Frozen Summary Script Abm - Gas 11

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Credits to: Walt Disney Animation Studios

Narrator: “Presenting the performance of ABM/GAS 11 students, FROZEN!”

—Cue…Opening song 50s—

( - Vuelie)
ELSA (8) sleeps in her bed. Her little sister ANNA (5) pops up beside her.
YOUNG ANNA: Elsa. Psst. Elsa! Psst.
Elsa doesn’t stir. Anna sits on Elsa and bounces.
YOUNG ANNA: Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.
YOUNG ELSA: (grumbling) Anna, go back to sleep.
Anna rolls onto her back and spreads all her weight on Elsa.
YOUNG ANNA; (drama queen-ish) I just can’t. The sky’s awake, so I’m awake, so we have to
YOUNG ELSA: ...Go play by yourself.
Elsa shoves Anna off the bed. Anna lands butt to floor, sighs, defeated. But then she gets an idea.
She hops back on the bed and lifts one of Elsa’s eyelids.
YOUNG ANNA: (mischievously) Do you want to build a snowman?
Elsa’s eyes both pop open. She smiles. Anna, now wearing snow boots, pulls Elsa by the hand.
YOUNG ANNA: Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Elsa tries to shush her, but Anna’s too excited. The girls sneak into the ballroom. Elsa shuts the
YOUNG ANNA; Do the magic! Do the magic!
Elsa laughs and waves her hands together. Snowflakes suddenly burst forth and dance between
her palms, forming a snowball. Elsa throws the snowball high into the air. Snow bursts out and
flurries around the room. Anna dances about, catching flakes in her palms and mouth.
YOUNG ANNA; This is amazing!
YOUNG ELSA; Watch this!
Elsa stomps her little slippered foot and a layer of ice suddenly coats the floor, forming a giant
ice rink. Anna slides off, laughing. Anna and Elsa roll giant snowballs and build a snowman
together. Elsa moves his stick arms around.
YOUNG ELSA; (goofy voice) Hi, I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs.
Anna jumps up and hugs him.
YOUNG ANNA; I love you, Olaf.
Anna and Olaf appear to be dancing. Elsa is actually propelling them across the ice floor with her
magic. -The girls slide down snow banks together! Anna fearlessly jumps off a snow peak into
mid air.
YOUNG ANNA: Catch me!
Elsa makes another peak to catch Anna.
Anna keeps jumping. Elsa keeps casting magic.
YOUNG ANNA: (jumping faster) Again! Again!
YOUNG ELSA: (struggling to keep up) Slow down!
Elsa suddenly slips. Her magic accidentally STRIKES Anna in the head. Anna tumbles down a
snowbank and lands, unconscious.
Elsa runs to Anna and takes her in her arms. A streak of Anna’s hair, where struck, turns white.
The room around them fills with frightening ice spikes. The parents burst through the frozen
door. GASP at the sight of the room.
KING: Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!
QUEEN: (seeing Anna) Anna!
The King and Queen rush to Anna and take her in their arms.
ELSA: It was an accident. I’m sorry, Anna.
QUEEN; (about Anna) She’s ice cold.
KING: ...I know where we have to go.

—Cue…change scene to trolls—

Narrator: “Back below, the crowd parts for a troll as old as the Earth. They call him GRAND
PABBIE. He approaches arthritically, but determined. He nods respectfully to the king.”

GRAND PABBIE: Your Majesty. (referring to Elsa) Born with the powers or cursed?
KING Born. And they’re getting stronger.
Grand Pabbie motions for the Queen to bring Anna to him. She does. He examines her.
GRAND PABBIE: (about Anna) You are lucky it wasn’t her heart. The heart is not so easily
changed, but the head can be persuaded.
KING: Do what you must.
GRAND PABBIE: I recommend we remove all magic, even memories of magic to be safe.... But
don’t worry, I’ll leave the fun.
Grand Pabbie pulls out a glowing blue energy from Anna’s head. We see her memories floating
right above her. Grand Pabbie changes all of her magical memories to ordinary memories --
snowy play indoors with the girls in their nightgowns changes to outdoors on the winter fjords
with the girls in winter gear. He puts the ordinary memories back in her head.
GRAND PABBIE; She will be okay.
YOUNG ELSA: But she won’t remember I have powers?
KING: It’s for the best.
PABBIE; Listen to me, Elsa, your power will only grow.
As he speaks, he conducts the Northern Lights to show a silhouette of an adult Elsa creating
magical snowflakes.
PABBIE; There is beauty in your magic.... But also great danger. The snowflakes turn to sharp
PABBIE: You must learn to control it.
In the Northern Lights display, the sharp spikes cause human figures to panic and attack Elsa.
PABBIE; Fear will be your enemy.
Elsa gasps and buries her face in the King’s chest. The King wraps his arms around Elsa,
KING: No. We’ll protect her. She can learn to control it. I’m sure. Until then, we’ll lock the
gates. We’ll reduce the staff. We will limit her contact with people and keep her powers hidden
from everyone... including Anna.
The castle shutters close. Anna sits on her bed as Elsa’s furniture disappears. Anna rushes to the
hall to see Elsa shut the door to her new room. Anna watches, confused and sad.

Anna bursts out of her room, wearing her coronation dress. She finishes pinning ribbons in her
hair. Seeing the hustle and bustle of preparations, she can’t help but SING.
—Cue…”For the first time in forever”---
Anna SLAMS right into the breast of a HORSE! She falls back and lands in a small wooden
boat. It tips off of the dock. She’s heading overboard. But just then, the horse slams his hoof into
the boat and steadies it.
ANNA: (frustrated) Hey! HANS I’m so sorry. Are you hurt?
The rider, HANS, sure is handsome and regal.
ANNA: (gentler) Hey. I-ya, no. No. I’m okay.
HANS: Are you sure?
ANNA: Yeah, I just wasn’t looking where I was going. But I’m okay. He hops down from his
horse and steps into the boat.
ANNA; I’m great, actually.
HAN: Oh, thank goodness.
He offers her a hand and their eyes meet. Chemistry. He helps her to her feet.
HANS: (bowing) Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.
ANNA: (curtseying) Princess Anna of Arendelle.
HANS: Princess...? My Lady.
He drops to his knees, head bowed. The horse bows too, curling his hoof up and out of the boat.
The boat tips. Hans tumbles on top of Anna. Awkward.
ANNA; Hi...again.
The horse slams his foot back into the boat to stabilize it. Anna and Hans tumble the other way.
Anna lands on top of him.
HANS: Oh boy.
ANNA: Ha. This is awkward. Not you’re awkward, but just because we’re-- I’m awkward.
You’re gorgeous. (did she just say that?) Wait, what?
Hans quickly gets to his feet and helps Anna up again.
HANS: I’d like to formally apologize for hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse...and
for every moment after.
ANNA: No. No-no. It’s fine. I’m not THAT Princess. I mean, if you’d hit my sister Elsa, that
would be-- yeash! ‘Cuz, you know... (patting the horse) Hello. But, lucky you, it’s-it’s just me.
HANS: Just you?
Hans smiles, amused. She smiles back. The bells RING. She doesn’t notice at first; she’s too
busy drinking in Hans’s handsomeness.
ANNA: ...The bells. The coronation. I-I-I better go. I have to...I better go.
She hurries off, stops, turns back. Gives Hans a little wave.
ANNA: Bye!

—Cue…Time skip to coronation day—

Elsa was attending to guests until Anna pushed through the crowd towards Elsa, Hans in tow.
ANNA: Oops! Pardon. Sorry. Can we just get around you there? Thank you. Oh, there she is.
Elsa turns to Anna. Anna curtseys awkwardly.
ANNA; I mean...Queen.... Me again. Um. May I present Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.
HANS: (bowing) Your Majesty.
Elsa gives a polite but reserved curtsy.
ANNA: We would like–
HANS: --your blessing--
ANNA: --of--
ANNA/HANS: --our marriage!
ELSA: Marriage...?
ANNA: Yes!
ELSA: I’m sorry, I’m confused.
ANNA: Well, we haven’t worked out all the details ourselves. We’ll need a few days to plan the
ceremony. Of course we’ll have soup, roast, and ice cream and then-- Wait. Would we live here?
ELSA: Here?
HANS: Absolutely!
ELSA: Anna--
ANNA: Oh, we can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us--
ELSA: What? No, no, no, no, no.
ANNA: Of course we have the room. I don’t know. Some of them must--
ELSA: Wait. Slow down. No one’s brothers are staying here. No one is getting married.
ANNA: Wait, what?
ELSA: May I talk to you, please. Alone.
Anna sees Hans’s worried face. Hooks arms with him.
ANNA: No. Whatever you have to say, you can say to both of us.
ELSA: Fine. You can’t marry a man you just met.
ANNA: You can if it’s true love.
ELSA: Anna, what do you know about true love?
ANNA: More than you. All you know is how to shut people out.
ELSA: You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no. Now, excuse me.
HANS: Your Majesty, if I may ease your--
ELSA: (flustered) No, you may not. And I-I think you should go.
Elsa walks away. As she passes the Royal Handler.
ELSA: The party is over. Close the gates.
ANNA: What? Elsa, no. No, wait!
Anna grabs Elsa’s hand. She pulls off Elsa’s glove. Elsa gasps, spins around and reaches for the
glove in panic.
ELSA: Give me my glove!
Anna holds the glove away from Elsa.
ANNA: (desperate) Elsa, please. Please. I can’t live like this anymore.
Elsa fights tears.
ELSA: (weak) ...Then leave.
Elsa sees Anna’s hurt face. It’s too much. She can’t hold it in. She turns and rushes away.
ANNA: (heartbroken) ...What did I ever do to you?!
The party goes silent as everyone watches the sisters.
ELSA: Enough, Anna.
ANNA: No. Why? Why do you shut me out?! Why do you shut the world out?! What are you so
afraid of?!
ELSA: I said, enough!
Ice shoots from Elsa’s hand, spikes across the floor! Guests cry out in shock, back away.
DUKE: (ducking behind his men) ...Sorcery. I knew there was something dubious going on here.
ANNA: Elsa...? Elsa!
Elsa rushes out of the room.

—Cue…”Let it Go”---
Narrator: “Anna went on a venture to find her sister as she left the kingdom to “trusted” lover,
Hans not knowing what would happen when she did. A few days had passed as Anna, through
her journey to find her sister, met someone named “Kristoff” and his trusty companion, “Sven’
along with her and her sister’s favorite snowman, Olaf. They had finally discovered her sister’s
ice castle and passed through the guardian placed near the icy and slippery bridge.”

Anna walks into a great foyer. The place is beautiful, but also eerie.
ANNA: Elsa? It's me...Anna?!
Anna slips. Steadies herself.
ELSA: Anna.
Elsa steps out of the shadows onto a balcony. She sees Anna, looks to her longingly. Anna can’t
help but be struck by Elsa’s beauty.
ANNA: Elsa, you look different.... It’s a good different.... And this place is amazing.
ELSA: (cautious, polite) Thank you, I never knew what I was capable of.
Anna starts to climb the stairs.
ANNA: ...I’m so sorry about what happened. If I’d known--
Elsa backs up, away from Anna.
ELSA: (on guard) No, it’s okay. You don’t have to apologize.... But you should probably go,
ANNA: But I just got here.
ELSA: ...You belong in Arendelle.
ANNA: So do you.
Anna takes another step up. Elsa backs up more.
ELSA: No, I belong here. Alone. Where I can be who I am without hurting anybody.
ANNA: ...Actually, about that--
OLAF: 58...59...60.
ELSA: Wait. What is that?
Olaf comes running in the front door. He waves.
OLAF: Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.
ELSA: (shocked) Olaf?
Olaf stops beside Anna, looks up at Elsa, intimidated.
OLAF: (bashful) You built me. You remember that?
ELSA: (astonished) And you're alive?
OLAF: Um...I think so?
Anna kneels down beside Olaf.
ANNA: He’s just like the one we built as kids.... We were so close. We can be like that again.
Elsa smiles, but then a memory returns to her. Elsa’s face sinks in pain. ELSA No, we can’t. Elsa
turns and heads up the second story steps.
ELSA: Goodbye, Anna.
ANNA: Elsa, wait--
ELSA: (calling back) I’m just trying to protect you.
Elsa continues to flee. Anna pursues.
ANNA: You don’t have to protect me. I’m not afraid. Please don’t shut me out again.
ELSA: What?
Elsa looks past Anna’s shoulder out white-peaked mountains.
ANNA: You kind of set off an eternal winter...everywhere.
ELSA: Everywhere? ANNA It’s okay, you can just unfreeze it.
ELSA: No, I can’t. I don’t know how.
ANNA: Sure you can. I know you can.
Snow starts to swirl around the room.
Elsa’s fear, so strong, sucks the blizzard back into her and then it bursts out, unwittingly, like a
sharp snowflake. Anna is STRUCK right in the heart. She grasps her chest in pain and stumbles
back. She falls to her knees. Elsa gasps when she sees Anna. Just then, Olaf and Kristoff rush
into the room to Anna’s side.
KRISTOFF: Anna. Are you okay?
ANNA: I’m okay.... I’m fine.
Anna gets to her feet, determined to hide the pain.
ELSA: (scared) Who’s this? Wait, it doesn’t matter. You have to go.
ANNA: No, I know we can figure this out together--
ELSA: (desperate) How? What power do you have to stop this winter? To stop me?
Anna doesn’t have the answer. Kristoff sees spiky ice shadows creeping down the walls. Puts a
protective arm around Anna.
KRISTOFF: Anna, I think we should go.
ANNA: (close to tears) No. I’m not leaving without you, Elsa.
ELSA: (heartbroken but decisive) Yes, you are.
Elsa waves her arms and builds a giant, menacing snowman.

—Cue to elsa getting captured by several guards—

Narrator: “Anna’s condition has worsened due to Elsa hitting her with her powers, she and
Kristoff had come to where the trolls are to seek help although they had informed them only a
true love’s kiss could only cure her. Anna then called out Han’s name and went back to the
kingdom to look for him.”

Hans stands with the dignitaries and guards.

HANS: I’m going back out to look for Princess Anna.
FRENCH DIGNITARY: You cannot risk going out there again.
HANS; If anything happens to her--
SPANISH DIGNITARY: If anything happens to the Princess, you are all Arendelle has left.
Hans hesitates, realizing how much this kingdom has come to depend on him. Is he really all
they have left? Just then the door opens and Gerda and Kai bring in Anna.
KAI: He’s in here. Prince Hans.
HANS: Anna.
Hans rushes to Anna. She falls into his arms.
HANS: You’re so cold.
ANNA; (weak, but desperate) Hans, you have to kiss me.
HANS: What?
ANNA: Now. Here we go. She tries to kiss him, but is too weak to pull herself up in his arms.
GERDA: We’ll give you two some privacy.
Everyone shuffles out, leaving Hans and Anna alone.
HANS: What happened out there?
ANNA: Elsa struck me with her powers.
HANS: You said she’d never hurt you.
ANNA: I was wrong.
Anna crumbles, weak.
HANS: Anna.
Hans carries her to a couch, sets her down.
ANNA: (shivering more) She froze my heart and only an act of true love can save me.
HANS: (understanding) A true love’s kiss. He takes her chin in his hand and gives her a tender
He leans in slowly...gently...Then he stops.
HANS: Oh, Anna. If only there was someone out there who loved you.
ANNA; What? Hans gets up, leaving her there.
ANNA: ...You said you did.
He goes to the window and shuts the curtains.
HANS: As thirteenth in line in my own kingdom, I didn’t stand a chance. I knew I’d have to
marry into the throne somewhere--
ANNA: What are you talking about?
HANS: (putting out the candles) As heir, Elsa was preferable, of course. But no one was getting
anywhere with her. But you
ANNA: Hans?
HANS: You were so desperate for love you were willing to marry me, just like that.
Hans crosses the room, grabs a pitcher of water from a table and goes to the fireplace.
HANS: I figured, after we married, I’d have to stage a little accident for Elsa.
Hans pours the water on the fireplace, putting out the fire. Anna tries to stop him. She falls to the
floor, weak.
ANNA: Hans. No, stop.
HANS: But then she doomed herself, and you were dumb enough to go after her.
ANNA: Please.
HANS: (chuckles) All that’s left now is to kill Elsa and bring back summer.
Hans approaches Anna.
ANNA: ...You’re no match for Elsa.
He bends down, takes her chin in his hand again, this time not so gently.
HANS: No, you’re no match for Elsa. I, on the other hand, am the hero who is going to save
Arendelle from destruction.
She wrenches her face out of his hands.
ANNA: (anger) You won’t get away with this.
Hans rises and crosses to the door.
HANS: Oh, I already have.
Hans leaves and shuts her in, locking the door. Anna struggles to the door, yanks on the locked
ANNA: (hoarse and weak) Please, somebody help.
The rest of her hair turns white and she crumbles to the floor.

—POV…Elsa escaping—
The cell ices over. Elsa looks out at the storm that is devastating Arendelle, then hears the guards
GUARD: She’s dangerous. Move quickly and with resolve.
Elsa pulls at her shackles. They crack. Just as the door bursts open, the weight of the ice
crumbles the walls. The men duck out of the way. Hans pushes his way into the room...sees...
The back wall is blown open. Broken shackles rest on the floor. Elsa is gone.

—POV…Anna getting help from Olaf—

The door handle suddenly jiggles. Stops. Jiggles again.
ANNA: (barely a whisper) Help.
CLICK. The door swings open. We see a carrot in the lock and hear a giggle of victory. Olaf
takes the carrot, puts it back on his face. Then he sees Anna lying there.
OLAF: Anna. Oh no.
He runs to the fireplace. Throws in some fresh wood, including one of his own arms, which he
quickly rescues, before striking a match and relighting the fire.
ANNA: Olaf? Olaf. Get away from there.
Olaf flitters to the window. He pulls one panel of it shut but struggles with the second panel.
OLAF: (determined) We’re going to get through-- (distracted) Oh, wait. Hang on. I’m getting
He breaks an icicle off the window, uses it as a telescope and sees... Kristoff and Sven running
back down the mountain.
OLAF: It’s Kristoff and Sven! They’re coming back this way.
ANNA: ...They-they are?
OLAF: Wow, he’s really moving fast. Huh.... I guess I was wrong. I guess Kristoff doesn’t love
you enough to leave you behind.
Anna tries to get to her feet.
ANNA: Help me up, Olaf. Please.
He hurries over, tumbling over the couch, knocking over the chess set and water jugs.
OLAF: No, no, no, no, no. You need to stay by the fire and keep warm.
ANNA: I need to get to Kristoff.
OLAF: (clueless) Why...? (realizing) Oh, oh, oh, I know why.
He hops around in an excited display of hope.
OLAF; There’s your act of true love, right there, riding across the fjords like a valiant, pungent
reindeer king! Come on!
The walls crack under the ice pressure.
OLAF; Look out!
They rush out the room just as the ceiling collapses.

—Cue…Anna stopping Hans from hitting Elsa with a sword—

ANNA: Elsa.
Anna looks back at Kristoff as he runs for her. She gives him a longing look, but then turns away
from him and then... Using all of her remaining strength, as Hans brings his sword down, Anna
throws herself in front of Elsa.
In that instant, Anna freezes to solid ice. The sword hits her instead of Elsa. The sword shatters
completely. The force of it sends Hans flying back and knocks him out.
ELSA: Anna!
Elsa rushes to Anna and touches her sister’s frozen face.
ELSA: Oh,, please no.
Olaf walks up and sees Anna, frozen.
OLAF: (confused, sad) Anna?
Elsa hugs Anna and cries. Kristoff watches in shocked despair. Sven steps up to his side.
Citizens and dignitaries on the castle walls bow their heads. All of Arendelle is joined in somber
silence. But then, Anna warms. She begins to thaw. Olaf looks up and gasps. Kristoff and Sven
notice, light up. Anna bends her arm and embraces Elsa.
ELSA: Wha-? Anna?
Anna opens her eyes. She smiles at Elsa, relieved.
ANNA: Oh, Elsa. They embrace.
ELSA: ...You sacrificed yourself for me?
ANNA: (weak) ...I love you.
Olaf realizes what’s happened. He’s so excited about it, he lifts his head right off his body and
OLAF: An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart.
ELSA: (processing) Love...will thaw... (realizing) Love.... Of course.
Elsa looks at Anna with confidence.
ANNA: Elsa?
ELSA: Love.
Elsa lifts her arms, and the ground shakes and cracks. The ice and snow breaks away and rises
high into the air. Beneath their feet the bow of a ship thaws. The entire fjord melts and other
boats right themselves. The villagers come out to see the warmth returning. In one final wave,
Elsa draws all of the snow into a giant snowflake in the sky, then waves it away, leaving only a
warm summer day.
ANNA: I knew you could do it.

—Cue…Anna punching hans instead and having him arrested—

Kristoff sees Hans trying to get to his feet. He marches toward him, prepared for a fight. But
Anna puts up a hand and stops him.
ANNA: Uh. Uh. Uh. She’ll handle this.
She goes over to Hans.
HANS: (confused) Anna? But she froze your heart.
ANNA: The only frozen heart around here is yours.
She turns away from him, proud of her words. But not yet satisfied, she turns back and punches
him right in the face.
He fell down to the ground as the guards marched up to him and arrested him.. Elsa comes over
to Anna and hugs her. Over her shoulder, Kristoff meets Anna’s eyes. She smiles brighter,

Narrator: “The importance of moral values which can be learned in the “Frozen” movie are
bravery, self- confidence, helping others, love and affection, responsibility, patience, and hard
work. As you had witnessed, we portrayed multiple scenes from the movie. We hope you had
learned at least a little bit from watching us and enjoyed yourselves as we had done through
acting. Truly yours, the ABM/GAS 11 class.”


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