2nd Quarter Health9

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Lecture in Health III 2nd Quarter 3.

Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse  Drugs that speed up a person’s CNS
(Drug Scenario in the Philippines)  Includes: shabu, caffeine, nicotine and cocaine
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
 The first comprehensive legislation in drug abuse Short Term Effects Long Term Effects
prevention and control (RA 6425)  Increase heart/pulse rate  Paranoia
 Gave more teeth to the government drive against illegal  Increase respiration/blood  Brain damage/kidney
drug trade and addiction pressure damage/liver damage
 The provision of Republic Act no. 9165, otherwise known  Decreased appetite  Coma/ death
as the Comprehensive Drug Act of 2002  Inability to sleep  Heart attack, stroke
Common Concepts in Drug Education
 The following are usual words you will encounter in 4. Narcotics
studying substance use and abuse  Drugs that relive pain and induce sleepiness
1. Drugs  Include cocaine, heroin and marijuana
 Any substance or chemicals which when taken into the
body either through nasal, oral transdermal or intravenous Short Term Effects Long Term Effects
way that affects a person behavior, emotion and way or  Drowsiness, Euphoria  Development of hepatitis,
thinking tetanus. HIV
2. Drugs of Abuse  Loss of appetite, vomiting  Coma/death
 Drugs commonly abused by users usually referring to
 Nausea, chill, shaking
marijuana, inhalants and shabu
 Weight loss
3. Drug Dependence
 Phenomena creating a strong desire to the substance  Difficulty in
4. Drug Misuse breathing/sleeping
 The use of a substance incoherent or inconsistent with the  Panics attack
prescribed dosage and frequency of use
5. Drug Abuse 5. Hallucinogens (Illusions)
 The use of substance for non medical purposes that leads to  Drugs that distorts reality and facts
organ damage (brain and liver), addiction and troubled  Affects all senses
behavioral pattern  Includes lysergic acid , psilocybin obtained from
6. Drug Tolerance mushrooms and mescaline
 The condition of the body to adapt to the effects of
substance to the body Short Term Effects Long Term Effects
 Hallucination  Increase blood pressure
Lesson 2: The Risk and Protective Factors of Using Drugs  Memory loss, poor body  Flashback
 Risk factors are those that contribute to drug abuse and coordination
protective factors prevent drug abuse  Aggressive behavior  Coma/ death
 The use, misuse and abuse of drugs are the result of various  Inability to sleep  Psychosis
factors surrounding a person, these factors either increase
or decrease the possibility of a person to use drugs 6. Inhalants
Risks Factors  Found in ordinary household products an anesthetic like
 Increases the chances of using, missing and abusing drugs acetone, rugby solvent
Protective Factors  Abuse may leads to delusions, brain damage, liver damage,
 Decreases the chances of using, missing and abusing drugs coma and death

Domains of Life that Affect Drug Use and Abuse Short Term Effects Long Term Effects
1. Personal- Early Aggressive Behavior vs. Self Control  Hallucination  Brain/nerve damage
2. Family- Weak Parental Guidance vs. Strong Parental  Slurred speech  Muscle spasms
Guidance  Delusions  Loss of hearing
3. Peer and Friends- Substance Abuse vs. Academic  Foul breath  Bone marrow damage
4. School- Availability of Drugs vs. Strong Anti Drug policies Lesson 4: Myths and Misconceptions about Drugs of Abuse
5. Community- Poverty vs. Strong Community Relationship Myths Facts
 Drugs improves memory  It shut down proper brain
Lesson 3: Classification of Drug of Abuse (Short Term and Long functioning
Term Effects)  It helps in the digestion of  It do not help in the
foods digestion
The 6 Classification of Drugs Abuse  It make a person bold an d  It place the user in a
1. Gateway Drugs brave dangerous and life-
 Legal drugs that a non-drug user might try, which can lead threatening situation
him/her to more dangerous drugs
 It remove life’s problems  It worsen life problem’s
 Cigarette and alcohol is the best example
and worries and worries
 It heat up the body  It make the body lose heat
Short Term Effects Long Term Effects
faster that n normal
 Headache  Damage of organ
Sign and symptoms of drug use:
 Slurred speech  Paralysis
 Declining interest in studies and work
 Slow body reflex, over  It place the user in a
 Negative outlook in life, severe feeling of depression and
confident, mood swing, dangerous and life-
experience of block out threatening situation
 Uncontrolled irritation
2. Depressants  Paranoia (fear of people always stalk or talk about him/her)
 Drugs that slow down a person’s CNS.  Involvement in fights and crimes
 These are drugs that help person to be less angry, less  Foul body smell
stressed or tensed, relax muscles and nerves and can also  Loss of balance, weight, appetite
make patient’s feel sleepy  Poor judgment, loss of concentration
 Includes: alcohol, barbiturates and tranquilizers

Short Term Effects Long Term Effects

 Slow brain function  Aggressive behavior
 Slow heart/pulse rate  Depression
 Poor judgment/ less focus  Coma/ death
 Confusion and irritability  paralysis
Lesson 5: Effects of Drug Use
a. On the Family
 Broken and unhappy family ties
 Ignored duties and responsibilities
 Financial constraint due to drug dependence and addiction
 Family dishonor and embarrassment
 Separation

b. On the School
 Poor academic performance
 Increased rate of absenteeism and tardiness
 Increased incidence of school fights
 Low academic achievement rate
 Incidence of disrespect to school authorities
c. On the Community
 High incidence of crime such as stealing, rubbery, rape
 High incidence of accidents
 Affected economy
 Loss government funds due to drug related operations,
treatment and rehabilitation

Lesson 6: Prevention and Control of Substance Use and Abuse

a. Protective factors needed to fight drug use and abuse
 Loving and caring family
 Involvement in sports
 Positive outlook in life/self-image
 Caring and supportive friends
 Right attitudes, ability to cope with stresses and depression

b. Mode of Treatment
1. Eclectic Approach
 Holistic approach
 Addresses the different personality aspects of the
2. Spiritual Approach
 Teaching of the Bible as a source of inspiration
3. Therapeutic Approach
 Role modeling and peer play and important part
of the program
 Goal is to turn patients into responsible citizens
4. Hazelden-Minnesotta Model
 Approach that teaches a set of values and beliefs
5. Multidiciplinary Team Approach
 Approach that utilizes professional skills and
services of a team (professional medical team)

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