Q1 Grade 7 Music DLL Week 3

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A. Content standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the musical characteristics of representative music from the
lowlands of Luzon.
B. Performance standard The learner performs music of the lowlands with appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression and style.

C. Learning competencies/ The learner… The learner

Objectives  identifies the musical characteristics of  explains the distinguishing
representative music selections from the characteristics of representative
lowlands of Luzon after listening. (MU7LU-Ia-1) Philippine music selections from Luzon in
relation to its culture and geography.
 analyzes the musical elements of some lowland (MU7LU-Ib-3)
vocal and instrumental music selections.
(MU7LU-Ia-2)  sings folksongs from the lowlands
of Luzon. (MU7LU-Ia-h-7)
The Music of Luzon ( Lowlands )

1. Vocal Music
 Performance practice  Secular music : Harana , Balitaw ,
 Folk songs Kumintang , Polka
 Sacred (Liturgical and Devotional)  Art music Kundiman.
Music: Mass, Pastores , Senakulo , Pasyon ,
Salubong , Flores de Mayo , and


1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Material
Gonzales, C. , & Lacia G. et al. ( ed. 20 ) MAPEH in Action -7 Rex Bookstore,Inc. –( pp. 3-17 )
3. Textbook References /
Limjoco, Ma.F , & Lapuz , Darci R. et al. Journey towards MAPEH-7 KLEAFS Publishing – ( pp. 7-12
) Lacia , G . , & Limos , A. et al. ( ed.2015 ) The 21 st Century MAPEH in ACTION- ( pp. 4-21 )
4. Additional Materials Videos, audios, pictures and flashcards
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
A. Reviewing Previous Let the students recall The students will render The students will The students will OBJECTIVES:
Lesson or Presenting the following musical folksongs with the sacred pick the correct recall the different At the end of the
New Lessons symbols being flashed in music by group. They will be picture of a sacred Secular Music and activities, students
the cards by naming music according to Art music. should be able to :
divided into four groups.
them one by one. (whole the description being 1.answer questions
 Bahay Kubo
note, quarter note, flat, given by the teacher correctly,
g-clef, sharp, 2/4, half  Pasyon on the board. (ex. 2.write down their
rest, bar line and dotted  Leron Leron Sinta Flores De Mayo, answers legibly,
note).  Flores De Mayo Santacruzan, 3.observe honesty
The teacher will ask the Sitritsit, Bahay kubo, while answering the
students these questions: With the help of a laptop or Senakulo and QUIZ.
projector. Paruparong Bukid)
 Where do we
used or see these
 What is the
significance of
these symbols to

5 minutes
B. Establishing A Purpose Play a guessing game The students will Let the students
For The Lesson about the different songs watch a video about form their own
being played. (Manang the following Secular group.
Biday, Leron-Leron Sinta, Music and Art music:
and Magtanim ay di biro,  Harana
Pasyon, Flores de Mayo,  Balitaw
Santacruzan, and  Kumintang
Salubong). The teacher  Polka
will lead the students to  Kundiman
the realization that
Philippines is rich in (see attachment)
different kinds of music.
10 minutes
10 minutes

C. Presenting Examples / Ask the students what Let the students give Let the students KEY
Instances of the New are other songs that they their inner thoughts create their own IDEAS:MATERIALS:
Lesson have learned in their regarding the video interpretation of 1.QUIZ
elementary years other they have watch. their chosen questionnaire
than the songs that they Secular Music or 2.one whole sheet of
have heard. The learners will Art music. paper
The students will give compare these to 3.pen
their answers. Examples the variety of music
would be: Bahay Kubo, we have today. REFERENCE:
Ati Cu Pung "Integrated MAPEH
Singsing, Sitsiritsit ,Ang 5 minutes Grade 7 Modules
Pipit , and Salidumay.

5 minutes
D. Discussing New Concepts The teacher will discuss The teacher will I
and Practicing New Skills the meaning folk songs, discuss the following
#1 Sacred and its examples Secular and Art
by showing a PowerPoint music
about Philippine Folk and

Sacred Music. (See  Harana LEARNERS
attachment)  Balitaw ACTIVIT:
 Kumintang A.Routine
The teacher will ask  Polka 1.Prayer
these questions  Kundiman 2.Classroom
regarding the Management
PowerPoint: 3.ChecKing of
15 minutes Attendance
 What is the meaning 4.Lesson Proper &
of a folk Let the students give Discuss with the
song/sacred music? their own students the
 What are the understanding about directions in
different types of Secular Music. answering the
folksongs and MAPEH QUIZ.
sacred music Students should be
according to able to answer and
their functions? Finish the QUIZ
within 1 hours.

15 minutes

E. Discussing New Concepts Ask the students

and Practicing New Skills among the Secular
#2 Music which is has a
comparison to our
music today?

F. Developing Mastery The students will play The students will
(Leads To Formative the game “Name that choose a song
Assessment 3) tune.” The teacher will from the Secular
play the following songs music and Art
like Bahay kubo, music and they will
Sitsiritsit, Magtanim ay di interpret it by
Biro, Salubong, Pasyon means of singing
and Flores De Mayo by

10 minutes group.



G. Finding Practical Let the students choose a The learners will

Applications of the song from the given connect a secular
Concepts And Skills In folksongs played. Then let music to a certain
Daily Living them give their reactions or story of life or
opinions about the songs. experiences.

10 minutes
H. Making Generalizations The students will give the Let the learners
and Abstractions About distinguishing characteristics sum up the
the Lesson of Philippine Folk Music. possible messages
of the music.
5 minutes
5 minutes
I. Evaluating Learning The learners identifies the Classify the
musical elements of the following songs
following folk songs and according to their
sacred music such as characteristics:
Leron,Leron Sinta, Pasyon, Nasaan ka Irog ko,
Magtanim ay Di Biro, Ave Maria, Papuri
Santacruzan, and Salubong sa
Diyos,O ilaw and
Mutya ng Pasig.
J. Additional Activities for Look for some additional Choose a song/music that The learners will The learners will
Application and examples of Folk Songs you think it has something to compose a song by interview their
Remediation and Sacred Music. parents or

do with your life. Write it writing their own their kind of music
down. lyrics. genre they have
(Kundiman version) before.

K. Assignment List down some religious Have the students listen to The students will
songs that you know. some Filipino love songs. start practicing their
chosen song by

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher MAPEH 7 OIC – MNHS-Malaga Annex Principal IV

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