Asante Jude
1. Logarithms (Introduction)
Let a and N be positive real numbers and let N = an. Then n is called the
logarithm of N to the base a. We write this as
n = loga N.
Examples 1
Use the definition of logarithm given on the previous page to
determine the value of x in each of the following.
1. x = log3 27
2. x = log5 125
3. x = log2(1/4)
4. 2 = logx(16)
5. 3 = log2 x
Section 2: Rules of Logarithms
2. Rules of Logarithms
Let a,M,N be positive real numbers and k be any number. Then the
following important rules apply to logarithms.
3. Logarithm of a Product
1. ←− Proof that loga MN = loga M + loga N.
Examples 2
(a) log6 4 + log6 9 = log6(4 × 9) = log6 36.
Thus log6 4 + 6 9 = 2.
Now 20 = 5 so log .
4 3 2 1
4. Logarithm of a Quotient
1. ←− Proof that
Examples 3
If x = log2 8 then 2x = 8 = 23, so x = 3.
5. Logarithm of a Power
1. ←− Proof that Examples 4
Thus log .
Examples 5
(a) log4 1 = 0.
(b) log10 10 = 1.
Use the rules of logarithms to simplify each of the
Section 8: Change of Bases 14
Section 7: Quiz on Logarithms
7. Quiz on Logarithms
In each of the following, find x.
Begin Quiz
1. logx 1024 = 2
(a) 23 (b) 24 (c) 22 (d) 25
End Quiz
8. Change of Bases
There is one other rule for logarithms which is extremely useful in
practice. This relates logarithms in one base to logarithms in a
different base. Most calculators will have, as standard, a facility for
finding logarithms to the base 10 and also for logarithms to base e
(natural logarithms). What happens if a logarithm to a different base,
for example 2, is required? The following is the rule that is needed.
Examples 6
(b) We can do the same calculation using instead logs to base e.
Using a calculator, loge 3 = 1 · 09861 and loge 7 = 1 · 94591. Thus
Section 8: Change of Bases 18
The calculations have all been done to five decimal places, which
explains the slight difference in answers.
(c) Given only that log10 5 = 0 · 69897 we can still find log 2 5, as
Solutions to Quizzes 19
Solutions to Quizzes
Solution to Quiz:
But 9 = 32 so
End Quiz
Solutions to Quizzes 21
Solution to Quiz:
Now we have 12 .
Thus log .
If x = log2 2 , then 2 = 2 , so x = 4. End Quiz Solution to Quiz:
4 x 4
Solutions to Problems 22
Note that
0 · 04 = 4/100 = 1/25 = 1/52 = 5−2.
Since log3 5 = 1 · 465, we have
End Quiz
Solutions to Problems
Problem 1.
Solutions to Quizzes 23
x = log3 27
then, by the definition of a logarithm, we have 3x
= 27.
But 27 = 33, so we have
3x = 27 = 33,
Solutions to Problems 24
x = 3.
Solutions to Problems 25
Problem 2.
Problem 4.
Problem 1.
N = an. Then
MN = am × an = am+n ,
where we have used the appropriate rule for exponents. From this,
using the definition of a logarithm, we have
m + n = loga(MN).
But m+n = loga M +loga N, and the above equation may be written
Solutions to Problems 30
where we have used the appropriate rule for indices. By the definition
of a logarithm, we have
From this we are able to deduce that
Solutions to Problems 31
Problem 1.
where we have used the appropriate rule for indices. From this we
have, by the definition of a logarithm,
But m = loga M, so the last equation can be written
Solutions to Problems 32
which is the result we wanted.
Problem 1. First of all, by rule 3, we have 3log3 2 = log3 (23) =
Using rule 1, the first expression in the [ ] brackets becomes
Solutions to Problems 33
Problem 2. First we
use rule 3:
Solutions to Problems 34
where we have used rule 1 to obtain the right hand side. Thus
Problem 3.
Problem 4.
= log
= log
= log
= 3log
since log3 3 = 1.
Problem 5.
Solutions to Problems 37
Putting all of this together:
Solutions to Problems 38
Problem 1.
ax = b and by = c.