How To Secure A Media Sponsor For Your Events.A
How To Secure A Media Sponsor For Your Events.A
How To Secure A Media Sponsor For Your Events.A
How to add a media sponsor to the mix So, youre having an event. Now, what do you need to do to ensure good attendance and to attract donations for your organization? SECURE A MEDIA SPONSOR! A media sponsorship provides visibility, an opportunity to enhance credibility and shows the media outlets commitment to the community. And, at the same time, a media sponsorship can enhance your organizations credibility while opening more promotional avenues without a substantive cost. A media sponsorship is a win/win for the media outlet and your organization. It is important to cultivate relationships before asking for a sponsorship. This process should be an integral part of your media relations planning. I Do your research. Make sure you know the media outlets before you approach. Read the newspapers, watch TV and listen to local radio stations. And, make sure you know all about your organization and specifics about your event. Request a media kit from print media. You will find demographics about their target audience, special sections calendars, advertising rates and other pertinent information. Watch TV stations and learn about their community focus and other nonprofits they already support. Listen to radio and learn pet causes of the DJs. Check the websites of local media outlets to see if they have posted media sponsorship guidelines for community nonprofits. Identify the right person(s) to pitch. At newspapers, start with the promotions director. Most TV and radio stations have a community affairs director. If your event has potential visibility for on-air talent, also contact news director. Write a proposal letter to your named contact(s). Proposals should include: Introductory paragraph why you are writing. Include details about start and end dates, names of other media sponsors 1
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(hopefully in other mediums!) and the scope of the project/event Brief History of the organization and event you want sponsored Description of what the media outlet might receive Distribution of newspaper/magazine/promotional flyers at event Signage at event Inclusion on all collateral materials with a hotlink to media website from event website Free tickets to event, sponsors pre/post event Greetings and/or welcome remarks at event Tickets for other events with high-level donors Description of what the media outlet might provide Ad space to help promote the event and sell sponsorships Copies of magazine/newspaper for distribution to event participants Blast e-mail to announce sponsorship to media lists Listing on media outlet website, calendar of events On-air announcements writing, design, production of an-air announcements or ads Personalities/journalists to appear at event Restate how this event is a great way to: Secure long-term viewers or readership Generate goodwill Create ambassadors for the newspaper/stations supporting worthy cause Increased exposure in your target market
If the media outlet says no, accept the decision, send a thank you note and invite community outreach director to attend your event. If the media outlet says yes, create a letter of agreement that details expectations, costs and deadlines. Be sure and follow-up with your key contacts. A media sponsorship does not equal news coverage. Be prepared to ask and make sure that the sponsor knows you realize that there is a separation between sponsorship and news coverage. 2
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Follow up after the event and use the opportunity to develop strong, long-term relationships.
fax: 404-636-2173
LPGI will be given 4 tickets to all of AMYCs seminars, breakfast events, conferences and other events held during 2004 (minimum value = $200). AMYC must submit all ads camera ready. Leader Publishing would provide all deadlines and print specifics for ad copy. Signed and dated by publisher & representative or organization.
fax: 404-636-2173