Inhibitory Effects of High Pressure and Heat On Alicyclobacillus
Inhibitory Effects of High Pressure and Heat On Alicyclobacillus
Inhibitory Effects of High Pressure and Heat On Alicyclobacillus
0099-2240/02/$04.00⫹0 DOI: 10.1128/AEM.68.8.4158–4161.2002
Copyright © 2002, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
The effectiveness of combined high pressure and heat treatment for reducing spore levels of Alicyclobacillus
acidoterrestris, a thermoacidophilic spore-forming bacterium, in commercial pasteurized apple juice was in-
vestigated. Spores suspended in apple juice were successfully destroyed by combining high pressure with a mild
or high temperature (45, 71, or 90°C).
In the 1980s, an acidophilic Bacillus species was isolated of about 2.2, 0.4, and 0.1 log in the number of viable A.
from apple juice and identified as a new type of spoilage acidoterrestris spores in a five-strain mixture when spores were
bacterium (5). Originally named Bacillus acidoterrestris (7), this suspended in 200-ppm chlorine, 500-ppm acidified sodium
organism was later reclassified in a new genus, Alicyclobacillus chlorite, and 0.2% H2O2 solutions, respectively, for 10 min at
(23), as -alicyclic fatty acid was the major membrane fatty 23°C. When preparations were treated with either 1,000 ppm
acid component of its cells. Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris is a of chlorine or 4% H2O2, the number of viable spores was
motile, spore-forming, rod-shaped organism with a central, reduced by more than 5 log (17). However, consumers of
subterminal, or terminal oval spore and grows at pH values processed foods dictate that the manufacturing industry should
ranging from 2.5 to 6.0 at temperatures of 25 to 60°C (24). reduce the use of chemical additives and at the same time
Because its spores have been shown to resist high temperatures provide foods which are perceived to have received minimal
and acidic environments, it has become an important potential physical processing.
spoilage concern for hot-fill fruit and vegetable juices. Thus, this study was undertaken to investigate the effective-
The fruit juices and fruit juice-containing drinks that are ness of combined pressure and heat treatment without use of
most susceptible to this bacterium are either fresh (not heat chemicals for killing spores of A. acidoterrestris in apple juice.
treated) or pasteurized (but not ultrahigh temperature Two strains of A. acidoterrestris, ATCC 49025 and
treated) (8, 16). The organism causes a flat sour type of spoil- NFPA1013 (apple juice isolate; National Food Processors As-
age and produces an offensive-smelling compound, guaiacol, sociation, Dublin, Calif.), were used in this experiment. Cul-
and other taint chemicals (8, 16). Recently, A. acidoterrestris tures were grown for 2 days at 43°C on orange serum agar
has been implicated in fruit juice spoilage incidents in the (OSA) (Becton Dickinson, Cockeysville, Md.) adjusted to pH
United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States (8, 16, 19). 3.7 with filter-sterilized 10% tartaric acid and then stored at
A survey was performed to determine the significance of acid- 4°C as stock cultures. To induce sporulation, cells grown at
tolerant sporeformers in the food industry; 57 companies were 43°C for 2 days on OSA were spread onto potato dextrose agar
surveyed, and 34 responses (60%) were obtained. Of the com- (pH 5.6; Becton Dickinson) in petri plates and incubated at
panies that responded, 12 (35%) had experienced spoilage that 43°C for 7days until at least 80% of cells sporulated, as deter-
appeared to be caused by A. acidoterrestris (22).
mined by microscopic examination. Spores of each strain were
Cerny et al. (5) and Splittstoesser et al. (19) reported that D
individually harvested by depositing approximately 5-ml por-
values at 90°C were 15 and 16 to 23 min, respectively.
tions of sterile water onto the surfaces of potato dextrose agar
Splittstoesser et al. (19) also reported D values of 2.4 to 2.8 min
culture plates and were dislodged by gentle rubbing with a
at 95°C. These data suggest that spores survive the typical juice
sterile swab. Pooled suspensions from 15 plates containing
pasteurization process that consists of holding at 86 to 96°C for
each strain were centrifuged at 4,000 ⫻ g for 20 min (4°C), and
2 min. Given its ability to grow at pH values of ⬍3.8 and to
this was followed by resuspension in sterile water and centrif-
survive the typical juice pasteurization process, A. acidoterres-
ugation at 4,000 ⫻ g for 10 min (4°C). This procedure was
tris has caused great concern in the fruit juice industry (1, 2, 13,
repeated four times. The final pellets were resuspended in
19, 20).
sterile phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) at concentrations of approx-
Orr et al. (16) reported the efficacy of disinfectants for kill-
imately 107 to 108 spores ml⫺1, combined, and stored in 1.8-ml
ing spores of A. acidoterrestris. Their results showed reductions
cryogenic tubes (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, Pa.) at ⫺20°C
until they were used. Each combined spore suspension was
diluted with Alicyclobacillus-free commercial pasteurized apple
juice (pH 3.7) to obtain a preparation containing approxi-
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Department of Food Sci-
ence and Human Nutrition, Washington State University, Pullman,
mately 106 spores ml⫺1. Two-milliliter portions of the of di-
WA 99164-6376. Phone: (509) 335-3937. Fax: (509) 335-4815. E-mail: luted spore suspension were put into sterile film bags for high- pressure treatment consisting of 207, 414, or 621 MPa of
FIG. 1. Survival curves for A. acidoterrestris spores in apple juice treated with 0 MPa (ƒ), 207 MPa (F), 414 MPa (E), and 621 MPa () at room
temperature (22°C) (A), 45°C (B), 71°C (C), and 90°C (D).
pressure for 1, 5, or 10 min. Each treatment was performed at tetroxide in 0.1 M PBS and dehydrated by using a graded
an inner fluid temperature of 22, 45, 71, and 90°C (Engineered ethanol series (30, 50, 70, 95%, and absolute ethanol). The
Pressure System; EPS Inc., Lebanon, Ohio). The film bags dehydrated samples were subjected to critical point drying with
were cooled in ice water immediately following treatment. The liquid CO2 by using standard procedures. Subsequently, the
surviving population of A. acidoterrestris was enumerated after samples were mounted on aluminum specimen stubs by using
duplicate spread plating of appropriate 10-fold serial dilutions electrically conducting carbon (TED Pella, Inc., Reading, Cal-
in sterile phosphate buffer onto OSA (pH 3.7) and incubation if.) and sputter coated with approximately 30 nm of gold by
at 43°C for 2 days. using argon gas as the ionizing plasma. Images were obtained
All experiments were duplicated and repeated three times. with an S-570 SEM (Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan) with secondary
Data from three samples subjected to each treatment in each electrons at an acceleration voltage of 20 kV at room temper-
of three independent replicate experiments were analyzed. ature.
Data were subjected to the Statistical Analysis System (SAS Figure 1 shows data for populations of A. acidoterrestris
Institute, Cary, N.C.) for analysis of variance, and Duncan’s spores treated with high pressure and heat. Spore viability was
multiple range test was used to determine whether significant not appreciably reduced by high pressure alone at room tem-
differences (P ⬍ 0.05) existed between mean values of treat- perature (Fig. 1A). However, the viability of spores treated
ments. with high pressure and heat (45, 71, or 90°C) was significantly
To obtain scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photo- reduced (Fig. 1A, B, and C).
graphs, the treated spores were collected by centrifugation at Treatment of spores at 45 or 71°C with atmospheric pressure
4,000 ⫻ g for 10 min, rinsed three times with 0.1 M phosphate- for 10 min did not reduce spore viability, whereas the viability
buffered saline (PBS) (pH 7.3), and fixed with 2% glutaralde- of spores treated with high pressures at 45 or 71°C was signif-
hyde and 2% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M PBS overnight at 4°C. icantly reduced (Fig. 1B and C). Treatment with 207 MPa at
After washing with PBS, spores were postfixed in 1% osmium 45°C for 10 min or at 71°C for 1 min resulted in more than a
FIG. 2. SEM photographs of A. acidoterrestris spores. (A) Untreated normal spores (short rods). (B) Spores crushed and destroyed by combined
treatment with high pressure and temperature. The spores were treated with 207 MPa for 5 min at 45°C. Bars ⫽ 3.0 m.
3.5-log reduction in the number of viable spores (Fig. 1B and show that a likely mechanism for pressure-induced germina-
C); treatment with 414 or 621 MPa at 71°C for 1 min resulted tion is protoplast hydration (9, 15).
in reduction of the number of viable spores by more than 4 logs SEM photographs of untreated and treated spores showed
(Fig. 1C); and treatment with 414 or 621 MPa at 71°C for 10 that crushed and destroyed spores resulted from the combined
min reduced the number of viable spores to undetectable levels effects of high pressure and temperature (Fig. 2). After treat-
(⬍1 CFU ml⫺1), a ⬎5.5-log reduction (Fig. 1C). The reduc- ment with 207 Mpa for 5 min at 45°C, some spores were
tions in viability increased as treatment time increased at 45 or crushed and other spores were shattered (Fig. 2B).
71°C; however, there was not a significant difference among the Pressure-germinated cells could also be inactivated by a
effects of 207, 414, and 621 MPa on spore viability (P ⬍ 0.05) range of other chemical and physical agents (8). Furthermore,
(Fig. 1B and C). There was not a significant reduction in elucidation of the pressure-mediated germination effect could
viability when spores were heated at 90°C without high pres- open increased opportunities for commercial exploitation, par-
sure for 1 min (Fig. 1D). However, heat treatment at 90°C ticularly if chemical treatment is undesirable. Thus, there is an
combined with 414 or 621 MPa for 1 min reduced the number opportunity for using combined pressure and temperature pro-
of viable spores by ⬎5.5 logs to undetectable levels (⬍1 CFU cesses for sterilization of low-acid foods in pressure ranges that
ml⫺1) (Fig. 1D). Treatment with 207 MPa for 5 min at 90°C are commercially feasible (8).
reduced the number of viable spores to undetectable levels In 1884 Certes described the effects of high pressure on
(⬍1 CFU/ml) (Fig. 1D). microbiological spoilage processes (6, 8). In 1899 Hite (10)
As described above, high pressure alone did not reduce the reported the results of his successful application of high pres-
levels of spores in apple juice, but high pressure was more sure for the purpose of food preservation. Despite the early
effective as the temperature was increased (Fig. 1). Apparently, beginnings of this technology, there have been relatively few
spores of A. acidoterrestris are relatively resistant to pressure commercial applications of high pressure for microbial inacti-
(21). The intrinsic resistance of spores has been explained by vation in foods. This has been mainly due to the economic
the lack of solvation-derived effects in these relatively dry constraints of high-pressure vessel manufacture and operation
structures (18). High-pressure inactivation has been attributed and the lack of any significant advantage of the process over
to pressure-induced germination and the subsequent destruc- established methods of preservation. In recent years, the situ-
tion of vegetative cells (18). The dipicolinic acid content of ation has changed, and high-pressure technology is available
bacterial spores is thought to be closely associated with heat on a commercial scale at reasonable cost (14). Consumer de-
resistance properties. Leakage of dipicolinic acid from spores mand for minimally processed foods provides a strong moti-
treated with pressure has been reported by Sale et al. (18), and vation for commercial development.
the data provide good evidence of the efficacy of combined In this study, spores of A. acidoterrestris suspended in com-
pressure and temperature treatment for spore destruction. mercial apple juice were successfully destroyed by combining
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