Title One Page Summary
Title One Page Summary
Title One Page Summary
Dept. of orthopaedics
MOBILE NO.-9665908183
Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion procedures are one of the most common procedures
performed in spinal surgery.4 Since its original description over 50 years ago, numerous studies
have demonstrated the effectiveness of ACDF; patients generally experience rapid recoveries,
and dramatic improvement in their quality of life.8,9
Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is the current gold standard for managing
symptomatic anterior cervical degenerative disc disease.It gives rapid symptomatic relief as
compared to physiotherapy or cervical collar immobilization. Anterior cervical discectomy and
ACD with fusion (ACDF) are associated with longer term (12 months) improvement in certain
motor functions compared to PT.
There are 3 commonly used techniques for anterior cervical spine fusion. Those of Robinson –
Smith, Bailey and Badgley and Cloward. The Robinson-Smith used tricortical iliac crest
autograft, Bailey and Badgley used slot or trough type graft and Cloward used circular dowel
graft. The Robinson-smith is found to be strongest in compressive loading.1
This study is intended to assess the functional and radiological outcome of anterior cervical
discectomy and fusion, its technical difficulties and outcome.