Microbial Growth
Microbial Growth
Microbial Growth
Microbial Growth
Introductory Chemistry
Mr. Sanchez
Importance of Controlling Microbial Growth
• isotonic
• hypertonic
• hypotonic
Bacterial Growth
Bacterial Growth
• Time required for cell to divide/for population to double.
• Average for bacteria is 1-3 hours
• E. coli generation time = 20 min
– 20 generations (7 hours), 1 cell becomes 1 million cells!
Standard Growth Curve
Standard Growth Curve
1. Lag phase – making new enzymes in response to new medium.
The length of lag phase depend upon
a.Type of bacteria.
b.Better the medium, shorter the lag phase.
c.The phase of culture from which inoculation is taken.
d.Size or volume of inoculum.
e.Environmental factors like temperature.
2. Log phase – Logarithmic (Exponential) phase: In logarithmic phase the
bacterial cell start dividing and their number increase by geometric
progression with time.
During this period…
a.Bacteria have high rate of metabolism
b.Bacteria are more sensitive to antibiotics and radiation during this period.
Standard Growth Curve
3.Stationary phase – nutrients becoming limiting or waste products
becoming toxic.
death rate = division rate
In stationary phase after some time a stage comes when rate of multiplication and
death becomes almost equal. It may be due to:
a.Depletion of nutrients.
b.Accumulation of toxic products and sporulation may occur during this stage.
4.Death or Decline phase – In decline (death) phase, death exceeds
division. During this phase population decreases due to death of cells. The
factors responsible are:
a.Nutritional exhaustion
b.Toxic accumulation
Inhibiting microbial growth
• Sterilization: Killing or removing all forms of microbial
life (including endospores) in a material or an object.
• Heating is the most commonly used method of
• Commercial Sterilization:Heat treatment that kills
endospores of Clostridium botulinum the causative
agent of botulism, in canned food.
• Does not kill endospores of thermophiles, which are
not pathogens and may grow at temperatures above
• Disinfection: Reducing the number pathogenic microorganisms to
the point where they no longer cause diseases.Usually involves the
removal of vegetative or non-endospore forming pathogens.
• May use physical or chemical methods.
Disinfectant: Applied to inanimate objects.
Antiseptic:Applied to living tissue (antisepsis).
Degerming: Mechanical removal of most microbes in a limited
area. Example:Alcohol swab on skin.
Sanitization: Use of chemical agent on food-handling equipment to
meet public health standards and minimize chances of disease
transmission. E.g: Hot soap & water
⚫Sepsis-refers to the presence of pathogens in blood or tissues
Thermal Death Time (TDT): Minimal length of time in which all bacteria will
be killed at a given temperature.
Boiling: Heat to 100oC or more at sea level. Kills vegetative forms of bacterial
pathogens, almost all viruses, and fungi and their spores within 10 minutes or less.
Endospores and some viruses are not destroyed this quickly. However brief boiling
will kill most pathogens.
Dry heat is transfers heat less effectively to a cool body, than moist heat
Physical Methods of Microbial Control:
Removal of microbes by passage of a liquid or gas through a screen like material
with small pores.
Used in operating rooms and burn units to remove bacteria from air.
Physical Methods of Microbial Control:
Effect depends onmicrobe and treatment applied.
Refrigeration: Temperatures from 0 to 7oC.Bacteriostatic effect. Reduces
metabolic rate of most microbes so they cannot reproduce or produce toxins.
Freezing: Temperatures below 0oC.
Flash Freezing: Does not kill most microbes.
Slow Freezing: More harmful because ice crystals disrupt cell structure.
Over a third of vegetative bacteria may survive 1 year.
Most parasites are killed by a few days of freezing.
Physical Methods of Microbial Control:
B. Chlorine:
- Whenmixed in water forms hypochlorous acid
• Used to disinfect drinking water, pools, and sewage.
• Chlorine is easily inactivated by organic materials.
• Sodium hypochlorite(NaOCl):Is active ingredient of bleach.
• Chloramines: Consist of chlorine and ammonia. Less
effective as germicides.
Chemical Methods of Microbial Control:
- Kill bacteria, fungi, but not endospores or naked viruses.
- Act by denaturing proteins and disrupting cell membranes.
- Evaporate, leaving no residue.
- Used to mechanically wipe microbes off skin before injections or blood drawing.
- Not good for open wounds, because cause proteins tocoagulate.
- Ethanol: Drinking alcohol. Optimum concentration is 70%.
- Isopropanol: Rubbing alcohol. Better disinfectant than ethanol.
- Also cheaper and less volatile. (easily evaporated at normal temperatures)
Chemical Methods of Microbial Control:
- Include copper, selenium, mercury, silver, and zinc.
- Oligodynamic action: Very tiny amounts are effective.
- 1% silver nitrate used to protect infants against gonorrheal eye infections until recently.
- Organic mercury compounds like merthiolate and mercurochrome are used to
disinfect skin wounds.
- Copper sulfate is used to kill algae in pools and fish tanks.
D. Selenium:
- Kills fungi and their spores. Used for fungal infections.
- Also used in dandruff shampoos.
E. Zinc:
- Zinc chloride is used in mouthwashes.
Chemical Methods of Microbial Control:
- Include some of the most effective antimicrobials.
- Inactivate proteins by forming covalent crosslinks with several functional groups.
A. Formaldehyde gas:
- Excellent disinfectant.
- Commonly used as formalin, a 37% aqueous solution.
- Formalin was used extensively to preserve biological specimens and inactivate
viruses and bacteria in vaccines.
- Irritates mucous membranes, strong odor.
- Also used in mortuaries for embalming (preserve).
Chemical Methods of Microbial Control:
B. Glutaraldehyde:
- Less irritating and more effective than formaldehyde.
- One of the few chemical disinfectants that is a sterilizing agent.
- Chemicals that sterilize in a chamber similar to an autoclave.
- Denature proteins, by replacing functional groups with alkyl groups.
A. Ethylene Oxide:
- Kills all microbes and endospores, but requires exposure of 4
to 18 hours.
- Toxic and explosive in pure form.
- Highly penetrating.
- Most hospitals have ethylene oxide chambers to sterilize mattresses and
large equipment.
Chemical Methods of Microbial Control:
A. Ozone:
- Used along with chlorine to disinfect water.
- Helps neutralize unpleasant tastes and odors.
- More effective killing agent than chlorine, but less stable and more expensive.
- Highly reactive form of oxygen.
- Made by exposing oxygen to electricity or UV light.
Chemical Methods of Microbial Control:
B. Hydrogen Peroxide:
- Used as an antiseptic.
- Not good for open wounds because quickly broken down by catalase present in
human cells.
- Effective in disinfection of inanimate objects.
- Sporicidal at higher temperatures.
- Used by food industry and to disinfect contact lenses.
C. Benzoyl Peroxide:
- Used in acne medications.
Chemical Methods of Microbial Control:
D. Peracetic Acid
Sterilant :
• Kills bacteria and fungi in less than 5 minutes. Kills
endospores and viruses within 30 minutes
• Used widely in disinfection of food and medical instruments
because it does not leave toxic residues.