Bs Entrepreneurship Individual Reflection Group 2 1
Bs Entrepreneurship Individual Reflection Group 2 1
Bs Entrepreneurship Individual Reflection Group 2 1
My task to contribute to towards the betterment of the group is as to make my ppt on algae
biofuel it was one of our four ideas in which I described how to invent it how it helps us and why
should we use it but our current idea that has been selected is the health care app which I think
was a better decision in this I helped by asking all the questions to a doctor so basically a
interview consisting of around 10 questions which helped us get feedback to improve I think
what went well is that everyone is doing their part and most of all we all agree on this one idea
what I would do differently is maybe submitted our work one week prior to the deadline so our
teacher Neha Parek The best teacher could give us feedback and tell us what to change or
improve before the final submission I am very satisfied with my contribution to the group as we
worked hard till night and we all divided the work equally amping the group
Rohan C
My task was to help create an app to benefit the society, a healthcare app. I contributed by first
of all creating the idea for a healthcare app as I wanted to create a product or an app that would
benefit society. My second contribution was formatting and bringing together the idea by
creating a final plan and writing down the features it’ll consist. Lastly I helped by finding the
expert doctor to interview and also helped format a few of the questions that we would ask.
Compared to a product an app is easier to make if you know the coding and it requires very few
or no spending whatsoever while for a product you would have to buy resources which would
also take time to arrive. So what worked out well is that our group had someone that knew how
to code and so our process was very efficient when it came to creating the base for the app.
Also I had a few connections so it was easy to get the doctor to interview which was very
I would put more time and effort into creating this app and adding more features as I think it has
potential not only to earn profits but to also help towards the betterment of the society.
Yes, I am satisfied with the project because our group worked together as a team and made him
happen while also having other things to attend to. We all put in our time and effort, did research
and used our skills in whichever aspects to make this happen.
Rivaan V
Vansh C
My task was to write Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for algae biofuel and creating a
summary for an interview with Dr.Sheetal Sabharwal related to our healthcare app.She had
many insightful suggestions to give and it was fun to make it into a summary
The overall process yielded successful outcomes for both the algae biofuel SDGs and the
healthcare app interview summary. Reflecting on the experience, I recognize the potential for
improvement, particularly in the healthcare app section. What I would do differently is that next
time while doing a summary I will take the great and different ideas of my fellow classmates and
put it into the summary
While content with my contribution, I aim for greater collaboration in future projects. In the
healthcare app summary, I would strive to involve team members more actively by using all their
ideas and feedback’s to make it even better. This aligns with my commitment to continuous
improvement and ensures a more inclusive representation in our group work.
In summary, I provided valuable insights for the algae biofuel SDGs and the healthcare app
interview summary. Looking ahead, I aspire to contribute even more effectively by increasing
collaboration and ensuring that our collective efforts result in comprehensive and well-rounded
Vaaryan J
For my tasks I took it upon myself to contribute as much as possible to the success of our
innovation but before that I not only constructed two of our ideas which was the Young
Musketeers app that gave NGOs a platform to connect to the youth and Algae Biofuel Kits a
more sustainable and eco friendly alternative of fuel compared to the current sources we utilise.
I was one of the two people who filled in our forms and displayed our thought process in all the
stages of the project as well as assigning everyone roles so that we could function as one
united task force.
I also designed the ppt consisting of 5 slides and wrote the SDG of roughly around 150 words
about the Young Musketeers app.
I helped contribute by giving my suggestions on what would help THCA stand out against its
competitors and what features to implement such as a calendar to remind you and allow you to
book doctor’s appointments and check ups.
In the final stage of the project I was tasked with creating the advertisement plan for which I
provided 3 different ideas on how we can reach out to the public. I was also majorly apart of
producing the actual prototype which we presented to you
I am fully content with my contribution to the project as I played a detrimental part in setting the
foundation and tone for our project and was able to play an important role in every step of the
Svarrocas Nair
My overall task was to create a product which will contribute in the overall betterment of the
society involving one of the SDG’s (sustainable development goal). My team and I worked on
creating a healthcare app, in which we would help clients set up medicine orders, set up
reminders for medicines, a health check and appointment reminder calendar, find symptoms
from illnesses, etc.
My contribution was to fill all the group forms, edit and upload all of our work, create the
prototype, and all around help every other teammate with their task. Most importantly I played
the role of the leader to help everyone else with their tasks, assigned tasks, followed up with my
teammates, edited and compiled all the work, and guided my group as well.
Our team was able to work with each other well and cooperated well so as the leader it was not
a very difficult task to get the work done. Another thing that went well was our flow of thought or
our brainstorming sessions as ideas were given out by everyone fast and without much
hesitation or fear as we believed no idea was wrong or bad until we could justify it and work on
I feel we could have worked on our time management skills as when we had other tasks to
complete we took longer and barely scraped through the deadlines, hence taking care of our
time management and organizational skills is a must.
I am satisfied with my input as I felt that I had an important role as we needed someone who's
quite highly technologically friendly and we also needed someone as a leader.