SIRA Number
SIRA Number
SIRA Number
SIRA Workers Compensation approval entitles you to treat workers in the NSW Workers Compensation
System and charge up to the gazetted scheduled fee for the treatment you provide:
Upon receiving this email please review your details listed on the SIRA website at
information-search/health-care-providers and advise any changes to
You are not required to obtain a new approval number for each different location where you deliver services or
if you change your employment. However, we request you advise SIRA if your contact details change at any
time. As your details appear on the SIRA website, this will ensure stakeholders can contact you.
From time to time SIRA will keep you informed with notifications, bulletins and publications by email.
Changes in email contact details can be submitted by email to: Please note that
your email address does not appear on the SIRA website.
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certificate of fitness. These changes apply to both the workers compensation and the CTP schemes and are
designed to relieve pressure on general practitioners and the overall health system during the COVID-19
(Coronavirus) pandemic.
For physiotherapists certifying the capacity to work for an injured person, the practitioner must:
� be treating the injured person they are certifying for the injury or illness which is the subject of
their claim
� only be certifying injuries within the physiotherapist’s area of expertise
� use Certificate of capacity/Certificate of fitness - treating physiotherapist or psychologist form,
approved by the Authority at
� be SIRA approved if certifying a worker’s capacity to work in the workers compensation
� have general registration under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW) No 86a
if certifying an injured road user in the CTP scheme.
A comprehensive training package for treating physiotherapists on completing the certificate and certifying
capacity for work has been made available via the SIRA Website: Part One (overview) and Part Two
(populating the certificate)
Further information regarding issuing the certificate is located in SIRA Claims Management Guide at https://
certificate-of-capacity .
Kind regards
Pam Battle
Health Provider Supervision
Health Policy, Prevention and Supervision | State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA)
p 13 10 50
e |
92-100 Donnison Street, Gosford NSW 2250
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