BIOL251 W2 Quiz 2 - Results
BIOL251 W2 Quiz 2 - Results
BIOL251 W2 Quiz 2 - Results
Attempt 1 of Unlimited
The pH of1 a liquid is a measure of its acidity or alkalinity. The normal range of pH of blood
Question 5 / 5is:
2.0 to 3.0
3.55 to 4.55
4.35 to 4.45
5.0 to 6.0
7.45 to 7.55
What is the
Question 2 typical lifespan of a leukocyte? 5/5… 1/11
8/23/23, 8:50 AM - BIOL251 C003 Spring 2023 - APEI
Because all leukocytes are unable to undergo mitosis (cell division), their lifespan is usually
only a few seconds.
years or decades.
hematocrit… 2/11
8/23/23, 8:50 AM - BIOL251 C003 Spring 2023 - APEI
Coagulation is a very simple and straight-forward series of only two or three steps.
Neither an excess number of platelets nor having many too few platelets in the blood
stream will cause any serious reaction.
Coagulation is a complicated cascade of reactions that result in the formation of a mesh of fibrin.
Coagulation can only occur in the presence of two or three different "clotting factors."
A process which can reverse coagulation, named anticoagulation, can only occur when one
or more medications are administered to the body.… 3/11
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All formed
Question 7 elements found in blood arise from which of the following: 5/5
stem cells
Question 8 can be classified in the following group or groups: 5/5… 4/11
8/23/23, 8:50 AM - BIOL251 C003 Spring 2023 - APEI
Is the same amount of time that it takes one RBC to cycle once through the blood stream.
What is meant
Question 10 by the term anemia? 5/5… 5/11
8/23/23, 8:50 AM - BIOL251 C003 Spring 2023 - APEI
Anemia is said to exist when the total white blood cell is too low.
What is the
Question 11 most common leukocyte in the human body? 5/5
Which of 12
Question the following is/are true about the amount of oxygen being carried by RBCs?5 / 5… 6/11
8/23/23, 8:50 AM - BIOL251 C003 Spring 2023 - APEI
Percent saturation of oxygen in the blood is normally monitored using a device known as a
pulse oximeter.
Which of 13
Question the following is true of leukocytes? 5/5
They are very similar in appearance and function as red blood cells.
Leukocytes are smaller than and more numerous than red blood cells.
Like red blood cells, mature leukocytes also lack a nucleus and other intracellular organelles.
Which of 14
Question the following is/are true of platelets? 5/5… 7/11
8/23/23, 8:50 AM - BIOL251 C003 Spring 2023 - APEI
Which of the three antigens, A, B, and/or O, are located on the surface of the erythrocytes.
Which of two antigens, Rh+ or Rh-, are located on the surface of the erythrocytes.
Which of the two antigens, A or B or both, are located on the surface of the erythrocytes.
About 7%16of plasma is made up of proteins. The most abundant of these plasma proteins
Question 5 / is:
5… 8/11
8/23/23, 8:50 AM - BIOL251 C003 Spring 2023 - APEI
alpha globulins
gamma globulins
Which of 17
Question the following is the primary function of red blood cells? 5/5
To help in the process of hemostasis, the stoppage of blood flow following damage to a
blood vessel.
To bind and carry away waste products from most cells of the body.
To bind some ions and molecules in the blood which are not water-soluble.
To carry oxygen from the lungs to all cells of the body; to carry some carbon dioxide from the cells back t
Which of 18
Question the following is/are correct in describing thrombosis: 5/5… 9/11
8/23/23, 8:50 AM - BIOL251 C003 Spring 2023 - APEI
A condition characterized by excessive numbers of platelets that increases the risk for excessive clot for
Thrombosis is a very common, always harmless condition that occurs in the body.
A thrombosis is always harmless because the thrombus which is formed always stays in a
blood vessel precisely where it formed.
The blood stream contains several different anticoagulants that will result in the complete,
normal breakdown of a thrombus.
In case an
Question 19American needs an emergency blood transfusion, blood with the following 5
type(s) can be given without fear of agglutination?
Blood with the same blood type as the person needing the transfusion.
The most20
Question common blood type of all Americans is which of the following? 5/5… 10/11
8/23/23, 8:50 AM - BIOL251 C003 Spring 2023 - APEI
Done… 11/11