterine growth retardation.
Preterm birth is high. In the milder form, with the blood pressure less than
160/100 mm Hg, the perinatal loss is about 10%. When the blood pressure
exceeds 160/100 mm Hg, the perinatal loss doubles and when complicated by pre-
eclampsia, it trebles. Risk of placental abruption is high (0.5–10%).
• Symptoms;
• Visual disturbances
• Headache
• Epigastric pain
• Diminished urine output
• Seizures
Rise of BP
Oedema/abnormal weight gain (nonspecific)
FH small for gestation
Epigastric tenderness
• Prior preeclampsia x7
Medical conditions: DM, chronic
• Primigravida x3 HTN, SLE, thrombophilias, renal
• Family history: preeclampsia
Strong family history of CV
1st degree relative, HTN
disease( heart dx/stroke in >2
• Multifetal gestations x3 first degree relatives
• Obesity (BMI >30) x2
Advanced maternal age >40yrs
• New paternity (x1.6)
Foetal congenital anomaly.
An imbalance between proangiogenic factors and anti-angiogenic factors leads to
angiogenic imbalance and vascular endothelial dysfunction
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor(VEGF) and Placenta Growth Factor 1(PlGF1) are
important pro-angiogenic factors.
Soluble endoglin(sEng) and fms-like tyrosine kinase 1(sFlt1) receptors are anti-
angiogenic factors.
SFlt1 is secreted by the placenta. Its release is thought to be triggered by placental
In preeclampsia patients, it increases earlier at 21-24 weeks instead of 33-36weeks. It
binds VEGF and PIGF1 preventing their interaction with endogenous receptors.
Sflt-1:PIGF1 ratio is thought to be a possible predictor of preeclampsa
There is therefore no activation of eNOS, no vasodilation.
Instead there is increased vascular permeability
Decreased production of endothelial-derived vasodilators, such as nitric oxide
and prostacyclin, and increased production of vasoconstrictors, such as
endothelins and thromboxane leads to vasocontriction and hypertension
Immunologic Factors
Immunologic abnormalities similar to those observed in organ rejection graft
versus host disease, have been observed in preeclamptic women
Extravillous trophoblast cells express unusual combination of HLA class I antigen
cells (C, E & G).
In preeclampsia, conflict between maternal & paternal genes is believed to
induce abnormal placental implantation through increased NK cell activity.
Factors supporting this: Patients with less exposure to fetopaternal antigens have
less risk of developing preeclampsia and vice versa.
Risk factors related to reduced exposure include:
A) Nulliparous women
B) Change partners between pregnancies
C) Long interpregnancy intervals
D) Use barrier contraception
E) Conception via intracytoplasmic
Genetic Factors
Factors supporting this theory:
Primigravid women with a family history of preeclampsia have 2-5-fold higher risk of
the disease.
A) The risk of preeclampsia is increased more than 7-fold in women who have had
preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy
B) The spouses of men who were the pro product of a pregnancy complicated by
preeclampsia are more likely to develop preeclampsia than spouses of men without
this history
C) A woman who becomes pregnant by a man whose previous partner had preeclampsia
is at higher risk of developing the disorder than if the pregnancy with the previous
partner was normotensive
Diagnosis of Preeclampsia
• Zuspan regimen
• Initial intravenous dose of 4 g (10% solution) slowly over 10-15 min
• maintenance dose of 1-2 g every hour given by an infusion pump