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Language Models Can Be Logical Solvers

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Language Models can be Logical Solvers

Jiazhan Feng1∗ Ruochen Xu2 Junheng Hao2 Hiteshi Sharma2

Yelong Shen2 Dongyan Zhao1 Weizhu Chen2
Peking University, Beijing 2 Microsoft Azure AI, Redmond

Abstract been noted that language models (LMs) could po-

tentially display reasoning capabilities when they
Logical reasoning is a fundamental aspect reach a certain scale threshold (e.g., training com-
arXiv:2311.06158v1 [cs.CL] 10 Nov 2023

of human intelligence and a key component

pute, model parameters, etc.) (Kaplan et al., 2020;
of tasks like problem-solving and decision-
making. Recent advancements have enabled
Wei et al., 2022a; Hoffmann et al., 2022). To this
Large Language Models (LLMs) to potentially end, LLMs can answer logical questions with ex-
exhibit reasoning capabilities, but complex log- plicit reasoning steps when prompted with a simple
ical reasoning remains a challenge. The state- snippet: “Let’s think step by step.” (Kojima et al.,
of-the-art, solver-augmented language mod- 2022) or step-wise explanations of reasoning (i.e.,
els, use LLMs to parse natural language log- “chain of thoughts”) (Wei et al., 2022b).
ical questions into symbolic representations While LLMs have made significant progress,
first and then adopt external logical solvers to
complex logical reasoning remains challeng-
take in the symbolic representations and out-
put the answers. Despite their impressive per- ing (Valmeekam et al., 2022; Liu et al., 2023b).
formance, any parsing errors will inevitably Some prior work (Tafjord et al., 2022; Ling et al.,
result in the failure of the execution of the 2023) aimed to enable LMs to perform logical rea-
external logical solver and no answer to the soning via specialized module fine-tuning, where
logical questions. In this paper, we introduce reasoning is in natural language (NL). However,
L O G I PT, a novel language model that directly the ambiguity and complexity of NL can lead to
emulates the reasoning processes of logical
undesired issues like hallucinations and unfaith-
solvers and bypasses the parsing errors by learn-
ing to strict adherence to solver syntax and
ful reasoning (Saparov and He, 2023; Gao et al.,
grammar. L O G I PT is fine-tuned on a newly 2023). To this end, recent work has begun to aug-
constructed instruction-tuning dataset derived ment LLMs with access to external Solvers (Chen
from revealing and refining the invisible reason- et al., 2022; Ye et al., 2023; Pan et al., 2023). In
ing process of deductive solvers. Experimen- this paper, we focus on the logical solvers, which
tal results on two public deductive reasoning are theorem provers that can be any automated rea-
datasets demonstrate that L O G I PT outperforms soning tool for checking the truth value of logical
state-of-the-art solver-augmented LMs and few-
formulas in symbolic language (SL). Invoking log-
shot prompting methods on competitive LLMs
like ChatGPT or GPT-4. ical solvers can guarantee the accuracy of logical
reasoning and relieve the burden of LLMs to exe-
1 Introduction cute intricate and precise deductive reasoning.
The data flow of the aforementioned solver-
Logical reasoning is a foundational element of hu- augmented LMs is depicted in Figure 1(a). At
man intelligence, holding a pivotal role in tasks the outset, the information of logical questions is
like problem-solving, decision-making, and criti- stored in NL. It is subsequently fed into a LM for
cal thinking (Huang and Chang, 2023). Recently, parsing into a symbolic representation suitable for
substantial advancements have been achieved in solver-input format. Finally, the SL information
the field of NLP through the development of large is dispatched to a symbolic solver, which yields
language models (LLMs) (OpenAI, 2022, 2023; the truth value of the logical question. However,
Google, 2023; Touvron et al., 2023a,b). It has during this process, any NL-to-SL parsing errors

Work done during Jiazhan’s internship at Microsoft will inevitably result in the failure of the reasoning
Azure AI. process and no answer to the question. In our pre-
If syntax All furry people
is valid Only Answers are quiet.
NL Logical Parse Symbolic NL Context
LMs Otherwise
Questions Solvers
a) Solver-augmented LMs (only inference) Measures Furry($x, True) →
Quiet($x, True)
NL-to-SL If syntax
NL Logical Parse Symbolic is valid SL Reasoning SL Facts/Rules/Query
Questions Solvers & Answers
b) Our pipeline for fine-tuning Collect Training Pairs tune

NL Logical SL Reasoning
Questions & Answers

c) Our pipeline for inference

Figure 1: Data flow of current solver-augmented LMs for inference (a), and our pipeline for L O G I PT (b,c).

liminary experiments, we observed that the parsing bolic reasoning steps (see Figure 3).
successful rate (i.e., percentage of executable log- Our main contributions are three-fold:
ical formulations) of Vicuna-13B (Chiang et al.,
2023) on ProofWriter (Tafjord et al., 2021) is only • To the best of our knowledge, we are the
17%, significantly below the expected performance. first to propose empowering LLMs to directly
In addressing parsing failures, current methods ei- learn the reasoning process of logical solvers,
ther directly use LLMs to reason in NL solely or thereby acquiring similar reasoning capability
rely on the solver’s erroneous message to regen- for addressing deductive reasoning tasks.
erate parsing results, but these approaches don’t • Our proposed L O G I PT, can directly act as a
fundamentally resolve the problem. deductive solver and output all Facts implied
from NL logical questions while bypassing
In this paper, we introduce L O G I PT, a novel LM
the syntax or grammatical errors derived from
designed to mimic the reasoning process of logi-
NL-to-SL parsing of solver-augmented LMs.
cal solvers, enabling it to solve deductive reason-
ing tasks. We first construct an instruction-tuning • Evaluation results on two public deductive rea-
dataset containing NL logical questions and their soning datasets show that L O G I PT can outper-
corresponding solver’s symbolic reasoning process. form state-of-the-art solver-augmented LMs,
After filtering out cases having invalid syntax, we and few-shot prompting methods on competi-
fine-tune open-source LMs like Vicuna or CodeL- tive LLMs like ChatGPT or GPT-4.
lama (Roziere et al., 2023) with this data to create
L O G I PT. Then, L O G I PT can generate all implied 2 Preliminary
facts given premises and rules, allowing us to deter-
mine the truth value of a logical query by matching 2.1 Deductive Reasoning
it with implied facts or outputting ‘unknown’ if it Deductive reasoning is an essential type of logi-
cannot be determined. The data flow of our pipeline cal reasoning problem. It typically commences
is presented in Figure 1(b,c). We can bypass the with known facts and rules from logical context,
syntax or grammatical errors derived from NL-to- then proceeds through a series of inference steps
SL parsing by directly outputting the answers with until the query can be proved or disproved (Poole
a fine-tuned L O G I PT. and Mackworth, 2010). In this paper, we consider
Our approach is akin to the process of distilla- the Prolog logic programming language (Clocksin
tion, whereby we distill knowledge from a sym- and Mellish, 2003; Körner et al., 2022), which
bolic model (i.e., solver) into a neural network (i.e., stands as the most prominent symbolic language
LM). However, the reasoning process of solvers for describing deductive reasoning problems. We
is invisible to users and we can only obtain the showcased a deductive reasoning question along
answers without intermediate reasoning steps. We with its corresponding Prolog syntax representa-
design a pipeline to reveal and formalize solvers’ tion in Figure 2.
invisible reasoning processes, creating instruction- For each question, we denote the NL description
tuning datasets with visible and interpretable sym- as Context. The Context can further be parsed
Context: Model ProofWriter PrOntoQA
Charlie is green. (…) All green, white people are nice. (…)
Vicuna-13B 17.00 40.80
True, false, or unknown? Charlie is not green. CodeLlama-13B-Base 0.33 0.40
CodeLlama-13B-Instruct 71.33 77.80
Facts: Query:
Green('Charlie', True) Green('Charlie', False) Table 1: Parsing successful rate (%) of our selected
open-source LLMs on two deductive reasoning datasets.
Rules: Green($x, True) ∧ White($x, True) → Nice($x, True)

Figure 2: A deductive reasoning question derived from be treated as the answer to the given question.
ProofWriter and its parsed Facts, Rules, and Query.
2.3 Analysis on the Parsing Successful Rate
into Facts, Rules, and Query1 . Specifically, a
Fact F = P (a1 , · · · , at ) is a symbolic statement Through the aforementioned two phases, once
with a predicate P and t arguments {a1 , · · · , at } the solver-augmented LMs correctly formulate the
where ai can be a variable, entity, number or bool. problem, the answers obtained through symbolic
For example, Green(’Charlie’, True) means reasoning will be faithful, attributed to the deter-
“Charlie is green”; Rules are presented in the form ministic nature of the solver. However, this heav-
of clauses F1 ∧ · · · ∧ Fm → Fm+1 ∧ · · · ∧ Fn , ily relies on the in-context learning capabilities of
where Fi is a Fact. The Rule means “if each LMs. Therefore, we first calculate the parsing suc-
Fi ∈ {F1 , · · · , Fm } is true, then we can imply that cessful rate of three selected open-source LLMs
all Facts in {Fm+1 , · · · , Fn } are also true.” For on two deductive reasoning datasets in Table 1.
example, Furry($x, True) → Quiet($x, True) Firstly, we observe that CodeLlama-13B-Base
indicates if variable $x is furry, then $x is quiet; a (CodeLlama-13b-hf) is unable to effectively con-
Query Q is also in the format of a Fact that needs duct NL-to-SL parsing due to the limited in-context
to be proved based on Facts and Rules. learning capabilities in natural languages. Then we
can find that replacing the Base model with the
2.2 Solver-augmented LMs Instruct version (CodeLlama-13b-Instruct-hf)
Solver-augmented LMs have demonstrated remark- can alleviate this issue, which may be attributed
able performance in deductive reasoning tasks. As to the fact that the Instruct version is further fine-
shown in Figure 1(a), these model can be gener- tuned with an additional approx. 5B tokens to better
ally divided into two stages: Problem Formulation follow human instructions. Overall, open-source
(from LMs to Symbolic Solvers) and Symbolic Rea- LLMs still exhibit parsing performance signifi-
soning (from Symbolic Solvers to Answers). cantly lower than expected in some cases.
In Problem Formulation stage, an LM is used to
parse an NL logical question into symbolic repre- 3 LoGiPT
sentation (Figure 2). The process can be accom-
In this paper, we aim to mitigate the parsing is-
plished by providing LM with detailed instructions
sue and present a novel LM, L O G I PT instructed
about the grammar of Prolog, alongside a few
to imitate the logical reasoning process of Solvers
demonstrations as in-context examples (Ouyang
for deductive reasoning tasks. To achieve this, we
et al., 2022). The LM is expected to identify the
first reveal the solver reasoning process when solv-
symbolic Facts, Rules, and Query from the NL
ing logical problems (§3.1). Then, we construct
logical question following the instructions; In Sym-
a solver-derived instruction-tuning dataset, com-
bolic Reasoning stage, a solver takes in the sym-
prising NL logical questions and corresponding
bolic representation obtained in the previous stage
SL reasoning steps (§3.2). Finally, we fine-tune
and conducts symbolic reasoning. The reasoning
open-source LLMs using this dataset to develop
process of external off-the-shelf solver, e.g., pyke
L O G I PT (§3.3).
expert system (Frederiksen, 2008), is deterministic
and invisible. Then, the truth value of the parsed
3.1 Revealing the Solver Reasoning Process
Query, which is the only output of the solver, can
Before operating on the solvers, we first adopt
In this paper, the term ‘Query’ refers to a specific sentence
of statement or comment, while ‘question’ is used in a broader gpt-4 as the problem formulator for NL-to-SL
sense to denote the description of a logical problem. parsing with instructions about the grammar and
Turn-1 (from human):
Task Description: Given a statement containing logical facts Obtain an already known or implied fact: Nice(’Fiona’, True)
and rules in natural languages as context, the task is to: Unbind $x
1. define all the predicates in logic forms from the context Finish implied with rule2
2. parse the statement into known facts and rules based on the
defined predicates Use rule3: Blue($x, True) ∧ Quiet($x, True) → Green($x, True)
3. begin reasoning to obtain all implied facts Bind $x to ’Dave’
Obtain a new implied fact: Green(’Dave’, True)
Context: Reuse rule2: Green($x, True) ∧ White($x, True) → Nice($x, True)
Charlie is green. Charlie is white. Dave is blue. Dave is Bind $x to ’Dave’
furry. Dave is white. Fiona is blue. Fiona is green. Fiona is Obtain a new implied fact: Nice(’Dave’, True)
nice. Fiona is rough. Fiona is white. All furry people are Finish implied with rule2
quiet. All green, white people are nice. If someone is blue Unbind $x
and quiet then they are green. Bind $x to ’Fiona’
Unbind $x
Reasoning: Finish implied with rule3

Turn-2 (from LM): Finally, we obtain following implied facts:

We first define following predicates and corresponding natural Green(’Dave’, True)
language explanations: (... more facts here ...)
Green($x, bool) ::: Is x green?
(... more predicates here ...) Finish reasoning

We have following known facts from the context: Turn-3 (from human):
Green(’Charlie’, True) Question: Based on the above information, is the following
(... more facts here ...) comment true, false, or unknown? Dave is not green.

We have following known rules from the context: Options:

rule1: Furry($x, True) → Quiet($x, True) A) True
rule2: Green($x, True) ∧ White($x, True) → Nice($x, True) B) False
rule3: Blue($x, True) ∧ Quiet($x, True) → Green($x, True) C) Unknown

Now begin reasoning to obtain all implied facts: Now you should:
1. reason first carefully with the above known facts and
Use rule1: Furry($x, True) → Quiet($x, True) implied facts
Bind $x to ’Dave’ 2. then output your answer strictly in the format of “So, the
Obtain a new implied fact: Quiet(’Dave’, True) correct option is: X”. The X should be replaced by “A) True”,
Unbind $x “B) False” or “C) Unknown”
Finish implied with rule1
Turn-4 (from LM):
Use rule2: Green($x, True) ∧ White($x, True) → Nice($x, True) The comment can be parsed into: Green(’Dave’, False)
Bind $x to ’Charlie’ According to the implied fact: Green(’Dave’, True)
Obtain a new implied fact: Nice(’Charlie’, True) The comment contradicts the fact.
Unbind $x So, the correct option is: B) False
Bind $x to ’Fiona’

Figure 3: A comprehensive 4-turn training example of our instruction-tuning data. We highlight the initial
occurrences of each functionality described in §3.1 using the corresponding colors. We omit some predicates and
Facts in Turn-2 due to limited space. Hint: this figure is color-sensitive.

few-shot demonstrations2 , and obtain the SL rep- 1. For each application of a Rule, explicitly state
resentations of all training logical questions of the the Rule being ‘Used’, or ‘Reused’ if the
given logical datasets. Then, consistent with solver- Rule has been applied before.
augmented methods, we adopt pyke expert system 2. When finishing the application of a Rule, ex-
as the symbolic solver in this work that can make plicitly state the ‘Finish’ action.
inferences using the Prolog symbolic language. 3. When assigning a value (e.g., an entity) to
Given a logical question, pyke first sets up a knowl- a variable (e.g., $x) within a Fact in a Rule,
edge base and injects all known Facts and Rules explicitly specify the variable being assigned
(Figure 2) from solver’s inputs. Then, it iteratively using ‘Bind’ and its corresponding value.
applies Rules on already known or implied Facts, 4. Similarly, when the variable assignment is
aiming at obtaining more implied Facts until the complete, provide an explicit indication via
Query is proved or disproved. ‘Unbind’.
The reasoning process executed by pyke solver 5. When obtaining a new implied Fact, explicitly
is invisible to users and solver-augmented LMs state the ‘New Fact obtained’. If this Fact is
use the solver as a black-box. We hypothesis the an ‘Already known or implied Fact’, this
‘chain-of-thought’ reasoning process of the solver should also be noted explicitly.
is valuable and LLMs are able to learn from it. To 6. Upon the completion of reasoning, explicitly
this end, we first modify the source code of the display ‘All newly implied Facts’ in the
pyke3 to achieve the following functionalities: knowledge base.
2 With the aforementioned instructions, we can
Detailed instructions for NL-to-SL Parsing are shown in
Appendix A and B. obtain the revealed solver’s reasoning process for
https://pyke.sourceforge.net/ the construction of training data. We also high-
lighted the initial occurrences of each functionality strive to preserve as many solver actions as possi-
using the corresponding colors in Figure 3 (Turn- ble, such as ‘Binding’ and ‘Unbinding’, as well as
2), where a case will be described in detail in the the acquisition of new implied Facts, and so forth.
next section. Noting that this information has already been ob-
tained during the revealing phase, we focus on the
3.2 Constructing the Instruction-tuning Data refinement of the solver-derived reasoning process.
However, as previously mentioned, we cannot guar- Finally, we enumerate all newly implied Facts to
antee that LMs can definitely complete the NL-to- enable the model to perform an interim review.
SL parsing on arbitrary questions. To this end,
Turn-3: Query & Answering Instructions. In
we first filter out all unsuccessfully parsed training
Turn-3, we present instructions for answering a
cases that cannot be executed by pyke. Then we
given Query. Following prior works (Ceri et al.,
reorganize and refine the filtered training data to
1989; Tafjord et al., 2021), a Query can be con-
enhance the interpretability of the solver-derived
sidered true within a certain logical context if it
reasoning steps. For each case, we divide the rea-
is explicitly mentioned or if it can be implied
soning process into four conversational turns (Turn-
through several Rule applications. To handle nega-
1&3 for human and Turn-2&4 for LM), which
tion, we consider two distinct assumptions: 1) the
will be described elaborately in the following para-
open-world assumption (OWA) that treats any fact
graphs. We also provide a comprehensive training
that cannot be provable as special truth value ‘un-
example of our instruction-tuning data4 in Figure 3,
known’; 2) the closed-world assumption (CWA)
and the full version is also included in Appendix C.
where any fact not provable is assumed ‘false’. Fol-
Turn-1: Instructions & NL logical Context. lowing both assumptions, we adjust the answering
For each NL logical question within the training instructions, particularly the ‘Options’ part.
set, we begin by stripping away the specific Query Turn-4: Query-based Reasoning & Formatted
statement while retaining the question Context and Answer. In the final Turn-4, we compare the
subsequently integrating it with elaborately crafted parsed Query with all the known Facts and im-
instructions. Taking the case in Figure 3 as an ex- plied Facts, expecting the model to perform basic
ample, we temporarily exclude the Query ‘Dave language inference and generate answer options in
is not green’ from the ‘Context’ field. Here, we the desired format.
only consider Query-agnostic question description
to ensure that LMs initially focus on the logical 3.3 Fine-tuning Open-source LLMs
background itself. This is because sometimes the
After obtaining the refined deductive reasoning
ground-truth answer is ‘Unknown’ (e.g., cases in
instruction-tuning dataset, we can perform fine-
ProofWriter). The truth value of the Query can-
tuning on open-source LLMs with the expectation
not be inferred from the Context, and therefore we
that the trained model (i.e., L O G I PT) can possess
need to deduce all implied Facts first.
reasoning abilities similar to those of solvers. Con-
Turn-2: Query-agnostic Solver-derived Reason- sequently, for any given Query, we can bypass the
ing. As we have acquired the solver’s symbolic syntax or grammatical errors derived from NL-to-
reasoning data in the revealing phase, our goal in SL parsing by directly generating the answer with
Turn-2 is to further refine and enhance the reason- a fine-tuned L O G I PT.
ing process to achieve a more readable form of
the solver’s reasoning process. Specifically, for 4 Experiments
each logical question, we first define all necessary We construct our solver-derived instruction-tuning
predicates and append the corresponding natural data on two public deductive reasoning datasets
language explanations. Then we list the known and evaluate L O G I PT on corresponding test sets.
Facts and Rules extracted from the Context with
interleaved NL instructions. 4.1 Datasets
After that, we represent the application of each ProofWriter (Tafjord et al., 2021) is a commonly
Rule by utilizing separate blocks, line by line. We employed dataset for deductive logical reasoning.
In the original case, the Query is ‘Charlie is not green.’. Following Pan et al. (2023), we adopt the open-
We replace it with ‘Dave is not green.’ for better illustration. world assumption (OWA) subset where the answer
Model Prompting Methods ProofWriter PrOntoQA
Random Answering - 33.33 50.00
closed-source LMs
ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo) Few-shot Standard 35.50 47.40
ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo) Few-shot CoT 49.17 67.80
GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003) Few-shot Standard 36.16 51.80
GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003) Few-shot CoT 48.33 83.00
GPT-4 (gpt-4) Few-shot Standard 52.67 77.40
GPT-4 (gpt-4) Few-shot CoT 68.11 98.79
open-source LMs
Vicuna-13B (vicuna-13b-v1.5-16k) Few-shot Standard 35.50 53.80
Vicuna-13B (vicuna-13b-v1.5-16k) Few-shot CoT 41.50 37.40
CodeLlama-13B-Base (CodeLlama-13b-hf) Few-shot Standard 0.00 0.00
CodeLlama-13B-Base (CodeLlama-13b-hf) Few-shot CoT 36.00 50.00
CodeLlama-13B-Instruct (CodeLlama-13b-Instruct-hf) Few-shot Standard 36.83 52.20
CodeLlama-13B-Instruct (CodeLlama-13b-Instruct-hf) Few-shot CoT 32.67 66.40
solver-argumented LMs
LogicLM (gpt-3.5-turbo) Few-shot CoT 58.33 61.00
LogicLM (text-davinci-003) Few-shot CoT 71.45 85.00
LogicLM (gpt-4) Few-shot CoT 79.66 83.20
L O G I PT (vicuna-13b-v1.5-16k) Four-turn CoT 81.17 96.40
L O G I PT (CodeLlama-13b-hf) Four-turn CoT 89.50 95.60
L O G I PT (CodeLlama-13b-Instruct-hf) Four-turn CoT 81.67 96.20

Table 2: Main results on two evaluation datasets. The best results of L O G I PT are in bold and the best results within
each dataset are underlined.

of each example is one of {True, False, Unknown}. and obtained 15,940 training cases after filtering
The original dataset is partitioned into 5 subsets out syntax-invalid ones.
where each part requiring 0, ≤1, ≤2, ≤3, and ≤5
hops of reasoning, respectively. For evaluation, we 4.2 Baselines
adopted the version provided by Pan et al. (2023), We consider comparing L O G I PT with following
which comprises 600 samples from the most chal- groups of baselines:
lenging 5-hop subsets with balanced label distribu-
tion. For training, we merged all training subsets Closed-source LMs: We include the Chat-
and obtained 41,433 training examples after the GPT (gpt-3.5-turbo) (OpenAI, 2022), GPT-3.5
construction stage. (text-davinci-003) (Ouyang et al., 2022) and
GPT-4 (gpt-4) (OpenAI, 2023) as closed-source
LMs for evaluation following Pan et al. (2023).
PrOntoQA (Saparov and He, 2023) is a synthetic
logical reasoning dataset created recently to test the Open-source LMs: We also evaluate open-
general deductive reasoning capacity of LLMs. We source LMs for research community. Specifically,
adopt the hardest fictional characters version of we choose Vicuna-13B (vicuna-13b-v1.5-16k)
the dataset following Pan et al. (2023) where the (Chiang et al., 2023), a chatbot trained by fine-
entities of Facts are fictional concept names (e.g., tuning LLaMA-2 (Touvron et al., 2023b) on user-
‘wumpus’ instead of ‘cat’), to avoid any confound- shared conversations collected from ShareGPT5 ,
ing effects from knowledge acquired during the and CodeLlama-13B (Roziere et al., 2023), foun-
pretraining phase. Similar to ProofWriter, PrOn- dation models for code tasks. We select the base
toQA is organized into several subsets based on version (CodeLlama-13b-hf), and instruction fine-
the number of required reasoning steps. We use tuned version (CodeLlama-13b-Instruct-hf).
the hardest 5-hop subset for evaluation. Contrary
Solver-argumented LMs: Finally, we compare
to ProofWriter, PrOntoQA is in a closed-world as-
our model against the solver-argumented LMs.
sumption (CWA) subset where the answer of each
We focus on the representative LogicLM (Pan
example is one of {True, False}. For training, we
merely merge all subsets with fictional characters https://sharegpt.com/
et al., 2023) with underlying LLMs ChatGPT while, in PrOntoQA, our best-performing model
(gpt-3.5-turbo), GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003) L O G I PT (vicuna-13b-v1.5-16k) exhibits an
and GPT-4 (gpt-4), which serve as the state-of-the- even higher absolute improvement of 13.20% than
art deductive reasoning methods. LogicLM (gpt-4). This indicates that our approach
Apart from the LMs, we also analyze two types is better than the pipeline of problem formulation
of prompting methods: i) Standard prompting that first and then reasoning with solvers, and fine-
uses in-context learning with few-shot demonstra- tuning with solver-derived reasoning data can facil-
tions to directly answer the given question; ii) itate the deductive reasoning capacity of LMs.
Chain-of-Thought (CoT) that utilizes step-by-step 3) L O G I PT significantly outperforms all se-
problem-solving process to generate explanations lected open/closed-source LMs on both datasets,
where few-shot demonstrations are also provided, except for the CoT experiment on the PrOntoQA
and then outputs the final answer. For a fair compar- data where L O G I PT achieves comparable results
ison, we use the same in-context examples, shown with GPT-4 CoT. This is surprising considering that
in Appendix A and B, for NL-to-SL parsing when our underlying open-source LMs are merely 13B
evaluating all models on the same dataset, consis- parameters in size. As for the baseline experiments
tent with Pan et al. (2023). To enhance the clarifica- of GPT-4, our performance on ProofWriter also sig-
tion, we also provide a specific baseline ‘Random nificantly surpasses that of GPT-4’s Standard and
Answering’ that randomly outputs answer options. CoT prompting versions, as well as the Standard
version of PrOntoQA. These results further demon-
4.3 Implementation Details strate that open-source LMs, when coupled with
During the fine-tuning phase, we use a batch size of solver-simulated reasoning capacity, can achieve
32 per GPU and a learning rate of 1e-5 for all open- performance on par with or even superior to closed-
source LMs. We train our model on 8 Nvidia A100- source GPT models.
80G GPUs with DeepSpeed ZeRO-3 (Rasley et al., 4) The accuracy of CodeLlama-13B-Base
2020) for 12 hours on 2 epochs. For reproducibility, (CodeLlama-13b-hf) with Standard prompting
we use greedy decoding and set the temperature to was 0.00, and the performance of the CoT version
0 and the maximum context length to 8192. As for was close to random answering. By examining the
baselines, we strictly follow the setting of Pan et al. outputs, we found that this is due to the CodeLlama-
(2023). Given that all instances are presented in the 13B-Base’s inability to follow the provided few-
form of multiple-choice questions, we assess the shot demonstrations, resulting in outputting no an-
model’s performance by the accuracy of selecting swering options. The introduction of the Instruct
the correct answer option. version of CodeLlama-13B mitigates this issue to
some extent. However, after training with L O G I PT,
4.4 Main Results
the CodeLlama models far less encounter this issue
We report the results of L O G I PT and baselines on (i.e., following the right answering format in both
Table 2 and have following main findings: test sets) and even achieve better performance than
1) When prompting with few-shot examples, the Vicuna version of L O G I PT. This demonstrates
open-source LMs exhibit notably poor deductive the potential of code foundation models in logical
reasoning capabilities, with their outputs closed to reasoning tasks, consistent with the finding on prior
random answering. Even the Standard prompting work (Yue et al., 2023).
models of ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo) and GPT-
3.5 (text-davinci-003) exhibit a similar perfor- 5 Further Analysis
mance to random answering. This once again
demonstrates that it is considerably difficult for 5.1 Impact of Solver-derived Reasoning
many LLMs to solve logical reasoning tasks. Formats
2) L O G I PT is significantly superior to the We further investigate the impact of different solver-
state-of-the-art solver-augmented LMs by a large derived reasoning formats on the model’s perfor-
margin on both deductive reasoning bench- mance. Specifically, we consider the following
marks. In ProofWriter, our best-performing model, format variations: 1) w/o ‘unbind’ statements that
L O G I PT (CodeLlama-13b-hf), outperforms the we remove all ‘Unbind’ statements from Turn-2
currently state-of-the-art LogicLM (gpt-4) by to investigate the utility of the explicit retention
an absolute improvement of 9.84%. Mean- of this action from the solver; 2) w/o ‘fail & back-
Model Accuracy fault settings in L O G I PT; 2) whether ‘Unbind’
L O G I PT (vicuna-13b-v1.5-16k) 81.17 statements are removed or ‘Fail & backtrack’
+ (w/o ‘unbind’ statements) 80.67 statements are removed, there is always an experi-
+ (w/o ‘fail & backtrack’ statements) 84.00 ment under each open-source LMs that can surpass
+ (w/ NL representation) 66.33 the default L O G I PT results. This further enhances
L O G I PT (CodeLlama-13b-hf) 89.50 the best performance of L O G I PT shown in Table 2.
+ (w/o ‘unbind’ statements) 93.33
+ (w/o ‘fail & backtrack’ statements) 87.17
5.2 Impact of SL Reasoning Representations
+ (w/ NL representation) 52.33 We are also curious about the impact of SL reason-
L O G I PT (CodeLlama-13b-Instruct-hf) 81.67 ing representations. Therefore, we include addi-
+ (w/o ‘unbind’ statements) 79.00 tional experiments in Table 3, denoted as w/ NL
+ (w/o ‘fail & backtrack’ statements) 84.83 representation that we re-translate the symbolic
+ (w/ NL representation) 66.33 representation (e.g., Green(’Charlie’, True))
back to its original NL version (e.g., Charlie is
Table 3: The accuracy of the variations on solver-derived
green.) and replace the original symbolic repre-
reasoning format, and replacing SL representations with
NL on ProofWriter. The best results on each underlying sentation in Turn-2. From the table, we can find
LMs are underlined. that replacing SL representations with NL results
in a significant decrease in model performance, fur-
Train set Test Set VCN CLB CLI
ther emphasizing that symbolic representations are
superior to NL representations in deductive reason-
PrOntoQA PrOntoQA 96.40 95.60 96.20
ing tasks.
Both PrOntoQA 91.00 87.00 89.00
Both (Reformat) PrOntoQA 90.00 87.00 77.80 5.3 Effectiveness of Merging Data from
ProofWriter ProofWriter 81.17 89.50 81.67 Different Reasoning Assumptions
Both ProofWriter 79.33 87.17 79.67 Since ProofWriter is an open-world assumption
Both (Reformat) ProofWriter 79.00 90.83 84.50 and PrOntoQA is labeled within a closed-world
assumption, we also perform a further investiga-
Table 4: The accuracy of L O G I PT trained with merged tion on whether both reasoning assumptions can
data and tested on single data with different underlying
benefit each other. Specifically, we first merge both
LMs. ‘VCN’, ‘CLB’, and ‘CLI’ respectively represent
Vicuna-13B, CodeLlama-13B-Base, and CodeLlama- constructed training data and then test L O G I PT on
13B-Instruct. ‘Both’ means ‘ProofWriter + PrOntoQA’. each test set. The experimental results are shown
in Table 4. We can conclude that if we directly mix
the two types of data for training, the results on
track’ statements that we removing all ‘Fail & their respective test sets will be slightly lower than
backtrack’ statements from Turn-2. During the those obtained from training solely on their respec-
solver’s reasoning process, it is expected to en- tive datasets. Therefore, we conducted an in-depth
counter situations in which, after binding a value, analysis of the underlying reasons and observed
the solver realizes that not all premises are satis- that in PrOntoQA, the majority of Rules are in the
fied (e.g., ‘Fiona is blue’ but ‘Fiona is not format of ‘Every/Each A is (not) B’ or ‘A are (not)
quiet’ for application of Rule3 in Figure 3). Con- B’. While in ProofWriter, the predominant structure
sequently, a ‘Fail & backtrack’ operation occurs of Rules consists of: ‘If someone is A, then they
(highlighted in color in Figure 3). We explore the are B’ or ‘If something is A, then it is B’. Therefore,
effectiveness of explicitly stating these operations. we conducted an additional set of experiments in
We present the accuracy of the variations on which the Rule format of two training sets was ran-
solver-derived reasoning format on ProofWriter in domly reformatted into the four aforementioned
Table 3 where several observations can be made: types using regular expression (denoted as ‘Both
1) regardless of using the default format, remov- (Reformat)’). Then, we test the model on the orig-
ing ‘Unbind’ statements, or removing ‘Fail & inal test sets. We can observe that by employing
backtrack’ statements, it can not be determined this approach, the code models yield improved per-
which format guarantees the optimal results. To formance on ProofWriter. Thus, the style/genre of
retain the maximum amount of action information logical context must also be taken into considera-
that the solver can provide, we still adopt the de- tion to maximize the efficacy of transfer learning
in logical reasoning. we concentrate on logical solvers, automated tools
for validating the truth value of logical formulas.
6 Related Work
7 Conclusion
Logical Reasoning with LMs. Recent efforts
in adapting Large Language Models (LLMs) for In this paper, we propose a novel L O G I PT that can
logical reasoning tasks generally adopt direct fine- directly act as a logical solver for deductive rea-
tuning specialized modules (Clark et al., 2020; soning tasks. L O G I PT can output all facts implied
Tafjord et al., 2021, 2022; Yang et al., 2022) or from NL logical questions, while bypassing the syn-
in-context learning (Zhou et al., 2022; Lyu et al., tax or grammatical errors derived from NL-to-SL
2023; Ling et al., 2023), where reasoning in NL is parsing of solver-augmented LMs. We conducted
used by both groups of methods. Fine-tuning ap- numerous analytical experiments on two public de-
proaches involve training the full model or special- ductive reasoning benchmarks. Evaluation results
ized modules, enhancing LLMs with module-level show that L O G I PT can significantly outperform
logical reasoning skills like proof, enumeration, state-of-the-art solver-augmented LMs, and surpass
and abduction (Tafjord et al., 2021). The in-context or be comparable with few-shot prompting meth-
learning approaches create specific prompts to en- ods on competitive LLMs like ChatGPT or GPT-4.
courage LLMs’ step-by-step reasoning skills. Com-
mon methods encompass chain-of-thought prompt-
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A Instructions for NL-to-SL Parsing on B Instructions for NL-to-SL Parsing on
ProofWriter PrOntoQA
Task Description: You are given a problem description Task Description: You are given a problem description
and a question. The task is to: and a question. The task is to:
1) define all the predicates in the problem 1) define all the predicates in the problem
2) parse the problem into logic rules based on the defined 2) parse the problem into logic rules based on the defined
predicates predicates
3) write all the facts mentioned in the problem 3) write all the facts mentioned in the problem
4) parse the question into the logic form 4) parse the question into the logic form

Problem: Problem:
Anne is quiet. Erin is furry. (... more context here ...) All Each jompus is fruity. Every jompus is a wumpus. (...
red people are young. more context here ...) Alex is a tumpus.

Question: Question:
Based on the above information, is the following statement True or false: Alex is not shy.
true, false, or unknown? Anne is white.
Predicates: Jompus($x, bool) ::: Does x belong to Jompuses?
Quiet($x, bool) ::: Is x quiet? Fruity($x, bool) ::: Is x fruity?
Furry($x, bool) ::: Is x furry? (... more predicates here ...)
(... more predicates here ...) Liquid($x, bool) ::: Is x liquid?
Young($x, bool) ::: Is x young? Zumpus($x, bool) ::: Does x belong to Zumpuses?

Facts: Facts:
Quite(Anne, True) ::: Anne is quiet. Tumpus(Alex, True) ::: Alex is a tumpus.
Furry(Erin, True) ::: Erin is furry.
(... more facts here ...) Rules:
Quite(Harry, True) ::: Harry is quiet. Jompus($x, True) >>> Fruity($x, True) ::: Each jompus
White(Harry, True) ::: Harry is white. is fruity.
Jompus($x, True) >>> Wumpus($x, True) ::: Every
Rules: jompus is a wumpus.
Young($x, True) >>> Furry($x, True) ::: Young people (... more rules here ...)
are furry. Rompus($x, True) >>> Liquid($x, True) ::: Each rompus
Quite(Anne, True) >>> Red($x, True) ::: If Anne is quiet is liquid.
then Anne is red. Rompus($x, True) >>> Zumpus($x, True) ::: Rompuses
(... more rules here ...) are zumpuses.
Red($x, True) >>> Young($x, True) ::: All red people
are young. Query:
Shy(Alex, False) ::: Alex is not shy.
Query: ——
White(Anne, True) ::: Anne is white. Problem:
—— (new problem here)
Problem: Question:
(new problem here) (new question here)
(new question here)
C A Comprehensive Training Example of
our Instruction-tuning Data
Turn-1 (from human):
Task Description: Given a statement containing logical facts Use rule2: Green($x, True) ∧ White($x, True) → Nice($x, True)
and rules in natural languages as context, the task is to: Bind $x to ’Charlie’
1. define all the predicates in logic forms from the context Obtain a new implied fact: Nice(’Charlie’, True)
2. parse the statement into known facts and rules based on the Unbind $x
defined predicates Bind $x to ’Fiona’
3. begin reasoning to obtain all implied facts Obtain an already known or implied fact: Nice(’Fiona’, True)
Unbind $x
Context: Finish implied with rule2
Charlie is green. Charlie is white. Dave is blue. Dave is
furry. Dave is white. Fiona is blue. Fiona is green. Fiona is Use rule3: Blue($x, True) ∧ Quiet($x, True) → Green($x, True)
nice. Fiona is rough. Fiona is white. All furry people are Bind $x to ’Dave’
quiet. All green, white people are nice. If someone is blue Obtain a new implied fact: Green(’Dave’, True)
and quiet then they are green. Reuse rule2: Green($x, True) ∧ White($x, True) → Nice($x, True)
Bind $x to ’Dave’
Reasoning: Obtain a new implied fact: Nice(’Dave’, True)
Finish implied with rule2
Unbind $x
Turn-2 (from LM):
Bind $x to ’Fiona’
We first define following predicates and corresponding natural
Unbind $x
language explanations:
Finish implied with rule3
Green($x, bool) ::: Is x green?
White($x, bool) ::: Is x white?
Finally, we obtain following implied facts:
Blue($x, bool) ::: Is x blue?
Green(’Dave’, True)
Furry($x, bool) ::: Is x furry?
Nice(’Charlie’, True)
Nice($x, bool) ::: Is x nice?
Nice(’Dave’, True)
Rough($x, bool) ::: Is x rough?
Quiet(’Dave’, True)
Quiet($x, bool) ::: Is x quiet?
Finish reasoning
We have following known facts from the context:
Green(’Charlie’, True)
Green(’Fiona’, True) Turn-3 (from human):
White(’Charlie’, True) Question: Based on the above information, is the following
White(’Dave’, True) comment true, false, or unknown? Dave is not green.
White(’Fiona’, True)
Blue(’Dave’, True) Options:
Blue(’Fiona’, True) A) True
Furry(’Dave’, True) B) False
Nice(’Fiona’, True) C) Unknown
Rough(’Fiona’, True)
Now you should:
We have following known rules from the context: 1. reason first carefully with the above known facts and
rule1: Furry($x, True) → Quiet($x, True) implied facts
rule2: Green($x, True) ∧ White($x, True) → Nice($x, True) 2. then output your answer strictly in the format of “So, the
rule3: Blue($x, True) ∧ Quiet($x, True) → Green($x, True) correct option is: X”. The X should be replaced by “A) True”,
“B) False” or “C) Unknown”
Now begin reasoning to obtain all implied facts:
Turn-4 (from LM):
Use rule1: Furry($x, True) → Quiet($x, True) The comment can be parsed into: Green(’Dave’, False)
Bind $x to ’Dave’ According to the implied fact: Green(’Dave’, True)
Obtain a new implied fact: Quiet(’Dave’, True) The comment contradicts the fact.
Unbind $x So, the correct option is: B) False
Finish implied with rule1

Figure 4: The full version of the comprehensive 4-turn training example of our instruction-tuning data shown in
Figure 3.

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