Agile Methodology, Deliverables

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In Agile methodology, deliverables are tangible outcomes produced at the end of each itera�on or

sprint. These deliverables represent completed work items that add value to the project and
contribute to achieving the overall project goals. The specific deliverables can vary depending on the
nature of the project, but there are some common types of deliverables in Agile methodology:

1. **Working So�ware Increment**: The primary deliverable in Agile methodology is a working

so�ware increment that includes new features or enhancements completed during the itera�on.
This so�ware increment should be poten�ally shippable and meet the defini�on of done agreed
upon by the team.

2. **User Stories**: User stories are short, simple descrip�ons of a feature told from the perspec�ve
of the end-user. Each user story represents a specific piece of func�onality or a user need that the
development team commits to implemen�ng during the itera�on.

3. **Code**: The source code developed or modified to implement the features defined in the user
stories is another key deliverable in Agile methodology. This code should be well-writen,
maintainable, and adhere to coding standards established by the team.

4. **Tests**: Test cases and automated test scripts are essen�al deliverables in Agile methodology.
These tests ensure that the so�ware increment meets the specified requirements and behaves as
expected. Delivering high-quality tests along with the code helps maintain the reliability and integrity
of the so�ware.

5. **Documenta�on**: Agile teams o�en produce documenta�on as part of their deliverables,

although they priori�ze working so�ware over comprehensive documenta�on. Documenta�on may
include user manuals, system documenta�on, API documenta�on, and release notes to support
users, developers, and stakeholders.

6. **Demonstra�on**: A demonstra�on or demo of the completed work is a cri�cal deliverable in

Agile methodology. During the sprint review or demo session, the development team showcases the
working so�ware increment to stakeholders, solicits feedback, and validates that the delivered
features meet expecta�ons.

7. **Retrospec�ve Ac�on Items**: Ac�on items iden�fied during the sprint retrospec�ve, such as
process improvements, technical debt reduc�on tasks, or team collabora�on enhancements, are
considered deliverables in Agile methodology. Implemen�ng these ac�on items helps the team
con�nuously improve and adapt their prac�ces.
8. **Burndown Charts and Metrics**: Agile teams o�en produce burndown charts, velocity metrics,
and other progress indicators as deliverables to track and communicate project progress. These
metrics provide visibility into the team's performance and help stakeholders make informed

By delivering these tangible outcomes at the end of each itera�on, Agile teams ensure incremental
progress, maintain stakeholder engagement, and con�nuously improve the quality of the so�ware

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