Origami - Grade 8 Lesson Plan MAPEH 2nd Quarter

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Daily Lesson Plan
Arts 8
Section: Grade 8-Kaymito
Date: October 28, 2022
Time: 12:30-1:30 P.M.

The learner…
● art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and
● the salient features of the arts of East Asia by showing the relationship of the
elements of art and processes among culturally diverse communities in the
● East Asian countries as having a rich artistic and cultural tradition from
prehistoric to present times

The learner…
● create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of East Asia
● exhibit completed artworks for appreciation and critiquing

The learner…
● Analyzes elements and principles of art in the production of arts and crafts
inspired by the cultures of East Asia; A8EL-IIb-1
● Identifies characteristics of arts and crafts in specific countries in East Asia: China
(Chinese painting and calligraphy); Japan (origami, woodblock printing, theater masks,
face painting, and anime and manga); and Korea (theater masks, drums, and K-pop).

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Identify the different types of Origami.
2. Create an example of Origami.
3. Appreciate Origami’s importance as a traditional art of Japan in fostering
creativity among youngsters.


A. Topic: East Asian Arts
B. Sub-Topic: Japanese Origami
C. Reference: Arts Quarter 2 - Module 2
D. Materials. Module, Visual Aids, Chalk, Instructional Materials, Activity Sheets,
E. Values: Appreciation, Discipline, Creativeness, Attentiveness and Respect
F. Subject Integration: English, Araling Panlipunan, TLE, Mathematics


Preliminary Activities
● Cleanliness and orderliness
● Prayer
● Greetings
● Reminders
● Checking of attendance
● Review of the past lesson

● Lesson Proper
A. Activity “Fate in a Masu Box?”

➢ The students will be grouped according to their row seats:

Row 1- Group 1
Row 2- Group 2
Row 3- Group 3
➢ The teacher will hand out the Masu Box to each group containing the
➢ The chosen members per group must pick a number and show it to the
class. Every number corresponds a letter hidden inside the board. If the
student picked a number that is also shown on the board, then the student
must remove the same number revealing the letter hidden inside.
➢ If the group picked a number that is not present in the board, then the
teacher will task all the members to do something (e.g. raise their hands,
stand up, pat their head etc…) until it’s their turn again to pick a number.
➢ As soon as almost all numbers are picked, the learners will guess the words
by saying the remaining letters behind the numbers just to complete the
➢ Two pictures will be used as “hints” in doing the activity.

B. Analysis
The teacher will ask the following questions:
a. How did you find the activity?
b. Does the given hint helped you in completing the word?
c. What are the numbers that you’ve picked Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3?
d. Are you familiar with the words being revealed?
e. What do you think is our topic for today?

C. Abstraction
The teacher will discuss:
● Japanese Origami (The Art of Folding Paper in Japan)
-Brief History
a. Types of Origami
•Action Origami
•Wet folding
•Origami Tessellations
b. Basic paper foldings in Origami
• Valley/Mountain fold
• Pleats fold
• Reverse fold Inside
• Origami Book Fold
• Origami Kite Fold

Valuing: As a student, how Japanese Origami is important and significant in improving

your artwork skills?

b. Application
(Let’s Fold!Fold!Fold! : Fortune Teller Origami Making)
● The teacher will hand out the instructional material that includes the
procedure for making fortune teller origami.
● Each student must create fortune teller origami.

● The students will be graded according to the following rubric:


Criteria: 5 (Very 4(Proficient) 3(Partially 0(Skill Needs

Proficient) Proficient) Improvement)

Completed All Origami is Much effort Little effort was No effort was
Steps completely was made; made; Origami made; origami
constructed. origami is is partially is not
mostly completed. constructed

Neatness of Folds are Folds are Folds are Folds are

Folds neatly creased mostly neat somewhat sloppy and
and even. and even. sloppy and not uneven.
quite even.

Cooperation Student Student Student Student did not

and behavior followed followed struggled with follow
directions and instructions instructions directions and
needed no mostly and and required required
assistance. required little much constant
assistance. assistance. assistance.

Clean up, Student Student Student Student did not

Maintenance handled all handled all attempted to handle
and Summary materials materials handle materials
properly and properly and materials properly and
cleaned the cleaned area properly and failed to clean
work area fairly. clean up work up afterwards.
completely. area

Creativity and Student were Student used Student were Student did not
Artistry able to use minor designs able to design used any
design and to enhance but not that designs.
produce a their output. much.
creative output.
Total: /25

I. Identification. Direction: Write the correct answer in the space provided.

Wet Folding Origami Tessellations Kirigami

Action Origami Modular Origami

1. It is the type of origami that allows the finished model to be interactable

and be able to do something. A common model of the action origami is the "cootie
catcher" or "fortune teller".
2.This type of origami is different from the rest of the ones, it includes water
as part of the process of making the model.
3. This may actually be considered a controversial topic regarding origami.It
is the art of folding paper, however it includes cutting of the paper.
4. It means "many" or "multiple". This means that for this type of origami, it
will use more than one piece of paper. These pieces of paper are called "units".
5. An origami which contains a collection of figures filling a plane with no
gaps or overlaps. In this type of origami, pleats are used to connect molecules such as
twist folds together in a repeating fashion.
II. Match the Picture. Direction: Write the correct letter of the answer that matches
the picture.

____1. a. Origami Kite Fold

____2. b. Origami Book Fold

____3. c. Pleats Fold

____4. d. Reverse Fold Inside

____5. e. Valley/Mountains Fold

Watch the TED-talk video entitled “Always Folding - How Origami Changed My Life by Ilan
Garibi” via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf5L7wnlURc.” . As a teenager or student,
write some lessons you’ve learned from the talk and share it to the class in the next session.

Prepared by:


Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

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