English Rev
English Rev
English Rev
In military context the acronym was Adverb of Place – tells us where something
used primarily to mark the early situation in is done. We use it after a verb, object or at
Afghanistan, where it was difficult to the end of a sentence.
understand the current situation and predict - Above, below, here, outside, over there,
the outcome of specific actions. there, under, upstairs.
(V) Volatility – The challenge is unexpected We can stop here for lunch.
or unstable or maybe of unknown duration
They rushed for their lives when the fire
(U) Uncertainty – Despite the lack of other broke out in the floor below.
information the events basic cause and effect
are known. Change is possible but not a The participants can play outside.
given. Adverb of Degree – tells us the level of
(C) Complexity – The situation has many extent that something is done.
interconnected parts in variables. Some - Almost, much, nearly, quite, really, so too,
information is available or can be predicted, very, etc.
but the volume or nature of it can be
overwhelming to process. Ex.
(A) Ambiguity – Casual relationships are Her daughter is quite for her age.
completely unclear. No precedents exists; She was too shy to join the quiz bee.
you pace “unknown unknows.”
The accident victim nearly died from his
Adverb of Frequency – tells us how often 3. Can be either fiction or non-fiction
something is done.
4. Can have headings and/or subheadings
- Again, always, ever, frequently, hardly
5. Can be accompanied by graphics (charts,
ever, nearly, nearly always, never,
occasionally, often, rarely, seldom,
sometimes, twice, weekly, etc. Fallacy – is a mistake or misunderstanding
that fails to support one’s argument. The
knowledge and understanding of fallacies
While overseas, he frequently phoned are important because they weaken an
home. individual’s point. It is important to
recognize a fallacy because they can
He takes his capsule twice a day.
convince you to believe something that isn’t
She never reads newspapers. true.
6. Place with the sounds of words and the 4.) Straw man Fallacy – is a popular fallacy
rhymes of phrases is usually intended to be where arguer manipulates an opponent’s
read aloud. argument in order to make the argument
look as if is weak and easy to beat. Is often
Prose – there are several features of prose used to make the arguer look more skilled
that make it unique from other forms of than their opponent.
These are:
1. Written using paragraphs
2. May contain dialogue