Fee Guide-2022 General-Practitioners FINAL Online
Fee Guide-2022 General-Practitioners FINAL Online
Fee Guide-2022 General-Practitioners FINAL Online
General PractitionersTM
ODA Suggested Fee Guide for
General PractitionersTM
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part or by any means now or later
mechanical or other means, or in or into any information storage and retrieval system, or used in any database or
machine readable form or to create any work that is based upon or derived from any part of the publication, without
the prior written permission of the Ontario Dental Association.
For further information, please contact Barbara Morrow at the Ontario Dental Association
416-922-3900 Ext. 3364 • email: bmorrow@oda.ca
“ODA Suggested Fee Guide”, “ODA Suggested Fee Guide for General Practitioners”, “ODA Design” and “ODA” are trade-marks of the
Ontario Dental Association.
To: Recipients of the 2022 ODA Suggested Fee Guide for General Practitioners©
From: Economics Advisory Committee
Date: December 2021
Re: Amendments to the 2022 ODA Suggested Fee Guide for General Practitioners©
The ODA’s Economics Advisory Committee is pleased to send you the 2022 ODA Suggested Fee Guide for
General Practitioners©.
At the time of publication the following dental office software vendors are licensed to include the 2022 ODA
Suggested Fee Guide for General Practitioners© in their dental office software packages:
Those practices that use dental office practice management software will find that software systems are pre-
loaded with only one fee for those codes in the Guide where there is a range of fees indicated for a dental
service. The copy of the Guide that is provided by the ODA contains the ranges in suggested fees for these
dental services. Dentists are encouraged to examine their fees carefully and it is each dentist’s responsibility
to make sure that their electronic billing system reflects the fees that will be charged for the services performed.
3 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Changes to the 2022 ODA Suggested Fee Guide for General Practitioners
Radiographs, Computerized Axial Tomograms (CT),Positron Emission CDA Description Change;
Tomography (P.E.T.), Magnetic Resonance Images (M.R.I), Interpretation (either +E changed to +PS
the radiographs, CT scans, PET scans, MRI scans, or the interpretation must be
received from another source)
02801 One unit of time (15 minutes) +PS
02802 Two units (30 minutes) +PS .
02809 Each additional unit over two (15 minutes) +PS
Remote Assessment of Chief Complaint New Codes
08011 One unit of time (15 minutes)
08012 Two units of time (30 minutes)
08019 Each additional unit over two (15 minutes)
Note: Provisional restorations/sedative dressings are included in pulpotomy and pulpectomy Addition of Note
tissue grafts, each tooth is considered a separate surgical site. When multiple adjacent teeth
are treated at the same sitting, the first site may be assessed at the practitioner’s usual and
customary fee. For the second site the practitioner should reduce the fee.
Flap Approach, With Osteoplasty/Ostectomy for Crown Lengthening, New Code
42451 – Per Site
Dentures, Partial, Polymer, Resilient Retainer CDA edit to code description
52201 Maxillary + L
52202 Mandibular + L
4 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
The ODA Guide is reviewed every year. The improvements contained in the Guide are very often initiated by
comments from members. The Committee invites your participation in this process. Requests for new procedure
codes and/or recommendations for changes to existing codes or descriptions must be submitted in writing to the
Economics Advisory Committee:
The Ontario Dental Association
Attn: Barbara Morrow
4 New St
Toronto ON M5R 1P6
Or by email to: bmorrow@oda.ca
The Committee is more than willing to improve the Guide at any time and is always pleased to hear from the members of
the profession.
5 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
This document is protected by copyright and is not to be reproduced without the permission of The Ontario Dental Association
This Guide is published by The Ontario Dental Association. The Guide is based on the provision of dental services which are
performed under normal conditions and is intended to serve only as a reference for the general practitioner to enable devel-
opment of a structure of fees which is fair and reasonable to the patient and to the practitioner. The Guide is not obligatory
and each practitioner is expected to determine independently the fees which will be charged for the services performed. This
Guide is issued merely for professional information purposes, without any intention or expectation whatsoever that a practi-
tioner will adopt the suggested fees.
This Guide employs demand equations, which incorporate supply and demand data from the current environment. The data inputs
include the amount of disposable income, the level of insurance coverage in the market, the dentist/patient ratio, the frequency of dental
procedures being performed, the costs of running a dental practice, the number of hours spent in operating a general dental practice
and more. These inputs along with Ts (time) and Rs (responsibility) generate the suggested fees.
It should be noted here that laboratory costs are involved in the provision of a substantial number of dental services. As these costs
are not uniform, but nevertheless extremely significant in the determination of a dental fee, they are incorporated into the pertinent fee
primarily by addition.
FEE. In determining the fee a practitioner wishes to charge, it is suggested that certain procedures, described below, be followed in
order to assist the patient in understanding the basis of the practitioner’s fee.
6 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Practitioners’ suggested fees for prosthodontic treatment are based upon the outline of Clinical Procedures for Complete and
Removable Partial Denture Therapy to be found in the Prosthodontics category of service. These clinical procedures are essential to
provide prosthodontic treatment of a quality commensurate with time and responsibility involved.
The Guide is not obligatory and each practitioner is expected to determine independently the fees which will be charged for the services
performed. This Guide is issued merely for professional information purposes, without any intention or expectation whatsoever that a
practitioner will adopt the suggested fees.
1. This guide is based on reasonable and prudent requirements of scientific knowledge, professional judgment and technical skill.
2. The fee formula that is used for calculating suggested fees in the Guide is:
Suggested Fee = Ei x (P x T x R) + (C x T) + L + E
Ei is derived from the elasticity of demand from the various demand equations.
P is the professional income per unit of time.
T is the time measurable in ¼ hour units (i.e. fifteen minutes).
R is the responsibility factor classified into four categories consisting of:
i) Scientific Knowledge
ii) Professional Judgment
iii) Technical Skill
iv) Risk
C is the cost factor per unit of time.
If, in the provision of a dental service “commercial” and/or “in-office” laboratory and/or “expenses” costs are involved, these are
then added to the suggested fees as “+L” and/or “+E”. When submitting your account to a patient, under the provisions of the
Dentistry Act of Ontario, it is mandatory that the professional fee and the commercial laboratory charges be disclosed to the
patient in such a manner that the patient is aware of the commercial laboratory charges. Commercial laboratory charges should
be coded as 99111, In-office laboratory charges should be coded as 99333.
3. Definition of Treatment Time and the Coding of Per Unit of Time Procedures
The definition of treatment time for the purposes of ODA procedure code use is specific to the definition in this Guide. Treatment
time for all procedures begins when the practitioner begins preparing himself/herself and the patient for the delivery of the
Treatment time includes:
1. reviewing the patient’s record to:
a. confirm the treatment plan for the procedure
b. confirm medical history is clear of contraindications to performing the procedure
2. obtaining informed consent to perform the procedure
3. administering local anaesthetic if required to perform the procedure
4. performing the procedure as it is described by the code
5. providing post procedural instructions to the patient and,
6. documenting the procedure in the chart
Treatment time ends when the procedure ends or when the patient is discharged from the operatory. Treatment time does not include
the time spent setting up or breaking down the operatory nor does it include the time spent on administrative tasks such as billing and
reappointing the patient.
It is important to recognize that “appointment time” is not the same as treatment time and will not always align with the units of time or
treatment time reported for that appointment.
5. The suggested fees in the current Guide are predicated upon the provision of a single service.
7 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
You may wish to consider adjustments when:
a) certain repeated or multiple services reduce the time;
b) when a specific service requires more or less time due to variations in procedures and/or treatment aims;
c) a dental service:
i) presents unusual complications,
ii) demands exceptional effort, skill and/or time,
iii) requires greater than normal responsibility,
iv) requires immediate attention at the sacrifice of regular office practice;
d) your fee otherwise determined would be a financial burden to the patient;
7. Quadrants – there are four quadrants (i.e. maxillary and mandibular, right and left, midline to the most posterior tooth) and the
maxillary and mandibular anterior segments (i.e. from maxillary cuspid to cuspid, mandibular cuspid to cuspid). Thus there are
six “segments” in determining any reduction of the fee for multiple services.
8. I.C. – Independent Consideration is provided where, because of a large variation in procedures of rendering a service, a
suggested fee is difficult to ascertain.
9. This Guide is prepared on the basis that the intent of treatment determines the procedure code to be used.
The use of technologies (e.g. lasers) does not change the intent of treatment. Procedure codes do not describe how a service will be
performed; they describe the procedure or intent of the treatment. This fee guide is formulated so that it may be easily used in
conjunction with The ODA approved standard dental claim form.
It is contrary to the intention behind this Guide to use only the right hand column of the fee guide. As outlined above, this suggested fee
guide is based on a rational system which includes factors such as time and responsibility. Some dental office software vendors are
under license to include the Guide in their software products. Where the Guide indicates a range of suggested fees, dental office
software vendors have been provided with a single fee at the low end of the fee range. Dentists who employ such software are
expected to determine their own fees independently.
Each dental service is described by a procedure code and dentists are obligated to use the code that describes the treatment
performed. Every effort has been made to list all the procedures and clinical situations which may arise. Practitioners who require
assistance to determine which procedure code to use may contact the Advisory Services Department of The ODA for assistance where
it is necessary.
The therapeutic value of a service is not a factor for the inclusion of a procedure code in the ODA Suggested Fee Guide. Inclusion of
a procedure code in this Fee Guide is for descriptive purposes only. It does not indicate endorsement of the procedure by the Ontario
Dental Association.
The procedure codes and descriptions contained within this Fee Guide are for reporting purposes and are not detailed enough in their
description to meet record keeping requirements.
The Canadian Dental Association coding system, the Uniform System of Coding and List of Services (USC&LS) has been included in
this Fee Guide to simplify completion of claim forms for prepaid dental plans, dental benefit plans, etc. and in order to facilitate data
processing. This Fee Guide was prepared under license from the CDA and CDA retains copyright in the USCLS contained therein.
Diagnosis 00000 9
Prevention 10000 15
Restoration 20000 20
Endodontics 30000 30
Periodontics 40000 35
Prosthodontics – Removable 50000 40
Prosthodontics – Fixed 60000 49
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 70000 55
Orthodontics 80000 62
Adjunctive General Services 90000 65
8 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
NOTE: It is inappropriate for any practitioner to use more than one examination code on
any particular day on any particular patient
NOTE: For the First dental visit/orientation, a patient record will be started at the time of
the visit
NOTE: All limited examinations include pulp vitality tests where necessary
NOTE: It is inappropriate for any dentist to use more than one examination code on any particular patient
on any particular day. Therefore when a recall examination & diagnosis is performed concurrent
with a Periodontal Reevaluation/Evaluation (49101-49109) only codes 49101-49109 would be used.
NOTE: The suggested fees on specific and emergency examinations are based upon a range in time of ½
unit to two units with a unit of time being fifteen minutes. It is contrary to ODA policy to use only the
top end of the range without giving consideration to the time spent.
01202 Examination and Diagnosis, Limited Oral, Previous Patient (recall) 38.00
Examination of hard and soft tissues, including checking of occlusion and appliances, but not including
specific test/analysis as for Complete Oral Examination
9 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
(Including Radiographic Examination and Diagnosis and Interpretation)
Radiographs, Periapical
02111 Single image 34.00
02112 Two images 41.00
02113 Three images 48.00
02114 Four images 53.00
02115 Five images 64.00
02116 Six images 71.00
02117 Seven images 80.00
02118 Eight images 88.00
02119 Nine images 96.00
02120 Ten images 104.00
02121 Eleven images 112.00
02122 Twelve images 120.00
02123 Thirteen images 127.00
02124 Fourteen images 137.00
02125 Fifteen images 143.00
Radiographs, Occlusal
02131 Single image 37.00
02132 Two images 46.00
02133 Three images 56.00
02134 Four images 65.00
02135 Five images 76.00
02136 Six images 85.00
Radiographs, Bitewing
02141 Single image 34.00
02142 Two images 41.00
02143 Three images 48.00
02144 Four images 53.00
02145 Five images 64.00
02146 Six images 71.00
Radiographs, Sialography
02401 Single image I.C.
02402 Two images I.C.
02409 Each additional image over two I.C.
Radiographs, Panoramic
02601 Single images 73.00
Radiographs, Cephalometric
02701 Single images 68.00
02702 Two images 94.00
02703 Three images 120.00
02704 Four images 146.00
02709 Each additional image over four 37.00
Radiographs, Computerized Axial Tomograms (CT), Positron Emission Tomography (P.E.T.), Magnetic Resonance
Images (M.R.I), Interpretation (either the radiographs, CT scans, PET scans, MRI scans, or the interpretation must
be received from another source)
02801 One unit of time (15 minutes) +PS 88.00
02802 Two units (30 minutes) +PS 177.00
02809 Each additional unit over two (15 minutes) +PS 88.00
Radiographs, Duplications
02911 Single image 22.00
02912 Two images 23.00
02913 Three images 25.00
02914 Four images 26.00
02915 Five images 27.00
02916 Six images 28.00
02917 Seven images 29.00
02918 Eight images 30.00
02919 Each additional image over eight 2.00
NOTE: For the following service, there is not an additional fee for each additional view over four.
The fee for additional views is deemed to be included in 02934
Radiographs, Tomography
02931 Single view I.C.
02932 Two views I.C.
02933 Three views I.C.
02934 Four views I.C.
02939 Each additional view over four No Fee
11 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Radiographic Guide (includes diagnostic wax-up, with radio-opaque markers for pre-surgical assessment of
alveolar bone and vital structures as potential osseo-integrated implant sites(s))
02951 Maxillary +L +E 174.00
02952 Mandibular +L +E 174.00
TEMPLATE SURGICAL (includes diagnostic wax-up. Also used to locate and orient osseo-integrated implants)
03001 Maxillary Template +L +E 174.00
03002 Mandibular Template +L +E 174.00
Non-Ionizing scanning procedure to detect caries and capable of quantifying, monitoring and recording changes in
enamel, dentin, and cementum, which includes diagnosis and interpretation of findings
04221 One unit of time (15 minutes) I.C.
04222 Two units of time (30 minutes) I.C.
04227 One half unit of time (7.5 minutes) I.C.
04229 Each additional unit over two (15 minutes) I.C.
Equilibration, Casts, Diagnostic (pilot equilibration) for extensive or complicated restorative dentistry
04711 One unit of time (15 minutes) +L I.C.
04712 Two units (30 minutes) +L I.C.
04713 Three units (45 minutes) +L I.C.
04714 Four units (60 minutes) +L I.C.
04719 Each additional unit over four (15 minutes) I.C.
Wax-up, Diagnostic (to evaluate cosmetic and/or preparation design and/or occlusal considerations)
(gnathological wax-up) +L
04721 One unit of time (15 minutes) +L I.C.
04722 Two units (30 minutes) +L I.C.
04723 Three units (45 minutes) +L I.C.
04724 Four units (60 minutes) +L I.C.
04729 Each additional unit over four (15 minutes) I.C.
12 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
NOTE: The following procedure is used to double-check the validity of centric records and the validity of
the true hinge axis location.
Treatment planning
(This service is only for extra time spent on unusually complicated cases, or where the patient demands unusual time in
explanation, or where diagnostic material is received from another source. Usual case presentation time and usual
treatment planning time are implicit in the examination and diagnosis fee and in the radiographic interpretation fee.)
05101 One unit of time (15 minutes) I.C.
05102 Two units (30 minutes) I.C.
05103 Three units (45 minutes) I.C.
05104 Four units (60 minutes) I.C.
05109 Each additional unit over four (15 minutes) I.C.
13 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Mixed dentition analysis – Refer to Diagnostic Services for radiographs and diagnostic casts.
Consultation with member of profession – Refer to Adjunctive General Services 93111, 93112 & 93119
Written Report – Refer to Adjunctive General Services 93121, 93122 & 93123
Completing Claim Forms – Refer to Adjunctive General Services 93301, 93302, 93303
14 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Note 1: For root planing — Refer to code series 43421-43427 & 43429
Note 3: For the definition of treatment time and the coding of the following per unit of time
procedures, refer to the Preamble and the Definition of Treatment Time
11101 One unit of time (15 minutes) 33.00
11107 One half unit (7.5 minutes) 26.00
11111 One unit of time (15 minutes) 63.00
11112 Two units (30 minutes) 123.00
11113 Three units (45 minutes) 177.00
11114 Four units (60 minutes) 236.00
11115 Five units (75 minutes) 295.00
11116 Six units (90 minutes) 354.00
11117 One half unit (7.5 minutes) 30.00
11119 Each additional unit over six (15 minutes) 63.00
Nutritional Counselling
Including: recording and analysis of up to seven-day dietary intake and consultation
13101 One unit of time (15 minutes) 50.00
13102 Two units (30 minutes) 98.00
13103 Three units (45 minutes) 147.00
13104 Four units (60 minutes) 195.00
13109 Each additional over four (15 minutes) 50.00
15 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
NOTE: For Group Instruction, the fee is for the group as a whole and is to be allocated amongst
the individual members
Preventive Restorative Resin (procedure that involves some preparation of the pits and/or fissures in tooth
enamel and may extend into dentin in limited areas)
13411 First tooth 68.00
13419 Each additional tooth same quadrant 68.00
14301 Motivation of Patient – Psychological Approach (e.g. thumb sucking, lip biting, etc.) – per visit 88.00
16 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
(see separate codes for Control of Oral Habits 14100,
Appliances Protective Mouth Guards 14500 and Appliances TMJ 14700)
Appliances, Periodontal (including bruxism appliance); Includes Impression, Insertion and Insertion Adjustment
(no post insertion adjustments)
14611 Maxillary Appliance +L 346.00
14612 Mandibular Appliance +L 346.00
Appliance, TMJ, Diagnostic, and/or Therapeutic, Includes Impression, Insertion and Insertion Adjustment
(no post insertion adjustments)
14711 Maxillary Appliance +L 379.00
14712 Mandibular Appliance +L 379.00
Appliance, TMJ Intraoral Repositioning, Includes Impression, Insertion and Insertion Adjustment
(no post insertion adjustments)
14721 Appliance, Maxillary +L 379.00
14722 Appliance, Mandibular +L 379.00
17 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Appliances, Myofascial Pain Dysfunction Syndrome, Periodic Maintenance, Adjustment and Repairs
14821 One unit of time (15 minutes) +L 102.00
14822 Two units (30 minutes) +L 201.00
14823 Three units (45 minutes) +L 302.00
14829 Each additional unit over three (15 minutes) 102.00
Appliances, Intraoral, To Treat Medically Diagnosed Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Snoring, Upper Airway Resistance
Syndrome (UARS) with or without apnea. (Includes models, gnathological determinants, appliance construction
and insertion adjustment (no post insertion adjustments)
14901 Appliance Intraoral, For the Treatment of Obstructive Airway Disorders, Ridge or I.C.
Tooth Supported +L
14902 Appliance, Tongue Retaining Device, for the Treatment of Obstructive Airway Disorders +E I.C.
Appliance, Intraoral, For the Treatment of Obstructive Airway Disorders, Periodic Maintenance, Adjustment and
14911 One unit of Time (15 minutes) +L I.C.
14912 Two units (30 minutes) +L I.C.
14919 Each additional unit over two (15 minutes) +L I.C.
Appliance, Intraoral, For the Treatment of Obstructive Airway Disorders, Monitoring To include monitoring patient
to ensure proper use of appliances and evaluation for referrals to other health care professionals for appropriate
medical management
14921 One unit of time (15 minutes) I.C.
14922 Two units (30 minutes) I.C.
14929 Each additional unit over two (15 minutes) I.C.
(Includes the design, separation, fabrication, insertion and where
applicable initial cementation and removal)
18 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
(Reshaping, recontouring, or occlusal modifications of a natural tooth or teeth,
single or multiple restorations, or the inter-articulation of the teeth)
Finishing Restorations
to include: polishing, removal of overhangs, refining of marginal ridges and occlusal surfaces, etc.
(when restorations were performed by another dentist or restorations are over two years old)
16101 One unit of time (15 minutes) 82.00
16102 Two units (30 minutes) 163.00
16103 Three units (45 minutes) 244.00
16104 Four units (60 minutes) 325.00
16109 Each additional unit over four (15 minutes) 82.00
Recontouring of Teeth for Functional Reasons (not associated with delivery of a single or multiple prosthesis)
16401 One unit of time (15 minutes) 78.00
16409 Each additional unit of time (15 minutes) 78.00
Occlusal Adjustment/Equilibration:
(a) May require several sessions (b) May be used in conjunction with basic restorative treatment only when
occlusal adjustment/equilibration is not required as a result of that restoration (c) Not to be used in conjunction
with the delivery and post-insertion care of: fixed or removable prosthesis (50000 & 60000 code series) by the
same dentist for a period of three months
16511 One unit of time (15 minutes) 89.00
16512 Two units (30 minutes) 178.00
16513 Three units (45 minutes) 267.00
16514 Four units (60 minutes) 356.00
16519 Each additional unit over four (15 minutes) 89.00
19 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Diagnostic procedures – Refer to Diagnostic Services 01000 Series
Note: The following services include soft tissue management at the same appointment
when the intent is not to permanently change the tissue profile.
Fee adjustments may be considered when certain repeated or multiple services reduce the time.
The time may be lower for a specific service due to variations in procedures and/or treatment aims.
When more than one of the services from Code 21111-23515 are performed at the one appointment
in the same quadrant, there may be a significant reduction in the time).
Quadrants – There are four quadrants (i.e. maxillary and mandibular, right and left, midline to the
most posterior tooth) and the maxillary and mandibular anterior segments (i.e. from maxillary cuspid
to cuspid, mandibular cuspid to cuspid). Thus there are six “segments” in determining any reduction
of the fee for multiple services.
NOTE: The coding for many restorative services is done on a tooth by tooth basis and depends on
the number of surfaces restored, with one material, at one appointment, not the number of discrete
restorations placed on that tooth
NOTE: for codes 20111, 20119, 20121 & 20129, “As a separate procedure” is defined as
“At a separate appointment on the same tooth”
Caries/Trauma/Pain Control (removal of carious lesions or existing restorations or gingivally attached tooth
fragment and placement of sedative/protective dressings, includes pulp caps when necessary, as a separate
20111 First tooth 133.00 – 161.00
20119 Each additional tooth same quadrant 133.00 – 161.00
Caries/Trauma/Pain Control (removal of carious lesions or existing restorations or gingivally attached tooth
fragment and placement of sedative/protective dressings, includes pulp caps when necessary and the use of a
band for retention and support, as a separate procedure)
20121 First tooth 133.00 – 161.00
20129 Each additional tooth same quadrant 133.00 – 161.00
20 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Pins, Retentive per restoration (for amalgams and tooth coloured restorations)
21401 One pin 29.00
21402 Two pins 45.00
21403 Three pins 60.00
21404 Four pins 77.00
21405 Five pins or more 100.00
21 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Primary Teeth
Restorations, Tooth Coloured/Plastic with/without Silver Filings, Primary, Posterior, Non Bonded
23501 One surface 191.00
23502 Two surfaces 239.00
23503 Three surfaces 287.00
23504 Four surfaces 344.00 – 357.00
23505 Five surfaces or maximum surfaces per tooth 363.00 – 372.00
Permanent Teeth
22 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Primary Teeth
Permanent Teeth
23 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
NOTE 1: For Laboratory Processed Veneers, refer to codes 27601 & 27602
NOTE 2: For Diastema Closure (23123), this service applies to each interproximal surface treated
Inlays, Metal
25111 One surface +L 434.00
25112 Two surfaces +L 609.00
25113 Three surfaces +L 695.00
24 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Note 1: for splinted crowns refer to Prosthodontic Services – Fixed (60000 Series)
Note 2: the time for single crown restorations include one unit of time for the removal of an existing
crown concurrent with the re-preparation of the tooth. If additional time is required for the
crown removal, please refer to procedure codes 29301-29304
Procedural Guidelines
a) Removal of diseased tooth structure if required
b) Assessment of the necessity for:
i) provision of substitute substructure to provide sufficient retention and protection
of the remaining natural tooth,
ii) finishing and contouring of adjacent restorations,
iii) correction of periodontal abnormalities,
iv) correction of occlusal abnormalities in the opposing arch related to the unit,
Assessment of the necessity for (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) is to be considered part of the prosthodontic treatment.
Should any of the above be required then it would be done as a separate entity with the additional fee
guided by the appropriate code numbers in the suggested Fee Guide.
c) Design and execution of tooth reduction if required to accommodate the dictates of the chosen restorative material
and the functional requirements (occlusal and retentive)
d) Accurate impressions of the prepared tooth, its surroundings and the opposing occlusion
e) Accurate centric registration as a minimum in occlusal registration.
f) Adequate provisional coverage for the treated tooth for the interim of the treatment period if required.
Adequate coverage shall mean:
i) protection of the cut dentinal tubules and underlying dental pulp
ii) maintenance of contact to adjacent teeth
iii) maintenance of an acceptably stable functional occlusion during the construction period
iv) respect for periodontal structures; i.e. the provisional restoration should provide little or no significant
insult to the surrounding tissues.
A separate fee may be assessed for provisional coverage when:
a) orthodontic treatment will precede the final restoration
b) periodontal treatment will precede the final restoration
c) the final restoration cannot be completed within 3 months and re-preparation is required
d) the patient presents with a fractured tooth and requires immediate provisional coverage
g) Shade selection where necessary.
h) A proper written prescription for the guidance of the dental technician.
i) Proper insertion technique which includes:
i. pulp protection if required,
ii. occlusal and contact adjustments,
iii. marginal fitting and finishing,
iv. a cementation technique which reflects the proper choice of cement along with care to cement under the
most hygienic and optimum conditions.
j) Occlusal adjustment of the finished restoration.
25 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Posts, Cast Metal (including core) Concurrent with Impression for Crown
25721 Single section +L 257.00
25722 Two sections +L 343.00
25723 Three sections +L 428.00
Posts, Provisional
25771 Per Post +E and/or +L 83.00
Post Removal
25781 One unit of time (15 minutes) 91.00
25782 Two units of time (30 minutes) 181.00
25783 Three units of time (45 minutes) 270.00
25784 Four units of time (60 minutes) 360.00
25789 Each additional unit over four (15 minutes) 91.00
(a separate component positioned between the head of an implant
and the final restoration, retained by either a cemented post or screw)
NOTE: Refer to codes 79934-79936 for the placement of a mesostructure (transmucosal element)
in conjunction with surgical re-entry
26 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
NOTE: for splinted crowns refer to Prosthodontic Services Fixed (60000 Series)
NOTE: The porcelain/ceramic/polymer glass crown codes include all tooth coloured
materials with the exception of acrylic, composite and compomer
NOTE: Implant supported crowns include screw retained and cemented crowns
27 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
NOTE: For the direct repair of metal inlays/onlays/crown refer to the direct restorative codes.
28 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Crown, Implant-Supported, Impression Only (by a dentist other than the restorative dentist,
and during the first or second stages of implant surgery)
29501 One unit of time (15 minutes) +L and/or +E I.C.
29509 Each additional unit of time (15 minutes) +L and/or +E I.C.
29 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Diagnostic Procedures – Refer to Diagnostic Services 01000 Series
Also included in root canal therapy are any necessary temporary restorations.
NOTE 1: Clinical procedures as shown above facilitate determination of fee for treatment.
They should not be itemized on any prepaid plan claim form.
NOTE 2: Where clinical procedures must be REPEATED this should be noted on any prepaid
plan claim form.
NOTE 3: If a pulpotomy and/or an emergency pulpectomy have been performed on the same tooth
by the same practitioner within a three month period, the fee for subsequent root canal
therapy must be reduced by one half the amount of the practitioner’s fee for the pulpotomy
and/or the pulpectomy.
30 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
31 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Maxillary Anterior
34111 One root 390.00
34112 Two roots 544.00
Maxillary Bicuspid
34121 One root 390.00
34122 Two roots 544.00
34123 Three roots 622.00
Maxillary Molar
34131 One root 390.00
34132 Two roots 544.00
34133 Three roots 622.00
34134 Four or more roots 701.00
Mandibular Anterior
34141 One root 390.00
34142 Two roots 544.00
Mandibular Bicuspid
34151 One root 468.00
34152 Two roots 622.00
34153 Three roots 701.00
Mandibular Molar
34161 One root 468.00
34162 Two roots 622.00
34163 Three roots 701.00
34164 Four or more roots 779.00
NOTE: The procedure of apicoectomy/apical curettage does not include the retrofilling. Therefore,
when a retrofilling is placed, the following procedure codes are used in addition to the
procedure codes for the apicoectomy/apical curettage.
Maxillary Anterior
34211 One canal 78.00
34212 Two canals 98.00
Maxillary Bicuspid
34221 One canal 78.00
34222 Two canals 98.00
34223 Three canals 118.00
34224 Four or more canals 156.00
32 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Mandibular Anterior
34241 One canal 78.00
34242 Two canals 98.00
Mandibular Bicuspid
34251 One canal 78.00
34252 Two canals 98.00
34253 Three canals 118.00
34254 Four or more canals 156.00
Mandibular Molar
34261 One canal 98.00
34262 Two canal 118.00
34263 Three canals 156.00
34264 Four or more canals 195.00
34421 Maxillary Bicuspid 235.00
34422 Maxillary Molar 312.00
34423 Mandibular Molar 312.00
33 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
NOTE: The following procedure code is for use where the degree of calcification has precluded
conventional instrumentation and obturation.
34 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Examination and Diagnosis – Refer to Diagnostic Services 01000 Series
Sextants – Areas defined by the diagrams on page 71, regardless of the number of teeth present.
NOTE: The management of oral disease may include the use of physical medicine modalities such as,
but not limited to, TENS, ETPS, Vapocoolant Spray and Stretch, Iontophoresis, Low Level Laser
Therapy, Ultrasound with or without Medication, Pulsed Radio Frequency
Oral Manifestations, Oral Mucosal Disorders Mucocutaneous disorders and diseases of localized mucosal
conditions, e.g. lichen planus, aphthous stomatitis, benign mucous membrane pemphigoid, pemphigus,
salivary gland tumours, leukoplakia with and without dysplasia, neoplasms, hairy leukoplakia, polyps,
verrucae, fibroma, etc.
41211 One unit of time (15 minutes) 100.00
41212 Two units (30 minutes) 199.00
41213 Three units (45 minutes) 299.00
41214 Four units (60 minutes) 399.00
41219 Each additional unit over four (15 minutes) 100.00
Disorders of oral facial sensation and motor dysfunction of the jaw, e.g. trigeminal neuralgia, atypical
facial pain, atypical odontologia, burning mouth syndrome, dyskinesia, post injection trismus, muscular
and joint pain syndromes.
41221 One unit of time (15 minutes) 100.00
41222 Two units (30 minutes) 199.00
41223 Three units (45 minutes) 299.00
41224 Four units (60 minutes) 399.00
41229 Each additional unit over four (15 minutes) 100.00
Desensitization (This may involve application and burnishing of medicinal aids on the root or the use of
a variety of therapeutic procedures. More than one appointment may be necessary.)
41301 One unit of time (15 minutes) 60.00
41302 Two units (30 minutes) 120.00
41309 Each additional unit over two (15 minutes) 60.00
35 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
NOTE 1: It is inappropriate for any practitioner to bill for more than six sextants on
any particular day on any particular patient.
NOTE 2: A “surgical site” is considered to include a sextant, a group of several teeth or a single tooth.
Within such a surgical site, multiple surgical procedures may be required, at times, concurrently.
A sextant would include any number of teeth between last molar and cuspid, cuspid to cuspid
inclusive. Sextants – areas defined by the diagrams regardless of the number of teeth present.
Gingivectomy, Uncomplicated
42311 Per sextant 489.00
NOTE: The following are additional periodontal surgical procedures which may be required to be
performed at the same time as other surgical procedures within the same sextant. These
procedures are considered independent and at an additional fee.
36 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Grafts, Soft Tissue, Pedicle (Including Apically or Lateral Sliding and Rotated Flaps)
42511 Per site
Grafts, Soft Tissue, Pedicle (Coronally Positioned)
42521 Per site
Grafts, Free Soft Tissue
42531 Adjacent to teeth or edentulous area, per site
each tooth is considered a separate surgical site. When multiple adjacent teeth are treated at the same
sitting, the first site may be assessed at the practitioner’s usual and customary fee. For the second site
the practitioner should reduce the fee.
Grafts, Osseous, Autograft (including flap entry, closure and donor site)
42611 Per Site 1378.00
NOTE: Guided Tissue Regeneration does not include the initial entry. Therefore, the following
code is in addition to the appropriate surgical code.
37 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Biologic Materials to aid in soft and osseous tissue regeneration (not including surgical entry and closure)
42721 Per site +E I.C.
NOTE: The following post surgery code can be used only by other than the dentist
who performed the surgery
Periodontal Abscess or Pericoronitis, may include one or more of the following procedures:
Lancing, Scaling, Curettage, Surgery or Medication
42831 One unit of time (15 minutes) 106.00
42832 Two units (30 minutes) 209.00
42833 Three units (45 minutes) 314.00
42834 Four units (60 minutes) 420.00
42839 Each additional unit over four (15 minutes) 106.00
NOTE: When per joint is designated, the corresponding tooth code is represented by the mesial
of the tooth involved, except at the midline, where the tooth to the right of the joint is utilized.
Refer to page 71 for diagram of Joint Identification System.
Wire Ligation
43231 Per joint 54.00
38 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Root Planing
43421 One unit of time (15 minutes) 63.00
43422 Two units (30 minutes) 123.00
43423 Three units (45 minutes) 177.00
43424 Four units (60 minutes) 236.00
43425 Five units (75 minutes) 295.00
43426 Six units (90 minutes) 354.00
43427 One half unit (7.5 minutes) 30.00
43429 Each additional unit over six (15 minutes) 63.00
NOTE: The use of topical chemotherapeutic and/or antimicrobial agents (e.g. pre or post scaling/root
planing rinses) in conjunction with any surgical or operative dental procedure is considered to
be included in the dental procedure
NOTE: Inherent in the following procedure is an examination and the communication of a diagnosis
of therapy, be it an ongoing evaluation or post treatment re-evaluation
NOTE: It is inappropriate for any dentist to use more than one examination code on any particular
patient on any particular day. Therefore when a recall examination & diagnosis is performed
concurrent with a Periodontal Reevaluation/Evaluation (49101-49109) only codes 49101- 49109
would be used.
Periodontal Re-evaluation/Evaluation
This follow-up service applies to the evaluation of ongoing periodontal treatment or to a post-surgical
re-evaluation performed more than one month after surgery or if performed by another practitioner
49101 One unit of time (15 minutes) 99.00
49102 Two units (30 minutes) 197.00
49109 Each additional unit over two (15 minutes) 99.00
39 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
1. This service is the provision of an artificial substitute for living tissue.
2. Professional skill used to provide the method of substitution is the essence of this health service, rather than
the artificial component (denture).
3. There are two distinct and identifiable integral components necessary for the provision of this health service:
a) Physiological component – requiring professional skill,
b) Technical component – requiring laboratory procedures.
4. The significance of this service is in the preservation of the oral tissues supporting the artificial denture.
5. The value of this service is in the replacing of tooth function to the maximum possible range.
The following appendix (parts A and B) on clinical Procedures for Complete and Removable Partial Dentures,
and the outlines for prosthetic procedures as related to the Fee Guide are designed to fulfill the principles outlined above.
a) Examination and Diagnosis: Complete Oral Examination and Diagnosis including dental and
medical history, psychological considerations, visual and digital clinical Examination and
Diagnosis – refer to 01000 Series.
b) Radiographic Examination and Diagnosis – refer to 02000 Series.
a) Preliminary impressions.
b) Final impressions.
a) Vertical relations – rest and occlusal vertical dimension.
b) Centric and eccentric jaw relation records.
c) Face-bow transfer.
d) Tooth selection – mould and shade.
a) Check records – verification of centric jaw relation record and/or articulator mounting.
b) Remount from new records (if necessary).
c) Evaluation and modification to anterior tooth arrangements as influenced by aesthetic
and phonetic checks.
a) Denture base check for pressure spots and base extension.
b) Patient instruction and delivery.
c) Occlusal equilibration
Includes three months post-delivery care.
a) Examination and Diagnosis: Complete oral Examination and Diagnosis including dental and medical
history, psychological considerations, visual and digital clinical examination and diagnosis – refer to
01000 Series.
b) Radiographic examination and diagnosis – refer to 02000 Series.
40 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
a) Execution of indicated preparation procedures.
b) Final impressions.
a) Fitting of framework.
b) Altered cast impression (if free-end extension situation).
a) Check records (remount if necessary).
b) Evaluation and modification to tooth arrangement
a) Framework/denture base check for pressure spots and base extension.
b) Patient instruction and delivery.
c) Occlusal equilibration
Includes three months post delivery care.
This outline lists the treatment procedures involved in the provision of removable prostheses.
Please read carefully Section A, Page 40 – Complete Dentures and follow the guidelines provided.
Refer to appropriate codes for denture services, plus such other services and codes as may be necessary
for preservation of the alveolar ridge.
Any additional procedures necessary to treat the remaining tooth structure should be listed under the
appropriate procedure codes.
The suggested fees for complete overdentures are based upon four natural teeth or implants on the maxillary
arch and two natural teeth or implants on the mandibular arch. Where additional implants or natural teeth are
involved, please refer to the Adjunctive General Services Section for codes to describe unusual time and
responsibility in addition to the procedure in the Guide (91211-91219).
Fee modification is suggested if any of the procedures are eliminated or modified or if the time is modified.
41 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Dentures, Surgical, Standard, (Immediate) (Includes first tissue conditioner, but not a processed reline)
51301 Maxillary +L 1144.00
51302 Mandibular +L 1406.00
Dentures, Complete, Provisional, Surgical (Immediate) (Includes first tissue conditioner but not a processed reline)
51611 Maxillary +L 1084.00
51612 Mandibular +L 1335.00
Dentures, Complete, Overdentures, Tissue Borne, Supported by Natural Teeth with or without
Coping Crowns, no Attachments
51711 Maxillary +L 1306.00
51712 Mandibular +L 1607.00
Dentures, Complete, Overdentures, Tissue Borne, Supported by Implants with or without Coping Crowns,
no Attachments
51721 Maxillary +L 1306.00
51722 Mandibular +L 1607.00
Dentures, Complete, Overdentures, (Immediate) Tissue Borne, Supported by Natural Teeth with or without Coping
Crowns, no Attachments (Includes first tissue conditioner, but not a processed reline)
51811 Maxillary +L 1506.00
51812 Mandibular +L 1808.00
Dentures, Complete, Overdentures, (Immediate) Tissue Borne, Supported by Implants with or without Coping
Crowns, no Attachments (Includes first tissue conditioner, but not a processed reline)
51821 Maxillary +L 1506.00
51822 Mandibular +L 1808.00
Dentures, Complete, Overdentures, Tissue Borne, with Independent Attachments Secured to Natural Teeth
with or without Coping Crowns
51911 Maxillary +L 1541.00
51912 Mandibular +L 1849.00
Dentures, Complete, Overdentures, Tissue Borne, with Independent Attachments Secured to Implants
with or without Coping Crowns
51921 Maxillary +L 1541.00
51922 Mandibular +L 1849.00
Dentures, Complete, Overdentures, Tissue Borne, with Retention from a Retentive Bar, Secured to
Coping Crowns Supported by Natural Teeth
51941 Maxillary +L 1541.00
51942 Mandibular +L 1849.00
Dentures, Complete, Overdentures, Tissue Borne, with Retention from a Retentive Bar, Secured to
Coping Crowns Supported by Implants
51951 Maxillary +L 1541.00
51952 Mandibular +L 1849.00
42 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Dentures, Partial, Acrylic Base (Immediate) (Includes first tissue conditioner, but not a processed reline)
52111 Maxillary +L 492.00
52112 Mandibular +L 492.00
Dentures, Partial, Acrylic, Resilient Retainer, (Immediate) (Includes first tissue conditioner,
but not a processed reline)
52211 Maxillary +L 732.00
52212 Mandibular +L 732.00
Dentures, Partial, Acrylic, With Metal Wrought/Cast Clasps and/or Rests, (Immediate)
(Includes first tissue conditioner, but not a processed reline)
52311 Maxillary +L 817.00
52312 Mandibular +L 817.00
Dentures, Partial, Acrylic With Metal Wrought Palatal/Lingual Bar and Clasps and/or Rests
52401 Maxillary +L 688.00
52402 Mandibular +L 688.00
Dentures, Partial, Acrylic With Metal Wrought Palatal/Lingual Bar and Clasps and/or Rests, (Immediate)
(Includes first tissue conditioner, but not a processed reline)
52411 Maxillary +L 817.00
52412 Mandibular +L 817.00
Dentures, Partial, Overdenture, Acrylic, With Cast/ Wrought Clasps and/or Rests Supported
by Natural Teeth with or without Coping Crowns, No Attachments
52711 Maxillary +L 1406.00
52712 Mandibular +L 1707.00
Dentures, Partial, Overdenture, Acrylic, With Cast/ Wrought Clasps and/or Rests
Supported by Implants with or without Coping Crowns, No Attachments
52721 Maxillary +L 1406.00
52722 Mandibular +L 1707.00
43 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Dentures, Partial, Overdentures, (Immediate), Acrylic, With Cast/Wrought Clasps and/or Rests
Supported by Natural Teeth with or without Coping Crowns, No Attachments (Includes first tissue
conditioner, but not a processed reline)
52811 Maxillary +L 1607.00
52812 Mandibular +L 1907.00
Dentures, Partial, Overdentures, (Immediate), Acrylic, With Cast/Wrought Clasps and/or Rests
Supported by Implants with or without Coping Crowns, No Attachments (Includes first tissue
conditioner, but not a processed reline)
52821 Maxillary +L 1607.00
52822 Mandibular +L 1907.00
Dentures, Partial, Overdentures, Acrylic, With Cast/Wrought Clasps and/or Rests with Independent
Attachments to Natural Teeth with or without Coping Crowns
52911 Maxillary +L 1849.00
52912 Mandibular +L 2157.00
Dentures, Partial, Overdentures, Acrylic, With Cast/Wrought Clasps and/or Rests with Independent
Attachments to Implants with or without Coping Crowns
52921 Maxillary +L 1849.00
52922 Mandibular +L 2157.00
Dentures, Partial, Overdentures, Acrylic, With Cast/Wrought Clasps and/or Rests with Retention from
a Retentive Bar, Secured to Coping Crowns Supported by Natural Teeth (see 62104 for Retentive Bar)
52941 Maxillary +L I.C.
52942 Mandibular +L I.C.
Dentures, Partial, Overdentures, Acrylic, With Cast/Wrought Clasps and/or Rests with Retention from
a Retentive Bar, Secured to Coping Crowns Supported by Implants (see 62105 for Retentive Bar)
52951 Maxillary +L I.C.
52952 Mandibular +L I.C.
Dentures, Partial, Free End, Cast Frame/Connector, Clasps and Rests, (Immediate) (Includes first tissue
conditioner, but not a processed reline)
53111 Maxillary +L 1406.00
53112 Mandibular +L 1406.00
Dentures, Partial, Tooth-Borne, Cast Frame/Connector, Clasps and Rests, (Immediate) (Includes first tissue
conditioner, but not a processed reline)
53211 Maxillary +L 1319.00
53212 Mandibular +L 1319.00
53215 Unilateral, one piece casting, clasps and pontics +L 501.00
44 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Dentures, Partial, Cast, Overdentures, Supported by Natural Teeth with or without Coping Crowns,
No Attachments
53711 Maxillary +L 1506.00
53712 Mandibular +L 1506.00
53714 Altered Cast Impression Technique done in conjunction with above codes 201.00
Dentures, Partial, Cast, Overdentures, Supported by Implants with or without Coping Crowns, No Attachments
53721 Maxillary +L 1506.00
53722 Mandibular +L 1506.00
53724 Altered Cast Impression Technique done in conjunction with above mentioned codes 201.00
Dentures, Partial, Cast, Overdentures (Immediate), Supported by Natural Teeth with or without Coping Crowns,
No Attachments (Includes first tissue conditioner, but not a processed reline)
53811 Maxillary +L 1707.00
53812 Mandibular +L 1707.00
53814 Altered Cast Impression Technique done in conjunction with above mentioned codes 201.00
Dentures, Partial, Cast, Overdentures (Immediate), Supported by Implants with or without Coping Crowns,
No Attachments (Includes first tissue conditioner, but not a processed reline)
53821 Maxillary +L 1707.00
53822 Mandibular +L 1707.00
53824 Altered Cast Impression Technique done in conjunction with above codes 201.00
Dentures, Partial, Cast, Overdentures, with Independent Attachments Secured to Natural Teeth,
with or without Coping Crowns
53911 Maxillary +L 1766.00
53912 Mandibular +L 1766.00
Dentures, Partial, Cast, Overdentures, with Independent Attachments Secured to Implants with
or without Coping Crowns
53921 Maxillary +L 1766.00
53922 Mandibular +L 1766.00
Dentures, Partial, Cast, Overdentures, with Retention from a Retentive Bar, Secured to Coping Crowns
Supported by Natural Teeth (see 62104 for Retentive Bar)
53941 Maxillary +L 1766.00
53942 Mandibular +L 1766.00
45 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
(after three months post insertion or by other than the dentist providing prosthesis)
Denture Adjustments, Complete Denture, With Cast Metal Occlusal Surfaces, Remount and Occlusal Equilibration
54401 Maxillary +L 243.00
54402 Mandibular +L 243.00
Denture Adjustments, Partial Denture, With Cast Metal Occlusal Surfaces, Remount and Occlusal Equilibration
54501 Maxillary +L 243.00
54502 Mandibular +L 243.00
46 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Denture, Reline, Processed, Functional Impression Requiring Three Appointments, Complete Denture
56251 Maxillary +L 410.00
56252 Mandibular +L 410.00
Denture, Reline, Processed, Functional Impression Requiring Three Appointments, Partial Denture
56261 Maxillary +L 410.00
56262 Mandibular +L 410.00
Denture, Rebase, Complete Denture Processed, Functional Impression Requiring Three Appointments
56331 Maxillary +L 329.00
56332 Mandibular +L 410.00
Denture, Rebase, Partial Denture Processed, Functional Impression Requiring Three Appointments
56341 Maxillary +L 410.00
56342 Mandibular +L 410.00
47 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Denture, Tissue Conditioning, per appointment, Complete Overdenture, Supported by Natural Teeth
56531 Maxillary 90.00 – 171.00
56532 Mandibular 90.00 – 171.00
Denture, Tissue Conditioning, per appointment, Partial Overdenture, Supported by Natural Teeth
56551 Maxillary 90.00 – 171.00
56552 Mandibular 90.00 – 171.00
Prosthesis, Stents
57601 Ridge Extension +L I.C.
57602 Palatal +L I.C.
57603 Skin Grafts I.C.
57604 Mucous Membrane Grafts I.C.
48 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Diagnostic procedures – Refer to Diagnostic Services 01000 Series
In order to qualify as “extensive or complicated restorative dentistry” a restorative treatment plan should include
or encompass some or all of the following considerations:
1. Multiple units in opposing quadrants.
2. Major changes in the occlusal plane.
3. The opening or closing of vertical dimension with fixed restorations.
4. Repositioning of the mandible; i.e. a correction of the acquired occlusion to centric relation by means of fixed
5. Bridgework of three abutments or more which begins in one posterior quadrant and ends in the anterior
segment or in the opposite posterior quadrant.
6. Development of major changes in incisal guidance.
7. Development of major changes in occlusal morphology.
8. Extensive splinting of mobile teeth.
9. Major restorative dentistry for treatment of temporomandibular joint and myofascial pain syndrome.
1. Procedural guidelines for three to four unit fixed prosthesis and multiple adjacent units.
a) The same requirements as those for a single unit
(refer to CROWNS – SINGLE RESTORATIONS ONLY – Preamble Page 25) with the addition of:
b) Centric and eccentric occlusal records and the programming of a semi adjustable articulator or the
use of a functionally generated path technique.
c) Abutment design, preparation and retainer construction in a manner compensating for the additional
stress on the prosthesis.
d) Paralleling of the abutments or the judicious use of broken stress principles when necessary.
(Broken stress techniques may have to be at an additional fee).
e) Assessment of the necessity for:
i) occlusal correction of a total quadrant or total mouth occlusal correction as opposed to correction of one
or two opposing teeth as in the single unit.
ii) correction of tissue around all abutments and ridge area for proper pontic design.
iii) complete mouth periodontal treatment.
f) Design of pontics and the total prosthesis to provide sufficient strength to resist moments of bending and to provide
acceptable cosmetic appearance, function and protection of the surrounding tissues.
g) Provisional restoration in accordance with requirements for single restorations and in addition, the requirement to
maintain abutment relationships through the provision of pontics and the restoration of proximal contact.
h) Diagnostic casts – refer to Codes 04922 or 04923.
i) Complete series periapical images – refer to Codes 02101and 02102
2. Procedural Guidelines for Extensive or Complicated Restorative Dentistry.
a) The same as those covered in the single unit guidelines and the guidelines for three or four unit bridges
or multiple adjacent units. In addition there are further guidelines:
b) Possible use of fully adjustable articulators in the diagnostic phase and/or in the treatment phase
(refer to Code 04924). The guidelines for the use of a fully adjustable articulator are true hinge axis location and
transfer, centric records and eccentric registrations which record the total paths of mandibular movement.
c) Possible diagnostic waxing of proposed occlusal and/or cosmetic alterations.
49 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Fee modification is suggested if any of the procedures are eliminated or modified or if the time is modified.
NOTE: The porcelain/ceramic/polymer glass crown codes include all tooth coloured materials with the
exception of acrylic, composite and compomer
Fixed Bridges (each abutment, each retainer and each pontic constitutes a separate
unit in a bridge, with a separate code number)
Pontics, Acrylic/Composite/Compomer
62701 Pontics, Acrylic/ Composite/Compomer, Processed to Metal +L 376.00
62702 Pontics, Acrylic/ Composite/Compomer, Processed Indirect (provisional) +L 161.00
62703 Pontics, Acrylic/ Composite/Compomer, Bonded to Adjacent Teeth Direct (Provisional) +E 176.00
50 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Repairs, Sectioning of an abutment or a pontic plus polishing remaining portion (existing bridge)
66251 One unit of time (15 minutes) 99.00
66252 Two units (30 minutes) 197.00
66253 Three units (45 minutes) 295.00
66254 Four units (60 minutes) 393.00
66259 Each additional unit over four (15 minutes) 99.00
Repairs, Reinsertion/Recementation (+L where laboratory charges are incurred during the repair of bridge)
66301 One unit of time (15 minutes) +L 93.00
66302 Two units (30 minutes) +L 185.00
66303 Three units (45 minutes) +L 278.00
66304 Four units (60 minutes) +L 370.00
66309 Each additional unit over four (15 minutes) 93.00
51 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Repair Fractured Porcelain/Metal Pontic with Telescoping Type Crown (pontic prepared,
impression made and processed crown seated over metal)
66731 First pontic +L 555.00
66739 Each additional pontic +L 555.00
52 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
NOTE: The porcelain/ceramic/polymer glass codes include all tooth coloured materials with the
exception of acrylic, composite and compomer
Retainers, Cast Metal, Onlay (bonded external retention/partial coverage – e.g., Maryland Bridge)
67341 Retainer, Cast Metal, Onlay, with or without perforations, Bonded to Abutment Tooth, 460.00
(Pontic extra) +L
67415 Retainer, Metal, Prefabricated or Custom Cast, Implant-supported, with or without Mesostructure I.C.
with no Occlusal Component Retainer +L +E (see 62105 for retentive bar)
53 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
67501 Retainer Made to an Existing Partial Denture Clasp, (additional to retainer, per retainer) +L 293.00
67502 Telescoping Crown Unit +L I.C.
69101 Fixed Prosthesis, Porcelain, to Replace a Substantial Portion of the Alveolar Process 185.00
(in addition to retainer and pontics) +L
Provisional, immediate, implant supported, screw retained, polymer base with denture teeth, without
a reinforcing framework
69611 Maxillary +L I.C.
69612 Mandibular +L I.C.
Final Prosthesis, full arch, denture teeth and acrylic (also known as “hybrid prosthesis”) with
reinforcing framework, implant supported, screw retained
69621 Maxillary +L 8749.00
69622 Mandibular +L 8749.00
Fixed Prosthodontic Framework, Osseo-Integrated, Attached with Screws or Cement and Incorporating Teeth
(Porcelain/Ceramic/Polymer Glass Bonded to Metal, Acrylic, Composite,
Compomer Process to Metal or Full Metal Crowns)
69821 Maxillary +L 8749.00
69822 Mandibular +L 8749.00
54 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
NOTE: All surgical services are preceded by the appropriate diagnostic services.
Quadrants – there are four quadrants (i.e. maxillary and mandibular, right and left, midline to the
most posterior tooth) and the maxillary and mandibular anterior segments (i.e. from maxillary cuspid
to cuspid, mandibular cuspid to cuspid). Thus there are six “segments” in determining any reduction
of the fee for multiple services.
Removals, Impaction, Requiring Incision of Overlying Soft Tissue and Removal of the Tooth
72111 Single tooth 276.00
72119 Each additional tooth, same quadrant 276.00
Removals, Impaction, Requiring Incision of Overlying Soft Tissue, Elevation of A Flap and EITHER
Removal of Bone and Tooth OR Sectioning and Removal of Tooth
72211 Single Tooth 415.00
72219 Each additional tooth, same quadrant 415.00
Removals, Impaction, Requiring Incision of Overlying Soft Tissue, Elevation of a Flap, Removal
of Bone AND Sectioning of Tooth for Removal
72221 Single Tooth 554.00
72229 Each additional tooth, same quadrant 554.00
Removals, Impactions, Requiring Incision of Overlying Soft Tissue, Elevation of a Flap, Removal
of Bone, AND/OR Sectioning of the Tooth for Removal AND/OR presents Unusual Difficulties and Circumstances
72231 Single Tooth 597.00
72239 Each additional tooth, same quadrant 597.00
55 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
NOTE: a residual root is defined as the remaining portion of a root from a previous extraction
56 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Removal of a fractured cusp as a separate procedure, not in conjunction with surgical or restorative
procedures on the same tooth
72801 First Tooth 107.00
72809 Each additional tooth 54.00
NOTE: Codes 73111 and 73121 are used when the intent is to remodel and re-contour oral
tissues in preparation for a removable prosthesis
Excision of Bone
73152 Torus Palatinus, Excision 578.00
73153 Torus Mandibularis, Unilateral, Excision 499.00
73154 Torus Mandibularis, Bilateral, Excision 623.00
Vestibuloplasty, Sub-mucous
73411 Per sextant 243.00
57 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Tumours, Benign, Scar Tissue, Inflammatory or Congenital Lesions of Soft Tissue of the Oral Cavity
74111 1 cm and under 363.00
74112 1 – 2 cm 387.00
74113 2 – 3 cm 406.00
74114 3 – 4 cm 520.00
74115 4 – 6 cm 583.00
74116 6 – 9 cm I.C.
74117 9 – 15 cm I.C.
74118 15 cm and over I.C.
Excision of Cyst
74631 1 cm and under 363.00
74632 1 – 2 cm 400.00
74633 2 – 3 cm 438.00
74634 3 – 4 cm 476.00
74635 4 – 6 cm 517.00
74636 6 – 9 cm I.C.
74637 9 – 15 cm I.C.
74638 15 cm and over I.C.
58 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
59 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
NOTE: 78601 is not limited to anti-inflammatory agents and may involve the use of other treatment
agents and/or local anaesthetic
Antral Surgery, Recovery, Foreign Bodies
79311 Antral Surgery, Immediate Recovery of a Dental Root or Foreign Body from the Antrum 130.00
79312 Antral Surgery, Immediate Closure of Antrum by Another Dental Surgeon I.C.
79313 Antral Surgery, Delayed Recovery of a Dental Root with Oral Antrostomy 130.00
60 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
79601 Post Surgical Care, Subsequent to Initial Post Surgical Treatment, Minor, by Treating Dentist 51.00
79602 Post Surgical Care, Minor, by Other Than Treating Dentist 51.00
79603 Post Surgical Care, Major, by Treating Dentist 110.00
79604 Post Surgical Care, Major, by Other Than Treating Dentist 110.00
(Includes placement of implant, post-surgical care, uncovering and placement of attachment but not prosthesis)
Implants, Blade
79911 Maxillary, per implant +E I.C.
79912 Mandibular, per implant +E I.C.
Implants, Subperiosteal
79921 Maxillary +L I.C.
79922 Mandibular +L I.C.
NOTE: The surgical re-entry codes 79934-79936 include the placement of the transmucosal element.
Laboratory charges/expenses would be listed under the appropriate codes (99111-99555)
immediately following the surgical re-entry code. For the placement of a transmucosal element
not associated with surgical re-entry, refer to codes 26101-26103
Implants, Removal of
79961 Per Implant, Uncomplicated 248.00
79962 Per Implant, Complicated 628.00
61 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Examination and Diagnosis – Refer to Diagnostic Services – 01000 Series
ORTHODONTIC CONSULTATION (excluding the taking of diagnostic data) – Refer to 93111, 93112 &
93119 and 05201, 05202 & 05209
NOTE: The suggested fee for the following orthodontic appliances includes design, separation,
fabrication, insertion, and where applicable, initial cementation and removal.
Removal of Fixed Orthodontic Appliances (by a practitioner other than the original treating Practice or Practitioner)
80671 One unit of time (15 minutes) 95.00
80679 Each additional unit (15 minutes) 95.00
62 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Appliance, Fixed, Space Regaining (e.g. lingual or labial arch with molar bands, tubes, locks)
81211 Appliance, Maxillary +L 496.00
81212 Appliance, Mandibular +L 496.00
63 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
64 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Anaesthesia, Local (not in conjunction with operative or surgical procedures, includes pre-anaesthetic
evaluation and post-anaesthetic evaluation and post-anaesthetic follow-up)
92101 Regional Block Anaesthesia (not in conjunction with operative or surgical procedures) 23.00
92102 Trigeminal Division Block (not in conjunction with operative or surgical procedures) 25.00
(includes pre-anaesthetic evaluation and post-anaesthetic evaluation and post-anaesthetic follow-up)
NOTE: General anaesthesia requires registration with the RCDSO and a facility permit: A drug-induced loss
of consciousness during which patients are not arousable even by painful stimulation. Patients often
require assistance in maintaining a patent airway. The ability to maintain independent ventilatory
function is often impaired. Positive pressure ventilation may be required because of depressed
spontaneous ventilation.
General Anaesthesia
92212 Two units of time (30 minutes) 234.00
92213 Three units (45 minutes) 302.00
92214 Four units (60 minutes) 370.00
92215 Five units (75 minutes) 438.00
92216 Six units (90 minutes) 506.00
92217 Seven units (105 minutes) 574.00
92218 Eight units (120 minutes) 642.00
92219 Each additional unit over eight (15 minutes) 68.00
NOTE: The equipment, facilities and support services for general anaesthetic may be provided by the
practitioner who provides the dental treatment or the practitioner who provides the general
anaesthesia or a practitioner who provides neither the treatment nor the general anaesthesia.
A dentist who provides the dental treatment, the general anaesthetic and the facility cannot use
the following codes.
65 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Deep sedation requires registration with the RCDSO and a facility permit: A drug-induced depression of
consciousness during which patients cannot be easily aroused but respond purposefully* following repeated or
painful stimulation. Patients may require assistance in maintaining a patent airway. The ability to independently
maintain ventilatory function may be impaired and spontaneous ventilation may be inadequate.
Anaesthesia, Deep Sedation (a controlled state of depressed consciousness accompanied by partial loss of
protective reflexes, including inability to respond purposefully to verbal command. These states apply to any
technique that has depressed the patient beyond conscious sedation except general anaesthesia. Any intravenous
technique leading to these conditions in a patient including neuroleptanalgesia or anaesthesia regardless of route
would fall within this category of service. (includes pre-anaesthetic evaluation and post anaesthetic follow-up)
Conscious sedation (minimal sedation): A drug-induced state during which patients respond normally to verbal
commands. Although cognitive functions and coordination may be impaired, ventilatory and cardiovascular
functions are unaffected.
Conscious sedation (moderate sedation requires registration with the RCDSO and a facility permit): A drug induced
depression of consciousness during which patients respond purposefully* to verbal commands, either alone or
accompanied by light tactile stimulation. No interventions are required to maintain a patent airway and
spontaneous ventilation is adequate.
Any technique leading to these conditions in a patient would fall within this category of service. Conscious
sedation is a varied technique which can require different levels of monitoring, in accordance with the RCDSO
Guidelines for the Use of Sedation and General Anaesthesia in Dental Practice.
66 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
NOTE: Time begins with monitoring of the patient and ends when monitoring is no longer required and the
patient is medically fit for discharge. As per the RCDSO Standard for minimal/moderate sedation,
monitoring includes continuous clinical observation for level of consciousness and assessment of vital
signs which includes heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and respiration, pre-operatively,
intra-operatively and post operatively with appropriate documentation.
Oral Sedation – Sedation sufficient to require monitored care. Time is to be measured from the start of the
patient monitoring to release from the treatment/recovery room
92421 One unit of time (15 minutes) 80.00
92422 Two units (30 minutes) 105.00
92423 Three units (45 minutes) 130.00
92424 Four units (60 minutes) 155.00
92425 Five units (75 minutes) 180.00
92426 Six units (90 minutes) 205.00
92427 Seven units (105 minutes) 230.00
92428 Eight units (120 minutes) 255.00
92429 Each additional unit over eight (15 minutes) 25.00
NOTE: For the combination technique, time is to be measured from the start of the patient monitoring OR
placement of the inhalation device, whichever comes first. Time ends when monitoring is no
longer required and the patient is medically fit for discharge.
Nitrous Oxide with Oral Sedation – Time is measured with the administration of nitrous oxide and terminates
with the release of the patient from the treatment/recovery room
92431 One unit of time (15 minutes) 89.00
92432 Two units (30 minutes) 127.00
92433 Three units (45 minutes) 165.00
92434 Four units (60 minutes) 203.00
92435 Five units (75 minutes) 241.00
92436 Six units (90 minutes) 279.00
92437 Seven units (105 minutes) 317.00
92438 Eight units (120 minutes) 355.00
92439 Each additional unit over eight (15 minutes) 38.00
NOTE: For the Intramuscular/Intravenous injections of therapeutic drugs, refer to codes 96201 & 96202
NOTE: Time is to be measured from pre-operative patient evaluation and ends when monitoring is no
longer required and the patient is medically fit for discharge. Time does not include operatory
set up or breakdown.
67 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Consultation with Member of the Profession or other Healthcare Providers, in or out of the office +E
93111 One unit of time (15 minutes) +E 89.00
93112 Two units (30 minutes) +E 178.00
93119 Each additional unit over two (15 minutes) +E 89.00
93121 A dental-legal report – a short written or verbal communication given to any lay person I.C.
(e.g. lawyer, insurance representative, local, municipal or government agency, etc.) in
relation to the patient with prior patient approval
93122 A dental-legal report – a comprehensive written report with patient approval, on symptoms, I.C.
history and records giving diagnosis, treatment, results and present condition. The report
is a factual summary of all information available on the case and could contain
prognostic information regarding patient response
93123 A dental-legal report – a comprehensive written report primarily in the field of expert opinion. I.C.
The report may be an opinion regarding the possible course of events (when these cannot be
determined factually), with possible long term consequences and complications in the
development of the conditions. The report will require expert knowledge and judgment with
respect to the facts leading to a detailed prognosis
For extraordinary time spent in relation to claim forms/treatment plan forms, the claim problem of the
patient or processing of payments
93311 One unit of time (15 minutes) +E 89.00
93312 Two units (30 minutes) +E 178.00
93319 Each additional unit over two (15 minutes) 89.00
For Extraordinary Office Time Spent, in forwarding predetermination records, in predetermination situations,
to third parties plus expenses (i.e. registration, postage, etc.)
93321 One unit of time (15 minutes) +E 64.00
93322 Two units of time (30 minutes) +E 129.00
93329 Each additional unit over two (15 minutes) 64.00
68 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
NOTE: For codes 96102 and 96103, “No Fee” means no dentist’s fee. The additional cost of drugs/medications
would be coded as 99555 immediately following code 96102 or 96103 on the standard dental claim form.
96101 Prescription, Emergency No Fee
96102 Emergency Dispensing of One or Two Doses of a Therapeutic Drug, No Fee
plus Giving a Written Prescription +E
96103 Dispensing, Non Emergency (e.g. fluorides, vitamins, other No Fee
drugs/medications) +E
Injections, Therapeutic
96201 Intramuscular Drug Injection +E 41.00
96202 Intravenous Drug Injection +E 61.00
69 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Bleaching, Vital Home (includes fabrication of bleaching trays, dispensing of the system and follow-up care)
97121 Maxillary Arch +L and/or +E I.C.
97122 Mandibular Arch +L and/or +E I.C.
97123 Maxillary plus Mandibular (combined) +L and/or +E I.C.
97131 One unit of time (15 minutes) 90.00
97132 Two units (30 minutes) 179.00
97133 Three units (45 minutes) 268.00
97134 Four units (60 minutes) 357.00
97139 Each additional unit over four (15 minutes) 90.00
NOTE: The procedure codes for Tobacco or Cannabis-Use Cessation Services are used for a formalized
program that the patient subscribes to in order to help him/her quit smoking. Included is a review
of medications and giving a written prescription (if required). The services are to be delivered
by a dentist.
(This code is used in conjunction with the “+L” and “+E” designation following the specific codes in the guide.
The addition of these codes is to facilitate computer or manual input for third party claims processing, personal
records and statistics, providing one description for a specific procedure code)
When filling out the third party claim forms, these codes must follow immediately after the corresponding dental
procedure code carried out by the dentist, so as to correlate the lab expenses with the correct procedures.
99222 Laboratory charges for oral pathology biopsy services when provided in conjunction I.C.
with surgical services from the 30000, 40000 or 70000 code series
Applicable Taxes
99713 +H.S.T.
99777 +PS Charges for professional services billed to the dentist and passed through to the patient I.C.
70 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
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72 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Radiographic Guide (includes diagnostic wax-up, with radio-opaque markers for pre-surgical assessment
of alveolar bone and vital structures as potential osseo-integrated implant sites(s)
02951 Maxillary +L +E 174.00
02952 Mandibular +L +E 174.00
TEMPLATE SURGICAL (includes diagnostic wax-up. Also used to locate and orient osseo-integrated implants)
03001 Maxillary Template +L +E 174.00
03002 Mandibular Template +L +E 174.00
Implants, Blade
79911 Maxillary, per implant +E I.C.
79912 Mandibular, per implant +E I.C.
Implants, Subperiosteal
79921 Maxillary +L I.C.
79922 Mandibular +L I.C.
NOTE: The surgical re-entry codes 79934-79936 include the placement of the transmucosal element.
Laboratory charges/expenses would be listed under the appropriate codes (99111-99555)
immediately following the surgical re-entry code. For the placement of a transmucosal element
not associated with surgical re-entry, refer to codes 26101-26103
Implants, Removal of
79961 Per Implant, Uncomplicated 248.00
79962 Per Implant, Complicated 628.00
73 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Crowns, Acrylic/Composite/Compomer, Direct
27125 Crown, Acrylic/Composite/Compomer, Direct, Provisional Implant Supported +E I.C.
Removal and Replacement of Healing Abutment with a new Healing Abutment (to stimulate improved
gingival emergence profile)
29341 One unit of time (15 minutes) +E 84.00
29342 Two units (30 minutes) +E 166.00
29343 Three units (45 minutes) +E 248.00
29344 Four units (60 minutes) +E 332.00
29349 Each additional unit over four (15 minutes) +E 84.00
74 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Removal, Fractured Implant-supported Crown Retaining Screw
29351 One unit of time (15 minutes) I.C.
29352 Two units (30 minutes) I.C.
29353 Three units (45 minutes) I.C.
29354 Four units (60 minutes) I.C.
29359 Each additional unit over four (15 minutes) I.C.
Crown, Implant-Supported, Impression Only (by a dentist other than the restorative dentist, and during
the first or second stages of implant surgery)
29501 One unit of time (15 minutes) +L and/or +E I.C.
29509 Each additional unit of time (15 minutes) +L and/or +E I.C.
42556 Autograft (free connective tissue) adjacent to an implant, includes harvesting from donor site per site 1218.00
42557 Allograft, adjacent to an implant – Per site +E 764.00
Dentures, Complete, Overdentures, Tissue Borne, Supported by Implants with or without Coping Crowns,
no Attachments
51721 Maxillary +L 1306.00
51722 Mandibular +L 1607.00
Dentures, Complete, Overdentures, (Immediate) Tissue Borne, Supported by Implants with or without Coping
Crowns, no Attachments (Includes first tissue conditioner, but not a processed reline)
51821 Maxillary +L 1506.00
51822 Mandibular +L 1808.00
Dentures, Complete, Overdentures, Tissue Borne, with Independent Attachments Secured to Implants with
or without Coping Crowns
51921 Maxillary +L 1541.00
51922 Mandibular +L 1849.00
Dentures, Complete, Overdentures, Tissue Borne, with Retention from a Retentive Bar, Secured to
Coping Crowns Supported by Implants
51951 Maxillary +L 1541.00
51952 Mandibular +L 1849.00
Dentures, Partial, Overdenture, Acrylic, With Cast/ Wrought Clasps and/or Rests
Supported by Implants with or without Coping Crowns, No Attachments
52721 Maxillary +L 1406.00
52722 Mandibular +L 1707.00
Dentures, Partial, Overdentures, (Immediate), Acrylic, With Cast/Wrought Clasps and/or Rests Supported
by Implants with or without Coping Crowns, No Attachments (Includes first tissue conditioner,
but not a processed reline)
52821 Maxillary +L 1607.00
52822 Mandibular +L 1907.00
Dentures, Partial, Overdentures, Acrylic, With Cast/Wrought Clasps and/or Rests with Independent Attachments
to Implants with or without Coping Crowns
52921 Maxillary +L 1849.00
52922 Mandibular +L 2157.00
Dentures, Partial, Overdentures, Acrylic, With Cast/Wrought Clasps and/or Rests with Retention from a Retentive
Bar, Secured to Coping Crowns Supported by Implants (see 62105 for Retentive Bar)
52951 Maxillary +L I.C.
52952 Mandibular +L I.C.
75 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Dentures, Partial, Cast, Overdentures, Supported by Implants with or without Coping Crowns, No Attachments
53721 Maxillary +L 1506.00
53722 Mandibular +L 1506.00
53724 Altered Cast Impression Technique done in conjunction with above mentioned codes 201.00
Dentures, Partial, Cast, Overdentures (Immediate), Supported by Implants with or without Coping Crowns,
No Attachments (Includes first tissue conditioner, but not a processed reline)
53821 Maxillary +L 1707.00
53822 Mandibular +L 1707.00
53824 Altered Cast Impression Technique done in conjunction with above codes 201.00
Dentures, Partial, Cast, Overdentures, with Independent Attachments Secured to Implants with
or without Coping Crowns
53921 Maxillary +L 1766.00
53922 Mandibular +L 1766.00
Dentures, Partial, Cast, Overdentures, with Retention from a Retentive Bar, Secured to Coping Crowns
Supported by Implants (see 62105 for Retentive Bar)
53951 Maxillary +L 1766.00
53952 Mandibular +L 1766.00
Refer to page 50 of the Guide and use the code which most accurately describes the specific
pontic involved in the fixed bridge.
62105 Pontics, Retentive Bar, Pre-fabricated or Custom (Dolder or Hader) Bar, Attached to 376.00
Implant-supported Retainer to Retain Removable Prosthesis, Each Bar +L +E
76 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
Repairs, Reinsertion/Recementation Implant Supported Bridge/Prosthesis
66311 One unit of time (15 minutes) +L and/or +E 104.00
66312 Two units of time (30 minutes) +L and/or +E 208.00
66313 Three units of time (45 minutes) +L and/or +E 311.00
66314 Four units of time (60 minutes) +L and/or +E 415.00
66319 Each additional unit over four (15 minutes) +L and/or +E 104.00
Provisional, immediate, implant supported, screw retained, polymer base with denture teeth, without
a reinforcing framework
69611 Maxillary +L I.C.
69612 Mandibular +L I.C.
Final Prosthesis, full arch, denture teeth and acrylic (also known as “hybrid prosthesis”) with reinforcing
framework, implant supported, screw retained
69621 Maxillary +L 8749.00
69622 Mandibular +L 8749.00
Fixed Prosthodontic Framework, Osseo-Integrated, Attached with Screws or Cement and Incorporating
Teeth (Porcelain/Ceramic/Polymer Glass Bonded to Metal, Acrylic, Composite, Compomer Process
to Metal or Full Metal Crowns)
69821 Maxillary +L 8749.00
69822 Mandibular +L 8749.00
77 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990
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Telescoping Crown, 53
Template, Surgical, 12
Temporary Anchorage Device (see Rigid Osseous Anchorage
for Orthodontics), 56
Temporomandibular Joint,
- Appliances, 17
- Appliance Maintenance, Adjustment, Reline, Repair, 17
- Dislocation, Management of, 60
- Myofascial Pain Syndrome, 18
- Radiographs, 10-11
Time units (15 minutes), 7
Therapeutic, Injections, 69
Thumb Sucking, Therapy for, 16
- Definition of, 7
- Extraordinary Time, Concerning Third Parties, 68
- Unusual Requirements for Treatment, 65
Tissue Conditioning, 47 - 48
TMJ Appliances, 17
TMJ Radiographs, 11
TMJ Dislocation, Closed Reduction, 60
Tobacco and Cannabis-Use Cessation Services, 70
Tomography, (CT – PET) 11
Tomography, CBCT, 10
84 Suggested Fee Guide 2022 | General Practitioners Copyright, Ontario Dental Association 1990