Juego Piles Instrucciones
Juego Piles Instrucciones
Juego Piles Instrucciones
The person to the left of the dealer starts.
Draw 5 cards from the DRAW pile. If you have a
SKIP-B O card or a number 1 card on top of your
ST OCK pile or in your hand, you may use it to start
a BUILDING pile in the center of the play area. You
may then continue by playing another card from
42050 your ST OCK pile onto a BUILDING pile. If you play
all 5 cards, draw 5 more and continue playing. If
you can’t make a play or just don’t want to, end
your turn by discarding one of the cards from
your hand onto one of your four DISCARD piles.
On your second and succeeding turns, first draw
enough cards to bring your hand back up to 5.
OBJECT: Be the first player to play all the cards in You may then ad d to the BUILDING piles (always
your ST OCK pile by playing cards in numerical in sequential order) by playing the top card from
order, 1 through 12. your ST OCK pile, DISCARD pile or from your hand.
But remember, the winner is the one who plays all
YOU SHOULD HAVE: A deck with 144 cards the cards in his/her ST OCK pile, so it’s best to
numbered 1 through 12 plus 18 SKIP-B O cards for always use the playable cards from that pile first.
a total of 162. Remove any blank cards – these are If the DRAW pile is used up, the cards from the
not used during play. completed BUILDING piles are shuffled and
Please remove all components from the package become the new DRAW pile.
and compare them to the components list.
THE OBJECT You may wish to play several games and keep
The first player to use up all the cards in his/her score: The winner of each game scores 5 points
ST OCK pile wins. for each card remaining in his op ponents’ ST OCK
piles, plus 25 points for winning the game. The
LET’S START first person to collect 500 points wins.
After the deck is shuffled, each player draws a
card. The person with the highest card deals. PARTNERSHIP
(SKIP-B O cards don’t count.) The deal moves to All the rules stay the same except the following:
the left after each game. When there are 2 to 4 During your turn, you can play from both your
players, the dealer deals 30 cards to each player. ST OCK and DISCARD piles and your partner’s.
With 5 or more players, 20 cards are dealt. The However, during your turn, your partner must
cards are dealt face down and they become your keep quiet. Only the player taking his/her turn can
ST OCK pile. Each player turns the top card of ask his/her partner to make a play, i.e., “Partner,
his/her ST OCK pile face up on top of the pile, play your SKIP-B O as a 4” or “Partner, play your 7.”
without looking at any of the other cards in the Any player guilty of cheating must take 2 cards
pile. The dealer then places the remainder of the from the DRAW pile and place them in his/her
deck face down in the center of the play area to ST OCK pile without looking at them. The game is
form the DRAW pile (where you’ll be able to draw over when both ST OCK piles of one of the
ad ditional cards). partnerships are finished.
1. A player’s four DISCARD piles are imaginary
until he/she starts them during play.
BOTH PLAYERS 2. The BUILDING piles are imaginary until started
Draw Pile by players during the game.
(Both Players) Building Piles (Both Players)
3. Remember: The object of the game is to get rid
of the cards from your (and your partner’s, if
playing partnerships) ST OCK piles.
For players wishing to play a short version of
SKIP-B O , the dealer deals a ST OCK pile of 10
cards to each player. All other rules remain
the same.
©2003 Mattel, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ® and ™ designate U.S.
FURTHER EXPLANATION OF CARD PILES trademarks of Mattel, Inc. © 2003 Mattel, Inc. Tous droits réservés.
® et TM désignent des marques de Mattel, Inc. aux É.-U. Mattel
1. Stock Pile: Each player has one ST OCK pile, Canada Inc., Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3W2. You may call us free at 1-
800-665-6288. Mattel U.K. Ltd., Vanwall Business Park, Maidenhead
placed face down on his right, with the top card SL6 4UB. Helpline 01628500303. Mattel France, S.A., 27/33 rue
of the pile always turned face-up on top. d’Antony, Silic 145, 94523 Rungis Cedex N° Indigo 0 825 00 00 25 ou
www.allomattel.com. Mattel España, S.A., Aribau 200, 08036
2. Draw Pile: After the deal, the remaining cards Barcelona. N.I.F. A08o842809. Mattel Portugal, Lda., Av. da República
No. 90-96, Fracção 5, 1600-206 Lisboa Mattel Australia Pty., Ltd.,
are placed face down in the center of the table to Richmond, Victoria. 3121.Consumer Advisory Service - 1300 135 312.
form the DRAW pile. Mattel East Asia Ltd, Room 1106, South Tower, World Finance Centre,
Harbour City, Tsimshatsui, HK, China Diimport & Diedarkan Oleh:
Mattel SEA Ptd Ltd.(993532-P) Lot 13.5, 13th Floor, Menara Lien Hoe,
3. Building Piles: During play up to four BUILDING Persiaran Tropicana Golf Country Resort, 47410 PJ. Tel:03-78803817,
piles can be started. Only a 1 or a SKIP-B O card Fax: 03-78803867. Mattel, Inc., El Segundo, CA 90245 U.S.A.
can start a BUILDING pile. Each pile is then built up Consumer Affairs 1 (800) 524-TOYS. Importado y distribuido por
numerically in sequence, 1 through 12. Since SKIP- Mattel de México, S.A. de C.V., Camino a Santa Teresa No. 1040, 7o.
Piso, Col. Jardines en la Montaña, Delegación Tlalpan, 14210 México,
B O cards are wild, they can start a BUILDING pile, D.F. R.F.C. MME-920701-NB3. TEL: 54-49-41-00. Mattel Chile, S.A.,
and can be played as any other number, too. Avenida Américo Vespucio 501-B, Quilicura, Santiago. Mattel de
Once a pile of 12 cards has been completed, it is Venezuela, C.A., Ave. Mara, C.C. Macaracuay Plaza, Torre B, Piso 8,
Colinas de la California, Caracas 1071. Mattel Argentina S.A., Curupaytí
removed, and a new pile is started in its place. 1186, (1607) - Villa Adelina, Buenos Aires. Mattel Colombia, S.A., calle
42050 do Brasil Ltda. - CNPJ : 54.558.002/0004-72 Av.
Tamboré, 1400/1440 Quadra A de 02 a 03 - 06460-000
- Barueri - SP. Mattel do Brasil Ltda. - CNPJ :
54.558.002/0004-72 Av. Tamboré, 1400/1440 Quadra A
de 02 a 03 - 06460-000 - Barueri - SP. Atendimento ao
Consumidor: SAC 0800550780. 42050-0824
Comment jouer à pile de SÉQUENCE avec une carte SKIP-B O . Les
2-6 cartes SKIP-B O peuvent aussi être utilisées pour
remplacer n’importe quelle autre carte. Une fois
qu’une pile de SÉQUENCE est terminée, on la
retire et on en commence une autre.
Le joueur situé à gauche du donneur commence.
1. Les quatre ÉCARTS de chaque joueur sont
Écarts (Joueur B) Pile d’accumulation
(Joueur B) imaginaires jusqu’à ce que les joueurs les
commencent au cours de la partie.
PREPARACIÓN DEL JUEGO Durante tu turno, puedes bajar cartas tanto de tus
En el centro del área de juego, cerca de la pila pilas de INICI O y DESCARTE así como de las de tu
para R OBAR, se crearán hasta cuatro pilas de compañero. Sin embargo, tu compañero no
CO NSTRUCCI Ó N que todos los jugadores pueden puede darte consejos durante tu turno. Sólo el
usar durante el juego. A demás, cada jugador jugador en turno puede pedirle a su compañero
tendrá en frente de él/ella una pila de INICI O y que juegue una carta de cierta manera; por
hasta 4 pilas de DESCARTE (ver la ilustración de ejemplo, “Compañero, baja tu carta SKIP-B O y
abajo). úsala como un 4” o “Compañero, baja tu carta 7.”
N OTA IMP ORTANTE: Las pilas de CO NSTRUCCI Ó N Todo jugador que haga trampa tiene que robar 2
y DESCARTE se van creando durante el juego cartas de la pila para R OBAR y colocarlas en su
(indicadas por líneas de puntos, más abajo). Al pila de INICI O sin verlas. El juego se acaba
comenzar el juego, no hay cartas en este área. después de que ambas pilas de INICI O de una
A demás, las cartas SKIP-B O son comodines. Esto de las parejas se acaba.
es importante.
JUGADOR A 1. Si accidentalmente robas cartas de más, tienes
que revolver las cartas de más y ponerlas en tu
pila de INICI O .
Pila de Inicio
2. Si un jugador roba una carta cuando no le toca
(Jugador A) Pilas de descarte (Jugador A) y alguien nota el error antes de que el turno ilegal
se acabe, el turno ilegal se para de inmediato y el
juego continúa en el orden correcto. Sin
embargo, cuando llegue el turno del jugador que
jugó cuando no le tocaba, dicho jugador tiene
que jugar sin primero robar cartas de la pila para
R OBAR. Pero si un jugador juega cuando no le
AMBOS JUGADORES toca y completa su turno sin que nadie se dé
Pila para robar
cuenta, el turno se considera legal. El juego
(Ambos jugadores) Pilas de construcción (Ambos jugadores)
continúa con el jugador a la iz quierda del jugador
que jugó fuera de turno.
1. Las cuatro pilas de DESCARTE de un jugador
son imaginarias hasta que el jugador las empieza
Pila de Inicio
a crear durante el juego.
Pilas de descarte (Jugador B)
(Jugador B)
2. Las pilas de CO NSTRUCCI Ó N son imaginarias
hasta que los jugadores las empiezan a crear
durante el juego.
O jogador à esquerda do distribuidor começa.
Pilhas de Descarte (Jogador B) Pilha de Reserva 2. As pilhas de BASE são imaginárias até que os
(Jogador B) jogadores as comecem durante o jogo.