Technical Sheet (Model L881, L883)

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2] Bg CBUK Inverted Bucket Steam Trap L883 L884F (1880-L8s5 8), (mi. LAER ShABR ER ( mm ) [LesiF-Lescrm, AO. WSR. S80 TH (mm )) ‘ron Us Fn calgon mses wh Saeco (Betis | WES TATE |S] Banaimnnnenwen seo | 1 aie | 152095 | 0 | 70 | 100170, 28 (Cisse (Tits ans.09 Tis os [rar Total Ea eee aa a teesr | 25.0040 [10/21/1001 970 3t (taser Laser —| 52.40.50 [aos 0|pe 20) SE Lees a 12 lease | 40.50 [220/48 >ae oso 25 (oes eee sa6r | 65.00 [26s]220[ 10] 400] 38 IT&E Wik B&H Selection Conditions AP RERTDAOR LOERRNGE (299%). AOAEEMRIRIA OMAR. RAMER IES, (OAMIESIRAREAS) BARRON, AROERIORE, MAUR, IHR, UT, LONZAR HEE, RANGEERUCKR, (SEER, EINE TER, ORRIN, MRNIPMSIN, ALAM, Mim, SEMA, BK. SHAN, RAANRSARNEZHEA LEA AADUER, TAKE, TR SIBLR, FaReza, ARVAAMAAE MMAR ANE SETI, AMMEN SOO, KUMAE DRANK ANNA TE, HIE AT, REALCHN, SMM VORMNTA, AMTAMRS TA, SUC RAKAILMY, SOOT, ETI AN, OREM DID, NER CRAM AIOA(), SER T, ROAHSS, Mas AAIAINLAhA, F—BHRN PAIK, (MURR TFN TR, OMEGA. RARAUE, RITHXM, HELI, ETH, thet n ihe sings crop repeats aero ee [pos ne manruryatonees pessoa 2 genau nae dn cee. Tooruns ning remo nosrgsowherecomion seam avo! se sep ae can ree eerie emeettneranat mh Ramen wae eee 1 oar tne rem se sea osc nine ym wagons poe (Bitches The buctolis soe sensu rhe Sean ap cong domard Wor he doves care (Bs wd lgotrpar ecarrcem es at hb hoa heey ee ong, De het ans sek deemed av non rove loa waa Al Oeiemos at se ‘cS vn stan eta ciety ho sree orm ae, ‘Shun stant dared tom te arta tnec scam canameaa ren hea oe Seam alemarno Waal sethanew ara a3 See ine nay ae ans Scere RR 7 (HE 7k REBAR ( KG/HR ) AEDS HH B2-3HH RS AB “Ta ats shows fe waior dacharoe capaci afta nvevedSuslt vee scar rap [KGIAR) when you saaclne sel, sass alates ol way waar ie consuralon [ TRAP MODEL | e20, z e a ci 2 a 2 zy 2350 3020 eon 2a 2550, 2880. 2c00 23007 2007 LONZ RRA Bi thi High pressure inverted bucket type steam trap %, ez pC L883 L883F L885 L885F Leesa), iim Hs. PIER. Sh2B RTH (mm ) L883 type, side access, with filters, external dimensions(mm) | 5 Mode! i @ Diameter A 8 © L Mee a Lees 180 wr | 05 240 55 ear 15-25 160 “7 195 200) 35 (Lessa), (mH. AHiGLEE A, Ss8BRTH ( mm ) Less type, side access, with filters, external dimensions(mm) ) B85 Model ‘ill @ Diameter A 8 c L Mane Lees 1 220 15 | 225 280 48 ‘605 22-50 220, 165 25 50 0 AR RIB MIE SHR R (KG/HR ) , ALMA E2-IARS AM. } inverted bucket Steam rap continuous drainage flaw mater (&G / HR), 2-8 limes must be considered when selected saaly alo. SESE fcc cd Pd [eco a8 reso | 130 | 1200 | 1249 | 960 | 1040 FA RAM MIE SHER BR ( KG/HR ) , AER M23 RS AH ] Inverted bucket steam trap continuous ainage flaw meter (KG/HA), 2-S times must be considered when selected sally factor. ae ap KG/CM MIMEES | ios 1 2 4 2 a of] ef | a a [3 Bee 2600 | sea | 240 | aseo | 2720 | 2an0 | $788 E MRik21% H+ Selection of conditions for ordering the correct ) APMRARLGHRANA RARE (2018), AMAREARARM AMMAR. RARMRRICER, (VACA MANE) ANSEER, RAMORR TEAM, AMOR TR, BRN, ARIE. The users may chooke he dacharge capaci of sear tap as pt Max condensation water wchisequallo Max steam consumption the achioe buhind tial) a ‘esspaciiedifinereis ay back pressure Manimum working empetaiueol he steam vaprairage operaing mode conrectg ‘ype angbody mateia

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