2nd Quarter Health9
2nd Quarter Health9
2nd Quarter Health9
Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse Drugs that speed up a person’s CNS
(Drug Scenario in the Philippines) Includes: shabu, caffeine, nicotine and cocaine
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
The first comprehensive legislation in drug abuse Short Term Effects Long Term Effects
prevention and control (RA 6425) Increase heart/pulse rate Paranoia
Gave more teeth to the government drive against illegal Increase respiration/blood Brain damage/kidney
drug trade and addiction pressure damage/liver damage
The provision of Republic Act no. 9165, otherwise known Decreased appetite Coma/ death
as the Comprehensive Drug Act of 2002 Inability to sleep Heart attack, stroke
Common Concepts in Drug Education
The following are usual words you will encounter in 4. Narcotics
studying substance use and abuse Drugs that relive pain and induce sleepiness
1. Drugs Include cocaine, heroin and marijuana
Any substance or chemicals which when taken into the
body either through nasal, oral transdermal or intravenous Short Term Effects Long Term Effects
way that affects a person behavior, emotion and way or Drowsiness, Euphoria Development of hepatitis,
thinking tetanus. HIV
2. Drugs of Abuse Loss of appetite, vomiting Coma/death
Drugs commonly abused by users usually referring to
Nausea, chill, shaking
marijuana, inhalants and shabu
Weight loss
3. Drug Dependence
Phenomena creating a strong desire to the substance Difficulty in
4. Drug Misuse breathing/sleeping
The use of a substance incoherent or inconsistent with the Panics attack
prescribed dosage and frequency of use
5. Drug Abuse 5. Hallucinogens (Illusions)
The use of substance for non medical purposes that leads to Drugs that distorts reality and facts
organ damage (brain and liver), addiction and troubled Affects all senses
behavioral pattern Includes lysergic acid , psilocybin obtained from
6. Drug Tolerance mushrooms and mescaline
The condition of the body to adapt to the effects of
substance to the body Short Term Effects Long Term Effects
Hallucination Increase blood pressure
Lesson 2: The Risk and Protective Factors of Using Drugs Memory loss, poor body Flashback
Risk factors are those that contribute to drug abuse and coordination
protective factors prevent drug abuse Aggressive behavior Coma/ death
The use, misuse and abuse of drugs are the result of various Inability to sleep Psychosis
factors surrounding a person, these factors either increase
or decrease the possibility of a person to use drugs 6. Inhalants
Risks Factors Found in ordinary household products an anesthetic like
Increases the chances of using, missing and abusing drugs acetone, rugby solvent
Protective Factors Abuse may leads to delusions, brain damage, liver damage,
Decreases the chances of using, missing and abusing drugs coma and death
Domains of Life that Affect Drug Use and Abuse Short Term Effects Long Term Effects
1. Personal- Early Aggressive Behavior vs. Self Control Hallucination Brain/nerve damage
2. Family- Weak Parental Guidance vs. Strong Parental Slurred speech Muscle spasms
Guidance Delusions Loss of hearing
3. Peer and Friends- Substance Abuse vs. Academic Foul breath Bone marrow damage
4. School- Availability of Drugs vs. Strong Anti Drug policies Lesson 4: Myths and Misconceptions about Drugs of Abuse
5. Community- Poverty vs. Strong Community Relationship Myths Facts
Drugs improves memory It shut down proper brain
Lesson 3: Classification of Drug of Abuse (Short Term and Long functioning
Term Effects) It helps in the digestion of It do not help in the
foods digestion
The 6 Classification of Drugs Abuse It make a person bold an d It place the user in a
1. Gateway Drugs brave dangerous and life-
Legal drugs that a non-drug user might try, which can lead threatening situation
him/her to more dangerous drugs
It remove life’s problems It worsen life problem’s
Cigarette and alcohol is the best example
and worries and worries
It heat up the body It make the body lose heat
Short Term Effects Long Term Effects
faster that n normal
Headache Damage of organ
Sign and symptoms of drug use:
Slurred speech Paralysis
Declining interest in studies and work
Slow body reflex, over It place the user in a
Negative outlook in life, severe feeling of depression and
confident, mood swing, dangerous and life-
experience of block out threatening situation
Uncontrolled irritation
2. Depressants Paranoia (fear of people always stalk or talk about him/her)
Drugs that slow down a person’s CNS. Involvement in fights and crimes
These are drugs that help person to be less angry, less Foul body smell
stressed or tensed, relax muscles and nerves and can also Loss of balance, weight, appetite
make patient’s feel sleepy Poor judgment, loss of concentration
Includes: alcohol, barbiturates and tranquilizers
b. On the School
Poor academic performance
Increased rate of absenteeism and tardiness
Increased incidence of school fights
Low academic achievement rate
Incidence of disrespect to school authorities
c. On the Community
High incidence of crime such as stealing, rubbery, rape
High incidence of accidents
Affected economy
Loss government funds due to drug related operations,
treatment and rehabilitation
b. Mode of Treatment
1. Eclectic Approach
Holistic approach
Addresses the different personality aspects of the
2. Spiritual Approach
Teaching of the Bible as a source of inspiration
3. Therapeutic Approach
Role modeling and peer play and important part
of the program
Goal is to turn patients into responsible citizens
4. Hazelden-Minnesotta Model
Approach that teaches a set of values and beliefs
5. Multidiciplinary Team Approach
Approach that utilizes professional skills and
services of a team (professional medical team)