Practice 04
Practice 04
Practice 04
C a r m e n M a g a r i ñ o s B l a n c o -
c a r m e n . m a g a r i n o s b @ u d c . e s
( R E P R E S E N T A N T )
M a n u e l a C a m p o s N e i r a -
m a n u e l a . c a m p o s . n e i r a @ u d c . e s
I n é s M a g a r i ñ o s B a r r o s -
i n e s . m a g a r i n o s @ u d c . e s
D a n i e l N o y a P a r e d e s -
d . n o y a p @ u d c . e s
1. Which is the main value proposition of the company?
2. What challenges, wants, objectives… did the company want
to achieve?
Having a sustainable integral management
Asking all the time about their decisions which the purpose of minimize the impact
Measure the impact of what the entire company does
Made to be re-made
Protect the oceans
Construct and protect the ECOALF DNA
Zero green house gases
Triple Botton Line
Liderating a change
3. How is the process of manufacturing garments from PET?
PET: one of the most used materials by Ecoalf
1. Fishermen recover waste from the bottom of the sea
2. Separate marine waste to classify it
3. PET plastic bottles transformed: plastic granules
4. Plastic granules: filament
5. Fabric woven with filament
6. Garments designed and produced
4. Did the company need partners to developing this initiative?
Describe who and how in the process.
Processes with a reduction of CO2
Improved use of water and
chemical products
Use of low-impact materials
Help to clean garbage with garments
Higher product lifecycle
Improved eco-design
7. Which effects did they achieve in terms of brand,
reputation, sales?
equality plan
worker safety
education, inspiration and action
mitigating climate change
responsible use of water
boosting the circular economy