Cho 2017 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 806 012013

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CCEAI IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 806 (2017) 012013 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/806/1/012013

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Pressure Characteristic Analysis of a Hydraulic System

H. Y. Choa and H. J. Yangb

Hydraulic Friends Co., Ltd. 1MA-708, Sihwa Industrial Complex Jongwang-Dong,
Siheung-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea
Department of Mechanical Design Engineering, Korea Polytechnic University,
Siheung-city, Gyeonggi-Do, 15073, South Korea

Abstract. EPPR(ElectroProportional Pressure Reducing) valve control the MCV(Main

Control Valve) built on the mobile heavy machine. The EPPR valve was tested in the
experimental setup and the performance of the valve was compared with that of the existing
EPPR valve. On thisstudy, electromagnetic properties analysis using AMESim program was
performed to optimize the designing of EPPR Valve (Electric Proportional Pressure Reducing
Valve) and by applying its results to the hydraulic system analytical model, performance of the
valve could be predicted. Also by comparing the results of the actual experiment and the
simulation, The results of thisstudy is that the 3 factor(cone angle, tip width, clearance between
sleeve and plunger) have much effectiveness than other components in the EPPR valve.

1. Introduction
EPPR valve (Electric Proportional Pressure Reducing Valve) has been used in controlling hydraulic
system electrically. It is the valve controlling pressure proportional input-current and is using
industrial department (fork lift, excavator, special motorcar, heavy machine) variously [1,2].
As shown in figure 1, the study of EPPR Valve has been very important because it must satisfied fl
ow force, hysteresis, linear form, repeating precision. So, it was performed hydraulic characteristic of
newdesigned model EPPR valve using of AMESim and compared with experimental method.

2. Modeling for AMESim analysis.

Modeling of EPPR valve was completed with assemble HCD component and library in AMESim
program. The viscous friction value of spool was determined two kinds method [3,4].
First, the case of non- spring model, it was used viscous friction coefficient of the meaning of
 D L  
Cv 
 N

  

  
D : diameter of mass
L : contact length of mass and chamber
clearance : distance within of mass and chamber
Second, the case of spring existing model, it was used viscous friction coefficient of the meaning of math
 
Cv  2  N

 

  damping ratio 0.4 

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CCEAI IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 806 (2017) 012013 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/806/1/012013

On the above expression, the system was damped over and oscillation was not created if damping
ratio was too big, the system was damped under and oscillation was created if damping ratio was too
small. But the parameter value showing above expression was not just exacted and the various
parameter operated to determine viscous friction coefficient. The exact value of viscous friction
coefficient was determined only by experiment. But, on this paper, additional experiment was omitted
and added next assumption.

∙ The temperature variation of system was assumed normal condition maintaining initial condition.
∙ The volume of load side was constant.

Figure 1. structure of EPPR valve

3. Results of AMESim analysis

The valve of supply pressure Ps was 25bar and viscosity damping coefficient B was 8000 [N/(m/sec)]
and another parameter was displayed in table 1. The parameter of solenoid was shown in figure 2 [5], [
6]. The parameter value of solenoid valve was displayed in table 2. AMESim model of EPPR Valve was s
hown in figure 3. Using of 3D table editor, as shown in figure 4, the magnetic analysis values of Max
well program was inputted in AMESim program parameter and the output values of P-
I diagram was generated according to spool stroke.
Table 1. parameter value of EPPR Valve
parameter name parameter value unit
spool mass 0.97 g

amateur mass 27.75 g

viscosity damping N/(m/se

B 8000
coefficient c)
Ks spool spring coefficient 0.2353 N/mm
ds spool diameter 3.5 mm
β volume elastic coefficient 8000 bar
Ps supply pressure 25 bar
Pt tank pressure 0 bar
Cd orifice coefficient 0.61 -

CCEAI IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 806 (2017) 012013 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/806/1/012013

ρ oil density 880 kg/m3

Figure 2. paratemeter of solenoid valve

Table 2. Changing value of solenoid valve shape

rear front
cone angle tip width clearance
groove groove
270 0.3mm 0.2mm 13.8mm 3.6mm
new value 260 0.2mm 0.1mm 9.5mm 2.0mm

Figure 3. AMESim model of EPPR Valve

CCEAI IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 806 (2017) 012013 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/806/1/012013

Figure 4. 3D table of current-stroke force

Figure 5. P-I diagram of AMESim analysis result adapting new value

Resulting of AMESim program analysis, the pressure linear form of EPPR valve was in proportion
from 100 mA to 700 mA and the range of pressure was controlled from 0 bar to 25 bar as shown in fig
ure 5 [7].

4. Hydraulic characteristic experiment of EPPR valve

It was obtained the P-I diagram according to current value of EPPR valve by experiment connecting
with PC type data acquisition system and then the supply pressure Ps was 50 bar. The experimental
system of EPPR valve was shown in figure 6.
[hydraulic power unit & test stand]
- Regular pressure : 210 bar
- Regular flow : 70 lpm
- 16 channel strain amplifier

CCEAI IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 806 (2017) 012013 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/806/1/012013

Figure 6. experimental system of EPPR valve

Figure 7. experimental P-I diagram of existent value

Figure 8. experimental P-I diagram of new value

5. Forklift application experiment of improved EPPR valve

Figure 9. Forlift equipped improved EPPR valve

CCEAI IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 806 (2017) 012013 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/806/1/012013

Figure 10. pressure control diagram of improved EPPR valve

6. Results of experimental analysis

The linear pressure range was started from 300mA in existent model as shown in figure 7, but it was
started from 100mA in new manufactured model as shown in figure 8. So, The non-linear pressure
range of new manufactured model was improved about 30%. The improved linear pressure range is
meant that it is able to descend the useful pressure of EPPR valve and the controllable pressure range
is extended widely contrast to existent model. Also, the hysteresis was improved properly about the
first stage of EPPR operating system. It was shown Forlift equipped improved EPPR valve in figure 9.
Though Lift-up valve was operated at 4.3 sec and Lift-down valve was operated from 9 sec to 13.7 sec
in figure 10, it was able to know the system was operating very stable.

7. Conclusions
It was proved that the result of simulation using AMESim coincided with result of experiment nearly.
And then it was able to suggest the optimum model condition of AMESim program.
It was changed the dimension of EPPR valve parts by the results AMESim simulation and was proved
that the sleeve of cone angle, tip width, clearance of plunger and sleeve was very important parameter.
The performance of new manufactured model was improved about 30% and the controllable pressure
range is extended widely contrast to existent model.
We were able to know that the Forklift operating pressure and velocity was followed suitable and the
system was operated very stable in field experiment adapting improved EPPR valve.

This paper was supported by Gyeonggi-do and Siheung-city under Industry-University Convergence
Campus Outcome Utilization Project, a provincial government financial support program, Korea.

[1] Kim B L and Oh, I. K, 2013 Fall Conference Proceedings KSME pp 4-5
[2] Kim H M, Tae H J, Lee H W and Lee C H 2003 Transactions of KSAE Vol 11 No 6 pp 80-85
[3] Yun S N, Ham Y B and Park P W 2006 Journal of the KSME (A) Vol 30 No 10 pp 1202-1208
[4] Tae H J, Jung H I, Kim H M and Lee H W 2003 Transactions of KSAE Fall Conference pp 70-76
[5] S N Yun and D Y Yun 2009 Journal of the KFPS Vol 6 No 3 pp 28-34
[6] B J Lim and C D Park 2014 Journal of the KSFC Vol 11 No 1 pp 26-34
[7] M G Cho and D Y Shin 2010 Spring Conference Proceedings KSME pp 1109-1110

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