Term 2 Revision Sheets-1
Term 2 Revision Sheets-1
Term 2 Revision Sheets-1
Class VII
Revision Sheets
Reproduction in Plants
Fill in the blanks
1. Rhizopus reproduces by spore formation.
2. Rhizome is an underground stem.
4. If the pollen is transferred from one flower to another flower of the same or
different plant, it is known as pollination.
10. The cell which results after fusion of gametes is called zygote.
3. Name any three methods of artificial vegetative propagation. Give example for each
of them.
a) Bryophyllum b) Onion
Transportation in Plants and Animals
10. The water reaches great heights in the trees because of suction
pull caused by transpiration.
Q2. Show the shape of the distance time graph for the motion
in the following cases:
a) A car moving with a constant speed.
b) a car parked on a side road.
2. Explain the role of forests in maintaining the balance between oxygen and
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.