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259(Dubai)|UGC J No :47335
Research Paper Volume - 6, Issue- 2,February 2018| e-ISSN : 2347 - 9671| p- ISSN : 2349 - 0187
Human Resource is the most valuable asset of any organization .it is the
sum-total of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the talents
and aptitudes of the employed persons who comprise executives, supervisors, and the
rank and file employees. It may be noted here that human recourses should be utilized
KEYWORDS: to the maximum possible extent, in order to achieve individual and organizational
Job Satisfaction, Human goals. Performance and job satisfaction are influenced by different set of factors, like
Resources, Job Security, enough income, linking with the job, regularity of employment, easy nature of job,
Working Conditions security of job, job gives prestige and satisfaction, congenial atmosphere provided by
colleague, good working conditions, welfare benefits of board, future prospective.
Against this backdrop, the researchers have made an attempt to study the aspects of
various dimensions which influence the job satisfaction of the construction workers,
and also to examine the attitudes of the worker’s towards the various job satisfaction
dimensions in construction industry. The researcher used the structured questionnaire
to collect the primary data with close ended questions and to analyze the data, the
researchers applied the simple percentage and regression analysis with ANOVA.
INTRODUCTION the more satisfied they are said to be. Logic would dictate
Today, India is the second fastest growing economy that the most satisfied (happy) workers should be the best
in the world. The Indian construction industry is an integral performers and vice versa. A primary influence on job
part of the economy and a conduit for a substantial part of its satisfaction is the application of Job design, which aims to
development investment, is poised for growth on account of enhance job satisfaction and performance using methods such
industrialization, urbanization, economic development and as job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment and job re-
people’s rising expectations for improved quality of living. engineering. Other influences on satisfaction include
The Indian construction industry registered a compound management styles and culture, employee involvement,
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.52% in nominal terms during empowerment, and autonomous work position Job
the review period (2009–2013), driven by private and public satisfaction can simply be defined as the feelings people have
investments in infrastructure, as well as institutional and about their jobs. It has been specifically defined as a pleasurable
commercial construction projects. Industry growth is expected (or un-pleasurable) emotional state resulting from the appraisal
to remain strong over the forecast period (2014–2018), as a of one’s job, an affective reaction to one’s job, and an attitude
result of the government’s commitment to making towards one’s job. These definitions suggest that job
infrastructural improvements and the implementation of the satisfaction takes into account feelings, beliefs, and behaviors.
12th Five-Year Plan (2012–2017), under which the government One of the biggest preludes to the study of job satisfaction
expressed plans to invest INR56.3 trillion (US$1.0 trillion) was the Hawthorne studies. These studies (1924–1933),
in various long-term development plans. Consequently, primarily credited to Elton Mayo of the Harvard Business
industry output is expected to record a forecast-period nominal School, sought to find the effects of various conditions (most
CAGR of 10.09%. notably illumination) on workers’ productivity. This finding
Job Satisfaction provided strong evidence that people work for purposes other
Job satisfaction describes how happy an individual than pay, which paved the way for researchers to investigate
is with his or her job. The happier people are within their job, other factors in job satisfaction. And scientific management
www.eprawisdom.com Volume - 6, Issue- 2, February 2018 A 31
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review|SJIF Impact Factor(2017) : 7.144 e-ISSN : 2347 - 9671| p- ISSN : 2349 - 0187
(Taylors) also had a significant impact on the study of job (Mc Shane & Glinow, 2005). It is an emotional state resulting
satisfaction. Frederick Winslow Taylor’s 1911 book, from experiences at work. Many positive outcomes of job
Principles of Scientific Management, argued that there was a satisfaction have been observed which eventually lead to
single best way to perform any given work task. It should employees’ intent to stay with the organization. Employee
also be noted that the work of W.L. Bryan, Walter Dill Scott, satisfaction has been found to be positively related to the
and Hugo Munsterberg set the tone for Taylor’s work. Some intent to remain with the company and negatively related to
argue that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, a motivation intention to quit and turnover (Clark, 2001; Schields & Price,
theory, laid the foundation for job satisfaction theory. This 2002).
theory explains that people seek to satisfy five specific needs OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
in life – physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self- To analyze the satisfaction level of the construction
esteem needs, and self-actualization. This model served as a workers and to identify the factors influencing
good basis from which early researchers could develop job positive impact on job satisfaction.
satisfaction theories. To provide suggestion on the basis of finding’s to
REVIEW OF LITERATURE improve the level of job satisfaction of workers in
According to Lise, Saari and Judge (2004), the most the construction industry.
used research definition of job satisfaction is by Locke (1976),
who defines it as “. a pleasurable or positive emotional state The study has tested the validity of the Hypothesis in the
resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences”.
intensive research work.
Job satisfaction is a function of the job outcomes desired and
H0: The job satisfaction of the construction workers
expected and those received (Porter & Lawler, 1968). is very poor.
Describing job satisfaction from a facet approach (Dabke,
H 1: The construction workers are highly satisfied
Salem, Genaidy & Daraiseh, 2008) laid emphasize the attitudes
with their work.
of employees towards various aspects of job, such as
satisfaction of rewards, opportunity, among others. In METHODOLOGY
addition, demographic variables may be one factor influencing In order to achieve the objectives of present study
workers’ job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has been a topic in relevant primary data as well as secondary data was used.
organization research (Hoppock, 1935) for its impact on job Well structured questionnaires have been used to collect the
performance. Knowledge of the job satisfaction of the primary data from the organization. Used the Likert’s five
construction workers helps us understand their motivations, point rating scale, it is a unique technique will be exploited in
and, thus, the ways to improve their performance. Spector the study in the various contexts. For this study the factors
(1997) defined job satisfaction as how people feel about their are taken by analyzing the various dimensions which are
jobs and different aspects of their jobs. It is the extent to having positive impact on Job satisfaction. Finally the
which people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) researcher took the following dimensions to study the Job
their jobs. satisfaction of the respondent in construction work. the
Job satisfaction is an issue which has generated a dimensions are Job gives Enough income, Linking with the
lot of discussions in most organizations. This is mainly due job, Regularity of Employment, Easy nature of Job, Security
to the fact that many experts believe that job satisfaction of Job, Job gives prestige and satisfaction, congenial
trends can affect labor market behavior and influence work atmosphere provided by colleague, Good working conditions,
productivity, work effort, employee absenteeism and staff Welfare benefits of board, future prospective. The Secondary
turnover. Job satisfaction has much importance. In the view data was collected from Books, Magazines, Journals, News
of Diaz-Serrano and Cabral (2005), it is considered a strong Papers, Websites, and other published sources, that provide
predictor of overall individual well-being. According to relevant information for the study. Extensive field work has
Gazioglu and Tansel (2002) job satisfaction is a good predictor been made to collect required data and information as part of
of intentions or decisions of employees to leave a job. Workers’ research instruments. Non-probability convenience method
decisions about whether to work or not, what kind of job to has been used to collect data from the construction workers.
accept or stay in, and how hard to work are all likely to Convenience sampling method is adopted to carry out the
depend in part upon the workers’ subjective evaluation of study. For this 97 workers are selected covering almost all the
their work, in other words, on their job satisfaction (Clark, areas of Costal Andhra Pradesh. The data was analyzed by
2001). using the statistical tools of regression analysis and factor
In the view of Spector (1997) organizations have analysis.
significant effects on the people who work for them and some Data Analysis:
of those effects are reflected in how people feel about their To attain the objectives of the study, the data was
work. This makes job satisfaction an issue of substantial tabulated and made the following analysis, descriptive
importance for both employers and employees. As many statistics with chi-square.
studies suggest, employers benefit from satisfied employees Reliability Analysis:
as they are more likely to profit from lower staff turnover In this study the researchers test the internal
and higher productivity if their employees experience a high consistency of the data before to proceed for further data
level of job satisfaction. According to Nguyen, Taylor and analysis. The most commonly used statistic for testing the
Bradley (2003) employees should also ‘be happy in their reliability is Cronbach’s coefficient alpha. From the table 1,
work, given the amount of time they have to devote to it The Reliability Statistics, is 0.677, which means that our
throughout their working lives’. Job satisfaction has been measuring is very consistent.
found to be the most important tool for employee retention.
Job satisfaction refers to how employees perceive their jobs
A 32 Volume - 6, Issue- 2, February 2018 www.eprawisdom.com
Dr. V. Tulasi Das, Alluri Balaji
Table-1 Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.672 10
Table-2: Socio Economic Profile of the Respondents
N % N %
From the above table, it discloses that the age of DEGREE OF RELATIONSHIP
respondents, where majority of respondents Thirty eight per The model summary of Table: notices that how
cent are between the age group of 20-35. Twenty three per much of the variance in the dependent variable (Experience)
cent of respondents fall under the age group of 36-50 years. is explained by the model (which includes the variables: Job
Further the least percentile of seven per cent are fall under the gives Enough income, Linking with the job, Regularity of
age group of above 60 years. Regarding the educational Employment, Easy nature of Job, Security of Job, Job gives
qualifications, Thirty nine per cent of the total respondents prestige and satisfaction, congenial atmosphere provided by
are illiterates, Thirty six per cent are below 10 th class, nine colleague, Good working conditions, Welfare benefits of board,
per cent are qualified intermediate; three per cent are degree future prospective.). In this research, the value is .233.
qualified, and finally nine per cent are technically qualified. Expressed as a percentage, this means this model explains
From the above table it is clear that majority respondents 23.3 per cent of the variance in experience. However, to assess
sixty three per cent are Hindu’s, nineteen per cent are Muslims, the statistical significance of the result, it is necessary to look
and seventeen per cent are Christian. The marital status of at the ANOVA Table 7. This tests the null hypothesis that
the respondents are concerned, Majority of respondents fifty multiple R in the population equals 0. The model in this
six per cent are married where thirty six per cent are unmarried, research reaches statistical significance (sig. = .000; this really
further three per cent are widowed. Where the majority of means p<.0005)
responds belong to male (seventy per cent) and twenty seven
percent are female.
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square the Estimate
1 .483a .233 .144 .44212
a. Predictors: (Constant), all variables
Model Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
1 Regression 5.107 10 .511 2.613 .008b
Residual 16.811 86 .195
Total 21.918 96
a. Dependent Variable: educational qualification
b. Predictors: (Constant), All Variables
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 1.541 .922 1.672 .098
Job gives Enough income -.486 .189 -.340 -2.578 .012
Linking with the job .488 .199 .329 2.446 .016
Regularity of Employment .078 .169 .057 .463 .644
Easy nature of Job -.029 .156 -.025 -.187 .852
Security of Job .005 .144 .004 .032 .975
Job gives prestige and satisfaction -.022 .128 -.022 -.174 .862
Congenial Atmosphere Provided by .177 .137 .177 1.291 .200
Good working conditions -.240 .130 -.238 -1.843 .069
Welfare benefits of board -.084 .131 -.077 -.642 .523
Future Prospective .264 .119 .251 2.208 .030
a. Dependent Variable: Educational qualification
From the coefficients matrix Table, the Standardized explaining the dependent variable, when the variance explained
Beta coefficients give a measure of the contribution of each by all other variables in the model is controlled for. The Beta
variable to the model. A large value indicates that a unit change values for those variables also somewhat significant
in this predictor variable has a large effect on the criterion contribution in explaining the degree of variance. And all other
variable. The t and Sig (p) value give a rough indication of the variables made less contribution.
impact of each predictor variable, t value and small p value It is clear that the major portion of the variables is
suggests that a predictor variable is having a large impact on highly significant at 0.05 per cent of level. Construction
the criterion variable. If the correlation with other variables is workers are satisfied with constraints of job satisfaction, i.e.
high, suggesting the possibility of multicollinearity. Ignoring Job gives enough income, linking with the job, Good working
any negative signs out the front in the data analysis found conditions, future prospective. Some variables which are not
that the largest Bata coefficient is0.199, which is Reward significant to this analysis are deleted from the study. The
systems to different types of work. This means that this dimensions of job satisfaction are taken in to consideration
variable makes the significant or unique contribution to which are having high coefficient and having high significance
Table- ANOVA
Constraints Sum of d Mean F Sig.
Squares f Square
Job gives Enough income .694 2 .347 .475 .623
Linking with the job 4.998 2 2.499 3.951 .023
Regularity of Employment 1.600 2 .800 1.004 .370
Easy nature of Job 2.114 2 1.057 .951 .390
Security of Job 5.606 2 2.803 2.598 .080
Job gives prestige and satisfaction 11.853 2 5.926 4.341 .016
Congenial Atmosphere Provided by
8.391 2 4.195 2.953 .057
Good working conditions 5.671 2 2.835 1.997 .141
Welfare benefits of board 3.736 2 1.868 1.527 .223
future prospective 12.780 2 6.390 5.170 .007
From above Table it is clear that, the major portion satisfaction. Therefore this analysis rejects the null
of the constraints of Job satisfaction of construction workers, hypothesis, of that there is no influence of personnel variables
with the dependent variable of education is highly significant on Job satisfaction of construction workers. We may, therefore
at 0.05 per cent levels. Where the calculated value of “F”, is conclude that the difference in respondents’ duo to education
above the table value for the variables, Linking with the job, is significant.
Security of Job, Job gives prestige and satisfaction, congenial FACTORS ANALYSIS – JOB
atmosphere provided by colleague, future prospective. Some SATISFACTION
variables are not significant at 0.05 per cent. Finally it reveals The Job satisfaction of construction workers,
that the education of employees is an influencing factor. Finally consists of Ten sub-variables in Likert’s 5 point scale which
it reveals that the security of Job is influencing factor. Congenial ranges from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The
atmosphere provided by colleague is important for the application of factor analysis over these ten variables derived
purpose of the job satisfaction to construction workers, and the following results:
also future prospective gets highest importance in case of job
Initial Extraction
Job gives Enough income 1.000 .794
Linking with the job 1.000 .809
Regularity of Employment 1.000 .635
Easy nature of Job 1.000 .732
Security of Job 1.000 .645
Job gives prestige and satisfaction 1.000 .688
Congenial Atmosphere Provided by Colleague 1.000 .785
Good working conditions 1.000 .666
Welfare benefits of board 1.000 .687
Future Prospective 1.000 .641
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
The above table shows the communalities of variance ranges from 0.635 to 0.794. It denotes the variance
extraction. Principal component analysis works on the initial of the variable ranges from 63.5% to 79.4%. This variance
assumption that all variance is common. Hence, the initial designates the formation of significant factors.
communality of all the components is 1. The communalities The following total variance table indicates the
in the column labelled ‘Extraction’ reflect the common variance individual and cumulative variance of the derived factors:
in the data structure. From the above table it is found that the
Total Variance Explained
Component Initial Eigen values Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 2.647 26.474 26.474 1.927 19.273 19.273
2 1.986 19.860 46.334 1.774 17.739 37.012
3 1.324 13.244 59.578 1.764 17.644 54.656
4 1.125 11.246 70.825 1.617 16.169 70.825
5 .742 7.419 78.244
6 .628 6.283 84.527
7 .500 5.002 89.530
8 .472 4.718 94.248
9 .299 2.994 97.242
10 .276 2.758 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
From the above table it is found that the fourteen
The following Rotated Component Matrix (a)
factors are reduced into six predominant factors with individual
indicates the variable composition of the factors:
variance 19.273, 17.739, 17.644, 16.169 and cumulative
variance is 70.825. These variances are significant to
individually considering derived factors.