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Journal of Sensors
Volume 2022, Article ID 7221294, 12 pages

Research Article
Online Superficial Gas Velocity, Holdup, and Froth Depth
Sensor for Flotation Cells

Claudio Leiva ,1,2 Claudio Acuña ,3 Luis Bergh,3 Saija Luukkanen ,1

and Cristóbal da Silva3
Oulu Mining School, University of Oulu, 90570 Oulu, Finland
Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad Católica del Norte, 1270709 Antofagasta, Chile
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2390123 Valparaíso, Chile

Correspondence should be addressed to Claudio Leiva;

Received 31 March 2022; Revised 4 November 2022; Accepted 29 November 2022; Published 19 December 2022

Academic Editor: Antonio Martinez-Olmos

Copyright © 2022 Claudio Leiva et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

In flotation process, the efficiency and selectivity depend on mineralogy, particle size distribution and liberation, reagents added,
mixing, and particle coverage. However, the kinetics of particle recovery is highly dependent on cell hydrodynamic and circuit
configuration and operational strategy. Controlling froth depth and gas flow rate, measured as superficial gas velocity, is a
straightforward alternative related to kinetics in the froth and collection zones. However, these parameters are not measured
accurately. Froth depth measurement is based on a floating device coupled with a sonic sensor; this configuration presents
hysteresis and deviation due to variation in the gas holdup and pulp density. In self-aspirated machines, there is no technology
to measure gas velocity. To address this problem, the intelligent online gas dispersion sensor based on two concentric HDPE
cylindres is proposed. The intelligent online gas dispersion sensor is based on two concentric HDPE cylinders. The
methodology improves the accuracy of gas velocity calculation with a new algorithm. Froth depth measurement is based on
two pressure transducers, reducing the uncertainty of the floating sonic sensor to 1 cm. Pulp bulk density is directly measured,
and gas holdup can be estimated. Experimental results and industrial device validation indicate that the new intelligent system
can measure superficial gas velocity (Jg) online and self-calibrate, with a 2% error, the froth depth error being ±1 cm.
Therefore, a multiparameter sensor for measuring gas dispersion in industrial flotation cells was experimentally designed and
validated in an industrial environment (TRL 8). In this context, the proposed online gas dispersion sensor emerges as a robust
technology to improve the operation of the flotation process.

1. Introduction transport the hydrophobic mineral particles to the top of the

flotation cell, forming a mineral-concentrated froth [3]. The
The flotation process is widely used to concentrate valuable process efficiency and kinetics depend on the hydrodynamic
mineral particles from a mixture of gangue and minerals. of particles and bubbles in the cell. It is possible to find differ-
The concentration process collects hydrophobic particles by ent types of flotation machine arrangements, where there are
ascending gas bubbles [1]. This process has various interac- series circuits or multiple stages [4].
tions between elements that affect the efficiency of the process; In industrial flotation machines, liberation and hydro-
factors such as chemical (frothers and collectors), physical phobicity are principal parameters to control the efficiency
(particle size and percentage of solids), type of machine, and and effectiveness of the flotation process; by adding some
circuit in operation are essential to overall efficiency. That is specific reagents called “collectors,” the operator manages
why the information collected from the multiple factors men- to selectively modify the surface properties of the mineral,
tioned is vital in decision-making and critical to the engineer- making some species more hydrophobic and separating
ing and metallurgical industry [2]. The gas bubbles collect and them from the other more hydrophilic species. However,
2 Journal of Sensors

the gas flow rate and the froth depth are commonly mea-
sured and controlled to increase the concentration process
efficiency [5–9]. The froth recovery influences the grade of 700
concentrate and the overall recovery [10]. The performance 101.60
of this phase is usually measured in terms of froth recovery,
water recovery, and recovery of entrained minerals [11]. A
clear relationship between froth stability and process perfor- 1700 50.80
mance has been shown in previous works [12]. In some
plants, the discharge froth velocity is also measured by imag-
ing systems to ensure a net mass concentrate pull; however,
this strategy is not related to the metallurgical performance
Figure 1: Double tube (mm).
of the cell. The gas flow rate is measured as the total volume
dispersed in the cell (average), which in large flotation units
is not evenly distributed. Therefore, the rise bubble velocity being a key parameter to control the kinetic process for col-
cannot be determined, even though it is a key parameter to lecting clues in the flotation machine collection zone [29].
control the kinetic constant of the flotation process [13]. The scope of this work is the industrial-scale validation
This parameter has multiple ways to be calculated, such as of the designed sensor. Currently, the sensor has been imple-
estimating the correlation between gas flow, pulp flow, and mented at the Las Tórtolas plant (Anglo American), and
percentage of solids [14] or inserting a cylinder filled with there are requests for 8 sensors for Escondida (BH Billiton)
water under the froth interface [15]. The froth depth has and Sierra Gorda (KGHM International).
measured by a device that is a combination of a float and This study is based on designing a device that allows
an ultrasonic sensor, which is usually uncalibrated or has a improving the current sensors that present problems of hys-
measurement bias due to froth build-up and hysteresis. teresis, out of calibrated, self-cleaning, low maintenance cost,
The froth build-up accumulates in the floating device, chang- online reading of variables that are not measured in self-
ing its buoyancy, causing measurement deviations, and reduc- aspirated cells (Jg and Eg). The developed software allows
ing its reliability [16, 17]. These deviations might imply 5-15% to close control loops independently or through the distrib-
uted control system of the plant. The materials and methods
variations in recovery [18]. Given the current limitation, the
used for the validation and the results obtained in the three
flotation operation provides a stabilizing control only and,
stages considered are described.
therefore, the current sensors do not contribute to controlling
operation. Another method of measuring froth depth is con-
ductivity [19]. Among the problems present are the probes 2. Materials and Methodology
used, which require constant maintenance due to direct con-
The sensor uses a 50 mm–100 mm double concentric tube in
tact with the pulp and its contamination [20].
the flotation cell being gas sampled. Additional to pressure
For optimizing the flotation operation, the gas flow rate
measurement, there is a continuous air measurement at the
measurements require measuring gas dispersion parameters
tube inlet using a mass flowmeter on the top of the sampling
(gas holdup, surface area flux, gas velocity, froth depth, and tube. In this way, the superficial gas velocity is measured
bubble size), directly related to flotation kinetics [21]. There directly and continuously. It is also possible to automate
are different methods to measure gas velocity [22]. McGill the external velocity estimation (Ig), apparent density in
University developed and introduced gas dispersion sensors the collection zone, gas holdup, and froth depth by using
and a hydrodynamic characterization methodology [23]. an algorithm developed.
Gas dispersion analysis in flotation columns uses computa- Validation was carried out through three stages, the first
tional modeling [24–26]. was carried out at the laboratory level in a 1.2 m3 pilot unit
Gas dispersion measurements in industrial flotation cells to ensure the correct functioning of the device. Subse-
have been conducted in various cell types in the five conti- quently, the sensor was installed in an industrial self-
nents by McGill University’s research and development aspirated cell and validation was performed. Finally, the
team and associated companies Cough Technologies and sensor was installed in a cell of the Tórtolas plant where it
Nesseth. This allowed establishing the design criteria and is currently operating.
requirements to automate the gas dispersion sensors and
estimate the surface area flux and gas holdup [27, 28]. 2.1. Prototype Description and Design. The prototype design
This study consists of the development, construction, considers the sampling tube, a wet cabinet, and a data collec-
implementation, and validation of an industrial prototype tion system. McGill sensor is based on the double tube and
device for the online measurement of superficial gas velocity measures gas velocity by accumulation. This updated version
(Jg), pulp bulk density (RB), the volumetric fraction (Eg), measures the gas velocity with two concentric tubes and a
and froth depth (Hf) in a flotation column. The develop- mass flowmeter (calibrated by accumulation).
ment considers specific algorithms to automatically measure On the other hand, froth depth is calculated from both
and self-calibrate gas velocity, froth depth, and pulp bulk pressure measurements in steady state (both valves closed).
density. Also, algorithms allow the estimation of the gas The main contribution is the fully automatic McGill version.
holdup, Sauter diameter, and surface area flux, the latter The device designed has a self-cleaning system supported by
Journal of Sensors 3

101 101 PI

VI- 101




VI- 100 VI- 102

Figure 2: P&ID lab tests.

Table 1: Wet cabinet components. Table 2: Data acquisition system components.

Component Specifications Component Specifications

Model: Wika S-20 Opto 22 Snap Pac R1
Pressure sensor Range: 0-4 bar Controller 12-channel rack
Output: 4-20 mA 5 (VDC) feed
Model: SMC, VT307E Input analog AIMA 4 (4-20 mA)
Solenoid valve
24 (VDC) coil Channels Analog output SNAP AOA-23 (4-20 mA)
Model: SMC, VEX1130 Digital output
Air control valve Operation: 0.05–0.9 MPa MW, MDR-40 series
Pneumatic 5 V/6A and 24 V/1.7A
Control Air Inc. SLP-PPC-10AW-N2930-H-2LAN
IP transducer Computer
Model: type 500-AC Super Logics
Model: SMC, PFM7201 Super Logics
Flowmeter Range: 25 L/min and 200 L/min (SLPM) SL-LCD-10WA-RTOUCH-1
Output: 4-20 mA
Model: Foxboro
Pressure regulator air yet pulsed after each measurement. Otherwise, device has
Type 67 F, R28
built-in a self-calibration for Jg in order to minimize errors.

2.1.1. Sampling Tube. A concentric tube design is proposed

for the sampling tube to facilitate industrial installation, as
4 Journal of Sensors

Electronic cabinet

Wi-fi Groov

Integrated station Opto 22 snap pac

Smartphone Notebook

Figure 3: Opto 22 wet box (left) and touch screen hardware and connectivity diagram.

1 2


Froth zone, f HF



Collection zone, c

Figure 4: Double tube sensor.

shown in Figure 1. The structure is put into the flotation cell
and consists of pressure chambers formed of 50 mm– Figure 5: Hydrostatic diagram of the froth-collection interphase
100 mm lines concentrically installed. These tubes are con- zone.
nected to the wet cabinet by two air tubings which send
pressure signals to two pressure transductors and the mass
airflow sensor. scale. The diameters were determined via campaigns to mea-
A cone at the end of the inner tube increases the diame- sure the equipment developed at McGill University [23, 30].
ter from 50 mm to 100 mm, as shown in Figure 1. Its objec- PVC material is used in lab tests because of its manufactur-
tive is to improve bubble capture when filling the air ing, availability, and strength feasibility.
chamber; however, it may produce a measurement bias since
its function as a channel may include, exclude, or divide the 2.1.2. Wet Cabinet: Pressure and Flow Sensors. The wet
bubbles inside. Experimentally, this component tends to (hydraulic) cabinet holds the sensors, the receptor of the input
accelerate the air bubbles due to diameter reduction, causing signals coming from the concentric tube, and the output of
the liquid to be dragged to the upper part of the tube. In electric signals going to the electronic cabinet, which becomes
practice, this device is removed because of its difficulties a bridge between the systems. This component is designed to
and has become a relevant case study for new developments improve electronics compared with the McGill prototype.
not addressed in this study. As shown in Figure 2, the wet cabinet consists of two
The dimensions used are based on the McGill prototype, piezoelectric pressure transducers (P101 and P102) selected
which defines a 50 cm difference in height between the tubes for their low response time; an air mass flowmeter (F101)
[23]. The total length was experimentally defined at a lab for Jg continuous measurement through the sampling tube;
Journal of Sensors 5

Graphs Config PI101


Jg FI FI101
Jg sensor PI102
1.22 1.16
Jg Eg 7.38

0.799 0.309

Hf pb
6.793 0.871

Jg fix

Start Close/start 150

Stop Open/stop

Figure 6: Sensor interface diagram.

a mass flowmeter to measure and control air injection 70

(FIC102) in lab tests and air control regulation valve
(FICV-102) and its corresponding I/P transducer with a cal-
ibration manometer (PI103); a pressure regulator (VI100)
Pressure (cm H2O)

for adjusting the input air in lab tests; and a solenoid valve
(VI101) to control the sensor filling cycles. Table 1 shows
the technical specifications of the equipment. 30

2.1.3. Data Acquisition Design and Implementation. The data
acquisition system (electronic cabinet) holds the central con- 10
troller (16-bit resolution), an operation and registration
computer, and a touch screen with HMI and data visualiza- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
tion. This component receives the signals from the sensors
located in the hydraulic cabinet, controlling calibration and Time (s)
calculating the operation variables. All the details can be
Figure 7: Dynamic pressure.
seen and operating with HMI by the user.
Due to the technology used, consisting of multiple input
and output channels, analogue and digital, it is possible to measurement techniques for applying new prototypes and
make continuous measurements in many points of a flota- redesigns. This principle is based on gas accumulation inside
tion machine. Table 2 shows the data acquisition system the pressure tubes. Using material balance and taking as a
components. reference, the diagram is shown in Figure 4; Equation (1)
Since the original sensor measures pressures at two can be obtained.
points in the cell, a pressure balance can be applied to deter-
mine the froth depth, which is a function of the two forces, Patm + ρb H 1 dp
bulk density, gas holdup, and an estimated factor for the Jg = : ð1Þ
ρb ½Patm + ρb ∙ðH 1 − H 0 ފ dt
gas holdup ratio in the collection and froth zone (i.e., 0.2).
This technology can be connected to a distributed con- Equation (1) [23] shows the pressure between the pressure
trol system. The hardware is based on Opto 22 “ultimate I accumulated in the tube and the superficial gas velocity from
/O” units to integrate the gas dispersion measurements (5 the hydrostatic balance. Therefore, the hydrostatic equilibrium
parameters) into a DCS system or local controllers, as shown can be used to estimate another gas dispersion parameter, i.e.,
in Figure 3. Groov is specific hardware to interconnect our the froth layer thickness.
interface with mobile devices with an industrial standard.
2.3. HF Estimation from McGill Sensor. The most common
2.2. Jg Estimation Methodology Based on the Gas Accumulation. method for determining froth height is pressure, that is,
McGill sensor technology allows using superficial gas velocity using a pressure sensor installed in the flotation machine.
6 Journal of Sensors

P1 P2 P3
16 [cm] 51 [cm] 84 [cm]

36 [cm]

Reference, origin (0,0) Dimensions 57 x 158 [cm]

Figure 8: Upper view of lab cell measurement points.

Figure 10: Microsphere flotation operation.

Figure 9: Flotation cell microsphere system. density can be determined by dividing the pressure differ-
ence by the tube length difference. Additionally, the froth
layer density can be expressed as [30]
For this reason, by utilizing pressure sensors from the

McGill prototype and under hydrostatic balance (air-filled ρ f = ρb 1 − εgf + ρbubble εgf , ð3Þ
tubes), the froth layer thickness can be estimated by using
the same system that currently measures superficial gas
where ρb is the pulp density in the froth zone, ρbubble is the
velocity. Thus, this estimation can be analyzed, as shown
bubble density, εgf is the gas holdup in the froth zone, and
in Figure 5.
Based on Figure 4, the following relationships may be εgc is the gas holdup in the collection zone. The froth layer
determined from hydrostatics: density decomposition (Equation (3)) shows that it is diffi-
cult to determine some parameters, mainly the volumetric
H ρc g − p gas fraction and bubble density, which vary from one pro-
HF = , ð2Þ cess to another. To simplify this equation, the term involving
ðρb − ρc Þg the product of ρb and εgf is neglected, since pulp density in
the collection has an excellent more outstanding magnitude.
where ρb and ρc are aerated pulp density and froth density, In the same way, the pulp density in the collection zone can
respectively, and g is gravity acceleration. The aerated pulp be assimilated to the pulp density in the froth zone, given the
Journal of Sensors 7

3 1 2 54 cm
110 cm
40 cm 114 cm
176 cm

228 cm

Figure 11: Upper view of sensor installation at Minera Don Alberto.

number of solids. Therefore, a heuristic relationship can be reference, considering the flotation process variability or
established as follows: adding a third pressure measurement point located in the
froth zone [31–36].

1 − εgf
 ~ α, ð4Þ 2.4. Experimental Validation in a 1.2 m3 Pilot Cell. Failure
1 − εgc
detection and air distribution inside an industrial flotation
cell are factors that must be considered because the sensor
where in practice, parameter α = 0:2. So, it is possible to measurement at a certain point allows locating sensors at
estimate the holdup in the froth zone. In addition, this different points to detect air distribution failures; other
parameter can be adjusted by using calibration εg contrast consideration about this validation was to implement an
measurement. auto calibration system of Jg using air flowrate sensor (in
The holdup parameter sensitivity in the froth zone and industrial self-aspirated cells, this variable is not possible to
how it affects froth height determination are analyzed. To measure). Then, an experiment is conducted in a 1.2 m3 pilot
do this, real data from one operation is used. As shown in cell, sampling being made in three points on two external gas
Figure 6, the conditions are as follows: 1033 cmH2O atmo- flow conditions. This analysis does not consider froth layer
spheric pressure, 156 cm (H1) sensor length, 80 cm (H0) thickness measurement due to the conditions and the lack
height from the top of the sensor to the inlet, 50 cm (Hbd) of layer produced in the pilot cell. Considering the area
difference between tubes, P1 56.81 cmH2O long tube available (Figure 8), it is possible to move to several cell
pressure, P2 7.38 cmH2O short tube pressure, 1.26 g/cm3 points to obtain a gas distribution profile.
pulp density, and 6.7 cm real HF froth height. As shown in Figure 8, the point of origin (0, 0) is located
Using Equations (1)–(4), with the parameters described at the bottom left corner of the cell. The cell dimensions are
in the previous paragraph, the values presented in the 57 × 118 cm. In these experiments, a floating solid was
previous figure can be obtained. Figure 7 shows the dynamic added, i.e., 0.4% p/p glass microspheres. Figures 9 and 10
pressure behavior of the device. show the operation with this aggregate. This solid was added
According to the above, the real holdup is adjusted, and the to help stabilize the froth layer inside the flotation cell and
effect of the parameter deviation on the froth layer thickness generate a triphasic (solid, liquid, and gaseous) system. The
estimation is analyzed. The changes are made by ±12.5% of frothing agent used was 9 ppm AEROFROTH 65.
the delay, thus resulting in a variety of parameters α. The injector used for the pilot cell is a 90–250 μm micro-
Since holdup is relevant for estimating the froth layer perforated hose, with 6,000 holes/m and 10 m long. The hose
thickness, adjusting parameter α using calibration allows to was mounted on acrylic support connected to the cell bot-
obtain the corrected variable. This analysis meets a tom. This configuration is expected to cover most of the
particular condition. It illustrates estimation-related prob- equipment area and improve air distribution. The air injec-
lems because the parameters must be adjusted to a specific tor moves the bubbles (swarm), which are visible at first
8 Journal of Sensors

Figure 12: Sensor installation at Minera Don Alberto site.

Figure 13: Sensor installation at Las Tórtolas plant.

sight, toward the left part of the pilot cell and accumulates shows the cell measurement points. These allow studying the
them there. spatial distribution of the gas dispersion variables. The sen-
sor height is changed at the three measurement points, i.e.,
2.5. Plant Validation. The sensor was installed in the an H0 variation is made at 90, 80, and 70 cm. In this way,
rougher circuit of the first Wemco 300 cell, in which chalco- the sensitivity and density effects on the aerated pulp are
pyrite and chalcocite are principal minerals. This cell is self- assessed. The superficial gas velocity is measured by analyz-
aspirating and has an almost 8.5 m3 total capacity. Figure 11 ing its behavior and profile. In addition, the measurement of
Journal of Sensors 9

Table 3: Experimental tests.

Test Nr. Froth depth (cm) Airflow rate (LPM) Replica

1 35 5
2 35 10
3 35 15
4 25 5
5 25 10
6 25 15
7 35 5
8 35 10
9 35 15
10 25 5
11 25 10
12 25 15
13 35 5
14 35 10
15 35 15
16 25 5
17 25 10
18 25 15


Jg, cm (s)



1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6

Jg gas flowmeter, cm/s (Reference)

Gas flowmeter
Mass flowmeter
Mass velocity sensor

Figure 14: Gas velocity validation in pilot plant.

the froth layer thickness is evaluated by comparing the mea- reading balance while feeding the conditioning tank. For
sured with afloat, which is put into the cell and hydraulically calculations, the 1.26 g/cm3 frequently measured operational
remains in the pulp-froth interphase. density reported by the operator is considered.
During operation, the operator keeps a sample of the The sensor is installed by fixing it with a metal beam, as
pulp. This parameter is measured with a Marcy direct- shown in Figure 12. This beam is soldered to the upper part
10 Journal of Sensors

8 4. Conclusions and Future Work

7 The intelligent online gas dispersion sensor was developed
based on two concentric HDPE cylinders with indepen-
dently isolated pressure connectors.
5 The plant validation of the measurement technique
HF (cm)

based on accumulation was conducted with a reference mass

flowmeter directly connected to the accumulation tube.
3 The validations show that the instrument can systemati-
cally and continuously infer the values of three gas dispersion,
2 with a 15% maximum measurement error for Jg and 5% for Hf
in the operating ranges (0.5-2.5 cm/s and 0-9 cm), respectively.
Finally, for future work, the addition of a self-calibration
0 system using Jg and Hf contrast with manual measurement is
0 2 4 6 8 recommended for the commercial prototype to improve mea-
HF reference (cm) surement robustness. Similarly, the dimensions of the sampling
tubes should be studied, considering the advantages and disad-
Figure 15: Froth depth validation in industrial plant. vantages of error propagation in Jg and Hf estimation.

Data Availability
of the cell. It has holes that let the sensor move only
horizontally and vertically by using a plastic clamp that All raw data remains the Universidad Católica del Norte
fixes it to the tube. property allowed in this study. The input data used to sup-
Figure 13 shows a real test in flotation cells in Las port the endings of this study could be available from the
Tórtolas, Chile. corresponding author’s email with appropriate justification.

Conflicts of Interest
3. Results and Discussion
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
An experimental design for the different experiences is
shown in Table 3, where the measurements of the gas disper-
Authors’ Contributions
sion parameters are analyzed, i.e., superficial gas velocity,
froth depth, bulk density, and gas holdup. The measure- C.L. and C. A. conceived, designed, and performed the
ments obtained with the intelligent sensor are compared experiments; all the authors analyzed the data; C. L. and
with the parameters estimated theoretically. The experimen- C.I wrote the paper.
tal tests were conducted at two different froth depths—35
and 25 cm—and at three different airflow rates (Q)—5, 10,
and 15 LPM—with 3 replicas, as shown in Table 3. Acknowledgments
The results of the Jg validation (Figure 14) at the lab This study received external funding from INNOVA
show a ±0.3 cm/s standard deviation in error, while the CORFO 17-CONTEC-78906: “Desarrollo Tecnológico para
validation in a 1.2 m3 cell shows a ±0.07 cm/s standard la medición en línea de velocidad superficial de gas en celdas
deviation in error. For in-plant validation in Wemco 300 de flotación.” The authors wish to acknowledge the material
industrial cells (12-hour shifts), froth layer, gas velocity, support provided by Minera Don Alberto and the financial
and pulp density measurements were made. The error in support from 545-VRIDT-UCN provided by the Universidad
the froth layer was ±0.44 cm. Gas flow shows a parabolic Católica del Norte.
profile of gas velocity (Jg) in a 0.56-1.3 cm/s range, consis-
tent with larger-scale cells in the literature.
The validation of the system, comparing both values of References
Hf (calculated and measured), is shown in Figure 15.
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