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Understanding Beliefs and Practices of

African American Parents with Male Toddlers: A Focus on Emotional and Social
Development. (2014)
Directed by Dr. Belinda J. Hardin. 194 pp.

The purpose of this study was to learn more about the experiences, beliefs, and
practices of married or cohabitating African American parents with a toddler son. This
study also examined salient aspects of family life and how child rearing practices
supported positive emotional and social development of their toddler sons. Through a
theoretical lens that recognizes development in children of color is rooted in societal
aspects and mechanisms (such as discrimination, racism, oppression) that affect family
life of African American parents with male toddlers, careful attention was given to the
unique experiences of each of the six families who participated in the study. A
phenomenological research design was used, which included 12 individual interviews
(one with each parent), an interview with each couple, and an observation with the
family. Extensive field notes were recorded also.
Results include seven essences and three themes shared by the six families that
reflected the beliefs and practices they valued to ensure the positive social and emotional
development of their sons. Despite the deep commitment and love the families share with
each other, parents reported challenges with having enough quality time to spend with
their toddler sons and family. In addition, regardless of the young age of their sons and
significant financial means in some families, most felt their parenting goals were
influenced by negative societal views of African American males as well as expectations
for academic achievement. Furthermore, fathers emphasized their efforts to improve

upon the models they experienced growing up and to make sure they are actively present
in their sons lives. Information these African American families shared about the
intricacies of their daily lives, childrearing beliefs and practices, and the influence of
societal expectations could have implications for early childhood teacher preparation,
early intervention, and policies for young children and families.



Sheresa Boone Blanchard

A Dissertation Submitted to
the Faculty of The Graduate School at
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Philosophy


Approved by

Belinda J. Hardin_______________
Committee Chair

2014 Sheresa Boone Blanchard

To My Family, my biggest cheerleaders while achieving this dream



This dissertation, written by SHERESA BOONE BLANCHARD, has been

approved by the following committee of the Faculty of The Graduate School at The
University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Committee Chair

Dr. Belinda J. Hardin____________________

Committee Members

Dr. Stephanie I. Coard___________________

Dr. Linda L. Hestenes___________________
Dr. Jean Kang_________________________

June 24, 2014________________

Date of Acceptance by Committee

June 24, 2014______________

Date of Final Oral Examination



I would like to acknowledge the time, guidance and commitment of Dr. Belinda
Hardin, who directed this dissertation study. Her dedication to prompt feedback and
sound guidance are appreciated. I would also like to thank my other committee members,
Drs. Stephanie Coard, Linda Hestenes, and Jean Kang. I would not have been able to
complete this process without the comprehensive support, criticism, and encouragement
of such knowledgeable researchers.
I would also like to thank the many other professors who provided guidance and
support as mentors and sounding boards through early stages of this project through
completion with conversations and meetings as well as inspiration including Drs. Jewell
Cooper, Nicole Dobbins, Teresa Little, Marcia Rock, and Pamela Williamson.
Thank you to my children, Will, Isaiah, and Marai, who kept me grounded
through their love, opportunities to take a work break to play, smiles, laughs, hugs and
kisses. To my husband, Mario, for all he did to support and encourage me through this
journey. To my parents, William and Loretta Boone, whose sacrifices and unwavering
love have always made the impossible, possible. A special thank you to my mother who
always went above and beyond by providing child care and household assistance when I
needed it to get work completed. Thank you to my brother, Dr. William Boone, who was
the first in our family to earn a Ph.D. I am extremely blessed to have a sibling who has
traveled this road and knew just the right things to say to motivate me throughout this


process. Finally, to my uncle, Dean Wilson, for his support and being one of the few
people who says he wants to read this one dayand who actually will.

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... viii
I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................1
Rationale for the Study ................................................................................1
Research Problem ........................................................................................2
Purpose of the Study ....................................................................................4
II. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ......................................................................6
Theoretical Framework ................................................................................7
Defining Early Emotional and Social Development ..................................14
Importance of Positive Emotional and Social Development .....................16
Components of Emotional and Social Development .................................19
Influence of Parental Behavior, Interactions, and Attributes .....................23
Precursors and Influence of Genetics and Neuroscience ...........................27
Influence of Familial/Cultural Beliefs and Practices .................................30
Summary ....................................................................................................39
III. METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................40
Transcendental Phenomenological Design ................................................41
Research Design.........................................................................................47
Procedures ..................................................................................................56
Data Analysis .............................................................................................57
Trustworthiness ..........................................................................................60
IV. FAMILY DESCRIPTIVE SUMMARIES ..........................................................62
The Bryant Family: Thomas, Stephanie, and Elijah ..................................62
The Spencer Family: Titon, Karen, and Little Titon .................................65
The Bennett Family: Jonathan, Sharon, Jordan, and Luke ........................71
The Freeman/Hill Family: Rakim Freeman, Trina Hill, and
Christopher Freeman .............................................................................78
The Wilson Family: Maurice, Tracey, and Jason ......................................88
The Johnson Family: Greg, Angela, and Greg, III ....................................95

Composite Structural Description (All Participants) ...............................100

Conclusion ...............................................................................................101
V. RESULTS .........................................................................................................103
Essence 1: Fatherhood Motivation: Present, Active, and
Different ...............................................................................................104
Essence 2: Child Outcomes and Goals Influence Present
Parental Decisions ...............................................................................107
Essence 3: Lack of Time = Elevated Stress and Guilt .............................114
Essence 4: Extended Family/Friends Provide Network of
Support .................................................................................................116
Essence 5: Current Perception of African American Male
Cases Shadow on Parenting and Childhood ........................................118
Essence 6: Importance of Faith and Religion ..........................................121
Essence 7: Shared Household Responsibility/Division of
Labor ....................................................................................................123
Other Prominent Themes .........................................................................124
Conclusion ...............................................................................................126
VI. DISCUSSION ...................................................................................................127
Purpose of Phenomenological Design .....................................................128
Essences and Themes: Connections and Implications .............................129
Essences and Themes: Emotional and Social Development....................142
Limitations ...............................................................................................145
Future Research .......................................................................................147
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................149
APPENDIX A. SEARCH ENGINE KEYWORDS .......................................................178
APPENDIX B. RECRUITMENT FLYER ....................................................................179
APPENDIX C. PARENT AND CHILD INFORMATION FORM ...............................181
APPENDIX D. IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ..............................................183
APPENDIX E. QUESTION INCLUSION DOCUMENTATION ................................187
APPENDIX F. CONSENT FORM ................................................................................191
APPENDIX G. OBSERVATION GUIDE .....................................................................194

Table 1. Participant Demographic Information ................................................................52
Table 2. Contents of Demographic Form..........................................................................54
Table 3. Strategies to Determine Rigor .............................................................................61
Table 4. Essences of African American Parents with a Male Toddler ...........................104
Table 5. Comparison of Essences and Themes (Question 1) with Select
Elements of the Integrative Model ...............................................................130
Table 6. Comparison of Essences and Themes (Question 1) with
Emotional and Social Development (Question 2) ........................................144



Rationale for the Study

Research on developmental trajectories and achievement for young African
American1 children documents a disturbing picture of current and long-term outcomes
(American Psychological Association, 2008; Aratani, Wight, & Cooper, 2011; Childrens
Defense Fund, 2012; Nieto, 2000; Nieto, & Bode, 2011). Clarifying the extent of this
concern, results of the 2010 census indicate African American children are 14.4% of the
child population (birth through 17 years) in the United States, despite their higher
representation in categories that could negatively influence child wellness (Childrens
Defense Fund, 2012; Macartney, 2011). A variety of investigative studies and
information reporting on indicators relevant for understanding developmental outcomes
for children suggest young African Americans fare worse than most counterparts:

African American children under five years of age are the second lowest
group socioeconomically, only above young American Indian children
(Childrens Defense Fund, 2012; Macartney, 2011);

African Americans comprise 25% of children in poverty (Childrens Defense

Fund, 2012; Macartney, 2011);

Changes in language occur based on multiple factors, including social, political, and historical reasons,
influencing the terms one uses (Nieto, 2000).The terms African American, American Indian, European
American, and Latino will be used. When referring to non-European American groups in general terms, the
term people of color is used (Nieto, 2000).

At nine months old African American babies score lower on measures of

cognitive development than European American babies (Aratani, Wight, &
Cooper, 2011);

Sixty-four percent of African American students graduate from high school

within four years compared to eighty-two percent of European American
students (Childrens Defense Fund, 2012);

In 2009, thirty-one percent of all juvenile arrests and fifty-six percent of

juveniles serving life sentences without parole were African American
(Childrens Defense Fund, 2012); and

During the 2003-2004 academic year, expulsion rates for young children were
highest for those who were African American, male, and/or an older
preschoolers (Frabutt, & Gathings, 2006; Gilliam, 2005).

These disturbing outcomes have initiated cause for alarm and a need for action on behalf
of African American children to understand family perspectives about child rearing
practices that support positive emotional and social development of young African
American boys and to work to understand factors that contribute to the emergence and
often persistence of gaps in school readiness (American Psychological Association, 2008;
Aratani, Wight, & Cooper, 2011; Zehr, 2011).
Research Problem
Most young children, including African American male toddlers, are situated in
families of various configurations and arrangements (Hanson, & Lynch, 2004).
Generally, many aspects of daily life (e.g., someone else, often an adult, has to take care

of their basic need for food, clothing, and shelter) for young children vary, but some are
similar such as whom they live with, where they live, whether or not they have siblings,
and child care type and provision. These variations interact with the developmental
context of the child, possibly influencing outcomes (Franklin, 2007; Hanson, & Lynch,
2004; Knopf, & Swick, 2008).
Race, as well as ethnicity, social class, and gender are among the most salient
attributes in the United States because of a long history of discrimination and differential
treatment based on them (Bush, & Bush, 2013; Garcia Coll, et al., 1996; Gordon, 2012;
Ladson-Billings, & Tate, 1995; Tate, 1997). Therefore, focusing on these attributes in
this study, African American boys of various social classes, acknowledges that the
salience of race, gender, and social class characteristics may influence parenting and
child outcomes. Thus, a closer look at this population is important to providing
information about childrearing goals and toddler socialization in African American
families and ultimately improving their life trajectories through more complete and
accurate information (Bush, & Bush, 2013; Zehr, 2011). While aspects of childhood and
child rearing have bidirectional influence, the developmental context of young children,
including African American children, is the foundation for later outcomes and therefore
important to understand (National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, 2007;
2010; Sroufe, Coffino, & Carlson, 2010; Walker et al., 2011). Therefore, a closer look at
African American male toddlers will provide additional knowledge about how parental
beliefs and practices may influence their childs emotional and social development.

Research with African Americans families and children primarily focuses on
those in poverty and/or single parent households. Additionally, research frequently
compares African Americans with other groups or uses quantitative methods and/or
laboratory observation to probe and describe outcomes related to a specific construct,
yielding a specific type of information (Dodson, 2007; McLoyd, Hill, & Dodge, 2005).
While a wide variety of methods are critical to better understand young children and
families, there is a dearth of research that describes beliefs and practices of pairs of
African American parents with toddler sons from their perspective, despite support that
beliefs and practices have been shown to influence childrearing, socialization, and child
outcomes (Barnett, Shanahan, Deng, Haskett, & Cox, 2010; Hill, & Tyson, 2008).
Furthermore, emotional and social development is considered the foundation for
development in all other areas (Bagdi, & Vacca, 2005; Hemmeter, Ostrosky, & Fox,
2006; Kress, Norris, Schoenholz, Elias, & Seigle, 2004) and therefore one of the most
important developmental areas to support progress in all other areas. Current
expectations, policies, and practices aimed at improving and supporting the positive
development of African American boys should result from sound familial information.
Therefore, understanding beliefs and practices of African American parents of male
toddlers and ways they could support emotional and social growth is important for
positive developmental outcomes for African American boys.
Purpose of the Study
This qualitative study uses a phenomenological approach to understand parental
beliefs and practices that contribute to positive emotional and social developmental

outcomes for African American toddlers, paving the way for more optimistic school
readiness and life trajectories. Congruent with Part C of the Early Intervention Program
for Infants and Toddlers With Disabilities (IDEA 2004), infants and toddlers are defined
as children under age three (IDEA, 2011). More specifically, toddlers between 12
months and 3 years old are the focus of this study since most research on young African
American children focuses on preschoolers and older children and research clearly
shows positive interactions during the early years results in better outcomes (Chen, &
Siegler, 2000; Underwood, & Rosen, 2011). Two questions guide this research:
a) What are beliefs and goals of parents of African American male toddlers for
their sons?
b) How do parental beliefs and goals of parents of African American male
toddlers socialize them for emotional and social success?
In the following chapters I will first discuss the theoretical framework followed
by the theoretical perspectives guiding this research. Next, I will discuss emotional and
social development milestones and aspects of childrearing such as socialization and
discipline. Chapter three describes the methodology, recruitment, and measures for the
study. Next, summaries of each family and results of the study followed by a discussion
of the results and their implications are shared.


Theoretical and evidence-based contexts can inform an understanding of

development and typical milestones for African American toddlers, which can guide
research. These contexts include: (a) a theoretical framework focused on the integrated
nature of child development for children of color and (b) research on emotional, social,
familial, environmental, and genetic outcomes and influences on development (Garcia
Coll, et al., 1996; Shonkoff, 2010). Focusing on varied contexts can provide a
foundation for inquiries that explore factors promoting positive emotional and social
development (and therefore, increasing the likelihood of positive life outcomes) for
African American male toddlers. Therefore, a thorough review of relevant literature was
conducted to understand the complexities of emotional and social development in general
and for African American toddlers and boys in particular.
Four methods of inquiry were used to find the most recent and relevant studies on
emotional and social development in young children. First, six databases [Academic
Search Premier, Child Development & Adolescent Studies, Education Full Text (H.W.
Wilson), ERIC, PsychARTICLES, and SocINDEX with Full text) were searched for
published articles, books, and reports using the keyword combinations (Appendix A).
Initially, this search focused on items published between 2000 and 2014, but was
expanded to 1990 due to limited results from initial searches, especially in the areas of

development and parenting of African American children of varying economic status.
Second, a review of the reference lists from relevant articles, books, and reports on social
development, brain development, parenting, and African American children yielded
additional sources, including foundational literature (e.g., Guralnick, 1990; McAdoo,
2002). Third, relevant and often cited journals (e.g., Infant Mental Health) that include
articles on infant development, social or emotional development, or social competence in
young children were searched via online databases using keywords or through relevant
special edition issues. Infant and toddler development books were also used to document
typical emotional and social development. Finally, all issues of Zero to Three from 2006
through November 2012 were searched by hand to find relevant articles. In addition to
reviewing relevant literature, attention to ones position and perspective, including ones
theoretical perspective(s) or framework, regarding a topic assists with understanding
individual interpretations of literature and research results. The primary theoretical
foundation of this study is described below.
Theoretical Framework
Young (2008) describes theoretical frameworks as important to assist with
describing and explaining process and often [provide] a distinct vocabulary
representative of underlying epistemological and ontological perspectives (p. 43). This
study is mainly influenced by the integrative model, which assists with understanding
development in children of color (Garcia Coll et al., 1996). The methodology and data
analyses used in this research included careful consideration of each construct in the

While various research theories, methodologies, and analyses exist, for over a
decade, scholars have called for designs that take into account child rearing and
socialization contexts as well as the developmental outcomes for African American
children and families through acknowledgement of the racialized American society
(Dodson, 2007; McAdoo, 2002; McLoyd, Hill, & Dodge, 2005; Peters, 1997; 2007).
Since categorization such as race, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status are socially
constructed (Smedley, & Smedley, 2005), contexts influencing the definition of each will
be discussed through theoretical perspectives. Currently, among the recommendations
for quality research with African American families, a push toward the ecological
contexts of development within diverse children and families exists. In particular, the
integrative model (discussed in detail next) is one perspective suggested for the
advancement of sound knowledge about the family dynamics and socialization processes
in families of color (McAdoo, 2002b; McLoyd, Hill, & Dodge, 2005). This theoretical
perspective was influential in this study from the design and conceptualization to the
interpretation of the results.
Child developmental outcomes are influenced by a multitude of factors and
systems including societal, state, regional, local, and familial impact in a multidirectional
context. Before contemplating the systems related to a childs development, one must
first consider the constant presence of societal power. This power includes the systems
of oppression that intersect through the constructs relevant to the child (such as gender,
race, and socioeconomic status) and permeate each system as it supports or inhibits the
childs development (Collins, 2000). With such consideration, one cannot look at

systems in isolation, but must consider the presence of power, oppression, and privilege
within each system (Garcia Coll, et al., 1996). When considering the emotional and
social development of African American toddlers, it is imperative to use a theoretical lens
that addresses the nuances needed to understand the complexity of development. In order
to move toward a strength-based perspective of developmental outcomes, one can
consider how strengths emerge from a foundation rooted in societal power (Garcia Coll,
et al., 1996; Hill, Murray, & Anderson, 2005). Through such a lens, one can recognize
child strengths and developmental competencies for a particular group (such as African
American male toddlers) because he or she is not necessarily looking for outcomes that
mirror the dominant culture, but ones that are relevant and functional for the group of
Integrative Model
The integrative model incorporates societal and contextual issues, such as racism
and segregation, into child developmental outcomes and differences in development
between children of color and European American children (Garcia Coll, et al., 1996).
Predominately, scholarly literature has focused on comparing children of color with their
European American counterparts instead of what is normal in the populations of color
studied (Garcia Coll, et al., 1996; Peters, 2007). Developmental pathways for children of
color are influenced by segregation (residential, economic, social, and psychological),
racism, and social position factors (Hattery, & Smith, 2012; Hill, Murray, & Anderson,
2005; Hopson, & Hopson, 1992; McAdoo, 2002; Ogbu, 2007; 2008). In addition,
inhibiting/promoting environments influence family processes and interact with

childrens characteristics to promote or inhibit aspects of development (Hill, Murray, &
Anderson, 2005; Peters, 2007). The integrative model is comprised of seven socially
constructed areas: (a) social position variables (social position based on social
stratification, p. 1897; i.e., race, social class, ethnicity, and gender), (b) social
stratification mechanisms (macrosystem effects on child development such as racism,
prejudice, discrimination, and oppression), (c) segregation, (d) promoting/inhibiting
environments, (e) adaptive culture, (f) child characteristics, and (g) family.
Social position variables include socially defined categories such as race, social
class, and gender (Garcia Coll, et al., 1996) and are guided by three assumptions of social
stratification: (a) social position is accompanied by related segregation, (b) social position
is a strong determinant of ones social mobility, and (c) each person considers him or
herself in relation to others on the social ladder. Since the terms are socially constructed,
research has challenged definitions and measurement of each construct such as how racial
categories are defined in research (who is a member of which category) (Hill, Murray, &
Anderson, 2005; Nieto, & Bode, 2012). In addition, social stratification operates through
racism, prejudice, discrimination, oppression, and segregation to mediate a childs
developmental outcomes. Key to the mechanisms of social stratification are the use of
power, bias, and assumption to discriminate against and intentionally and unintentionally
organize groups of people (Barnes, 2000; Collins, 2000; Milner, 2009; Nieto, & Bode,
2012; Noguera, 2006). Through consideration of social position variables and social
stratification mechanisms, environments (such as school, child care, neighborhoods, and
health care) can be considered promoting and/or inhibiting. One of the aspects that

determine how an environment can support and/or inhibit development is the availability
of resources (Garcia Coll, et al., 1996). In addition, whether or not an environment is
supportive could affect the childs self-esteem and emotional and social development. As
a result of the level of social stratification and the degree of access to promoting
environments, many families develop an adaptive culture unique to them that
incorporates life experiences at home and in society such as cultural traditions and
socialization, migration, and acculturation to the United States, as well as demands of the
current contexts (Garcia Coll, et al., 1996).
Next in the integrative model, the characteristics of the child determines how the
environment and culture effect and are affected by the child. Also, these qualities have a
bidirectional influence on the childs family and the developmental competencies. Family
includes attributes such as socioeconomic status, membership composition and roles,
values, beliefs, and goals of the family, and the degree of racial socialization (Garcia
Coll, et al., 1996; Hill, Murray, & Anderson, 2005). Therefore, child attributes such as
health status, biology, age, temperament, physicality (e.g., skin tone), and family
attributes have unique contributions to child outcomes.
Input from the integrative model constructs could provide clarity to
developmental competencies of children of color. Although competency level may be
based primarily on the typical development of European American children, it should
also consider whether or not development for children of color manifests itself in an
adaptive, albeit different, way (Garcia Coll, et al., 1996). For example, toddlers may
react to physical contact from a caregiver in different ways based on their preferences,

previous experiences, etc. In order to understand what the childs reaction
communicates, the caregiver would need to intimately know the child. In addition, since
disability identification is often based on qualification in a category, it is important to
understand the influential processes that contribute to children of colors current
developmental competencies (Garcia Coll, et al., 1996). Furthermore, recognizing
familial and cultural diversity is important for beginning to understand how the cultural
foundations of special education could differ from the beliefs and values of many
families (Kalyanpur, & Harry, 1999). Additional research operationalizing the
integrative model could improve emotional and social outcomes in several ways: (a)
assist with a better understanding of what alternate competencies for children of color
might look like, (b) provide information to influence policies and interventions based on
knowledge gained from alternate competencies, and (c) underscore how research in this
area is a valuable contribution to all people in society. Through this framework, one
might be able to cast a more accurate picture of the functionality of child and family
outcomes for families of color.
Application of the integrative model. The integrative model has framed and/or
influenced research from infancy through adulthood. While some researchers use the
model mainly while discussing their findings, others describe it as influential in study
design. Nonetheless, it has been included to discuss developmental variation in children
of color.
Several studies focusing on young children (birth through kindergarten) and their
families have incorporated the integrative model (e.g., Anthony, Anthony, Morrel, &

Acosta, 2005; Lea, 2006; Suizzo, & Stapleton, 2007). In one study, Lea (2006)
interviewed adolescent mothers with children receiving early intervention services and
their service providers. She also observed service provision in various contexts. While
this researcher purports Colls earlier cultural variant perspective (1993) framed her
study, many similarities exist with the later integrative framework. In relation to
collaboration and service provision in early intervention, Lea (2006) suggested Colls
1993 work could assist with influencing a shift to relationship focused family-provider
relationships, making a relevant connection from Colls early work to early intervention.
Studies focused on elementary-aged children range from first through fifth
graders and often include European American comparison groups for children of color
and low income families (e.g., Ackerman, Izard, Schoff, Youngstrom, & Kogos, 1999;
Ackerman, Brown, & Izard, 2004; Hughes, Bigler, & Levy, 2007; Terry, Connor,
Thomas-Tate, & Love, 2010; Thomas, Townsend, & Belgrave, 2003). In one line of
research, Ackerman and colleagues (1999; 2004) included the integrative model to justify
their decision to focus on low income families, but did not clearly include elements of the
model in their study. In another study, Terry, Connor, Thomas-Tate, and Love (2010)
used the model to discuss the need to include consideration of the contexts of
development when considering literacy performance. Inclusion of the model ranged from
a sentence mentioning it to an extensive integrated discussion to assist with
understanding child development results in the study.
For studies including those in middle school through college, the integrative
model has been applied to populations in the United States and other countries as well as

to those of various socioeconomic status (e.g., Benner, & Graham, 2007; Eisenberg, et
al., 2009; Ford, Hurd, Jagers, & Sellers, 2013; Juang, Lerner, McKinney, & von Eye,
1999; Lam, 2007; Lamborn, & Felbab, 2003; Nebbitt, Lombe, Doyle, & Vaughn, 2013;
Prelow, Bowman, & Weaver, 2007; Verkuyten, & Thijs, 2006). Several studies
employed the integrative model to discuss the importance of considering developmental
context for children of color. Prelow, Bowman, and Weaver (2007) incorporated the
model to discuss the lack of research on variation in children of color as well as the
prominence of context. In one Indonesian study, Eisenberg and colleagues (2009) cited
the integrative framework as one of three sources to assert that low socioeconomic status
is common among people of color. Although the integrative framework has been widely
used before (primarily in planning and data collection stages) to understanding
development in children of color before, for this study, the constructs of the framework
were considered throughout planning, data collection, and data analysis to undergird the
importance of consistently keeping knowledge of these developmental pathways and
contexts prominent throughout each stage.
Defining Early Emotional and Social Development
Based on a review of the literature, the terms social competence and social
development are two terms used to understand emotional and social development of
infants and toddlers. Guralnick (1990) defined social competence as the ability of
young children to successfully and appropriately select and carry out their interpersonal
goals (p. 4). However, Coleman (1999) defined the area of social/emotional
development as the developmental area that involves skills which enable the child to

function in a group and to interact appropriately with others (p. 336). These and other
definitions of social competence and social/emotional development typically include
aspects of social development such as child-caregiver relationships, attachment, and peer
relationships and aspects of emotional development such as temperament, emotions, and
sense of self (Gross, 2008; Parlakian, & Seibel, 2002; Witherington, Campos, &
Hertenstein, 2001). Therefore, in this review of the literature, research addressing the
development of social competence as well as studies addressing social and/or emotional
development and social skills are used with an understanding that a child who displays
emotional and social development typical of his or her age is moving toward gaining
emotional and social skills to support interact with caregivers, peers, and society.
Research on the emotional and social development of infants and toddlers has
expanded in recent years. The Center on the Social Emotional Foundations for Early
Learning (2008) adapted a definition of social and emotional development to include the
variety of factors related to healthy development:

The term social emotional development refers to the developing capacity of

the child from birth through five years of age to form close and secure adult
and peer relationships; experience, regulate, and express emotions in
socially and culturally appropriate ways; and explore the environment and
learnall in the context of family, community, and culture.

In addition, the literature on healthy social and emotional development for very young
children uses the term infant mental health in a synonymous manner (Center on the
Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning, n.d.; Parlakian, & Seibel, 2002;
Zenah, & Zenah, 2000). Therefore, infant mental health intersects many disciplines such

as early childhood, special education, psychology, and social work. Three key aspects of
supporting social emotional health include prevention of poor outcomes, intervention to
support development when needed, promotion of activities and behaviors that aid in
healthy outcomes, and treatment for children who have a need for intensive intervention
(Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning, n.d; Blair, & Fox,
2011; Zenah, & Zenah, 2000). In addition, it has been documented that supporting and
promoting positive relationships and expression of emotions is important in toddlers for
preventing social and emotional challenges (e.g., Gillespie, & Hunter, 2008).
Importance of Positive Emotional and Social Development
From birth, emotional and social development occurs through complex,
multidirectional processes, including maturation and interaction with caregivers and
environment. Research continues to document milestones of development in very young
children through testing assumptions about how infants and toddlers think, attach, and
develop such as response to and understanding of parental speech, maternal emotional
signaling as well as the development of theory of mind, and social attachment and
temperament (Bornstein, & Cote, 2009; Bremner, & Fogel, 2001; Houck, 1999; Muir, &
Slater, 2000). Developmental disabilities develop for a variety of reasons, including
genetic and environmental causes, and in addition to culture and other factors, can
influence variability in developmental outcomes (Howard, Williams, Miller, & Aiken,
2014; Kalyanpur, & Harry, 1999; Rauch, & Lanphear, 2012). For toddler social
development, the frequent focus is on child-caregiver relationships and interactions
including caregiver sensitivity and depression as well as the development of trust and

attachment. The emotional development of toddlers often focuses on temperament,
understanding and expressing emotions, and the developing sense of self. Consideration
of both the emotional and social areas of development provides a more comprehensive
scope of the variety of skills toddlers are working on as they move toward mental and
emotional health.
Emotional and social development is often assessed in the child care or school
context through interaction with peers, teachers, and the social context. Social
competence skills and academic achievement of the same children from preschool
through elementary school age have been documented (Howes, 2000; Malecki, & Elliott,
2002; Nile, Reynolds, & Roe-Sepowitz, 2008). In one study examining social skills and
child outcomes, the Chicago Child-Parent Center Preschool Program, described how a
low-income, primarily African American (93%), sample who participated in this early
intervention model had better social development outcomes at 12 13 years of age than
same age peers who had not participated in the model (Niles, Reynolds, & Roe-Sepowitz,
2007). The program provided educational and family support services to low-income
families with children between three and nine years old. At follow-up, when families had
early support related to their childs acting out behavior, the children had fewer acting out
behaviors in adolescence, despite the high risk nature of the families included. Also,
children who participated longer in the program realized more benefits as a result of their
participation. This research suggests that, not only is childrens behavior at a young age
related to adolescent behavior, but also that parents who received assistance with their

childs behavior and development at an early age were able to produce more positive
outcomes for their child later in life.
Lack of social competence in young children may result in negative outcomes as
children progress through elementary and secondary school. Malecki and Elliot (2002)
found evidence of a relationship between the social skills ratings of teachers and the
students and the academic competence of those students. While these results could not
be confirmed as a causal relationship, they may support the premise that teacher
perspectives and student perspectives of social skills may interact to negatively affect
academic achievement when students are perceived to lack social skills. In addition,
Whitted (2011) discussed how deficits in young childrens social and emotional skills
could predict school failure and how characteristics of the family and community prevent
skill development in these areas. However, a focus primarily on familial and community
deficits and how they contribute to child emotional and social skills is important, but also
simplistic as it does not address the dynamic nature of development in children of color
as well as systemic and societal influences as the theoretical model of this study does.
Systemic and societal influences can be difficult to measure and therefore
challenging to recognize as part of the reason for how certain outcomes in children of
color occur in the manner they do. One possible instance of this challenge is the
Abecedarian Project. The Project is a longitudinal randomized design study of the longterm effects of three to eight years of intervention in the early childhood and primary
years for a low-income, mostly African American group who mostly entered the
intensive child care around four-months-old. The 30-year follow up for the Abecedarian

Project found a lack of results in some areas. For example, although the treatment group
was more likely to be consistently employed and have a four-year college degree than the
control group and less likely to have used public assistance, their income level, job
prestige, and level of criminal activity did not significantly differ, which was surprising
(Campbell, et al., 2012). Although the current economy and unknown other factors were
described as possible reasons for a lack of significant results, the possibility of
interactions from social position factors such as race, ethnicity, and gender could assist
with explaining such unlikely results, but were not included. Learning more about how
African American families of toddler sons describe their beliefs, routines, and practices
can assist with understanding more about the variety in families of young children and
how their daily lives might include influences from social stratification factors.
Components of Emotional and Social Development
Due to the wide range of child behaviors included in emotional and social
development, various constructs have been explored to better understand the influence
and interaction of parental and child factors related to child outcomes in components
relevant to emotional and/or social development such as empathy, behavior, social
competence, and self-concept. Through a better understanding of child temperament and
attachment qualities and their interaction with parental factors (and traits), one can
explore how the beliefs, practices, and experiences of parents shape (and are shaped by)
toddler emotional and social development.

Areas of Emotional and Social Development
Two common areas of research related to emotions are temperament and
understanding and expressing emotions (Bocknek, Brophy-Herb, & Banerjee, 2009;
Calkins, & Mackler, 2011; Gross, 2008). Through reviewing research in these areas, one
can glean an understanding of what has been learned and topical need areas, especially
for children of color.
Temperament. Although researchers define and measure temperament in
different ways, temperament generally includes the continuum of ways young children
respond to and interact with their environment such as irritability, soothability, motor
activity, sociability, attentiveness, adaptability, response to novelty, arousal and
regulation of states (Gross, 2008, p. 324). Generally, research on temperament focuses
on one or more of these characteristics. Temperament has often been studied as it relates
to bidirectional influence with caregiver or child characteristics, such as self-concept and
social competence (Bornstein, & Cote, 2009; Degnan et al., 2011). Understanding
temperament is complex because differences could result from interactions with
individual neurological profiles and biological impacts such genetics, nutrition, and
biomedical indicators (preterm birth) as well as environmental factors (Wachs, & Bates,
2001). Early temperament qualities may be persistent over time and could provide an
additional perspective for understanding variability in behavior (Gross, 2008).
Various perspectives exist regarding the reliability of parental report of
temperament, the stability of temperament from infancy through toddlerhood, and the
predictability and endurance of different aspects of temperament and related emotional

and social attributes. Parent reported temperament and its ability to reliably predict
outcomes in other developmental areas varies. Bornstein and Cote (2009) found maternal
report of toddler temperament was significant in determining correlates of self-concept
for the three cultural groups studied (Latin American, Japanese American, and European
American) while the temperament type itself was not. In an international comparative
study, Cozzi and colleagues (2013) found U.S. mothers scored toddler males with a
significantly higher soothability score than females, but this was not true for the Italian
sample. In addition, U.S. mothers also rated their toddlers with higher levels of shyness
and inhibitory control and lower levels of impulsivity when compared to the Italian
toddlers. Although this 800 participant study provides evidence of the variance in
temperament characteristics between toddlers in two countries, the inclusion of almost all
European American, highly educated U.S. participants limits the generalizability to other
U.S. populations. The sample, from Italy and the U.S., included almost no African
American participants. Thus, studies that gain information from African American
parents about their toddlers in important.
Longitudinally, at least one study found toddler temperament was stable from 24to 36-months (Degnan et al., 2011). Further, high levels of positivity, approach, and
sociability (i.e., exuberance factors) at younger ages predicted exuberance when older.
Finally, social competence outcomes at five years of age were predicted by measures of
early exuberance when combined with frontal electroencephalogram (EEG) asymmetry.
In another study, Houck (1999) found temperament and self-concept at 24- and 36months-old was related to social competence level at 12-months-old. These mostly

European American samples (64% and 79% respectively) of mothers provide evidence of
the stability and nuances of temperament when rated in laboratory settings, but is limited
by sample demographics and non-naturalistic study location (Degnan et al., 2011; Houck,
1999). These findings illustrate the importance of understanding temperament, its
stability, and connection between temperament and other child characteristics and yet
there is a paucity of research in this area for African American toddlers.
Understanding and expressing emotions. Research on emotions in infants and
toddlers focuses on its function, its relation to other aspects of development, and to what
extent young children can understand and produce various emotions (Lamb, Bornstein, &
Teti, 2002). Newborns express differences in emotions such as sadness, anger, and fear
(Lamb, Bornstein, & Teti, 2002). The understanding of emotion in very young children is
marked by several milestones including fear of strangers in the second half of the first
year and self-awareness and embarrassment at around 15 months (Witherington, Campos,
& Hertenstein, 2001). For example, social referencing (noting someone elses reaction to
evaluate situations and regulate ones response) has been studied with a wide variety of
topics such as reactions to strangers (Field, 2007; Witherington, Campos, & Hertenstein,
2001). In addition, toddlers are becoming increasingly able to regulate their own
emotions through having fewer peaks and valleys in their emotional expression and
managing negative arousal (Field, 2007). While research on infant and toddler emotions
focuses primarily on European American and/or middle class children and families (e.g.,
Leerkes, & Wong, 2012; Repacholi, 2009), a few studies include predominantly African
American participants. In a longitudinal study that focused on the emotion regulation

practices in 803 low-income African American families over one year, the mostly single
mother sample (77%) did not significantly differ in their supportive practices for toddler
boys and girls (Bocknek, Brophy-Herb, & Banerjee, 2009). However, maternal
supportiveness (sensitivity and positive regard) only explained a small percentage of the
change in emotion regulation over time, pointing to other factors such as neighborhood,
stress, and relationships with relatives and caregivers that might assist with further
understanding this construct (Bocknek, Brophy-Herb, & Banerjee, 2009).
In one study examining the modeling and coaching of emotion in two parent
families of 7 9 year olds, African American mothers anger and sadness coaching was
related to lower child depression 18 to 24 months later (Bowie, et al., 2013). Bowie and
colleagues (2013) underscored that differences among ethnic groups (African American,
European American, and Multiracial) existed and therefore warrant additional research in
this area and with families of color. Further probing into parental beliefs and practices
related to African American young childrens emotional and social development is
needed to assist with understanding the variability in the expression of milestones.
Influence of Parental Behavior, Interactions, and Attributes
Child-caregiver relationships are one of the foundations of infant and toddler
social development (Gross, 2008; Parlakian, & Seibel, 2002). These relationships could
include interactions with primary caregivers in the home such as parents and/or extended
family members as well as relationships with others who spend time with the child such
as non-residence family members, close friends, and child care providers, nannies, or
baby-sitters (Parlakian, & Seibel, 2002). A large body of research on infants/toddlers and

their caregivers focuses on the study of interactions between mothers and their young
children, including infant/toddler attachment to caregiver(s), as well as the individual and
relational qualities that lead to positive or negative child outcomes (e.g., Bornstein, &
Tamis-LeMonda, 2001; Clincy, & Mills-Koonce, 2013; Tamis-LeMonda, Song, Leavell,
Kahana-Kalaman, & Yoshikawa, 2012). In one study, Clincy and Mills-Koonce (2013),
found that low-income African American mothers of boys in rural communities varied in
their levels of intrusiveness with their sons from when they were six-months-old to 36months-old. However, an increase in maternal intrusiveness resulted in lower levels of
expressive language and cognitive performance at age three and less ability to control
impulses (independently or when prompted) just before kindergarten. Researcher are
beginning to learn more about the context of development for young, African American
boys, but additional research is needed with families of a range of socioeconomic levels.
Research on infant and toddler development provides assumptions of early social
development. According to some research, infants and toddlers thrive in caregiver
relationships that are responsive and reciprocal (Field, 2007; Rochat, 2004). In fact, the
degree of synchrony between parents and their toddlers could influence outcomes. In the
area of toddler behavioral support, maternal perception of the toddler as well as the
toddlers temperament influenced the emotions and behavior of mothers (Bryan, & Dix,
2009). Mothers showed more disappointment and anger behavior while interacting with
more active toddlers (who were often less compliant) than fearful ones (who were often
more compliant). In addition, the typicality of temperament displayed affected maternal
restrictiveness with more fearful boys experiencing more restrictions (Bryan, & Dix,

2009). Despite the mainly European American sample (90%), Bryan and Dixs (2009)
observational and mother-report study sheds light into how maternal perception of the
toddler can influence emotional and behavioral outcomes.
Parental sensitivity, attitude, and mood interact with toddler temperament to
influence emotional and behavioral outcomes (Barnett, Gustafsson, Deng, Mills-Koonce,
& Cox, 2012; Garner, & Dunsmore, 2011; Gudmundson, & Leerkes, 2012; Kiang,
Moreno, & Robinson, 2004; Kiel, & Buss, 2010; Leerkes, 2011; Laible, Panfile, &
Makariev, 2008). Various measures of toddler mothers level of sensitivity has been
linked to preconceptions about their infant, maternal coping style, infant and toddler
temperament and attachment, and later receptive and expressive language development
(Barnett, Gustafsson, Deng, Mills-Koonce, & Cox, 2012; Gudmundson, & Leerkes,
2012; Kiang, Moreno, & Robinson, 2004; Leerkes, 2011). However, maternal sensitivity
was not linked to the amount of conflicts between toddlers and their mothers (Laible,
Panfile, & Makariev, 2008). Although maternal sensitivity has been found to be
important for the development of a secure healthy attachment relationship to the mother,
the variety in attachment between and within racial, ethnic, and cultural groups and the
extent to which caregiver sensitivity is a reliable predictor of attachment is uncertain (van
den Boom, 2001; van Ijzendoorn, & Bakermans-Kranenburg, 2004; Wittmer, 2011).
From the six studies described above, only one had more than 25% of participants as
African American. In addition, while some studies reported a high percentage of
participants (mothers) in intact relationships with the toddlers biological father, all study
participants were mothers and their children, leaving out fathers. Further research on

beliefs and attitudes African American mothers and fathers of toddlers is needed to
provide a more complete picture of parenting young children.
Relevant research that includes African American fathers focuses on a wide age
ranges (infant through adolescents) and various topics including involvement/coparenting and child outcomes (e.g., Harper, & Fine, 2006; Leavell, Tamis-LeMonda,
Ruble, Zosuls, & Cabrera, 2012; Parent, Jones, Forehand, Cuellar, & Shoulberg, 2013;
Penha-Lopes, 2006; Riina, & McHale, 2012; Threlfall, Seay, & Kohl, 2013; Thullen,
Henly, & Hans, 2012). Regarding studies including fathers of infants or toddlers, at least
two focused on socialization outcomes (Leavell, Tamis-LeMonda, Ruble, Zosuls, &
Cabrera, 2012; Mitchell, & Cabrera, 2009). Mitchell and Cabrera (2009) found that in a
group of low-income African American fathers of toddlers, a higher stress level in the
fathers was not correlated to more reported children behavior problems or less social
competency, possibly due to other factors supporting positive emotional and social
development. Leavell and colleagues (2012) focused on African American, European
American, and Latin American families and found that fathers who were married and/or
had at least a high school diploma engaged in more literacy activities such as reading
books. In addition, African American fathers of sons engaged in more physical play and
care giving. Both studies included low income samples.
Several studies focus on African American fathers in low-income families, nonresidential fathers and/or use a large scale, longitudinal database such as the National
Early Head Start Research and Evaluation project conducted in the late 1990s and include
topics such as father-infant engagement (Cabrera, Hofferth, & Chae, 2011), father

involvement (e.g., Coley, Lewin-Bizan, & Carrano, 2011; Thullen, Henly, & Hans,
2012), and father vocabulary (e.g., Pancsofar, Vernon-Feagans, Odom, & The Family
Life Project Investigators, 2013). None of the studies found address the beliefs and
practices of African American mothers and fathers with a male toddler. Therefore,
additional research with married or cohabitating fathers contribution to positive social
development of male toddlers from the African American community may illuminate the
complexity of these relationships. The degree to which and in what way each construct of
the child-caregiver relationship is salient for social development and positive
developmental outcomes of African American male toddlers is inconclusive. Next, a
closer look at possible contributions of genetics and the brain on emotional and social
progress will assist with setting the context for the complicated nature of development.
Precursors and Influence of Genetics and Neuroscience
Biological, environmental, and societal factors influence child development
(Medina, 2010). Brain development is a manifestation of the interplay of these factors as
they impact and sustain neural pathways. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms
prompting early brain development could assist with deeper, more comprehensive
consideration of the multiple layers of child emotional and social development. In
addition, studies incorporating the role of changing neurochemicals, such as serotonin,
oxytocin, and cortisol, in the development of attachment and social relationship in
humans as well as to measure stress responses and their effect have become a budding
and progressive field in this millennium (Blair, et al., 2008; Dougherty, Tolep, Smith, &
Rose, 2013; Obradovic, Bush, Stamperdahl, Adler, & Boyce, 2010; Sturge-Apple,

Davies, Cicchetti, & Manning, 2012). Therefore, recent research underscores the
importance of considering the neurological connection to emotional and social
development in young children (Carver, & Tully, 2011).
Brain development begins prenatally and is a lifelong process (Medina, 2010).
Early brain development includes neurogenesis (creation of neurons) and synaptogenesis
(neuron migrating and connecting), resulting in synapses or spaces between the
connected neurons responsible for transmitting electrical signals to allow them to
communicate with one another (Akins, & Biederer, 2006; Medina, 2010). Underscoring
the importance of early development, 83% of synaptogenesis occurs postnatally through
individual neurons making an average of 15,000 connections (and up to 100,000) with
other neurons (Akins, & Biederer, 2006; Medina, 2010). Synaptic formation and
subsequent pruning of unused synapses begins in the last quarter of pregnancy and goes
through puberty (Fox, Levitt, & Nelson, 2010). However, the blueprint for the
completion of brain development, influenced by environment, is virtually complete
within the first three years of life (Fox, Levitt, & Nelson, 2010; Knickmeyer, et al.,
2008). Epigenetics can be helpful to understanding the complex nature of gene
Epigenetics is a functional modification to the DNA that does not involve an
alteration of sequence (Meaney, 2010, p. 57). In other words, gene expression is
manifested through ones behavior, but the environment first influences how genes are
expressed. Knowledge of epigenetics is important for early intervention and child
development because it highlights critical periods of development and the possibilities for

intervention when critical periods are missed or influenced in a negative manner,
although brain development is continual and amenable. Early environmental experiences
and interactions can change the expression of ones genes which ones are turned on,
off, or not expressed at all (Gottlieb, 2004; Meaney, 2010; National Scientific Council on
the Developing Child, 2010). However, these variations may be amenable to change
when needed, underscoring the importance of targeted early intervention efforts.
Epigenetics is helping to show that what families and caregivers do in the early years
matters for paving the way to positive long-term development. Shonkoff (2010) and
other researchers have conducted studies that demonstrate environmental effects, possibly
even prenatal ones, which interact with genes to create memories for how the brain needs
to respond to such stimuli. Shonkoffs (2010) biodevelopmental framework stresses the
notion that development can often be traced back to ones epigenome. Relatedly,
emotional development is built from the imprint of early emotional experiences including
interactions with caregivers and the emotional and social climate of early environments
(National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, 2004). A foundation of stable
relationships and environments assist with the development of positive neural circuits.
While intervention has shown promise to ameliorate the effects of early deprivation and
lack of supportive environments, relationships, and experiences, prevention remains
paramount (Fox, Levitt, & Nelson, 2010). Therefore, brain development and epigenetics
relate to emotional and social development because they draw attention to some of the
underlying influences of gene expression and toddler behavior.

A twin study on one aspect of toddler temperament, inhibitory control, found
genetic variance in temperament at 24 months, supporting a biological connection to
early temperament qualities (Gagne, & Saudino, 2010). Gagne and his colleague (2010)
found that environment contributes to temperament as well. Despite the majority white
middle class (88.2%), participants and lab protocol, this study provides some evidence to
support the genetic and environmental contribution to toddler temperament. Research
with African American toddlers in this area has been minimal. Therefore, it also
underscores the need for more research on emotional and social development of toddlers
from diverse racial groups, such as African Americans.
Influence of Familial/Cultural Beliefs and Practices
Familial and cultural factors are included in the influential developmental aspects
in the lives and development of young children (Garcia Coll, et al., 1996; McLoyd, Hill,
& Dodge, 2005). Factors include family structure, beliefs and practices, racial
socialization, and family socioeconomic status (Garcia Coll, et al., 1996; McAdoo, 2002;
McLoyd, Hill, & Dodge, 2005). Due to the lack of research on the diversity of African
American fathers, a section on unique aspects of African American fathering is included
(McAdoo, & McAdoo, 2002). Through a review of the research literature on African
American parental child rearing, racial socialization, and discipline practices, one can see
some of the variability in families of color with young children as well as some of the
areas in need of additional research.

Child Rearing Practices
Parenting includes a variety of behaviors, practices, and responsibilities aimed at
guiding children toward implicit and explicit behavior. Parenting, also called child
rearing, can include a wide range of practices and goals. Child rearing includes parental
behaviors such as nurturing, protecting, guiding, disciplining, teaching, and language use
(Brooks-Gunn, & Markman, 2005; Greder, & Allen, 2007). Presently in the United
States, many children are nurtured by a wide range of caregivers including responsible
children (such as siblings) and adults (such as relatives and child care providers). In
addition, families are becoming increasingly more diverse than in decades past, making it
imperative to consider the diverse beliefs, values, goals, and practices of caregivers and
the wider range of cultural influences in rearing children, especially for African
American boys (Doucet, & Hamon, 2007; Garcia Coll, et al., 1996; McLoyd, Hill, &
Dodge, 2005; Spicer, 2010).
Research has taken a critical look at the interconnectedness of race, culture, and
parenting/child rearing practices with the developing young child (Fitzgerald, Mann,
Cabrera, Sarche, & Qin, 2009; Liamputtong, 2007), underscoring the notion that
parenting behavior is complex and variable. This expanded focus has increased research
with infants, toddlers, and families of color and immigrant populations, which assists
with improving our understanding of the commonalities and variability in families and
child rearing practices (Fitzgerald, Mann, Cabrera, Sarche, & Qin, 2009). Since
parenting is culturally constructed, one must remember that practices in the home,
such as sleeping and eating routines, may or may not be reinforced by the cultural values

of primary child care providers, resulting in differences in expectations, responses, and
practices as well as differences in infant and toddler expectations and behavior
(Harkness, & Super, 2002). For example, sleep patterns could illustrate parental views of
maturity and independence. Practitioners working with a child who has a sleep challenge
at child care must take parental practices and priorities into account as well as cultural
norms for that family. In addition, sleep arrangements could also reflect other aspects of
child rearing, such as length of breastfeeding and parental responsiveness (Harkness, and
Super, 2002; Liamputtong, 2007; Rogoff, 2003). When viewed through the lens of
ethnicity and culture, understanding parental behaviors becomes even more complex as
the practices common and functional in one culture may be foreign to a child in another
culture. These ideas give further support to the tenuous nature of working with families
in relation to the ideals and practices valued by child care providers and what
implications these priorities could have for the families and children involved.
In addition to being related to culture, differences in parenting behavior were
found to be correlated to maternal knowledge of child development measured when the
infant was 2-4 months old (Huang, Caughy, Genevro, & Miller, 2005). Huang and
colleagues (2005) found diverse correlates of child development knowledge for different
racial groups. For European American mothers, higher quality interaction with the child
during a teaching task at 16-18 months was the only measure positively correlated to
more knowledge of child development. For Latino mothers, more knowledge of child
development was correlated with most of the measures, including appropriate parental
interaction, stimulation and materials provided, and parental involvement. Finally, for

African American mothers, more knowledge of child development was positively
correlated to scores on the Home Observation for the Measurement of Environment
(HOME) scale (similar to Hispanic mothers), which related to parental stimulation,
interaction, and materials. Contrary to expectation, maternal knowledge of child
development was only partially related to parenting behaviors. However, mothers of all
three racial groups who underestimated their childs abilities reacted in a more insensitive
manner. These researchers concluded that differential expectations and possibly lack of
racial/ethnic sensitivity of instrumentation may be the cause of such mixed results.
Research supporting unique child rearing practices related to culture has focused
on ethnic minorities (Taylor, & Wang, 1997) and African American child rearing
(Comer, & Poussaint, 1992; Hill, 1999; Hopson, & Hopson, 1992; McAdoo, 1997; 2007;
McLoyd, Dodge, & Hill, 2005; Spicer, 2010). Influential factors on child rearing
practices include parental education level, socioeconomic and marital/support status, and
parental mental health (McAdoo, 2002; McLoyd, Dodge, & Hill, 2005). Viewing child
rearing through such a diverse lens underscores the inability to generalize parenting
practices and draw conclusions regarding what is typical for a certain group. The
variability among cultures, regions, and ethnic groups further proves that practitioners
should balance dominant cultural norms with the priorities of the families they work with
(Gonzalez-Mena, & Bhavnagri, 2000). Families will likely achieve their goals more
easily when their priorities are valued. An understanding of aspects of emotional and
social development is important for determining factors (such as caregiver, child, and
environment) that contribute to positive development in this area.

Racial and Ethnic Socialization
Racial socialization involves implicit and explicit messages, values, and lessons
passed to children through the socialization process regarding the significance and
meaning of race and ethnicity (Coard, & Sellers, 2005, p. 266). Racial and ethnic
socialization is a promising area of research that could assist with understanding the
complexity of developmental outcomes for children of color and its role in socialization
of young children. Njoroge, Benton, Lewis, and Njoroge (2009) suggested the
beginnings of racial and cultural socialization are present in children birth through age
three through their repeated choice of dolls based on phenotype. These researchers call
for additional focus on understanding development in increasingly complex and
culturally diverse family and caregiver structures as well as additional research on the
development of children under age three. Much of the research on racial and ethnic
socialization deals with child over age three. Two studies conducted by Caughy and
colleagues (2002; 2011) occurred in Baltimore and involved locating families through
door-to-door canvassing in neighborhoods and inviting parents to participate in two home
visits. One study focused on 200 African American parents of a child between three-and four and a half-years-old. The diverse sample included varied socioeconomic
statuses, mostly mothers, and mostly single parents, however, almost 19.5% of
participants were considered nuclear, two-parent families. Homes with a strong presence
of African American culture had preschoolers with more fact knowledge and higher
problem solving ability (Caughy, OCampo, Randolph, & Nickerson, 2002). In addition,
fewer parent-reported behavior issues were predicted by racial socialization such as

promotion of mistrust, spirituality, and racial pride. For boys, but not girls, socialization
related to racial pride was related to fewer reported total behavior problems and
internalizing problems (Caughy, OCampo, Randolph, & Nickerson, 2002). In another
study, Caughy, Nettles, and Lima (2011) analyzed self-report, interview, and
observational data for African American parents of first graders and found parents
engaged in different types of racial socialization based on gender. With boys, parents
more often used a combination of strategies including cultural socialization and more
messages about coping with discrimination and promoting mistrust, but with girls,
parents more often stressed just cultural socialization. Additional significant and relevant
differences were found in relation to neighborhoods and child behavior. Parents engaged
in racial socialization to differing degrees based on the social qualities of the
neighborhood such as potential for community involvement with children and
negative social climate. Also, for African American boys, those in families who
engaged in Balanced2socialization showed higher cognitive scores, but the Balanced
group also showed higher levels of internalizing behaviors.
One study focused on the socialization practices of middle-class African
American families with preschoolers (Suizzo, Robinson, & Pahlke, 2008). Through
interviews and a focus group with 12 African American mothers of preschoolers (ages
three to six years), most mothers (eight) felt an important part of racial socialization was
to teach their children about African American history and heritage. Most mothers also
reported they do not yet actively engage in racial socialization practices because of the

Group described as having high scores in cultural pride socialization messages and messages that prepare
for bias.

young age of their child. Most participants were married (11) and all had at least some
college with 11 holding a college degree (Suizzo, Robinson, & Pahlke, 2008). Parents
also valued exposing their young children to toys, environments, and books with other
African Americans as an important socialization mechanism (Suizzo, Robinson, &
Pahlke, 2008), which was similar to a finding in another study involving low-income
African American parents (Coard, Wallace, Stevenson, & Brotman, 2004). Additional
probing into the extent to which African American parents of young children report
engaging in racial and ethnic socialization with their sons and the importance of this
construct to positive emotional and social development is needed.
Fathers. Fathers are a varied group who are often seen as providers, leaders of
their household, and disciplinarians whose diversity is amplified by aspects such as
culture, background, and socioeconomic status (Connor, & White, 2006; McAdoo, &
McAdoo, 2002; Shwalb, Shwalb, & Lamb, 2013). Researchers are paying more attention
to aspects of fathering for young children, for instance, involvement in daily life, level of
sensitivity, and relationships with their children (Levant, Richmond, Cruickshank,
Rankin, & Rummell, 2014; Lindsey, Cremeens, & Caldera, 2010; Penha-Lopes, 2006;
Yoshida, 2012). While these studies are including more fathers and African American
fathers in particular, often African American fathers are a small percentage of
participants. Further, just as variety exists in fathers, it does in African American fathers
as a group (Livingston, & McAdoo, 2007). However, since the 1970s and 1980s through
the present, researchers have seen several trends in African American fathers (Livingston,
& McAdoo, 2007). Trends paint African American fathers as more involved in daily

child care tasks, more likely to share decision making with a spouse or extended family,
and possibly more authoritarian than fathers in other racial and ethnic groups (Connor, &
White, 2006; Livingston, & McAdoo, 2007; McAdoo, & McAdoo, 2002). However,
these trends are often based on dated research (mostly conducted in the 1980s and 1990s)
or includes U.S. fathers as a group, limiting our understanding of African American
fathering and a motivating reason for this study (Livingston, & McAdoo, 2007;
McFadden, & Tamis-LeMonda, 2013).
Although about 90% of American families use physical discipline, it is used more
frequently by African American parents (Dodge, McLoyd, & Lansford, 2005). Across
socioeconomic status, region, and education level, African American parents employ a
wide range of discipline strategies (such as providing alternative options and reasoning),
but continue to have higher self-reported corporal punishment rates than European
Americans. However, despite research done in the 1990s and early 2000s purporting the
negative effects of physical punishment on all children (e.g., Deater-Deckard, Dodge,
Bates, & Pettit, 1996; Pinderhughes, Dodge, Bates, Pettit, & Zelli, 2000), conclusions
have since stated that the social and emotional effects and later externalizing behavior
varies based on the normative status of corporal punishment in a cultural group as well as
other aspects of the parent-child relationship and interactions (Dodge, McLoyd, &
Lansford, 2005). Scant information exists regarding more specific information related to
factors that contribute to physical discipline use in African American families.

In three studies focusing on African American parents of young children and
corporal punishment, information regarding parental and environmental factors that
contribute to spanking were discussed (Huang, & Lee, 2008; Ispa, & Halgunseth, 2004;
MacKenzie, Nicklas, Brooks-Gunn, & Waldfogel, 2011). Ispa and Halgunseth (2004)
interviewed nine single, low-income mothers of young children (oldest child less than 13
months old at start of study) enrolled in the National Early Head Start Evaluation over a
5-year period of time. These young mothers revealed they engage in physical discipline
for a variety of reasons including the child did not respond to positive measures,
influence of other adults who feel it works, a belief that they (or others they know)
benefitted from corporal punishment, and a feeling that children should be compliant
early on. In essence, the mothers reported they provide physical discipline because they
care about their child and his or her future as well as about the importance of respect and
obedience (Ispa, & Hagunseth, 2004). In two studies analyzing data from the Fragile
Families and Child Well-Being Study, Huang and Lee (2008) and MacKenzie, Nicklas,
Brooks-Gunn, & Waldfogel (2011) found infants and toddlers were more likely to be
disciplined physically the older they were and was more likely for African American
children who were a male or had a difficult temperament and whose mother reported
more stress and/or depression or anxiety. Although these studies shed considerable light
into the motives for physical discipline in a low income, female-headed household,
African American sample, more research is needed to reveal additional discipline
techniques used by two-parent African American households and families of various
socioeconomic status.

Understanding the development of African American male toddlers requires
consideration of a variety of contexts (e.g., home, child care) as well as inclusion of
alternative explanations for developmental outcomes that include the influence of power,
racism, and oppression on development. Factors of development must be considered in
an integrated manner (Garcia Coll, Bearer, & Lerner, 2004). Due to the current negative
predictions about life trajectory for African American males, local, state, and national
contributors to perpetuating negative trends and deficit lens should be challenged. This
research serves to document beliefs and practices of African American parents that
support socialization and emotional development for their sons and is guided by the
research questions as described in chapter one.



A primary source of development and learning for most young children is their
families (Hanson, & Lynch, 2004). While aspects of child rearing are similar for many
parents, the race/ethnicity of the family, region or country of residence, marital status,
and the ages of the children in the household are all factors that affect parental practices
(Garcia Coll, et al., 1996; Keels, 2009). Research shows that African American boys of
various socioeconomic backgrounds continue to lag behind peers in markers for success
(Aratani, Wight, & Cooper, 2011). Therefore, a better understanding of African
American child rearing practices that socialize toddler boys for emotional and social
success is imperative to constructing systemic policies and practices to effectively meet
their needs.
The purpose of this study is to understand beliefs, goals, priorities, and child
rearing practices that guide African American parents of male toddlers. Also, this study
investigates how these African American parents support and promote emotional and
social development of their toddler sons. The fields of early childhood, special
education, and early intervention as well as institutional services, policies, and
frameworks at the local, state, and national level should be guided by African American
families in order to build partnerships and programs that are beneficial to African
American boys.

Transcendental Phenomenological Design
Qualitative research is often conducted using more than one method of data
collection in natural settings and is guided by an interpretive investigation and analysis.
While variations in designs exist, the study is usually focused on the meaning and
interpretation participants ascribe to a topic. Additionally, the researcher may use an
induction or reduction approach to make meaning from the participant actions and words
(Bogdan, & Biklen, 2003; Marshall, & Rossman, 1999; 2011). While qualitative
methods are diverse, each inquiry type can be considered a related, but individual method
(Denzin, & Lincoln, 2011; Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2005). Specifically, the
phenomenological research method, the design used in this study, aids the researcher in
learning what participants have in common and describes the meaning for several
individuals of their lived experiences of a concept or a phenomenon (Creswell, 2007, p.
57). Edmund Husserl, considered the founding philosopher of phenomenology, stressed
the importance of learning about the experiences of others in the most unadulterated way
possible so the essence, or meaning, participants ascribe to the phenomenon surfaces
(Bogdan, & Biklen, 1992; Dowling, & Cooney, 2012; Gallagher, & Zahavi, 2012;
Gearing, 2004; Husserl, 1931; 1964; 1964b; Moustakas, 1994).
Transcendental phenomenology is tied to Husserls concepts of intentionality and
intuition, and the epoch process. Therefore, a transcendental phenomenology research
approach extends basic qualitative research features through the addition of more specific
attributes, such as focusing on the whole human experience, engaging in a quest for
finding the essence of experience, and gathering information from those who experienced

the same phenomenon (Dowling, & Cooney, 2012; Moustakas, 1994). Intentionality
relates to ones consciousness (Moustakas, 1994). In effect, to be intentional and
conscious is to be present regarding ones thoughts and being as well as the things going
on around one (Dowling, & Cooney, 2012; Moustakas, 1994; Wojnar, & Swanson,
2007). The second concept, intuition, refers to considering things from an individuals
own mind rather than from how someone else might think of or perceive it. Also, with
intuition, one is aware of the presence of an essence in an experience (Moustakas, 1994).
The epoch process, also known as bracketing or phenomenological reduction, involves
suspending current knowledge, thoughts, and opinions about a topic in order to see it
afresh by setting aside predilections, prejudices, predispositions (Gearing, 2004;
Husserl, 1964; Moustakas, 1994, p. 85). Consideration of these concepts and processes
in transcendental phenomenology and engaging in the epoch are important to
discovering the essence of African American child rearing practices for toddler males
directly from African American parents. For example, the researcher must bracket ones
own knowledge and opinions about the phenomenon of African American parenting
throughout the study. It is important to note that many variations in approaches, methods,
and processes of engaging in phenomenological research exist, therefore, the hallmark of
a high quality phenomenological study is not necessarily the approach, method, or
process chosen, but the explicit description, justification, and adherence to such choices
from the development or conceptualization of ones study through data collection,
analysis, and interpretation (Dowling, & Cooney, 2012; Moustakas, 1994; Pereira, 2012;

Wojnar, & Swanson, 2007). The adherence to the selected key elements of
phenomenology in this study will be described in more detail in later sections.
Bracketing Method Choice
One important aspect of the research design in a phenomenological study is to
make bracketing elements apparent (a) the type of information that will be bracketed,
(b) when bracketing will occur, and (c) how the researcher will systematically engage in
bracketing. Since the discussion of bracketing in the early work of Husserl to the
present, many variations in type and scope of bracketing have emerged related to
qualitative research (Creswell, 2007; Gearing, 2004; Tufford, & Newman, 2012).
According to Gearing (2004), there are six main types of bracketing influenced by
Husserl, students of Husserl, and other phenomenological scholars (e.g., Heidegger,
Merleau-Ponty, and Spiegelberg) who have extended it from a philosophy to a research
method: ideal (philosophic), descriptive (eidetic), existential, analytical, reflexive
(cultural), and pragmatic (p. 1435). This research study is influenced by reflexive, or
cultural, bracketing.
Origins of reflexive bracketing can be found in Husserls 1913 and 1931 writings
as well as in the writing of his student Heidegger in the 1970s. Both Husserl and
Heidegger were concerned about understanding phenomenon with limited influence from
ones cultural and traditional views that exist about the phenomenon (Caelli, 2000;
Gallagher, 2012; Gearing, 2004). In addition, reflexive bracketing has also been
influenced by the work of Ricoeur, Gadamer, and van Manen who were concerned about
the role of culture in research (Caelli, 2000; Gearing, 2004). Key to reflexive bracketing

is the researchers engagement in identifying and noting personal internal (e.g., values,
culture, history) and external (e.g., context, environment) suppositions in an effort to
guard against their interference in the study. While internal suppositions are made
apparent, external ones cannot be because they relate to the phenomenon and are
impossible to set aside. In addition, inclusion of world suppositions relevant to the
phenomenon is important in analysis. Bracketing can occur at various points in study
development and execution (Conklin, 2007; Gearing, 2004; Tufford, & Newman, 2012).
In this study, bracketing occurred during initial planning, but will be considered again in
analysis and interpretation through a variety of methods outlined in the research design
My bracketing. Through reflexive bracketing, I will describe my internal
suppositions as they relate to the topic of the beliefs and child rearing practices of parents
of African American male toddlers and supporting emotional and social development
(Gearing, 2004; Moustakas, 1994). Internal suppositions include personal values,
judgments, culture, and history (Gearing, 2004, p. 1445). Although external
suppositions such as the context and culture of African American parents with a male
toddler cannot be bracketed, world supposition are included (Gearing, 2004).
I am the youngest child of married African American parents both born in
different parts of North Carolina, but initially meeting in New Jersey. After meeting in
1969, they married in 1971 and had their first child, my older brother, in 1973. Both
parents have some college, worked full-time in several occupations throughout their
careers, and retired from Verizon Telephone Company in different departments. We

lived in a three-bedroom home in a suburban neighborhood of New Jersey, not far from
New York City, for most of my life. I attended Catholic school for almost all of my
elementary through high school years. According to my parents, they made the
investment in private school because they felt it would provide a higher quality
educational experience for my brother and I, who both participated in local paid and
complementary extracurricular activities including Little League baseball, Girl Scouts,
and piano and dance lessons. Reading and books were important from an early age. My
parents were dedicated to trying to build a solid life for their family.
Extended family was an integral part of my childhood. We gathered with family
members on paternal and maternal sides for holidays and other special events like
birthdays and dance or music recitals. My maternal grandmother was the extended
family member we spent the most time with. Although she worked full-time until her
cancer illness prevented it, we often had Sunday dinners at her nearby home. My
childhood and upbringing fostered my values of the importance of a tight-knit immediate
and extended family that spend time together frequently and are part of one anothers
daily lives. It also cultivated the importance of education, taking ones schooling
seriously, and the idea that a private school education should be cherish because of the
financial sacrifice to provide it. Finally, it bred the idea that parents spend time with their
children, guiding them and exposing them to cultural traditions and outings as well as
extracurricular activities to assist with building a well-rounded child.
After attending a private, Catholic university in New Jersey on an academic
scholarship to become a teacher, I entered the teaching profession through a national

teaching service program in 1998. After teaching for two years in rural eastern North
Carolina, I completed my Masters degree in 2002 from a North Carolina public
university then worked in several different jobs focusing on children ages birth through
five-years-old and their families. While in graduate school, I met my husband and we
married in 2003. We have two sons and one daughter with our oldest son currently
attending second grade. While parenting African American sons and working in early
intervention, early childhood special education, and early childhood mental health
consultation, I became more interested in better understanding variations in the
development of African American boys. My oldest son had his share of challenges from
the time he entered preschool through his early elementary school years. His challenges
and those of other young African American boys seemed to follow a pattern I began to
recognize in the early childhood fields in which I worked and lived within my family
young African American boys were often referred for early intervention or special
education, identified in need of services for behavior, and/or had challenges being
successful in the child care or classroom setting.
Through these life experiences and inquiries during my doctoral studies, I have
become more interested in the various contexts that contribute to development in African
American male toddlers. Limited research on two-parent African American homes and
development of African American male toddlers exists. A closer look at parenting beliefs
and child rearing practices of this group can provide a better understanding of the
meaning African American parents ascribe to their experience of raising toddler sons.

This could provide a more in-depth understanding of factors that contribute to the
emotional and social development of African American male toddlers.
My history, life experiences, and review of the literature on child development,
parenting, and teacher practices influence my world suppositions. For African American
parents of male toddlers, when they are raising their son and making parenting decisions
(such as childrearing preferences, child care location, place of residence), they are
consciously or unconsciously aware of the challenges and negative biases their son might
face as he grows and develops. They might also be aware of the history of slavery and
racism against African Americans and specifically the bias against African American
men in the United States (Bush, & Bush, 2013). This awareness could influence
parenting decisions. In addition, since child development research has focused mostly on
European American children and families, some of the premises of national, state, local,
and institutional policies, practices, and assumptions may be faulty when applied to
African American families. Since the knowledge base about children and families is
sometimes not inclusive, child care providers, politicians, and the general public may
make false conclusion about African American toddlers and their families. Exposing
these biases and unfair practices is important for improving the emotional and social
outcomes of African American boys.
Research Design
The paradigm in this study is constructivist (Denzin, & Lincoln, 2003).
Therefore, this study also assumes relativist ontology, subjectivist epistemology, and
naturalistic methods (Denzin, & Lincoln, 2003, p. 35). Through this interpretive

framework, more than one reality of African American parenting of a male toddler exists.
These realities are guided by the participants and researcher. With the subjectivist
epistemology, the participants and I will function as co-researchers and will therefore cocreate the knowledge gained from the study. Finally, the study will occur in natural
settings that participants engage in such as home, work, and/or public places in the
The purpose of this study is to explore the beliefs and child rearing practices of
African American parents raising a toddler son to better understand how they promote
emotional and social development through a phenomenological investigation. In-depth
interviews were used with both parents, in addition to individual family observations
(Boyd, 1993; Moustakas, 1994). When needed, additional questions were asked to probe
for more information about a topic and to obtain more details and clarification. Audio
recordings were transcribed by the researcher or a paid transcriptionist. Families
received a $50 Visa gift card and a book for the toddler upon completion of the study.
African Americans. While emotional and social development is one focus for
this review, more specifically, development of young children in the African American
population is the focal point. Therefore, clear delineation of this group is warranted. The
term African American is an ethnic category and often includes cultural and tradition
implications while categorization such as Black or White refers to socially constructed
race categories (Callister, & Didham, 2009; Drevdahl, Philips, & Taylor, 2006; Nieto,
2000; Rowe, 2005; Smedley, & Smedley, 2005). When using an ethnic or cultural term,

one is often referring to a group of people who share a common history and language
(Nieto, 2000; Park, & Buriel, 2002; Smedley, & Smedley, 2005). Enslaved Africans
(most captured and sold by African elites) began arriving in the United States via
Jamestown, Virginia in 1619, six years after the first free African arrived (Gates, 2011;
Nieto, 2000). Although some early Africans arrived in the United States free, 450,000
Africans were brought as slaves and many served an indefinite period of time in this role
with descendents also inheriting this status (Gates, 2011; McAdoo, 2002). Due to this
original unwilling introduction into the United States, African Americans can be
considered involuntary minorities and often do not experience full assimilation in
society which has wider educational and political implications (Ogbu, 1992, p. 8). This
group, and those descending from this group, as well as those with African origins from
other countries such as Jamaica who have been in the United States for at least three
generations, are the targeted group for this research. However, since racial and ethnic
categorization is self-reported in this study, inclusion as an African American will be
based on participant identification as part of this category and through an
acknowledgement that variation exist within ethnic groups, but those within a group are
likely more similar to each other than to those of another racial group (Rowe, 2005;
Wang, & Sue, 2005).
Selection criteria. This research used purposeful, homogeneous sampling
(Creswell, 2007; Marshall, & Rossman, 2011; Miles, & Huberman, 1994). The sample
includes African American biological, married or cohabitating mothers and fathers of
African American male toddlers. To ensure homogeneity of participants, almost all

parents also share the following criteria: (a) at least one parent who is third generation or
greater African American (descendent of Africa) and both parents self-reported as being
African American, (b) resident of Guilford County, North Carolina, and (c) with a toddler
son. However, due to the extreme challenges locating a second family with a child with
special needs, in family six, both parents were born in the United States, but their parents
were born in Nigeria and Jamaica. Nonetheless, family six considers themselves African
American. In addition to basic study criteria (previously described), at least two of the
participants sons would also have an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) to better
understand if the parenting experience and socialization of their son would be similar to
the parents with a child who has typical development.

The minimum age of the parents

was 18 years old. Participants were not be restricted by age as long as they are biological
parents of the toddler. For the toddler children of participants, the age range for
inclusion in the study was 12 months through 33 months. (Chen, & Siegler, 2000;
Underwood, & Rosen, 2011). However, to ensure the interviews and observations
occurred before the child turned three years old, 2 years and 10 months was the upper age
Selection procedures. After receiving study approval from the Institutional
Review Board, from October 2013 through May 2014, 10 child care facilities, 14 parents
and therapists of children with disabilities, and seven programs or agencies serving young
children with and without disabilities were contacted by phone and email to determine
whether or not they met the study criteria. Of those contacted, two child care facilities
and the North Carolina lead agency for early intervention agreed to be recruiting partners.

Through the recruiting partners and snowball sampling (Miles, & Huberman, 1994), six
two-parent families with a toddler son (two with special needs and four with typical
development) met the study criteria. Thus, a total of 12 participants, six parent pairs,
were interviewed. One observation per family also occurred. All toddlers were
biological children of participants. Later in this chapter, additional details about data
collection will be discussed in depth.
Demographic information. All couple participants were married or in a
committed relationship and ranged in age from 25 and 43 years old (see Table 1). Most
participants had a Bachelors degree or higher with only one couple having a high school
diploma or some college. Their income levels ranged from $15,000 to over $100,000, as
shown in Table 1. However, only one family considered themselves high income, four
considered themselves middle income, and one felt they were low income.
The sons of the participants were 16 to 33-months-old and two had an IFSP. The
number of children in the families included two families with one child, two families
with two children, one family with three children, and one family with nine children. All
families included only the parents themselves and children living in the home, with no
extended families members, friends, or others residing in the home. Four families
reported being members of a church or religious organization that they attended at least
once a month to every week.

Table 1
Participant Demographic Information3

Family 1

Family 2

Family 3

Family 4

Family 5

Family 6

Trina Hill












Total # of
children in


$100,000 and











$100,000 and














Greg, III







Child Age


Attend child
care (Yes/No)






Titon, III










Names changed to protect participants.





In-Depth Interviews
In-depth interviews were conducted using 15 questions for each interview,
including an individual interview with each mother and father and a joint interview with
both parents together. The individual interviews provided specific information from each
parent including a description of their son and his characteristics and temperament and
family routines and activities. Through the joint interview, parents provided a
collaborative interpretation of their parental choices, beliefs, and practices. Each in-depth
interview lasted about 45 minutes.
The instruments include a demographic form, semi-structured interview
questions, and an observation in the home with the toddler present. In addition, field
notes were recorded throughout each family interaction. Each method of data collection
is described below.
Demographic form. The demographic form included questions about basic
family and child information and was organized in three sections: (a) child information,
(b) childs educational information, and (c) household and family information (see
Appendix C). In addition to basic demographic information, a couple of questions
related to the constructs of the studys theoretical perspective, the Garcia Coll et al.
(1996) integrative model were included.

Table 2
Contents of Demographic Form
Child Information

Childs Educational Information

Household and Family


Name of child
Date of birth
Racial/Ethnic group
Health care provider
Reason for choosing health care provider
Name of child care center
Length of time child attending center
Current teachers and length of time with child
Disability status
IFSP status and services received
Name of person completing form
Status of person completing form (mother, father,
Parental education level
Number of people in household and their ages
Names of fictive kin
Household income, income level, and people
supported by income
Street address and zip code
Membership in religious organization

Semi-structured interview questions. Interviews were led by a protocol of

semi-structured questions. These questions were developed based on the elements of the
integrative model, aspects of toddler emotional and social development, and due to their
particular relevance to African American parenting, child development, and/or emotional
and social development (see Appendices D and E). Interview questions probed four
areas: (a) child, (b) child and family, (c) region, neighborhood, and society, and (d) final
question. Questions in the child section related to the childs birth, temperament,
disposition, and relationships with others. The child and family section of questions

requested information about daily activities, care, and routines and discipline. These
questions were related to the constructs of the studys theoretical perspectives, mainly the
Garcia Coll et al. (1996) integrative model, and include questions regarding promoting
and inhibiting environments (i.e., schools, neighborhoods, and health care), child
characteristics (i.e., temperament, health status, biological factors, and physical
characteristics), and family (i.e., structure and roles, values, beliefs, and goals, racial
socialization, and socioeconomic status). Questions in the region, neighborhood, and
society section requested information about parental feelings, beliefs, and values
regarding living in Guilford County, North Carolina, values important for their son, and
issues related to societal perceptions of African American males. The final question was
designed to encourage the parent(s) to share any additional significant thoughts about
raising an African American male toddler. An additional question just for families with a
child with a delay or disabilities asks parents to think about how their childs special
needs affected their parental interactions.
Observation. An observation occurred in the home or a public location chosen
by the family and included the male toddler(s) and at least one parent. Parents and the
researcher chose a mutually agreed upon time to observe based on when they most often
interacted with the child or have a block of time at home with the toddler(s) present.
Observations generally occurred on weekday evening during family time or meal time to
see family interaction and child activities, conversation, and other occurrences. The
observation protocol involved writing descriptive information, such child rearing
practices, dialogue, and the physical setting observed along with reflective notes.

Examples of information included: the location of the toddler(s) and other family
members, activities the toddler was engaged in, and interactions and conversations
between the toddler and other people (e.g., parents) present. Reflective notes (e.g.,
personal judgments) were recorded as well (Creswell, 2007; 2009; 2014; Marshall, &
Rossman, 2011). Notes from the observation were used to triangulate information gained
in parental interviews when relevant.
Each parent completed a consent form to participate in the study at the beginning
of the first meeting. The demographic form was completed by whichever parent was
interviewed first after providing signed consent. Therefore, during the first meeting with
the mother or father, the demographic form was administered and the individual parentspecific in-depth interview occurred. Completing the demographic, consent forms, and
interview took approximately 45 90 minutes. During the first meeting with the second
parent, the additional consent form was completed and the individual parent-specific indepth interview occurred, lasting approximately 45 90 minutes (Appendices D and F).
After each parent individual interview was completed, a joint, in-depth interview with
both parents occurred and lasted 45 - 90 minutes. In a separate visit or during an
interview visit, a 30 60 minute observation occurred with the toddler present (see
Appendix G). Finally, the parents reviewed an electronic or hard copy of their texturalstructural summary and they were asked to verify its content. Each parent provided
clarification needed and when or if there were any inaccuracies or corrections, the
researcher made changes to the summary as requested.

Data Analysis
In phenomenology, data analysis usually consists of creating themes and textural
descriptions through several readings of the transcripts (Miles, & Huberman, 1994;
Moustakas, 1994). Using the complete transcript for each family as well as field and
observation notes, the researcher analyzed the data using the Modification of the Van
Kaam Method (Moustakas, 2004). Steps of this method include: (a) listing and
preliminary grouping; (b) reduction and elimination; (c) clustering and thematizing the
invariant constituents; (d) final identification of the invariant constituents and themes by
application-validation; (e) construction of individual textural description; (f) construction
of individual structural description; (g) construct individual textural-structural
description; and (h) construct a composite description (Moustakas, 1994, pp. 120-121).
Details of the process and purpose of each step are described below.
During the first step of listing and grouping the transcript content, the researcher
engaged in the horizonalization process (Conklin, 2007; Moustakas, 1994). Through
horizonaling, the researcher highlighted significant statements that are relevant to
parenting an African American male toddler and toddlers in general. Next, the researcher
reduced the number of statements by examining each statement more carefully to
collapse or eliminate overlapping statements. The invariant constituents are the
statements that are left. In the third step, the researcher created core themes of African
American parents raising a toddler son by clustering the invariant constituents. In step
four, the researcher validated the invariant constituents and core themes by checking
them against transcripts they were derived from. The constituents and themes that remain

will be those that either clearly match or are attuned to the original transcript content for
each family and then for the families as a group (Conklin, 2007; Moustakas, 1994). The
last three steps relate to creating textural descriptions. First, the researcher created an
individual textural description for each family that described his or her experience raising
an African American male toddler. Next, the researcher created an individual structural
description for each family that combines the individual textural description with my
individual consciousness of the phenomenon of raising an African American male
toddler. This would be the essence of the experience or the parts of the experience that
one cannot change without changing the experience (Gallagher, 2012; Moustakas, 1994).
Finally, a textural-structural description with constituents and themes inserted was
created. Each family yielded a detailed description of that included the parental and
familial experiences combined (Conklin, 2007; Moustakas, 1994). To summarize the
beliefs, child rearing practices, and values of African American parents raising male
toddlers, I created a composite description based on all study participants. The
composite, as well as all textural-structural descriptions are reported in Chapter 4.
The protection of participants should be considered in formal and informal ways
during research (Angrosino, & Mays de Perez, 2003; Bloomberg, & Volpe, 2012; Caelli,
2001; Creswell, 2007; Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2005; Marshall, & Rossman, 2011). This
study received institutional review board (IRB) approval before the pilot was initiated
(Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2005; Marshall, & Rossman, 2011). After feedback from the
dissertation committee at the proposal meeting, any changes or additions requested were

made to the IRB documents through modifications submitted to the Office of Research
Integrity. As needed throughout the study, revisions were made to forms and resubmitted to the IRB office for approval before use. Participants provided informed
consent to engage in the interviews and observations of the study and it was explained
that they can withdraw at any time.
In addition to procedural safeguards, this study was be guided by moral principles
of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice (Marshall, & Rossman, 2011, p. 47).
Through respect for persons, participants were be respected as valuable co-researchers
who deserve privacy and not research subjects whose participation provides a service to
the researcher. As co-researchers, participants were asked to include any additional
topics salient to their parenting experience they were not asked about and to validate the
researcher interpretations of interviews and observations. With beneficence, the
participants were protected from physical or mental harm throughout the research process
through an awareness of their state of mind, reactions, and comfort level so interviews
and observations could be ended by the researcher, if needed. Justice was addressed with
an underlying attention to the beneficiaries (e.g., society, other researchers) of this study
and the role this study plays in addressing social justice for African American parents of
male toddlers and the toddlers themselves. Each moral principle is an important part of
being aware of the bigger context of this research with African American families.
Finally, research often contains unanticipated ethical dilemmas in which the
researcher must reflect and protect participants (Caelli, 2001; Marshall, & Rossman,
2011). Through my reflective notes, I considered the ethics of and reasons for decisions

made during the study. I also protected the anonymity of the participants while allowing
their voices to be projected in study results by reporting textural descriptions and
eliminating demographic or personal information that could be identifiable by readers. I
was also aware that participants could make a decision to alter child rearing practices and
beliefs as a result of reflecting on them and reporting them during study participation, but
I respect their right to do so (Caelli, 2001). Any decisions I was uncertain about was
recorded in my notes, reflected upon before a decision was proposed or finalized, and
discussed with my advisor, other committee members, and/or the university Office of
Research Integrity when needed.
Constructivist paradigms are focused on interpretation and constructed knowledge
(Denzin, & Lincoln, 2003). Therefore, in qualitative research, trustworthiness of the data
involves focusing on the credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability of
the data to demonstrate attention to rigor (Denzin, & Lincoln, 2003; Lincoln, & Guba,
1985). Six strategies will address trustworthiness of this study (See Table 3). For
credibility strategies, data was triangulated through interviews with mothers and fathers
and observations with the parent(s) and child along with the field notes. In addition, I
engaged in regular peer debriefing with my dissertation advisor and/or another member
of my committee as well as other university faculty knowledgeable about qualitative
research or phenomenology.
In qualitative research, participants engage in member checks to suggest
corrections or clarification to transcript content or researcher interpretation of

observations or interviews (Marshall, & Rossman, 2011). Therefore, study participants
also engaged in member checks by confirming the accuracy of their textural-structural
descriptions. Also, the dependability of the data is documented through an audit trail
which outlines methodological decisions made and their rationale throughout the process.
Reflexivity and confirmability was documented through a reflective diary and field notes
through data collection. Finally, transferability was evident through the thick
descriptions of the phenomenon of African American parenting of a male toddler,
including context, research methods, and raw data examples, in the results section
(Denzin, & Lincoln, 2003; Houghton, Casey, Shaw, & Murphy, 2013; Lincoln, & Guba,
1985; Miles, & Huberman, 1994). Adherence to sound practices provides validity to
ones study (Miles, & Huberman, 1994).

Table 3
Strategies to Determine Rigor
Approaches to rigor


Peer debriefing
Member checking
Audit trail
Audit trail
Thick descriptions



The results presented in this chapter are based on the data collected through the
demographic information form as well as prominent details each couple shared about
their lives. These textural-structural summaries provide a picture of each family and their
beliefs about child rearing practices as an African American parent. The structural
summaries of the six families are presented in the order the initial contact with the family
occurred: (a) Bryant family, (b) Spencer family, (c) Bennett family, (d) Freeman/Hill
family, (e) Wilson family, and (f) Johnson family. Additionally, a composite structural
summary across all six families follows after the individual family summaries.
The Bryant Family4: Thomas, Stephanie, and Elijah
The Bryants met while they were undergraduate students at a local historically
black university. However, they did not date at that time, but began dating years later.
Thomas earned a Masters degree and works in higher education administration and
Stephanie holds a Juris Doctorate degree and is a lawyer. They have three sons, one in
third grade and two in child care. Elijah is their youngest at 21 months old. The couple
has been married for 14 years and considers themselves high income with a combined
income of over $100,000 annually.

Fictitious names to protect confidentiality.

At the time Elijah came along, the pregnancy and delivery progressed without
fanfare or significant occurrences. Thomas was in graduate school and working full-time
while Stephanie continued to work before and (some) right after delivery. Although the
couple were both working full time and already had two sons then, they felt they had to
extend themselves even more, which resulted in more stress, especially for Stephanie. In
order to organize responsibilities with the children including drop off, pick up, and afterschool activities, Stephanie developed an Excel spreadsheet and the family also used a
white board at home to keep track of everything. Life continues to be very busy and
stressful. Thomas typically cooks dinner, cleans the kitchen and pays the bills, and
Stephanie organizes daily life and does most other household cleaning. She feels that her
organization helps the family, but her high stress level influences her patience. Thomas
feels he is relaxed and a calming force.
Elijah was an easy baby who was and is agreeable and happy. Currently, his
parents describe him as funny, active, very loving, and social. He also gets along well
with his siblings and has other favorite people such as his grandmothers and his
babysitter. Elijah enjoys playing and tends to get upset when he is not able to do what he
would like. He and his brother (who is 18 months older) go to bed around 9:00 or 10:00
p.m. nightly. The Bryants alternate the responsibility of getting them in the bed
depending on who is available.
The family depends on extended family some, mainly the mothers of both parents,
for assistance with child care when Thomas travels for work. Each live in Virginia and
the maternal grandmother typically does all cooking and some cleaning/laundry when she

is visiting. However, there are times when Stephanie cares for all children and no
relatives visit to assist while Thomas is away. Occasionally the maternal aunt visits to
help out when needed.
The family sees extended family members when they visit their hometown areas
in Virginia, such as during family events or holidays. They also have three families who
are fictive kin or friends who are like family. They get together with them often and two
of the three couples are godparents of the Bryant children. In addition, the North
Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Annual Homecoming is an
important event for the family because they have friends (and sometimes family
members) come into town, many of them staying with the family. They also attend
homecoming events and have gatherings at their home.
Stephanie feels her mother influenced her approach to parenting the most.
Thomas feels he is very different from his father because he makes a special effort to
show affection more than his father did. He enjoys being a father and role model to his
sons. Also, Thomas talks with other African American fathers about raising sons and
they sometimes have informal forums with all of their sons together, sharing tips for
success such as staying out of trouble and appreciating their current lifestyle. Both
parents want their sons to possess values such as integrity, respect, honor, and a good
work ethic. They also feel they can do more to assist with their sons spiritual
development by being an example of the importance of God and spirituality in daily

The Bryants feel their sons will have to deal with stereotypes about African
American males, such as that they are not smart or gifted. They realize their sons will
need to work to defy the stigma related to being an African American male. They also
feel their sons could be socially excluded because of their high socioecomonic status and
not being like many other African American boys in how they carry themselves and
educationally, but will likely be included in a variety of circles for the same attributes.
They would like to socialize their sons to interact with a wide range of people without
chang(ing) who they are and to appreciate African American culture. Stephanie
reported engaging with the teachers of their school-age son before school starts to counter
any negative assumptions or low expectations that might be formed before meeting her
son. Being clear from the beginning has helped their oldest son be successful in
elementary school.
The Spencer Family5: Titon, Karen, and Little Titon
The Spencers met after college when mom, Karen, attended an event organized
by dad, Titons, business. However, they were loosely acquainted while attending
college at a local historically black university because they had mutual friends, but never
formally met. Titon states he was aware of Karen, but was too nervous about
approaching her while she does not recall Titon during that time, except for hearing his
name, while in college. They both hold Bachelors degrees, with Titon having some
graduate credits. Both work full-time outside of the home. He owns an entertainment
business and Karen works for the city of Greensboro. They have one child, Little

Fictitious names to protect confidentiality.

Titon, who is almost 3 years old, but both mentioned they would like to have another
child. They have been married about 3 years and consider themselves middle income
with a combined income in the $75,000-$99,999 range annually. Initially, they stayed in
Greensboro after getting married due to Titons business being located there. However,
although Karen was previously ready to relocate before they met, she is now comfortable
with staying in Greensboro. They both feel the city offers a comfortable cost of living
and is family friendly. They enjoy accessing its parks and venues like the Childrens
Museum. They also enjoy the flexibility of easily accessing other metropolitan areas
within several hours drive.
The couple quickly went from a dating relationship to marriage to parenthood,
getting married about two years after they met, then having their son about nine months
after their marriage. This caused them to immediately focus on the birth of Little Titon
directly after their honeymoon. The pregnancy was smooth and Karen felt good, working
full-time throughout her pregnancy. The delivery was quick, progressed without
incident, and occurred as expected. Karen was overwhelmed by her difficulty nursing so
they stayed in the hospital an extra day before going home with their newborn son to
ensure she was comfortable. The maternal grandparents made it to the hospital for the
birth and the maternal grandmother stayed with the couple when they went home,
cooking and assisting them with the initial transition to parenthood. Karen described the
initial transition as emotional and difficult. Titon reported a mixture of emotions during
the pregnancy and delivery because of his concern for having a healthy child and being
good at supporting and attending to his wifes needs. With the newborn home, Titon

became very protective and frequently checked on him to make sure he was breathing.
He also assisted with caring for his son so his wife could rest or sleep when she needed
to. However, he describes being extremely tired during this time. Titon also became
more responsible during the fairly quick transition from single guy to husband and
father and had to make individual changes to support this adjustment. Karen reluctantly
returned to work when Little Titon was about two-months-old (continuing to breastfeed
for about four or five more months), so he began attending child care full-time. The
obstetrician referred them to a pediatrician and they are very happy with her and her
support of his development.
As an infant through the present time, Little Titon is described as happy.
Recently, he is upset when something is taken away from him or he has to stop watching
television when he is not ready. His parents feel he is average developmentally and a
mommas boy, but he has become increasingly more attached to his father,
demonstrated most recently by playing rough with him, asking for him, and looking for
him while the family is home. Although Little Titon forgets that he has to be gentle with
his mother, dad is interested in making sure he is rough and tough because as an
African American male, he feels it is important that he not be soft.

He gets most

excited by new toys and is an active child. Little Titon is most happy being around
friends (and) being around family. He likes to stick with his typical routine and prefers a
small number of favorite foods. The Spencers feel his personality and temperament are
not like either of them, but he does display some of the same mannerisms as dad.

Little Titons routine is different every day, but he has a schedule that stays fairly
consistent. Around 4 or 5 oclock in the morning, he usually wakes up and goes into his
parents bed and falls back to sleep. He then wakes up around 7 AM while mom is
getting ready for work and mom gives him milk and muffins for breakfast while he is
watching television. When Karen goes down to pack lunches, she wakes Titon up
(although she would like him to be up earlier) who gets him ready for school. In the
evening, she picks Little Titon up around 5:30 p.m. and they head home for him to eat
dinner around 6:00 p.m. while watching television. Little Titon generally eats something
a home or what they pick up, such as Chick-fil-a, on the way home. Karen usually gets
Little Titon ready for bed and into bed and Titon cooks dinner for the parents so they can
eat when Karen comes back down. In addition to cooking for the couple, Titon does
grocery shopping for their meals and consciously tries to be the leader of his home and
make sure the bills are getting paid and his family is protected. Karen does most of
the other household tasks besides cooking including shopping for Little Titons food and
doing household chores. However, Titon assists with chores when she asks. Karen does
not have much free time. On weekends, their schedule is more flexible and they often
attend church on Sundays.
Beyond his parents, Little Titon is closest with his maternal aunt and maternal
grandparents. He usually sees his aunt (who lives in Greensboro) daily and maternal
grandparents (who live in South Carolina) monthly, either in Greensboro or South
Carolina. For babysitting, the Spencers rely mostly on the maternal aunt and sometimes
maternal grandparents who occasionally take Little Titon for weekend visits. This saves

them a lot of money on babysitting and allows them to have time together. As for
paternal family members, the family sees them (mostly the paternal grandmother) about
three to four times a year, mainly during holidays and family gatherings. They spend
more time with family members during holidays and go on a yearly Fathers Day beach
trip the maternal family members (grandmother, grandfather, and aunt). While moms
relationship with her sister is strong, dad describes his relationship with his brother as
almost nonexistent. Little Titon travels well as he enjoys looking at the scenery and often
naps on trips. Since traveling to see both sides of the family during Christmas has
become more difficult, the couple has decided to stay home for the next Christmas
holiday to begin their own traditions and routines as a family.
The Spencers would like their son to possess many values including being
dependable, a man of his word, a strong decision maker and in physical body,
handy around the house, nice to people, not easily influenced, find value in family
life, and have a relationship with God. They feel it is important for them to teach Little
Titon these values through leading by example. Since they have recently received a
positive report about him from the child care center, the Spencers feel they are doing
something right as parents. While they would not advocate for their son being
homosexual, the couple feels they will always support him no matter what.
The couple feels they are still young parents and many aspects are challenging.
Specifically, preparing for events, vacations, and the daily activities and routines is
difficult due to the number of items they have to remember to collect and pack for their
son. Despite the challenges, they feel it is easy to love Little Titon and support each

other with discipline and expectations. Their discipline strategy varies depending on
what is going on. In public, mom generally quietly tells him to calming down or they
are leaving and will then leave if needed. However, if the misbehavior is at home and
deals with an expectation they have reviewed many times, they usually spank him instead
of just verbal reminders. Although their mothers were the disciplinarians growing up,
they both handle discipline in this household.
The Spencers feels their parenting roles as guardian and provider are similar.
However, Titon enjoys more time wrestling with their son and mom is more of a nurturer.
They would like to spend more time as a family, teaching their son instead of having him
watch television during times they are occupied with household or routine tasks.
Karen feels her parents are her biggest influence in parenting because she had a
good home life growing up and feels she and her sister have turned out well. Titon feels
he will choose his parenting style based on his life experiences. As a child, he did not
like it when his mother exaggerated potential dangers to keep him safe so he will not do
that as a parent. Titons father left the home when he was in fifth or sixth grade and he
does not have a good relationship with him, last speaking to him shortly after his son was
born. Although Titon reports he is not upset about his fathers lack of involvement,
support, and guidance, he is determined to be different as a father and feels bad that his
father has missed so much. His model father growing up was Heathcliffe Huxtable from
The Cosby Show as the dad everyone wanted to have. He feels strongly about the
importance and high value of a man raising a family and being there for his children
because the lives one influences are how he will be judged.

The Spencers feel it is a common belief that you have to raise boys to be rough
and tough. More specifically, they feel African American boys face additional
challenges and misconceptions. Titon was more vocal about how society works related
to African American males. Although he feels his son will be prepared to face challenges
such as seeing people still clutching purses, he also feels society does not view African
American children positively. Currently, both parents feel their son is color blind and
plays with a wide range of children of different races and ethnicities. Both parents
attended predominately European American high schools for some of their teen years (for
mom until she moved to SC) and feel their experience attending a historically black
university was very different from their earlier schooling experiences, but important.
They each value exposure to a range of racial and ethnic groups and feel Little Titons
current child care facility should be more diverse. Also, they do not feel they have
started to directly prepare Little Titon for biases he might face growing up, but raising
him to be the best of the best should help.
The Bennett Family: Jonathan, Sharon, Jordan, and Luke6
The Bennetts met while in college; both were undergraduate engineering students.
Jonathan enlisted Sharons help in a Math class and they soon began dating. A few of
years after graduation, they married and relocated to the Piedmont Triad area of North
Carolina for employment. After about seven years in the area, they decided to start a
family and were surprised and overwhelmed to find out Sharon was pregnant with twins
during their first ultrasound appointment. Their sons, Jordan and Luke, are 24-months

Fictitious names to protect confidentiality

old and stay home with a nanny during the day while both parents work outside of the
home. Jonathan is a chemical engineer at a plant and Sharon works for the city of
Greensboro. The couple has been married for 10 years and considers themselves middle
income with a combined income of over $100,000 annually.
At the time Sharon got pregnant with the twins, the couple had been married for 8
years. Although twin births have occurred on both sides of the family, they were
surprised and ecstatic to find out they were having twins. Sharon described her
reaction as being in shock from the beginning as she began to worry about putting her
sons through college. They went out to dinner immediately following the ultrasound so
they could celebrate the pregnancy. Although Sharon began to have more difficulty
engaging in her typical activities such as exercising and walking to her office, she
continued to work throughout the pregnancy, transitioning to working up to three days at
home in the last several months. She generally felt good and the pregnancy was free of
complications. Although she was prediabetic before becoming pregnant, but was happy
she did not need to advance to taking insulin during the pregnancy. The fraternal twins
were born at 38 weeks gestation after induced labor and went home with their parents
from the hospital, although they all stayed at the hospital an extra couple of days. Luke,
who was born second following a breech presentation and who was slightly smaller at
birth, had trouble latching on during breastfeeding, so the extra days were to assist with
improving his nursing intake. For the first four months, Jordan and Luke drank breast
milk and formula, transitioning to all formula when Sharon returned to work when they
were four months old. The first few months were challenging and Sharon described this

time as rough the first four months especially the first two because the boys were
eating every two to three hours. Sharons mother came to help out for the first postnatal
month and together, they were able to push the bedtime later so Jordan and Luke were
eventually sleeping through the night. The couple described the transition into
parenthood as a whole lifestyle change, different, and having a feeling of their life
being taken way. Also, Sharon decided to stay home an additional month than
originally planned, four months total, because she felt it would be easier to return to work
after they were sleeping through the night.
Jordan and Luke were good babies and each has a similar personality and
temperament to one of their parents. Jordan is similar to his dad and his dads family in
that he is very laid back. Luke is more active, like Sharon and her family. According to
the Bennetts, each twin also looks similar to their respective parent. The twins act
differently when they are apart because they are more laid back. When they are
together, they compete more for attention and each attempts to get the same interactions
and affection. They have also reached developmental milestones such as crawling and
walking in a different order and time frame. Jordan likes baths and Luke does not. Each
child is a unique individual. Both boys are happy about eating, especially Luke, and both
like to go outside, but Jordan enjoys this the most. They also both enjoy sucking their
thumbs and do not like quick transitions from activities they are enjoying. The Bennetts
feel their sons are generally loving toward each other, but are partners in crime and
sometimes do not get along.

Currently, the boys usually sleep through the night and wake up around 7:00 a.m.
Sharon gets them dressed and ready to head downstairs when their nanny, an associate
pastor at their church, arrives between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m., with Jonathan leaving for work
between 7:00 and 7:30 a.m. Sharon generally leaves around 8:00 a.m. for work. The
boys are home with the nanny during the day and have some outside activities like
Kindermusik and from time to time go to the library to participate in childrens
programming. They are also very involved with their church as Jonathan is an associate
minister. Sharon returns from work around 6:00 p.m. and begins heating dinner.
Jonathan arrives home between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. Luke and Jordan eat dinner at around
6:30 p.m. whether the adults are ready to eat then or not. The nanny typically joins the
family for dinner. After dinner, the boys watch television and play until bedtime, which
has recently been a bit later, around 8:00 p.m. They generally sleep through the night
unless they are sick.
As parents, the Bennetts feel they are similar because they both pray over the
boys and have similar goals and expectations. However, they do routine tasks and
interact with the boys in different ways. Also, Sharon is the primary caregiver, and
Jonathan is the secondary one. Both parents feel they have a good relationship with their
sons. Jonathan gives them affection but is also the disciplinarian. Sharon feels she has
become more compassionate since she has had the boys. They rush to greet both parents
when each gets home from work. She would also like to have more time teaching the
boys basic concepts and having them around others. With discipline, Sharon feels it is
difficult to find a balance. She also feels she is a good organizer, which keeps the boys on

a routine, but sometimes does not give them the opportunity to communicate their wants
and needs. Both parents pray over the boys at bedtime for continuing positive growth
and development. Each parent wishes he or she were able to spend more time with their
sons, Jonathan to take vacations, learn the routine better, and spend time interacting at
home. Sharon would like to spend more time teaching them. Jonathan does not feel
discipline is that difficult for him, but balancing work and family demands is. He also
feels he is able to observe when Luke and Jordan are not acting in a typical manner
(maybe sick), but feels he should do better learning their daily routines and activities.
Jonathan feels his main role in the family is being the provider, although he also feels he
shares this role with Sharon. In addition, he thinks he should be a positive role model
for his sons. Sharon feels she has multiple roles, but mainly is a caregiver for her
husband and children. She cleans the house with a bit of assistance from the nanny. She
generally cooks lunch and dinner on the weekend for the entire week. Jordan and Luke
often eat a different meal than the adults, but sometimes eat the same thing.
The Bennetts initially took their sons to a small pediatric practice recommended
by coworkers, but became dissatisfied with them while the boys were still infants because
Sharon did not like some of the advice the doctor gave her and the practice did not follow
through on some of the responsibilities/appointments the family had spoken with them
about. They feel more comfortable with their current pediatrician and feel she is
honest and open. She has recently talked to Sharon about the boys speech
development and they are going to watch it before checking to make sure there are not
developmental concerns that warrant an evaluation or services.

The Bennetts see their extended family a few of times a year. Jonathan has a
brother in Winston Salem, but they do not see him often. The rest of Jonathans family is
in the Wilmington, NC area and Sharons family is in the Fayetteville, NC area.
Generally, they travel to see both sides of the family (including both of their mothers) on
holidays or for celebrations. Occasionally, maybe once or twice a year, their mothers
will visit the Bennetts home. Although it is easier to travel since the boys are getting
older, due to work and church obligations, the family finds it difficult to make the time to
travel and see extended family. Sharon sometimes uses FaceTime on her cellular phone
to talk with her sister. Likely as a result of the distance, the Bennetts do not rely on
extended family for help or support. They do not depend on outside child caregivers
besides the nanny. For the twins first birthday, the family had a large gathering at
Sharons mothers home with extended family from both sides present. Although the
boys recently turned two-years-old, they were sick so the family did not have a birthday
Since Luke and Jordan have been born, according to Jonathan, the Bennetts have
experienced two other major changes. Jonathan changed jobs, which was a promotion
for him, and partly motivated by the birth of the boys and being a positive role model for
them. Jonathan was also ordained a deacon and a minister and as a result will praise
God harder and also has more time he is obligated to spend for church-related duties.
He feels this change positively affects the boys because they also praise God more now.
Sharon has not really had any major changes since they have been born.

Jonathan reported his relationship with his sons is similar to his relationship with
his father. One main difference is his father was retired from the military so he was home
often than he is. Having been a head barber in the Navy, his father continued to work in
this capacity from home during retirement. His mother is his biggest influence as a
parent, but he feels parenting is something everyone has to figure out as you go. She
was also retired and very involved, attending Jonathans activities and performances. He
feels it is important to provide discipline to children early to guide their behavior in the
form of spankings and time out. Jonathan also worries about sending his sons to child
care because they would have to trust someone they do not know. Sharon gets a lot of
parenting advice from her mother, her grandmother, and her aunt. She also prays about
parenting challenges she faces.
The Bennetts enjoy living in the Piedmont Triad area because they were able to
find a home in a diverse neighborhood with various family types which is also
conveniently located for both of them to commute to work. They have been in their
home for 10 years. The Bennetts also enjoy visiting local parks and have taken the boys
to downtown Greensboro for a holiday festival, but do not like the crowds. They also
occasionally eat at local restaurants as a family about twice a month, but prefer to eat
take-out at home. Jonathan stresses the importance of making time for your spouse.
The Bennetts would like their sons to know you have to work hard, the importance of
education and the value of a good work ethic. They also would like their sons to be
God fearing men. Sharons mother has mentioned she would like them to be good men
so they can be a good husband one day as well. The Bennetts feel they will share these

values with Jordan and Luke by having them work and clean now around the house.
Sharon also teaches them to count and would like them to know the value of money. The
boys like to have books read to them, but Jonathan feels they should read to them more
like they used to do.
Jonathan stressed it is important to never let society define you, despite the
negative societal views of African American boys. He shared these negative views
include that African American boys are not smart enough or good enough, but he hopes
and prays that the world will be better in this regard when his sons are his age. Although
society is moving in a positive direction, Jonathan feels the advice his father gave him to
be three times better than those he is competing with just to be considered is still true.
Sharon does not want current societal views to cause her sons to have a chip on their
shoulder. Jonathan feels that money, not race, is the prevalent driving force in the
business world. He would like for his sons to travel to see different people and areas and
realize people do not owe them anything. Sharon stressed the boys interactions with
others can help to be an example and counter false notions about African American boys.
The Bennetts feel keeping their sons involved in church and other outside activities will
help them to overcome negative societal views.
The Freeman/Hill Family: Rakim Freeman, Trina Hill, and Christopher Freeman 7
After being acquainted previously, the couple saw each other in Walmart while
Trina was shopping for a stereo with her oldest daughter and Rakim, shopping with his
girlfriend, offered to install it for her. At the time, they were both in different

Fictitious names to protect confidentiality.

relationships, but felt our relationships sucked basically. Rakim was in a relationship
with a mother of his children who was not faithful and bragged about how good she had
it with him. Trina felt trapped in an abusive relationship with a man who was
incarcerated at the time and who she felt made it impossible for her to leave. The two
began talking frequently on the phone, which initially consisted mostly of Trina
providing advice about relationships to Rakim. This led to daily phone conversations and
then daily face-to-face visits. Although they first began as friends, they eventually
decided to leave their other relationships and become a couple. However, they asserted,
We didnt live together in the beginning, but soon decided to combine their households
and forge a relationship together. They have four children of their own and five children
from other relationships in the household. The nine children range in age from 14 years
old to a 1-year-old. Rakim shares, Its a beautiful thing to have this many kids.
Although they are not legally married, Rakim inserts, I really do love this ladyAnd I
plan on spending the rest of my life with her. Trina feels they have grown together and
do better with arguments, although Rakim shared, Im not confrontational with women
so he prefers to not have disagreements. Both are committed to their relationship and
family. Rakim has some college and is head security for security business. Trina is a
homemaker and manages most aspects of the home. They have been in their current
home since September 2013. The couple has been together for five years and consider
themselves low income, earning between $15,000 - $24,999 annually.
The couple like living in High Point but commented, "Im so glad that were out
of Greensboro for a couple of reasons including High Point being less expensive and

allowing them to be farther away from family. Rakim especially felt for his family,
when theres trouble, they call you. The two first met in 2009 after Rakim had been in
the area for a couple of years, relocating from New York. When he ran out of money and
paid employment, Rakim stated, I sold drugs and like I sold a lot of drugs. When they
decided to become a couple he went on to state, I stopped selling drugs when I got with
her because like I did all of that when I was younger in New York.I dont want to be a
34-year-old drug dealer. When Trinas previous boyfriend got out of jail, he initially
acted in a threatening way about her moving on, but once he met Rakim after calling him
for a security job (unaware that he was Trinas new boyfriend), he backed down and
Rakim shared, he was working for me for almost a year and a half.
When Christopher was born, the family already had seven children at home, the
youngest being about eight months old. Trina felt they had a lot going on like mentally
and physically and it was overwhelming during this time, but they had planned the
pregnancy. They wanted another son after the loss at birth of one of their twin sons in
January of that year. Rakim feels the pregnancy with Christopher was cool, but noted
they were arguing a lot. Christopher was born about two months early and spent a few
weeks at Wake Forest University Baptist Hospital before coming home. His parents
remember him as a good baby who cried a lot and was very demanding. Trina spent 45
days in jail shortly after Christopher was born and reported, Im kind of glad I did it
because now I dont have any charges or anything. While Trina was away, Christopher
spent a lot of time with his maternal grandmother as a primary caregiver in the household

and he became very attached to her and continues to be. Trina feels he is just recently
becoming more attached to her.
Currently, Christophers parents describe him as a cool dude who likes to eat,
play with cars and motorcycles, watch television, and spend time with grandma.
Sometimes he stays with grandma for the weekend. Christopher gets frustrated when he
doesnt get his way, but is usually happy. He has a good relationship with his siblings,
especially his oldest sister, who sometimes takes him to her room to help him fall asleep
at night. He and his older brother (the one born in the same year) get into physical fights
often and their relationship is described as best friends that disagree a lot and they
fight like theyre the twins. He and his siblings directly older and younger than him
(the three youngest children) are potty training and Trina sometimes feels overwhelmed
by the process. He is also transitioning from using a bottle and working on drinking out
of a cup. The couple feels Christopher has Trinas attitude and Rakims temper, but it
depends on the situation. If he doesnt like it or dont want to do something, he definitely
express that emotion.
All of the children in the household get up at 6:00 a.m. Although Christopher is
not a morning person, he wakes up in a good mood. After he wakes, his parents wash
him up and dress him, and then he has juice or fruit. He and his younger sister are picked
up by the child care van around 7:35 a.m. and eat breakfast at child care. They get
dropped off at home around 4:15 p.m. Around 5:00 or 6:00 p.m., Rakim or Trina begin
cooking dinner and its chair time for the youngest three children (they sit in car seats
while watching television) and Christopher especially does not like this, but it helps he

and his siblings stay out of trouble and be safe. Rakim typically cooks dinner and it is
served around 7:30 p.m. Christopher goes to bed at 10:00 p.m. Although he typically
sleeps through the night, when he does not, he usually goes to his parents room or his
oldest sisters room.
The family is not satisfied with their current pediatricians office because they
put you through so much BS, theyre ghetto, theyre lazy, and its horrible.
Reasons for their dislike include the practice being unprofessional, making mistakes on
appointment times, and calling Child Protective Services on the family, reporting their
youngest daughter was underweight. They also are not flexible with the family when
they occasionally miss an appointment. The Freeman/Hills report they are good
parents who go above and beyond for their children. Although they are looking for
another health care provider, they stay with the practice because it is close to their home.
The Freeman/Hill family try to do a lot of stuff as family because we try to instill
in them thatregardless if anybody doesnt like you, this is what we have. One
common family outing is eating at their favorite restaurants, including CiCis Pizza, Pizza
Inn and Golden Corral, about twice a month. They also frequently go to local parks and
catch a lot of free activities around town.
As for extended family, the Freeman/Hills see the maternal grandmother a couple
of times a week.

Also, the maternal grandmother sometimes takes the kids for a visit or

for the weekend at her home which allows the parents to have a break. Rakims mother
lives in New York and the children have met her once. During that visit, Rakim and his
mother got into a disagreement and he feels he set a bad example for his children and

feels terrible about it, especially because his mom is in poor health now. Trina stated,
Nothing better than family time to me and Sundays for us is family day. She also has
a close relationship with one of her four siblings, a sister, although they have their ups
and downs. Trina also has fictive kin or girlfriends who she feels are like sisters
because they are so close, although they do not see each other often. They do not rely on
others for support and help.
The Freeman/Hill family celebrates many things, especially accomplishments,
and they recognize them with something special. Also, they usually have house parties
for the kids birthdays with food, music, and dance competitions. Rakim reported,
Christmas is everything to us and commented about decorating and celebrating with the
family during this time of year.
Trina and Rakim both had a tough early life and feel this has influenced them as
parents and individuals. Rakim about his early life commented, I was raised wrong.
He went on to say, I didnt have guidance there to teach me what youre supposed to do
as a manI had to be self-taught. After going in and out of different foster homes, he
ended up in prison at 12-years-old. Trina also went through a lot in her early life. A
shared challenging early life helped to pull the couple together because they felt bad
about each others pain and have a tough start in common. About themselves as parents,
the couple agrees stating were more different as parents than similar. Trina
commented a lot of my ways also reflect on how I grew up and Rakim remarked their
differences are because I was also brought up in a different era, in a different way. One

big parenting issue they had to address is showing favoritism to different kids.
Compromising has helped them to resolve these differences.
Rakim reported, My main responsibility would probably be to keep my family
safe and he also makes sure to occasionally shows his wife how much he appreciates
her by doing nice things like running her a hot bath or telling her to sleep in. Trina
stated, I kind of do a lot, everythingsome of the stuff I do I do because I dont want
nobody else to do it. She also feels that she is working to understand how important
mothers are to their children, although she does still get frustrated that the kids usually
call for her instead of her husband. Rakim also feels She does way more than I do.
One of the toughest times for the family was when they were homeless with six children
because Rakim lost his job after a late night car accident on the way home from work
resulted in no transportation. This led to the family being evicted after they were unable
to pay the rent. They were later able to move out and get another home. Since
Christopher has been born, according to Rakim, the main life event that occurred was
another house the family lived in had an electrical problem that caused the meter to
record more power than they were using. The power and water were eventually cut off
and they continued to live in the home without electricity and water for a while,
borrowing both from a neighbor until they had to move out.
Rakim feels right now, me and my dad have a good relationship. They hang
out and party on Rakims birthday. He also shared, I didnt learn anything from my
father, I didnt learn anything from whoever else tried to be my father. He would advise
his sons, Dont be just any man, be the best man that you can be. Regarding being a

man, Rakim feels each person has to teach himself to be one. He also feels his sons
should not jump in and out of relationships, but stick with one person. He did not learn to
read until 18-years-old, which affected his life and he feels I just dont want them to go
down that path. Due to his large stature, he would fight classmates in school and others
in jail who tried to tease him about his inability to read. He also feels he intimidated
teachers with his size so they let him just sit in class. He later learned dyslexia was the
reason he could not read while in grade school.
As a parent, Rakim feels one of the foster families he lived with when he was
about 15 are his biggest influence. When thinking about them, he commented, For the
short time that I was with them, they showed me what it meant to have a child. Trina
feels her husband is her biggest influence because he is a great parent and a great dad
and also a good support system. Both parents feel they have learned a lot from each
Trina and Rakim would like to start spending more time with them (the kids)
individually. Rakim would like to to do more boy stuff with the boys to help them to
use their energy positively, especially because several of the boys have a large stature
like him. He also feels that sports will be important for his kids to have a better life
because he does not want his kids to go through the struggles he did. Rakim also shared,
I want to quit smokingits like I feel like Im not taking my kids into consideration of
how they feel when I smoke. Trina shared, I scream and yell a lot and she would like
to do that less. One point they disagree on is mom does not agree with do as I say, not as
I do, but dad does which sometimes can affect their decisions and behavior around the

kids. Nevertheless, they feel that all kids are expensive and one gender is not easier to
raise than the other.
The couple, especially Trina, feels it is challenging having two children on
medication, one for ADHD and the other for multiple diagnoses, especially because they
are completely different when they do not take it. Christopher is not on medication.
Trina also feels having a teenager and her being curious about the little boys is a
challenge. Rakim reported, I think the most challenging is waking up every day
knowing that you have nine children in this house. However, he also shared but at the
end of the day, I would rather do everything I can to keep this lady as my wife other than
my baby mama. Trina feels the tasks that she knows well are easy for her, such as
making the dinner plates. Rakim countered, I guess just loving my kids and my family.
Thats easy to meEverything else is difficult.
Trina feels I have a lot of strengths now and reports organization, taking
care of the kids better, and getting the kids to school every day are some of them. She
also feels her main weakness is keeping up with household cleaning and chores and this
affects her because its frustrating. Both parents agree that Rakims weakness is they
dont listen to him like they listen to me (mom). About his weakness, Rakim feels as
far as letting the kids run me sometimes, it does affect me as a parent because as dad, I
know I need to put my foot down. He also feels he should spend more time focusing on
helping out more around the house.
Rakim and Trina feel the discipline they use depends on the situation. They
also feel its a difference if you know better Rakim went on to say, I may be like

easy dad, but Im not gonna let you walk over top of me. They feel they use physical
discipline when they have to.
Trina and Rakim would like for Christopher and their other children to live by several
values and ideals that they feel will help them in life. These values include

anything in life, you have to work for.

nothings easy

we stop taking responsibility for what youre capable of after 13.

respect yourself because without respecting yourself, theres no need to

respect anybody else.

the person that you are is gonna rub off on somebody else.

make sure you treat people the way you want to be treated and you live the
rest of your life that way

Regarding boys and African American boys specifically, Trina stated, The little boys
that are, you know, the roughest grow up to really be something compared to the ones
that you sit there. So now she feels it is fine and maybe helpful for her sons to play with
and pretend to have guns. She has also given her children advice such as black comes
with ghetto. Dont act like that because she feels were already labeled. Trina went on
to state she tells her children, Im determined for yall to grow up and be something.
They have not encountered bias or prejudice related to Christopher, but feel one of their
daughters did. She was told by another Mexican girl to get away from her because
she stink and she looked dirty.

The special services Christopher receives have affected these parents in a good
way because, according to Trina, it shows me different ways that I can interact with all
my children, not just the special need kidsDifferent things that will help them learn.
For the younger children with special needs, Trina reported she had to adjust and
bring it down some for them. Rakim feels he has not had to do things differently, but
about the childrens delays he stated, It has made me more aware of the possibilities of
my children having a learning disability later on life. He also wants to just make sure
that these resources are in place for them so this way they candont have to feel like
theyre an outcast or feel differently.
When asked about sharing anything else she would like, Trina responded, I think
the most stressful time was, oh my God, everybody sick at the same timethats really
The Wilson8 Family: Maurice, Tracey, and Jason
Maurice and Tracey Wilson met while they were both undergraduate students at a
local state institution during Maurices visit with a friend in Traceys dormitory. Tracey
mentioned she needed someone to connect her cable television and Maurice volunteered.
When he went down to Traceys room to hook up the cable, he asked her for her phone
number and the two began dating, about six months later they became an exclusive
couple. After being in a relationship for seven years, the couple married in 2010.
Following almost two years of marriage, they decided to have a child and Jason was born
at the end of 2012. Both work full-time, Tracey as a licensed professional counselor

Fictitious names to protect confidentiality.

associate (LPCA) and Maurice for a health insurance provider. Jason is 16-months-old
and the couple feel they may have another child in the future. With a combined income
between $50,000 and $74,999, the Wilsons consider themselves middle income level.
The Wilsons feel the pregnancy with Jason was a fun and exciting time and
the pregnancy was awesome. They were elated about the pregnancy and Maurice
felt more special to know they were expecting a son. Tracey was laid off around the
time she was about six months pregnant, which allowed her to take advantage of this time
to prepare for Jasons birth and get his bedroom ready. Almost a week after
Thanksgiving, a healthy Jason was born about four weeks before he was due. Despite a
mild case of jaundice right after birth, the newborn period went well as Jason was a good
eater and sleeper. Maurice felt things changed significantly and he was excited to have
someone he co-created. Tracey did not return to work outside of the home until Jason
was about three-months-old, so she felt the early months were a good time for her to
master breastfeeding and spend time with her new son. During these early months,
Maurice also bonded with Jason as he woke up during the night to change his diaper, feed
him a bottle of breast milk, rock him back to sleep, or take him to Tracey for nursing.
Although the couple were prepared financially and managed with one income, they were
happy Tracey found employment to bring in more income and support Traceys desire to
work outside of the home. Maurice commented that Jason gave him a sense of purpose
and the couple became more conscientious of their habits and practices such as ending
the use of profanity to be a better example for their son.

Jason is described as laid back, calm, patient, relaxed, and the best thing
ever from infancy through the present. He enjoys being outside and is bothered when he
is not allowed to do the things he would like to do. Jasons independent nature was
present early on and his parents have tried to foster it some, especially through sleeping
and exploring. Maurice has been especially awed by each developmental milestone and
accomplishment Jason has reached, but also has found this difficult at times and would
prefer, for example, that Jason stay very close by instead of going off to explore his
surroundings. He also would like him to allow them to feed him so it is less messy.
Jason and Maurice have a very close relationship and Jason runs to see his dad when he
arrives home from work and does not want to leave his side. They often play together for
the rest of the evening. Although discipline is shared, Tracey is probably seen more as
the disciplinarian. Related to behavior and discipline, Maurice feels it is important that
Jason knows how to handle himself in different environments and contexts so he can be
safe and not seen as threatening which could result in him being injured or arrested.
Although Tracey has not really thought much about her relationship with Jason due to his
age, she feels it is good, but she has to remind herself that he is still a baby so she does
not get frustrated.
Jason wakes up between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. in the morning, and then has a bottle
while watching television as his parents get ready for the day. When Tracey was recently
staying at home for a couple of months between jobs, they would eat breakfast and go on
an outing to the library, a friends house, or participate in another local activity. Jason
would take a nap between noon and 3 p.m. and go to bed for the night between 9:00 and

10:00 p.m. Generally, he sleeps through the night unless he is sick, has had shots, or is
teething. Tracey typically bathes Jason and gets him ready for bed, while Maurice
usually puts him to bed by singing, rocking, and spending time with him until he gets
tired. Since his diet is fairly limited to food he eats well, Jason eats snacks throughout
the day such as yogurt, squeezable fruit, mashed potatoes with gravy or another type of
potatoes, corn, or rice. Sometimes he eats what his parents eat for dinner and often has
something different.
As for extended family, the Wilsons see both sides of the family about once or
twice a month. Traceys mother and step-father live in Winston-Salem and Jason speaks
to his maternal grandmother on the phone daily. She also baby-sits him sometimes on
weekends so the Wilsons can go out together. Maurices mother lives in the Salisbury,
NC area with his father, brother, and sister home off and on, but primarily living in other
areas/states. Maurices mother and family will take Jason for the weekend periodically
so the couple can have alone time.
Maurice has two best friends from college who are now married with children and
the Wilsons spend time with both families. One family lives locally and the other lives
near Raleigh, but they all travel to each others homes for visits with the spouses and
children, mostly boys and all toddlers and younger. The families have fun together and
learn from each other as they parent together. The fathers and sons took a picture
together to commemorate their special bond.
The Wilsons searched for a pediatrician online and interviewed a couple before
settling on one. They preferred an African American physician and were happy to find

one they both liked. Maurice in particular feels they are comfortable with her because
she is knowledgeable and shares current research relevant to Jasons development with
The only major life change the Wilsons reported was the recent job change for
Tracey that resulted in about two months of unemployment. While Tracey was out of
work, the couple took Jason out of child care to save money. This change was
disappointing because Tracey felt Jason made good developmental progress while in
child care and knew she did not want to be a stay-at-home mother. For Maurice,
although he did not report a major change, he feels Jasons birth is compelling him to
advance in his company, get a Masters degree, and/or find other work to increase his
While most household tasks are not exclusively done by one parent or another,
Tracey generally does the grocery shopping and cooking. When Tracey is not up to
cooking, Maurice will bring home dinner. Maurice does more household cleaning than
Tracey, but she does more laundry. They share equally in the care of Jason and paying
the bills. Maurice feels the roles of protector and provider is primarily for him. While
Tracey has helped him to not worry about fulfilling these roles as much as he used to, he
still has financial worries from time to time.
Both parents have consciously made parenting and marital decisions based on
how they were parented and their own childhoods. Tracey feels one of her first cousins is
her biggest influence as a parent; they are very close and speak on the phone often. This
cousin is a single parent with four children and finds time to do everything. Her cousin

is also inspirational because she is back in school to earn a Masters degree and makes
education and having fun a priority for her children. Tracey also feels she was motivated
to get married before she had children because she did not want to deal with some of the
struggles of single mothers she knows and wanted to have a father in the home for her
children. Maurice is most influenced by his mother as a parent because he spent the most
time with her during childhood and also because of her focus on education. While
Maurice spent time with his father while he was growing up, his dad was away for a year
or more at a time being in the military and was also short tempered. Based on his
experiences and relationship with his father, Maurice makes a conscious decision to be
present and active in Jasons life and to refrain from yelling by trying to solve conflicts
and discipline Jason in a lower voice and more gently. However, Maurice does have
fond memories of having fun with his father playing sports and video games which are
similar to the interactions he tries to have with Jason. Maurice feels his active presence
will help Jason to have a strong relationship with him and be able to trust him as he is
growing up.
The Wilsons feel they are similar as parents because they both want whats best
for him. The main difference between their parenting styles is Tracey expects more
immediate responses and reactions from Jason when she tells him to do something.
Maurice is more patient and gives Jason more chances to comply with what he says.
When they are home, Jason sometimes takes a break in his crib to calm down or get rest
when he is upset. Maurice is not sure if using the physical discipline of a pop on the
hand is causing Jason to try to use a similar method to get classmates to stop bothering

him, while Tracey does not think it is related. Both parents feel the discipline they give
Jason is so he comes up as a respectable young man in society and knows how to
present himself. They also feel they show Jason by their example to have respect for
others, be kind, and stand up for what he believes in. Maurice would also like for Jason
to be more assertive than he is. They strive for Jason to have a balance between
intelligence and being his own person so he can address anyone who might bully him
because he is smart or not like them. The Wilsons report they are focused on Jasons
When responding on the common beliefs about African-American boys and men,
both parents reported several negative views including they are aggressive, scary,
interested in steal(ing), rob(bing), and cheat(ing) everyone, lazy, and do not respect
women. Maurice responded these beliefs are a basis for the society fear from the Black
male. Both parents are aware of the views and are concerned about how they could
affect their son. They purposely chose a name for their son that they feel will not cause
him to be passed for opportunities or pre-judged. They would also like to move from the
apartment complex they currently live in because they feel the negative things they see
going on will have an impact on Jason as he gets older. Even though they currently live
in a predominately African-American environment and would like to continue to when
they move, they also feel they may provide Jason with better schools and teachers and
have neighbors who care more for the homes if they live in an area that is not
predominately African-American. Although they feel they are making parenting and
lifestyle decisions now that will prepare Jason to face possible biases, they are troubled

they exist and want to protect Jason from the possibility that he might face hopelessness
dealing with such challenges. They are also concerned about the influence of peers
during the teen years that could challenge some of the values and lessons they have
instilled in their son. They feel they will need to directly inform Jason that some in
society believe such negative things about him, but he should carry himself in a way that
he will not be perceived as the aggressor.
Maurice and Tracey have encountered unique biases related to parenting Jason.
Maurice recalled being told about possible fluid around Jasons heart before he was born
could indicate Down syndrome. He was insulted by how the doctor discussed this and
relatedly the possible options for addressing it, as if, We wouldnt care enough to care
for him if he did havesome kind of medical condition or developmental condition.
Tracey has encountered bias related to her son being fair skinned, similar to Maurices
complexion, because she is brown skinned. Some have assumed her husband is
European American when they see her and Jason together. She has been offended
because these assumptions jump to an inaccurate conclusion.
The Johnson Family9: Greg, Angela, and Greg, III
Angela and Greg Johnson met when they were introduced during a Bible Study
group while undergraduate students in Maryland. They soon found out Angela was about
to begin working at the same on-campus job as Greg. While at work, Greg would often
share his food with Angela and they began to hang out after work. They officially
became a couple in February 2009 and were married about one year later in January

Fictitious names to protect confidentiality.

2010. The couple relocated to the Piedmont Triad, North Carolina area in December
2010 for Greg to begin a new job and Greg, III, who was born in October 2011, is
currently 31-months-old. Angela does not work outside of the home, but cares for Greg,
III and his nine-month-old sister while their dad works full-time and takes classes parttime. Angela and Greg both hold Bachelors degrees and Greg has an educational goal of
attaining a doctorate degree one day. Angela would like to continue her education or a
certification as well. They consider themselves middle income with an annual household
income of $35,000 49,999.
At the time the couple relocated to North Carolina, Angela had just graduated
from college and she began taking classes to become licensed as a nursing assistant.
Since Greg, III was due soon after she became licensed, Angela has not yet worked in
this field. Nonetheless, the pregnancy went well and she received all of her prenatal care
and felt good and was excited throughout. The delivery was smooth and Greg, III
was healthy at birth. The transition home was fine, but difficult due to lack of sleep and
no immediate social support in terms of friends or family members, although family did
visit when he was a few weeks old. The new couple felt sleep deprived, but happy about
having their newborn. Greg reported he began feeling he had more responsibility
during this time.
The Johnsons reported that Greg, III was an active baby who showed early signs
of independence by wanting to stand and eat solid foods within the first four months and
also wanting to eat table foods before he had teeth. He also sat up and crawled in early
infancy, learning to walk at about nine-months-old. Greg, III is happy when he can do

what he would like to do and unhappy when he cannot. He enjoys playing outside and
eating Nacho cheese Doritos. Greg feels his son was calmer as a baby because he would
sit and listen to a story longer than he currently does. Both parents feel they have a good
relationship with Greg, III. He yells out in excitement when his father gets home. He
also likes to play with his sister, but can get frustrated when she tries to take things away
from him and he sometimes takes things away from her.
While there is a general daily schedule, Angela would like to get her children on a
more consistent one, but find this difficult. Greg, III has breakfast when he wakes up in
the morning, often around 8 a.m., but sometimes as early as 6 a.m. and sometimes later
than 8 a.m. He does not have a set snack and lunch time, but sometimes has a snack a
couple of hours after he wakes up and lunch later in the afternoon. Nap time is usually
around 1:30 p.m. and varies in length. Greg, III and his sister eat dinner about 7 or 8 p.m.
Bedtime is around 9 or 10 p.m. Angela feels a more specific schedule could help her son
communicate more by knowing what to expect.
Angela mainly takes care of the household including cooking, cleaning, grocery
shopping, laundry, and watching the kids and describes her role as definitely
domesticated. Greg feels his main responsibility includes providing for his family
financially as well as providing safety and security for them. He also feels it is important
for him to provide psychological support to his children to sustain their development.
Greg occasionally does some of the domestic tasks Angela does such as cleaning, caring
for and feeding the children, and getting them to bed. Angela and Greg each feel they are
both disciplinarians, but Angela reports it is more difficult for her to be consistent and

respond each time because she is with the children all day and the tediousness of
discipline can be exhausting.
The Johnson family is not able to consistently rely on extended family or friends
because most of them are back in Maryland. However, they do have family members
who send packages periodically with items for the children such as shoes, clothes, and
toys. They are grateful for these gifts and look forward to receiving them.
Family members, such as siblings or cousins, visit for a week at a time about once
a month. In addition, the Johnson family travels to Maryland once or twice a year around
the holidays to visit with family members there. Greg mentioned that the sister of one of
his close childhood friends, who has grown children, is like a family member. She lives
in the area and the family visits with her about once or twice a month.
Greg would like to take more vacations with the family and Angela would like to
take her son out more to community activities such as the museum, but is not sure he is
ready yet. Also, Angela would like Greg, III to have less television time and feels she
should discipline him more, but wishes she could discipline less. Greg also feels he
should try less to make his son independent so he does not go too far in supporting his
independent nature. While the couple like living in the Piedmont Triad area, Greg would
like to move to Florida where it would be warmer year round.
The Johnsons feel their sons special needs affect their parenting in a few ways.
For Greg, he wondered if there was something he could have done to prevent his sons
need for speech therapy or if Greg, III just needs more time to develop. Angela initially
did not agree with the assessment that her son had delays. However, she has since seen

the progress he has made and feels, whether due to therapy and/or natural developmental
progress, Greg III is showing improvement in his development. Also, Angela shared that
she is able to act like a therapist from seeing how the therapists work with Greg, III to
elicit language, vocabulary and actions, even to support what he is doing in therapy. In
general, the Johnsons reported a positive experience with early intervention.
As a parent, Angela feels she is most influenced by her parents. She tries to do
some things similarly to them and others she tries to consciously do a different way. For
Greg, he feels he has been most influenced by his mother and Dr. Ben Carson. He
admires his mothers drive to work as hard as she did to feed her family and finish her
schooling at the same time, although it caused her to have little time to spend with him
and his siblings. Greg admires Dr. Carson because despite starting without much and
having a temper, he worked hard to be successful. Also, since Greg has not met his
father, he is motivated to be present in his childrens lives, which is different from his
The Johnsons feel there are many negative societal views about African American
boys including that most are poor, criminals, always angry, without fathers, uneducated,
and also that they want to be a rapper or to play sports and will go to jail at least once in
their lifetime. They feel they will prepare Greg, III to overcome these negative views by
informing him of them, that some people have these limited expectations of him.
However, they will also encourage him to prove everyone wrong and be successful.
Gregs mother informed him around 8-years-old about negative societal views and
although it frightened him, it also motivated him to take a different life path. Personally,

Greg feels he has faced prejudice regarding his name because some employers have
assumed he is European American before meeting him. Since his son has the same first
name, this bias has continued and occurred with him as well.
Composite Structural Description (All Participants)
The parents in this study were all married or in a committed relationship and
shared daily responsibilities and routines to some degree. Most were influenced by their
own parents, but some by other significant adults in their lives or other notable role
models. In addition, some parents, especially the fathers, felt their own parents presented
qualities they wanted to avoid repeating with their own children.
Almost all families relied on extended family and friends in a few ways, even if
occasionally, for some aspect of childrearing and care, such as child care and providing
for basic needs like clothing or shoes. In general, all families were a family unit and
provided most of the daily care for their children, in addition to child care providers (in
licensed child care settings or preschools) and a nanny (in the home setting) that provide
daytime care for all, except for one, of the children.
Parents reported being stressed by the demands of work, school, and family.
Some longed for more time to spend with their children and to take vacations. Also, they
described their desire for their children to watch less television and for them to have less
stress. They felt the demands of life do not easily allow them the flexibility to make
changes that could increase their free time and reduce stress.
All families had a general routine for their children related to waking up, activities
during the day, and bed time. Some families were more flexible about the start and end

times of these routines than others. The toddlers tended to get about eight to 10 hours of
sleep each night with at least one nap during the day. All of the toddlers were happy
when they got to have or do what they would like to. Four toddlers had siblings.
Discipline was important for all of the families and they expected their toddler
sons to quickly respond to verbal directions and requests. All families used corporal
punishment at times when their toddler did not comply or when he did things he was not
supposed to do. In addition, all couples felt their sons were learning how to behave and
follow directives that will be important to their successes and/or safety later in life.
Most mothers felt they were primarily responsible for planning and completing many of
the tasks of daily life and childrearing. Fathers felt they were most responsible for
providing for their family and making sure they were taken care of. Fathers also felt they
had some responsibility for household and childrearing tasks as well.
Most of the parents felt they will need to prepare their toddlers sons to face
negative societal views and injustices related to African American males. They described
preparing their sons by giving them a sound upbringing, being involved with them,
helping them to be academically and behaviorally ready to be successful in school, and
eventually sharing with their sons some of the myths about them. Families tended to see
this need as necessary and real regardless of parental educational and socioeconomic
The textural-structural summaries for each family and the composite summary
across families outline demographic information, daily routines and activities,

childrearing practices, and parental goals for their children. The summaries describe
aspects of the essence of rearing an African American male toddler for each family and
collectively. The aspects described are also what makes each family and the
phenomenon unique and cannot be changed without changing the nature of the
phenomenon as shared by the families (Gallagher, 2012; Moustakas, 1994). While there
were many similarities among the families, the summaries show that each family is
slightly different and unique. In the results section, additional details of each essence
across participants will be shared.



The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the beliefs and practices of
African American parents with a toddler son in order to learn more about their routines,
goals, and views and how they support their sons development. A transcendental
phenomenological approach was used to examine the data set and learn about the
meanings, or essences, the participants attributed to parenting an African American male
toddler (Bogdan & Biklen, 1992; Husserl, 1931, 1964, 1964b; Moustakas, 1994).
Through this phenomenological inquiry, seven essences were derived from 12
participants (mother and father) who provided 18 parent interviews (two individual
interviews and one joint interview per family) as shown in Table 4. In addition, six
family observations were completed, one per family, to further understand family
activities, interactions, and routines. The essences were developed based on the recurring
ideas that were prominent across at least five of the six participants and therefore capture
the meaning participants consciously or unconsciously assign to their parenting
experience. Each essence, or summarized statement of shared meaning, is described in
detail below.

Table 4
Essences of African American Parents with a Male Toddler



Fatherhood Motivation: Present, Active, and Different

Child Outcomes and Goals Influence Present Parental Decisions

Lack of Time = Elevated Stress and Guilt

Extended Family/Friends Provide Network of Support

Current Perception of African American Male Cases Shadow on Parenting

and Childhood

Importance of Faith and Religion

Shared Household Responsibility/Division of Labor

Essence 1: Fatherhood Motivation: Present, Active, and Different

Five of the six fathers shared goals and practices that reflect their desire to have a
father-son relationship different from what they experienced with their own fathers
throughout their childhood and young adulthood. These differences mainly focused on
two areas: (a) being physically present, maintaining an active role, and engaging in a
quality relationship with their sons and (b) embodying different attributes from their own
fathers. However, it should be noted that each father reported at least one positive
interaction or occurrence with their own fathers.
Being Physically Present and Actively Involved
For these fathers, being physically present meant to live in the same household
and be present in their sons life every day. One participant, Greg Johnson, described

physical presence in the context of having never met his father. Since his father was not
in the home during his childhood, although he has spoken on the phone with his father as
a young adult, Greg is motivated to make sure he is present for his children by being in
the same household with them. He summarized his sentiments as follows, Im
determined to be different so that I wont turn out to be like him. Rather than I want to be
here for my son.I do want to be here for my son but I really dont want to be like my
father. For three participants who knew or lived in the same household as their fathers,
the lack of involvement of their fathers was a negative experience for them. Two of these
participants had fathers who were in the military and therefore were away from home for
deployments or assignments for months at a time. One of them, Maurice Wilson shared,

I do think that we have a more of an interaction just because I think I try to parent
how I would have wanted to be parented. So, I wouldve liked for my dad to be
there like all during the time, like obviously I knew that he couldntbecause he
was working, but I just try to, everyday I try to make sure that I spend a good
amount of time with him as much as can and just that he will remember coming
up that I was thereand then that he can trust me and come to me for anything,

The third participant, Rakim Freeman, lived in the same household as his mother or
father for parts of his life, but grew up in foster care, so he did not maintain a positive
relationship with or have consistent active involvement with either of his parents as a
child. All three fathers stress not just being present, but also being engaged in their
childrens daily lives. For example, to be involved in daily routines and activities with
their sons is important. They felt being present in the home in a committed relationship
or marriage united by their commitment to be part of daily life is key to providing a

different childhood or support in adulthood for their sons and other children. Titon
Spencer summarized this goal, The worst thing a man can do is turn his back on his
childrenso, once again that is something that kind of motivates me to be there for my
Embodying Different Attributes
Many of the fathers consciously make a decision to exemplify different
fatherhood qualities than their own father. The motivation to be different was palpable
for many of the fathers as they expressed how and why they wanted to be different,
Rakim Freeman shared,

Because from my side of the family, I was raised wrong. You understand? I went
from foster home to foster home. I went to prison at the age of 12. Didnt come
home until I was like 17. So, I didnt have guidance there to teach me what
youre supposed to do as a man So, I had to be self taught and me self teaching
myself, was telling me, Hey, if you ever get a family, dont do what your dad
did. Dont do what your mom did. Dont get wit a woman like your mom that
just says, As long as theres a man in her bed, everything else is cool.' You

The last father, Thomas Bryant, felt he had a good relationship with his father and
he knew his dad loved him. However, he is consciously more affectionate with his sons
than his father was. Thomas described his more affection nature, I know my dad loved
me and we had a great relationship. He was not as,I guess Im more affectionate, an
affectionate father, so I am hugging, kissing and all of that kind of stuff, saying I love
you, you know, just come give me a hug type stuff. My dad wasnt that way. Since his
father was not affectionate and he would have liked him to be, he is motivated to hug and

kiss his sons and to tell them he loves them. Currently, he also encourages his sons to be
affectionate with each other.
All of the fathers, except for one, shared at least one way they would like to
improve upon the fathering they experienced as children and young adults. These
changes focused on living in the same household as their children, being active in their
childrens lives, or a specific fathering quality they wanted their own father to embody,
but were not able to experience. Most of the fathers were keenly aware of their desire to
work toward being different from their fathers in some manner.
Essence 2: Child Outcomes and Goals Influence Present Parental Decisions
The second essence, shared meaning was provided by most participants and
related to parental decisions. Parents reported that current goals and decisions were
related to their hope that their sons would have positive physical, academic, health, and
safety outcomes in childhood that could later lead to a successful future. Parental
decisions influenced by their goals and aspirations for their sons future outcomes
include: (a) behavioral expectations, (b) academics and learning, and (c) breastfeeding.
Parents explicitly and implicitly stated current decisions were based upon their sons being
ready for life.
Behavior Expectations
Although parents described a range of discipline techniques including time out,
putting the child in his crib or room for a break, and having the child sit in a chair within
view for a short time; at least one parent in each family discussed his or her goal of
regulating their sons behavior through physical discipline or corporal punishment. One

justification parents gave for using physical discipline is that it serves as a reminder to
avoid engaging in behaviors the children had previously been told not to do, such as
leaving toys out. Titon Spencer described how he decides when to use physical

I think it depends on what is going on. It depends on where we are at and what is
going on and what he is doing. Like, what he is doingthis is something we
have been over countless times. My tolerance just isnt gonna be as high Like
you know you dont leave toys on the stairs. Like, weve been over that a million
times. Like I said, it depends on what hes doing. It depends on where we are.
Like, if we are out somewhere and youre trying to embarrass me or you are
trying to embarrass your Mom, you know it just kind of depends. You know
me. I am a strong advocate for spanking. Strong. Like I just, I dont play.

This practice was also seen as a means to cultivate behavioral qualities that they would
like to see. For example, a comment by Maurice Wilson captures the essence of the
parents beliefs about the relationship of discipline to outcomes, the things like
discipline is always just so that he comes up as a respectable young man in society and
knows how to present himself. While they did not all agree, even within families, about
how much and how often physical discipline should be implemented, they all supported
the need to use physical discipline.
Parents cited two reasons for choosing physical discipline as a necessary aspect of
discipline: (a) it was an important and effective form of discipline used with them as
children, and (b) social pressure from elders about its importance to properly socialize
children. Jonathan Bennett described how learning the expectations of his father
included physical discipline,

As I start thinking about things and I am like, Okay, I know what my dad
wouldnt put up with and so no, I cant put up with it. Wouldnt want to put up
with it and I know what would will happen if I let things...and I had this
philosophy before I was even married, like, I believe in disciplining them early,
cause anybody will tell you that waiting four or five and six is too late, you know,
thats a fact and so I was like, Yeah, yall getting popped now. Yall getting
beatings now.

For others, the authority of elder family members was an important influence for making
sure they included physical discipline to guide their children as well as how often they
should use it. The need to respect the views of elders for how children should be
disciplined, but also forge a slightly different path, was described by Maurice Wilson,
I dont think that her mother thinks we discipline him enough or
appropriately.So, shes like, Hes going to be bad. Hes not going to listen to
yall cause yall arent disciplining him. So, I think we listen, but we have our
own style of parentingLike I dont want to use a belt on him. I dont think that
thats appropriate. So, you know, when she says it, were like, Yeah, well okay,
but and then we go on
Maurice Wilsons thoughts as well as those of other parents reflected on the familial and
societal expectation that physical discipline is necessary and should occur, but also their
ambivalence about whether or not it is truly the best method to teach their child and
whether or not it yields the expected behavior results. Another parent, Sharon Bennett
described this ambivalence,

I would say discipline for me because we do pop them, but also do time out, but
then I find that when I pop them sometimes they feel like I dont think like its a
joke or then they feel like, oh they can do pop, pop too to us. So, its like finding
a balance in the discipline and I dont know if its common for kids or boys, but
you have to be repetitive because I can pop them, get down on their level, talk to
them like they are actual eye level, and say, You know, you shouldnt do this
and then they do it again and then we even do the time out and its stillits like

its a cycle. So, thats my thing. I wonder if Im a little too easy on them or if
thats just the nature of their age and you know, but I dont know, they seem to be
kind of smart. So, I dont know if its just the nature, but that would be my thing
about the discipline and how to discipline them properly.

While all families described other discipline techniques they use, such as time out, all
included the importance of physical discipline. Both mothers and fathers discussed using
physical discipline and while one parent often spoke more strongly about it than the
other, the parent who was more of an advocate of corporal punishment was equally likely
to be the mother as it was the father. All families reported employing some degree of
physical discipline to guide behavior and socialize their children about how to act at
home and in public.
The nuances of when parents used physical discipline varied. Some asserted that
they use physical discipline in any setting a transgression or misbehavior has occurred.
Rakim Freeman described an incident he used physical discipline when one of his sons
stole something from a store,
Yeah. Because it varies. Some punishments are more severe than others. Its
necessary nowadays, you know, and I dont care about the police, the law, social
services or nothing. Until they can come in here and take care of these kids by
themselves without the governments help, then I dont want them telling me
nothing. So, youre not gonna tell me I was wrong for popping my kid in the
mouth or pulling his pants down in the middle of the street because he stole
something out of a store. You know? In our family, like, were not rich at all and
were not poor. You know? Were in between that. Hey, we can do what we want
on occasions, but were gonna do what we have to do all the time, you know? So
its like theres no reason for you to steal. Now youre doing it because its
something youre not supposed to have.

For some parents, while they stated they would use physical discipline in any setting,
they still mentioned an instance they would not feel comfortable employing it in certain
locations. Titon Spencer discussed an instance when he would not use physical discipline,
I think where it is really different for me is probably at daycare. Like I dont
know if Id really spank him at daycare like in front of his little friends and stuff
like that. That I probably wouldnt do.

However, most parents were clear they use physical discipline as well as other methods,
but did not differentiate differences between locations or who is present.
Academics and Learning
Education goals encompassed parental goals for all of their children to do well in
school in preparation for having a good life and positive future. Jonathan Bennett
described the importance of education and being prepared in his sons lives, All we can
do is just kind of prepare them. Going back to the things I was saying earlier, you know,
work hard, get an education, look at your surroundings.
While those with older children focused more on illustrating the importance of
their educational goals through them, all parents described education goals in the context
of the importance of academics, concept knowledge (e.g., ABCs), or doing well in
school. Goals included helping their young child to be academically ready for
kindergarten and assisting their older children to maintain a good academic standing in
grade school. Four parents reported working on or wishing they had more time to work
on academic concepts with their sons such as the alphabet, numbers, or shapes. Karen
Spencer commented about her desire to address her educational goals for her son,

I feel like I need to sit with him more and teach him more whether its his ABCs,
123s, his shapes. Whatever it might be. If we would spend more time like on the
weekends. The weekdays, we generally dont have the time to do that sort of
thing, but definitely on the weekends I feel like I need to sit down with him more.

The two other parents had older children who were in elementary or high school and they
focused more on ensuring these children completed their homework and behave well in
school. The Bryant family, for example, pointed out that their oldest son does well
academically, so they would expect that their younger sons would also. Stephanie Bryant
summarized her view, I feel like we give our kids everything they need academically.
And if the younger two fall in line with the oldest thats not a problem. Rakim Freemen
described the importance of his children completing their homework, I just dont want
them to go down that path [he did]. That is why I am hard on homework and if its a
problem, dont get frustrated because I used to be likeI had dyslexia, and I grew out of
Five of the six mothers described the importance of breastfeeding their newborn
sons. While the duration varied (3 months to about 1 year), all provided some breast milk
for at least three months. Breastfeeding was discussed as an important aspect of
providing optimal nutrition and establishing emotional connections with their newborn.
Angela Johnson shared the important role of breastfeeding in her forming a nurturing
relationship with her children,

I think there's a definite contrast to my husband where I feel like especially

because I've breast fed, or I'm breast feeding my daughter, is definitely that I'm
more nurturing to them, or ready to give someone a hug or pick them up. You're

gonna see with my husband that he's, and he says this to me, well yeah, my son
does this or that and knows that he can get away with things because I was more
nurturing and breast fed him and all that.

Tracey Wilson discussed the fortuitous occurrence of her being between jobs when her
son was born, which allowed her to focus on breastfeeding, So I was able to, you know,
establish some kind of routine. I was really wanting to breastfeed, so that worked out
with that. Therefore, making a commitment to breastfeeding was seen as an investment
in the childs future through providing nutrients and establishing a bond with the infant.
For the mothers who worked outside of the home, they mainly discussed
breastfeeding as a practice they engaged in while still home with their newborn son(s)
before returning to work. Karen Spencer mentioned continuing to breastfeed after
returning to work when her son was two-months-old, but shared its challenges,
I nursed until six or seven months(I pumped) once I got back in to work. I
would have loved to do it a lot longer, but it was justjust with the work
(keeping up, finding a place to pump)and then like having to go in between
meetings and eventually I was just like, Okay, I am just not going to do it.
Some days are not (busy), but other days its like meetings back to back to back
and trying to find 15 minutes just to go and

Karen found it difficult to continue providing breast milk for her infant son through
pumping at work due to the challenges of finding the time and place to express breast
Overall, parents were reflective about their choices for discipline, focusing on
academics, and making breastfeeding a priority. Their reflections showed that parental
decisions were far from rash or isolated, but were part of their frequent thoughts about

ways they can create a positive environment for their children through the results of
thoughtfully made decisions. Parents felt sound decisions could lead to successful
children and help them meet their behavioral, academic, and well-being goals for their
children as well.
Essence 3: Lack of Time = Elevated Stress and Guilt
Having a lack of time was another prominent essence parents described as
important to their experience of being an African American parent raising a male toddler.
The lack of time led to feelings of guilt or higher stress levels for five families. Four of
the six families were dual income families, which in these cases means both parents work
full-time outside of the home. They reflected on the lack of time to manage work,
household, child, and other familial tasks. Jonathan Bennett described how their
weekday evening time is spent,
Its really about feeding them and getting them in to bed. Not really any kind of
development or we do a little bit of hanging out, but its always something, its
always something that you need to gowith us, thats it with us anyway though.
Its always something Even before we had kids and then with the kids its, you
know, so that could be hard just balancing time and work.

For these families, evenings consist of dinner, spending some time with children, and the
bedtime routine. Parental time was generally designated for managing routines,
schedules, household chores, and sometimes spending time with their child(ren) or their
whole family. Some parents lamented they did not have enough time to spend with their
children, or leisure time for themselves or with their spouses. Karen Spencer discussed

how she did not want to spend her limited evening time cooking dinner instead of with
her son,

I am not a very good cook, but you know, I used to do something, but I think
since the kid came along, its just hard to do stuff. You know, in the morning
time, you dont really have any time with him and then in the evening, you
literally have two hours with him and thats it throughout the whole day and Im
sorry, but I dont want to be in the kitchen cooking the whole time

The lack of time and hurried schedule led to feelings of stress for some parents under
pressure to get everything done. Jonathan and Sharon Bennett described how the lack of
time affects them:

Jonathan: The time though, just finding the balance between work and just
spending time with them, enough time, is hard.
Sharon: And not being tired when youre spending time with them.
Jonathan: YeahI mean tonightI mean, we came home, we spent a little bit of
time with them, fed them, and then put them to bed. Thats it. You know?

Others simply wished they had more time to spend on areas of life they value such as
their relationship with their children and spouses.
Although Trina Hill does not work outside of the home, she shared similar
sentiments regarding lack of time and stress due to competing demands for time from
their nine children in addition to getting household chores completed. Also, this couple
wanted to spend more time with each child individually. Trina and her partner, Rakim,
both discussed challenges with time. Trina stated,

when its a lot of kids, its hard to spend time with all of them individually
Its easier for us together.But individually, its like, Okay, we aint spending
with this one. We aint spending time with that one.So, I mean, we do it, you
know, in our own separate ways, but for me, thats my goal is to start spending
more time with them individually.

Rakim later described the mixture of emotions he and Trina feel dealing with the stress of
their large family, but staying true to their commitment to each other and their children,
So like I said, its like, yeah, there are hectic days and I know sometimes, you
know, like maybe you dont know, but I know she knows you know sometimes I
may look like, Yo, I just want to get the hell outta here, you know? And like,
This is too much. In the back of my mind, thats the furthest thought. Thats
like it looks like Im saying that, but in reality, its like, Yo, whats the next
plan? I may not say it, but Im like, Okay, hes screaming, shes dirty, hes
hungry, that one is getting on my nerves. Whats the plan? And Im just sitting
there like this (head in hands)just trying to piece it together because like I told
you when we first interviewed, she does everything.
Therefore, this familys lack of time was similar to the challenges of the dual income
families but because they are each stretched to provide for themselves and all of their
children rather than both parents working outside the home.
In sum, most of the families shared the challenges they face in managing the
competing demands of work and home. Consistently spending time with their children
was one of the main challenges parents expressed regret about. Regret was related to
their feelings of stress and guilt about managing their responsibilities and making their
children and spouse or partner a priority.
Essence 4: Extended Family/Friends Provide Network of Support
One essence the participants discussed was the importance of having extended
family or close friends to rely on in some way for babysitting or financial support. All of

the families reported some support from extended family members or close friends to
varying degrees, with five of the six relying more on family members than close friends.
While only two have extended family members, such as grandmothers and aunts, living
in the same city, four of the families relied on family in other cities and states for babysitting during evening, weekends, and overnight visits at either home. For example, in
the Bryant family, Thomas travels for work several days at a time and his mother, or
more often Stephanies mother, visits during these times to help them at home.
Stephanies mother was described by Thomas as more engaged and Stephanie
elaborated, She does everything, so she cooks, cleans, drops off, picks up, washes and
folds clothes. I mean, she kind of is the do it all during her visits. This assistance is
invaluable to the Bryants because it allows them to continue with typical daily routines
while Thomas is traveling and Stephanie is working.
One family relies more on a close friend from their church than family members.
The Bennetts see their extended family, who lives in eastern North Carolina, a few times
a year and does not rely on them for support with the children or the household.
However, they are close to their church family and their nanny is a member of their
church. The nanny takes care of the twins during the week while the Bennetts work.
They do not rely on church members or others to care for their children on weekends or
in the evening. Jonathan Bennett referred to the challenges of not having family or close
friends living nearby to rely on,
I wish we could. Its not like thatYeah and it [just parents and nanny] can be,
its hard sometimes. I knew I was with myMy brothers are a lot older than me.
So, I have nephews that are probably like ten years than me. So anyway, I could

see them bringing their kids and leave them with my parents where they could go
do stuff and we dont have that option. I mean like, so I know how it could be.
And now my momWhen they can talk better, we might think about doing
thatWhen they get to that point maybe, but not right now.

One family, the Johnsons, were not able to rely on family members for child care
or babysitting because all of them are in another state. However, they do have family
members who send clothing, shoes, and toys to the kids periodically. These relatives ask
if the children need anything and then create and mail a care package of items the
Johnsons can use. Greg Johnson explained how this occurs,
I dont think we rely on anyone. I mean say if the kids need clothes we can buy,
but we will tell family members just in case they want to help out and usually we
havent really relied on any family members for anythingactually I just picked
up a box of shoes they sent from different places today. (Angela)s mom sent it
but yeah everything over here (toys area) probably sent from family members.

The family reported receiving the care packages is helpful to them because they do not
have to buy those items.
All but one family reported relying on family for some aspect of childrearing and
child care from babysitting to providing clothing items and shoes. The participants
shared that it is helpful for them to have family and friends they can rely on because their
support helps them address some parental or familial goal such as spending time with
their spouse or partner or having free time to take care of other tasks and responsibilities.
Essence 5: Current Perception of African American Male
Cases Shadow on Parenting and Childhood
The salience of race and gender was reflected in the prominent and sometimes
subtle ways societal perceptions of African American males influenced their parenting

and it is therefore an essence of their parenting experience. All families felt to some
degree that their sons could be impacted by societal views (mostly negatively) of African
American males. Concerns included societal views that African American males were
lazy, thieves, promiscuous, absent fathers, unintelligent, aggressive, and disrespectful. At
least one person in each couple also mentioned his or her childrearing practices,
opportunities they provide their son, and/or other methods they used to inform their son
about these views and prepare him to face them will assist with counteracting their
effects. Titon Spencer summed up his concurrent fear and hope for how his son might be
seen and how he might deal with possible negativity as follows:

To this day, this probably happened to me maybe two months ago, like every now
and then I will still help someone, like grab a purse or something like clutch their
purse or something when I walk by, you know what I mean and its just so crazy
to me and it is not like I am dressed in sweat pants. Like, I have on nice khaki
pants, a buttoned up shirt, and it is like, People are still clutching purses in
2013/2014. So, its like unfortunately those are the things people are going to
think about you before they even know your character. They just look at the color
of your skin, they look at your build, they look at hair type, and theres already a
conception and their conception is going to be based off of their experience or
what they have seen on T.V. or what they think what type of person you are and I
think what Ill be most worried about him is probably when he is like 15 to 18,
when hes like in high school. I know my son will [be] fully equipped when he is
18. When he leaves the house, he will be prepared for life, I have no doubt
between me, between my wife, and just between the supporting cast that we have,
he will be prepared, but at 15 to 18 when kids can be foolish and theyre still kind
of learning their way, I think thats when I will be most worried because by no
means I dont plan on babying my son. I gotta let him live and I gotta let him
learn his lessons on his own. Unfortunately, still the world doesnt look at black
kids favorably, umm, so...

While parents were aware of possible effects of negative societal views, they were also
optimistic that they can equip their sons to face life and thrive under such a challenging
societal climate.
For some families, balancing negative societal views with pressure from within
the African American race is challenging. Thomas Bryant shared his views on this
when you talk about going back to the whole integrity thing and just being a
good man and just, you know, you want your sons to grow up to be strong men,
but you know, compassionate as well and you know, not get caught up in the
wrong especially as a Black male and caught up, you know, with the mess and for
Black men, I think its a challenge because especially if you are, I remember back
in high school. You know, it is a challenge to be good with the grades, but then
also be good with the boys, you know because sometimes its seen as you dumb
yourself down because you want to be, you want to fit in. So, Im constantly
trying to build the self-esteem, build the confidence and let them know it is okay
to be smart, its okay to be, you know, you could still be cool and be smart at the
same time. So, it is just that whole trying to instill that now and trying to instill
that it is okay to say, Tell your brother you love him, you know or for us to give
hugs and all that kind of stuff, so you know. Its just, you knowand when I see
father and son relationships, I am quick to point them out.

Thomas Bryant also went on to talk about the interaction of being a positive African
American male can clash with negative societal views and peer pressure from the African
American community.

I have to be a model to them, but then just to be able to already knowing some of
the challenges that they are going to have. You know, because honestly, to be a
Black male, an educated Black male, you have more Black males in prison than
you do in college, so you are a rare commodity and there are so many things out
there that will try to pull you down out of that to make it, to decrease the value
and a lot of it has to do with our lust and our flesh, I mean, you know just wanting
to be something instead of just a regular guy, you know, sowhether it be
women, money, power or whatever it is.

Thomas shared the importance of his role as a model and guide for keeping his sons on a
positive path. He shared the sentiments of other participants in regard to the tenuous line
between being educated yourself, rejecting negative societal views, and also being
accepted by other African Americans.
Trina Hill described how she hopes the negative expectations for her children
could motivate them to have a better life than anticipated,
And its just like because theres a lot of them, they (in public) expect them to act
a certain way. They expect them to be ghetto. Like I tell them, Yall are expected
to fail. I tell them all the time. Thats just life. One, were African-American. So,
thats a big issue. I said, And two, its are a lot of yall. So thats why I be
telling them all the time, Im determined for yall to grow up and be something
because its looking like, Oh, its too many of them, they cant focus. Them kids
aint gonna grow up to be nothing. But, thats just the way I feel

Trina and Rakim asserted several times that they would like their children to have a better
life than they did and to defy stereotypes people might have about them.
Essence 6: Importance of Faith and Religion
Faith and attending religious services was part of the essence of rearing an
African American male toddler for these participants. While only four of the six couples
reported being members of a religious organization or church, the husband or wife in
each pair mentioned topics related to faith or organized religion such as attending church
service, referencing God in a comment, and/or desiring their son have a relationship with
God. Therefore, at least one member of each family asserted their belief in God or the
importance of attending formal religious services. One parent, Sharon Bennett, described
the importance of her faith in her daily life and routines with her twin sons,

I do it out loud, now I dolike I pray in the morning. Like, when I get up, I pray
for their health and strength in Jesus name and I pray for their
sometimes I pray, but at night I pray that the Lord blesses them and keep them,
so I speak that over them and let them know I love them and I put them down.

To varying levels, spirituality, God, and religion is prominent in family life and each
couple described how this is true for them and therefore, their childs upbringing.
Three families described their desire to attend church services more often, make
God a priority in their lives, or ensure their children are aware of the importance of God.
Stephanie Bryant most adamantly shared her views regarding this,
I dont think its enough just to say God is great, God is good before you eat
and Now I lay me down to sleep every night. I mean, we do that. Im talking
like having a true relationship with the Lord. And I dont think that our kids see
that in us. Which is a big, I think, failure and something that I feel like we dont
have a whole lot of time left with the older one to really instill. I mean he and I
have talked about this. But thats a problem with where we are right now that
really needs to be addressed. And if its as important to us as we say it is and we
want our kids to have that. Just, the relationship, not the formality. You
understand what Im saying.

Stephanie went on to clarify her statement later in the interview,

I think the church probably helps, what Im saying is a day to day teaching and
the way that we live our lives and what we talk about in our discussions. And I
think thats missing. Like, even if we went to church every Sunday, which we
dont now, cause we dont have time. Even if we went to church every Sunday
Im talking about going deeper day to day. Like if our 10 year old had to reflect
on who we are and how we lives, I just dont know if this would be at the top of
his list of whats important to our family. Whereas I have, maybe like friends that
I think their kids would say that because its just a difference in what the home
life is like. And here again, what you talk about, what you teach on a day to day
basis. I know were getting off on a tangent, but its my hang up and its not
anybodys fault but my own and thats just something I recognize and carry that
burden of having to make a change.

Titon Spencer shared his desire for his family to attend church services more often than
once or twice a month,

Maybe it is just a combination of just being lazy. I mean, I guess it could be tired,
but, when I think about it, man, its just I feel like I have such a better week when
I go to church. When I start it off at church, I just feel like I have a better week.
Just as the head of the house I need motivate the troops and lead em into victory.

While several of the families are members of a religious organization, they feel they can
make their spiritual lives more of a priority by attending church services more often
and/or showing their children the importance of a relationship with God by how they live
every day.
Essence 7: Shared Household Responsibility/Division of Labor
Parents worked to share at least some aspect of daily life with each other as
important to their experience of raising their child or children. All couples reported a
shared responsibility for caring for their children and/or household chores with most
sharing aspects of the home and two mainly sharing only care for the children, but not
household chores. Of the four who share both, each couple has some tasks that one
person typically does such as cooking or giving the child a bath and others they share
based on the day of the week or what is occurring in the home at the time. The degree to
which responsibilities were shared varied.
Four of the six couples (Bryant, Spencer, Bennett, and Freeman/Hill) had the
mother or father report that the female has more responsibilities than the male. Karen
Spencer described her role in the household,

I would say, I dont know if there is one word to describe it, but I do not know, I
pretty much, I feel like I do everythingThe only thing that I do not do is cook
and my husband has just realized, Okay, she is just not going to do it anymore,
so I am going to do it now.

This difference involved depth and breadth of tasks such as more tasks to complete and
individual tasks that were completed more often. Rakim Freeman reflected on the
difference between his role and Trinas role in the household,
Cause this entire relationship, Ive been the one working. You know? Shes been
the one taking care of home. Ive been doin everything else, but when it comes to
this house, thats what she does and thats what I love about her. You know? I
dont never, Babe, you need a job. At first, a couple of times I was like, Yo! I
need help! You know? But then it was like, How can I sit here and ask this
woman for help when she needs my help more than I need hers? I can do the
billsyou know? I can do the necessities, but I need to jump in here both feet you
know and help out with these kids and help out with the house, you know? So, I
had to learn that

While this was recognized by at least one parent in each couple, only two of the four
fathers made comments that recognized the claim that the mother does more logistically
or physically for the family than the father.
Other Prominent Themes
Additional prominent themes were shared across families, but are not reported as
essences because they were either not shared by at least five of the six families or not
reported by families to be integral in their family life or experience and are therefore
descriptive in nature.

Families varied in their daily schedule and how strictly they adhered to it. Most
of the children (the toddlers of focus) woke up or were awaken around 6 or 7 a.m., with
two waking closer to 8 a. m.. Bedtime was most often around 8 or 8:30 p.m., but also as
late as 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. Also, most families described a morning routine that included
eating breakfast and getting dressed for the day. All of the toddlers have a nap time at
school or home. Dinner time also varied from 6 or 6:30 p.m. to as late as 7:00 or 8:00
p.m., with some eating as a family in the evening and two having a more variable and
relaxed meal time either in front of the television or sometimes including the parents
eating at the same time. While all families followed a general daily schedule, they varied
with the timing of routines and meals and the dinner organization.
Each parent described their sons temperament and general mood. Five out of six
couples described their son as a happy, easy, or good baby. However, two families, in
this case the two with a son with special needs, also described their son as demanding or
active. When describing current attributes of their toddler sons, parents described traits
that could be considered typical qualities of toddlers such as independent, often happy,
content when he gets his own way, and loving. Nonetheless, parents went on to describe
individual characteristics of their son that provide a glimpse into temperament and
personality aspects. For example, the Bryants described their son, Elijah, as funny,
active, social, and someone who gets along well with others. In another example, the
Wilsons reported their son, Jason, is laid back, independent, and patient. Although

parents reported similarities between their toddler sons, they also shared exclusive
aspects that make their son unique.
Children with Special Needs
Two families participated in this study who have a toddler son with special needs.
One primary similarity existed between the families. Both mothers, Trina Hill and
Angela Johnson, described that they are able to learn new ways to interact with their son
(and other children) through observing and participating in their sons therapy sessions.
They both reported changes or adjustments in the way they converse or interact with their
sons to help them communicate better or teach their sons how to communicate. Besides
these specific references to early intervention services, these families reported other
aspects of child rearing and discipline similarly to the rest of the participants in the study.
Families shared similar beliefs, practices, and goals for their toddler sons.
Overall, each couple agreed about their priorities for their children such as academics,
behavior, religion or spirituality, and spending time as a family. In addition, couples
shared the necessity to prepare their African American sons for being successful in life by
also teaching them about negative societal views and preparing them to face
discrimination and bias because of their race and gender. Through a discussion of the
study results in chapter six, I will discuss how results align with research on African
American parenting and the theoretical framework of this study as well as implications
are discussed.



This qualitative study was guided by a desire to learn more about the beliefs,
practices, and childrearing goals of African American parents of male toddlers In
addition, it queried as to the roles that parental beliefs, practices, and childrearing goals
play in the emotional and social development of African American male toddlers. As
such, a phenomenological design was chosen to contribute to the call of researchers
concerned about extending the knowledge base of what is known about young African
American children and families through studies that recognize the ecological nature of
socialization in African American families (American Psychological Association, 2008;
Dodson, 2007, p. 64; Iruka, 2014; McLoyd, Hill, & Dodge, 2005). Through a recognition
of the underlying influence of societal power (racism, oppression, and social
stratification), this study aims to extend and clarify what is known about the socialization
of African American parents of toddler sons, to confirm, counter, and elucidate the
knowledge gained to develop policies, opinions, and presuppositions, and to better
understand the developmental context of African American male toddlers in two-parent
Results of this study corroborated, challenged, and provided additional texture to
previous research on African American male toddlers, African American parenting, and
emotional and social development. The integrative model and other relevant literature

were influential in the design of this study, including methodology choice (qualitative),
the development of the interview questions (see Appendix E), and the discussion of
results (Dodson, 2007; Garcia Coll, et al., 1996; McLoyd, Hill, & Dodge, 2005).
Selected elements of the integrative framework (adaptive culture, child characteristics,
and family) as well as the second research question (related to emotional and social
success), frame the discussion of the results of this study and how they overlap with each
(see Tables 5 and 6) and its implications. A discussion of each organizing element as it
relates to research question one (essences and themes) follows. Next, a discussion of
how the essences and themes relate to participants beliefs, goals, and practices around
emotional and social development is presented followed by suggestions future research.
Purpose of Phenomenological Design
As a methodological choice, phenomenological research is a strategy of inquiry
in which the researcher identifies the essence of human experiences about a phenomenon
as described by participants (Creswell, 2009, p. 13). Additionally, although research
exists with African American families, a shallow to non-existence research base on
African American parenting of male toddlers and African American parenting in twoparent homes necessitated an inquiry method that focuses on understanding the
phenomenon of parenting African American male toddlers. Therefore, a
phenomenological qualitative design provided an opportunity to learn from the
participants what is significant to them about their experience (Creswell, 2009; Marshall,
& Rossman, 2011).

Essences and Themes: Connections and Implications
Three elements of the integrative model were selected to frame the discussion of
the essences and related themes as shown in Table 5. These three elements: (a) adaptive
culture, (b) child characteristics, and (c) family, were chosen from the eight element
framework because of their consistent presence in the essences described by families.
Earlier elements of the framework such as social position variables (i.e., race, social
class, and ethnicity), social stratification mechanisms (i.e., racism, prejudice,
discrimination, and oppression), segregation, and promoting/inhibiting environments are
recognized implicitly as directly or indirectly influential within the elements chosen, and
are therefore not listed (Garcia Coll et al., 1996). In addition, the final element of the
framework, developmental competencies, is considered an outcome and is therefore not
discussed in relation to the results of this study because child outcomes were not a study
focus. The children of focus are young and while they have reached developmental
milestones, this was not measured explicitly in this study.

Table 5
Comparison of Essences and Themes (Question 1) with Select Elements of the Integrative Model

Research Question 1:
Beliefs and Practices of African American Parents with a Male Toddler
Essence (E)

Selected Elements of the Integrative Model for

the Study of Developmental Competencies in
Minority Children (Garcia Coll et al., 1996)




Fatherhood Motivation: Present, Active, and Different


Child Outcomes/Goals Influence Present Parental Decisions


Lack of Time = Elevated Stress and Guilt


Extended Family/Friends Provide Network of Support


Current Perception of African American Male Cases Shadow on

Parenting and Childhood


Importance of Faith and Religion


Shared Household Responsibility/Division of Labor

Other Themes (T)






Children with special needs


Adaptive Culture
Adaptive culture is a lifestyle mechanism families of color often develop to deal
with social stratification and disparities in access to resources like jobs and child care
(Garcia Coll et al., 1996). Adaptive culture includes traditions, histories, migration,
acculturation, and demands of the current context (Garcia Coll et al., 1996, p. 1896). The
adaptive culture develops as a result of the history of a group (such as African
Americans) and current contextual demands posed by the promoting and inhibiting
environments (Garcia Coll, et al., 1996, p. 1904). For this study, African American
parents with a male toddler described beliefs and practices that could be the result of their
adaptive culture.
For example, in Essence 1, many of the fathers were motivated to create a home
environment in which they are physically present and active in their childs life. They
also were motivated by their familial traditions and contexts as a child to exemplify
different qualities as a father than they experienced. Their motivations created the
culture of fatherhood they exist within. In addition, fathers in this study were from
various income levels, described engaging in literacy and physical play activities with
their toddler sons, and also shared child caregiving activities they engage in such as
bedtime routines. Though previous literature found similar results with married, lowincome African American fathers of young children (e.g., Leavell, Tamis-LeMonda,
Ruble, Zosuls, & Cabrera, 2012), this study provides additional details about the daily
home lives and culture of fatherhood for African American fathers of male toddlers,
described more in the family section below. This has implications for policies and early

childhood teacher training to assist with better understanding the role of African
American fathers in their families and households and what motivated them to make
specific childrearing decisions for their young sons.
For Essence 2, the contextual demands of the current educational climate of
accountability and high expectations for preschool and school age children likely
influence these African American parents to ensure their toddler sons are ready to face
grade school in knowledge and behavior (Stipek, 2006). In addition, most chose to
breastfeed their sons not only to provide optimal nutrition, but to also provide an
emotional connection between mother and son. Parenting decisions were grounded in a
feeling that they needed to prepare their sons for the future academically and
behaviorally. In one area, discipline, participants were similar. Based on several studies
with mothers and their young children, physical discipline is employed as a common
discipline technique across families of every racial and ethnic group and with children of
different ages (Dodge, McLoyd, & Lansford, 2005). Participants in this study provided
similar reasons for engaging in physical discipline as single, low-income mothers of
infants and toddlers, including the influence of elders, a belief the child should be
compliant, and the notion that they benefitted from physical discipline as a child (Ispa, &
Halgunseth, 2004). This study corroborates previous research on the use of physical
discipline with African American male toddlers and extends it because of its inclusion
fathers and mothers as well as families from a wide socioeconomic background.
Furthermore, mothers and fathers reported in their joint interview that, although one or
the other generally functions as the primary disciplinarian, they each supported the use of

physical discipline with their toddlers, despite the fact that they also were concerned
about its effectiveness and the frequency with which they should use it.
In Essence 5, parents reflected on what it means to them to be an African
American male in the United States and how society perceives this group. Stratification
mechanisms such as societal prejudice and bias prominently emerged from the data as
influential forces on families raising African American toddlers because of the pressure
they feel to help their sons overcome and challenge negative views. In addition,
traditions and legacies, as well as American history, converge causing parents of a wide
socioeconomic status to feel the sting of discrimination and possible future prejudice
based on race despite having financial means. Parents described ways they plan to
socialize their toddlers to understand how to be a successful African American male and
defy stereotypes and biases. While two couples were already involved in preparing their
older sons, most of them discussed the projected future need they felt to prepare their
toddlers to face possible challenges later in life. For families with a child with special
needs, the culture of their family is influenced by the child in addition to race, ethnicity,
and other factors. Acknowledgement of the existence of aspects of an adaptive culture in
African American parents with a toddler son could help researchers, policymakers, and
interventionists better understand families and why they have the goals and priorities they
do. For example, when an African American parent of a toddler engages in a practice or
expresses a belief that is unfamiliar, it could be related to the complex nature and
development of an adaptive culture to deal with raising a child in United States which
contains discrimination, bias, and prejudice. Collectively, as described, parents provided

mutual features of their daily lives and described ways in which they, as African
American parents with toddlers, integrate aspects of their history and traditions into
reactions and expressions of parenting and family life.
The field of early childhood and early childhood special education are guided by
several international organizations that set priorities to help shape the field and its work
with young children and families. Two of these organizations, the Council for
Exceptional Children/Division of Early Childhood (CEC/DEC) and the National
Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), have position statements
that include recommendations for working with young children and families from all
backgrounds and racial and ethnic groups. Their position statements stress the
importance of professionals being welcoming, respectful, and knowledgeable in
interactions and collaborations with families (DEC, 2010; NAEYC, 2009). For DEC
(2010), familial values, culture, and language are stressed as important family
characteristics that can enrich and guide professionals. In the NAEYC statement (2009),
the importance of including an examination of ones own culture as well as an
understanding of the culture of children and families is integral for the successful
preparation of early childhood professionals. Both position statements imply a need for
current, relevant research with diverse families, such as African American families with
toddler sons, to support the advancement of the field of early childhood. While direct
interactions with children and families are best to achieve a deeper understanding of the
variety present, early childhood professional preparation, through course texts and the
inclusion of literature about families, must also represent the wide variability in family

life, especially in African American families. Recent key concept areas in early
childhood teacher preparation include children with disabilities, diversity, and
infants/toddlers (Early, & Winton, 2001). Since these concepts are considered extremely
significant and are, therefore, being included more often in early childhood teacher
preparation programs, it is important to continue to advance the research base in
understanding the commonalities and differences in the family lives of African American
families and those with a male toddler specifically (Lim, Maxwell, Able-Boone, &
Zimmer, 2009; Early, & Winton, 2001). Not just familial culture, but a focus on adaptive
culture and its importance in the lives of African American parents with a male toddler is
crucial to continue to advance early childhood and early intervention teacher and
professional preparation.
Child Characteristics
Child characteristics include attributes such as age, gender, temperament, and
health or disability status (Garcia Coll, et al., 1996). These are qualities are influential to
and influenced by other contextual factors such as the family, environments, and adaptive
culture. Child characteristics are the foundation for Essence 2 due to the bidirectional
nature of development as well as themes one and three that include descriptors parents
used to discuss their sons temperament and how the childs diagnosis with special needs
impacts their parenting. It is important to note that child characteristics of race (African
American) and gender (male) were influential in parental decisions. Mothers and fathers
possess similarities and differences in their parenting practices Furthermore, race and
gender, in this instance African American males, have been shown to matter in African

American parental interactions and goals and child outcomes such as parental
supportiveness and toddler (e.g., Bocknek, Brophy-Herb, & Banerjee, 2009) and control
and sensitivity of mothers (e.g., Tamis-LeMonda, Briggs, McClowry, & Snow, 2009).
Therefore, parents consciously and unconsciously parent children differently based on
child gender in addition to other child characteristics. Child and parent gender are
important to consider in processing the results of this study because they are specific to
African American parenting with male toddlers.
Many aspects of how participants described their sons in relation to their child
rearing practices reflect the range of temperament characteristics in the literature (Gross,
2008). Parents described their sons in many ways including physically active, social,
observers, easily upset, and agreeable. Some parents discussed how their toddler is
similar to one of them or another family member, underscoring the belief of genetic as
well as environmental factors that contribute to behavior (Wachs, & Bates, 2001).
Although most of the studies on temperament in toddlers of various racial and ethnic
groups took place in laboratory settings, relied on mothers as the primary parent reporter,
and included mostly European American participants (Wachs, & Bates, 2001), results are
similar to the reports of mothers and fathers in this African American sample. Since child
temperament is the result of interaction between genetic and environmental factors and
parental perception of temperament is related to how they report temperamental qualities,
such an interaction is likely be occurring for participants (Gross, 2008; Wachs, & Bates,
2001). Although the purpose of this study was not to draw direct connections between
genetic, environmental, and parental contributors to temperament, it did capture parental

descriptions of temperament and their assessment of possible genetic contributions.
Parents connected their behavioral expectations and discipline to child behavior and
temperament. Some felt their children needed discipline and guidance based on
temperamental and developmental qualities. Parental connections to their own
characteristics and those of other family members provide a glimpse into genetic
contributions to temperament. More research is needed on temperament in African
American toddlers that includes fathers, in addition to mothers, and that focuses on male
Toddlers are beginning to display a wider range of emotions and are becoming
more able to understand the emotions expressed by themselves and others (Lamb,
Bornstein, & Teti, 2002). African American maternal supportiveness was similar for
toddler sons and daughters, but only partially explained the changes in child emotion
regulation over a year (Bocknek, Brophy-Herb, & Banerjee, 2009). More information
about neighborhoods, stress levels, and relationships with others can assist with
understanding additional contributors to emotion regulation. In this study, parents shared
information about their stress levels related to balancing work and home and also
described their sons relationships with extended family members and caregivers. While
direct connections to these factors and their sons emotional development were not
shared, information about parental stress and caregiver relationships provided additional
texture to the context of the environments in which early emotional and social
development occurs for the African American toddlers in participant families.

Since the inclusion of both mothers and fathers was an essential part of this study
as well as its focus solely on toddler boys, it is important to describe the ways in which
the salience of gender was prominent in the essences and responses of participants.
African American couples instead of single parents, were chosen in this study to begin to
fill the identified gap in knowledge about African American families with two parents in
the home (Livingston, & AcAdoo, 2007; Marks, Hopkins-Williams, Chaney, Nesteruk, &
Sasser, 2010). Also, African American boys were chosen due to the lack of knowledge
about African American male toddlers and positive outcomes for African American boys.
Relatedly, a few study results appear to be outcomes of study participant characteristics
such as gender. For example, this study provided information related to gender
socialization because the parents discussed their expectations for their sons behavior as
well as interactions between parents and sons. Some of the fathers shared aspects of their
socialization around influencing their sons to be rough and tough, being a role model to
their sons, and ensuring their sons they show affection as well as their active presence in
the home. Perspectives of African American fathers of toddler sons are missing in the
literature base on African American families.
For the theme of children with special needs, aspects of the childs life described
by participants could assist with more accurate determination of whether or not children
qualify for services. For example, a toddler would receive early intervention through Part
C, which are special education services for infants and toddlers. For one of the families,
child health status, in this case prematurity, could be a factor in the development of
special needs because their son was born early. However, families should be viewed

through child characteristics, family strengths, and adaptive culture to better understand
child outcomes. Furthermore, it is important to note that the two families with a child
with special needs were not drastically different from the other families in the study who
did not have a child with special needs. All families shared similar childrearing beliefs
and practices and goals for their child. Families with a child with special needs are also
represented in each essence and theme due to being more similar than different to other
participant families. For participants with a child with special needs, their lack of focus
on their sons delays during interviews and the observation, mainly referenced when
directly asked about it, show the normative nature of the childs needs and a family focus
on strengths and familial coping and functioning rather than one person or part of their
family. It is also possible that since the special needs were mild, families daily lives
were not greatly affected as they did not need to address special needs, such as health or
mobility necessities, and therefore, the childs needs were not prominent aspects of daily
lives for these families. Nonetheless, accurate information about African American
families should influence the development of culturally relevant interventions that
acknowledge and celebrate family strengths (Stevenson, Winn, Walker-Barnes, & Coard,
2005). This study is a step to better understand African American families with a toddler
with special needs.
Since family units were a focus of this study, it is not surprising that more of the
essences and themes related to the family element of the integrative framework. One
aspect of this element, family values, beliefs, and goals are the crux of this study.

However, other aspects such as family structure and roles and racial socialization were
relevant. The most prominent aspects of family reflected in this study are (a) family
structure and roles, including extended family and (b) racial socialization. These aspects
of family life assist with understanding the dynamics of families of African American
male toddlers.
Family structure and roles. Essence 7 is relevant for understanding the roles
and responsibilities of each family member. Many participants described their roles as
either mother or father as distinct, but also had overlap in the type of roles and
responsibilities each had such as child care, cleaning, and cooking. While some mothers
did most of the cooking in some households, in others, fathers primarily cooked the
meals. This was reported in interviews and seen in observations with the families. These
results support a budding line of research on more flexible gender roles in African
American couples with an increased need to understand more about the variability that
exists between families (e.g., Stanik, & Bryant, 2012).
For Essence 4, participants reported extended family members are an important
part of their family. Extended family members are often prominent in the lives of
African American families for fellowship, advice, and child care (Dilworth-Anderson, &
Goodwin, 2005; McLoyd, Hill, & Dodge, 2005). Most of the participants in this study
supported this notion, although distance and busy lives complicated these relationships
because some families did not see extended family due to distance and lack of time while
others traveled and had relatives who travel hundreds of miles monthly for visits. In
addition, technology played a role with many families being able to have more frequent

contact with relatives who live far away through video chatting. Relationships with
extended family were complex and varied among families. Nonetheless, for most
families in this study, a frequent presence of extended family members in family life was
important for participants. More research should be done to better understand the variety
in the role of extended family for African American married and cohabitating couples
and for African American families with toddlers.
Racial socialization. According to previous research on the use of racial
socialization practices in African American families rearing young children (three-yearsold to first grade), parents engage in variety of socialization practices depending on the
age and gender of the child (Caughy, OCampo, Randolph, & Nickerson, 2002; Caughy,
Nettles, & Lima, 2011; Coard, Wallace, Stevenson, & Brotman, 2004; Suizzo, Robinson,
& Pahlke, 2008). Since this study did not measure constructs such as behavior, fact
knowledge, and internalization, conclusions cannot be drawn about direct correlations
from the practices parents used to child outcomes. However, similarly to Suizzo,
Robinson, and Pahlke (2008), the parents in this study did not clearly report engaging in
conversations or practices to prepare their toddler sons for racial bias, likely due to their
sons age, although some feel they will need as they get older. However, some of the
information shared by families such as descriptions of racial pride and behavioral and
educational expectations could be developmentally appropriate aspects of racial
socialization. Nonetheless, four of the six families mentioned socialization efforts
through a preference for child care settings, neighborhoods, music, and/or club
memberships that included children, families, and artists of many different racial and

ethnic groups, and African American in particular. Therefore, they are engaging in
explicit racial socialization as well as racial socialization planning which includes
practices and topics they feel they will need to focus on as their sons get older, but are not
currently focusing on directly.

Both are important because they acknowledge the desire

of the parents to provide racial socialization to their sons and also supports the idea that
parents feel socialization is and will be needed to assist their sons in being successful in
life as African American makes. These socialization efforts are similar to those described
in other studies of low-income and middle class families of preschoolers (Coard,
Wallace, Stevenson, & Brotman, 2004; Suizzo, Robinson, & Pahlke, 2008). Aspects of
the family element are important to better understand the similarities and variation in
these African American families with a toddler son in areas such as parental roles,
extended family, and racial socialization to substantiate, challenge, and extend research
previously done with African American single parents and older African American boys.
Essences and Themes: Emotional and Social Development
Beliefs and practices shared by these African American parents of male toddlers
through essences and themes in Table 6 highlight some of the ways families are working
on child and familial goals that could positively influence emotional and social
development. For instance, fathers felt their active presence in the home guiding their
sons and taking part in daily life would be beneficial for their sons overall well-being
and life trajectories. Such a presence could have positive influence on emotional and
social development. In another example, most parents felt faith and religion were
important for their sons life. Some felt their faith would support them by helping them

to be able to face lifes challenges as an African American male. Since parents felt faith
or religion could be a support for their sons in times of difficulty, it can be considered a
mechanism that can sustain their sons emotional and social development by providing
them with an outlet or support to manage their lives. Participating in organized religion
as well as mentioning God, praying, and spirituality in this study aligns with previous
research regarding the importance of religious institutions and the role of religion in
coping with challenges in life (Mattis, 2005).
Although some families felt they would like to make changes to their daily
schedule, each had a general schedule of eating, activity, and sleeping to assist with
proper rest and development. Finally, the childrearing beliefs and practices described by
parents included conscious efforts to prepare their children for academic demands and to
insulate their young sons from what they may face as African American males.
Therefore, it is likely that parental efforts will have an effect on emotional and social

Table 6
Comparison of Essences and Themes (Question 1) with Emotional and Social Development (Question 2)

Research Question 1:
Beliefs and Practices of African American Parents with a Male Toddler

Research Question 2:
Socialization and Emotional and
Social Success

Essence (E)

Emotional and Social



Fatherhood Motivation: Present, Active, and Different


Child Outcomes and Goals Influence Present Parental Decisions


Lack of Time = Elevated Stress and Guilt


Extended Family/Friends Provide Network of Support


Current Perception African American Male Cases Shadow


Importance of Faith and Religion


Shared Household Responsibility/Division of Labor

Other Themes (T)






Children with special needs


This study is important because of its in-depth inquiry into the beliefs, practices,
goals, and lives of African American parents with a male toddler. In order to increase the
knowledge base with African American families and African American toddlers, multiple
research methods are needed. This phenomenological qualitative research provided deep
meaning into the lives of African American couples and yielded specific details about the
nuances of importance in African American fatherhood and how the racialized American
society implicitly and explicitly influences parenting for these families. However, it is
important to mention limitations and possible ethical issues that can exist (Marshall, &
Rossman, 2011).
First, this study included in-depth interviews with African American parents with
a toddler son. Inherent in discussing personal beliefs and practices, it is not possible to
determine how comfortable participants felt sharing their stories, and therefore how open
they were in their interviews. However, it is important to note that more than one
participant mentioned a need to purposely speak openly about a topic or extend their
discussion of a topic they felt was important to them. In addition, many participants
shared smiles and laughter during their interviews validating their feeling of ease.
Nonetheless, it cannot be discounted that it is possible participants were not fully open
during interviews or that they felt more or less comfortable or open in individual
interviews as opposed to joint interviews.
Second, observations provide first-hand information about aspects of family life
mentioned in the interview and were in a natural setting that the families are typically

located such as home or a community setting like the Childrens museum. However,
participants could have been affected by the presence of the researcher and therefore, one
cannot guarantee what the researcher observed is what typically occurs within the family.
Triangulation of data sources such as through observation and interview, as in this study,
reduces the likelihood of observing and reporting isolated instances that so not typically
Next, due to the methodological choice of phenomenology, a specific group likely
experiencing a similar phenomenon was chosen and studied in depth. However,
describing child development and parenting practices of one group of participants
confirms what they shared, but does not attempt to make claims to groups outside of this.
Contrarily, results of this study are similar to previous studies done with African
American families with older children and some studies done with African American
single parents and/or African American families in poverty. Additional research with this
population will assist with determining how common their essences are to other African
American parents as well as what aspects of family life shared by participants is common
in families of other racial and ethnic groups. These limitations are inherent with
qualitative research and phenomenological studies, but should be clearly outlined due to
the dangers they can present to study validity.
Finally, parents were recruited through contacts at partner child care facilities and
programs and snowball sampling. Despite the incentive of a $50 gift card, it was difficult
to find two-parent household, African Americans with a toddler son. One possible reason
is the busy nature of parents of young children and participation in a study could take

time from other tasks they need to complete. Also, it was not always clear whether or not
partners were able to follow up with families, as some just handed out the recruitment
flyer (Appendix B). Connecting with more churches and predominately child care
facilities could yield additional participants in the future.
Future Research
Future research directions and implications have been discussed earlier in this
chapter, but are extended in this section. An important and deleterious product of social
stratification mechanisms like racism is its accompanying psychological effects on the
persons affected by it (Nyborg, & Curry, 2003; Utsey, & Payne, 2000). Although this
was outside of the scope of this study, it is nonetheless an important aspect that can cause
negative outcomes for populations affected such as African American males. Nyborg
and Curry (2003) found that for 10 to 15-year-old African American boys, those who
described experiencing racism showed more externalizing behaviors and higher exposure
to racism led to hopelessness and lower self-concept. Though more research is needed in
this area, African American parents of male toddlers in this study were aware of the need
to prepare their sons to deal with prejudice and racism in the future. The perspectives of
participants are important to begin to address the dearth of research with African
American parents with male toddlers. Policies and future research should focus on
assisting families by protecting very young children from the negative effects of social
stratification mechanisms at systemic, national, and state levels to prevent the related
effect on emotional and social development.

This research contributes to beginning to understand the dynamic nature of
African Americans with male toddlers. However, since few studies focus on this
population, additional research is needed to continue to understand more about the
childrearing goals of African American parents and the development of their toddler sons
to inform early childhood teacher education programs and policy-makers who should be
motivated to review and include sound information that speaks to the variety of families,
and in African American families particularly. In addition, longitudinally following twoparent African American families and very young African American children is needed.
Future research could include a focus on African American toddler girls in
various familial configurations (two-parent, single parent, etc.). Also, since this study
included only two families with a child with special needs, additional studies with
African American parents with young children with disabilities would extend knowledge
in this area. Studies that conduct more parent interviews (more than two per parent) or
that conduct multiple joint interviews could be helpful to understanding more about the
interplay of parental beliefs and the dynamics of how African American parents arrive at
joint parenting goals with different and varied individual opinions. Finally, more
observation of specific aspects in the daily lives of African American families and young
children is needed.



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a. African American; male; social emotional development
b. African American; male; social development
c. African American; male; emotional development
d. African American; boys; social emotional
e. African American; preschool; social emotional
f. African American; boys; social development
g. Ethnicity; toddlers; social emotional development
h. Boys; infants; social development
i. Boys; infants or toddlers social development
j. African American male; social emotional development
k. African American male; social development
l. Social development; African American; toddlers
m. Infant; toddler; social development
n. Infant; toddler; emotional development
o. Boys: young children; social emotional development
p. Boys; toddlers; social emotional development
q. Toddlers; social emotional development
r. Black; toddlers ; social emotional development
s. Infant; toddler; social competence
t. Shirley Brice Heath
u. Patricia Hill Collins
v. Sharon Darling
w. Infants OR toddlers; child rearing; race
x. African American; parenting
y. Temperament; toddler
z. Discipline; toddler; African American


University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Specialized Education Services Department


Fall 2013
Hello Parents!
I am a fourth year doctoral student in the Specialized Education Services department
and a wife and mother of three young children ages, 2, 4 and 7 years. As part of my studies, I
need to complete a study in an area of interest to me. This study, my dissertation, will focus on
the beliefs and practices of African American parents with a toddler son. I would like to know
more about your routines, beliefs, and opinions through interviews and an observation. My
goal is to learn about your unique parenting practices in order to inform others (such as
researchers, practitioners, and students) interested in promoting positive emotional and social
development of young African American males. I will schedule interviews and the observation
at a time that is convenient to you. You will also complete a questionnaire. Both parents need
to participate. Total participation will be approximately 8 hours for mothers and 3 hours for
fathers over 2 3 visits. Time for the observation may involve both parents. If you fit the
following criteria, I would love to have you as part of my study:

Second generation or greater African American mother and father

In a married or cohabiting relationship

Have 2-year-old son

Child attends child care

Resident of Greensboro, NC

Please complete the information below and I will contact you to set up our first meeting. If it is
better for you to get in touch with me, please contact Sheresa Blanchard at (336) 207-1278 or I look forward to speaking with you and learning more about you and

your family!
This study has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance from, the Institutional Review
Board at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Phone Number__________________________________________
_____Yes, I am interested in participating in or learning more about the study.
(Please circle one)

Contact me

I will contact you

Todays date________________________
Child Information

Child Name


Child Date of Birth



Child Racial/Ethnic
Group (Check all that


Health Care Provider



How did you choose

health care provider?

Native Hawaiian or
Other Pacific
Islander (NHOPI)

American Indian
or Alaska Native



Childs Educational Information

Name of childs center ___________________________________________________________


How long has child been

attending center? (circle)
Please list current teacher
names and how long child
been with each?

0 3 months


Disability (circle)

Yes (specify)__________________________


Does your child have an IFSP?



a. If yes, circle services your

child currently or previously


Physical Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Educational Therapy


3 6 months

6 9 months

Teacher 1:

Teacher 2:

Teacher 3:

Teacher 4:


1 year or




Person Completing Form



I am (check all that apply)





Parent highest education


Mother: Less than high school High school Some college

Associate Bachelor
Father: Less than high school High school


Total number of people

living in household
a. Please write ages of
household members
according to their
relationship to your child.


Please list other close

family members and fictive
kin (friends who are like
family) living outside of
your home.


Yearly family income

(check one)

Some college






Under $15,000
$100,000 and above


a. Total number of people

supported by income.
b. What income level do
you consider your
household? (circle)

Low income

Middle income


Please list your household

street name and zip code

Street name:


Are you a member of a

religious organization?



a. If so, what is the name

and how often do you


How Often:

High income

Zip code:



Child: Temperament, Disposition and Relationships
1) Please tell me about when (child) was born (e.g., pregnancy, birth, birth order).
2) Please tell me about your life right after (child) was born. (Probe: In what ways

did your life change?)

3) Please tell me about (child). (Probe: As a baby, now; What makes him happy,

unhappy, excited, frustrated)

4) Describe your childs relationships. (Probe: with you, sibling(s), other family

members; like to do with others)

5) You listed (doctor) as your childs pediatrician. How did you choose

Dr._______? What do you like about (doctor)? How does (doctor) support your
sons development?
Child and Family: Daily Activities, Care, and Routines
6) Describe your typical routine from when (child) wakes up until he goes to bed
(Probe: bathing, meals, bedtime, and transport to and from child care including
location and who is involved, Probe: What happens first, next, etc.?)
7) Does (child) usually sleep through the night?? (Probe: When he does not, what
8) What kinds of activities does your child participate in outside of your home?
(play groups, school, church, the Y)
9) Describe time with extended family [Probe: Describe visits with extended family
members such as meals, outings, home visits. Probe: How often do you see
extended family?]

10) Describe time with fictive kin (friends who are like family) [Probe: Describe
visits with fictive kin (friends who are like family) such as meals, outings, home
visits. Probe: How often do you see fictive kin?]
11) What celebrations do you share as a family?
12) In what ways, if at all, do you rely on others (family, friends) to help with
child(ren), household chores, finances, etc.?
13) Have you had any major life changes since your son was born? If so, please
describe them. How did these changes affect your son?
14) Describe your main responsibility/role in the family.
15) What and/or who is the biggest influence on how you parent?
Child: Temperament, Disposition and Relationships
1) Please tell me about your life right after (child) was born. (Probe: In what ways

did your life change?)

2) Please tell me about (child). (Probe: As a baby, now; What makes him happy,

unhappy, excited, frustrated)

3) Describe your childs relationships. (Probe: with you, sibling(s), other family

members; like to do with others)

4) You listed (doctor) as your childs pediatrician. How did you choose

Dr._______? What do you like about (doctor)? How does (doctor) support your
sons development?
Child and Family: Daily Activities, Care, and Routines
5) Describe your typical routine from when (child) wakes up until he goes to bed
(Probe: bathing, meals, bedtime, and transport to and from child care including
location and who is involved, Probe: What happens first, next, etc.? Probe: Please
describe dinner and bedtime in more detail. Probe: What does he usually do
between routines?)
6) Does (child) usually sleep through the night?? (Probe: When he does not, what
happens?, Probe: How much sleep does he usually get?)

7) What kinds of activities does your child participate in outside of your home?
(play groups, school, church, the Y)
8) Describe time with extended family [Probe: Describe visits with extended family
members such as meals, outings, home visits. Probe: How often do you see
extended family?]
9) Describe time with fictive kin (friends who are like family) [Probe: Describe
visits with fictive kin (friends who are like family) such as meals, outings, home
visits. Probe: How often do you see fictive kin?]
10) What celebrations do you share as a family?
11) In what ways, if at all, do you rely on others (family, friends) to help with
child(ren), household chores, finances, etc.?
12) Have you had any major life changes since your son was born? If so, please
describe them. How did these changes affect your son?
13) Describe your main responsibility/role in the family?
14) How is your relationship similar or different from your relationship with your

15) What and/or who is the biggest influence on how you parent?

Both Parents
Child and Family: Daily Activities, Care, and Routines
1) Is your son similar to someone else in the family? Who and why?
2) Describe things as a parent you feel you should (or would like to) do more of or

less of?
3) What about parenting is most challenging/easy? Why?
4) Describe your strengths/weaknesses as a parent.
5) How do you strengths/weaknesses most affect you as a child?

6) How do you feel your role as a parent is the same or different from _______s

7) How do you handle discipline? (Probe: When do you discipline and how?)
Region, Neighborhood, and Society
8) How do you feel about living in Greensboro? (Probe: Describe places you visit
as a family in Greensboro.)
9) What are some of the values you feel are important for your son to understand
and possess? (Probe: How do you or will you share these values with your son?)
10) What do you feel are some of the common beliefs about African American boys?
11) How do you feel these beliefs affect or will affect your son?
12) What, if anything, have you or will you do to prepare your son to face these
13) Tell me about a time you think you encountered bias and/or prejudice related to
your son. (Probe: Describe what you thought and/or felt after this incident? How
did you react?)
Final Question
14) Have you shared all of the significant thoughts, etc. of raising an African
American male toddler?
For both parents of children with an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP),
How has having a child with a delay/disability affected your parenting?

*Parent and Child Information form: Documentation for questions other than basic information of child name (#1), date of birth (#2),
racial/ethnic group (#3), name of person completing form (#11), marital status of person completing form (#12), parent highest
education level (#13), household members and ages (#14), and family income (#16). These questions serve to document that
participants meet inclusion criteria.

Parent and Child Information Form

#4 Health Care Provider Name

#5 How did you choose health care provider?

#15 Please list other close family members and fictive kin
#17 Please list your household street name and zip code

#18 Are you a member of a religious organization?

#18a If so, what is the name and how often do you attend?
#6 Name of childs center

#7 How long has child been attending center?

#8 Please list current teacher names. How long has child

been with each teacher?
#9 Disability label (specify) OR N/A

#10 Does your child have an IFSP?

Garcia Coll et al. 1996
environments); Difference in
temperament: Wachs, & Bates,
Garcia Coll et al. 1996
environments )
Difference in temperament:
Wachs, & Bates, 2001
Garcia Coll et al. 1996 (family
structure & roles)
Garcia Coll et al. 1996 (social
stratification mechanisms
residential &
Garcia Coll et al. 1996
environments ); Bronfenbrenner
Garcia Coll et al. 1996
environments )
Garcia Coll et al. 1996
environments ); Bronfenbrenner
Social ecology: Lamb,
Bornstein, & Teti, 2002
Garcia Coll et al. 1996
environments ); Bronfenbrenner
Social ecology: Lamb,
Bornstein, & Teti, 2002
Garcia Coll et al. 1996
environments ); Bronfenbrenner
Social ecology: Lamb,
Bornstein, & Teti, 2002
Garcia Coll et al. 1996 (child
characteristics biological
factors/ physical characteristics);
critical disability theory
Disproportionality: Artiles,
Kozleski, Trent, Osher, & Ortiz,
2010; Gabel, Curcie, Powell,
Khader, & Albee, 2009
Garcia Coll et al. 1996 (child
characteristics biological
factors/ physical characteristics);


#10a If yes, circle services your child currently or previously


Parent In-Depth Interviews

Interview Question
Child: Temperament, Disposition and Relationships
1) Please tell me about when (child) was born (e.g.,
pregnancy, birth, birth order).
2) Please tell me about your life right after (child)
was born.
3) Please tell me about (child).

4) Describe your childs relationships.

5) You listed (doctor) as your childs pediatrician.

How did you choose Dr._______? What do you
like about (doctor)? How does (doctor) support
your sons development?
Child and Family: Daily Activities, Care, and Routines
6) Describe your typical routine from when (child)
wakes up until he goes to bed.

critical disability theory

Disproportionality: Artiles,
Kozleski, Trent, Osher, & Ortiz,
2010; Gabel, Curcie, Powell,
Khader, & Albee, 2009
Garcia Coll et al. 1996 (child
characteristics biological
factors/ physical characteristics);
critical disability theory
Disproportionality: Artiles,
Kozleski, Trent, Osher, & Ortiz,
2010; Gabel, Curcie, Powell,
Khader, & Albee, 2009

Epigenetics: Meaney, 2010; National
Scientific Council on the Developing
Child, 2010; Shonkoff, 2010
Keizer, Dykstra, & Poortman, 2010

Temperament: Houck, 1999; Gross,
Bornstein and Cote, 2009
Behavior correlates: Mitchell and
Cabrera, 2009
Emotion regulation: Bocknek, BrophyHerb, & Banerjee, 2009; Garcia Coll et
al. 1996 (child characteristics
Bronfenbrenner; Gross, 2008;
Parlakian, & Seibel, 2002
Maybe peers: Eckerman, & Peterman,
2001; Early relationships with others:
Butterfield, Martin, & Prairie, 2004;
Field, 2007
Garcia Coll et al. 1996
(promoting/inhibiting environments )
Difference in temperament: Wachs, &
Bates, 2001

Garcia Coll et al. 1996 (family

structure & roles); Bronfenbrenner;
Possible materials of racial
socialization: Suizzo, Robinson, &
Pahlke, 2008; Coard, Wallace,
Stevenson, & Brotman, 2004
Epigenetics: Meaney, 2010; National
Scientific Council on the Developing
Child, 2010; Shonkoff, 2010
Child rearing: Brooks-Gunn, &
Markman, 2005; Greder, & Allen,
2007; Fitzgerald, Mann, Cabrera,
Sarche, & Qin, 2009; Liamputtong,

7) Does (child) usually sleep through the night??

Garcia Coll et al. 1996 (family values,

beliefs, and goals); Bronfenbrenner
Variations in sleep: Harkness, and
Super, 2002; Liamputtong, 2007;
Rogoff, 2003

8) What kinds of activities does your child

participate in outside of your home? (play groups,
school, church, the Y)
9) Describe time with extended family.
10) Describe time with fictive kin (friends who are
like family)

Same as #6

11) What are celebrations you share as a family?

12) In what ways, if at all, do you rely on others

(family, friends) to help with child(ren),
household chores, finances, etc.?
13) Have you had any major life changes since your
son was born? If so, please describe them. How
did these changes affect your son?

Garcia Coll et al. 1996 (family

structure & roles); Bronfenbrenner;
Gross, 2008; Parlakian, & Seibel, 2002
Racial socialization: Njoroge, Benton,
Lewis, and Njoroge, 2009; Caughy,
OCampo, Randolph, & Nickerson,
2002; Caughy, Nettles, and Lima, 2011
Garcia Coll et al. 1996 (adaptive culture
traditions & cultural legacies)
Racial socialization: Njoroge, Benton,
Lewis, and Njoroge, 2009; Caughy,
OCampo, Randolph, & Nickerson,
2002; Caughy, Nettles, and Lima, 2011
Garcia Coll et al. 1996 (family
structure & roles); Bronfenbrenner;
Gross, 2008; Parlakian, & Seibel, 2002
Racial socialization: Njoroge, Benton,
Lewis, and Njoroge, 2009; Caughy,
OCampo, Randolph, & Nickerson,
2002; Caughy, Nettles, and Lima, 2011

14) Describe your main responsibility/role in the

15) What and/or who is the biggest influence on how
you parent?

Garcia Coll et al., 1996;

16) How is your relationship similar or different from

your relationship with your father?

Fleming, Kraemer, Gonzalez, Lovic,

Rees, & Melo, 2002; Kerr, Capaldi,
Pears, & Owen, 2009

17) Is your son similar to someone else in the family?

Who and why?

Garcia Coll et al., 1996; Gagne, &

Saudino, 2010

18) Describe things as a parent you feel you should

(or would like to) do more of or less of?

Garcia Coll et al., 1996;

19) What about parenting is most challenging/easy?


Barnett, Shanahan, Deng, Haskett, &

Cox, 2010; Garcia Coll et al., 1996;
Hill, & Tyson, 2008

20) Describe your strengths/weaknesses as a parent.

Garcia Coll et al., 1996;

21) How do you strengths/weaknesses most affect you

as a child?

Garcia Coll et al., 1996;

Barnett, Shanahan, Deng, Haskett, &

Cox, 2010; Garcia Coll et al., 1996;
Hill, & Tyson, 2008

22) How do you feel your role as a parent is the same
or different from _______s mother/father?
23) How do you handle discipline? (Probe: When do
you discipline and how?)
Region, Neighborhood, and Society
24) How do you feel about living in Greensboro?
Probe: Describe places you visit as a family in
25) What are some of the values you feel are
important for your son to understand and possess?

Gross, 2008; Parlakian, & Seibel, 2002

Dodge, McLoyd, & Lansford, 2005

Bronfenbrenner; Neighborhoods:
Caughy, Nettles, and Lima, 2011

Garcia Coll et al., 1996;

26) What do you feel are some of the common beliefs

about African American boys?

Garcia Coll et al. 1996 (social

stratification mechanisms); matrix of

27) How do you feel these beliefs affect or will affect

your son?
28) What, if anything, have you or will you do to
prepare your son to face these beliefs?

Garcia Coll et al. 1996 (social

stratification mechanisms); matrix of
Garcia Coll et al. 1996 (social
stratification mechanisms & family
values, beliefs, and goals; racial
Racial socialization: Njoroge, Benton,
Lewis, and Njoroge, 2009; Caughy,
OCampo, Randolph, & Nickerson,
2002; Caughy, Nettles, and Lima, 2011;
Possible materials of racial
socialization: Suizzo, Robinson, &
Pahlke, 2008; Coard, Wallace,
Stevenson, & Brotman, 2004
Garcia Coll et al. 1996 (social
stratification mechanisms)

29) Tell me about a time you think you encountered

bias and/or prejudice related to your son.
Final Question
30) Have you shared all of the significant thoughts,
etc. of raising an African American male toddler?
For both parents of children with an Individualized
Family Service Plan (IFSP)
31) How has having a child with a delay/disability
affected your parenting?

Moustakas, 1994

Hodapp, 2002



Project Title: Understanding Beliefs and Practices of African American Parents with
Male Toddlers: A Focus on Emotional and Social Development
Project Directors:

Sheresa Boone Blanchard and Belinda Hardin

Participant's Name:
What is the study about?
This is a research project. Your participation is voluntary. The purpose of this study is to
learn about the beliefs, goals, and practices of parents of African American male toddlers
related to emotional and social development. In addition, this information will provide
knowledge about the unique parenting experiences of African American parents and their
Why are you asking me?
I am inviting you to participate because you are a parent of an African American male
What will you ask me to do if I agree to be in the study?
As a participant in the study, each mother and I will arrange a mutually convenient time
to complete the Child and Family Information form and have the first interview, which
will take approximately 1 - 2 hours. Each father will also participate in one interview
which will take approximately 1 - 2 hours. The final interview will be with both
parents present and will take approximately 1 - 2 hours. Finally, an additional meeting
to review the interview transcript summaries and clarifying any interview content will be
scheduled with one or both parents. An observation with one or both parents will occur
during one of the visits or during a separate visit. The interviews will take approximately
1 - 2 hours and the final visits will take approximately one hour. While visiting each
parent to complete forms and conduct interviews, I will take field notes that will include
details about what I observe.
Is there any audio/video recording?
The interviews will be audio recorded for accuracy. Because your voice will be
potentially identifiable by anyone who hears the tape, your confidentiality for the

recorded interviews cannot be guaranteed, although the researcher will try to limit access
as described below.
What are the dangers to me?
The Institutional Review Board at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro has
determined that participation in this study poses minimal risk to participants. However,
you may feel uncomfortable answering some of the questions or be embarrassed by the
observations. You do not have to respond to any questions they may feel uncomfortable
If you have questions, want more information or have suggestions, please contact Sheresa
Blanchard who may be reached at (336) 207-1278 or or Belinda
Hardin who may be reached at (336) 402-6680 or
If you have any concerns about your rights, how you are being treated, concerns or
complaints about this project or benefits or risks associated with being in this study,
please contact the Office of Research Integrity at UNCG toll-free at (855)-251-2351.
Are there any benefits to society as a result of me taking part in this research?
There are no direct benefits to participants in this study. The potential benefits of
participating in this study are that you will have an opportunity to share your beliefs,
goals, and experiences related to raising your son and his emotional and social
development, which may help inform others (such as researchers, practitioners, and
students) interested in promoting positive emotional and social development of young
African American males.
Are there any benefits to me for taking part in this research study?
Participation in this study will allow you to discuss your unique experiences raising an
African American male toddler, particularly in relation to social and emotion
development, to assist others (such as researchers, practitioners, and students) in learning
more about you and your perspective.
Will I get paid for being in the study? Will it cost me anything?
Each family will receive a $50 Visa gift card and book for child for participation in the
How will you keep my information confidential?
Each participant will be assigned a unique study ID number. Your privacy will be
protected by using passwords for the electronic files. No personally identifiable
information will be stored in the electronic files. All information obtained in this study is
strictly confidential unless disclosure is required by law. Project directors have a legal
obligation to report child abuse. All paper data will be stored in a locked cabinet in 426
School of Education building, stored for three years, and purged and shredded at the
conclusion of the three year storage period.

What if I want to leave the study?
You have the right to refuse to participate or to withdraw at any time, without penalty. If
you do withdraw, it will not affect you in any way. If you choose to withdraw, you may
request that any of your data, which has been collected be destroyed unless it is in a deidentifiable state.
What about new information/changes in the study?
If significant new information relating to the study becomes available, which may relate
to your willingness to continue to participate, this information will be provided to you.
Voluntary Consent by Participant:
By signing this consent form you are agreeing that you read, or it has been read to you, and
you fully understand the contents of this document and are openly willing consent to take
part in this study. All of your questions concerning this study have been answered. By
signing this form, you are agreeing that you are 18 years of age or older and are agreeing to
participate, or have the individual specified above as a participant participate, in this study
described to you by Sheresa Blanchard .

Signature: ________________________ Date: ________________


Understanding Contributions to Emotional and Social Development

of African American Male Toddlers Study
Date: ____/____/20__
Participant ID Number:___


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