FS Van 2024
FS Van 2024
FS Van 2024
Virtual Application Networks enable a more agile model IMC Standard Edition comes with an initial license for 100
by eliminating unnecessary steps in virtualizing business managed devices. Additional licenses are available to extend the
environments. Time to virtual machine (VM) deployment is node limit.
accelerated through the upfront definition of policies for virtual
machine connectivity and provisioning automation, instead of IMC Enterprise Edition license supports 200 managed devices.
defining connectivity using an iterative manual process. These Additional node licenses can be purchased. Two nodes of
consumable policies allow for rapid deployment and follow the Network Traffic Analyzer are also included. IMC Extended APIs
workload if it is moved, paused, and/or resumed. HP Intelligent are also in the Enterprise Edition.
Management Center (IMC) is the foundation upon which Virtual
Application Networks is built and is enabled by a new module—
IMC VAN Manager Module. IMC VAN Manager Module
Advantages to Virtual Application Networks IMC VAN Manager Module is a software module available for
purchase with IMC Standard or Enterprise Edition Software to
1. Virtual Application Networks can save quantifiable time,
support Virtual Application Networks. The module is composed
reducing the manpower and operational cost of administering
of three components—the VAN Designer, VAN Policy Engine, and
cloud networks
the VAN plug-in.
2. Virtual Application Networks support multiple hypervisors,
The VAN Designer provides the GUI. It enables administrators to
unlike other solutions that support only one, ensuring clients
define profiles, which consist of connection characteristics and
have flexibility and choice
a policy for VMs. It also configures and manages edge switches
3. Virtual Application Networks remove the need for costly deployed as part of the Virtual Application Networks. The VAN
hypervisor and vSwitch licenses; the only cost is the license for Policy Engine stores connection policy information, publishes
IMC and the VAN Manager Module connections to the hypervisor, and services/authorizes connection
requests. The VAN plug-in, which is installed on the VM hypervisor
4. IMC multivendor management ensures Virtual Application manager, integrates with the VAN Policy Engine and is used
Networks supports heterogeneous networks by the system administrator to bind connection profiles to VM
5. Virtual Application Networks also delivers a robust set of
application program interfaces (APIs) for enterprises to integrate
Virtual Application Networks operations into E2E orchestration IMC Extended APIs
IMC Extended APIs include over 200 APIs that provide access to
core platform services. IMC is built upon an open and extensible
IMC 5.1 Edition Software architectural platform that leverages representational state transfer
(REST)-style Web services. These services enable third-party
HP Intelligent Management Center Edition Software is a developers to create applications that interface with and leverage
standalone, comprehensive management platform that delivers IMC services—including those for Virtual Application Networks—
integrated, modular management capabilities across fault, which enable integration of virtual machine edge profile
configuration, accounting, performance, and security needs. administration and control. The Virtual Application Networks-
IMC is designed on a service-oriented architecture (SOA) specific APIs enable external access to Virtual Application
using a business application flow model as the core to allow Networks functions from cloud and network orchestration
the management of resources, services, and users to be fully frameworks. Virtual Application Networks-specific APIs allows
integrated. IMC allows an enterprise business to grow its network and enterprise IT administrators to access, configure,
management in scale and seamlessly accommodate new provision, and manage connection resources in conjunction with
technologies. Using an SOA, IMC is capable of including virtual machine operations.
additional modules to the base platform to provide deeper
functionality. IMC supports the management of HP and third-party Extended APIs are included with the Enterprise Platform and are
devices and is compatible with Microsoft ® Windows® and Linux an optional license upgrade for the Standard Platform.
operating systems.
IMC v5.1 SP1 Standard and Enterprise, IMC VAN Manager
Module, and IMC Extended APIs licenses will be available
June 25, 2012.
• IMC Standard Edition Software Platform with 100-Node E-LTU
• IMC Enterprise Edition Software Platform with 200-Node E-LTU
• HP IMC VAN Manager Module License E-LTU (JG494AAE)
• HP IMC Extended API License (JG399A)
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