GE15 Review For 3rd Exam
GE15 Review For 3rd Exam
GE15 Review For 3rd Exam
9. This gene originating from soil bacteria provides a natural insecticide to further protect crops.
1. This country claims to have the highest proportion of any country in the world covered by its land a. DNA
area (66%). b. Bt
a. Japan c. GMO
b. Brazil d. LMO
c. Venezuela
d. England 10. The Biodiversity International has released a module titled “Law and Policy of Relevance to the
Management of__________ Genetic Resources” which aims to help professionals in managing,
2. It has been listed as one of the World Heritage Centers named by the United Nations Educational, conserving, and using plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) which serves as the home for distinct wildlife and a. Plant
biodiversity conservation habitat. b. Animal
a. Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Philippines c. Microorganism
b. The Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park d. Human
c. The Pindus National Park
d. Quttinirpaaq National Park 11. One of the benefits of GM crops is the genes originating from soil bacteria provide a natural
insecticide to further protect crops
3. This country contains an extensive protected area. Approximately 2 million kilometers (25%) of the a. Bacillus thuringiensis
nation’s land, mostly in the Amazon Basin, is protected. b. Ostrinia furnacalis
a. Brazil c. Escherichia coli
b. Venezuela d. Staphylococcus aureus
c. England
d. France 12. It suffers from shortages in protein and calories, which gives a wizened look which dry, flaky skin.
a. Marasmus
4. It plays a part in more modern-day economic activities than any other commodity. b. Kwashiorkor
a. Food c. Diarrhea
b. Wood d. Malnutrition
c. Agriculture
d. Economics 13. Corn (a grass, also known as maize) and soybeans have been the main products in the______.
a. United States.
5. This technique is being used that allow genes and DNA to be transferred from one source to another. b. Canada
a. Living modified organisms (LMO) c. Brazil
b. Genetically modified organisms (GMO) d. Venezuela
c. Genetic engineering
d. Genetic organisms 14. One of the most important is the CAFO, where animals are kept and fed for rapid growth mainly from
soy and corn. What is the meaning of CAFO?
6. The characteristics of an organism and its successors can be modified today by modern technology, a. Cooperative Animal Feeding Operation
giving rise to____________. b. Confined Animal Feeding Operation
c. Confined Animal Feeding Organization
7. It refers to the molecular blueprint for a living thing. d. Confined Animal Flora Operation
a. Bt
b. DNA 15. Moreover, in the____________those can find a fan of meat lovers who make money from the meat
c. GMO business. A businessman named Santiago Toledo fusses over a steak he says must have an inner
d. LMO temperature of about 130 degrees to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, with its seared outside and a bit
reddish in the center.
8. BAI stands for? a. Philippines
a. Bureau of Animal Industry b. Singapore
b. Bureau Animal of Industry c. South Korea
c. Bureau of Animal Industries
d. China
23. The reefs of El Nido contain how many species of fish?
16. He estimates that better nutrition during the 19th century may account for approximately half of all a. 1200
economic growth in Europe. b. 1400
a. Amartya K. Sen c. 1600
b. Robert Fogel d. 1800
c. Amartyas K. Sen
d. Robert Fogels 24. These are perhaps the world’s most complex habitats, Containing tens of thousands of marine
animals, one-third of all marine fish live here for part of their lives.
17. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations estimates that nearly how many a. Coral reefs
billion people suffer from deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, or proteins? b. Fishes
a. 1 billion c. Mammals
b. 2 billion d. Animals
c. 3 billion
d. 4 billion 25. It is recognized as a marine biodiversity hotspot worldwide and a priority Jurisdiction for the
respective protection.
18. 20 percent of the population were practically eliminated from the labor force because they were too a. China
poor and hungry to work. Fogel predicts that better nutrition could account for approximately half of b. India
all economic growth in Europe during the 19th century. c. Philippines
a. United States and China. d. South Korea
b. England and France
c. Philippines and South Korea 26. What is the scientific name of the Philippine cockatoo?
d. Brazil and Venezuela. a. Pithecophaga jefferyi
b. Bubalus mindorensis
19. It is important on many scales. An extreme drought, flood, or insect outbreak can affect vast regions c. Cacatua haematuropygia
in the poorest countries. d. Tarsius syrichta
a. Unemployment
b. Environmental Conservation 27. The key attractions of the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park covering how many
c. Poverty hectares of land are its vast ancient forests, spectacular limestone karst landscapes, cave systems,
d. Food security natural rock formations and the underground river that ‘emerges straight into the sea.?
20. Around how many percent of people who are hungry are in developing countries. In Sub-Saharan a. 21,101
Africa, an area affected by political instability, hunger is extremely severe? b. 22,202
a. 65 percent c. 22,209
b. 75 percent d. 23,001
c. 85 percent
d. 95 percent 28. UNESCO stands for.
a. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Operation
21. It is the method by which food, feed, fiber and many other desirable products are produced by b. United Nations Environmental, Scientific and Cultural Organization
growing certain plants and raising domesticated animals (livestock). c. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
a. Agriculture d. United Nations Environmental, Scientific and Cultural Operation
b. Genetic Engineering
c. Bioengineering 29. In which country in Europe are plants attempt to create a hydroelectric dam in the center of the park
d. Biotechnology in the Pindus National Park?
a. Great Britain
22. The reefs of El Nido contain at least how many species of sea turtles? b. Germany
a. Five c. Greece
b. Ten d. Italy
c. Fifteen
d. Twenty
30. This National Park on Ellesmere Island in Canada is an example of a park with high forest values but 38. It is another serious disorder in children who lack both protein and calories (from the Greek term, to
low biodiversity. waste away).
a. Quttinirpaaq National Park a. Marasmus
b. Pindus National Park b. Kwashiorkor
c. Subterranean River National Park c. Diarrhea
d. Kruger National Park d. Malnutrition
31. The largest tropical forest is in the _________. 39. Lack of implementation of existing regulations and insufficient resources for improving the range
resulted in___________, damage to vegetation and soil including loss of native species and erosion.
A. Southeast Asia and Central America
a. Overharvesting
B. South America
b. Pastoralists
C. Basin of the Amazon River
c. Generalist
D. Indonesia
d. Overgrazing
32. The highest forest loss rates are in _________.
a. Southeast Asia and Central America
40. It existed for centuries.
b. South America
a. Natural parks
c. Basin of the Amazon River
b. Natural resources
d. Indonesia
c. Grasslands
d. Forest
33. Are amongst the earth’s richest and most diverse systems
a. Wood
41. It has created a national park for 980,000 km² of it’s northern area
b. Rainforest
a. Saudi Arabia
c. Ecosystem
b. Brazil
d. Tropical forests
c. Greenland
d. North Pole
34. It is now believed to have the world’s highest deforestation rates or forest loss.
a. Southeast Asia and Central America
42. It is an ecologically and socially sustainable tourism that can be of greater long-term in many ways
b. Basin of the Amazon River
than extractive industries, such as logging and mining.
c. South America
a. Ecotourism
d. Indonesia
b. Ecology
c. Coral reefs
35. Are among the biomes most widely used by humans following the forest.
d. Ecosystem
a. Grasslands
b. Wood
43. The reefs of El Nido contain how many species of mollusks and sponges?
c. Tropical forests
a. 1,600
d. Rainforest
b. 1,200
c. 1,700
36. People who survive by herding livestock, and the state of the area.
d. 1,800
a. Pastoralists
b. Generalists
44. It shield coastlines from hurricanes and provide people around the world with billions of dollars of
c. Specialists
food and jobs each year
d. All of the above
a. Ecotourism
b. Ecology
37. It is characterized by dense European black pine and common beech forests, rocky ridges, several
c. Coral reefs
peaks of more than 2,000 meters.
d. Ecosystem
a. The Puerto Princesa Subterranean National Park
b. Quittinirpaaq National Park
45. These are the food shortages on a large scale, with severe drought and social chaos.
c. Pindus National Park
a. Economic inequalities
d. Kruger National Park
b. Somalia
c. Famines 31. C
d. Land grabbing 32. B
33. D
46. This is also driving peasants off the farm 34. D
a. Economic inequalities 35. A
b. Somalia 36. A
c. Famines 37. C
d. Land grabbing 38. A
39. D
47. This is often caused by drought or floods, but the root causes of extreme food shortages typically 40. A
include political turmoil. 41. C
a. Economic inequalities 42. A
b. Somalia 43. C
c. Famines 44. C
d. Land grabbing 45. C
46. A
47. C
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. —--
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. A
16. B
17. C
18. B
19. D
20. D
21. A
22. A
23. C
24. A
25. C
26. C
27. B
28. C
29. C
30. A