Henry Briggs: The Trigonometria Britannica: Britannica (1) (7 . B.) by Adrian Vlacq in Gouda The Following Year: The
Henry Briggs: The Trigonometria Britannica: Britannica (1) (7 . B.) by Adrian Vlacq in Gouda The Following Year: The
Henry Briggs: The Trigonometria Britannica: Britannica (1) (7 . B.) by Adrian Vlacq in Gouda The Following Year: The
1. Introduction
In 1632, Henry Gellibrand, then the Professor of Astronomy at Gresham
College, London, arranged for the publishing of the Trigonometria
Britannica [1] (7*. B.) by Adrian Vlacq in Gouda the following year: the
work consisted of two Books, and sets of tables of natural sines in steps of
one hundredth of a degree to 15 places, as well as tables of tangents &
secants to 10 places, together with their logarithms. The explanatory Book
I was the last work of Henry Briggs (1559-1631), Savilian Professor of
Geometry at Oxford, and was devoted mainly to the construction of his table
of sines; while Book II, written by the youthful Gellibrand on the instigation
of the dying Briggs, his mentor, contained instructions and examples on the
use of logarithms in solving trigonometrical problems. This article is
concerned with Book I of the T. B., an unfortunately long overlooked and
forgotten work. For Briggs had produced an initial reference table of 20
sines of angles up to 62.5° in the first quadrant with a carefully chosen
spacing of 3£°, accurate to 22 decimal places, which was sufficient to fill out
the tables of sines in the first quadrant by interpolation on division by 5
repeatedly, and by making use of a simple trigonometrical identity. Even
now> without the aid of a computer, this exercise would be a daunting task
for a skilled mathematician. The mathematics involved is remarkable -
given when it was accomplished - because of the novel numerical methods
used - and should still be of interest today, even though such table making
is a thing of the past. Here we find, among other things: an array of
numbers later known as Pascal's triangle; a sophisticated numerical
procedure following Viete (1540-1603) - by means of which Briggs
successfully extracted the roots of quadratic, cubic, bi-quadratic, and quintic
equations to the 22 places mentioned; and an equally sophisticated
interpolation scheme apparently of Briggs' own making. Thus, the T. B.
encapsulated the contemporary mathematics of the early 17th century, and is
worthy of attention.
The initial approach by Briggs to solving the problem of generating the
sines is geometric, and then arithmetic, where proportionals are employed
extensively, and with the occasional small pieces of laborious algebra. Any
additional algebra shown in this article is for expediency, as we try to
maintain the character of the original exposition, for much of the original
arithmetical procedures would now be given an algebraic setting. All of the
Tables in Book 1 have been reconstructed using spreadsheets by this writer,
though only a small sample of these can be presented here. Though Briggs
followed the immediate lead of Viete, numerous mathematicians had
worked on the problem of generating tables of sines, and the origins date
from before Ptolemy's Table of Chords {circa 140 AD): As always, Hutton
[2] is a mine of information on such matters for the interested reader.
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Briggs, however, wished to brush aside all previous labours: which were to
be supplanted by his own improved methods. Basically, arcs of angles that
subtend chords of known lengths are either doubled, tripled, etc., and the
new chord lengths found; or the original arc is subdivided into a number of
equal parts, and the chord length of the fraction of the arc or angle is found,
a more tedious business involving the root extractions. The odd dissections
are treated first by Briggs, as the even ones can all be generated readily from
bisections. Briggs had solved these section equations by the early 1600s by
a slight adaptation of Viete's scheme. Viete [3] had constructed an
algorithm for finding the root or latus of a 'pure power' such as the square,
cube, fourth power, etc. of natural numbers (essentially by inverting a
binomial expansion, which we consider later). It was not too difficult a step
to extend this procedure to what were termed by Viete 'adfected powers':
for he viewed cubic and higher order equations as being similar to the pure
powers (i.e. equations of the form x" = A), that had become affected by the
addition of extra terms raised to powers smaller than n. T. Richard Witmer
[4], an American lawyer with a long standing interest in translating Viete,
has rendered some of this work from the original verbose Latin and
occasional Greek into English; there are of course a number of translations
of Viete's works into French. In addition, Thomas Harriot - the late
Elizabethan mathematician/scientist/adventurer was a friend of Viete, and
they corresponded on mathematical matters [5]. From the mass of papers
left by Harriot on his death in 1621, there arose the Artis Analyticae Praxis,
... published posthumously in 1631, on which Harriot's enduring fame as a
mathematician has mainly rested. This work contains the first algebraic
account of Viete's numerical method. Next, an associate of Briggs, Will
Oughtred (1575-1660), set out an account of the method in a popular book
of the time - the Clavis Mathematicae [6], of which an edition in the
English of the day exists, as well as several Latin editions. Viete's method
was thus the workhorse for finding the roots of equations numerically until
the 1680s. However, as Gellibrand informs us in the Preface to the T. B.,
and also Hutton in his preamble, Briggs was using his own perfected
method, essentially a simplified form of Viete's. One is surprised perhaps to
learn that the same method was in use as early as 1208 by the Iranian
mathematician Al-Tusi [7].
In this short account we shall not follow the original order of
development in the T. B. Here we establish the method for dissecting a
chord first for odd and then even numbers of cuts, followed by the
procedure for extracting roots (Briggs puts his root extraction method
between the odd and even dissections); finally, we present the beginning of
Briggs' Table of Sines, from which intermediate sines can be found by
Briggs' interpolation scheme. The diagrams are copies of the originals,
keeping the same labelling where possible.
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2. Beginnings
No excuse is offered for making some preliminary remarks about the
nomenclature associated with the beginnings of Trigonometry. The analogy
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degree intervals, and gives the length BE in sexagesimal notation, correct to
4 or 5 decimal places in modern notation. Briggs, however, pauses only
long enough in his very brief historical introduction to discuss Ptolemy's
theorem, and to give the names of some of his predecessors in the table
making business, before beginning his own treatment.
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BG = 5(2 s i n - ) - 5(2 s i n - ) + (2 s i n - )
a n r\ en
= 10 sin 40 sin3 - + 32 sin5 - = 2 sin —,
2 2 2 2
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-(2) (D "(3) CD
1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
55 45 36 28 21 15 10 6 3
220 165 120 84 56 35 20 10 4
715 495 330 210 126 70 35 15 5
2002 1287 792 462 252 126 56 21 6
5005 3003 1716 924 462 210 84 28 7
11440 6435 3432 1716 792 330 120 36 8
24310 12870 6435 3003 1287 495 165 45 9
48620 24310 11440 5005 2002 715 220 55 10
92378 43758 19448 8008 3003 1001 286 66 11
TABLE 1: Part of Briggs' Abacus Panchrestus
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inevitably to a working knowledge of such expansions for positive integers
n. This will be illustrated later in Table 4. In addition, the coefficients that
arise have interesting properties of their own: for example, sums of these
give rise to the coefficients in the polynomial equations (1) - (3) and other
equations, as will be explained later. We are not suggesting that Briggs
discovered any of this, merely saying that these things were 'common
knowledge' at the time. However, it is of some interest to display a portion
of Briggs' table, which he called his Abacus Panchrestus, or 'wonderfully
useful' table. In modern notation, the entry for the r th row and k th column
(k, r > 1) is given by the binomial coefficient k + r~lCr-\, and is a form of
Pascal's Triangle. The elementary properties of these coefficients had been
found by Briggs, amongst others he says he has found, but which are not
enlarged upon. For mere is apparent a gathering sense of urgency in his
work, as ill health presumably was forcing him to curtail digressions and
unnecessary explanations.
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3a2b + 3ab2 + b3 = N - a3; the second single digit side or approximation will
be b = (N - a3 - 3ab2 - b3)l{3a2) = (N- a3)/{3a2) - b2la - b3l{3a2), of which
the integral part is taken to be (N - a3)/(3a2) = 32 464/(3 x 2500) ~ 4, to
one significant figure. Thus, 54 is the next approximation, and turns out to
be the actual cube root in this case, on working out the whole cube. As
Viete points out, the above scheme does not always work, as a negative
correction may be needed for some numbers: e.g. for N = 6859 (= 193),
where a = 10 generates b = 19, which is not a single 'side'; but instead
a = 20 leading to b = - 1 should be chosen. (We mention in passing a
reluctance by mathematicians of the age to use negative numbers in general,
and negative roots in particular.) Viete next turns to his 'affected cubes', or
cubic equations, which he analyses in a related way. We will illustrate this
from Harriot's Praxis [5, p. 132], where algebra is used with the method for
the first time.
Harriot considers a cubic originally written in the form:
aaa + daa + ffa = ggg; for the coefficient of a was considered to be a
square, and the constant term ggg a cube, corresponding to Viete's idea that
each term should have the same dimensions: we accommodate for this
unnecessary complication by writing the cubic in a in the form:
a3 + da2 + f2a = g3. Then set a = b + c, to give (in modern notation):
(b1 + db + f)b + (c2 + 3bc + 3b2 + f + dc + 2db)c = g\
Harriot writes this equation in the two-part form Ab + Be = g3.
A specific cubic with d = 68, f = 4352 and g3 = 186 394 079 is
considered. In a table not presented here, following Viete, Harriot partitions
g3 by placing a point over each 3rd digit, from the left: 186394079. The first
approximation is b = 500, as b3 = 125 000 000, while Ab = {b2 + db +f)b =
1 441 760; subsequently, Be = g3 - Ab = 42 218 079 has to be resolved.
Harriot's divisor is B = c2 + 3bc + 3b2 +f2 + dc + 2db: and c is chosen as the
single digit multiple of 10 to make Be the nearest to 42 218 079. This turns
out to be c = 40, and now b becomes 540, while the units value of c is next
found to be 7, giving 547 as the root. This is a tedious process, as B has to
be evaluated for each trial of c. Oughtred presents a similar picture [6].
Now we give an outline of the method used by Briggs, who streamlined
the above method, applied here to a cubic: x3 + Bx2 + Cx = D. If, by trial
and error, an approximate value A of the root is found to 1 significant figure,
then a better approximation (to two or three figures) will be given by
L = A + E, where the magnitude of E is found on the division of a residual
term by a term that depends on known numbers. If (A + E)3 + B(A + E)2 +
C(A + E) s D, then on expansion and collecting terms,
E=(D-A3-BA2- CA)/(3A2 + 2A5 + C), where the small terms in E2 and
E3 have been ignored. With E established, A + E becomes the next
approximation, and a new correction Ef found, the process being continued
to refine the root. In general, each application of the method increases the
number of accurate places by more than one, and it is often found that the
denominator is a very slowly varying function, so that an ordinary division
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can be used at last. A very useful method for someone doing calculations by
hand, as errors show up at once. Briggs used the method skilfully for
equations up to the 5 th power: he presumably stumbled on the refinement
when he realised the higher order terms contributed little, yet substantially
increased the time involved in extracting the next place.
We show how Briggs used the method to extract the root closest to zero
foriiy.x3 - 3x + 0.61803398875 = 0.
0 61 RfV^
1st estimate: A = 0,andL = A + E = 0 + — — = 0.2 (to 1 sig. fig.);
„ J • . „„ JF . A - 3A + 0.618033... nnnn
2nd estimate: A = 0.2, and L = A+ ; = 0.209.
3 - 3A2
We will spare the reader the rest of the numerical details in this calculation,
though Tables 3 and 4 give an illustration of Briggs' actual workings.
8 Cube to be added
6 Triple of Quotient to
be taken away
26033 Remainder
TABLE 3: The algorithm begins with xx = 0.2
26033988 Remainder to be divided. 40000 3 Root found 20.
3 . . . . Divisor. 200 3 Square root found 400
120000 Taken from Divisor 120000
288 . . Divisor corrected. 600
By having found the Correct Divisor, I go on and ask how many times 288 [goes]
into 2603.
And with finding the number, 9 should be placed in the Quotient.
26033988(0209 °0 9
1122322 With the gnomon of the Cube to be added 1080000 729
27163317 48600
27 . . . Product from root number 9fry3 taken from the divisor ^29
163317750 Remainder 1129329
TABLE 4: It continues with x2 = 0.209
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The other roots represent possible angles associated with the given chord, of
which Briggs evaluates three.
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into five parts, and the intervening sines are found approximately and
subsequently very accurately from a correcting table for the successive
orders of differences. Let us follow this process briefly: in Table 6, the
'raw' differences up to the 5th order are found.
[Note that Briggs never uses a decimal point; also, he was able to deduce
that the even order differences were proportional to the complement of the
original sine, while the odd orders were proportional to the original sine
with a sign difference, as established in Chapter 12 of the T. B.]
These differences in Table 6 are then divided by 5 successively: see
Table 7. Briggs never divulged the origin of his table for correcting the
differences, though of course the method was rediscovered later by others.
See Goldstine [10] for information on this aspect of Briggs' work, who
shows how the correcting coefficients in Briggs' Table (originally to be
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5th Diff 4th Diff 3rd Diff 2nd Diff 1st Diff Sine Deg
000 000000 0
483 162129 54514502
483 162129 54514502 34
481 161646 54352373
964 323775 108866875 6|
474 160682 54028598
1438 484457 162895473 9|
Mean Differences
5th Diff 4th Diff 3rd Diff 2nd Diff 1st Diff Sines Deg
0 0000 0 00000000 0
15 1297 0 10902900 4
77 6485 2 54514502 34
15 1293 2 10870474 6
1 54 12951 0 108866875 6*
15 1285 5 10805719 6
2 30 19378 3 162895473 9 |
15 1274 0 10708828 2
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(Deg.) Sine 1st U./C.D. 2nd (/./CD. 3rd U./C.D. 4th 5th
O.OOOE+00 O.OOOOOOOOE+00 1.09067936E-02 O.OOOOOE+00 1.2975E-06 O.OOE+00
1.09080913E-02 1.2977E-06 1.54E-10
6.250E-01 1.09080915E-02 1.09054958E-02 1.29764E-06 1.2793E-06 1.54E-10
1.09067934E-02 1.29795E-06 1.2977E-06 1.54E-10
1.250E+00 2.18148850E-02 1.09029003E-02 2.59514E-06 1.2970E-06 3.08E-10
1.09041977E-02 2.59575E-06 1.2974E-06 1.54E-10
1.875E+00 3.27190828E-02 1.08990075E-02 3.89232E-06 1.2966E-06 4.62E-10
1.09003045E-02 3.89324E-06 1.2970E-06 1.54E-10
2.500E+00 4.36193874E-02 L08938179E-02 5.18904E-06 1.2959E-06 6.16E-10
1.08951142E-02 5.19027E-06 1.2964E-06 1.54E-W
3.125E+00 5.45145016E-02 1.08873320E-02 6.48514E-06 1.2952E-06 7.71E-10
1.08886276E-02 6.48668E-06 1.2956E-06 1.54E-10
8. Conclusions
Sadly, Briggs' remaining chapters in the Trigonometria show a tailing
off, to end rather abruptly in Chapter 17, due to the author's increasing ill
health. The task performed by Gellibrand in finishing the book and
preparing it for publication was quite monumental, a fact that he bewailed in
the preface, for Briggs had left no plan of how he intended to proceed with
the applications, as he had done in the Arithmetica. A number of
'Gentlemen at Arms' and other dignitaries are mentioned here by
Gellibrand; perhaps they contributed financially to enable the book to be
The book itself does not appear to have been a commercial success.
Originally printed in Gouda in 1633 under the auspices of Adrian Vlacq,
whose own tables in traditional minutes and seconds, in steps of 10",
appeared at about the same time. According to Hutton, it is probable that
decimal division of degrees would have replaced the traditional sexagesimal
approach if this latter set of tables had not appeared. Thus Newton, some 30
years later appears to have made no use of the T. B., or even been aware of
its existence, though he studied Viete in some depth; see Whiteside [11] for
details. Indeed, Whiteside appears to be the only person to have noted that
the algorithm used by Briggs to solve the section equations was none other
than that rediscovered by Newton and now called either Newton's method,
or the Newton-Raphson method [12].
Thus disappeared from view a man whose immense labours over his
lifetime was largely responsible for the final shape of log and trig tables,
who enabled succeeding generations to perform otherwise impossible
calculations and who gave explanations of his methods. To which Briggs
himself might well have applied that old adage: sic transit gloria mundi.
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I am greatly indebted to the reviewer, Jackie Stedall, Queens's College,
Oxford, for the considerable effort, patience, and time given, in helping to
make this article something that hopefully reflects a little of the state of
mathematics in the early 17th century, and the contribution made to it by
Henry Briggs. This has involved pointing me towards references of which I
was unaware, strongly advising me to use contemporary mathematics only
in explanations, and supplying me with the encouragement to 'get it right' as
far as possible.
1. Henry Briggs, Arithmetica Logarithmica, etc., London (1624). A
microfilm of a copy of Briggs' book in the Bodlean Library is available,
produced by University Microfilms International, Ann Arbour,
Michigan 48106.
Henry Briggs and Henry Gellibrand, Trigonometria Britannica, in two
books. The present writer obtained a photocopy of the one held by the
Rare Books Department at Cambridge University Library, for which he
is duly grateful. See also:
Ian Bruce, The agony and the ecstasy. Math. Gat. 86 (July 2002)
pp. 216-227.
2. A good summary of Briggs' achievements is given by Charles Hutton in
the extensive preamble to the earlier editions of his Mathematical
Tables, London (1811 edition) pp. 75-84.
3. Francois Viete, Opera Mathematica, Schooten, Olms (1970).
De Numerosa Potestatum Purarum Resolutione, pp. 163-172.
De Numerosa Potestatum Adfectarum Resolutione, pp. 173-228.
Ad Angulares Sectiones, pp. 287-404.
A good introduction to Viete, and his relation to the ancients, can be
found in:
Jacob Klein. Greek mathematical thought and the origin of algebra.
Dover, N.Y. (1968).
4. T. Richard Witmer, The Analytic Art, Kent State University (1983)
pp. 311-370.
5. Thomas Harriot, Artis analyticae praxis, ad aequationes algebraicas
nova methodo resolvendos, London (1631). Available on microfilm
from University Microfilms, Inc. Ann Arbour, Michigan.
For a biography of Harriot, see:
John W. Shirley, Thomas Harriot; a biography. Clarendon Press,
Oxford (1983).
The friendship between Viete and Harriot is mentioned on p. 3 of this
book, the original reference being:
Jon V. Pepper, 'A letter from Nathanial Torporley to Thomas Harriot'.
Brit. J. Hist. Sc, III (1967), pp. 285-290.
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