Academic Writing

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academicwriting Rhetorical modes the characteristics of a comparison and Book Review

A. Academic writing is to be understood as Narration,Description,Illustration or exem contrast essay. Book Review is a special form of academic
higher order of writing skill. Academic writing Description,Divisionand classification,Process A. While writing an academic paper you may writing that gives a student the opportunity
is clear, concise, focussed, structured and analysis,Comparison and contrast,Cause be required to find out similarities and to critically examine a topic in details. Book
backed up by evidence. Its purpose is to aid andeffect,Definition,Argumentation and difference between two subjects. The reviews play an important role in academic
the reader’s understanding.It has a formal persuasion. rhetorical mode that comes to your rescue communication. If you are going to review a
tone and style, but it is not complex and does Key functions during such situations is compare and book, you should; = read the book carefully
not require the use of long sentences and Recounting events contract. A compare and contrast essay may ≠ Write down your impression
complicated vocabulary.Each subject To describe/ portray people, things and examine two subjects by either comparing ≠Research the author and his other works
discipline will have certain writing conventions, places. them, contrasting them or both. The main ≠Reviews should give a balanced , critical
vocabulary and types of discourse that you Explaining with illustrations/ examples. objective of compare and contrast essay is to evaluation of the text ≠Evaluate the
will become familiar with over the course of To explain categories and parts. analyze subjects that can be analyzed using contribution of the text ≠Set the work in a
your degree. However, there are some To explain how something works and to show comparison or contrast in a meaningful way. larger , broader context ≠Identifies the
general characteristics of academic writing how something can be done. strengths and weakness of the arguments
that are relevant across all disciplines To show similarities and differences. the main elements of a division/ ≠Involves the reader in the discussion.
the improve the writing skilllearning academicwriting. To explain using reasons and results. classification essay? ≠Make sure that your review contains
1. Start free writing: Write continuously without To explain what you mean by something A. The main elements of a division/ ≠The title, the author(s), the publisher ,the
worrying about the correctness, grammar To make claims and substantiate them classification essay are as follows; The items publication date, the format, the price, the
mistakes, or logical order. You need to convincingly. to be classified should share some common number of pages, edition and the ISBN
encourage yourself to write something. characteristics. Usually generic nouns (nouns number ≠The review is actually a report and
2. Keep a journal: Make it a habit to write the sections in a Social Science that refer to all members of a class or group) will have an introduction, a logical description,
something in a notebook specifically meant for dissertation. are taken for classification. Decide the your findings, conclusion and
the purpose. Keeping a personal journal can A. Title page, abstract, introduction, review of criterion or scheme of classification: At the recommendation. Your review should be
be used as a practice for developing literature, methodology, results, prewriting stage you need to decide which direct and personal and your main purpose is
academic writing as well.3. Reading and discussion/findings and references properties of your subject is taken into to give a clear overview and evaluation of the
writing: Reading is an important prerequisite /bibliography. Introduction part invites the account for categorizing. All classification in work.
for aspiring writers. If you take into account attention of the reader towards the topic. Back an essay needs to be based on one principle.
others’ opinions and findings it will help you to ground information on the topic may be given Examples and explanations are to be given to
improve your writing skill.4. Think critically: It in this paragraph. Review of literature is to each category. Mention what you are Product Review
is a process of inspecting something closely understand how other students and scholars planning to classify in the introduction: Your A product review is a report written by a
and reflecting on it. Writing approached your topic. Methodology is the statement on what is classified in the essay customer on a product to help people decide
and thinking are complementing each other; systematic theoretical analysis of the methods and the criterion for classification serves as if they want to buy it. The most common
that is, thinking will refine your writings and applied to a field of study. Discussion or the thesis statement of the essay. Transition reasons why people look for product reviews
writing will strengthen your thoughts.5. findings are the concluding part that words like ‘the first type/kind/class’, ‘the are; #To learn the pros and cons of a given
Develop research skills: Developing research summarizes the findings of the scholar. second type/kind/class’, ‘the third product #To find out if the product is meant
skills will help you to find out and make use of Bibliography is the citation of those relevant type/kind/class’ are to be used to sequence for them # To find out if the product is of high
the sources of information.6. Learn language books used to refer for the successful your classification. quality and easy to use #To find out other
of your discipline: To write on your discipline completion of the dissertation. In other words user’s experience with the product # Before
you need to get a systematic initiation into the it is a list of all the sources you have used in Academic Words List (AWL) writing a review of any product you should,
fundamentals of your discipline. The the process of researching your work. The high frequency words in academic works #Research about the product #Read the
fundamentals include the key words and in English language are referred to as manufacture’s website # Get the product
phrases frequently used in that discipline. the step by step process of writing an Academic Words List. The AWL includes a # Use the product #Know what readers are
academic assignment. main list and sub list, learning the words in looking for List out the pros and cons of the
the plagiarism and suggest way toavoid it. A. There are three major processes preceding the list will enable you to understand product # Common questions readers wish to
A. Plagiarism is an act of stealing others’ the submission of an academic assignment. academic text as well. The important see answered in a review are, #Is the
material as one’s own. It is an unethical act, a They are prewriting, writing and revising. Each prerequisite to learn academic words list is product convenient to use? #Is it of a high
serious offence, and is treated as a breach of of these processes involves certain steps to the ability to use the most elementary words quality?
academic integrity. The easiest way to avoid be followed. in English. The list includes words often using # Is it suitable for someone like me? #Have
plagiarism is to distinguish your ideas from the i) Decide on what you want to study: The first in different academic disciplines. You have to others had a good experience with the
ideas of others in your paper. That is, every step involves choosing a subject, find out an familiarise yourself with these words to make product? # What are the pros and cons of the
idea borrowed from others need to be aspect or area within the subject to focus; and your writing more effective with suitable product? #What alternatives are available,
acknowledged in the text of your paper by narrow down to formulate your topic. vocabulary. Averil coxhead from Victoria and how do they measure up?# Is the
separating them using quotation marks and Understand the purpose and audience of your university of Wellington, NewZealand was product worthwhile.
providing the details of the sources. proposed work. among the earliest compilers of AWL. After
‘honor code’? ii) Collect information or expert sources: The examining papers from different disciplines,
A. Writer of an academic paper is expected to second step is to identify the sources of she came up with 570 headwords. What is a case study?
adhere to certain basic ethics and they have information, take down notes and prepare a A Case Study is a written account that gives
to conduct themselves in a responsible working bibliography or list of works to be detailed information about a person, group or
manner. Some universities make it mandatory consulted or quoted. Discourse markers thing and their development over a period of
for all students to sign an agreement called iii) Prepare a frame work or structure to work ‘Discourse is a unit of language longer than a time. As an instructional strategy, case
‘honor code’ at the time of enrolling for on: The third step comprises finalizing the sentence’. it maybe one or two sentences or a studies have a number of virtues. They bridge
academic programmes. Honor code is like a basic premises, key points, the organizational lengthy piece of writing. Discourse markers the gap between theory and practice and
pledge taken by students to the effect that pattern of the work and grouping of points for are those words or phrases which are used to between the academy and the work place.
they will uphold academic integrity and ethical paragraphs. connect one discourse to another. Eg: They also give practice to students in
behaviour and will not engage in any kind of iv) Start writing: Drafting begins as a fourth anyway, right, okay, to begin with. We use identifying the parameteters of a problem,
cheating, stealing and misrepresentation. step. Here preparing the first draft, going them to connect, organise and manage our recognizing and articulating positions,
through the draft to ensure there are no writings or conversation. Discourse markers evaluating courses of action, and arguing
structural and thematic inconsistencies, connect one discourse to another. They are different point of view.
editing and revising the paper are the major also called sentence connectors, linking
steps involved. Language errors and use of words, linking phrases, and transition signals.
the features of narration as a rhetorical mode. taboo/ informal/ discriminatory words and Some of the discourse markers are used in
A. A narration is a rhetorical mode suitable for expression are to be checked as a part of informal conversations eg: actually, let me Writing Reports
relating a sequence of events or thoughts. editing. see, I think, I suppose, as I was saying, you In this chapter we focus on how to write a
Narratives can be classified as fictional and v) Prepare the final draft and submit: It is know etc. There are formal discourses good report. A report is a short, sharp,
non fictional. Any kind of writing that brings always better to keep a checklist to verify if markers, which you can make, use of in your concise document which is written for a
out a story, fictional or real, can be considered anything important is left out, before academic writings. Eg: as a result, however, particular purpose and audience. It generally
a narrative. Examples of fictional narratives submitting. in other words, therefore, to begin with etc. sets outs and analyses a situation or problem,
are short story, novella, novel etc and non Uses of discourse markers in academic often making recommendations for future
fictional narratives areautobiography, importance of audience analysis in writing,Balance contrasting points,Introduce a action . In academic terms, it might describe
biography, newspaper etc. academic writing. new idea,Present a counter argument,Adding (a) an experiment you have conducted (b) a
process of applying for a passport. A. Audience analysis is an important Changing of subject,Clarifying points, survey you have carried out (c) a composition
A. First apply for passport through online prerequisite for effective communication. Summing up. of alternative proposals to deal with a
mode. Give your personal details and submit Academic writing is not different in this situation.
application. The submitted documents are respect. Before venturing into an academic Completeness of a Sentence: Objectives of Learning
verified at Passport Seva Kendra. Then you writing assignment, you need to have a clear A sentence is a group of words arranged After the completion of this chapter you will be
receive updates on your file number through idea about your audience. Ask yourself: Who properly to make a sense. it is the basic unit able to gather, evaluate and analyse relevant
SMS to your registered mobile number. Then am I writing for? What do I expect my readers of a language, it starts with a capital letter and information for writing a report and make
Police verification is initiated. They verify the to know about my topic? What do I want my ends with a full stop, exclamation or a appropriate conclusions supported by the
details and enquire with your neighbours. readers to think about my topic? What do my question mark. A sentence contains a subject evidence of your findings.
Then make it clear that there is no criminal readers know about my topic? and a verb. a clause contain a subject and Structure of a report
offence against the person. Police submits a A clear idea about your reader and your predicate, and it is the smallest grammatical The title page: this should briefly and
clear report. After passport verification is purpose will make your writing understandable unit that can express a complete proposition. explicitly describe the purpose of the report. It
complete then starts the process of printing to your audience and help to satisfy their An independent clause or a group of words also includes your name, the date and for
passports. expectations. Depending on your audience, that can stand alone as an independent whom the report is written.
objective of literature review? you may write to inform, justify your stand on thought is a complete sentence. Whereas a Terms of references: under this heading you
A. Literature review is the summary of a topic, and educate the audience on a dependent clause does not make complete should include a brief explanation of who will
relevant previous writings on the topic under subject or to persuade your audience think or sentence, so it cannot stand-alone. a read the report.
discussion. The main objective of review of act in the way you want them to think or act. dependent clause is also called a sub Summary: there needs to be a summary of
literature as an academic writing activity is to ordinate the major points, conclusions and
display your knowledge of the subject. the purpose of an academic work. clause. Eg: when I was at school.. recommendations. It needs to be short as it is
Another objective of reviewing others’ works is A. ‘Purpose’ in academic writing refers to your a general review of the report.
to establish the distinctiveness of your work reason for writing. Although the stated reason Diversify sentences Introduction: the first page of the report
and sometimes to justify the gap existing in of an academic assignment is purely It is important to use different types of needs to have an introduction. You will have
the subject. academic/educational, it serves certain social, sentences in a text. Simple sentence : to explain the problem and show the reader
the popular style guides in use today? rhetorical and career related purpose as well. which contain only one independent clause. why the report is being made.
The most popular style guide in subjects The rhetorical purpose of an academic writing Compound sentence: with two independent Body: This is the main section of the report.
under Humanities is MLA (Modern Language assignment is to persuade the audience to clauses or simple sentences Complex There should be several sections with each
Association) style, whereas in Social think the way you want them to think. sentence: one independent clause and one having subtitles. Information is usually
Sciences, research scholars usually follow Illustrate the structure of an academic or more dependent clauses connected to it. arranged in the order of importance.
APA (American Psychological Association) essay. Compound complex sentence: two or more Conclusion: This is where everything comes together. In
A. The major parts of an essay include introductory the conclusion, you should highlight the central issues or
style. Chicago manual of style is another style independent clauses and one or more
guide in use. Some institutions including paragraph, body paragraph and concluding paragraph. dependent clauses. Adding different types of Recommendations: this is what needs to be done. In
The introductory paragraph is the first paragraph of your
Universities like Oxford, Cambridge and sentences in different lengths will avoid other words in this part, you should
essay. Introduction aims at grabbing the attention of your
Harvard insist on following their own style for monotony . you have to be careful while using explain your recommendations, putting them in the order
reader and makes a few statements on background, the
of priority.
scholars writing for their publications. main ideas and outline of your essay. too long sentences. It is advisable to break it
Appendices:This includes all the supporting information
into two or three different small sentences. . you have used that is not publish.
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subject – verb agreement ‘voice’ in an academic work. Academic writing
The most important aspect of a sentence is A. There is a widespread belief that academic .Formal language, use technical and
subject verb agreement. The basic rule is that writers should maintain objectivity in their formalvocabulary
Film Review they should agree in number. A singular approaches and perspectives, what rings at .Signal words to indicateorganizational
The film review is a popular way for critics to subject takes a singular verb, and a plural the core your work is your own distinct voice. pattern of the work.
assess a film’s overall quality. It will help the subject always takes a plural subject. While That is if you are writing a persuasive piece .Formal introductory paragraph containing
public to decide whether they should watch writing a simple sentence it is easy to arrange there is a consistent attempt throughout your statement.
the movie or not. A good film review should the subject verb agreement. But it is difficult work to convince the reader that your views .Body paragraphs are long and with each
contain both negative and positive aspects of to handle with it while you are using are worth considering. Still you normally do sentence serving a specified purpose.
the film. Film review should contain; # The compound subjects,indefinite pronouns, not use such expressions as ‘I think’, ‘In my .Elaborate explanation of the central idea or
title of the film in the introductory paragraph collective nouns, inverted subjects . opinion’ and ‘I found out that’. In order to argument with supporting expert sources.
# Genre (drama, romance, fantasy, thriller or make your writings more inclusive, it is better .Referencing
comedy etc) # Summary of the film to write without reinforcing your stake in the .Others ideas and answers incorporated to in
# Context or background information about work. So it is always better to sound neutral. body paragraphs as direct quotations,
the movie #The director and his contributions parallelism: Parallelism is the use of Whatever is the voice in the text one thing is paraphrasing.
to the film industry #Creative elements in the components in a sentence that are crucial: your voice in academic assignments .Author's stand on the issue raised in the
movie (cinematography, camera, light and grammatically the same. Or similar in their should sound educated or well informed, essay, butwithout expressions like 'I think', 'In
sound, music, choreography, costume construction, sound and meaning. Because sophisticated and rational. Andconvey your my view'.
designing, editing and art direction etc.) of the repetition the idea is conveyed deeply ideas in more directly and clearly. .Tables. .Precise figures.
#Actors and their performance and properly. And also it adds the flow of the Nonacademic writing
#Overall impression of the movie. text. three types of paragraph in an academic .Simple language, use informal phrases
Eg: the poem is lyrical, long, interesting and essay andslangs.
meaningful. 1) Introductory paragraph .Language use suitable for a larger audience.
wordiness 2) Body paragraph .Short introduction, suiting the subject a
“Brevity is the soul”– William Shakespeare 3) Concluding paragraph thesis matter of the work.
Wordiness is one of the most common Introductory paragraph is the first paragraph .Main body paragraphs are shorter in length
mistakes in academic writings. In formal of the essay. Body paragraph is the main like topic sentence, substantiation and
writing ‘wordiness’ refers to the imperfection paragraph of an essay. Body paragraphs give transition.
Stages of writing a product review caused by the use of more words than the a complete idea with necessary explanations, .Ideas are elaborated well, but not supported
Introduction: A good review introduction will meaning demands. Wordiness is one of the illustrations, quotations and other forms with expert sources.
not only catch the attention of the reader, but barriers of communication. substantiation. Concluding paragraph is the .Personal stories or impressions and no
also provide a clear picture of the attractive Proofreading The process of reading your last paragraph of an referencing.
features of the product. drafts repeatedly for mistakes after you finish essay. You are expected to restate your .Direct quotations from others without citing
Target group: Include information on who are writing. In this process of editing and thesis statement given in the introduction, sources.
the beneficiaries o the product, and why they rewriting certain words can be added or summarize, the points through which you .Author expresses opinion directly as 'I'
want to use it. Teaching new customers about omitted, if necessary. In proofreading explained your thesis statement in your body #.No tables and figures #.Approximate
the product is an important aspect of a grammar, vocabulary, spelling, sentence paragraphs and finish your essay with a figures
product review. structure and format of the text are all concluding paragraph.
The main benefit: there are always some thoroughly examined.
benefits a product has to offer, and listing
them properly in the review will help the
customer to make better use of it.
Be balanced: Talk about what you liked and Academic integrity: Key points It is a moral the main steps in planning an essay.
disliked about the product. Compare the and ethical code in academic community. A. Pre-writing, writing and revising are the
similar products available to buyers, analyse Values related to academic integrity major steps in planning an essay.
the pros and cons of the each. actively promote ethics of writing. The notion 1. Pre-writing genres in academic writing and their
Practical details: cover things like price, of Academic integrity examines different Pre-writing activities are the preliminary steps distinctive uses.
where to get the product, about the forms of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism before starting to write your essay. A. The genres of academic writing include
guarantee, delivery time and so on. poses a threat to maintaining academic Understanding the question/topic, purpose essays, research papers, book review, textual
Conclusion: summarize the benefits and the integrity. An academic writer can keep and audience. Use pre- writing techniques analysis, literature review, project report,
flaws of the product and evaluate whether the academic integrity by citing his/her sources like brainstorming, clustering/mind-mapping proposals, dissertation/ thesis and case
product’s quality is up to company’s properly and also to list and study. Most academies use essays to assess
marketing. by avoiding plagiarism. Plagiarism is a organize your ideas. If your instructor has students’ progress. An academic essay is
literary theft. It occurs when a writer copies given you a question convert the question written to answer a question or to defend an
What are the uses of case studies? another person’s text or ideas into a topic. If the topic argument or opinion on a topic supporting
They can be used in lecture based or and calls the work his/ her own without giving is given by the instructor convert the topic evidence. A research paper provides detailed
discussion based classes.#They can provide credit to the source of the copied text. into a question. If only a key word is given, information on a topic through different
all the relevant data students need to discuss you are required to frame topic as well as the sections like literature review, methodology,
and resolve the central issue, or only some of question. Identify the sources and gather discussion and conclusion. A proposal is what you
present to explain objectives, purpose, methodology, and
it. It helps the students to identify, and relevant materials. Prepare an outline;
detailed plan for a proposal. Literature review is
possibly fill in the missing information.#They decide the logical ordering of ideas/cluster
can challenge the students to examine MLA Style: Key Points MLA is a style guide ideas for paragraphs. Identify the thesis the summary of relevant previous writings on
multiple aspects of a problem, or just a for academic writing. MLA is developed by statement. the topic under discussion. The main purpose
circumscribed piece.#They can challenge Modern Language Association . The MLA 2. Writing of review of
students to examine multiple aspects of a style guide is widely used by writers and Frame the thesis statement and list the main literature as an academic writing activity is to
problem.#They can make students to researchers in academic writing. MLA gives points. Draft the introductory paragraph. display your knowledge of the subject.
propose a solution for the cases or simply guidelines on: Draft each body paragraphs with supporting Dissertation / thesis are often used as
identify the o Heading and Title o Abstract o Introduction points, substitution and transition. Drafts the interchangeably to refer to the mandatory
parameters of the problem. o Formatting Text o Margins, space, font concluding paragraph. final projects in certain academic projects.
o Putting page numbers o Tables and 3. Revising Case study is widely used in Social Science
Types of reports illustrations o Punctuation o In-text or Edit and revise your essay: check for and Science subjects like Medicine.
There are many types of report writing for parenthetical citation inconsistencies, tone, use of taboo words and
organizations used for various purposes. We o Work cited list or bibliography o Footnotes expressions, grammar, spelling, punctuation
can broadly divide them as formal and and endnotes o Plagiarism and referencing. differentiate between thesis& dissertation?
informal. The formal report is the collection APA Style This style guide is developed by A. Dissertation / thesis are often used as
and interpretation of data and information. It American Psychological Association. This interchangeably to refer to the mandatory
is complex and used as an official level. It can style is mostly used in scientific writing. final projects in certain academic projects. In
be categorized as: Informational report Academic writings which include empirical the kinds of sentences used in an the universities of United States a thesis is
Analytical report Recommendation report studies, literature review, case studies, and academic essay the final project of Masters Degree and
The informal reports help to inform, analyse theoretical and methodological articles also There are three types of sentences in an dissertation is submitted for a doctoral
and recommend. It is written according to use APA Style. The different sections of an academic essay. They are topic sentence, degree, whereas in the United Kingdom a
organization style and review. Examples are; APA style paper are: substantiation, conclusion or transition. Each thesis is submitted for a doctoral degree and
Progress report Financial report Feasibility o Title page o Abstract o Introduction sentence in a paragraph has a function. Topic dissertation for a Masters degree. The
report. o Results o Discussions o References sentence expresses the main idea of each structure followed in both is similar, although
Recommendation Report? o Appendices paragraph. It contains the focus of the there are differences in the number of pages.
A recommendation report is a paper that paragraph and tells readers what the A doctoral thesis/ dissertation is usually
compares two or more products or solutions paragraph is going to be about. Although the lengthier compared to a masters project.
and makes a recommendation about which important functions of Progress Report: topic sentence can be located anywhere in a Dissertation/ thesis are reports of research
one is the best option. The purpose of this Reassure recipients that you are making paragraph in academic essays, it is usually work carried out by scholars.
kind of report is to recommend a course of progress, that the project is going smoothly, located at the beginning of each paragraph. the major approaches to writing.
action. All recommendation reports address a and that it will be complete by the expected Successful academic writing requires claims A. There are various approaches to academic
real and important problem. date. Provide recipients with a brief look at and arguments to be substantiated with writing. They are expository, descriptive,
Evaluation report:The evaluation report is the key some of the findings or some of the work of evidence from research or other authoritative persuasive, analytical, critical/evaluative and
product of the evaluation process. It compares individual the project. Give recipients a chance to sources. This practice goes to the heart of narrative/reflective. The key feature of
products, plans, programmes, properties, organizations ,
evaluate your work on the project and to academic writing because it reflects the explanatory approach is to explain, inform,
etc. against requirements and makes an evaluative define or describe a subject. In descriptive
judgment, whether it met its expectations or whether it is request changes. Give you a chance to objectivity of your writing. Concluding
discuss problems in the project and thus to sentence summarises the points that you approach the writer uses visual words and
good or useful.
forewarn recipients. Force you to establish a have made. It should tie the whole paragraph descriptions. Persuasive approach aims to
Feasibility Report: is a paper that examines a convince readers to accept the writer’s point
proposed solution and evaluate whether it work schedule so that you’ll complete the together without simply rephrasing the topic
is possible, given certain constraints. This type of report project on time. Project a sense of sentence. At the end of your concluding of view. Analytical approach mainly contains
studies a situation and plan for doingsomething about it
professionalism to your work and your paragraph your concluding sentence should elements of exposition, persuasion and
and then determines whether that plan is feasible. description. Critical/evaluative approach aims
Progressive report:A progressive report is organization. wrap up your entire argument and provide
Types of Progressive report guidance to your readers about what to do at evaluating the merits of an existing work
an assessment that takes place during a and provides alternatives. In narrative or
project or process, that conveys details such In a year-long project, there are customarily with the information you have given them
three progress reports, one after three, six, Consider brainstorming and outlining as effective reflective approach thewriter presents a story,
as what sub- goals have been accomplished, pre-writing activities. personal experienceandideasthroughnarraton
what resources have been expected, what and nine
months. Depending on the size of the A. Brainstorming is a group activity ‘blind peer reviewing’?
problems have been encountered, and conducted at the beginning of a project to A. A paper submitted by a scholar for
whether the project or process is expected to progress report, the length and importance of
the project, generate ideas. In business and publication to a journal is sent to other
be completed on time and within budget. In organizational contexts, brainstorming is scholars (reviewers) by the editor of the
the progress report, you explain any or all of and the recipient, the progress report can
take the following forms: Memo—A short, used as method to generate innovative ideas on an journal without the names and other details of
the following: How much of the work is area of interest and sometimes to find leads to address the writer. The reviewers read the paper and
complete What part of the work is currently informal report to someone within your problems, challenges or conflicts. Brainstorming can be
organization determine if the paper is worth publishing.
of great use as a prewriting technique. Before you start
in progress What work remains to be done What Letter—A short, informal report sent to someone outside The identity of the reviewers is never
writing i
problems or unexpected things, if any, have arisen your organization is essential for you to gather ideas and get into the heart disclosed to the author of the paper.
How the project is going in general Formal report—A formal report sent to someone outside your subject.
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Advantages of Questionnaires Disadvantages of Questionnaires:
1. Questionnaires are really inexpensive 1. The results for questionnaires are based
when they are handled properly. They can be only on the type of question being asked. If
cheaper than taking surveys which requires a the questions are poorly worded or is biased
lot of time and money. in nature, then the result analysed will also be
2. Questionnaires can be of different types, of the same nature.
written, postal, telephone and many other 2. Questionnaires can pose difficulties to the
methods. analyst if he/she is not familiar with the
3. A single question or a topic can be asked system based on which the questions are
to many at the same time without any kind of being asked. That is, the analyst may not be
delay. Unlike surveys they don’t have to go to able to produce the required questions, and
each and everyone to get an opinion. hence the required results cannot be
4. It is an effective method to get an opinion achieved.
from a large number of people. 3. Questionnaires tend to give an alien
5. Large number of respondents can be feeling to many respondents and hence they
possible varying in age, sex, occupation etc. are very
6. Question responses can be highly defined impersonal irrespective of the situation. Thus,
and specific, depending upon the type of many people do prefer face to face
questions asked in the questionnaire. conversations than answering
questionnaire? questionnaires.
A Questionnaire is a research instrument 4. The response rate maybe poor in
consisting of a series of questions for a questionnaires, if people do not have time or
purpose of gathering information from they don’t feel any importance in answering
respondents. It can be thought of as a kind of them. This is one of the main disadvantages
written interview. There are two kind of of questionnaires.
questions are used in questionnaires. Open 5. Some participants may forget about the
ended questions: these are the types of whole issue and tend to forget why such
questions that are used to allow the questionnaire was present in the first place.
respondents to express their views in a free 7. Open ended questions may take a long
flowing manner. Closed ended questions: time and will produce a large amount of data
multiple choice questions comes under this that will take time to analyse.
category. The user is restricted to answer 8. Respondents may answer the
their opinions through the options that is set questionnaire superficially, if it takes time to
by the surveyor. When designing a answer such questions. This might lead to
questionnaire you should keep mind; Limit
the number of questions Keep questions
inadequate and maybe unwanted data to
analyse the final result. ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)
clear and simple and not too personal Surveys Survey is a method of collecting
Balance open questions and closed information by asking questions. Sometimes
questions. Collect necessary informations interviews are done face to face with people
Cover letters
A cover letter is a one- page document that,
at home, in school or at work. Other times,
questions are sent in the mail for people to
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along with your CV, is sent with your job answer and mails back. Increasingly surveys
application. A strong cover letter makes your are conducted by telephone. There are many
application stand out. instruments are to conduct surveys.
The basic format of a cover letter Questionnaires are one of the main tools to
Every cover letter should be included; Your collect information.
contact information and date Employer’s memos A memo, short for ‘memorandum’, is
contact information. normally used for communicating policies,
Paragraph 1: - reason of writing – procedures, or related official business within
Paragraph2: your offers to them an organization. A memo’s purpose is to
Paragraph 3: What happened next Closing. inform others about new or changed policy,
procedures, organizational details, but it
occasionallyincludes anelement of
What is a Curriculum Vitae? persuasion
Curriculum Vitae (commonly abbreviated to
CV) is a Latin term that translates as “the
course of one’s life”. It is a summary of your Components of a CV
academic and work history. A well formatted A CV will have the following sections:
CV could dramatically improve an individual’s Personal Details: It is vital that the reader can
chance to successfully obtain a desirable spot , at a glance, not only your name but
position. also precisely how to get in contact with you.
CV, bio-data and resume Your CV should be headed with your name –
While a CV, bio- data and resume are roughly boldly and clearly before any other details.
equivalent documents, there are important Then you can add your address, phone
differences in its usage and content. Biodata, number, email address, date of birth, sex,
the short form of biographical data emphasis marital status, religion, aadhar number etc.
on personal particulars like date of birth, sex, Professional Profile: Professional profile is a
nationality, marital status and so on. It has a brief statement at the very beginning of a CV
specific format whereas Resume is an which conveys the reader an overall
advertising tool for selling oneself as the most impression of your key personal and
qualified candidate. It is typically used in professional characteristics. This part
business and there is no specific format for a includes your academic or personal
resume. The most basic difference between experiences and your abilities which are
CV and resume is in its length. A CV is used crucial for the job.
primarily when applying for fellowships and Objectives: The task of the objective section
grants and it is static. is to explain your preferred career direction
and details on what you hope to achieve from your
What is a summary? future career. While writing an objective
Statement you should write down the types of positions,
A summary is condensed version of a book,
types of organizations or settings, and specific skills you
article or other piece of writing. It is not a want to use or develop in your next job.
rewrittenbform of the original. To write a Educations and Qualifications: This part
summary, use your own words to express includes, Descriptions of your qualifications.
briefly the main idea and relevant details of The dates you received your qualifications
the piece you have read. The purpose of What grades/class/marks/ you achievedThe
writing a summary is to give the basic ideas names of the institutions Special
of the original reading. certifications, licenses, additional vocational
Definition of blog trainings etc
A blog (shortening of “weblog”) is an online Career History/work experience
journal or informational website displaying Start with your present or most recent job and
information in the reverse chronological work all the way back to your very first job. In
order, with latest posts appearing first. It is a this part you need to specify; The dates you
platform where a writer or even a group of worked for each organization Your job title or
writers share their views on an individual function
subject. The name of the organization you worked for,
Starting a Blog in Five Steps: along with location
1. Choose a blogging platform, domain name, A compelling description of what your role
and hosting option. entailed.
2. Design your blog using a simple theme. Key Skills: A Key Skill section is a summary
3. Modify your blog to get your desired look of the main skills and abilities you are offering
and feel. to a prospective employer. You can include
4. Select the best plug-in for your blog. your communication skills, interpersonal
5. Write compelling content that adds value to skills, administrative skills, organizational
readers. skills, presentation skills etc.
Etiquette /netiquette in Writing Achievements: In this section you can
Etiquette is the customary code of behavior in highlight your personal, professional and
society among members of a particular academic achievements.
profession or a group. While using internet Interests and Activities: You can simply
we have to follow certain code of conduct to summarize your interests and extracurricular
ensure the reputation of both personal and activities
professional. This correct or acceptable way in this section such as sports, acting,
of using the internet is called netiquette. Here dancing, painting and creative writing etc.
are some rules to follow as part of email References: The referees listed should be willing to
etiquette: Maintain privacy:Briefly introduce confirm your claims. They can be your teachers,
supervisors, former boss, even neighbours (if they are
yourself:Be clear in your subject line Avoid
professionals connected with the job you are applying
using shortcuts to real words, : Your e-mail is for).
a reflection of you.

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