Group 7 Individual Competencies
Group 7 Individual Competencies
Group 7 Individual Competencies
As a group, we designed a business plan to have clear objectives for our business and to define its
key characteristics. Being the group leader I negotiated about the roles and responsibilities of
each team member, making sure that they were comfortable with the roles they were assigned to
and had the proper skillset for it. Moreover, I was also present for each task to monitor the action
plan and make sure that my peers were efficiently doing their work and following the rubric.
Another member of my team had contacted someone to interview about our business, but
unfortunately, that plan did not come through. However, I took on the job and contacted an expert
on hydroponics and scheduled an interview with him to ask for feedback on our product. Thus,
solving a problem. I ensured that there was effective communication within the group and mainly
communicated through WhatsApp. Our group also brainstormed on how our product and packaging
would look like. I worked on the packaging design along with Shreya. We also ensured that our
production is sustainable through the use of hydroponics. Hydroponics utilises water to grow
plants and not soil hence preventing the exploitation of land. Moreover, the water used in
hydroponics is reused. I also reflected on the skills that I have learned throughout this project and
the values that I gained.
I closely monitored and adhered to the action plan given to me by our
teacher and worked alongside my four peers to achieve our goals. I
communicated effectively with my peers using WhatsApp and Zoom calls and
mainly worked with Saisha and Sukriti. My fellow teammates and I took hours
brainstorming our product. I scoured the internet and took the initiative to
suggest the utilization of hydroponics to produce balms. I drew the physical
evidence of the product while keeping in mind practicality and aesthetics. I
was keen on this idea as it was extremely sustainable by reducing water
wastage and contamination of our products. I proofread the group
competencies and reflected on my work in this project. I also reflected on the
group's progress and activities coming to an understanding that due to our
collaboration and efforts, we were able to efficiently carry out the project.
When creating a business plan, I realized that making crucial business decisions should never be taken
lightly. When working in a team of 4-5 students it is very important to take into account other team members'
opinions and make sure that everyone in the team is on the same page before making important decisions for
the business. This one made a very heavy impact on my life as I had never done a project of this magnitude in
a group before. Drawing up an action plan is an essential step in any business. Without proper communication
of roles and tasks, there is a risk of either duplicated work or no work done at all. Negotiating on roles and
tasks of team members was important as if a person does not know how to do the job or does not want to do
it, it will not adhere to the submission dates, or it will not end up being a good product. Communication is the
glue that holds any business together. For our company, since we had no real customers yet we managed to
get our family to test out our products. Whatever feedback they gave us, we used it to improve our products.
Thanks to our team leader, we managed to get through most of the project without any problems getting in
the way. Any time there was a problem though we managed to work it through brainstorming sessions. For me,
this project helped me learn a lot of things that I knew would help me later on in the future. All of the
competencies I had chosen were the ones I gained proper insight on during this project. In my opinion, our
group managed to sail through the project without any bumps or nuances. We did a wonderful job in
everything and everyone managed to help out somewhere or the other.
The competences I have chosen are, Designing a Business Plan, Working in a Team of Four Students,
Drawing up an action plan, Contacting Experts, Asking For Feedback on Prototype-Promotion, Ways
to Promote the Business, Taking the Initiative to Develop a Product, Technical Design Skills,
Sustainability and Individual Self Assessment.
I feel as though I have chosen the appropriate competencies for my particular skill set, as these
categories will suit me well as I am well-versed in designing, teamwork, contacts, promotions, taking
initiative, and self-assessing. I worked with my team of 4 students and designed a business plan, As
a group we drew up an action plan to clarify what task each person had to do. Along with my group
leader, I asked for feedback on our product from the hydroponics expert that we interviewed. Our
product is highly sustainable as it does not use soil to grow plants and instead uses water.
Throughout the course of this project as well, I feel as though I have been better prepared for
these choices as I have gained further experience on these topics and subjects. I have gone
forward to take interviews, help make the product, assist in the design of it, and provide support in
drawing up plans for our project.
I firmly observed and struck to the tasks given to me by my group’s leader
and worked diligently and with persistent effort to achieve the best results.
My fellow group members and I discussed proficiently how to manage and
work out the business project productively. I contacted my peers through
WhatsApp and we had necessary meetings through Zoom and Google Meet. I
reached out to a local expert and conducted an interview, although I couldn’t
achieve the desired outcome. I created a couple of design concepts for logos
tailored to our businesses offering options for consideration. I delved deeply
into the subject and broadened my understanding significantly about not
only the sustainability of using Hydroponics but also how to adhere to and
engage in such impactful and innovative projects.