Evaluation Grid

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Oral Presentation Evaluation Rubric

Ptesentation of the read book in 200 words: 40 points

I. The power of reading-

II. Short summary of the Book
III. The way you recommend the book to be read
Non-verbal skills
10 6 4 2 0

Original concept explains in detail, explains in detail, explains partially, paraphrases the does not prove an
(Introductory formulating an formulating a formulating a theme, without understanding of the
paragraph) original concept of concept of its own concept of its own formulating his/her theme
its own concept

Evaluation 5 4 3 2 1
Confidence Ease of movement, Occasional Some tension frequent mistakes, Completely
minimal tension and mistakes but noted, and stiff difficulty with the uncomfortable, lack
hesitation recovers quickly body language flow of the of flow to
presentation presentation, frequent
Evaluation 10 6 4 2 1
Information Well-versed in Overall command Generally Basic understanding Unfamiliar with
subject, of subject matter, comfortable of material, but subject
(Summary of the responds to responds to with material, able mastery not evident matter, unable to
book) questions with questions on a to answer most answer questions
further explanation basic level questions
Evaluation 5 4 3 2 1
The degree of arguments with Consistent eye Some eye contact, Minimal eye reading from
reasoning suitable examples. contact, uses notes dependent on contact, notes without
infrequently notes frequently using eye contact or
notes connection with

Verbal skills
5 4 3 2 1
Clarity Clear, easy to Occasionally difficult Audience must put Unclear, difficult Loses audience’s
understand to forth effort to to attention due to lack
understand listen, poor understand of clarity
Evaluation 5 4 3 2 1
Volume Respecting the volume Respecting the respecting the respecting the does not respect the
limit (200 words) of the volume limit (+/- indicated volume indicated volume(- indicated volume and
indicated task and 10%) of the indicated (- 20/25%) 30/35%) the graphic
graphical presentation task and gpresentation representation of ideas
of ideas in paragraphs of ideas in paragraphs per paragraphs

Total score: _______________________________

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