Business P & P
Business P & P
Business P & P
Slide 17 – Planning
Formulating an effective organizational strategy is critical to any organization. Planning
as a management function is concerned with ends (what is to be done) as well as the
means (how it is to be done). There are four primary reasons why managers plan.
Planning establishes coordinated effort. It gives direction to managers and non-
managers alike.
It reduces the impact of change. By anticipating change, considering its impact
and developing appropriate responses, planning reduces uncertainty. It also
clarifies the consequences of the actions manager might take in response to
Planning reduces overlapping and wasteful activities.
Planning establishes objectives or standards that facilitate control. The control
process compares actual performance against objectives, identifies any significant
deviations, and takes the necessary corrective actions.
Slide 23 – Interviews
Not only is the interview widely used, it also carries a great deal of weight in the
selection process. The unstructured interview – short in duration, casual, and made up of
random questions – has proven to be an ineffective selection device. The data gathered
from such interviews are typically biased and often unrelated to future job performance.
Having interviewers use a standardized set of questions, providing interviewers with a
uniform method of recording information, and standardizing the rating of the applicant’s
qualifications reduce the variability in results among applicants and enhance validities
comparable to applications, paper and pencil ability tests, or assessment centers.
Interviews are particularly valuable for assessing an applicant’s intelligence, level of
motivation, and interpersonal skills.
Slide 24 – Training
Ensuring employee skills are current can have a big return on an organization’s ability to
be successful and profitable. Intensified competition, technological changes and the
search for improved productivity are increasing skill demands on employees. Signals
that suggest an employee is in need of training include:
New equipment or processes are introduced that may affect an employee’s job.
A change is made in the employee’s job responsibilities.
There I a drop in an employee’s productivity of in the quality of his or her output.
There is an increase in safety violations or accidents.
The number of questions employees ask their supervisor increases.
Complaints by customers or co-workers increases.
Slide 34 – Delegation
There are limits to any manger’s time and knowledge. Effective managers rely on others
to help them achieve their unit’s objectives. Delegation is the assignment of authority to
another person to carry out specific activities. It allows a subordinate to make decisions –
that is, it is shift of decision-making authority from on organizational level to another,
lower one. The following are the primary steps of delegation:
Clarify the assignment
Specify the subordinate’s range of discretion
Allow the subordinate to participate
Inform others that delegation has occurred
When problems surface, insist on recommendations form the subordinate
Establish feedback controls
Slide 35 – Counseling
Counseling is discussion of a problem with an employee in order to resolve the problem
or, at a minimum, to help the employee to cope with it better. There are three basic types
of counseling.
Directive: Managers listen to employee problems, decide what should be done,
and then tell the employee what to do. In directive counseling the manager is in
Nondirective: Based on the belief that people can solve their own problems with
the aid of a sympathetic listener. Manager avoids passing judgment.
Participative: Middle ground between directive and nondirective. Manager
plays a more assertive role by offering insights and advice.
At any time, the status of a business enterprise can be calculated by first totaling the
assets and liabilities and then subtracting one from the other. The substance of the basic
equation is a statement about the relationship between assets, liabilities and ownership.
The form of the equation is that assets are equal to liabilities plus ownership. Following
the simple mathematical rules for equations, the statement ASSETS = LIABILITIES +
LIABILITIES = ASSETS - OWNERSHIP. Any representation of the three elements,
assets, liabilities and ownership, in the proper form, must result in an equation. This
equation, or balance, is precisely the relationship portrayed on the balance sheet, which is
a periodic statement of condition.
Practice Questions
Answer: a
Answer: c
Answer: a
4. Stewardship means:
a. The function of serving passengers on a cruise ship.
b. Serving as the head of the wine cellar in a quality restaurant.
c. To hold something in trust for another.
d. To serve on the board of directors in an enterprise.
Answer: c
5. In this new and highly competitive economy, competitive advantage
comes more from:
a. Ideas and information.
b. Inexpensive labor
c. Expanded availability of funding.
d. Command and control management.
Answer: a
Answer: b
Answer: a
Answer: b
Answer: d
10. It is commonplace that significant actions be made a matter of
retrievable record, available for as long as the action remains
significant. The key element is the determination of:
a. Where the record is maintained.
b. How the record is retrieved.
c. What is significant.
d. Who will have access to the record.
Answer: c
11. Any plan that no longer serves a useful purpose should be:
a. Revised.
b. Abandoned.
c. Reviewed.
d. Filed for historical reference.
Answer: b
Answer: a
Answer: c
Answer: b
Answer: c
16. The one common language at all levels and in all departments of an
enterprise is:
a. English.
b. Cobal.
c. Fortran.
d. Financial numbers.
Answer: d
Answer: b
18. The complete area of the study of human behavior that includes both
psychology and social services is commonly referred to as:
a. Physical science.
b. Biological science.
c. Behavioral science.
d. Human science.
Answer: c
Answer: d
Answer: b
Answer: b
Answer: b
Answer: a
Answer: c
Answer: b