NZDL - EMS - 033 - EMS Internal Audit - 22-02-2023

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NZ Denim Limited

Golakandail, Vulta, Rupganj, Narayanganj.

Environmental Management System Audit (Internal) Report.


Factory Information

Name: NZ Denim Limited.

Address: Golakandail, Vulta, Rupganj, Narayanganj.

City: Narayanganj Province: Dhaka Country: Bangladesh.

Production Processes

Please describe the production process flow (if subcontractor is used, please also specify the name and process of
subcontractor below):

Warping->Dyeing & Sizing->Weaving->Finishing->Inspection->Delivery.

Self-assessment Info

Assessment done by: M. Raihan Imtiaj, Assessment date:

(Name and designation) Sr.Executive (HR, (dd/mm/yyyy)
Admin & Compliance)

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Environmental Management System (EMS) Internal Audit
1. Environmental Management System

1.0 Does the facility have any environment management certification (such as ISO14001)? ✘ Yes No N/A
1 (ISO14001)
1.0 Does the facility establish an environment policy? ✘ Yes No N/A
1.0 Does the facility obtain all the legal required environment permit and license? ✘ Yes No N/A
1.0 Is there a person or team responsible for the environment management? ✘ Yes No N/A
1.0 Does the facility identify those significant environment aspects and impact? ✘ Yes No N/A
1.0 Does the facility have the update local law and regulations related to environment? ✘ Yes No N/A
1.0 Does the facility communicate all employees and management about the environment ✘ Yes No N/A
7 policy and significant environment aspects?

1.0 Does the facility have emergency response plans for the identified environment ✘ Yes No N/A
8 accidents?

1.0 Does the facility conduct regular drill for the identified environment accidents? ✘ Yes No N/A
1.1 Does the facility conduct regular internal EMS audit? ✘ Yes No N/A
1.1 Does the facility conduct regular management review of the EMS? ✘ Yes No N/A
1.1 If the facility received an official notice or prosecution for non-compliance with respect ✘ Yes No N/A
2 to environmental legislation or regulation in past 3 years, does the facility have
corrective action to close the non-compliance?

Supplement information and comments:

2. Solid Waste

2.0 Please specify the hazardous waste in the facility Metal, Plastic, Sludge.
2.0 Please specify the non- hazardous waste in the facility Material, Paper, Polythene.
2.0 Does the facility have systems or procedures in place that address waste ✘ Yes No N/A
3 management?

2.0 Does the facility keep an updated inventory of solid waste? ✘ Yes No N/A
2.0 Are the non-hazardous wastes stored in the designated area which can protect against ✘ Yes No N/A
5 rain/sun/wind?

2.0 Are the hazardous wastes stored in a designated and restricted area? ✘ Yes No N/A
2.0 Are the hazardous waste containers and storage area properly marked? ✘ Yes No N/A

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2.0 Are the hazardous wastes transferred and disposed by qualified agent? ✘ Yes No N/A
2.0 Does the facility provide training to relevant workers on solid waste management? ✘ Yes No N/A
2.1 Does the facility track and measure the quantity of solid wastes on regular basis? ✘ Yes No N/A
2.1 Does the facility have waste reduction program? ✘ Yes No N/A
Supplement information and comments:

3. Water use

3.0 Please specify the source of water use Underground Source.

3.0 Does the facility obtain the water extraction permit if applicable? ✘ Yes No N/A
3.0 Does the facility have systems or procedures in place that address water use ✘ Yes No N/A
3 management?

3.0 Does the facility provide training to relevant workers on water use management? ✘ Yes No N/A
3.0 Does your site monitor and track water use? ✘ Yes No N/A
3.0 Does the facility install the water meter at a department/section/process level? ✘ Yes No N/A
3.0 Does the facility analyze its water consumption per unit of product processed? ✘ Yes No N/A
3.0 Does the facility conduct internal inspections to control the status of the machines and ✘ Yes No N/A
8 pipelines and to repair water leak?

3.0 Does the facility have water reduce/reuse/recycle program? ✘ Yes No N/A
Supplement information and comments:

4. Wastewater Management

4.0 Please specify the type of wastewater in facility, Industrial Waste Water.
4.0 Where does wastewater/effluent from your site discharge to Natural Canel.
4.0 Does the facility treat wastewater onsite? ✘ Yes No N/A
4.0 Does the facility use offsite ETP to treat wastewater? If yes, please specify the Yes No ✘ N/A
4 information of the offsite ETP in bottom cell.

4.0 Does the facility monitor the wastewater regularly as required by law? ✘ Yes No N/A
4.0 Are the monitoring results of recent 3 years within limit? Yes ✘ No N/A
6 Comments: in the last ZDHC wastewaster test report (Report No.:2210052813

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Date :02-11-2022) waste water color, coliform and persistant foam parameters found
out of acceptable limits though these components are not part of ZDHC MRSL and
therefore does not violate any legal bindings.
4.0 Does the facility install water flow meter at inlet and outlet of ETP? ✘ Yes No N/A
4.0 Does the facility carry out regular maintenance of ETP? ✘ Yes No N/A
4.0 Is the capacity of ETP sufficient for the amount of wastewater? ✘ Yes No N/A
4.1 Does the facility have systems or procedures in place that address wastewater ✘ Yes No N/A
0 management?

4.1 Does the facility have emergency preparedness for the failure of ETP? ✘ Yes No N/A
4.1 Does the facility provide training to relevant workers on wastewater management? ✘ Yes No N/A
4.1 Is any wastewater/effluent recycled and reused in production process or domestic use Yes ✘ No N/A
3 (e.g. flushing of toilets)?

Supplement information and comments:

5. Energy use

5.0 Please specify the source of energy use Gas & Electricity
5.0 Please list the type of energy from renewable source.
5.0 Does the facility have GHG inventory? ✘ Yes No N/A
5.0 Does the facility have systems or procedures in place that address energy use ✘ Yes No N/A
4 management?

5.0 Does the facility provide training to relevant workers on energy use management? ✘ Yes No N/A
5.0 Does your site monitor and track energy use? ✘ Yes No N/A
5.0 Does the facility install the power meter at a department/section/process level? ✘ Yes No N/A
5.0 Does the facility analyze its energy consumption per unit of product processed? ✘ Yes No N/A
5.0 Does the facility monitor leakage of steam pipe at least once a quarter? ✘ Yes No N/A
5.1 Does the facility have energy reduction program? ✘ Yes No N/A

6. Air Emission Management

6.0 What are the main point source emissions in facility? Boiler, Generator, Machine
1 exhaust.
6.0 What are the main fugitive emissions to air in facility? SO2, O2, CO2, CO, NOX, SPM,
2 Flue Temperature, Flue
6.0 Does the factory have an air emission source inventory? ✘ Yes No N/A
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6.0 Does the facility have ODS containing equipment inventory? ✘ Yes No N/A
6.0 Does the facility carry out regular maintenance of air emission treatment facility? ✘ Yes No N/A
6.0 Does the facility monitor the air emission regularly as required by law? ✘ Yes No N/A
6.0 Are the monitoring results of recent 3 years within limit? ✘ Yes No N/A
6.0 Does the facility have systems or procedures in place that address air emission ✘ Yes No N/A
8 management?

6.0 Does the facility provide training to relevant workers on air emission management? ✘ Yes No N/A
6.1 Does the facility have targets to reduce the impact of air emission with action plans? ✘ Yes No N/A
Supplement information and comments:

7. Chemical Management System

7.0 Does the facility set up the chemical management system and policy, with related ✘ Yes No N/A
1 control procedures?

7.0 Does the facility have appointed personnel to overview and in charge of those related ✘ Yes No N/A
2 chemical control procedures? If yes, he/she is Tanvir Mahmud.

7.0 When select a chemical provider, is RSL/MRSL one of the select criteria? ✘ Yes No N/A
7.0 Does the facility request those chemicals suppliers to provide proof of RSL/MRSL ✘ Yes No N/A
4 conformance?

7.0 Does the facility purchase chemicals from rom a positive list such as ZDHC Chemical ✘ Yes No N/A
5 Gateway, BLUESIGN®, GOTS, and/or OEKO-TEX® Eco Passport. BLUESIGN®, GOTS,
OEKO-TEX® Eco Passport.
7.0 Does facility maintain an update and accurate chemicals and dyes inventory list which ✘ Yes No N/A
6 including those chemicals for ETP and other indirect production processes?

7.0 Is there any periodical stock check to verify the inventory? ✘ Yes No N/A
7.0 Does the facility carry out chemical risk assessment? ✘ Yes No N/A
7.0 Are all chemicals marked with proper label? ✘ Yes No N/A
7.1 Does the facility require those chemical and dye stuff suppliers to provide them an ✘ Yes No N/A
0 effective local language SDS?

7.1 Do those most updated SDS post or at an easy reachable position at the place where ✘ Yes No N/A
1 to use them, so that workers and staffs can read them when needed?

7.1 Are there sufficient and proper PPE for the workers and staffs to handle them? ✘ Yes No N/A
7.1 Are there any Shower and eyes washer installed in the risk area? ✘ Yes No N/A
7.1 During the receiving of chemicals and dyes, does facility those packing and make sure ✘ Yes No N/A
4 those chemicals were storage in capable containers without any risk of leakage and
with proper labelled?

7.1 Does the facility base on the SDS and the characteristics of the chemicals to arrange ✘ Yes No N/A

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5 the chemical storage which in proper control and isolated?

7.1 Do the only authorized persons allow to access to chemical warehouse and the color ✘ Yes No N/A
6 kitchen?

7.1 Dose the facility follows the first in and firs our policy? ✘ Yes No N/A
7.1 Are those chemicals stored accordingly to their chemical properties? ✘ Yes No N/A
7.1 Are there any secondary containers for those liquid chemicals? ✘ Yes No N/A
7.2 Does the facility have the training to those workers and staffs who handle the ✘ Yes No N/A
0 chemicals? The training may include:
 The importance of use of PPE
 How to hand the chemicals with proper procedures and equipment.
 The emergency procedure for a chemical incident and accident

7.2 Does your facility provide training to employees responsible for the chemical ✘ Yes No N/A
1 management system on Restricted Substances List (RSLs) and Manufacturing
Restricted Substances List (MRSLs)?

7.2 Does the facility know about the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) ✘ Yes No N/A
2 requirement?

7.2 Does your facility have wastage warehouse for keeping hazardous empty chemical ✘ Yes No N/A
3 drum??
Comments: The facility have a hazardous wastage warehouse in their premises, But
still they preserved IVC chemical tanks on the open Space.

7.2 Do your facility wash empty chemical drum before sending to the wastage Yes ✘ No N/A
4 warehouse??
Comments: The facility do not have any practice of washing empty chemical drums
and sending them to hazardous waste warehouse.

8. Nuisance Management

8.0 Does the facility identify the potential source of nuisance caused by on-site ✘ Yes No N/A
1 operations?

8.0 Does the facility have systems or procedures in place that manage/reduce the ✘ Yes No N/A
2 potential for the site to cause nuisance?

8.0 Does the factory control take measures to minimize nuisance for its neighbors e.g. ✘ Yes No N/A
3 through sound-proof or noise reduction actions if required?
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8.0 Does the factory test the boundary noise level and parameters are within the legal ✘ Yes No N/A
4 limit?

8.0 Does the facility provide training to relevant workers on nuisance management? ✘ Yes No N/A
Supplement information and comments:

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