AWS Interview Question For A Company

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Mention what the difference between Amazon S3 and EC2 is?

1. The difference between EC2 and Amazon S3 is that

EC2 S3

 It is a data storage system where any amount of data can be

 It is a cloud web service used for hosting your application stored

 It is like a huge computer machine which can run either Linux or

Windows and can handle application like PHP, Python, Apache or any  It has a REST interface and uses secure HMAC-SHA1
databases authentication keys

2 How many buckets can you create in AWS by default?

By default, you can create up to 100 buckets in each of your AWS

3. Auto scaling configuration.

4.What are the advantages of auto-scaling?

Following are the advantages of autoscaling

 Offers fault tolerance

 Better availability
 Better cost management
5.Name the types of AMI provided by AWS

The types of AMI provided by AWS are:

1. Instance store backed

2. EBS backed

6. What are the different types of Load Balancer in AWS services?

Two types of Load balancer are:

1. Application Load Balancer

2. Classic Load Balancer.
7. What is the use of lifecycle hooks in Autoscaling?
Lifecycle hooks are used for autoscaling to put an additional wait time
to a scale in or scale out event.

8. Name some of the DB engines which can be used in AWS RDS

2. MariaDB
4. OracleDB
5. PostgreDB

9.What are the key components of DevOps?

The most important components of DevOps are:

 Continuous Integration
 Continuous Testing
 Continuous Delivery
 Continuous Monitoring

10. What is meant by Continuous Integration?



Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code
into a shared repository several times a day. Each check-in is then verified by an automated
build, allowing teams to detect problems early.

11. difference between Agile and devops?


DevOps 39


 Agile software development methodology focuses on the development of software.

 DevOps on the other hand is responsible for development as well as deployment of the
software in the safest and most reliable way possible.

12. Agile & Water fall method difference.

13. What is a repository in GIT?

A repository contains a directory named .git, where git keeps all of its
metadata for the repository. The content of the git directory are private
to git.

14. What are the GiT commands,

 git add. Moves changes from the working directory to the staging area. ...
 git branch. This command is your general-purpose branch administration tool.
git checkout. ...
 git clean. ...
 git clone. ...
 git commit. ...
 git commit --amend. ...
 git config.

15. How to create user and branches in BiT bucket

From the repository, click + in the global sidebar and

select Create a branch under Get to work.
From the popup that appears, select a Type (if using the Branching model),
enter a Branch name and click Create

16. globeal permission in Bit bucket?

System Admin, Admin, project creator, bit bucket user.

17. what are the stages in agile methodology.

Plan, Design, Develop, test, Deploy, Review

18. Difference between scrum and kunbun

Kanban is all about visualizing your work, limiting work in

progress, and maximizing efficiency(or flow).
Scrum Their goal is to create learning loops to quickly gather and
integrate customer feedback

19. Explain CI/CD pipeline.

20. What are the 3 steps followed in AWS by using CI/CD


Ans: code commit, code build, code deploy.

Contiuneues there is no limitation it’s a continuous development/build and delivery. It is not

possible in water fall method so agile came in to the picture If you compare to the water fall
method we have to wait for each phase to complete i.e after design testing – dev- in reviw- prod.

This is how agile works

Agile : Continuos buiild and continuos delivery you can n number of modification at any time and
at any stage.

It has one hierarchy epic- story-task-subtask. This is hierarchy followed scrum and kanbun in
Difference between scrum and kunbun .

Standardisation of change is always good when there is no growth we will switch in to other

I did not met expecations.

Birla soft and L&T they are take care of employees very well.

Trouble Shoot for AWS

Troubleshoot your Application

Load Balancers

A registered target is not in service

If a target is taking longer than expected to enter the InService state, it might be
failing health checks. Your target is not in service until it passes one health check.
For more information, see Health checks for your target groups.

Verify that your instance is failing health checks and then check for the following

A security group does not allow traffic

The security group associated with an instance must allow traffic from the load
balancer using the health check port and health check protocol. You can add a rule
to the instance security group to allow all traffic from the load balancer security
group. Also, the security group for your load balancer must allow traffic to the
A network access control list (ACL) does not allow traffic
The network ACL associated with the subnets for your instances must allow
inbound traffic on the health check port and outbound traffic on the ephemeral
ports (1024-65535). The network ACL associated with the subnets for your load
balancer nodes must allow inbound traffic on the ephemeral ports and outbound
traffic on the health check and ephemeral ports.
The ping path does not exist
Create a target page for the health check and specify its path as the ping path.
The connection times out
First, verify that you can connect to the target directly from within the network
using the private IP address of the target and the health check protocol. If you can't
connect, check whether the instance is over-utilized, and add more targets to your
target group if it is too busy to respond. If you can connect, it is possible that the
target page is not responding before the health check timeout period. Choose a
simpler target page for the health check or adjust the health check settings.
The target did not return a successful response code
By default, the success code is 200, but you can optionally specify additional
success codes when you configure health checks. Confirm the success codes that
the load balancer is expecting and that your application is configured to return these
codes on success.

Clients cannot connect to an internet-facing

load balancer
If the load balancer is not responding to requests, check for the following issues:

Your internet-facing load balancer is attached to a private subnet

You must specify public subnets for your load balancer. A public subnet has a route
to the Internet Gateway for your virtual private cloud (VPC).
A security group or network ACL does not allow traffic
The security group for the load balancer and any network ACLs for the load
balancer subnets must allow inbound traffic from the clients and outbound traffic to
the clients on the listener ports.

HTTP 400: Bad request

Possible causes:

 The client sent a malformed request that does not meet the HTTP specification.
 The request header exceeded 16K per request line, 16K per single header, or 64K for the
entire header.
HTTP 401: Unauthorized
You configured a listener rule to authenticate users, but one of the following is true:

 You configured OnUnauthenticatedRequest to deny unauthenticated users or the IdP denied

 The size of the claims returned by the IdP exceeded the maximum size supported by the load
 A client submitted an HTTP/1.0 request without a host header, and the load balancer was
unable to generate a redirect URL.
 The requested scope doesn't return an ID token.

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