Multiple Choice Assessment
Multiple Choice Assessment
Multiple Choice Assessment
multiple-choice questions. b. arthropods, helminths, and certain protozoa 10. Which of the following individuals introduced
1. Which of the following individuals is considered c. bacteria, fungi, and protozoa the terms “aerobes” and “anaerobes”?
to be the “Father of Microbiology?” d. bacteria, fungi, and viruses a. Anton von Leeuwenhoek
a. Anton von Leeuwenhoek 6. Rudolf Virchow is given credit for proposing b. Louis Pasteur
b. Louis Pasteur which of the following theories? c. Robert Koch
c. Robert Koch a. abiogenesis d. Rudolf Virchow
d. Rudolf Virchow b. biogenesis 1. A millimeter is equivalent to how many
2. The microbes that usually live on or in a person c. germ theory of disease nanometers?
are collectively referred to as: d. spontaneous generation a. 1,000
a. germs. 7. Which of the following microbes are considered b. 10,000
b. indigenous microflora. obligate intracellular pathogens? c. 100,000
c. nonpathogens. a. chlamydias, rickettsias, M. leprae, and T. pallidum d. 1,000,000
d. opportunistic pathogens. b. M. leprae and T. pallidum 2. Assume that a pinhead is 1 mm in diameter. How
3. Microbes that live on dead and decaying organic c. M. tuberculosis and viruses many spherical bacteria (cocci), lined up side by
material are known as: d. rickettsias, chlamydias, and viruses side, would fit across the pinhead? (Hint: Use
a. indigenous microflora. 8. Which of the following statements is true? information from Table 2-1.)
b. parasites. a. Koch developed a rabies vaccine. a. 100
c. pathogens. b. Microbes are ubiquitous. b. 1,000
d. saprophytes. c. Most microbes are harmful to humans. c. 10,000
4. The study of algae is called: d. Pasteur conducted experiments that proved the d. 100,000
a. algaeology. theory of abiogenesis. 3. What is the length of an average rod-shaped
b. botany. 9. Which of the following are even smaller than bacterium (bacillus)?
c. mycology. viruses? a. 3 m
d. phycology. a. chlamydias b. 3 nm
5. The field of parasitology involves the study of b. prions and viroids c. 0.3 mm
which of the following types of organisms? c. rickettsias d. 0.03 mm
4. What is the total magnification when using the d. 100,000 2. A bacterium possessing a tuft of flagella at one
high-power (high-dry) objective of a compound 8. The limiting factor of any compound light end of its cell would be called what kind of
light microscope equipped with a 10 ocular lens? microscope (i.e., the thing that limits its resolution bacterium?
a. 40 to 0.2 m) is the: a. amphitrichous
b. 50 a. number of condenser lenses it has. b. lophotrichous
c. 100 b. number of magnifying lenses it has. c. monotrichous
d. 400 c. number of ocular lenses it has. d. peritrichous
5. How many times better is the resolution of the d. wavelength of visible light. 3. One way in which an archaean would differ from
transmission electron microscope than the 9. Which of the following individuals is given credit a bacterium is that the archaean would possess no:
resolution of the unaided human eye? for developing the first compound microscope? a. DNA in its chromosome.
a. 1,000 a. Anton van Leeuwenhoek b. peptidoglycan in its cell walls.
b. 10,000 b. Hans Jansen c. ribosomes in its cytoplasm.
c. 100,000 c. Louis Pasteur d. RNA in its ribosomes.
d. 1,000,000 d. Robert Hooke 4. Some bacteria stain Gram-positive and others
6. How many times better is the resolution of the 10. A compound light microscope differs from a stain Gram-negative as a result of differences in the
transmission electron microscope than the simple microscope in that the compound light structure of their:
resolution of the compound light microscope? microscope contains more than one: a. capsule.
a. 100 a. condenser lens. b. cell membrane.
b. 1,000 b. magnifying lens. c. cell wall.
c. 10,000 c. objective lens. d. ribosomes.
d. 100,000 d. ocular lens. 5. Of the following, which one is not found in
7. How many times better is the resolution of the 1. Molecules of extrachromosomal DNA are also procaryotic cells?
transmission electron microscope than the known as: a. cell membrane
resolution of the scanning electron microscope? a. Golgi bodies. b. chromosome
a. 100 b. lysosomes. c. mitochondria
b. 1,000 c. plasmids. d. plasmids
c. 10,000 d. plastids. 6. The Three-Domain System of Classification is
based on differences in which of the following a. mitochondria d. rickettsias.
molecules? b. plasmids 5. At the end of the Gram staining procedure,
a. mRNA c. plastids Grampositive bacteria will be:
b. peptidoglycan d. ribosomes a. blue to purple.
c. rRNA 1. Which one of the following steps occurs during b. green.
d. tRNA the multiplication of animal viruses, but not during c. orange.
7. Which of the following is in the correct the multiplication of bacteriophages? d. pink to red.
sequence? a. assembly 6. Which one of the following statements about
a. Kingdom, Class, Division, Order, Family, Genus b. biosynthesis rickettsias is false?
b. Kingdom, Division, Class, Order, Family, Genus c. penetration a. Diseases caused by rickettsias are arthropod-
c. Kingdom, Division, Order, Class, Family, Genus d. uncoating borne.
d. Kingdom, Order, Division, Class, Family, Genus 2. Which one of the following diseases or groups of b. Rickets is caused by a Rickettsia species.
8. Which one of the following is never found in diseases is not caused by prions? c. Rickettsia species cause typhus and typhuslike
procaryotic cells? a. certain plant diseases diseases.
a. flagella b. chronic wasting disease of deer and elk d. Rickettsias have leaky membranes.
b. capsule c. Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease of humans 7. Which one of the following statements about
c. cilia d. “mad cow disease” Chlamydia and Chlamydophila spp. is false?
d. ribosomes 3. Most procaryotic cells reproduce by: a. They are obligate intracellular pathogens.
9. The semipermeable structure controlling the a. binary fission. b. They are considered to be “energy parasites.”
transport of materials between the cell and its b. budding. c. The diseases they cause are all arthropod-borne.
external environment is the: c. gamete production. d. They are considered to be Gram-negative
a. cell membrane. d. spore formation. bacteria.
b. cell wall. 4. The group of bacteria that lack rigid cell walls 8. Which one of the following statements about
c. cytoplasm. and take on irregular shapes is: cyanobacteria is false?
d. nuclear membrane. a. chlamydias. a. Although cyanobacteria are photosynthetic, they
10. In eucaryotic cells, what are the sites of b. mycobacteria. do
photosynthesis? c. mycoplasmas. not produce oxygen as a result of photosynthesis.
b. At one time, cyanobacteria were called bluegreen b. Algal cell walls contain cellulose, whereas fungal 6. All of the following terms can be used to
algae. cell walls do not. describe hyphae except:
c. Some cyanobacteria are capable of nitrogen c. Fungal cell walls contain chitin, whereas algal cell a. aerial and reproductive.
fixation. walls do not. b. septate and aseptate.
d. Some cyanobacteria are important medically d. all of the above c. sexual and asexual.
because they produce toxins. 2. All of the following are algae except: d. vegetative.
9. Which one of the following statements about a. desmids. 7. A lichen usually represents a symbiotic
archaea is false? b. diatoms. relationship between which of the following pairs?
a. Archaea are more closely related to eucaryotes c. dinoflagellates. a. a fungus and an ameba
than they are to bacteria. d. sporozoa. b. a yeast and an ameba
b. Both archaea and bacteria are procaryotic 3. All of the following are fungi except: c. an alga and a cyanobacterium
organisms. a. moulds. d. an alga and a fungus
c. Some archaea live in extremely hot environments. b. Paramecium. 8. A stigma is a:
d. The cell walls of archaea contain a thicker layer c. Penicillium. a. light-sensing organelle.
of peptidoglycan than the cell walls of bacteria. d. yeasts b. primitive mouth.
10. An organism that does not require oxygen, 4. A protozoan may possess any of the following c. thickened membrane.
grows better in the absence of oxygen, but can except: d. type of plastid.
survive in atmospheres containing some molecular a. cilia. 9. If a dimorphic fungus is causing a respiratory
oxygen is known as a(n): b. flagella. infection, which of the following might be seen in a
a. aerotolerant anaerobe. c. hyphae. sputum specimen from that patient?
b. capnophile. d. pseudopodia. a. amebae
c. facultative anaerobe. 5. Which one of the following terms is not b. conidia
d. microaerophile. associated with fungi? c. hyphae
1. Which of the following statements about algae a. conidia d. yeasts
and b. hyphae 10. Which one of the following is not a fungus?
fungi is (are) true? c. mycelium a. Aspergillus
a. Algae are photosynthetic, whereas fungi are not. d. pellicle b. Candida
c. Penicillium b. mRNA d. 7
d. Prototheca c. rRNA 10. Virtually all enzymes are:
1. Which of the following are the building blocks of d. tRNA a. carbohydrates.
proteins? 6. Which of the following statements about DNA is b. nucleic acids.
a. amino acids (are) true? c. proteins.
b. monosaccharides a. DNA contains thymine but not uracil. d. substrates.
c. nucleotides b. DNA molecules contain deoxyribose. 1. Which of the following characteristics do
d. peptides c. In a double-stranded DNA molecule, adenine on animals, fungi, and protozoa have in common?
2. Glucose, sucrose, and cellulose are examples of: one strand will be connected to thymine on the a. They obtain their carbon from carbon dioxide.
a. carbohydrates. complementary strand by two hydrogen bonds. b. They obtain their carbon from inorganic
b. disaccharides. d. All of the above statements are true. compounds.
c. monosaccharides. 7. The amino acids in a polypeptide chain are c. They obtain their energy and carbon atoms from
d. polysaccharides. connected by: chemicals.
3. Which of the following nitrogenous bases is not a. covalent bonds. d. They obtain their energy from light.
found in an RNA molecule? b. glycosidic bonds. 2. Most ATP molecules are produced during which
a. adenine c. peptide bonds. phase of aerobic respiration?
b. guanine d. both a and c. a. electron transport chain
c. thymine 8. Which of the following statements about b. fermentation
d. uracil nucleotides is (are) true? c. glycolysis
4. Which of the following are purines? a. A nucleotide contains a nitrogenous base. d. Krebs cycle
a. adenine and guanine b. A nucleotide contains a pentose. 3. Which of the following processes does not
b. adenine and thymine c. A nucleotide contains a phosphate group. involve bacteriophages?
c. guanine and uracil d. All of the above statements are true. a. lysogenic conversion
d. guanine and cytosine 9. A heptose contains how many carbon atoms? b. lytic cycle
5. Which one of the following is not found at the a. 4 c. transduction
site of protein synthesis? b. 5 d. transformation
a. DNA c. 6
4. In transduction, bacteria acquire new genetic d. Streptococcus. a. fungicidal
information in the form of: 2. Pasteurization is an example of what kind of b. pseudomonicidal
a. bacterial genes. technique? c. sporicidal
b. naked DNA. a. antiseptic d. tuberculocidal
c. R-factors. b. disinfection 7. Sterilization can be accomplished by use of:
d. viral genes. c. sterilization a. an autoclave.
5. The process whereby naked DNA is absorbed d. surgical aseptic b. antiseptics.
into a bacterial cell is known as: 3. The combination of freezing and drying is known c. medical aseptic techniques.
a. transcription. as: d. pasteurization.
b. transduction. a. desiccation. 8. The goal of medical asepsis is to kill __________,
c. transformation. b. lyophilization. whereas the goal of surgical asepsis is to
d. translation. c. pasteurization. kill__________.
6. In lysogenic conversion, bacteria acquire new d. tyndallization. a. all microorganisms . . . . . pathogens
genetic information in the form of: 4. Organisms that live in and around hydrothermal b. bacteria . . . . . bacteria and viruses
a. bacterial genes. vents at the bottom of the ocean are: c. nonpathogens . . . . . pathogens
b. naked DNA. a. acidophilic, psychrophilic, and halophilic. d. pathogens . . . . . all microorganisms
c. R-factors. b. halophilic, alkaliphilic, and psychrophilic. 9. Which of the following types of culture media is
d. viral genes. c. halophilic, psychrophilic, and piezophilic. selective and differential?
7. Saprophytic fungi are able to digest organic d. halophilic, thermophilic, and piezophilic. a. blood agar
molecules outside of the organism by means of: 5. When placed into a hypertonic solution, a b. MacConkey agar
a. apoenzymes. bacterial cell will: c. phenylethyl alcohol agar
b. coenzymes. a. take in more water than it releases. d. Thayer-Martin agar
1. It would be necessary to use a tuberculocidal b. lyse. 10. All the following types of culture media are
agent to kill a particular species of: c. shrink. enriched and selective except:
a. Clostridium. d. swell. a. blood agar.
b. Mycobacterium. 6. To prevent Clostridium infections in a hospital b. colistin–nalidixic acid agar.
c. Staphylococcus. setting, what kind of disinfectant should be used? c. phenylethyl alcohol agar.
d. Thayer-Martin agar. b. patient’s underlying medical conditions 5. Which of the following terms or names has
c. endoenzymes. c. patient’s weight nothing to do with the use of two drugs
d. exoenzymes. d. other medications that the patient is taking simultaneously?
8. The process by which a nontoxigenic 2. Which of the following is least likely to lead to a. antagonism
Corynebacterium diphtheriae cell is changed into a drug resistance in bacteria? b. Salvarsan
toxigenic cell is called: a. a chromosomal mutation that alters cell c. Septra
a. conjugation. membrane permeability d. synergism
b. lysogenic conversion. b. a chromosomal mutation that alters the shape of 6. Which of the following is not a common
c. transduction. a particular drug-binding site mechanism by which antifungal agents work?
d. transformation. c. receiving a gene that codes for an enzyme that a. by binding with cell membrane sterols
9. Which of the following does (do) not occur in destroys a particular antibiotic b. by blocking nucleic acid synthesis
anaerobes? d. receiving a gene that codes for the production of c. by dissolving hyphae
a. anabolic reactions a capsule d. by interfering with sterol synthesis
b. catabolic reactions 3. Which of the following is not a common 7. Which of the following scientists discovered
c. electron transport chain mechanism by which antimicrobial agents kill or penicillin?
d. fermentation reactions inhibit the a. Alexander Fleming
10. Proteins that must link up with a cofactor to growth of bacteria? b. Paul Ehrlich
function as an enzyme are called: a. damage to cell membranes c. Selman Waksman
a. apoenzymes. b. destruction of capsules d. Sir Howard Walter Florey
b. coenzymes. c. inhibition of cell wall synthesis 8. Which of the following scientists is considered to
c. endoenzymes. d. inhibition of protein synthesis be the “Father of Chemotherapy?”
d. holoenzymes. 4. Multidrug therapy is always used when a patient a. Alexander Fleming
1. Which of the following is least likely to be taken is diagnosed as having: b. Paul Ehrlich
into consideration when deciding which antibiotic a. an infection caused by MRSA. c. Selman Waksman
to b. diphtheria. d. Sir Howard Walter Florey
prescribe for a patient? c. strep throat. 9. All the following antimicrobial agents work by
a. patient’s age d. tuberculosis. inhibiting cell wall synthesis except:
a. cephalosporins. 4. Which of the following sites of the human body 8. Which of the following are least likely to play a
b. chloramphenicol. does not have indigenous microflora? role in the nitrogen cycle?
c. penicillin. a. bloodstream a. indigenous microflora
d. vancomycin. b. colon b. nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria
10. All the following antimicrobial agents work by c. distal urethra c. nitrogen-fixing bacteria
inhibiting protein synthesis except: d. vagina d. bacteria living in the root nodules of legumes
a. chloramphenicol. 5. Which of the following would be present in 9. Microorganisms are used in which of the
b. erythromycin. highest numbers in the indigenous microflora of following industries?
c. imipenem. the human mouth? a. antibiotic
d. tetracycline. a. -hemolytic streptococci b. chemical
1. A symbiont could be a(n): -hemolytic streptococci c. food, beer, and wine
a. commensal. b. -hemolytic streptococci d. all of the above
b. opportunist. c. Candida albicans 10. The term that best describes a symbiotic
c. parasite. d. Staphylococcus aureus relationship in which two different microorganisms
d. all of the above 6. Which of the following would be present in occupy the same ecologic niche, but have
2. The greatest number and variety of indigenous highest numbers in the indigenous microflora of absolutely no effect on each other is:
microflora of the human body live in or on the: the skin? a. commensalism.
a. colon. a. C. albicans b. mutualism.
b. genitourinary tract. b. coagulase-negative staphylococci c. neutralism.
c. mouth. c. Enterococcus spp. d. parasitism
d. skin. d. E. coli 1. Which of the following terms best describes
3. Escherichia coli living in the human colon can be 7. The indigenous microflora of the external ear chlamydial genital infection in the United States?
considered to be a(n): canal is most like the indigenous microflora of the: a. arthropod-borne disease
a. endosymbiont. a. colon. b. epidemic disease
b. opportunist. b. mouth. c. pandemic disease
c. symbiont in a mutualistic relationship. c. skin. d. sporadic disease
d. all of the above d. distal urethra.
2. Which of the following are considered reservoirs a. Lyme disease. 8. The largest waterborne epidemic ever to occur in
of infection? b. plague. the United States occurred in which of the
a. carriers c. rabies. following cities?
b. contaminated food and drinking water d. Rocky Mountain spotted fever. a. Chicago
c. rabid animals 6. Which one of the following organisms is not one b. Los Angeles
d. all of the above of the four most likely potential BW or bioterrorism c. Milwaukee
3. The most common nationally notifiable agents? d. New York City
infectious disease in the United States is: a. B. anthracis 9. Typhoid fever is caused by a species of:
a. chlamydial genital infections. b. Ebola virus a. Campylobacter.
b. gonorrhea. c. V. major b. Escherichia.
c. the common cold. d. Y. pestis c. Salmonella.
d. TB. 7. All of the following are major steps in the d. Shigella.
4. Which of the following arthropods is the vector treatment of a community’s drinking water except: 10. Which of the following associations is
of Lyme disease? a. boiling. incorrect?
a. flea b. filtration. a. ehrlichiosis . . . tick
b. mite c. flocculation. b. malaria . . . mosquito
c. mosquito d. sedimentation. c. plague . . . flea
d. tick d. Rocky Mountain spotted fever . . . mite
5. The most common zoonotic disease in the
United States is:
4. c 9. d 3. b 8. a
Chapter 1 5. c 10. d 4. d 9. d
1. a 6. c Chapter 6 5. c 10. c
2. b 7. b 1. a 6. c Chapter 11
3. d 8. c 2. a 7. a 1. b
4. d 9. a 3. c 8. d 2. d
5. b 10. c 4. a 9. b 3. a
6. b Chapter 4 5. a 10. a 4. d
7. d 1. d 6. d Chapter 9 5. a
8. b 2. a 7. d 1. c 6. b
9. b 3. a 8. d 2. d 7. a
10. b 4. c 9. d 3. b 8. c
Chapter 2 5. a 10. c 4. d 9. c
1. d 6. b Chapter 7 5. b 10. d
2. b 7. c 1. c 6. c
3. a 8. a 2. a 7. a
4. d 9. d 3. d 8. b
5. d 10. a 4. a 9. b
6. b Chapter 5 5. c 10. c
7. a 1. d 6. d Chapter 10
8. d 2. d 7. d 1. d
9. b 3. b 8. b 2. a
10. b 4. c 9. c 3. d
Chapter 3 5. d 10. a 4. a
1. c 6. c Chapter 8 5. a
2. c 7. d 1. b 6. b
3. b 8. a 2. b 7. c