Power Capture Performance of A Heaving Wave Energy Converter For Varying B /B Ratio
Power Capture Performance of A Heaving Wave Energy Converter For Varying B /B Ratio
Power Capture Performance of A Heaving Wave Energy Converter For Varying B /B Ratio
Received: 20 February 2020 / Accepted: 20 July 2020 / Published online: 11 September 2020
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
In this study, power capture performance of a heaving wave energy converter has been optimized by investigating the
effect of variation of power take-off damping. The wave energy converter model used in this study utilizes the sliding
discrete Fourier transform technique to estimate the local wave frequency. The power take-off parameters are adjusted
according to the estimated wave frequency. As a part of the study, two different cases are evaluated. In the first case, the
conventional approach based on using power take-off damping equal to radiation damping which is a function of the
estimated wave frequency is considered. In the second part of the study, as a proposed approach, the power take-off
damping is calculated with a gain factor. This gain factor varies the hydrodynamic analysis-based frequency-dependent
radiation damping by multiplying with it. The results show that the captured power results can be increased from 1.64
to 10.38%, while, in average, the power capture increase covering all datasets is 5.95%.
Keywords Wave energy · Radiation damping · Power take-off damping · Energy extraction · Control
1 Introduction a popular research topic. The wave energy, on its own, can
be thought of a condensed form of wind energy and can
Increasing energy demands, depletion of available energy be transferred over the ocean surface for miles with little
resources and environmental pollution problems have led or no loss [7]. The wave energy converter (WEC) systems
researchers towards sustainable, environmentally friendly are defined as devices that convert the kinetic energy of
and alternative renewable energy sources. The most popu- the wave into mechanical/electrical energy. Generally, a
lar renewable energy systems are based on solar and wind typical WEC system consists of two main subsystems. One
energy. Solar- and wind-based renewable energy systems of these subsystems is the WEC’s body or buoy itself, and
are actively used [1, 2]. The developments in wave energy the other is the power take-off (PTO) subsystem. There
conversion systems are still in early stages, and they are are a number of studies on WEC systems and related PTO
not as common as solar and wind energy systems. types in the literature [8–11].
Considering that the oceans have been reported to It is widely known that the oceans have high wave
have a great wave energy potential [3, 4], there is an obvi- energy potential. However, the main issue is extracting
ous high potential for wave energy systems. It has been this energy in an efficient manner. There are some meth-
reported that 20% of the global energy demand can be ods to improve the power capture efficiency of WEC’s.
met by using only the energy captured from waves [5, Using nonlinear PTO mechanisms not only improves the
6]. This observation made by researchers makes wave captured power but also extends the bandwidth which a
energy and wave energy conversion system technologies WEC can satisfy the quasi-resonance condition [12, 13].
Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:1679 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-03230-y
Hydrodynamic optimization is another approach used to model. The hydraulic PTO system mainly has two adjust-
improve the energy capture performance for the intended able parameters. One of them is kpto, and the other one is
deployment site and its sea states [14, 15]. An optimization PTO damping (bpto). The theoretical solutions also devel-
of WEC hydrodynamics may also contribute to its surviv- oped to find the optimal PTO conditions to maximize the
ability in extreme sea states [16]. Along with these meth- extraction performance of wave energy [34, 35]. Zang
ods, a WEC without any control application is considered et al. [36] studied the effects of different parameters
as an inefficient energy converter [17]. Hence, a WEC sys- including bpto for maximisation of energy efficiency for
tem should be controlled in order to increase the energy both regular and irregular waves. The effects of suitably
extraction efficiency. It is a well-known fact that suitable adjusted performance parameters, such as PTO stiffness
control algorithm can improve the performance of a WEC and the damping, for improvement of the wave energy
system considerably [18]. Typically, a control application extraction efficiency are also mentioned in the literature
of a WEC is actually used to improve the effectiveness [37–39].
of wave energy converter by a considerable amount in Mainly, the control application on PTO parameters
percentage [19, 20]. The main question is the selection focuses on the stiffness parameter adjustment. However,
of the appropriate control technique for the WEC in con- the damping coefficient is also another performance
cern; however, the understanding of the overall issue still parameter of hydraulic PTO unit. It is directly related to
remains to be very weak. energy absorbing ability of PTO unit. So, the damping
The common WEC control strategies are typically based parameter can increase the energy extraction efficiency
on two main principles. One of them is latching control, [40]. Jin et al. [41] showed that applying an appropriate
and the other is phase control. The latching control strat- bpto to WEC significantly increases optimum power out-
egy is based on using braking forces to lock and release put. The power absorption efficiency and capacity are
the oscillating body to get a synchronized motion of directly related to the bpto, and also it should be tuned
the WEC body and the PTO system. The latching control continuously [42].
can only be applicable if the natural frequency of WEC is Falnes [43] reports that the optimum power capture
greater than the wave excitation frequency [21]. Babarit is based on a critical condition. The critical condition is
et al. [22] compared the effectiveness of latching control to match the frequencies of the device and the wave. He
applications for both regular and irregular sea states. also mentions that the PTO damping should be set to the
In phase control, the main objective is to provide reso- same value as the hydrodynamic damping (bpto = brad).
nance conditions by adjusting the WEC’s frequency to the As mentioned by Falnes, the bpto is accepted to be equal
incoming wave frequency in order to maximize energy to frequency-dependent radiation damping (brad). This
extraction [23]. Mainly the resonance condition is provided forms our first case study. In the second case studied, the
by adjusting stiffness of PTO unit (kpto) [24] and/or added bpto is defined as a function of brad with a gain alpha (α).
mass of the overall system [25]. The PTO parameters must In definition of the function, the relationship between
be tuned to the right values at calculated times. This is the brad and bpto is given as (α = bpto/brad). Gain alpha for bpto
key point of a successful implementation of the control is chosen as a real number between 0.0 and 3.0. For each
application. sea state, the α is increased from 0 to 3 with the incre-
Korde et al. [23] reported the details of control param- ment of 0.01 to make about 300 simulations. For 8 sea
eters and uncertainties in irregular waves. It is worth states, these simulations are repeated for the same α
noting that sub-optimal control applications may lead range making a total of 2400 simulations.
to decrease the energy conversion efficiency [26]. It was Using the simulation results, the variation of power
also mentioned [27, 28] that continuously tuning of the performance of a heaving WEC with the different varying
device parameters depending upon the incoming waves ratios of brad over bpto is investigated. The time-domain
can maximize the power capture performance of the WEC. model is developed using MATLAB/Simulink™ environ-
In some PTO applications of WEC systems, a hydraulic ment [44]. The control technique of proposed model is
system is utilized for power capture [26, 29, 30]. Due to established on using online time series analysis of wave
its capacity for generating large force, this type of PTO elevation data, without predicting the future or knowing
unit is very much suitable for offshore applications [29, the past data. The sliding DFT technique is employed
31].The optimum conditions for various PTO applica- here in order to estimate the wave frequency. The data
tions are also mentioned by Kim et al. [32] in order to acquisition of wave frequency has been achieved by
increase the energy extraction. Also, Falcao [33] utilized a processing the wave elevation data. For the simulation
high-pressure hydraulic PTO system for a heaving WEC to study, in total 8 different sea states-related datasets are
optimize hydraulic PTO parameters in time-domain (TD) used varying from calm seas to high seas.
SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:1679 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-03230-y Research Article
2 Model of the WEC where bpto is assumed to be simply be equal to brad assum-
ing that damping loss is zero (bloss = 0). In the first case of
In the literature, generally mathematical models of float- this study, bpto is became and defined as
ing bodies are developed in frequency domain [32, 43, 45,
46]. Such models are only valid for the regular or sinusoi-
bpto = brad . (3)
dal form of the input waves. However, the dynamic motion
of the free surface of a sea in a real life is almost never in In the second case of the study, it is proposed that bpto is
such conditions. Hence, for a more realistic simulation stud- defined as a function of hydrodynamic brad coefficient. Then,
ies it is suggested that the WEC system models should be Eq. (3) can be written as
presented in the TD [27, 47]. A comparison of TD and fre-
quency domain identification process is also presented in bpto = 𝛼brad . (4)
[48]. In such modelling approaches, the motion equation
of the system should also be presented in TD. For the study In our simulation studies, bpto-related calculations will
presented in this section, the TD model developed by Yavuz use the definition given in Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) to compare the
et al. [25, 27, 47] is adopted. The main subject of this study performance difference. The inputs to the PTO block are x
is to investigate how the power capture performance of the and v provided from the WEC system block. The PTO system-
WEC model changes with the varying bpto/brad ratio. In order related force is calculated by
to focus on this issue and prevent repetition, further details, H = kpto x + bpto v (5)
such as hydrodynamic analysis sections of the WEC model
and related stages of the modelling details, can be found in and the instantaneous power ( Pins) captured by the WEC
references [25, 27, 47]. is defined by
The Simulink™ model of the system is given in Fig. 1. The
input signal to the tuner is based on estimated wave fre- Pins = bpto v 2 . (6)
quency (ωest). So, the optimum kpto and bpto settings can be
A special form of moving averaged PTO power (Pma) is
defined by,
also determined in the relevant block. The Pma is calculated
kpto = m𝜔2est − knet (1) using the relation defined by
t t
and ⎛ m ⎞ m
bpto bpto
[t,ωest] ωest
kpto Pins
Wave frequency Pins
Tuner kpto
Pma Pma
[t,F] F x x
Wave force H
H v v
Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:1679 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-03230-y
where Td is the time period for the averaging function, tn is The local dominant wave frequencies of each dataset are
the windows start time and tm is the end time. also estimated by processing the wave elevation data.
For wave frequency estimation, a sliding DFT algo-
rithm is used [27]. The sliding DFT algorithm is pro-
3 Simulation study grammed to consider a chunk of data for analysis and
it used weighing coefficients that enabled dominancy
The block diagram and further details of the TD WEC of local data whereas reduced the effectiveness of the
model are introduced in the previous section. The main old data. In Table 2, the energy density information of
physical dimensions and shape information of the model each datasets along with some other sea state-related
are presented in Fig. 2. properties is listed. In this table, 1–4 indices means the
The main parameters used in the simulation study of wave heights are increasing from 1 to 4. The subscription
the TD model are summarized in Table 1. of a and b corresponds to sea site measurements made
The simulations are performed by using the irregular at two different locations at a reasonable distance. The
wave elevation data obtained from the real sea state data measurements are taken at almost simultaneously at a
(DS) used in [28]. Eight different wave elevation data sets nearby location.
derived from real states are used as the input wave eleva- Typically, the bpto value is predetermined and kept
tion data for simulations. constant in passive control applications. However, in
The wave elevation data for each data set can be active control applications, bpto parameter is defined as
shown in Fig. 3. The wave height increases with the a function of brad parameter as given in Eq. (3). In Fig. 4,
increasing energy density of the waves. Each wave eleva- variation of frequency-dependent brad with respect to
tion dataset shown in Fig. 3 is converted into wave force. wave frequency is shown clearly. In this study, the bpto
parameter is set to be equal to b rad parameter in the
first case (Case1). As the second case (Case2), the b pto
parameter is varied with the gain α as a function of brad
as defined by Eq. (4).
The radiation damping parameter, presented in Fig. 4,
is determined by the estimated wave frequency (in the
range of 0.0 to 1.8 rad/s). As illustrated in the figure, a
small variation of wave frequency leads to large differ-
ences in brad values.
Hence, estimation of the wave frequency from the
wave elevation data becomes very much critical. If the
wave frequency estimation is made incorrectly, the sys-
tem will not be able to select the appropriate b rad and
the power capture performance of the system may
degrade. In the next part of the study, the results taken
from the model is presented and discussed.
Fig. 2 Shape of the modelled WEC
SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:1679 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-03230-y Research Article
Fig. 3 Wave elevation data of Wave elevation records for data sets
four different sea states 5
DS1 [m]
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
DS2 [m]
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
DS3 [m]
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
DS4 [m]
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time [s]
b rad( ) [kNs/m]
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Wave frequency [rad/s]
Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:1679 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-03230-y
4 Simulation results The overall captured power results, covering all data-
sets, are also presented in Table 3. Table 3 provides over-
This study investigates how the captured power changes all averages of captured powers for all datasets for both
with the variation of bpto parameter of the system with cases along with rated power levels for each set. It is
the varying ratios of radiation damping. In this part of clearly seen that, as the result of the bpto optimization,
the study, the results of the simulations are presented. the captured power is clearly increased. The achieved
The system is modelled and simulated in MATLAB/Sim- performance increases in captured power results are
ulink™ software [44]. The wave frequency is estimated observed between 1.64 and 10.38%, while gain factor
by using the sliding DFT technique. The results obtained (α) takes the values between 1.33 and 1.98. The average
from the sliding DFT method is used in order to deter- of alpha value (1.67) and related power capture increase
mine both stiffness and frequency-dependent radiation (5.95%) along with dataset specific power captures and
damping. In Case1, bpto used to tune the WEC system is alpha values are also provided in the table.
chosen being equal to the radiation damping parameter
as shown in Fig. 4. In Case2, bpto is calculated from Eq. 4.
Using the range for the gain alpha all bpto values are pre- 5 Conclusion
determined. These results are then used for evaluation
of the simulation results thereby optimizing the system In this paper, optimization of the power capture for a heav-
performance for eight different sea state datasets. ing WEC by variation of bpto with the ratio of gain alpha
In Fig. 5a, b, the power capture performance results is studied. The simulation studies are performed on a TD
of the simulation study for different datasets with vary- model. In the first case study, the bpto coefficient is set
ing alpha values are presented. The variation of alpha equal to frequency-dependent radiation damping coef-
and the captured power levels for different sea states are ficient (brad). In the second case study, it is proposed that
seen in the figure. It appears that α > 3 does not seem to bpto should be evaluated different from bpto = brad relation.
be providing any meaningful results. The PTO damping is remodelled, and the simulations are
In Fig. 5a, the power results for top four datasets are performed with the varying gain of alpha. The results given
shown. The maximum captured powers at proper gain in previous part of the study indicated that the power pro-
alpha values are also marked in the plot. It is seen that duced is increased, while the bpto is higher than brad. It was
the best performing alpha gain for D S1a, DS2a, DS3a and clearly seen that the captured power results are increased
DS4a is observed at 1.86, 1.33, 1.79 and 1.66, respectively. between 1.64 and 10.38%. Also, the average of alpha gain
In Fig. 5b, the power results for second four datasets value is 1.67 and related power capture increase is 5.95%.
are shown. The maximum captured powers at high per- Finally, it can be concluded that there is an obvious
forming alpha gain values are marked in the graph. It need for optimization of bpto in control applications espe-
is seen that the best settings for DS1b, DS2b, DS3b and cially while studying for irregular sea state conditions.
DS4b are gain alpha value of 1.66, 1.58, 1.98 and 1.53, It can also be stated that the proposed approach based
respectively. on increasing bpto beyond brad may be more beneficial
The detailed instantaneous and moving average than simply assuming that bpto equals to brad. In such an
power results for all datasets in time scale are given application the variation of brad against wave frequency
in Figs. 6 and 7. In both figures, all cases are shown for becomes the main tool; therefore, accurate hydrodynamic
1200 s time period. The α = 1 terms show the results of modelling of radiation damping also becomes a vital issue.
first case of the study. The lines coloured as green and Besides, determination of the wave frequency data from
blue in the graphs are the power captured of the system wave elevation data also becomes important as it deter-
where the power take-off damping is adjusted as gain mines the damping coefficient (brad) used in optimization-
alpha times the radiation damping. This also means the related calculations.
system captures the maximum wave power.
SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:1679 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-03230-y Research Article
X: 1.79
Ptotal [kW]
Y: 701
X: 1.33
Y: 582.6
400 X: 1.86
Y: 285.8
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
1200 X: 1.53 DS3b
Y: 1256 DS4b
Ptotal [kW]
X: 1.58
Y: 581.2
X: 1.98
Y: 409.2
X: 1.66
400 Y: 313.7
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Research Article SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:1679 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-03230-y
1500 2500
Pins 1a α=1.86 Pins 2a α=1.33
Pma 1a α=1.86 Pma 2a α=1.33
Pins 1a α=1
2000 Pins 2a α=1
1000 Pma 1a α=1 Pma 2a α=1
Power (kW)
Power (kW)
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (s) Time (s)
2500 6000
Pins 3a α=1.79 Pins 4a α=1.66
Pma 3a α=1.79 Pma 4a α=1.66
2000 Pins 3a α=1 Pins 4a α=1
Pma 3a α=1 4000 Pma 4a α=1
Power (kW)
Power (kW)
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (s) Time (s)
SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:1679 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-03230-y Research Article
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