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Atmel CryptoAuthentication Device



CryptoAuthentication  Crypto Element Devices with Secure Hardware-based Key Storage

Ensures Things and Code  Performs High-Speed Public Key (PKI) Algorithms
are Real, Untampered, and – ECDSA: FIPS186-3 Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
Confidential  NIST Standard P256, B283, and K283 Elliptic Curve Support
 SHA-256 Hash Algorithm with HMAC Option
 Host and Client Operations
 256-bit and 283-bit Key Length
 Storage for up to 16 Keys
 Guaranteed Unique 72-bit Serial Number
 Internal High-quality FIPS Random Number Generator (RNG)
 10Kb EEPROM Memory for Keys, Certificates, and Data
 Storage for up to 16 Keys
 Multiple Options for Consumption Logging and One Time Write Information
 Intrusion Latch for External Tamper Switch or Power-on Chip Enablement.
Multiple I/O Options:
– High-speed Single Pin Interface, with One GPIO Pin
Secure Download and Boot – 1MHz Standard I2C Interface
Authentication and Protect Code
In-transit  2.0V to 5.5V Supply Voltage Range
Ecosystem Control  1.8V to 5.5V IO levels
Ensure Only OEM/Licensed
Nodes and Accessories Work  <150nA Sleep Current
 8-pad UDFN, 8-lead SOIC, and 3-lead CONTACT Packages
Prevent Building with Identical
BOM or Stolen Code
Message Security
Authentication, Message Integrity,
 Secure Download and Boot
and Confidentiality of Network
Nodes (IoT)  Ecosystem Control
 Message Security
 Anti-Cloning

Pin Configuration and Pinouts

Table 1. Pin Configuration

Pin Function

NC No Connect

GND Ground

SDA Serial Data

SCL Serial Clock Input

VCC Power Supply

Figure 1. Pinouts

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2 [Datasheet]
Ta bl e of Conte nts

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Applications ........................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Device Features .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Cryptographic Operation ....................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Commands ............................................................................................................................................ 8

2 Device Organization .................................................................................................... 9

2.1 EEPROM Data Zone ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.1 Certificate Storage .................................................................................................................. 10
2.2 EEPROM Configuration Zone ............................................................................................................. 11
2.2.1 SlotConfig (Bytes 20 to 51)..................................................................................................... 14
2.2.2 Read Permissions .................................................................................................................. 15
2.2.3 Write Permissions .................................................................................................................. 15
2.2.4 Writing ECC Private Keys....................................................................................................... 16
2.2.5 KeyConfig (Bytes 96 thru 127) ............................................................................................... 17
2.2.6 Special Memory Values in the Config Zone (Bytes 0 thru 12) ................................................ 20
2.3 EEPROM One Time Programmable (OTP) Zone ................................................................................ 20
2.4 EEPROM Locking ............................................................................................................................... 21
2.4.1 Configuration Zone Locking.................................................................................................... 21
2.4.2 Data and OTP Zone Locking .................................................................................................. 21
2.4.3 Individual Slot Locking ............................................................................................................ 22
2.5 Static RAM (SRAM) Memory ............................................................................................................... 23
2.5.1 TempKey ................................................................................................................................ 23

3 Security Information .................................................................................................. 25

3.1 Cryptographic Standards..................................................................................................................... 25
3.1.1 SHA-256 ................................................................................................................................. 25
3.1.2 HMAC/SHA-256 ..................................................................................................................... 25
3.1.3 Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) ............................................................... 25
3.2 Key Uses and Restrictions .................................................................................................................. 25
3.2.1 Diversified Keys...................................................................................................................... 26
3.2.2 Rolled Keys ............................................................................................................................ 26
3.2.3 Created ECC Keys ................................................................................................................. 26
3.2.4 Created Secret Keys .............................................................................................................. 27
3.2.5 Single Use Keys ..................................................................................................................... 27
3.2.6 Limited Use Key (Slot 15 only) ............................................................................................... 28
3.2.7 Password Checking ................................................................................................................ 29
3.2.8 Transport Keys ....................................................................................................................... 29
3.2.9 Authorized Keys ..................................................................................................................... 30
3.3 Security Features ................................................................................................................................ 30
3.3.1 Physical Security .................................................................................................................... 30
3.3.2 Random Number Generator (RNG) ........................................................................................ 31

4 General I/O Information ............................................................................................. 32

4.1 Byte and Bit Ordering .......................................................................................................................... 32
4.1.1 ECC Key Formatting .............................................................................................................. 33
4.2 Sharing the Interface ........................................................................................................................... 34

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 3 3
5 Single-Wire Interface ................................................................................................. 35
5.1 I/O Tokens........................................................................................................................................... 35
5.2 I/O Flags.............................................................................................................................................. 36
5.3 Synchronization ................................................................................................................................... 37
5.3.1 I/O Timeout............................................................................................................................. 37
5.3.2 Synchronization Procedures................................................................................................... 37

6 I2C Interface................................................................................................................ 38
6.1 I/O Conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 38
6.1.1 Device is Asleep ..................................................................................................................... 38
6.1.2 Device is Awake ..................................................................................................................... 38
6.2 I C Transmission to ATECC108A........................................................................................................ 40
6.2.1 Word Address Values ............................................................................................................. 41
6.2.2 Command Completion Polling ................................................................................................ 41
6.3 Sleep Sequence .................................................................................................................................. 41
6.4 Idle Sequence ..................................................................................................................................... 41
6.5 I C Transmission from the ATECC108A ............................................................................................. 42
6.6 Address Counter ................................................................................................................................. 42
6.7 SMBus Timeout ................................................................................................................................... 43
6.8 I C Synchronization ............................................................................................................................. 43

7 General Purpose I/O Pin ............................................................................................ 44

8 Electrical Characteristics .......................................................................................... 45
8.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings* ............................................................................................................... 45
8.2 Reliability ............................................................................................................................................. 45
8.3 AC Parameters: All I/O Interfaces ....................................................................................................... 46
8.3.1 AC Parameters: Single-Wire Interface ................................................................................... 47
8.3.2 AC Parameters: I C Interface ................................................................................................. 48
8.4 DC Parameters: All I/O Interfaces ....................................................................................................... 49
8.4.1 VIH and VIL Specifications ....................................................................................................... 50

9 Security Commands .................................................................................................. 51

9.1 I/O Groups........................................................................................................................................... 51
9.1.1 Security Command Packets ................................................................................................... 51
9.1.2 Status/Error Codes ................................................................................................................. 52
9.1.3 Command Opcodes, Short Descriptions, and Execution Times ............................................. 53
9.1.4 Address Encoding .................................................................................................................. 54
9.1.5 Zone Encoding ....................................................................................................................... 57
9.1.6 Watchdog Failsafe .................................................................................................................. 57
9.2 CheckMac Command........................................................................................................................ 58
9.3 DeriveKey Command ..................................................................................................................... 60
9.4 GenDig Command ............................................................................................................................. 62
9.5 GenKey Command ............................................................................................................................. 65
9.6 HMAC Command.................................................................................................................................. 67
9.7 Info Command.................................................................................................................................. 69
9.8 Lock Command................................................................................................................................. 71
9.9 MAC Command .................................................................................................................................... 72
9.10 Nonce Command ............................................................................................................................... 74
9.11 Pause Command ............................................................................................................................... 76
9.12 PrivWrite Command ...................................................................................................................... 77
9.13 Random Command ............................................................................................................................. 79

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4 [Datasheet]
9.14 Read Command.................................................................................................................................. 80
9.15 SHA Command .................................................................................................................................... 82
9.16 Sign Command.................................................................................................................................. 84
9.17 UpdateExtra Command .................................................................................................................. 86
9.18 Verify Command ............................................................................................................................. 87
9.19 Write Command ............................................................................................................................... 90
9.19.1 Input Data Encryption ............................................................................................................. 91

10 Compatibility.............................................................................................................. 92
10.1 Atmel ATSHA204 ................................................................................................................................ 92
10.2 Atmel ATECC108 ................................................................................................................................ 92

11 Mechanical ................................................................................................................. 93
11.1 Pinouts ............................................................................................................................................... 93
11.2 Wiring Configuration for Single-Wire Interface .................................................................................... 93

12 Ordering Information ................................................................................................. 94

13 Errata .......................................................................................................................... 95
13.1 ATECC108A ........................................................................................................................................ 95

14 Package Drawings ..................................................................................................... 96

14.1 8-lead SOIC ........................................................................................................................................ 96
14.2 8-pad UDFN ........................................................................................................................................ 97
14.3 3-lead CONTACT ................................................................................................................................ 98

15 Revision History ........................................................................................................ 99

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 5 5
1 Introduction

1.1 Applications
® ™
The Atmel ATECC108A is a member of the Atmel CryptoAuthentication family of crypto engine authentication
devices with highly secure hardware-based key storage.
The ATECC108A has a flexible command set that allows use in many applications, including the following,
among many others:
 Network/IoT Node Protection
Authenticates node IDs and ensures the integrity of messages.
 Anti-Counterfeiting
Validates that a removable, replaceable, or consumable client is authentic. Examples of clients could be
system accessories, electronic daughter cards, or other spare parts. It can also be used to validate a
software/firmware module or memory storage element.
 Protecting Firmware or Media
Validates code stored in flash memory at boot to prevent unauthorized modifications, encrypt downloaded
program files as a common broadcast, or uniquely encrypt code images to be usable on a single system
 Storing Secure Data
Store secret keys for use by crypto accelerators in standard microprocessors. The ATECC108A can be
used to store small quantities of data necessary for configuration, calibration, ePurse value, consumption
data, or other secrets. Programmable protection is available using encrypted/authenticated reads and
 Checking User Password
Validates user-entered passwords without letting the expected value become known, maps memorable
passwords to a random number, and securely exchanges password values with remote systems.

1.2 Device Features

The ATECC108A includes an EEPROM array which can be used for storage of up to 16 keys, certificates,
miscellaneous read/write, read-only or secret data, consumption logging, and security configurations. Access to
the various sections of memory can be restricted in a variety of ways and then the configuration can be locked to
prevent changes.
The ATECC108A features a wide array of defense mechanisms specifically designed to prevent physical attacks
on the device itself, or logical attacks on the data transmitted between the device and the system (See Section
3.3, Security Features). Hardware restrictions on the ways in which keys are used or generated provide further
defense against certain styles of attack (see Section 3.2, Key Uses and Restrictions).
2 2
Access to the device is made through a standard I C Interface at speeds of up to 1Mb/s (see Section 6, I C
Interface). The interface is compatible with standard Serial EEPROM I C interface specifications. The device
also supports a Single-Wire Interface (SWI), which can reduce the number of GPIOs required on the system
processor, and/or reduce the number of pins on connectors (see Section 5, Single-Wire Interface). If the
Single-Wire Interface is enabled, the remaining pin is available for use as a GPIO, an authenticated output or
tamper input (see Section 7, General Purpose I/O Pin).
Using either the I C or Single-Wire Interface, multiple ATECC108A devices can share the same bus, which saves
processor GPIO usage in systems with multiple clients such as different color ink tanks or multiple spare parts,
for example. See Sections 4.2, Sharing the Interface and 9.11, Pause Command for more details regarding
Single-Wire Interface implementation.

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6 [Datasheet]
Each ATECC108A ships with a guaranteed unique 72-bit serial number. Using the cryptographic protocols
supported by the device, a host system or remote server can verify a signature of the serial number to prove that
the serial number is authentic and not a copy. Serial numbers are often stored in a standard Serial EEPROM;
however, these can be easily copied with no way for the host to know if the serial number is authentic or if it is a
The ATECC108A can generate high-quality FIPS random numbers and employ them for any purpose, including
usage as part of the device’s crypto protocols. Because each random number is guaranteed to be essentially
unique from all numbers ever generated on this or any other device, their inclusion in the protocol calculation
ensures that replay attacks (i.e. re-transmitting a previously successful transaction) will always fail (see Sections
3.3.2, Random Number Generator (RNG) and 9.13, Random Command).
System integration is easy due to a wide supply voltage range (of 2.0V to 5.5V) and an ultra-low sleep current (of
<150nA). Complete DC parametrics are found in Section 8, Electrical Characteristics. Multiple package options
are available (See Sections 12, Ordering Information and 14, Package Drawings).
See Section 10 for information regarding compatibility with the Atmel ATSHA204 and ATECC108.

1.3 Cryptographic Operation

The ATECC108A implements a complete asymmetric (public/private) key cryptographic signature solution based
upon Elliptic Curve Cryptography and the ECDSA signature protocol. The device features hardware acceleration
for the NIST standard P256 prime curve and supports the complete key life cycle from high quality private key
generation, to ECDSA signature generation, and ECDSA public key signature verification.
The hardware accelerator can implement such asymmetric cryptographic operations from ten to one-thousand
times faster than software running on standard microprocessors, without the usual high risk of key exposure that
is endemic to standard microprocessors.
The device is designed to securely store multiple private keys along with their associated public keys and
certificates. The signature verification command can use any stored or an external ECC public key. Public keys
stored within the device can be configured to require validation via a certificate chain to speed-up subsequent
device authentications.
Random private key generation is supported internally within the device to ensure that the private key can never
be known outside of the device. The public key corresponding to a stored private key is always returned when the
key is generated and it may optionally be computed at a later time.
The ATECC108A also supports a standard hash-based challenge-response protocol in order to simplify
programming. In its most basic instantiation, the system sends a challenge to the device, which combines that
challenge with a secret key via the MAC, HMAC or SHA commands and then sends the response back to the
system. The device uses a SHA-256 cryptographic hash algorithm to make that combination so that an observer
on the bus cannot derive the value of the secret key, but preserving that ability of a recipient to verify that the
response is correct by performing the same calculation with a stored copy of the secret on the recipient’s system.
Due to the flexible command set of the ATECC108A, these basic operation sets (i.e. ECDSA signatures and
SHA-256 challenge-response) can be expanded in many ways. Using the GenDig command (see Section 9.4,
GenDig Command), the values in other slots can be included in the response digest or signature, which
provides an effective way of proving that a data read really did come from the device, as opposed to being
inserted by a man-in-the-middle attacker. This same command can be used to combine two keys with the
challenge, which is useful when there are multiple layers of authentication to be performed.

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 7 7
In a host-client configuration where the host (for instance a mobile phone) needs to verify a client (for instance an
OEM battery), there is a need to store the secret in the host in order to validate the response from the client. The
CheckMac command (see Section 9.2, CheckMac Command ) allows the device to securely store the secret in
the host system and hides the correct response value from the pins, returning only a yes or no answer to the
Finally, the hash combination of a challenge and secret key can be kept on the device and XORed with the
contents of a slot to implement an encrypted Read command (see Section 9.14, Read Command), or it can be
XORed with encrypted input data to implement an encrypted Write command (see Section 9.19, Write
All hashing functions are implemented using the industry-standard SHA-256 secure hash algorithm, which is part
of the latest set of high-security cryptographic algorithms recommended by various government agencies and
cryptographic experts (see Section 3.1.1, SHA-256 and Section 3.1.2, HMAC/SHA-256). The ATECC108A
employs full-sized 256 bit secret keys to prevent any kind of exhaustive attack.

1.4 Commands
The ATECC108A is a command-based device which receives commands from the system, executes those
commands, and then returns a result or error code. Within this document, the following nomenclature is used to
describe the various commands:
 Security Commands
Described in Section 9, Security Commands; this group of commands generally access the EEPROM
space and/or perform cryptographic computation. These commands are indicated with a special font in this
document (e.g. GenDig) and are available from all interfaces.
 Cryptographic Commands
This subset of the security commands includes all the ECC commands which access the hardware ECC
accelerator (GenKey, Sign, and Verify) and the SHA commands which access the hardware SHA
accelerator (CheckMac, DeriveKey, GenDig, HMAC, MAC, SHA, and Nonce).

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8 [Datasheet]
2 Device Organization
The ATECC108A contains an integrated EEPROM storage memory and SRAM buffer.
The EEPROM memory contains a total of 11,200 bits and is divided into the following zones:

Table 2-1. ATECC108A Zones

Zone Description Nomenclature

Zone of 1,208 bytes (9.7Kb) split into 16 general purpose read-only or

read/write memory slots of 36 bytes (288 bits), 72 bytes (576 bits), or
Slot[YY] = The entire
416 bytes (3,328 bits) each that can be used to store keys (public or
Data contents stored in Slot YY of
private), signatures, certificates, calibration, model number, or other
the Data zone.
information, typically that relate to the item to which the ATECC108A
device is attached.

Zone of 128 bytes (1,024-bit) EEPROM that contains the serial number SN[a:b] = Arrange of bytes
Configuration and other ID information, as well as, access the permission information within a field of the
for each slot of the data memory. Configuration zone.

Zone of 64 bytes (512 bits) of OTP bits. Prior to locking the OTP zone,
One Time OTP[bb] = A byte within the
the bits may be freely written using the standard Write command.
Programmable OTP zone, while OTP[aa:bb]
The OTP zone can be used to store read-only data or one-way fuse
(OTP) indicates a range of bytes.
type consumption logging information.

Terms discussed within this document will have the following meanings:

Table 2-2. Document Terms

Term Meaning

A single 256-bit (32-byte) area of a particular memory zone. The industry SHA-256 documentation
Block also uses the term “block” to indicate a 512-bit section of the message input. Within this document, this
convention is used only when describing hash input messages.

keyID is equivalent to the slot number for those slots designated to hold key values. Key 1 (sometimes
referred to as key[1]) is stored in Slot[1] and so on. While all 16 slots can potentially hold keys, those
slots which are configured to permit clear-text reads would not normally be used as private or secret
keys by the crypto commands.

mode:b Indicates bit b of the parameter mode.

Contains input and output buffers, as well as, state storage locations. See Section 2.5, Static RAM
(SRAM) Memory.

2.1 EEPROM Data Zone

The Data zone is broken into 16 slots, for which access restrictions are individually programmable. While all slots
can be used for private or secret keys or user data, only Slots 8 thru 15 are large enough to store an ECC public
key or ECDSA certificate/signature. When a slot is used for a private or secret key, the excess memory not
required by the particular algorithm is in general unusable. The following table lists the typical uses for each
group of slots, along with any special characteristics of slots within that group.

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 9 9
Table 2-3. Data Zone

Slot Blocks Bytes Bits Typical Use Notes

Only these slots implement the single use feature (Section 3.2.5,
Private or
0–7 2 36 288 Single Use Keys). While all slots support key derivation; only these
Secret Key
slots include UpdateCounters (Section 3.2.2, Rolled Keys).

Reads and Writes can be configured to be restricted in the same

manner as all other slots. If this slot is used as a key, then the
8 13 416 3328 Data
remaining bytes not required for the secret or private key storage will
be ignored.

Public Key, For curves supported by this device, these slots are large enough to
9 – 14 3 72 576 Signature or contain both the X and Y components of an ECDSA public key or the
Certificate R and S components of an ECDSA signature.

Private, Data, This is the only slot that supports the 128 count limited use feature
Secret Key, (Section 3.2.6, Limited Use Key (Slot 15 only)), If this feature is not
15 3 72 576
Signature, or required, then it can otherwise be used for the same purposes as
Certificate Slots 9 thru 14.
Note: 1. The last block in some data slots contains fewer than 32 bytes.

Data slots which contain ECC public or private keys should be formatted according to Section 4.1.1, ECC Key
Formatting. The device uses the keyType and pubInfo fields of KeyConfig to determine what is stored in a slot.
Private keys can never be read from the device under any circumstances. ECC key slot contents may not be
usable by the ECC commands unless they are validated as follows:
 ECC Private Keys
Prior to the first PrivWrite or GenKey(Create) command execution on a slot, private keys are
invalid. The key may also be invalid if the PrivWrite command is started, but power is interrupted prior
to its completion.
 ECC Public Keys
The key must be validated using an input signature and the ECC Verify command if the PubInfo bit of
KeyConfig is one. If that bit is zero, then ECC usage does not depend on the key Verify operation.
These keys may be stored in Slots 8 thru 15 only. This feature is optional.

2.1.1 Certificate Storage

Certificates based upon 256 bit ECC keys generally take substantially more storage than the 72 bytes (576 bits)
which are available in Slots 9 thru 15; however the only cryptographic component of these certificates is the
ECDSA signature of the item being signed (usually including a public key) which takes only 64 bytes (512 bits).
The remaining ten bits in those slots can be used in anyway desired.
The remaining bytes in those signature slots can be used in any way desired, including storage of the necessary
compressed information needed to create a full X.509 certificate. In this way, multiple certificates can be
efficiently stored in the device.
Generally, the public certificate data will include information such as the public key, creation/expiry dates, static
names, certificate serial number, and the like. Contact Atmel for more information on how this information can be
stored and for tools to facilitate usage of X.509 certificates.
The public certificate template table can include variable information such as generation and expiry dates, as well
as static data such as the algorithm, owner’s name, use restrictions, and the like. Such public data can be stored
in any slot within the ATECC108A, within the system in flash, or on the network in a database associated with the
index or serial number.

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10 ATECC108A
1 [Datasheet]
2.2 EEPROM Configuration Zone
The 128 bytes in the Configuration zone contains the manufacturing identification data, general device and
system configuration information, and access restriction control values for the slots within the Data zone. It is
organized as four blocks of 32 bytes each. The values of these bytes can always be obtained using the Read
command. The bytes of this zone are arranged as shown the table below:
Table 2-4. Configuration Zone

Byte Name Description Write Read

Part of the serial number value. See Section 2.2.6, Special Memory
03 SN[0:3] Never Always
Values in the Config Zone (Bytes 0 thru 12).

47 RevNum Device revision number. See Section 2.2.6. Never Always

8  12 SN[4:8] Part of the serial number value. See Section 2.2.6. Never Always

13 Reserved Set by Atmel. Never Always

Bit 0: 0 = The device operates in Single-Wire Interface mode.

1 = The device operates in I2C interface mode.
14 I2C_Enable Bits 1-7: Set by Atmel and cannot be changed. The value in these bits Never Always
will vary and software should not depend on any particular

15 Reserved Set by Atmel. Never Always

When I2C_Enable:0 is one, this field is the I2C_Address with a default

value of 0xC0.
Bit 0: RFU must be zero.
Bits 1-7: For I C interface parts the most significant seven bits of this
byte form the Device Address value to which this device will
When I2C_Enable:0 is zero, this field is the GPIO mode control.
Bits 0-1: GPIO Mode (see Section 7, General Purpose I/O Pin).
00 = Disabled. SCL pin is unused should be tied low on the
01 = Authorization Modes, bit 3 determines device operation.
10 = Input. Current value on the SCL pin returned by Info
If Config
16 I2C_Address 11 = Output. SCL may be driven high or low by Info Always
Bit 2: Default state of SCL pin on power-up when configured as an
Bit 3: Selects between the authorization modes. Must be zero if
IO_Mode is not 01.
0 = Authorization Output mode. When an authorization is
successfully performed on the slot in SignalKey, the SCL
pin is asserted.
1 = Intrusion Detection mode. Intrusion latch is set via
authorization and cleared if SCL falls.
Bits 4-7: SignalKey/KeyID.
If IO_Mode is 01, the slot number for the GPIO authorizing key. For all
other modes, must be 0000.

17 Reserved Reserved. Must be zero.

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 11 1
Byte Name Description Write Read

0xAA (Read-only Mode): Writes to the OTP zone are forbidden when
the OTP zone is locked. Reads of all words are permitted.
0x55 (Consumption Mode): Writes to the OTP zone when the OTP
zone is locked; causes bits to transition only from a one to a zero. If Config
18 OTPmode Always
Reads of all words are permitted. Unlocked
0x00 (Legacy Mode): When the OTP zone is locked, the device
operates in a manner compatible with the ATSA102S.
All other values of OTP mode are reserved and should not be used.

Bit 0: SelectorMode.
0 = Selector can always be written with the UpdateExtra
1= Selector can only be written if it currently has a value of zero.
Bit 1: TTLenable.
1 = Input levels are VCC referenced. If Config
19 ChipMode Always
0 = Input levels use a fixed reference. Unlocked
Bit 2: Watchdog Duration.
0 = tWATCHDOG is 1.3s, nominal.
1 = tWATCHDOG is 10.0s, nominal. Atmel recommends this be set
to zero for the best security
Bits 3-7: Should be set to 000000.
Two bytes of access and usage permissions and controls for each slot If Config
20  51 SlotConfig
of the Data zone. See Section 2.2.1, SlotConfig (Bytes 20 to 51).
For limited use keys 0 to 7, this byte indicates how many times a key
52,54,56,58 UseFlag may be used before such use is disabled. Applies to Keys 0 to 7 only If Config
60,62,64.66 (byte 52 corresponds to Key0, 54 to Key1, and so on). Initialized to Unlocked
0xFF. See 3.2.5, Single Use Keys.
For keys that can be updated with the DeriveKey, these bytes
indicate how many times this operation has been performed. Applies to
53,55,57,59 UpdateCount Keys 0 to 7 only, (byte 53 corresponds to Key0, 55 to Key1, and so on). If Config
61,63,65,67 Unlocked
Initialized to 0x00. See Sections 3.2.2, Rolled Keys, 3.2.4, Created
Secret Keys, and 9.3, DeriveKey Command.
128 bits to control limited use for KeyID 15. Initialized to 0xFF. See If Config
68  83 LastKeyUse
Section 3.2.6, Limited Use Key (Slot 15 only).
Via Update
One byte value that can be modified via the UpdateExtra command
84 UserExtra Extra Cmd Always
after the Data zone has been locked. Only

Selects which device will remain in active mode after execution of the Via Update
85 Selector Pause command. See Sections 9.11, Pause Command and 9.17, Extra Cmd Always
UpdateExtra Command). Only

Controls the ability to write the OTP and Data zones.

0x55 = unlocked; 0x00 = locked.
On shipment from Atmel, this byte has a value of 0x55 corresponding
to the unlocked state. After the Lock command has been run, this byte
will have a value of 0x00. See Sections 2.4, EEPROM Locking and Via Lock
86 LockValue 9.7, Info Command. Command Always
When locked, the OTP zone can be modified only with the Write Only
command, and slots in the Data zone can be modified only if the
corresponding WriteConfig field so indicates.
When unlocked, the Read command is prohibited within these two

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12 ATECC108A
1 [Datasheet]
Byte Name Description Write Read
Controls the ability to modify the Configuration zone.
0x55 = unlocked; 0x00 = locked.
Via Lock
On shipment from Atmel, this byte has a value of 0x55 corresponding
87 LockConfig Command Always
to the unlocked state. After the Lock command has been run, this byte Only
will have a value of 0x00. See Section 2.4, EEPROM Locking and 9.7,
Info Command.
A single bit for each slot. If the bit corresponding to a particular slot is If Config
zero, the contents of the slot cannot be modified under any Unlocked,
88 – 89 SlotLocked
circumstances. Via Lock

See Section 9.8, Lock Command. Command

If Config
90 – 91 RFU Must be zero. Unlocked

Four individual format bytes are associated with the X.509 certificate
formatting of public keys stored within the device. If the value of the
byte associated with a particular public key is zero, then these
formatting restrictions are ignored and that public key can be validated
with Verify(Validate). Unused bytes within this array must be
zero, otherwise, the formatting must be as follows:
Bits 0 – 3: PublicPosition. The block number in which the public key If Config
92 – 95 X509format Always
must be inserted in the SHA sequence for the Unlocked
Verify(ValidateExternal) command to properly
validate a public key.
Bits 4 – 7: TemplateLength. The total number of blocks in the entire
SHA sequence which are required for the
Verify(ValidateExternal) command to properly
validate a public key.
Two bytes of additional access and usage permissions and controls for
If Config
96 – 127 KeyConfig each slot of the Data zone. See Section 2.2.5, KeyConfig (Bytes 96 thru Always

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 13 1
2.2.1 SlotConfig (Bytes 20 to 51)
The 16 SlotConfig elements are used to configure the access protections for each of the 16 slots within the
ATECC108A device. Each configuration element consists of 16 bits, which control the usage and access for that
particular slot or key. The SlotConfig field is interpreted according to the following table when the Data zone is
locked. When the Data zone is unlocked, these restrictions generally do not apply, and those slots not configured
to contain private keys may freely be written and none may be read.
Table 2-5. SlotConfig Bits (Per Slot)

Bit Name Description

Use this keyID to encrypt data being read from this slot using the Read command. See more
information in the description for bit 6 in this table, the Section 9.14, Read Command, and Table
2-6 for more details.
0 = Then this slot can be the source for the CheckMac copy operation. See Section 3.2.7,
Password Checking.
► Do not use zero as a default. Do not set this field to zero unless the CheckMac copy
03 ReadKey operation is explicitly desired, regardless of any other read/write restrictions.
Slots containing private keys can never be read and this field has a different meaning:
Bit 0: External signatures of arbitrary messages are enabled.
Bit 1: Internal signatures of messages generated by CheckMac or GenKey are enabled.
Bit 2 and 3: Reserved for the future use. These bits must be set to zero.
For slots containing public keys that can be validated (PubInfo is one, see Section 2.2.5,
KeyConfig), this field stored the ID of the key that should be used to perform the validation.

1 = The key stored in the slot is intended for verification usage and cannot be used by the
MAC or HMAC commands. When this key is used to generate or modify TempKey, then
4 NoMac
that value may not be used by the MAC and HMAC commands.
0 = The key stored in the slot can be used by all commands.

1 = The key stored in the slot is “Limited Use”. See Section 3.2.6, Limited Use Key (Slot 15
5 LimitedUse
► LimitedUse is only supported for slots 0 to 7. This bit must be zero for slots 8 – 14.
0 = There are no usage limitations.

1 = Reads from this slot will be encrypted using the procedure specified in the Read command
(Section 9.1.4, Address Encoding) using ReadKey (bits 0 to 3 in this table) to generate the
6 EncryptRead encryption key. No input MAC is required. If this bit is set, then IsSecret must also be set (in
addition, see the following Table 2-6).
0 = Clear text reads may be permitted.

1 = The contents of this slot are secret – Clear text reads are prohibited and both 4-byte reads
and writes are prohibited. This bit must be set if EncryptRead is a one or if WriteConfig has
any value other than Always to ensure proper operation of the device.
7 IsSecret
0 = The contents of this slot should contain neither confidential data nor keys. The GenKey
and Sign commands will fail if IsSecret is set to zero for any ECC private key.
See Table 2-6 for additional information.

Use this key to validate and encrypt data written to this slot. See Section 9.19, Write
8  11 WriteKey

Controls the ability to modify the data in this slot.

12  15 WriteConfig
See Table 2-7, Table 2-8, Table 2-10, and Section 9.19.

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14 ATECC108A
1 [Datasheet]
2.2.2 Read Permissions
Read operations for most data slots are controlled by the state of IsSecret and EncryptRead, according to the
following table. ECC private keys can never be read under any circumstances.

Table 2-6. Read Operation Permission

IsSecret EncryptRead Description

Clear text reads are always permitted from this slot. Slots set to this state should never be
0 0
used as key storage. Either 4 or 32 bytes may be read at a time.

0 1 Prohibited. No security is guaranteed for slots using this code.

Reads are never permitted from this slot. Slots set to this state can still be used for key
1 0

Reads from this slot are encrypted using the encryption algorithm documented in
1 1 Section 9.14, Read Command. The encryption key is in the slot specified by ReadKey.
4-byte reads and writes are prohibited.

2.2.3 Write Permissions

The 4-bit WriteConfig field is interpreted by the Write, DeriveKey, and GenKey commands as shown in
Table 2-7, Table 2-8, and Table 2-10 where “X” means don't care.

The tables overlap: for example, a code of 0110 indicates a slot which can be written in encrypted
form using the Write command and can also be the target of an unauthorized DeriveKey
command with the target as the source.

KeyType in the KeyConfig field (see Table 2-7) indicates whether the GenKey or DeriveKey commands can
be used on a particular slot; with GenKey for ECC keys only, and DeriveKey for SHA-256 keys.
See Section 2.2.4, Writing ECC Private Keys for special information regarding the writing of ECC private keys.
ECC public keys are treated as normal data, and Write permissions for those slots are described in this section.

Table 2-7. Write Configuration Bits: Write Command

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Mode Name Description

Clear text writes are always permitted on this slot. Slots set to
0 0 0 0 Always always should never be used as key storage. Either 4 or 32 bytes
may be written to this slot.

Writes are never permitted on this slot using the Write command.
0 0 1 X Never
Slots set to never can still be used as key storage.

Writes are never permitted on this slot using the Write command.
1 0 X X Never
Slots set to never can still be used as key storage.

Writes to this slot require a properly computed MAC, and the input
data must be encrypted by the system with WriteKey using the
X 1 X X Encrypt encryption algorithm documented in the Write command
description (Section 9.19, Write Command). 4-byte writes to this
slot are prohibited.

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 15 1
Table 2-8. Write Configuration Bits: DeriveKey Command

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Source Key Description
0 X 1 0 Target DeriveKey command can be run without authorizing MAC. (Roll)
1 X 1 0 Target Authorizing MAC required for DeriveKey command. (Roll)
0 X 1 1 Parent DeriveKey command can be run without authorizing MAC. (Create)
1 X 1 1 Parent Authorizing MAC required for DeriveKey command. (Create)
Slots with this value in the WriteConfig field may not be used as the
X X 0 X —
target of the DeriveKey command.
Note: 1. The source key for the computation performed by the DeriveKey command can either be the key directly
specified in Param2 (Target) or the key at slotConfig[Param2].WriteKey (Parent). See Section 3.2, Key Uses
and Restrictions.
The IsSecret bit controls internal circuitry necessary for proper security for slots in which reads and/or writes
must be encrypted or are prohibited altogether. It must also be set for all slots that are to be used as keys,
including those created or modified with the DeriveKey command. Specifically, to enable proper device
operation, this bit must be set unless WriteConfig is Always. Four byte accesses are generally prohibited to and
from slots in which this bit is set.
Slots used to store key values should always have IsSecret set to one and EncryptRead set to zero (reads
prohibited) for maximum security. For fixed key values, WriteConfig should be set to Never. When configured in
this way, after the Data zone is locked, there is no way to read or write the key. It may only be used for crypto
Some security policies require that secrets be updated from time to time. The ATECC108A supports this
capability in the following way: WriteConfig for the particular slot should be set to Encrypt and
SlotConfig.WriteKey should point back to the same slot by setting WriteKey to the slot ID. A standard Write
command can then be used to write a new value to this slot, provided that the authentication MAC is computed
using the old (i.e. current) key value.

2.2.4 Writing ECC Private Keys

ECC private keys are designated via the appropriate contents of KeyConfig.KeyType and KeyConfig.PubInfo.
They can never be written with the Write and/or DeriveKey commands. Instead, GenKey and PrivWrite
can be used to modify these slots. It is always an error to attempt to execute GenKey or PrivWrite on a slot
that is not configured to contain an ECC private key. SlotConfig.WriteConfig has the following interpretations for
these commands:

Table 2-9. Write Configuration Bits: GenKey Command

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Description

X X 0 X GenKey may not be used to write random keys into this slot.

X X 1 X GenKey may be used to write random keys into this slot.

Table 2-10. Write Configuration Bits: PrivWrite Command

Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 12 Mode Name Description

X 0 X X Forbidden PrivWrite will return an error if the target key slot has this value.
Writes to this slot require a properly computed MAC and the input data
must be encrypted by the system with SlotConfig.WriteKey using the
X 1 X X Encrypt
encryption algorithm documented in the PrivWrite command
description (Section 9.12, PrivWrite Command).

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16 ATECC108A
1 [Datasheet]
2.2.5 KeyConfig (Bytes 96 thru 127)
The 16 KeyConfig elements are used in addition to SlotConfig to restrict the actions that can be performed using
information stored in a particular slot. The KeyConfig element is interpreted according to the table below when
the Data zone is locked. When the Data zone is unlocked, these restrictions do not apply, with the exception that
slots configured to contain private keys can be written only with the PrivWrite command.

Table 2-11. KeyConfig Bits (Per Slot)

Bit Name Description

1 = The key slot contains an ECC private key and can be accessed only with the Sign,
GenKey, and PrivWrite commands.
0 Private 0 = The key slot does not contain an ECC private key and cannot be accessed with the
Sign, GenKey, and PrivWrite commands. It may contain an ECC public key, a SHA
key, or data.
If Private indicates this slot contains an ECC private key:
0 = The public version of this key can never be generated. Use this mode for the highest
1 = The public version of this key can always be generated.
If Private indicates that this slot does not contain an ECC private key, then this bit may be
used to control validity of public keys. If so configured, the Verify command will only use
a stored public key to verify a signature if it has been validated. The Sign and Info
1 PubInfo commands are used to report the validity state. The public key validity feature is ignored by
all other commands and applies only to Slots 8 – 15.
0 = The public key in this slot can be used by the Verify command without being
1 = The public key in this slot can be used by the Verify command only if the public key
in the slot has been validated. When this slot is written for any reason, the most
significant four bits of byte 0 of block 0 will be set to 0xA to invalidate the slot. The
Verify command can be used to write those bits to 0x5 to validate the slot.

If the slot contains an ECC public or private key, then the key type field below must be set
to indicate a curve type supported by the device. If the slot contains any other kind of data,
key, or secret, then this field must be set to seven for proper operation.
0 = B283 NIST ECC key
1 = K283 NIST ECC key
24 KeyType 2 = RFU (reserved for future use)
3 = RFU (reserved for future use)
4 = P256 NIST ECC key
5 = RFU (reserved for future use)
6 = RFU (reserved for future use)
7 = Not an ECC key
1 = Then this slot can be individually locked using the Lock command. See the SlotLocked
field in the Configuration zone to determine whether a slot is currently locked or not.
5 Lockable 0 = Then the remaining keyConfig and slotConfig bits control modification permission.
Applies to all slots, regardless of whether or not they contain keys. See Section 2.4,
EEPROM Locking.
This field controls the requirements for random nonces used by the following commands:
GenKey, MAC, HMAC, CheckMac, Verify, DeriveKey, and GenDig.
6 ReqRandom
1 = A random nonce is required.
0 = A random nonce is not required.

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 17 1
Bit Name Description
1 = Before this key must be used, a prior authorization using the key pointed to by
AuthKey must be completed successfully prior to cryptographic use of the key. Applies
7 ReqAuth
to all key types, both public, secret, and private. See Section 3.2.9, Authorized Keys.
0 = No prior authorization is required.
If ReqAuth is one, this field points to the key that must be used for authorization before the
8 11 AuthKey key associated with this slot may be used.
Must be zero if ReqAuth is zero.
1 = Then use of this key is prohibited for the following commands if the IntrusionLatch is
zero: CheckMac, DeriveKey, GenDig, HMAC, MAC, and Sign. All other commands
12 IntrusionDisable
are permitted regardless of the state of the latch.
0 = Then use of this key is independent of the state of the IntrusionLatch.
13 RFU Must be zero.
The index into the X509format array within the Configuration zone (addresses 92-95) which
corresponds to this slot.
If the corresponding format byte is zero, then the public key can be validated by any format
signature by the parent.
14 15 X509id
If the corresponding format byte is non-zero, then the validating certificate must be of a
certain length; the stored public key must be located at a certain place within the message
and the SHA() commands must be used to generate the digest of the message.
Must be zero if the slot does not contain a public key.

More information on select fields is described below.

 Private
This bit indicates that the slot contains an ECC private key and it is used by the device to limit uses of this
slot to the appropriate ECC commands.
If this bit is set, then SlotConfig.ReadKey is used to enable or disable the use of the private key for various
operations. ReadKey:0 enables the use of the key for signatures of externally supplied data, while
ReadKey:1 enables the use of the key to sign only messages that are stored in TempKey by the GenKey
or GenDig commands. This mechanism permits a remote entity to have the knowledge that a particular
key value or slot contents are stored within an ATECC108A device, and it prevents an attacker from
creating an external message that would model an internal state that does not exist and create a signature
of that state.
 PubInfo
For public keys, this field can be used to walk a certificate chain to validate the key. This feature is
implemented using the Verify command and the validation is stored in nonvolatile memory alongside the
key so that subsequent uses of the public key do not require additional validation. These keys are always
invalidated when any part of the slot containing the key is written.
For private keys, this field can be used to increase security or privacy in some situations by preventing the
generation of the public key corresponding to a private key. The presumption is that the public key has
been stored elsewhere at the time the private key was generated or written into the device. This field is
ignored when a random key is generated. The ATECC108A includes a method of walking either an X.509
certificate chain or a simplified internal format chain. See the SHA and Verify(ValidateExternal)
commands for more details.

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18 ATECC108A
1 [Datasheet]
 KeyType
The four ECC commands that use private keys (i.e. GenKey, Sign, and Verify) will operate only on
data slots in which this field is set to one of the legal ECC key types. Any attempt to use any SHA-256
computation commands (i.e. CheckMac, DeriveKey, MAC, or HMAC) on a slot configured to be an ECC
private key will result in an error.
Keys that will be the source or destination of the SHA-256 computation commands (i.e. CheckMac,
DeriveKey, MAC, or HMAC) should be set to a KeyType of seven. Proper operation of the device is not
guaranteed if these commands are attempted with any other KeyType. The GenDig command may
operate on any slot type other than for ECC private keys.
 ReqRandom
This field is useful in preventing replays of authorization and/or other cryptographic operations. Keys that
control encrypted reads and/or writes should have this field set to one under normal circumstances in order
to provide data security.
If this field is set to one, then prior to the execution of the CheckMac, GenDig, DeriveKey, Verify,
MAC, and HMAC commands, the Random Number Generator (RNG) must have been used by the Nonce
command to generate the contents of TempKey.
If GenKey is used to generate a public key digest of either a public or private key stored in a Data zone slot,
then the ReqRandom field is used to ensure that the nonce in TempKey included the RNG.
 ReqAuth
If this bit is set, then prior authorization of the key at KeyConfig.AuthKey must have been completed prior to
execution of any cryptographic command (i.e. CheckMac, DeriveKey, GenDig, GenKey, MAC, HMAC,
Sign, or Verify) that uses this key. The DeriveKey command checks for usage authorization only for
the parent key, and never the target key, unless it is the same as the parent key.
The GenKey command checks for usage authorization even when generating a new key to prevent denial
of service attacks.
The authorization state is stored in two internal volatile registers:
– AuthComplete.valid
– AuthComplete.keyId
These registers are retained as long as power is applied, and the device does not enter the Sleep mode.
These registers are set by means of the execution of a successful CheckMac or Verify command with
the key to be authorized as the target key of the command. CheckMac must be run with mode:1 set to one,
or Verify must be run in Stored mode to set AuthComplete.valid. AuthComplete.keyId is set to the value
in the KeyID parameter to these commands. The CheckMac and Verify commands do not clear these
bits on an unsuccessful authorization attempt unless the keys also happen to be used as the source key.
AuthComplete.valid is cleared under the following situations:
– The device enters sleep mode or power is removed.
– Any command is executed that uses a key requiring prior authorization, regardless of which slot has
been authorized and/or which slot was required to be authorized for this key. If there are multiple
state or configuration errors preventing the proper execution of the command, then
authComplete.valid may or may not be cleared depending upon the specific error conditions

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 19 1
2.2.6 Special Memory Values in the Config Zone (Bytes 0 thru 12)
Various fixed information is included in the ATECC108A that can never be written under any circumstances and
can always be read, regardless of the state of the lock bits.
 SerialNum
Nine bytes (SN[0:8]) that together form a unique value that is never repeated for any device in the
CryptoAuthentication family. The serial number is divided into two groups:
– SN[0:1] and SN[8]
The values of these bits are fixed at manufacturing time in most versions of the ATECC108A. Their
default value is 0x01 23 EE. These 24 bits are always included in the cryptographic computations
that the ATECC108A makes.
– SN[2:3] and SN[4:7]
The values of these bits are programmed by Atmel during the manufacturing process and are
different for every die. These 48 bits are optionally included in some cryptographic computations that
are made by the ATECC108A.
 RevNum
Four bytes of information that are used by Atmel to provide manufacturing revision information. These
bytes can be freely read as RevNum[0:3], but they should never be used by system software because they
may be revised by Atmel from time to time.

2.3 EEPROM One Time Programmable (OTP) Zone

The OTP zone of 64 bytes (512 bits) is part of the EEPROM array, and can be used for read-only storage or
consumption logging purposes. It is organized as two blocks of 32 bytes each.
Prior to locking the Configuration zone (by using lockConfig), the OTP zone is inaccessible and can be neither
read nor written. After configuration locking, but prior to locking of the OTP zone (using lockValue), the entire
OTP zone can be written using the Write command. If desired, the data to be written can be encrypted. Prior to
locking the Data/OTP zones using LockValue, this zone cannot be read at all.
Once the OTP zone is locked, the OTPmode byte in the Configuration zone controls the access permissions of
this zone as follows:
 Read-only Mode
The data cannot be modified and would be used to store fixed model numbers, calibration information,
manufacturing history, or other data that should never change. The Write command will always return an
error and leave the memory unmodified.
All 64 bytes within the OTP zone are always available for reading using either 4 or 32 byte reads.
 Consumption Mode
The bits function as one-way fuses and can be used to track consumption or usage of the item to which the
ATECC108A device is attached. In a battery, for example, they might be used to track charging cycles or
use time. In a printer ink cartridge, they might track the quantity of material consumed. In a medical device,
they might track the number of permitted uses for a limited use item.
The Write command can only cause bits to transition from a one to a zero. Logically, this means that the
data value in the input parameter list will be ANDed with the current value in the word(s), and the result
written back to memory. As an example, writing a value of 0xFF results in no change to the byte and
writing a value of 0x00 causes the byte in memory to go to zero, regardless of the previous value. Once a
bit has transitioned to a zero, it can never transition back to a one.
All 64 bytes within the OTP zone are always available for reading using either 4 or 32 byte reads.
 Legacy Mode
Only supported in the ATECC108A. Contact Atmel for more details.
All OTP bits have a value of one upon shipment from the Atmel factory.

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20 ATECC108A
2 [Datasheet]
2.4 EEPROM Locking
There are two separate lock states for the device:
 One to lock the Configuration zone (that is controlled by LockConfig, byte 87).
 One to lock both the OTP and Data zones (that are controlled by LockValue, byte 86).
These lock bits are stored within separate bytes in the Configuration zone, and they can be modified only by
means of the Lock command. After a memory zone is locked, there is no way to unlock it.
The device should be personalized at the system manufacturer’s site with the desired configuration information;
after which, the Configuration zone should be locked. Then, all necessary writes of public and secret information
into the data and OTP zones should be performed by using encrypted writes, if appropriate, and then the data
and OTP zones should be locked.
It is vital that the Data and OTP zones be locked prior to release into the field of the system containing the device.
Failure to lock these zones may permit modification of any secret keys and may lead to other security problems.
Any attempt to read or write the Data or OTP zones prior to locking the Configuration zone causes the device to
return an error.

Contact Atmel for optional secure personalization services.

2.4.1 Configuration Zone Locking

Certain bytes within the Configuration zone cannot be modified regardless of the state of LockConfig. Access to
the remainder of the bytes within the zone is controlled using the LockConfig byte in the Configuration zone as
shown in the table below. Throughout this document, if LockConfig is 0x55, the Configuration zone is said to be
unlocked; otherwise, it is locked.

Table 2-12. Configuration Zone Locking

Read Access Write Access

LockConfig == 0x55 (unlocked) Read Write

LockConfig != 0x55 (locked) Read <Never>

2.4.2 Data and OTP Zone Locking

Throughout this document, if LockValue is 0x55, then both the OTP and Data zones are said to be unlocked;
otherwise, they are locked.

There is neither read nor write access to the OTP and Data zones prior to locking of the
Configuration zone.

Table 2-13. Data and OTP Zone Access Restrictions

Read Access Write Access

LockValue == 0x55 (unlocked) <Never> Write

LockValue != 0x55 (locked) Read Write
Note: 1. After the Data/OTP zones are locked using LockValue, reads and writes of the OTP zone additionally depend
on the state of the OTP mode bytes in the Configuration zone. See Section 2.3, EEPROM One Time
Programmable (OTP) Zone for more information.

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 21 2
2.4.3 Individual Slot Locking
ATECC108A provides a mechanism for one-time locking of any of the 16 data slots. Once a slot is individually
locked, the slot can no longer be modified under any circumstances. This mechanism is controlled by the 16 bit
field SlotLocked in the Configuration zone and the 16 Lockable bits within the 16 keyConfig words. The
SlotLocked and Lockable bits can be freely written using the Write command prior to locking of the
Configuration zone.
 SlotLocked Bits
After the Configuration zone is locked, if the SlotLocked bit for a particular slot is set to zero, then
modification of that slot via the PrivWrite, Write, GenKey, and/or DeriveKey commands is
permanently prohibited, regardless of the state of the corresponding Lockable, SlotConfig and/or
KeyConfig bits. When SlotLocked is zero, then the corresponding slot cannot be written even if the Data
zone is unlocked.
 Lockable Bits
After the Configuration zone is locked, the state of the Lockable bit for a particular slot controls whether or
not the Lock command will be permitted to change the SlotLocked bit for the corresponding slot, per the
table below. If Lockable is one, then the Lock command can be used to modify the SlotLocked bit either
before or after the Data zone is locked.

Table 2-14. Individual Slot Locking After Configuration Zone is Locked

SlotLocked Lock PrivWrite, Write, DeriveKey,

Bit Lockable Bit Command and GenKey Commands Notes

0 0 or 1 No No Not writeable.

1 0 No Yes Writeable but not lockable.

1 1 Yes Yes Writeable and lockable.

Individually lockable slots can contain either secret information or readable data and may be used in one of two
 The Configuration zone and non-lockable data slots should be initialized and locked in the usual manner by
the OEM. After the Data zone has been locked, those particular slots marked as lockable can then be
modified and individually locked in the field at some point in the future.
 After the Configuration zone is locked, some slots can be personalized and locked by the OEM prior to
transfer of the device/component to a second party such as a subcontractor or distributor that personalizes
the remaining slots, and then locks the Data zone prior to shipment of the device into the field.
The Lock command does not provide a CRC validation mechanism when using the individual slot locking
mechanism. If slots are locked prior to locking of the entire Data zone, then the contents may be validated at the
time of data/OTP locking. After the Data/OTP zones are locked, either the Read, CheckMac, or MAC commands
can be used to validate the slot contents prior to individual slot locking.

Validation of a public key via the Verify command can occur regardless of the state of the
SlotLocked bit for that slot.

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22 ATECC108A
2 [Datasheet]
2.5 Static RAM (SRAM) Memory
The device includes an SRAM array that is used to store the input command or output result, intermediate
computation values, and/or an ephemeral key. The entire contents of this memory are always invalidated
whenever the device goes into sleep mode or the power is removed. The ephemeral key is named TempKey and
can be used as an input to the MAC, HMAC, CheckMac, GenDig, Sign, Verify, and DeriveKey commands.
It is also used as the data protection (encryption or decryption) key by the Read and Write commands.

2.5.1 TempKey
TempKey is a storage register in the SRAM array that can be used to store an ephemeral result value from the
Nonce, GenDig, SHA, or GenKey commands. The contents of the 32 byte data value in this register can never
be read from the device (although the device itself can read and use the contents internally). The Info
command can be used to return the value of the nine status/flag bits within this register.
Execution of GenDig or GenKey replaces the old contents of TempKey with the new calculated output, which is
a combination of the old TempKey value and other information. Execution of the Nonce command or the copy
mode of the CheckMac command completely replaces any previous output of the GenDig or GenKey
commands. This register contains the elements shown in the table below:

Table 2-15. TempKey Storage Register

Name Length Description

TempKey 256 bit (32 byte) Nonce (from Nonce command) or digest (from GenDig command).

If TempKey was generated by GenDig or GenKey, these bits indicate which key
KeyID 4 bits was used in its computation. The four bits represent one of the slots of the Data

The source of the randomness in TempKey:

SourceFlag 1 bit 0 = Internally generated random number (Rand).
1 = Input seed only, no internal random generation (Input).

0 = TempKey was not generated by GenDig.

GenDigData 1 bit 1 = The contents of TempKey were generated by GenDig using one of the slots in
the Data zone (and TempKey.KeyID will be meaningful).

0 = TempKey.KeyID was not generated by GenKey.

GenKeyData 1 bit 1 = The contents of TempKey were generated by GenKey using one of the slots in
the Data zone (and TempKey.KeyID will be meaningful).

1 = The contents of TempKey were generated using the value in a slot for which
slotConfig.NoMac is one, and therefore cannot be used by the MAC and HMAC
NoMacFlag 1 bit
commands. If multiple slots were used in the calculation of TempKey, then this
bit will be set if slotConfig.NoMac was set for any of those slots.

0 = The information in TempKey is invalid.

Valid 1 bit
1 = The information in TempKey is valid.

In this specification, TempKey refers to the contents of the 256 bit data register. The remaining bit fields are
referred to as TempKey.SourceFlag, TempKey.GenDigData, and so forth.

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The TempKey.Valid bit is cleared to zero during power-up, sleep, brown-out, watchdog expiration, or tamper
detection. The contents of TempKey are retained when the device enters idle mode. Depending upon the
command and the circumstances, the TempKey.Valid bit is also cleared as follows:
 Nonce, GenKey, or GenDig Commands:
TempKey.valid will be cleared on any error other than CRC (communications) or ECC (retry).
 CheckMac Command:
TempKey.valid will be cleared unless a successful copy takes place (Section 3.2.7, Password Checking).
 Info Command:
TempKey.valid is not modified regardless of success or failure.
 All Others:
TempKey.valid will be cleared for all return codes (including success) other than CRC (communications) or
ECC (retry).

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3 Security Information

3.1 Cryptographic Standards

The ATECC108A follows various industry standards for the computation of cryptographic results. These
reference documents are described in the sections below.

3.1.1 SHA-256
The ATECC108A MAC command calculates the digest of a secret key concatenated with the challenge or nonce.
It optionally includes various other pieces of information stored on the device within the digested message. The
ATECC108A computes the SHA-256 digest based upon the algorithm documented in the following site:
The complete SHA-256 message processed by the ATECC108A is listed in Section 9, Security Commands for
each of the particular commands that use the algorithm. Most standard software implementations of the
algorithm automatically add the appropriate number of pad and length bits to this message to match the
operation the device performs internally.
The SHA-256 algorithm is also used for encryption by taking the output digest of the hash algorithm and XORing
it with the plain text data to produce the ciphertext. Decryption is the reverse operation, in which the ciphertext is
XORed with the digest with the result being the plain text.

3.1.2 HMAC/SHA-256
The response to the challenge can also be computed using the HMAC algorithm based upon the SHA-256
documented at the following site:
Because of the increased computation complexity, the HMAC command is not as flexible as the MAC command,
and the computation time is extended for HMAC. While the HMAC sequence is not necessary to ensure the
security of the digest, it is included for compatibility with various software packages.

3.1.3 Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)

The ATECC108A computes and verifies the Elliptic Curve signatures according to the algorithm documented in:
ANSI X9.62-2005
FIPS 186-4 specification

3.2 Key Uses and Restrictions

Any slot in the EEPROM Data zone can be used to store a secret or private key. There are a number of ways in
which the keys stored within the device can be used and/or their access restricted. See the following Sections
3.2.1, Diversified Keys to 3.2.9, Diversified Keys for some of these concepts.
The device should be properly configured to prevent any unwanted read and write access to all key slots,
including the setting of the IsSecret bit. Private keys can never be read from the device regardless of the values
in the Configuration zone.
With the exception of transport keys documented in Section 3.2.8, Transport Keys, the most significant 12 bits of
all KeyID parameters should be zero.

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3.2.1 Diversified Keys
If the host or validating entity has a place to securely store secrets, or contains an ATECC108A device, the secret
key values stored in the EEPROM slot(s) of the clients can be diversified by using the serial number embedded in
the device (SN[0:8]). In this manner, every client device can have a unique key, which can provide extra
protection against known plaintext attacks and permit compromised serial numbers to be identified and
To implement this operation, a root secret is externally combined with the device’s serial number during
personalization by using some cryptographic algorithm, and the result is written to the ATECC108A key slot.
The ATECC108A GenDig and CheckMac commands provide a mechanism to securely generate and compare
diversified keys, thereby eliminating this requirement from the host system.
Consult the following application note for more details:

3.2.2 Rolled Keys

In order to prevent repeated uses of the same secret key value, the ATECC108A supports key rolling. Normally,
after a certain number of uses (perhaps as few as one), the current key value is replaced with the SHA-256 digest
of its current value combined with some offset, which may either be a constant, something related to the current
system (for example, a serial number or model number), or a random number.
This capability is implemented using the DeriveKey command. Prior to execution of the DeriveKey
command, the Nonce command must be run to load the offset into TempKey. Each time the roll operation is
performed on Slots 0 to 7, the UpdateCount field for that slot is incremented in order to permit the host device to
re-create the key value.
One use for this capability is to permanently remove the original key from the device, and replace it with a key
that is only useful in a particular environment. After the key is rolled, there is no possible way to retrieve the old
key’s value, which improves the security of the system.

Any power interruption during the execution of the DeriveKey command in Roll mode may cause
either the key or the UpdateCount to have an unknown value. If writing to a slot is enabled using bit
14 of SlotConfig, such keys can be written in encrypted and authenticated form using the Write
command. Alternatively, multiple copies of the key can be stored in multiple slots so that failure of a
single slot does not incapacitate the system.

3.2.3 Created ECC Keys

For the highest security, private ECC keys may be created within the ATECC108A using the internal high quality
RNG. These keys are guaranteed to be unique to this device since there is no mechanism for reading the value
of an ECC private key from the ATECC108A.
The public key corresponding to the generated private key is returned to the system, and the device can also use
another internally stored key to create a MAC or signature (using the Sign-Internal command) covering the
new public key.

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3.2.4 Created Secret Keys
There may be a need to have unique ephemeral symmetric keys on each client; a function also supported by the
ATECC108A. With this mechanism, a parent key (that is specified by slotConfig.writeKey) is combined with a
fixed or random nonce to create a unique key, which is then used for any cryptographic purpose.
The ability to create unique keys is especially useful if the parent key has usage restrictions (see Sections 3.2.5
Single Use Keys and 3.2.6, Limited Use Key (Slot 15 only)). In this mode, the limited use parent can be employed
to create an unlimited use child key. Because the child key is useful only for this particular host-client pair, attacks
on its value are less valuable.
This capability is also implemented using the DeriveKey command. Prior to execution of the DeriveKey
command, the Nonce command must be run to load the nonce value into TempKey. Each time the create
operation is performed on Slots 0 to 7, the UpdateCount field for that slot is incremented.

3.2.5 Single Use Keys

For the KeyID values corresponding to slots zero through seven in the Data zone of the EEPROM, repeated
usage of the key stored in the slot can be strictly limited. This feature is enabled if the LimitedUse bit is set in the
SlotConfig field. The LimitedUse bit is ignored for Slots 8 thru 14. The number of remaining uses is stored as a bit
map in the UseFlag byte corresponding to the slot in question.
Prior to execution of any of the commands that use this slot as a key, the following takes place:
 If SlotConfig[keyId].LimitedUse is set and UseFlag[KeyID] is 0x00, then the device returns an error.
 Starting at bit 7 of UseFlag[keyID], clear to zero the first bit that is currently a one.
In practice, this procedure permits LimitedUse keys to be used eight times. If power is lost during the execution of
any command referencing a key that has this feature enabled, one of the use bits in UseFlag may still be cleared
even though the command did not complete. For this reason, Atmel recommends that the key be used a
single-time only, with the other bits providing a safety margin for errors.
The single use capability is checked for the key specified by the KeyID parameter within the CheckMac,
GenDig, HMAC, MAC, and Sign commands. The DeriveKey command checks single use restrictions only for
the parent key. The GenKey command checks single use restrictions only when asked to generate the public key
for a previously loaded or generated private key.
The single use capability is explicitly ignored for the slot being copied to TempKey during a CheckMac(Copy)
command. (See Sections 3.2.7, Password Checking and 9.2, CheckMac Command ). This facility provides a
robust method to prevent any alternate access method for the target slot. To limit the use of the target slot being
copied, use the single use capability for the parent slot.
Under normal circumstances, all eight UseFlag bytes should be initialized to 0xFF. If it is the intention to permit
fewer than eight uses of a particular key, these bytes should be initialized to 0x7F (seven uses), 0x3F (six uses),
0x1F (five uses), 0x0F (four uses), 0x07 (three uses), 0x03 (two uses), or 0x01 (one use). Initialization to any
other value besides these values or 0xFF is prohibited.
During normal use, the GenKey and DeriveKey commands may also reset the UseFlag to 0xFF when a new
key is created in a slot for which Single Use is enabled. See below.
The Read, Write, GenKey, and DeriveKey commands operate slightly differently:
 Read and Write Commands
The Read and Write commands ignore the state of the LimitedUse bit and the useFlag byte
does not change as a result of their execution. LimitedUse slots in which the useFlag is
exhausted (value of 0x00) can still be read or written (subject to the appropriate SlotConfig
limitations) although the value in the slot cannot ever be used as a key for cryptographic

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If SlotConfig.WriteKey for slot X points back to X, but useFlag[X] is exhausted, encrypted writes to the slot
will never succeed because the prior GenDig command will have returned an error due to the usage
limitation. A similar situation occurs with reads and ReadKey.
 DeriveKey Command
If the parent key is used for either MAC calculation or as the source, then if LimitedUse (for
the parent) is set and useFlag (also for the parent) is 0x00, the DeriveKey command will
return an error. The LimitedUse and UseFlag bits are ignored for the target key. When
successfully executed, the DeriveKey command always resets the useFlag to 0xFF for the
target key.
Use of the DeriveKey command is optional. It is legal to be run only if WriteConfig:13 is set for this slot.
In some situations it may be advantageous to simply have a key that can be used eight times, in which
case the other security commands will clear the bits in UseFlag one at a time until they all are cleared, at
which time the key is disabled.
 GenKey Command
When successfully executed in key creation mode, the GenKey(Create) command always
resets the useFlag to 0xFF for the target key.

3.2.6 Limited Use Key (Slot 15 only)

If slot[15].LimitedUse is set, usage of key number 15 is limited through a different mechanism than the single use
limitation described in the previous section (which applies only to Slots 0 thru 14). Contact Atmel for more
information on how to use Slot 15 in combination with other slots to limit the use of a key to any count between
128 and 800,000.
Prior to any use of Key 15 by a command, the following takes place:
 If all bytes in LastKeyUse are 0x00, then return error.
 Starting at bit 7 of the first byte of LastKeyUse (byte 68 in Configuration zone), clear to zero the first bit,
which is currently a one. If byte 68 is 0x00, then check bit 7 of byte 69, and so forth up through byte 83.
Only a single bit is cleared each time prior to using Key 15.
There is no reset mechanism for this limitation. After 128 uses (or the number of one bits set in LastKeyUse on
personalization), key 15 is permanently disabled. This capability is not susceptible to power interruptions. Even if
the power is interrupted during execution of the command, only a single bit in LastKeyUse will be unknown, all
other bits in LastKeyUse will be unchanged, and the key will remain unchanged.
If fewer than 128 uses are desired for Key 15, then some of the bytes within this array should not be initialized to
0xFF. The only legal values for bytes within this field (besides 0xFF) are 0x7F, 0x3F, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0x07,
0x03, 0x01, or 0x00. The total number of bits set to one indicates the number of uses.
Example: How to set 16 uses is as follows:
0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
The Limited Use capability applies to the same commands, and in the same situations, in which they are checked
for the LimitedUse feature (see the previous section for more information). In addition, the Verify command will
check for single use restrictions on both the public key (when that key is stored internally), and the key to be
validated when the command is run in validation mode and either is stored in Slot 15.

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3.2.7 Password Checking
Many applications require a user to enter a password to enable features, decrypt stored data, or perform some
other task. Typically, the expected password has to be stored somewhere in the memory, and therefore is
subject to discovery. The ATECC108A can securely store the expected password and perform a number of
useful operations upon it. The password is never passed in the clear to the device, and it cannot be read from the
device. It is hashed with a random number in the system software before being passed to the device.
The copy capability of the CheckMac command enables the following types of password checking options:
1. CheckMac does an internal comparison with the expected password and returns a Boolean result to the
system to indicate whether the password was correctly entered or not.
2. If the device determines that the correct password has been entered, then the value of the password can
optionally be combined with a stored ephemeral value to create a key that can be used by the system for
data protection purposes.
3. If the device determines that the correct password has been entered, then the device can use this fact to
optionally release a secondary high entropy secret, which can be used for data protection without the risk
of an exhaustive dictionary attack.
4. If the password has been lost, then an entity with knowledge of a parent key value can optionally write a
new password into the slot. Optionally, the current value can be encrypted with a parent key and read from
the device.
To prepare for this CheckMac/Copy capability, passwords should be stored in even numbered slots. If the
password is to be mapped to a secondary value (using the third option above), then the target slot containing this
value is located in the next higher slot number (i.e. the password’s slot number plus one); otherwise, the target
slot is the same as the password slot. ReadKey for the target slot must be set to zero to enable this capability. In
order to prevent fraudulent or unintended usage of this capability, do not set ReadKey for any slot to zero unless
this CheckMac/Copy capability is specifically required. In particular, do not assume that the other bits in the
configuration word for a particular slot will override the enablement of this capability specified by ReadKey = 0.
This capability is only enabled if the mode parameter to CheckMac has a value of 0x01, indicating the following:
 The first 32 bytes of the SHA-256 message are stored in a data slot in the EEPROM (i.e. the password).
 The second 32 bytes of the SHA-256 message must be a randomly generated Nonce in the TempKey
If the above conditions are met, and the input response matches the internally generated digest, then the
contents of the target key are copied to TempKey. The other TempKey register bits are set as follows:
 SourceFlag is set to one (not Random).
 GenDigData is set to zero (not generate by the GenDigData command).
 NoMacFlag is set to zero (TempKey is usable by MAC, HMAC, and Read commands).
 Valid is set to one.
See the Atmel website for application notes with more details on this capability.

3.2.8 Transport Keys

The ATECC108A device includes an internal hardware array of keys that are used for secure personalization (i.e.
transport keys). The values of the hardware keys are kept secret and are made available only to qualified
customers upon request to Atmel. These keys can be used with the GenDig command only and are indicated by
a KeyID value greater than or equal to 0x8000.
For GenDig and all other commands, KeyID values of less than 0x8000 always reference keys that are stored
in the Data zone of the EEPROM. In these cases, only the four least-significant bits of KeyID are used to
determine the slot number, while the entire 16 bit KeyID as input is used in any SHA-256 message calculation.

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3.2.9 Authorized Keys
The ATECC108A device provides an optional mechanism for restricting the use of any key to those users with
knowledge of the appropriate authorization information.
Key authorization is a standard cryptographic requirement in many systems and can be used to prevent
fraudulent use of a key if the device containing the key is stolen or lost. For instance, if a key is used as
identification for a person, the authorizing value could be a password known only to that person. If the device with
the ID is stolen, then the thief cannot use the device to sign fraudulent messages since he or she does not know
the password.
The device can use either the CheckMac or Verify commands to implement this capability. If the validation
succeeds, then an internal AuthComplete flag is set and the authorizing slot number is retained. The
AuthComplete flag is cleared whenever the device wakes from sleep or is powered on. It is also cleared when
any operation is performed on a key which requires authorization. Prior to the authorization check, the Nonce
command must be run to load TempKey with a nonce.
 CheckMac Command
The authorization value is stored in any slot configured to contain a secret, and it is validated with a MAC
calculated using that secret and the nonce stored in TempKey.
 Verify Command
The authorizing slot must contain a valid ECC public key. The authorization value should be a signature
calculated using the corresponding private key calculated over the nonce stored in TempKey. This
signature is then validated.
Depending upon the configuration of the slot containing the authorizing secret, a token can be externally stored,
which can be repeatedly used for key authorization. If the authorizing slot is configured to require a random
nonce (KeyConfig.ReqRandom is one), then a stored authorizing token will not work, and the authorizing digest
or signature will have to be computed on the fly by the authorizing agent using the random nonce generated by
the device.

3.3 Security Features

3.3.1 Physical Security

The ATECC108A incorporates a number of physical security features designed to protect the EEPROM contents
from unauthorized exposure. The security measures include:
 Active Shield Circuitry
 Internal Memory Encryption
 Glitch Protection
 Voltage Tamper Detection
Pre-programmed transport keys stored on the ATECC108A are encrypted in such a way as to make retrieval of
their values using outside analysis very difficult.
Both the logic clock and logic supply voltage are internally generated, thus preventing any direct attack on these
two signals using the pins of the device.

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3.3.2 Random Number Generator (RNG)
The ATECC108A includes a high-quality RNG which returns 32 random bytes to the system. See for further documentation on NIST CAVP
certification of this RNG. The device generally combines this generated number with a separate input number to
form a nonce that is stored within the device in TempKey and may be used by subsequent commands.
The system may use this RNG for any purpose. The device provides a special Random command for such
purposes that do not affect the internally stored nonce.
Random numbers are generated from a combination of the output of a hardware RNG and an internal seed
value, which is not externally accessible. The internal seed is stored in the EEPROM and is normally updated
once after every power-up or sleep/wake cycle. After the update, this seed value is retained in registers within the
device that are invalidated if the device enters sleep mode, or the power is removed.
To simplify system testing, prior to Config Locking the RNG always returns the following value:
ff ff 00 00 ff ff 00 00 …
where ff is the first byte read from the device and the first byte into the SHA message.

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4 General I/O Information
Communications to the ATECC108A are through one of two different protocols. The protocols are selected by
specifying the part number that is ordered:
 Single-Wire Interface
Uses a single GPIO connection on the system microprocessor that is connected to the SDA pin on the
device. It permits the fewest number of pins connected to any removable or replaceable entity. The bit rate
is up to 26Kb/s.
 2
I C Interface
This mode is compatible with the I C standard and also with the Atmel AT24C16 Serial EEPROM interface.
Two pins, Serial Data (SDA) and Serial Clock (SCL), are required. The I C interface supports a bit rate of
up to 1Mb/s.
2 2
The ATECC108A and AT24C16B have different default I C addresses. The ATECC108A I C
address can be modified from default by writing a new value into the Configuration zone.

The lowest levels of the I/O protocols are described below. Above the I/O protocol level, exactly the same bytes
are transferred to and from the device to implement the security commands and error codes, which are
documented in Section 9, Security Commands.

The device implements a failsafe internal watchdog timer that forces it into a very low-power mode
after a certain time interval regardless of any current activity. System programming must take this into
consideration. See Section 9.1.6, Watchdog Failsafe.

4.1 Byte and Bit Ordering

CryptoAuthentication uses a common ordering scheme for bytes and also for the way in which numbers and
arrays are represented in this datasheet:
 All multi-byte aggregate elements are treated as arrays of bytes and are processed in the order received or
transmitted with index #0 first.
 16 bit (2 byte) integers, typically Param2, SlotConfig or KeyConfig, appear on the bus least-significant byte
 ECC keys appear on the bus, and are stored in EEPROM, with the most significant 32-bit word at the
lowest address. See Section 4.1.1, ECC Key Formatting for further information on ECC key formatting.
In this document, the most-significant bit or nibble of a byte or 16 bit word appears towards the left hand side of
the page.
The bit order is different depending upon the I/O channel used:
 On the one-wire bus, data is transferred to and from the ATECC108A Least Significant bit (LSb) first on the

On the I C interface, data is transferred to and from the ATECC108A Most Significant bit (MSb) first on the

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32 ATECC108A
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4.1.1 ECC Key Formatting
The format for public and private keys depends on the command and key length. In general, the Most Significant
bytes (MSB) appear first on the bus and at the lowest address in memory. In the remainder of this section below,
the bytes on the left side of the page are the MSBs. Atmel recommends all pad bytes be set to zero for
 ECC private keys appear to the user only as the input parameter to the PrivWrite command. This
parameter is always 36 bytes in length regardless of the curve in use:
– B283: The most significant six bits of the first byte are pad bits.
– K283: The most significant seven bits of the first byte are pad bits.
– P256: The first four bytes (32 bits) are all pad bits.
ECC public keys appear as the input or output parameters to several commands, and they can also be stored in
EEPROM. They are composed of an X value first on the bus or in memory, followed by a Y value. They are
formatted differently depending upon the situation as noted below:
 When the public key is an output of GenKey command or an input to Verify command:
– B283/K283: The most significant five bits of the first and 37th byte are pad bits (72 bytes).
– P256: 32 bytes of X, then 32 bytes of Y. (36 bytes) There are no pad bytes.
 Write Command:
Public keys can be written directly to the EEPROM using Write command and are always
72 bytes long.
– B283/K283: The most significant five bits of the first and 37th byte are pad bits.
– P256: 4 pad bytes, 32 bytes of X, four pad bytes, and then 32 bytes of Y.
 GenKey Command:
SHA Message: Public keys can be hashed and placed in TempKey by the GenKey command. The SHA
message contains various bytes that are independent of the size of the key. These are followed by the
– B283/K283: 17 bytes of pad, followed by 36 bytes of X, then 36 bytes of Y.
– P256: 25 bytes of pad, followed by 32 bytes of X, and then 32 bytes of Y.
 Verify Command:
SHA Message: When used to validate a stored public key, the Verify command expects an input
signature created over a SHA-256 digest of a key stored in memory. Such an inner SHA calculation is
always performed over 72 bytes formatted as they are stored in EEPROM as noted below:
– For B283 and K283: The most significant five bits of the first and 37th byte are pad bits.
– For P256: 4 pad bytes, 32 bytes of X, four pad bytes, and then 32 bytes of Y.
When a public key is configured to be validated by the Verify command, then the most significant four bits of
the first byte in memory are used internally by the device to save the validation state. They are always set to the
invalid state (0xA) by the Write command, and then may be set to the valid state (0x5) by the Verify

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 33 3
4.2 Sharing the Interface
Multiple CryptoAuthentication devices may share the same interface, as follows:
1. The system issues a Wake token to wake-up all devices.
2. The system issues the Pause command (Section 9.11, Pause Command) to put all but one of the devices
into the idle mode. Only the remaining device will then see any of the commands that the system sends.
When the system has completed talking to the one active device, it then sends an idle flag that puts the
remaining active device into the idle mode and the idle devices will ignore.
Steps 1 and 2 are repeated for each device on the wire. If the system has completed communications with the
final device, it should wake up all the devices, and then put all the devices to sleep to reduce total power
The device uses the Selector byte within the Configuration zone to determine which device stays awake. Only
that device with a selector value that matches the input parameter of the Pause command will stay awake. In
order to facilitate late configuration of systems which use the multi-device sharing mode, the following three
update capabilities for the Selector byte are supported:
 Unlimited Updates:
At any time, the UpdateExtra command can be executed to Write the value in the selector field of the
Configuration zone. To enable this mode, clear the SelectorMode bit in ChipMode.
 One-time Field Update:
If the SelectorMode bit is set to one, and the Selector byte has a zero value prior to locking the
Configuration zone, then at any time after the Configuration zone is locked the UpdateExtra command
can be used one-time to set Selector to a non-zero value. The UpdateExtra command is not affected by
the LockValue byte.
 Fixed Selector Value:
The Selector byte can never be modified after the Configuration zone is locked if SelectorMode is set to
one and the Selector byte is set to a non-zero value. The UpdateExtra command will always return an
error code.

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5 Single-Wire Interface
In this mode, communications to and from the ATECC108A take place over SDA, a single asynchronously timed
wire, and the SCL pin is not used as part of the communications channel. Instead, the SCL pin functions as a
GPIO pin.

The sleep current specification values are guaranteed only if SCL pin is held low or left unconnected.

The overall communications structure is a hierarchical format:

 Tokens I/O Tokens implement a single data bit transmitted on the bus, or the wake-up event.
 Flags Flags consist of eight tokens (bits) that convey the direction and meaning of the next group of
bits (if any) that may be transmitted.
 Groups Groups of data follow the command and transmit flags. They incorporate both a byte count
and a checksum to ensure proper data transmission.
 Packets Packets of bytes form the core of the group (minus the byte count and CRC). They are either
the input or output parameters of a CryptoAuthentication command or status information from
the ATECC108A.
See the Atmel website for the appropriate application notes for more details on how to use any microprocessor to
easily generate the signaling necessary to send these elements to the device, including C source code libraries.
Also see Section 11.2, Wiring Configuration for Single-Wire Interface for more information about how to connect
the device in the Single-Wire Interface mode.

5.1 I/O Tokens

There are a number of I/O tokens, which may be transmitted over the Single-Wire Interface:
 Input (to the ATECC108A):
– Wake Wake the device up from either the sleep or idle modes, or reset the I/O interface.
– Zero Send a single bit from the system to the device with a value of zero.
– One Send a single bit from the system to the device with a value of one.
 Output (from the ATECC108A):
– ZeroOut Send a single bit from the device to the system with a value of zero.
– OneOut Send a single bit from the device to the system with a value of one.
The waveforms are the same in either direction, however, there are some differences in timing based upon the
expectation that the host has a very accurate and consistent clock while the ATECC108A has significant
part-to-part variability in its internal clock generator due to normal manufacturing and environmental fluctuations.
The bit timings are designed to permit a standard UART running at 230.4Kbaud to transmit and receive the
tokens efficiently. Each byte transmitted or received by the UART corresponds to a single bit received or
transmitted by the device.
The Wake token is special since it requires an extra-long low pulse on the SDA pin, which cannot be confused
with the shorter low pulses that occur during a data token (i.e. Zero, One, ZeroOut, or OneOut). Devices that are
either in the idle or sleep mode will ignore all data tokens until they receive a legal wake token. If the processor is
out of synchronization with the ATECC108A, it can send an additional Wake token to the device, which will reset
the I/O channel hardware on the device.

Note Well: This may result in the loss of data stored in the command output buffer.

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 35 3
5.2 I/O Flags
The system is always the bus master, so before any I/O transaction, the system must send an eight bit flag to the
device to indicate the I/O operation that will be subsequently performed.

Table 5-1. IO Flags

Value Name Meaning

After this flag, the system starts sending a command group to the device. The first bit of the
0x77 Command
group can follow immediately after the last bit of the flag.

This command tells the device to wait for a bus turnaround time and then to start transmitting
0x88 Transmit
its response to the previously transmitted command group.

Upon receipt of an idle flag, the device goes into the idle mode and remains there until the
0xBB Idle
next Wake token is received.

Upon receipt of a sleep flag, the device enters the low-power sleep mode until the next Wake
0xCC Sleep
token is received.

All other values are reserved and should not be used.

 Transmit Flag
The transmit flag is used to turn around the bus so that the ATECC108A can send data back to the system.
The bytes that the device returns to the system depend on the current state of the device and may include
status, error code, or command results.
When the device is busy executing a command, it ignores the SDA pin and any flags that are sent by the
system. See Table 9-4, Command Opcodes, Short Descriptions, and Execution Time for each command
type’s execution delays. The system must observe these delays after sending a command to the device.
 Idle Flag
The idle flag is used to transition the ATECC108A to the idle mode, which causes the input/output buffer to
be flushed. It does not invalidate the contents of the TempKey and RNG Seed registers. This flag can be
sent to the device at any time that it will accept a flag. When the device is in the idle mode, the watchdog
timer is disabled.
 Sleep Flag
The sleep flag transitions the ATECC108A to the low-power sleep mode, which causes a complete reset of
the device, including invalidation of the contents of the SRAM and all volatile registers. This flag can be
sent to the device at any time that it will accept a flag.

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36 ATECC108A
3 [Datasheet]
5.3 Synchronization
Because the communications protocol is half-duplex, there is the possibility that the system and the ATECC108A
will fall out of synchronization with each other. In order to speed recovery, the device implements a timeout that
forces it to sleep under certain circumstances.

5.3.1 I/O Timeout

After a leading transition for any data token has been received, the ATECC108A will expect both the completion
of the token and the start of the next (if this is not the last token of the group) to be properly received by the device
within the tTIMEOUT interval. Failure to send enough bits, or the transmission of an illegal token (e.g. a low pulse
exceeding tZLO), will cause the device to enter the Sleep mode after the tTIMEOUT interval.
The same timeout applies during the transmission of the command group. After the transmission of a legal
command flag, the I/O Timeout Circuitry is enabled until the last expected data bit is received.

The Timeout Counter is reset after every legal token; therefore, the total time to transmit the
command may exceed the tTIMEOUT interval while the time between bits may not.

The I/O timeout circuitry is disabled when the device is busy executing a command.

5.3.2 Synchronization Procedures

If the device is not busy when the system sends a transmit flag, the device should respond within t TURNAROUND. If
tEXEC time has not already passed, the device may be busy, and the system should poll or wait until the maximum
tEXEC time has elapsed. If the device still does not respond to a second transmit flag within t TURNAROUND, it may be
out of synchronization. At this point, the system may take the following steps to reestablish communication:
1. Wait tTIMEOUT.
2. Send the transmit flag.
3. If the device responds within tTURNAROUND, then the system may proceed with more commands.
4. Send a wake token.
5. Wait tWHI.
6. Send the transmit flag.
7. The device should respond with a 0x11 return status within tTURNAROUND, after which the system may
proceed with more commands.

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 37 3
6 I2C Interface
The I C Interface uses the SDA and SCL pins to indicate various I/O states to the ATECC108A. This interface is
designed to be compatible at the protocol level with the Atmel AT24C16 Serial EEPROM operating at 1MHz.

Note Well: There are many differences between the two devices (for example, the ATECC108A and
AT24C16 have different default I C addresses); therefore, designers should read the respective
datasheets carefully.

The SDA pin is normally pulled high with an external pull-up resistor because the ATECC108A includes only an
open-drain driver on its output pin. The bus master may either be open-drain or totem pole. In the latter case, it
should be tri-stated when the ATECC108A is driving results on the bus. The SCL pin is an input and must be
driven both high and low at all times by an external device or resistor.

6.1 I/O Conditions

The device responds to the following I/O conditions:
6.1.1 Device is Asleep
When the device is asleep, it ignores all but the Wake condition.
 Wake — If SDA is held low for a period of greater than tWLO, the device will exit low-power mode and after
a delay of tWHI, it will be ready to receive I C commands. The device ignores any levels or transitions on the
SCL pin when the device is idle or asleep and during tWLO. At some point during tWHI the SCL pin is enabled
and the conditions listed in Section 6.1.2, Device is Awake are honored.
The Wake condition requires that either the system processor manually drives the SDA pin low for tWLO, or a data
byte of 0x00 be transmitted at a clock rate sufficiently slow so that SDA is low for a minimum period of t WLO.
When the device is awake, the normal processor I C hardware and/or software can be used for device
communications up to and including the I/O sequence required, thus putting the device back into low-power (i.e.
sleep) mode.
When there are multiple ATECC108A devices on the bus, and the I C interface is run at 133KHz or slower, the
transmission of certain data patterns (such as 0x00) will cause all the ATECC108A devices on the bus to
wake-up. Because subsequent device addresses transmitted along the bus will only match the desired devices,
the unused devices will remain idle and not cause any bus conflicts.
In the I C mode, the device will ignore a wake sequence that is sent when the device is already awake.

6.1.2 Device is Awake

When the device is awake, it honors the conditions listed below:
 DATA Zero: If SDA is low and stable while SCL goes from low to high to low, then a zero bit is being
transferred on the bus. SDA can change while SCL is low.
 DATA One: If SDA is high and stable while SCL goes from low to high to low, then a one bit is being
transferred on the bus. SDA can change while SCL is low.
Figure 6-1. Data Bit Transfer on I C Interface

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38 ATECC108A
3 [Datasheet]
 Start Condition: A high-to-low transition of SDA with SCL high is a Start condition which must precede all
 Stop Condition: A low-to-high transition of SDA with SCL high is a Stop condition. After this condition is
received by the device, the current I/O transaction ends. On input, if the device has sufficient bytes to
execute a command, the device transitions to the busy state and begins execution. The Stop condition
should always be sent at the end of any packet sent to the device.
Figure 6-2. Start and Stop Conditions on I C Interface

 Acknowledge (ACK): On the ninth clock cycle after every address or data byte is transferred, the receiver
will pull the SDA pin low to acknowledge proper reception of the byte.
 Not Acknowledge (NOT ACK): Alternatively, on the ninth clock cycle after every address or data byte is
transferred, the receiver can leave the SDA pin high to indicate that there was a problem with the reception
of the byte or that this byte completes the group transfer.
Figure 6-3. NOT ACK and ACK Conditions on I C Interface

Multiple ATECC108A devices can easily share the same I C interface signals if the I2C_Address byte in the
Configuration zone is programmed differently for each device on the bus. Because all seven of the bits of the
2 2
device address are programmable, ATECC108A can also share the I C interface with any I C device, including
any Serial EEPROM.

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 39 3
6.2 I2C Transmission to ATECC108A
The transmission of data from the system to the ATECC108A is summarized in the table below. The order of
transmission is as follows:
 Start Condition
 Device Address Byte
 Word Address Byte
 Optional Data Bytes (1 through N)
 Stop Condition
Figure 6-4. Normal I C Transmission to ATECC108A

Note: SDA is driven low by ATECC108A ACK periods.

The tables below label the bytes of the I/O transaction. The column labeled “I C Name” provides the name of the
byte as described in the AT24C16 datasheet.
Table 6-1. I C Transmission to ATECC108A

Name I C Name Description
This byte selects a particular device on the I C interface. ATECC108A is selected if
bits 1 thru 7 of this byte match bits 1 thru 7 of the I2C_Address byte in the
Device Address Device Address Configuration zone. Bit 0 of this byte is the standard I C R/W bit, and should be
zero to indicate a write operation (the bytes following the device address travel from
the master to the slave).

This byte should have a value of 0x03 for normal operation. See Sections 6.2.1,
Word Address Word Address
Word Address Values and 6.6, Address Counter for more information.

The command group, consisting of the count, command packet, and the two byte
Command Data1,N CRC. The CRC is calculated over the size and packet bytes. See Section 9.1, I/O

Because the device treats the command input buffer as a FIFO, the input group can be sent to the device in one
or many I C command groups. The first byte sent to the device is the count, so after the device receives that
number of bytes, it will ignore any subsequently received bytes until execution is finished.
The system must send a Stop condition after the last command byte to ensure that ATECC108A will start the
computation of the command. Failure to send a Stop condition may eventually result in a loss of synchronization;
see Section 6.8, I C Synchronization for recovery procedures.

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40 ATECC108A
4 [Datasheet]
6.2.1 Word Address Values
During an I C write packet, the ATECC108A interprets the second byte sent as the word address, which indicates
the packet function as it is described in the table below:

Table 6-2. Word Address Values

Name Value Description

Reset the address counter. The next I C read or write transaction will start with the
Reset 0x00
beginning of the I/O buffer.

Sleep The ATECC108A goes into the low power sleep mode and ignores all subsequent I/O
(Low-power) transitions until the next wake flag. The entire volatile state of the device is reset.

The ATECC108A goes into the idle mode and ignores all subsequent I/O transitions until
Idle 0x02
the next wake flag. The contents of TempKey and RNG Seed registers are retained.

Write subsequent bytes to sequential addresses in the input command buffer that follow
Command 0x03
previous writes. This is the normal operation.

Reserved 0x04 – 0xFF These addresses should not be sent to the device.

6.2.2 Command Completion Polling

After a complete command has been sent to the ATECC108A, the device will be busy until the command
computation completes. The system has two options for this delay as noted below:
 Polling:
The system should wait tEXEC (typical) and then send a read sequence (see Section 6.5, I C Transmission
from the ATECC108A). If the device NOT ACKs the device address, then it is still busy. The system may
delay for some time or immediately send another read sequence, again looping on NOT ACK. After a total
delay of tEXEC (max), the device will have completed the computation and return the results.
 Single Delay:
The system should wait tEXEC (max) after which the device will have completed execution, and the result
can be read from the device using a normal read sequence.

6.3 Sleep Sequence

Upon completion of the use of the ATECC108A by the system, the system should issue a sleep sequence to put
the device into low-power mode. This sequence consists of the proper device address followed by the value of
0x01 as the word address followed by a Stop condition. This transition to the low-power state causes a complete
reset of the device’s internal command engine and input/output buffer. It can be sent to the device at any time
when it is awake and not busy.

6.4 Idle Sequence

If the total sequence of required commands exceeds tWATCHDOG, then the device will automatically go to sleep and
lose any information stored in the volatile registers. This action can be prevented by putting the device into the
idle mode prior to completion of the watchdog interval. When the device receives the Wake token, it will then
restart the watchdog timer and execution can be continued.
The idle sequence consists of the proper device address followed by the value of 0x02 as the word address
followed by a Stop condition. It can be sent to the device at any time when it is awake and not busy.

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 41 4
6.5 I2C Transmission from the ATECC108A
When the ATECC108A is awake and not busy, the bus master can retrieve the current buffer contents from the
device using an I C Read. If valid command results are available, the size of the group returned is determined by
the particular command which has been run (see Section 9, Security Commands); otherwise, the size of the
group (and the first byte returned) will always be four: count, status/error, and 2-byte CRC. The bus timing is
shown in Figure 8-4, I C Synchronous Data Timing.
Table 6-3. I C Transmission from the ATECC108A

Name I C Name Direction Description
This byte selects a particular device on the I C interface and ATECC108A will be
selected if bits 1 thru 7 of this byte match bits 1 thru 7 of the I2C_Address byte in
Device Device 2
To slave the Configuration zone. Bit 0 of this byte is the standard I C R/W pin, and should
Address Address
be one to indicate that the bytes following the device address travel from the
slave to the master (Read).

The output group, consisting of the count, status/error byte or the output packet
Data Data1,N To master
followed by the two byte CRC per Section 9.1, I/O Groups.

The status, error, or command outputs can be read repeatedly by the master. Each time a Read command is
sent to the ATECC108A along the I C interface, the device transmits the next sequential byte in the output buffer.
See the following section for details on how the device handles the address counter.
If the ATECC108A is busy, idle, or asleep, it will not ACK the device address on a read sequence. If a partial
command has been sent to the device and a read sequence [Start + DeviceAddress(R/W == R)] is sent to the
device, then the ATECC108A will not ACK the device address to indicate that no data is available to be read.

6.6 Address Counter

Writes to and/or reads from the ATECC108A I/O Buffer over the I C interface are treated as if the device were a
FIFO. Either the I C byte or page write/read protocols can be used. The number of bytes transferred with each
page sequence does not affect the operation of the device.
The first byte transmitted to the device is treated as the size byte. Any attempt to send more than this number of
bytes, or any attempts to write beyond the end of the I/O Buffer (71 bytes) will cause the ATECC108A to not ACK
those bytes.
After the host writes a single command byte to the input buffer, reads are prohibited until after the device
completes command execution. Attempts to read from the device prior to the last command byte being sent will
result in an ACK of the device address but all ones (0xFF) on the bus during the data intervals because the
device is still waiting for the completion of the command transmission. If the host attempts to send a read byte
after the last byte of the command has been transmitted, the device will be executing the command and will NOT
ACK the device address.
Data may be read from the device under the following three conditions:
 On power-up, the single byte 0x11 (Section 9.1.2, Status/Error Codes) can be read inside a four byte
 If a complete block has been received by the device, but there are any errors in parsing or executing the
command, a single byte of error code is available (also inside a four byte group).
 Upon completion of a command execution from 1 to 32 bytes of command, results are available to be read
inside a group of 4 to 35 bytes.
Any attempt to read beyond the end of the valid output buffer returns 0xFF to the system, and the address
counter does not wrap around to the beginning of the buffer.

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42 ATECC108A
4 [Datasheet]
There may be situations where the system may wish to re-read the output buffer, for example when the CRC
check reveals an error. In this case, the host should send a two-byte sequence to the ATECC108A consisting of
the correct device address and a word address of 0x00 (Reset per Table 6-2, Word Address Values), followed
by a Stop condition. This causes the address counter to be reset to zero and permits the data to be rewritten (or
re-read) to (or from) the device. This address reset sequence does not prohibit subsequent read operations if
data were available for reading in the I/O Buffer prior to the sequence execution.
After one or more read operations to retrieve the results of a command execution, the first write operation resets
the address counter to the beginning of the I/O Buffer.

6.7 SMBus Timeout

The ATECC108A supports the SMBus Timeout feature in which the ATECC108A will reset its serial interface and
release the SMBus (i.e. stop driving the bus and let SDA float high) if the SCL pin is held low for more than the
minimum tTIMEOUT specification. The ATECC108A will be ready to accept a new Start condition before tTIMEOUT
maximum has elapsed.

Figure 6-5. SMBus Timeout




Device will release bus and

be ready to accept a new
Start condition within this time.

6.8 I2C Synchronization

It is possible for the system to lose synchronization with the I/O port on the ATECC108A, perhaps due a system
reset, I/O noise, or other condition. Under this circumstance, the ATECC108A may not respond as expected,
may be asleep, or may be transmitting data during an interval when the system is expecting to send data. To
resynchronize, the following procedure should be followed:
1. To ensure an I/O channel reset, the system should send the standard I C software reset sequence, as
– A Start bit condition.
– Nine cycles of SCL, with SDA held high.
– Another Start bit condition.
– A Stop bit condition.
It should then be possible to send a read sequence, and if synchronization has completed properly, the
ATECC108A will ACK the device address. The device may return data or may leave the bus floating (which
the system will interpret as a data value of 0xFF) during the data periods.
If the device does ACK the device address, the system should reset the internal address counter to force
the ATECC108A to ignore any partial input command that may have been sent. This can be accomplished
by sending a write sequence to word address 0x00 (Reset), followed by a Stop condition.
2. If the device does not respond to the device address with an ACK, then it may be asleep. In this case, the
system should send a complete Wake token and wait tWHI after the rising edge. The system may then send
another read sequence, and if synchronization has completed, the device will ACK the device address.
3. If the device still does not respond to the device address with an ACK, then it may be busy executing a
command. The system should wait the longest tEXEC (max) and then send the read sequence, which will be
acknowledged by the device.

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 43 4
7 General Purpose I/O Pin
When the Single-Wire interfaces is enabled, the SCL pin is available to be used as a GPIO pin. It may be used to
drive one or two LEDs or can be connected to an external tamper detection switch or connected in many other
ways. When configured as an output, it may be used as an enable pin for some external component in the system
which may require cryptographic validation prior to assertion.
On initial power-up, the pin is always temporarily configured as an input. During the device initialization, which
occurs with the very first wake operation, the contents of the I2C_Address field are read, and the GPIO pin will be
driven to the state. The direction (input or output) and state (if an output) of the GPIO pin will remain unchanged
during sleep and idle states. The actions of this pin are controlled by the I2C_Address byte in the Configuration
zone, and the GPIO mode of the Info command as described in the table below:
Table 7-1. GPIO Mode

Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Name State Meaning
The SCL pin is unused and should be tied to GND. Any attempt to
execute the GPIO mode of the Info command will result in an
x x 0 0 Disable Input error code being returned to the system firmware. The GPIO
mode of the Info command will also return an error code if the
part is configured for I C operation.
The SCL pin will be permanently configured as an output and will
be driven to a zero (default) state when the first wake operation
after power-up occurs. The pin can then be driven to the opposite
( '1') state by the Info command if a prior authorization has been
0 0 0 1 Auth0 Low
performed using the SignalKey slot. The GPIO output mode of the
Info command can be used to reset the pin back to the default
value without authorization. The GPIO retains its state so long as
VCC remains above 2V.
0 1 0 1 Auth1 High As Auth0; however, the default state after power-up is one.
The SCL pin will be permanently configured as an input. On
power-up, an internal intrusion latch is set to zero. The intrusion
latch is set via authorization and is cleared if SCL falls. The state
of latch can be determined via the Info command. It will remain
in that state so long as a voltage greater than 1.8V is applied to
the SCL pin and VCC remains above 2.0V regardless of the
1 x 0 1 Intrusion Input
internal state (asleep, idle, or wake) of the ATECC108A. Any
falling edge on the SCL pin resets the intrusion latch to zero
regardless of whether or not the ATECC108A is in wake or sleep
mode. Reading the state of the GPIO pin via the Info command
returns the value of the intrusion latch; not the current state of the
The SCL pin will remain permanently configured as an input.
x x 1 0 Input Input Execution of the Info command will permit the current state on
the pin to be returned to the system firmware.
The SCL pin will be configured as an output and will be driven to a
zero state when the first wake operation occurs. Subsequent
x 0 1 1 Output0 Low Info commands can be executed to drive the pin high or low.
Alternatively, the Info command can be used to change the
GPIO pin to an input.
x 1 1 1 Output1 High As Output0; however, the default state after power-up is one.

The GPIO pin has active drivers for both the high and low output states to enable connection to two different
LEDs, which may be connected to VCC and GND respectively. If an LED is connected to a supply voltage higher
than VCC, it may not turn off completely when the GPIO pin is high. In this case, the GPIO pin should be
transitioned to an input to completely turn off the LED.

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44 ATECC108A
4 [Datasheet]
8 Electrical Characteristics

8.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings*

Operating Temperature .......................... -40°C to 85°C *Notice: Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute
Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to
Storage Temperature ........................... -65°C to 150°C the device. This is a stress rating only and functional
operation of the device at these or any other
Maximum Operating Voltage ................................ 6.0V
conditions beyond those indicated in the operational
DC Output Current ............................................... 5mA sections of this specification are not implied.
Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for
Voltage on any pin ...................... -0.5V to (VCC + 0.5V) extended periods may affect device reliability.

8.2 Reliability
The ATECC108A is fabricated with the Atmel high reliability of the CMOS EEPROM manufacturing technology.

Table 8-1. EEPROM Reliability

Parameter Min Typical Max Units

Write Endurance (Each Byte) 400,000 Write Cycles

Data Retention (At 55C) 10 Years

Data Retention (At 35C) 30 50 Years

Read Endurance Unlimited Read Cycles

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 45 4
8.3 AC Parameters: All I/O Interfaces

Figure 8-1. AC Timing Diagram: All Interfaces

Figure 8-2. AC Parameters: All I/O Interfaces

Parameter Symbol Direction Min Typ Max Unit Notes

To Crypto Minimum time between VCC > VCC min

Power-Up Delay tPU 100 — µs
Authentication prior to measurement of tWLO.

Wake Low To Crypto

tWLO 60 — µs
Duration Authentication

Wake High
To Crypto SDA should be stable high for this entire
Delay to Data tWHI 500 µs
Authentication duration.

Pulses shorter than this in width will be

High Side Glitch To Crypto (1)
tHIGNORE_A 45 ns ignored by the device, regardless of its
Filter at Active Authentication
state when active.

Pulses shorter than this in width will be

Low Side Glitch To Crypto (1)
tLIGNORE_A 45 ns ignored by the device, regardless of its
Filter at Active Authentication
state when active.

Pulses shorter than this in width will be

Low Side Glitch To Crypto (1)
tLIGNORE_S 15 µs ignored by the device when in sleep
Filter at Sleep Authentication

Maximum time from wake until device is

Watchdog To Crypto
tWATCHDOG 0.7 1.3 1.7 s forced into sleep mode. See Section
Timeout Authentication
9.1.6, Watchdog Failsafe.
Note: 1. These parameters are guaranteed through characterization, but not tested.

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46 ATECC108A
4 [Datasheet]
8.3.1 AC Parameters: Single-Wire Interface

Figure 8-3. AC Timing Diagram: Single-Wire Interface

Table 8-2. AC Parameters: Single-Wire Interface

Applicable from TA = -40°C to +85°C, VCC = +2.0V to +5.5V, CL =100pF (unless otherwise noted).

Parameter Symbol Direction Min Typ Max Unit Notes

To Crypto
Authentication 4.10 4.34 4.56 µs
Start Pulse
Duration From Crypto
Authentication 4.60 6 8.60 µs

To Crypto
Zero Authentication 4.10 4.34 4.56 µs
Transmission tZHI
From Crypto
High Pulse 4.60 6 8.60 µs

To Crypto
Zero Authentication 4.10 4.34 4.56 µs
Transmission tZLO
From Crypto
Low Pulse 4.60 6 8.60 µs

To Crypto If the bit time exceeds tTIMEOUT then ATECC108A may

Authentication 37 39 — µs enter the sleep mode. See Section 5.3.1, I/O Timeout.
Bit Time tBIT
From Crypto
Authentication 41 54 78 µs

ATECC108A will initiate the first low going transition

From Crypto
64 96 131 µs after this time interval following the initial falling edge
of the start pulse of the last bit of the transmit flag.
Turn Around
tTURNAROUND After ATECC108A transmits the last bit of a group,
To Crypto system must wait this interval before sending the first
Authentication 93 µs bit of a flag. It is measured from the falling edge of the
start pulse of the last bit transmitted by ATECC108A.

ATECC108A may transition to the sleep mode if the

To Crypto
IO Timeout tTIMEOUT 45 65 85 ms bus is inactive longer than this duration. See Section

Note: 1. START, ZLO, ZHI, and BIT are designed to be compatible with a standard UART running at 230.4Kbaud for
both transmit and receive. The UART should be set to seven data bits, no parity and one Stop bit.

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 47 4
8.3.2 AC Parameters: I C Interface
Figure 8-4. I C Synchronous Data Timing
tF tR






Table 8-3. AC Characteristics of I C Interface

Applicable over recommended operating range from TA = -40°C to + 85°C, VCC = +2.0V to +5.5V,
CL = 1 TTL Gate and 100pF (unless otherwise noted).

Symbol Parameter Min Max Units

fSCK SCK Clock Frequency 1 MHz

tHIGH SCK High Time 400 ns

tLOW SCK Low Time 400 ns

tSU.STA Start Setup Time 250 ns

tHD.STA Start Hold Time 250 ns

tSU.STO Stop Setup Time 250 ns

tSU.DAT Data In Setup Time 100 ns

tHD.DAT Data In Hold Time 0 ns

tR Input Rise Time 300 ns
tF Input Fall Time 100 ns

tAA Clock Low to Data Out Valid 50 550 ns

tDH Data Out Hold Time 50 ns

tTIMEOUT SMBus Timeout Delay 25 75 ms

tBUF Time bus must be free before a new transmission can start. 500 ns
Note: 1. Values are based on characterization and are not tested.
AC measurement conditions:
 RL (connects between SDA and VCC): 1.2k (for VCC +2.0V to +5.0V)
 Input pulse voltages: 0.3VCC to 0.7VCC
 Input rise and fall times:  50ns
 Input and output timing reference voltage: 0.5VCC

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48 ATECC108A
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8.4 DC Parameters: All I/O Interfaces

Table 8-4. DC Parameters on All I/O Interfaces

Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Notes

Ambient Operating Temperature TA -40 85 C

Power Supply Voltage VCC 2.0 5.5 V

Waiting for I/O during I/O transfers or

3 6 mA execution of non-ECC commands when
ChipMode:3 is zero.
Active Power Supply Current ICC
During ECC command execution. See
Table 2-4, Configuration Zone for options
— 16 mA
when ChipMode indicates a slower internal
clock speed.

When device is in idle mode,

Idle Power Supply Current IIDLE 800 µA
VSDA and VSCL < 0.4V or > VCC – 0.4

When device is in sleep mode, VCC  3.6V,

30 150 nA VSDA and VSCL < 0.4V or > VCC – 0.4, TA 
Sleep Current ISLEEP 55°C

2 µA When device is in sleep mode.

When device is in active mode,

Output Low Voltage VOL 0.4 V
VCC = 2.5 – 5.5V

When device is in active mode,

Output Low Current IOL 4 mA
VCC = 2.5 – 5.5V, VOL = 0.4V

166 C/W SOIC (SSH)

Theta JA ƟJA 173 C/W UDFN (MAH)

146 C/W RBH

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8.4.1 VIH and VIL Specifications
The input voltage thresholds when in sleep or idle mode are dependent on the V CC level as shown in the graph
below. When the device is active (i.e. not in sleep or idle mode), the input voltage thresholds are different
depending upon the state of TTLenable (bit 1) within the ChipMode byte in the Configuration zone of the
EEPROM. When a common voltage is used for the ATECC108A VCC pin and the input pull-up resistor, then this
bit should be set to a one, which permits the input thresholds to track the supply as shown in the graph below.

Figure 8-5. VIH and VIL When TTLenable = 1 on All I/O Interfaces

If the voltage supplied to the VCC pin of the ATECC108A is different than the system voltage to which the input
pull-up resistor is connected, then the system designer may choose to set TTLenable to zero, which enables a
fixed input threshold according to the following table. The following applies only when the device is active:

Table 8-5. VIL, VIH on All I/O Interfaces

Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Notes

When device is active and TTLenable bit in

Input Low Voltage VIL -0.5 0.5 V
configuration memory is zero; otherwise see above.

When device is active and TTLenable bit in

Input High Voltage VIH 1.5 VCC + 0.5 V
configuration memory is zero; otherwise see above.

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9 Security Commands

9.1 I/O Groups

Regardless of the I/O protocol being used (i.e. either Single-Wire Interface or I C); security commands are sent to
the device and responses received from the device within a group that is constructed in the following way:

Table 9-1. I/O Groups

Byte Name Meaning

Number of bytes to be transferred to (or from) the device in the group, including count byte,
packet bytes, and checksum bytes. The count byte should therefore always have a value of
(N+1), where N is equal to the number of bytes in the packet plus the two checksum bytes.
0 Count For a group with one count byte, 50 packet bytes, and two checksum bytes, the count byte
should be set to 53. The maximum size group (and value of count) is 155 bytes, and the
minimum size group is four bytes. Values outside this range will cause the device to return
an I/O Error.

1 to (N-2) Packet Command, parameters and data, or response. See below for more details.

CRC-16 verification of the count and packet bytes. The CRC polynomial is
0x8005. The initial register value should be zero and after the last bit of the count and
N-1, N Checksum packet have been transmitted; the internal CRC register should have a value that matches
the checksum bytes in the block. The first CRC byte transmitted (N-1) is the least-significant
byte of the CRC value, so the last byte of the group is the most-significant byte of the CRC.

The ATECC108A is designed in such a way that the count value in the input group should be consistent with the
size requirements that are specified in the command parameters. If the count value is inconsistent with the
command opcode and/or parameters within the packet, then the ATECC108A will respond in different ways
depending upon the specific command. The response may either include an error indication or some input bytes
may be silently ignored.

9.1.1 Security Command Packets

The security command packet is broken down as shown in Table 9-2, below:

Table 9-2. Security Command Packets

Byte Name Meaning

The command code. See Section 9.1.3, Command Opcodes, Short Descriptions, and
0 Opcode
Execution Times.

1 Param1 The first parameter; always present.

2–3 Param2 The second parameter; always present.

4+ Data Optional remaining input data.

After the ATECC108A receives all the bytes in a group, the device transitions to the busy state and attempts to
execute the command. Neither status nor results can be read from the device when it is busy. During this time,
the I/O interface of the device ignores all SDA transitions regardless of the I/O interface selected. The command
execution delays are listed in Section 9.1.3.

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If insufficient bytes are sent to the device when it is in Single-Wire mode, the device automatically transitions to
the low-power sleep mode after the tTIMEOUT interval. In I C mode, the device continues to wait for the remaining
bytes until the watchdog timer limit tWATCHDOG is reached, or a Start/Stop condition is received by the device.

9.1.2 Status/Error Codes

The device does not have a dedicated status register, so the output FIFO is shared among status, error, and
command results. All outputs from the device are returned to the system as complete groups which are formatted
identically to input groups:
 Count
 Packet
 Two byte CRC
After the device receives the first byte of an input command group, the system cannot read anything from the
device until the system has sent all the bytes to the device.
After wake and after execution of a command, there will be error, status, or result bytes in the device's output
register that can be retrieved by the system. When the length of that group is four bytes, the codes returned are
detailed in Table 9-3, below. Some commands return more than four bytes when they execute successfully. The
resulting packet description is listed in the Command section that follows.
CRC errors are always returned before any other type of error. They indicate that some sort of I/O error occurred,
and that the command may be resent to the device. No particular precedence is enforced among the remaining
errors if more than one occurs.

Table 9-3. Status/Error Codes in Four byte Groups

State Description Error/Status Description

Successful Command
0x00 Command executed successfully.

Checkmac or Verify The CheckMac or Verify command was properly sent to the device,
Miscompare but the input client response did not match the expected value.

Command was properly received but the length, command opcode, or

parameters are illegal regardless of the state (volatile and/or EEPROM
Parse Error 0x03
configuration) of the ATECC108A. Changes in the value of the command
bits must be made before it is re-attempted.
A computation error occurred during ECC processing that caused the
ECC Fault 0x05 result to be invalid. Retrying the command may result in a successful

Command was properly received but could not be executed by the device
Execution Error 0x0F in its current state. Changes in the device state or the value of the
command bits must be made before it is re-attempted.

After Wake,
0x11 Indication that ATECC108A has received a proper Wake token.
Prior to First Command

There is insufficient time to execute the given command before the

Watchdog About to Expire 0xEE watchdog timer will expire. The system must reset the watchdog timer by
entering the idle or sleep modes.

Command was not properly received by AT88SHA204 and should be

CRC or Other
0xFF re-transmitted by the I/O driver in the system. No attempt was made to
Communications Error
parse or execute the command.

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9.1.3 Command Opcodes, Short Descriptions, and Execution Times
During parsing of the parameters and subsequent execution of a properly received command, the device will be
busy and not respond to transitions on the pins. The interval during which the device will be busy varies
depending upon the command and its parameter values, the state of the device, the environmental conditions,
and other factors according to the following table:

Table 9-4. Command Opcodes, Short Descriptions, and Execution Time

Typ. Exec. Max. Exec.

(1) (2)
Command Opcode Description Time Time Unit

Verify a MAC calculated on another CryptoAuthentication

CheckMac 0x28 5 12 ms

DeriveKey 0x1C Derive a target key value from the target or parent key. 3 50 ms

Generate a data digest from a random or input seed and a

GenDig 0x15 6 10 ms

Generate an ECC public key. Optionally generate an ECC

9 101
GenKey 0x40 private key. ms
P256 Keys. 9 90

Calculate response from key and other internal data using

HMAC 0x11 14 23 ms

Info 0x30 Return device state information. 0.1 1 ms

Lock 0x17 Prevent further modifications to a zone of the device. 9 23 ms

Calculate response from key and other internal data using

MAC 0x08 5 11 ms

Generate a 32-byte random number and an internally

Nonce 0x16 0.1 6 ms
stored Nonce.

Selectively put just one device on a shared bus into the idle
Pause 0x01 0.1 3 ms

PrivWrite 0x46 Write an ECC private key into a slot in the Data zone. 0.8 47 ms

Random 0x1B Generate a random number. 2 23 ms

Read four bytes from the device, with or without

Read 0x02 0.1 1 ms
authentication and encryption.

Perform ECDSA Sign operation. B283 and K283 Keys 22 25

Sign 0x41 ms
P256 Keys. 34 37

Computes a SHA-256 or HMAC digest for general purpose 7 9 ms

SHA 0x47
use by the system.

Update bytes 84 or 85 within the Configuration zone after

UpdateExtra 0x20 9 10 ms
the Configuration zone is locked.

Perform ECDSA verify operation. B283 and K283 Keys 30 60

Verify 0x45 ms
P256 Keys. 38 72

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Typ. Exec. Max. Exec.
(1) (2)
Command Opcode Description Time Time Unit

Write 4 or 32 bytes to the device, with or without

Write 0x12 7 26 ms
authentication and encryption.

Notes: 1. Typical execution times are representative of the duration to execute the command assuming no error
conditions, fastest mode setting, and favorable environmental conditions. For best performance, delay for this
interval and then start polling to determine actual command completion.
2. Maximum execution times are representative of the longest duration of a successful command execution under
the worst case statistical and environmental conditions. Some internal modes such as limited use and others
will cause the delays to be as much as 50ms longer.
In most but not all cases, failing commands will return relatively quickly, often well before the typical execution

9.1.4 Address Encoding

The Read and Write commands include a single 16 bit address in Param2, which indicates the memory
location to be accessed. In all cases, the least significant two bytes of the byte address should be dropped from
the parameter that is passed to the device to create a word address.
The Read and Write commands support either 4 or 32 byte accesses. When 32 bytes are being accessed, the
offset (i.e. the least significant three bits of the word address) must be present in the parameter, but their value in
the parameter is ignored, and the operation proceeds assuming they are zero (i.e. all 32 byte accesses are block

Table 9-5. Address Encoding for Config and OTP Zones (Param2)

Byte 1 Byte 0

Zone Unused Unused Block Offset

Config Bits 0  7 Bits 5  7 Bits 3  4 Bits 0  2

OTP Bits 0  7 Bits 4  7 Bit 3 Bits 0  2

Table 9-6. Address Encoding for Data Zone (Param2)

Byte 1 Byte 0

Zone Unused Block Unused Slot Offset

Data Slots 0 – 7 Bits 1  7 Bit 0 Bit 7 Bits 3  6 Bits 0  2

Data Slot 8 Bits 4  7 Bits 0  3 Bit 7 Bits 3  6 Bits 0  2

Data Slots 9 – 15 Bits 2  7 Bits 0 and 1 Bit 7 Bits 3 6 Bits 0  2

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Within each zone, there are various access restrictions as noted in the table below:
Table 9-7. Legal Block/Slot Values

Zone Name Legal Block Legal Slot Notes

Addresses below 16 (Block 0, Offset 16) can never be written. Addresses

Config 0–3 — from 84-87 cannot be written using the Write command. Both 4-byte and
32-byte reads/writes are permitted.

When OTP mode is read-only, all offsets in both blocks are available to
use with 4 or 32 byte reads. If OTP mode is consumption, then writes are
OTP 0–1 —
also permitted to all offsets. See Table 2-7, Write Configuration Bits:
Write Command if OTP mode is legacy.
0–1 0–7
All offsets in all slots available for both Read and Write. A 4-byte access
Data 0 – 12 8
is permitted on a particular slot only if SlotConfig.IsSecret is zero.
0–2 9 – 15

In the following table, address is the value to be passed to the Read and/or Write commands as the address
parameter to access data in the specific blocks using a 32 byte Read or Write. Size is the number of implemented
EPROM bytes within that particular block.

Slot 8 contains an additional nine blocks, each containing 32 bytes that are not included in Table 9-8.

To use a four byte Read or Write command to access the first word in a block, use the addresses shown in
Table 9-8; otherwise, the least significant three bits of the address field should include the word address to be
accessed. The 32 byte access is permitted in blocks that contain less than 32 implemented memory bytes. The
extra bytes will be returned as zero on a read and ignored on a Write.

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Table 9-8. Data Zone Address Values

Block 0 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3

Slot Address Size Address Size Address Size Address Size

0 0x0000 32 0x0100 4

1 0x0008 32 0x0108 4

2 0x0010 32 0x0110 4

3 0x0018 32 0x0118 4

4 0x0020 32 0x0120 4

5 0x0028 32 0x0128 4

6 0x0030 32 0x0130 4

7 0x0038 32 0x0138 4

8 0x0040 32 0x0140 32 0x0240 32 0x0340 32

9 0x0048 32 0x0148 32 0x0248 8

10 0x0050 32 0x0150 32 0x0250 8

11 0x0058 32 0x0158 32 0x0258 8

12 0x0060 32 0x0160 32 0x0260 8

13 0x0068 32 0x0168 32 0x0268 8

14 0x0070 32 0x0170 32 0x0270 8

15 0x0078 32 0x0178 32 0x0278 8

Example: To complete a four byte read of the 53rd through 56th byte of Slot 9, the word address would be:
The 53rd byte is the 21st byte in Block 1 (53 divided by 32 is 1, 53 minus 32 is 21).
The 21st byte is located at byte offset 0x14, which is at word offset 0x05 (0x14 divided by 4 is 0x05).
Per Table 9-6, the address parameter to the Read command is 000000 01 0 1001 101 or 0x014.

0 1 4 D

000000 01 0 1001 101

Word Offset
Slot Number
Block Number

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9.1.5 Zone Encoding
The value in Param1 controls which zone the command accesses. See Section 2.4.1, Configuration Zone
Locking to obtain more information on what controls the locked and unlocked states for each zone. All other zone
values are reserved and should not be used.

Table 9-9. Zone Encoding (Param1)

Zone Value Size Read Write

1024 bits Partially, when unlocked.

Config 0 128 bytes Always available. Never when locked.
2 Slots Never encrypted.

Never when unlocked.

512 bits All writeable when unlocked using Write.
Always when locked, except in
OTP 1 64 bytes When locked, write permissions depend on
legacy mode, see Section 2.5,
2 Slots OTPmode, see Section 2.5.
Static RAM (SRAM) Memory.

9664 bits Never when unlocked; otherwise, All writeable when unlocked.
Data 2 1208 bytes controlled by IsSecret and When locked, writes controlled by
16 Slots EncryptRead. WriteConfig.

9.1.6 Watchdog Failsafe

After the ATECC108A receives a Wake token, a watchdog counter starts within the device after tWATCHDOG, the
device enters sleep mode regardless of whether some I/O transmission or command execution is in progress.
There is no way to reset the counter other than to put the device into sleep or idle mode and then wake it up
The watchdog timer is implemented as a fail-safe mechanism where no matter what happens on either the
system side or inside the device, including any I/O synchronization issue, power consumption will fall to the
ultra-low sleep level automatically.
The device resets the values stored in the SRAM and internal status registers when it transitions to the sleep
mode; however, if the device is explicitly put into the idle mode through the appropriate I/O sequence, then the
device retains the contents of the two SRAM registers (TempKey and RNG Seed).
Normally, all command sequences must complete within tWATCHDOG if they require a state that is stored in the
SRAM registers. The system software can use this idle mode mechanism to implement a longer command
sequence than can be completed during a single watchdog interval.
If a command is attempted when insufficient time remains prior to watchdog timer execution, the device will
return the Watchdog Timeout error code without attempting to execute the command. This feature prevents
situations in which the command may only be partially executed at the time the watchdog timer resets the device.
In particular, the limited use counter is always decremented prior to execution of the crypto computation;
therefore, an aborted command might result in fewer counts remaining without the result being available to the
system. The device will never be left in an unusable state after an aborted command.

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9.2 CheckMac Command
The CheckMAC command calculates a MAC response that would have been generated on an ATECC108A,
ATECC508A, or ATSHA204A device and then compares the result with the input value. It returns a Boolean
result to indicate the success or failure of the comparison.
Prior to running this command, the Nonce and/or GenDig commands may have been optionally run to create a
key or nonce value in TempKey. The input mode parameter determines the source of the key (the first 32 bytes of
SHA message) and challenge/nonce (the second 32 bytes of SHA message). If KeyConfig[KeyID].ReqRandom
is one, the RNG must have been used during the execution of the Nonce command, or else this command will
return an error.
If authorization is required by the KeyConfig before use of a key, this authorization function can be accomplished
by executing this command with mode[1] set to zero. TempKey should have been previously loaded with a nonce
via the Nonce command. If KeyConfig[KeyID].ReqRandom is one, the RNG should have been used during the
execution of that Nonce command. If the CheckMac succeeds, then an internal authComplete flag will be set
and KeyID retained internally. See Section 3.2.9, Authorized Keys for more details.
If the comparison matches, then the target EEPROM slot value may be copied into TempKey. If KeyID is even,
then the target slot is KeyID+1, or else the target slot is KeyID. For the copy to take place the mode parameter to
CheckMac must have a value of 0x01 or 0x05 and slotConfig.readKey for the target key must be zero. This
copy will take place regardless of the value of SlotConfig.LimitedUse, and/or LastKeyUse for the target slot.

Table 9-10. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode CheckMac 1 0x28

Bit 0: 0 = The second 32 bytes of the SHA message are taken from the input
ClientChal parameter.
1 = The second 32 bytes of the message are taken from TempKey.
Bit 1: 0 = Use key[KeyID] in first SHA block.
1 = Use TempKey.
Param1 Mode 1
Bit 2: If Mode:0 or Mode:1 are set, then the value of this bit must match the value
in TempKey.sourceFlag or the command will return an error.
Bits 3 – 4: Must be zero.
Bit 5: = Use 64 bits of OTP zone in calculation.0 = Use 64 zeros.
Bits 6 – 7: Must be zero.

The internal key is to be used to generate the response. All except bits 0:3 of KeyID
Param2 KeyID 2
are ignored.
Challenge sent to client. If Mode:0 is one, then the value of this parameter will be
Data1 ClientChal 32
ignored. (These 32 bytes must still appear in the input stream).

Data2 ClientResp 32 Response generated by the client.

Data3 OtherData 13 Remaining constant data needed for response calculation.

Table 9-11. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

Returns a single byte with a value of zero if ClientResp matches the internally computed
Result 1
digest; value of one if there is a mismatch.

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The message that will be hashed with the SHA-256 algorithm consists of the following information:
32 bytes key[KeyID] or TempKey (depending on mode)
32 bytes ClientChal or TempKey (depending on mode)
4 bytes OtherData[0:3]
8 bytes OTP[0:7] (or zeros.)
3 bytes OtherData[4:6]
1 byte SN[8]
4 bytes OtherData[7:10]
2 bytes SN[0:1]
2 bytes OtherData[11:12]

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9.3 DeriveKey Command
The device combines the current value of a key with the nonce stored in TempKey using SHA-256 and places the
result into the target key slot. SlotConfig[TargetKey].Bit13 must be set or DeriveKey will return an error.
DeriveKey always returns an error if KeyConfig indicates that the slot contains an ECC private key, if the
Configuration zone has not been locked, or if the TargetKey slot is individually locked using SlotLocked.
If SlotConfig[TargetKey].Bit12 is zero, the source key that will be combined with TempKey is the target key as
specified in the command line (Roll Key operation). If SlotConfig[TargetKey].Bit12 is one, the source key is the
parent key of the target key, which is found in SlotConfig[TargetKey].WriteKey (Create Key operation).
Prior to execution of this command, the Nonce command must have been run to create a valid nonce in
TempKey. If KeyConfig.ReqRandom is one for the source key, this nonce must have been created with the
internal RNG or an error will be returned. In all cases, Mode:2 must match the state of TempKey.SourceFlag or
the command will return an error.
If SlotConfig[TargetKey].Bit15 is set, an input MAC must be present and have been computed as follows:
SHA-256(ParentKey, Opcode, Param1, Param2, SN[8], SN[0:1])
where the ParentKey ID is always SlotConfig[TargetKey].WriteKey.
If performing a Roll Key operation and KeyConfig[TargetKey].ReqAuth is one, then the appropriate authorization
must have been performed using KeyConfig[TargetKey].AuthKey prior to the execution of DeriveKey. If
performing a Create Key operation and KeyConfig[ParentKey].ReqAuth is one, then the appropriate
authorization must have been performed using KeyConfig[ParentKey].AuthKey prior to the execution of
If an input MAC is required and KeyConfig[ParentKey].ReqAuth is one, then the appropriate authorization must
have been performed using KeyConfig[ParentKey].AuthKey prior to the execution of DeriveKey.
 ATECC108A:
If a parent key is involved in the operation (either SlotConfig[TargetKey].Bit12 or
SlotConfig[TargetKey].Bit15 are set) and SlotConfig[ParentKey].LimitedUse is also set, DeriveKey
returns an error if UseFlag[ParentKey] is 0x00. DeriveKey always ignores LimitedUse and UseFlag for
the target key.
For Slots 0 thru 7 only, if input parsing and the optional MAC check succeed, then useFlag[TargetKey] gets
set to 0xFF, and UpdateCount[TargetKey] is incremented. If UpdateCount currently has a value of 255,
then it wraps to zero. If the command fails for any reason, then these bytes are not updated. The value of
updateCount may be corrupted if power is interrupted during the execution of DeriveKey.
Table 9-12. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode DeriveKey 1 0x1C
Bit 2: The value of this bit must match the value in TempKey.SourceFlag or
Param1 Mode 1 the command will return an error.
Bits 0:1, 3:7: Must be zero.
Param2 TargetKey 2 Key slot to be written.
Data MAC 0 or 32 Optional MAC used to validate operation.

Table 9-13. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

Success 1 Upon successful completion, the ATECC108A returns a value of zero.

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The key written to the target slot is the result of SHA-256 of the following message:
32 bytes Target or Parent key (depending upon SlotConfig:Bit 12)
1 byte Opcode
1 byte Param1
2 bytes Param2
1 byte SN[8]
2 bytes SN[0:1]
25 bytes Zeros
32 bytes TempKey.value

The data flow for this command is illustrated below.

Figure 9-1. Data Flow for DeriveKey Command

Parent Target
Key Key


SHA Source
(AUTH) Key Nonce


Input MAC Match

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9.4 GenDig Command
The GenDig command uses SHA-256 to combine a stored or input value with the contents of TempKey, which
must have been valid prior to the execution of this command. The stored value can come from one of the data
slots, the Configuration zone, either of the OTP pages, or be retrieved from the hardware transport key array. The
resulting digest is retained in TempKey, and can be used in one of four ways:
1. It can be included as part of the message used by the MAC, Sign, CheckMac, or HMAC commands.
Because the MAC response output incorporates both the data used in the GenDig calculation and the
secret key from the MAC command, it serves to authenticate the data stored in the data and/or OTP zones.
2. A subsequent Read or Write command can use the digest to provide authentication and/or confidentiality
for the data, in which case it is known as a data protection digest.
3. The command can be used for secure personalization by using a value from the transport key array. The
resulting data protection digest would then be used by Write.
4. The input value, typically a nonce from a remote device, is combined with the current TempKey value to
create a shared nonce in which both devices can attest to the inclusion of the RNG.
If zone is two (i.e. Data), and KeyID is less than 0x8000, then the GenDig command sets
TempKey.GenDigData to one, and TempKey.KeyID to the input KeyID; otherwise, TempKey.GenDigData is set
to zero. If KeyConfig.ReqRandom is set for KeyID, and the Data zone is locked, then the value in the TempKey
register must have been originally computed using a random number via the Nonce command; otherwise,
GenDig will fail. Regardless of how the resulting digest is computed, it can never be read from the device.
If TempKey.Valid is invalid, this command returns an error. Upon command completion, the TempKey.Valid bit is
set indicating that a digest has been loaded and is ready for use. The TempKey.Valid bit is cleared when the next
command is executed. See Section 2.5, Static RAM (SRAM) Memory for more details.
For all KeyID values less than 0x8000, the device uses the least-significant four bits of KeyID to determine the
slot number from which to retrieve the key value from the Data zone of the EEPROM. KeyID values above
0x8000 reference keys stored in the masks of the design. These keys can only be used if the nonce value stored
in TempKey has been generated using the on-board RNG. In any event, all 16 bits of the KeyID as input to the
device are used as Param2 in the SHA-256 calculation.
When the key specified on input to GenDig has the NoMac bit set, GenDig can be used to generate ephemeral
keys matching those generated on client CryptoAuthentication devices using the DeriveKey command. Keys
which have the NoMac bit set represent situations in which the device is acting as a host. In this case, the opcode
and parameter bytes that would normally be included in the SHA calculation are replaced with bytes from the
input stream.

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Table 9-14. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode GenDig 1 0x15

If 0x00 (Config), then use KeyID to specify any of the four 256-bit blocks of the
Configuration zone. If KeyID has a value greater than three, the command will
return an error.
If 0x01 (OTP), use KeyID to specify either the first or second 256-bit block of the
OTP zone.
If 0x02 (Data), then KeyID specifies a slot in the Data zone or a transport key in the
Param1 Zone 1 hardware array.
If 0x03 (Shared Nonce), then KeyID specifies the location of the input value in the
message generation.
If 0x04 (Counter), is not supported by ATECC108A.
If 0x05 (Key Config), then KeyID specifies the slot for which the configuration
information is to be included in the message generation.
All other values are reserved and must not be used.

Identification number of the key to be used, selection of which OTP block or

Param2 KeyID 2
message order for Shared Nonce mode.

32 or Four bytes of data for SHA calculation when using a NoMac key, 32 bytes for
Data1 OtherData
4 or 0 “Shared Nonce” mode, otherwise ignored

Table 9-15. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

Success 1 Upon successful execution, ATECC108A returns a value of zero.

If zone is “Shared Nonce” and KeyID:15 is zero then the SHA-256 message body used to create the resulting
new TempKey consists of the following bytes:
32 bytes Input OtherData Parameter
1 byte Opcode (always 0x15)
1 byte Mode
1 byte LSB of KeyID
1 byte Zero
1 byte SN[8]
2 bytes SN[0:1]
25 bytes Zeros
32 bytes TempKey.value

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If zone is “Shared Nonce” and KeyID:15 is one then the SHA-256 message body used to create the resulting new
TempKey consists of the following bytes:
32 bytes TempKey.value
1 byte Opcode (always 0x15)
1 byte Mode
1 byte LSB of KeyID
1 byte Zero
1 byte SN[8]
2 bytes SN[0:1]
25 bytes Zeros
32 bytes Input OtherData Parameter

If zone is Data and SlotConfig[KeyID].NoMac is one, then the SHA-256 message body used to create the
resulting new TempKey consists of the following bytes:
32 bytes Data.slot[KeyID]
4 bytes OtherData
1 byte SN[8]
2 bytes SN[0:1]
25 bytes Zeros
32 bytes TempKey.value

If zone is “Key Config” (0x05), then the SHA-256 message body used to create the resulting new TempKey
consists of the following bytes:
32 bytes TempKey
1 byte Opcode
1 byte Mode
2 bytes Param2
1 byte SN[8]
2 bytes SN[0:1]
1 byte Zero
2 bytes SlotConfig[KeyId]
2 bytes KeyConfig[KeyId]
1 byte SlotLocked:KeyId
19 bytes Zeros
1 byte 0x00

In all other cases, the message use to create TempKey is as follows:

32 bytes OTP[KeyID] or Data.slot[KeyID] or TransportKey[KeyID]
1 byte Opcode
1 byte Param1
2 bytes Param2
1 byte SN[8]
2 bytes SN[0:1]
25 bytes Zeros
32 bytes TempKey.value

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9.5 GenKey Command
The GenKey command performs one or more of the following three operations:
1. Private Key Creation:
Creates a new random private key and writes that key into the slot specified by the KeyID parameter. The
EEPROM RNG seed will automatically be updated prior to the execution of this command if it has not been
already updated this power cycle.
2. Public Key Computation:
Generates an ECC public key based upon the private key stored in the slot defined by the KeyID parameter. This
mode of the command may be used to avoid storing the public key on the device at the expense of the time
required to regenerate it.
3. Digest Calculation:
GenKey can also combine a public key referenced by the KeyID parameter with the current value stored in
TempKey, calculate a SHA-256 digest of the resulting message, and place that digest back into TempKey. This
digest can be used as the message for an internal signature, or as a component of a MAC computation.
TempKey must be valid prior to digest calculation. If KeyConfig.ReqRandom is set, then TempKey must have
been created using the internal RNG.
The digest calculation operation can be performed by using either a public key computed from a private key in a slot or
by using a public key already stored in a slot. In the latter case, the appropriate checks for prior authorization and
limited use will be performed on the public key slot, and the remaining checks indicated below will not be performed.
When GenKey is used to calculate a digest on a public key slot, it ignores the validity status of the public key.
Excluding the digest generation operation described above, the slot indicated by this command must be configured by
means of KeyConfig.Private to contain an ECC private key, and SlotConfig.IsSecret must be set to one, or else this
command will fail. If the KeyConfig.KeyType does not indicate an ECC curve supported by this device, then this
command will also return an error. Prior to the Configuration zone being locked, it will always return an error.
Once the Data zone has been locked, the following additional restrictions are enforced:
 Private Key Creation:
– Bit 13 of the corresponding SlotConfig must be set to one.
– If KeyConfig.ReqAuth is set to one, then a prior authorization using KeyConfig.AuthKey must have been
 Public Key Generation:
– KeyConfig.GenPub must be set to one.
– If KeyConfig.ReqAuth is set to one, then a prior authorization using KeyConfig.AuthKey must have been
The following applies to all private key creation operations regardless of whether or not the Data zone has been locked:
 This command writes only those bytes necessary to create a private key of the type specified. The remaining
bytes within the slot are unaffected by this command.
 When creating and writing a random key into the Data zone, the GenKey command always returns the public
key regardless of the value of the GenPub bit within the KeyConfig area.
 If the corresponding SlotLocked bit is zero, then this command returns an error.
 For Slots 0 – 7 only, if key creation succeeds, then useFlag[KeyID] gets set to 0xFF and updateCount[KeyID] is
incremented. If updateCount currently has a value of 255, then it wraps to zero. If the command fails for any
reason, then these bytes are not updated. The value of updateCount may be corrupted if power is interrupted
during the execution of GenKey. useFlag[TargetKey] is ignored on input to GenKey.
 There is a small statistical probability that the generated key will be unacceptable for the curve specified, in
which case this command will return a single byte containing the ECC fault code (see Table 9-3, Status/Error
Codes in Four byte Groups). In this circumstance the command should be re-run and will usually generate a
key correctly in the subsequent iteration.

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Table 9-16. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode GenKey 1 0x40
Param1 Mode 1 See below.
Param2 KeyID 2
If KeyID points to a public key, then these bytes replace Param1 and Param2 in the
Data OtherData 3
message calculation.

Table 9-17. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

Response 1 or 64 or 72 Public Key X and Y coordinates. ECC fault code if generated private key was unacceptable.

Table 9-18. Mode Encoding

Bits Meaning
0–1 Must be zero.
1: A random private key is generated and stored in the Slot specified by KeyID. KeyType must indicate an
2 ECC key in the KeyConfig area for this KeyID or an error will be returned.
0: A the private key currently stored in the slot is used to generate the public key.
1: The device creates a PubKey digest based on the private key in KeyID and places it in TempKey.
0: No PubKey digest is created.
1: KeyID must point to a public key, and GenKey only creates the digest in TempKey without any public
4 key generation operation. Bit 2 and bit 3 of the mode byte are ignored if this bit is set.
0: KeyID points to a private key, and mode:2 and mode:3 control device operation.
5–7 Must be zero.

When a PubKey digest of a 566 bit public key (i.e. the public part of a 283 bit private key) is to be calculated by
the GenKey command, the following message is used as the input to the SHA-256 algorithm:
32 bytes TempKey
1 byte Opcode
1 byte Param1
2 bytes Param2
1 byte SN[8]
2 bytes SN[0:1]
17 bytes Zeros
72 bytes X and Y coordinates of the public key. Upper five bits of both are masked to zeros.
When the public key length is 512 bits, the message is as follows:
32 bytes TempKey
1 byte Opcode
1 byte Param1
2 bytes Param2
1 byte SN[8]
2 bytes SN[0:1]
25 bytes Zeros
64 bytes X and Y coordinates of the public key

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9.6 HMAC Command
The HMAC command computes an HMAC/SHA-256 digest using a key stored in the device over a challenge
stored in the TempKey register, and/or other information stored within the device. The output of this command is
the output of the HMAC algorithm computed over this message using the specified key.
The normal command flow to use this command is as follows:
1. Run Nonce command to load input challenge and optionally combine it with a generated random number.
The result of this operation is a nonce stored internally on the device.
2. Optionally run GenDig command to combine one or more stored EEPROM locations in the device with the
nonce. The result is stored internally in the device.
3. Run this HMAC command to combine the output of step one (and step two, if desired) with an EEPROM key
to generate an output response (i.e. digest).
See the SHA command, which can generate an HMAC digest over an arbitrary length message without any
special formatting.

Table 9-19. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode HMAC 1 0x11

Param1 Mode 1 Controls which fields within the device are used in the message.

The internal key is to be used to generate the response. Bits 0:3 only are used to
Param2 KeyID 2
select a slot; however, all 16 bits are used in the HMAC message.

Data — 0 —

Table 9-20. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

Response 32 HMAC digest.

The HMAC digest is computed using the key at KeyID as the HMAC key over a message consisting of the
following information:
32 bytes Zeros
32 bytes TempKey
1 byte Opcode (always 0x11)
1 byte Mode
2 bytes KeyID
8 bytes OTP[0:7] (or zeros.)
3 bytes OTP[8:10] (or zeros.)
1 byte SN[8] bits (never zeroed out)
4 bytes SN[4:7] bits (or zeros, see Table 9-21)
2 bytes SN[0:1] (never zeroed out)
2 bytes SN[2:3] (or zeros, see Table 9-21)

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Table 9-21. Mode Encoding

Bits Meaning

0–1 Must be zero.

2 The value of this bit must match the value in TempKey.SourceFlag or the command will return an error.

3 Must be zero.

1 = Include the first 88 OTP bits (OTP[0] through OTP[10]) in the message; otherwise, the corresponding
message bits are set to zero.

1 = Include the first 64 OTP bits (OTP[0] through OTP[7]) in the message; otherwise, the corresponding
message bits are set to zero. If Mode[4] is set, the value of this mode bit is ignored.

1 = Include the 48 bits SN[2:3] and SN[4:7] in the message; otherwise, the corresponding message bits are
set to zero.

7 Must be zero.

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9.7 Info Command
Info command accesses some static or dynamic four byte information from the device depending upon the
value of mode. Illegal values of the mode parameter will result in a parse error response.

Table 9-22. Mode Encoding

Param1 Mode Notes

A single 4-byte word representing the revision number of the device is returned. Software
0 Revision
should not depend on this value as it may change from time to time.

Returns a value of one if an ECC private or public key stored in the key slot specified by param
is valid and zero if the key is not valid. For public keys in slots where PubInfo is zero, the
1 KeyValid
information returned by this command is not useful. This information is not meaningful for slots
in which KeyType does not indicate a supported ECC curve.

Returns various dynamic state information as follows:

First byte on the bus:
Bits 0 – 3 TempKey.KeyId
Bit 4 TempKey.SourceFlag
Bit 5 TempKey.GenDigData
Bit 6 TempKey.GenKeyData
Bit 7 TempKey.NoMacFlag
2 State
Second byte on the bus:
Bit 0 EEPROM RNG: Seed has been updated this power cycle.
Bit 1 SRAM RNG: Seed has been updated this power cycle.
Bit 2 AuthValid: A valid authorization sequence has been performed.
Bit 3 – 6 AuthKey: The slot ID on which an authorization was performed.
Bit 7 TempKey.Valid
The third and fourth bytes on the bus are all zeros.

Accesses the GPIO pin when the device is in either of the Single-Wire Interface modes. The
specific operation is controlled by Param2 as follows:
Bit 0 State to which output is to be driven.
3 GPIO Ignored if bit 1 is zero.
Bit 1 Driver state; Input (0) or Output (1).
Bits 2-15 Must be zero.
Always return the current state in the first byte followed by three bytes of 0x00.

Table 9-23. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode INFO 1 0x30

Param1 Mode 1 See above.

Param2 Param 2 Use depends on mode.

Data — 0 Ignored.

Table 9-24. Output Parameters

Name Size Notes

Response 4 The information specified by mode or an error code.

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Further information on the GPIO mode is as follows:

If the IO_Mode field within Config. I2C_Address is set to disabled, or if Config:I2C_Enable:Bit 0 is set to I C
mode, then the GPIO mode always returns an error code to the system firmware.
 If the IO_Mode field within Config.I2C_Address is set to Authorization modes, then the operation depends
on I2C_Address:Bit 3. If this bit is zero, then the device is in Authorization Output mode. If one, then the
device is in Intrusion Detection mode.
– Authorization Output Mode:
Regardless of the state of Param2:Bit1, on a successful execution the Info command returns the
current state of the output pin. If Param2:1 indicates output and Param2:0 matches the default
output state (I2C_Address:2), then set the output to the default; otherwise, if AuthValid is one and
AuthKey matches SignalKey, then set the output to the opposite of the default state.
– Intrusion Detection Mode:
Regardless of the state of Param2:Bit1 on a successful execution the Info command returns the
current state of the intrusion latch. If Param2:1 indicates output, and if AuthValid is one and AuthKey
matches SignalKey, then set the intrusion latch to Param2:Bit 0. The Intrusion latch can be set to one
 If the IO_Mode field within Config.I2C_Address is set to Input, then the current state of the GPIO pin is
returned to the system firmware without changing the direction of the GPIO pin. This command will return
an error if Param2:Bit 1 (driver state) is set to one (output).
 If the IO_Mode field within Config.I2C_Address is set to Output, then the direction of the GPIO driver will be
set to match Param2:Bit 1 to zero for input and one for output. If configured as an Output, then the value in
Param2:Bit 0 will be driven to the pin. Regardless of the value in Param2, the current state of the GPIO pin
will be returned to the system in the output response parameter.

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9.8 Lock Command
The Lock command prevents future modifications of the Configuration and/or Data and OTP zones. If the device
is so configured, then this command can be used to lock individual data slots. This command fails if the
designated area is already locked.
Prior to locking the configuration and/or Data and OTP zones, the ATECC108A can optionally use the CRC-16
algorithm to verify the contents of the designated zone(s). The calculation uses the same algorithm as the CRC
computed over the input and output groups. This summary digest (CRC) is always ignored when locking an
individual slot.
 Configuration Zone:
The CRC is calculated over all 128 bytes within the Configuration zone using the current value of the
LockConfig at address 87. If the compare succeeds, then LockConfig will be set to a value of 00.
 Data and OTP Zone:
The slot contents are concatenated in numerical order to create the input to the CRC algorithm. Slots that
are configured to contain an ECC private key are never included in the summary CRC calculation. The
OTP zone is then concatenated after the last Data slot and the CRC value is calculated. If the compare
succeeds, then LockValue will be set to a value of 00.
If Mode:7 is one and the input summary does not match that computed on the device, then an error is returned
and the personalization process should be repeated.
For slots containing public keys that must be validated, the most significant four bits are modified by the device
when being written and/or when being validated. The summary CRC is calculated using the current values.

Table 9-25. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode LOCK 1 0x17
Param1 Mode 1 See Table 9-27.
Param2 Summary 2 Summary (CRC) of the designated zones, or should be 0x0000 if mode:7 is set.
Data Ignored 0 —

Table 9-26. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

Success 1 Upon successful execution, ATECC108A returns a value of zero.

Table 9-27. Mode Encoding

Bits Meaning
0: The Configuration zone is to be locked.
1: The Data and OTP zones are to be locked.
2: A single slot in the Data zone is to be locked.
3: Illegal value, the device will return an error.
2–5 The slot number to be locked if bits0:1 have a value of two; otherwise, these bits must be zero.
6 Unused, must be zero.
Summary check bit. This bit is ignored when locking individual data slots.
0: The summary value is verified before the zone is locked.
1: Check of the zone summary is ignored and the zone is locked regardless of the contents of the zone.
Atmel does not recommend using this mode.

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9.9 MAC Command
The MAC command computes a SHA-256 digest of a key stored in the device, a challenge, and other information
on the device. The output of this command is the digest of this message. If the message includes the serial
number of the device, the response is said to be “diversified”.
The normal command flow to use this command is as follows:
1. Run Nonce command to load input challenge and optionally combine it with a generated random number.
The result of this operation is a nonce stored internally on the device.
2. Optionally, run GenDig command to combine one or more stored EEPROM locations in the device with
the nonce. The result is stored internally in the device. This capability permits two or more keys to be used
as part of the response generation.
3. Run this MAC command to combine the output of step one (and step two if desired) with an EEPROM key
to generate an output response (i.e. digest).
Alternatively, data in any slot (which does not have to necessarily even be secret) can be accumulated into the
response through the same GenDig mechanism. This has the effect of authenticating the value stored in that

Table 9-28. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode MAC 1 0x08

Param1 Mode 1 Controls which fields within the device are used in the message.

The internal key is to be used to generate the response. Bits 0:3 only are used to
Param2 KeyID 2
select a slot; however, all 16 bits are used in the SHA-256 message.

Data Challenge 0 or 32 Input portion of message to be digested, ignored if Mode:0 is one.

Table 9-29. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

Response 32 SHA-256 digest

The message that will be hashed with the SHA-256 algorithm consists of the following information:
32 bytes key[KeyID] or TempKey (see Table 9-30, Mode Encoding)
32 bytes Challenge or TempKey (see Mode Encoding)
1 byte Opcode (always 0x08)
1 byte Mode
2 bytes Param2
8 bytes OTP[0:7] (or zeros)
3 bytes OTP[8:10] (or zeros)
1 byte SN[8] bits (never zeroed out)
4 bytes SN[4:7] bits (or zeros, see Mode Encoding)
2 bytes SN[0:1] (never zeroed out)
2 bytes SN[2:3] (or zeros, see Mode Encoding)

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Table 9-30. Mode Encoding

Bits Meaning

0: The second 32 bytes of the SHA message are taken from the input challenge parameter.
1: The second 32 bytes are filled with the value in TempKey. This mode is recommended for all use.

0: The first 32 bytes of the SHA message are loaded from one of the data slots.
1: The first 32 bytes are filled with TempKey

If either Mode:0 or Mode:1 are set, Mode:2 must match the value in TempKey.SourceFlag or the command
will return an error.

3 Must be zero.

1: Include the first 88 OTP bits (OTP[0] through OTP[10]) in the message; otherwise, the corresponding
message bits are set to zero.

1: Include the first 64 OTP bits (OTP[0] through OTP[7]) in the message; otherwise, the corresponding
message bits are set to zero. If Mode[4] is set, the value of this mode bit is ignored.

1: Include the 48 bits SN[2:3] and SN[4:7] in the message; otherwise, the corresponding message bits are
set to zero.

7 Must be zero.

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9.10 Nonce Command
The Nonce command generates a nonce for use by a subsequent command by combining an internally
generated random number with an input value from the system. The resulting nonce is stored internally in
TempKey and the generated random number is returned to the system.
The input value is designed to prevent replay attacks against the host, and it must be externally generated by the
system and passed into the device using this command. It may be any value that changes consistently, such as
a nonvolatile counter, current real time of day, and so forth, or it can be an externally generated random number.
To provide a nonce value for subsequent crypto commands, the input number and output random number are
hashed together according to the information listed below. The resulting digest (i.e. nonce) is always stored in the
TempKey register, TempKey.Valid is set, and TempKey.SourceFlag is set to Rand. The nonce can then be used
by a subsequent ATECC108A command. Where the actual nonce value is required to be known by an external
system, software will typically be needed to externally compute this digest value and store it externally to
complete the execution of those commands.
In order to simplify the system code for some usage models, the device provides a mechanism for a host device
to compute the nonce generated on a client device. In this calculation mode, the current value in TempKey is
combined with the input parameters using SHA and the result is written back into TempKey. The new TempKey
value is also returned to the system as the output parameter. Mode:0-1 must have a value of zero or one to
enable this feature. TempKey.SourceFlag is not modified by the device in this mode.
Alternatively, this command can also be run in a pass-through mode if a fixed nonce is required for subsequent
commands. In this case, the input value must be 32 bytes long and it is passed directly to TempKey without
modification. No SHA-256 calculation is performed and TempKey.SourceFlag is set to Input. If operated in this
mode and with a repeated input number value, the device provides no protection against replay attacks.
Prior to the Configuration zone being locked, the RNG produces a value of 0xFF FF 00 00 FF FF 00 00
to facilitate testing. This test value is combined with the input value in the manner described above.

Table 9-31. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode NONCE 1 0x16

Param1 Mode 1 Controls the mechanism of the internal RNG and seed update.

Bits 0-14: Must be zero.

Bit 15: 1 = RandOut is replaced by TempKey in both the hash calculation input
Param2 Zero 2
(message) and the command output parameter.
0 = OutData is either the output of the RNG or a single byte of zero.

Data NumIn 20, 32 Input value from system.

Table 9-32. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

The output of the RNG, calculated nonce or a single byte with a value of zero if Mode[0:1] is
OutData 1 or 32

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If Mode[0:1] is zero or one and Param2:15 is zero, then the input NumIn parameter must be 20 bytes long and the
SHA-256 message body used to create the nonce stored internally in TempKey consists of the following. Upon
completion of the command, TempKey.SourceFlag is set to Rand. If Mode[0:1] is one, the automatic random
number seed update is suppressed. See Section 3.3.2, Random Number Generator (RNG).
32 bytes RandOut
20 bytes NumIn from input stream
1 byte Opcode (always 0x16)
1 byte Mode
1 byte LSB of Param2 (should always be 0x00)

If Mode[0:1] is zero or one and Param2:15 is one, then the input NumIn parameter must be 20 bytes long and the
SHA-256 message body used to create the nonce stored internally in TempKey consists of the following.
TempKey must be valid prior to execution of this command and the values of the remaining TempKey flags
remain unchanged.
32 bytes TempKey
20 bytes NumIn from input stream
1 byte Opcode (always 0x16)
1 byte Mode
1 byte LSB of Param2 (should always be 0x00)

If Mode[0:1] is three, then this command operates in pass-through mode, the input parameter (NumIn) must be
32 bytes long and TempKey is loaded with NumIn. No SHA-256 calculation is performed, no data is returned to
the system, and TempKey.SourceFlag is set to Input.

Table 9-33. Mode Encoding

Bits Meaning

0: Combine new random number with NumIn, store in TempKey. Automatically update EEPROM seed
only if necessary prior to random number generation. Recommended for highest security.
1: Combine new random number with NumIn, store in TempKey. Generate random number using existing
EEPROM seed, do not update EEPROM seed. Not recommended for general use.
2: Invalid.
3: Operate in pass-through mode and Write TempKey with NumIn.

2–7 Must be zero.

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9.11 Pause Command
All devices on the bus for which the configuration Selector byte does not match the input Selector parameter will
go to the idle mode. This command is used to prevent bus conflicts in a system that includes multiple
ATECC108A devices sharing the same bus.
This command differs from the Idle Flag/Sequence in that individual devices on the single pin bus may be
selected to go into the idle mode, as opposed to the Idle Flag which causes all the CryptoAuthentication devices
on the bus into the idle mode.
If the EEPROM Selector byte does not match the input selector parameter, then the device will immediately go to
the idle mode and no result information will be available. If the input selector parameter does match the
configuration Selector byte, then the device returns a success code of 0x00.
The Pause command cannot be used to put the devices into the sleep mode.

Table 9-34. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode PAUSE 1 0x01

Param1 Selector 1 All devices that do not match this value go to idle mode.

Param2 Zero 2 Must be 0x0000.

Data Ignored 0

Table 9-35. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

If the command indicates that some other device should idle, ATECC108A returns a
Success 1
value of 0x00. If this device goes to idle, no value is returned.

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9.12 PrivWrite Command
The PrivWrite command is used to write externally generated ECC private keys into the device.

For best security, Atmel recommends that the PrivWrite command not be used, and that private
keys be internally generated from the RNG using the GenKey(Create) command.

The slot indicated by this command must be configured via KeyConfig.Private to contain an ECC private key, and
SlotConfig.IsSecret must be set to one, or else this command will return an error. If the slot is individually locked
using SlotLocked, then this command will also return an error.
The private key data is always sent to the device as a 36 byte integer. It is passed to the device MSB first. For
B283 keys, the first six bits on the bus should have a plain text value of zero, for K283 keys the first seven bits
should be zero, and for P256 keys the first four bytes (32 bits) should be zero.
Prior to the Data zone being locked, this command can be used to write the slot contents without regards to the
slotConfig value and/or the method by which TempKey was generated. The input data may or may not be
encrypted based on the zone byte; if the input data is plain text then the MAC is ignored, but if it is encrypted then
the MAC must be present and be properly computed. Prior to the Configuration zone being locked, this
command will always return an error.
Once the Data zone is locked, the following is necessary for the write to complete:
 SlotConfig.IsSecret must be one.
 SlotConfig.WriteConfig must be set to Encrypt to indicate that writes require encryption. It is not possible to
write to a slot for which WriteConfig is set to any other value.
 TempKey must be valid, its contents must have been generated using the GenDig command, and the
KeyId used during the GenDig execution must match SlotConfig.WriteKey.
 Zone:6 must be set to indicate that the input data has been encrypted as follows:
– The first 32 input bytes should be externally encrypted by XORing their value with the current value
in TempKey. The next four bytes should be externally encrypted by XORing their value with the first
four bytes of SHA-256(TempKey).
 An input authenticating MAC must be computed as follows:
– SHA-256(TempKey, Opcode, Param1, Param2, SN[8], SN[0:1], <21 bytes of zeros>, 36 bytes of
KeyConfig.ReqRandom, KeyConfig.ReqAuth and KeyConfig.AuthKey are ignored by this command
because they will have been checked by the GenDig command for the parent encrypting key.

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Table 9-36. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode PRIVWRITE 1 0x46

Bits 0 – 5, 7: Must be zero.

Bit 6: 1 = The input data is encrypted using TempKey.
Param1 Zone 1
0 = The input data is not encrypted: legal only when the Data zone is

Param2 KeyID 2 Key slot to be written.

Information to be written to the slot may be encrypted. Must be 36 bytes long

Data_1 Value 36
regardless of the size of the key.

Data_2 MAC 32 Message Authentication Code to validate EEPROM Write operation.

Table 9-37. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

Success 1 Upon successful completion, ATECC108A returns a value of zero.

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9.13 Random Command
The Random command generates a random number for use by the system.
Random numbers are generated through a combination of the output of a hardware RNG and an internal seed
value stored in the EEPROM or SRAM. The external system may choose to update the internally stored
EEPROM seed value prior to the generation of the random number as part of the execution of the Nonce or
Random command.
The Random command does not provide a mechanism to integrate an input number with the internal stored
seed. If this functionality is desired, then the system should use the Nonce command and ignore the generated
Prior to the Configuration zone being locked, the RNG produces a value of 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF,
0xFF, 0x00, 0x00 to facilitate testing.

The same internal stored seeds are used for both the Nonce and Random commands.

Table 9-38. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode RANDOM 1 0x1B

Param1 Mode 1 Controls the mechanism of the internal RNG and seed update.

Param2 Zero 2 Must be 0x0000.

Data Ignored 0 —

Table 9-39. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

RandOut 32 The output of the RNG.

Table 9-40. Mode Encoding

Bits Meaning

0 = Automatically update EEPROM seed only if necessary prior to random number generation.
0 Recommended for highest security.
1 = Generate random number using existing EEPROM seed, do not update EEPROM seed.

1–7 Must be zero.

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9.14 Read Command
The Read command reads words (one four byte word or an 8-word block of 32 bytes) from one of the memory
zones of the device. The data may optionally be encrypted before being returned to the system. See Section
9.1.4, Address Encoding for Data zone byte and word addressing information.
If reading from a slot in which SlotConfig.EncryptRead is set, the GenDig command must have been run prior to
the execution of this command to generate the key that will be used for encryption. The key specified in
SlotConfig.ReadKey must have been used in the GenDig calculation. The device encrypts data to be read by
XORing each byte read from the EEPROM with the corresponding byte from TempKey. Encrypted reads of the
configuration and/or OTP zones are not permitted.

KeyConfig.ReqRandom, KeyConfig.ReqAuth, and KeyConfig.AuthKey are ignored by this command

because they will have been checked by the GenDig command for the parent encrypting key.

The byte addresses to be read should be divided by four (drop the least-significant two bits) before being passed
to the device. If 32 bytes are being read, then the least-significant three bits of the input address are ignored.
Addresses beyond the end of the specified zone result in an error.
The following restrictions apply to the three zones:
 Configuration Zone:
The words within this zone are always readable using this command, regardless of the value of
 OTP Zone:
If the OTP zone is unlocked this command returns an error. Once locked, if OTPmode is set to a non-zero
value and the address points to either word zero or one, then the command also returns an error;
otherwise, the corresponding word within the OTP zone is returned in the clear. If OTPmode is Legacy,
then only four byte reads are permitted.
 Data Zone:
If the Data zone is unlocked, this command returns an error; otherwise, the values within the corresponding
SlotConfig word control access to the data slot. If SlotConfig.IsSecret is set and a four byte read is
attempted, the device returns an error. If EncryptRead is set, this command encrypts the data as specified
above. If IsSecret is set and EncryptRead is clear, this command returns an error. If IsSecret is clear and
EncryptRead is clear, this command returns the desired slot in the clear.
Partial data blocks are always zero extended to 32 bytes before being encrypted.

Table 9-41. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode READ 1 0x02

Bits 0 and 1: Select among Configuration, OTP, or Data. See Section 9.1.4.
Bits 2-6: Must be zero.
Param1 Zone 1
Bit 7: 1 = 32 bytes are read; otherwise four bytes are read. Must be zero if
reading from OTP zone.

Param2 Address 2 Address of first word to be read within the zone. See Section 9.1.4.

Data — 0 —

Table 9-42. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

Contents 4 or 32 The contents of the specified memory location.

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If reading a Data zone and the EncryptRead bit is set in the corresponding SlotConfig word, the following actions
are taken to encrypt the data:
 All of the TempKey register bits must be properly set as follows or else this command returns an error:
TempKey.Valid == 1
TempKey.GenDigData == 1
TempKey.KeyID == SlotConfig.ReadKey
TempKey.SourceFlag == “Rand”
 XOR the data from the memory zone with TempKey. Return as Contents.

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9.15 SHA Command
Computes a SHA-256 or HMAC/SHA digest for general purpose use by the system. It may also be used by the
Verify(ValidateExternal) command to verify an X.509 certificate and store that validation status with an
internally stored public key.
Calculation of a SHA-256 digest occurs in the following three steps:
1. Start:
Initialization of the SHA-256 calculation engine and initialization of the SHA context in memory. This mode
does not accept any message bytes.
2. Update:
The command can be called a variable number of times with this mode to add bytes to the message. Each
iteration of this mode must include a message of 64 bytes. A variation on SHA(Update) is
SHA(Public) which inserts the contents of a public key slot into the message.
3. End:
The SHA-256 calculation is completed, and the resulting digest is placed into the output buffer. It is also
stored in the TempKey register for subsequent (optional) use by the Verify(ValidateExternal)
command. From 0 bytes to 63 bytes may be passed to the device for this mode.
On any error return code, or if any command other than SHA is sent to the device, the internal SHA context is
invalidated and TempKey is also invalidated.
This command can also optionally generate a digest to be used by Verify(ValidateExternal) to validate
a stored public key, which allows speed-up for future signature validations when X.509 format signatures are
used. To implement this, a SHA(Public) iteration can be inserted prior to SHA(End) iteration, and the 64 bytes of
the public key stored in the slot designated by Param2 will be added to the message. This mode will fail if the
designated slot does not contain a public key.
Verify(ValidateExternal) will only successfully validate the stored public key if the SHA(Public) iteration
occurs at the at the block number indicated by config.publicPosition (X509format:0-3) within the sequence of
SHA(Update) commands, and if the total number of blocks passed to the SHA command matches the value in
config.TemplateLength (X509format:4-7). This restriction prevents a generation of non-standard X.509
templates, which may push the inserted public key into an unchecked area of the template.
Calculation of an HMAC digest occurs in the following three steps, which are similar to the SHA process above
with the exception that a key slot is specified in the first step, and its value is used in the calculations at the
beginning and end of the message per the HMAC specification.
1. HMACstart:
Initialization of the HMAC calculation engine and initialization of the SHA context in memory. A stored key
legal for use with SHA operations must be specified. This mode does not accept any message bytes.
2. Update:
Along with SHA(Public), identical to SHA-256.
3. HMACend:
The HMAC calculation is completed re-using the key value from HMACstart, and the resulting digest is
placed into the output buffer. It is also stored in the TempKey register. From 0 bytes to 63 bytes may be
passed to the device for this mode.

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Table 9-43. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode SHA 1 0x47

Bits 0-2 = 000 (Start): Load TempKey with the initialization value for SHA2-56. No
message bytes are accepted (Length must be zero).
Bits 0-2 = 001 (Update): Add 64 bytes in the message parameter to the SHA context.
Bits 0-2 = 010 (End): Complete the SHA-256 computation and load the digest into
TempKey and the output buffer. Up to 63 message bytes are accepted (Length
must be 0 through 63 inclusive.)
Bits 0-2 = 011 (Public): Add 64 bytes of a public key stored in one of the Data zone slots
to the SHA context. Param2 should contain the slot ID of the public key, and
the command will return an error if the slot contains anything other than a
Param1 Mode 1
public key. No further bytes should appear in the input stream (Message size
is zero).
Bits 0-2 = 100 (HMACstart): Load TempKey with the initialization value for SHA2-56.
Length field specifies the key to be used for the HMAC calculation. No
message bytes are accepted.
Bits 0-2 = 101 (HMACend): Complete the HMAC/SHA-256 computation and load the
digest into TempKey and the output buffer. Up to 63 message bytes are
accepted (Length must be 0 through 63 inclusive.)
Bits 3-7: Must be zero.

Number of bytes in the Message parameter.

Param2 Length 2
KeySlot for the HMAC key if Mode is “HMACstart”.

Data Message 0 – 64 Up to 64 bytes of data to be included into the hash operation.

Table 9-44. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

Response 1 or 32 The SHA256 digest if Mode is 10, otherwise zero for success or an error code.

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9.16 Sign Command
The Sign command generates a signature using the ECDSA algorithm. The ECC private key in the slot
specified by KeyID is used to generate the signature.
The message may be externally or internally generated, as noted below:
 External Message Generation (Mode:7 is 1)
– The system should externally compile the information to be signed and compute the digest of that
information using an external hash algorithm. This digest should then be loaded into TempKey using
the Nonce command. The ATECC108A cannot compute the SHA-256 digest of a random external
– External signatures must be enabled using SlotConfig.ReadKey:0 or else this command will return
an error.
– For 283 bit ECC keys, the message in TempKey is extended to 36 bytes as follows:
 If SN[8] has a value of 0xEE, then the message in TempKey is zero extended prior to being
signed; otherwise, the message is extended with SN[0], SN[1], SN[8], and the MSB of the
message is zero.
 Internal Message Generation (Mode:7 is 0)
– The message to be signed is internally generated. A typical use for this mode is to sign an internally
generated random key.
– The message is comprised of the output of the GenDig or GenKey commands (stored in
TempKey), plus various other state information according to the description below. If TempKey is
invalid or if it was not generated using GenDig or GenKey, then this command will return an error.
– Internal signatures must be enabled using SlotConfig.ReadKey:1 or this command will return an
– If the Data zone has not been locked, then internal signatures will always generate an error code.
The ephemeral key is always generated using the RNG. The EEPROM RNG seed must have been updated prior
to the execution of this command or else Sign will return an error. This can be accomplished with the Random
command, ignoring the output data.
The slot indicated by this command must be configured via KeyConfig.Private to contain an ECC private key, and
SlotConfig.IsSecret must be set to one or else this command will fail.
There is a small statistical probability that the device will fail to properly generate the ephemeral key, in which
case this command will return a single byte containing the ECC fault code (see Table 9-3, Status/Error Codes in
Four byte Groups). The command will generally succeed if resubmitted.

Table 9-45. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode Sign 1 0x41

Param1 Mode 1 See Below.

The internally-stored private key to be used to generate the signature. The curve
Param2 KeyID 2
specified in KeyConfig[KeyID].KeyType will be used.

Table 9-46. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

Response 64 or 72 The signature composed of R and S, or an error code.

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Table 9-47. Mode Encoding

Bits Meaning

Set to 0 if the resulting signature is intended to be used by Verify(Validate) or one if it is to be used

by Verify(Invalidate). In all other situations, this bit must be 0.

1–5 Must be 0.

1: Include the 48 bits SN[2:3] and SN[4:7] in the message for internal signatures
6 0: The corresponding message bits are set to 0.
This bit is ignored if mode:7 is 1.

0: The message to be signed is internally generated as below.

1: The message to be signed is in TempKey and sign extended as above.

Internal signatures are always generated over digest information placed in TempKey by GenKey or GenDig,
and include further configuration information regarding the key used for the TempKey calculation.

If multiple GenKey or GenDig commands have been run between the Nonce and Sign commands,
only the configuration for the last key used will be signed.

The bit within the SlotLocked field corresponding to the last key used in the TempKey computation is in the LSB
of the byte listed below, regardless of whether or not the slot is individually lockable or not. This 55 byte message
is created as follows:
If the slot contains a public key corresponding to a supported curve, and if PubInfo indicates this key must be
validated before being used by Verify, and if the validity bits have a value of 0x05, then the PubKey Valid byte
will be 0x01. In all other cases, it will be zero.
32 bytes TempKey (must have been generated by GenKey or GenDig)
1 byte Opcode
1 byte Mode
2 bytes Param2
2 bytes SlotConfig[TempKeyFlags.keyId]
2 bytes KeyConfig[TempKeyFlags.keyId]
1 byte TempKeyFlags (b0-3: keyId, b4: sourceFlag, b5: GenDigData,b6: GenKeyData,
b7: NoMacFlag)
2 byte UseFlag[TempKeyFlags.keyId] (*see note below)
1 byte UpdateCount[TempKeyFlags.keyId] (*see note below)
1 byte SN[8] (never zeroed out)
4 bytes SN[4:7] (or zeros, see Mode)
2 bytes SN[0:1] (never zeroed out)
2 bytes SN[2:3] (or zeros, see Mode)
1 byte SlotLocked:TempKeyFlags.keyId
1 byte PubKey Valid (or zero, see above)
1 byte 0x00
This message is then hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm and passed to the ECDSA signature computation
engine. This secondary digest is always zero extended prior to being signed.
Note: * On the ATECC108A, the UseFlag and UpdateCount bytes in this message are always set to 0x00.
Regardless, these bytes are set to zero if TempKeyFlags.keyId is eight or higher.

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9.17 UpdateExtra Command
The UpdateExtra command is used to update the values of the two extra bytes within the Configuration zone
(location 84 and 85) after the Configuration zone has been locked.
 If Mode:1 is set, The command implements a fast decrement of the limited use counters which may be
associated with a particular key.
– If the slot indicated by the “NewValue” param does not contain a key for which limited use is
implemented or enabled, then the command returns silently without taking any action.
– If the indicated slot contains a limited use key, which does not have any uses remaining, then the
command returns an error. The command does not modify Config.UpdateCount for the slot in
 If the mode parameter indicates UserExtra at address 84:
– If the current value in UserExtra (byte 84 of Configuration zone) is zero, then UpdateExtra writes
this byte with the LS byte of NewValue and returns success.
– If the current value in UserExtra is non-zero, then the command returns an execution error.
 If the mode parameter indicates Selector at address 85:
– If the SelectorMode (bit 1 of the device mode within the Configuration zone) is set to one and
Selector (byte 85 of the Configuration zone) is non-zero, then this command will Write Selector with
the LS byte of NewValue and return success.
– If SelectorMode is cleared, indicating that no check of the current Selector should be made, then this
command always updates Selector and always succeeds.

Table 9-48. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode UpdateExtra 1 0x20

Bit 0: 0 = Update Config byte 84.

1 = Update Config byte 85.
Bit 1: 1 = Ignore bit 0, and decrement the limited use counter associated with
Param1 Mode 1
the key in slot NewValue.
0 = Update Config byte 84 or 85.
Bits 2 – 7: Must be zero.

LSB: Value to optionally be written to location 84 or 85 in Configuration zone.

Param2 NewValue 2
MSB: Must be 0x00.

Data — 0

Table 9-49. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

If the memory byte was updated, this command returns a value of 0x00;
Success 1
otherwise, it returns an execution error.

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9.18 Verify Command
The Verify command takes an ECDSA [R,S] signature and verifies that it is correctly generated from a given
message and public key. In all cases, the signature is an input to the command. The most significant five bits of
the X and Y values will be ignored for all B283 or K283 keys.
The Verify command can operate in four different modes:
1. External Mode
The public key to be used is an input to the command. Prior to this command being run, the message
should be written to TempKey using the Nonce command. In this mode the device merely accelerates the
public key computation and returns a Boolean result.
Note: The Data1 through Data4 must either all be 32 or all be 36 bytes long.
2. Stored Mode
The public key to be used is found in the KeyID EEPROM slot. The message should have been previously
stored in TempKey. If the following configuration checks for the public key at KeyID succeed, the public key
verification computation is performed and a Boolean result is returned to the system; otherwise, the
command returns an execution error.
– If KeyConfig[KeyID].PubInfo is one, then the key must have been previously validated using the
Verify command.
– If KeyConfig[KeyID].ReqAuth is set, then a previous key authorization must have been performed
with either the Verify or CheckKey commands based on the key in KeyConfig.AuthKey.
– If KeyConfig[KeyId].KeyType indicates an ECC curve not supported by the device or indicates “Not
an ECC Key,” then this command will fail.
– This mode is used to set the key authorization information when the KeyConfig.AuthKey field within
some other slot points to KeyID. If the verification succeeds, then an internal authComplete flag will
be set and KeyID retained. See Section 3.2.9, Authorized Keys.
– Data1 and Data2 may be 32 or 36 bytes, and Data3 & Data4 should be zero length.
3. Validate and Invalidate Modes
The Validate and Invalidate modes are used to validate or invalidate the public key stored in the EEPROM
at KeyID. The signature is input to the device and a partial message should be in TempKey. The verifying
public key is found at SlotConfig[KeyID].ReadKey, and the ECDSA Verify message is composed of KeyID
and TempKey, formatted as noted below. Only KeyIDs 8 – 15 can be validated; therefore, this command
will return an error if KeyID is 0 – 7.
– If the ECC verification passes, then the most significant four bits of the first byte of Block 0 of the
public key at KeyID will be set to 0x5 for Validate and 0xA for Invalidate. See Section 4.1.1, ECC
Key Formatting.
– Key (in)validation takes place regardless of the state of the LockValue byte and/or the SlotLocked bit
corresponding to this slot.
– If the X509format byte corresponding to the specified key is non-zero, then the Verify command
will return an error.
OtherData[17]:Bit0 represents the validity of the key being acted on. It must be a ’0‘(invalid) to permit the
Validation operation, or a ‘1’ (valid) to permit the Invalidation operation. If OtherData[17]:Bit0 does not
match Mode:2 in Validate/Invalidate modes, then this command will return an error.
Data1 and Data2 sizes are the same as stored mode.

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4. ValidateExternal Mode
The ValidateExternal mode is used to validate the public key stored in the EEPROM at KeyID when X.509
format certificates are to be used. The digest of the message must be TempKey. TempKey must have
been generated using the SHA(Public) command, and the key for that computation must be the same
as KeyID. The verifying public key is found at SlotConfig[KeyID].ReadKey, and the ECDSA Verify
message is composed of KeyID and TempKey, formatted as below. Only KeyIDs 8 to 15 can be validated,
so this command will return an error if KeyID is 0 – 7.
– If the ECC verification passes, then the most significant four bits of the first byte of Block 0 of the
public key at KeyID will be set to 0x5. See Section 3.2.3, Created ECC Keys.
– Key validation takes place regardless of the state of the LockValue byte and/or the SlotLocked bit
corresponding to this slot.
– If the X509format byte corresponding to the specified key is zero, then the Verify command will
return an error.
– Data1 and Data2 sizes must be 32 bytes each. Data3 and Data4 should both be zero length. The
ValidateExternal mode is not supported for 283 bit key sizes.

Table 9-50. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode Verify 1 0x45
000: Stored Mode.
001: ValidateExternal Mode.
010: External Mode.
Param1 Mode 1
011: Validate Mode.
111: Invalidate Mode.
100-110: Do not use
Mode[3:7] Must be zero.
If Mode:0-2 is Stored Mode, KeyID contains the number of the slot containing the
public key to be used for the verification. KeyConfig[KeyID].KeyType determines
the curve to be used.
If Mode:0-2 is ValidateExternal Mode, KeyID contains the number of the slot
containing the public key to be validated which must have been specified by a
previous SHA(Public) command. The parent key to be used to perform the
validation is stored in SlotConfig[KeyID].ReadKey and KeyConfig[ParentKey].
Param2 KeyID 2 KeyType determines the curve to be used.
If Mode:0-2 is External Mode, KeyID contains the curve type to be used to Verify
the signature. The value in this field is encoded identically to the KeyType field in
the keyConfig words within the Configuration zone.
If Mode:0-2 is Validate or Invalidate mode, KeyID contains the number of the slot
containing the public key to be (in)validated. The parent key to be used to perform
the (in)validation is stored in SlotConfig[KeyID] KeyProp.ValidateKey.
SlotConfig[ParentKey].AlgoInfo determines the curve to be used.
Data1 R 32 or 36 The R component of the ECDSA signature to be verified.
Data2 S 32 or 36 The S component of the ECDSA signature to be verified.
The X component of the public key to be used for verification if Mode:0-1 is
Data3 X 0, 32, or 36
The Y component of the public key to be used for verification if Mode:0-1 is
Data4 Y 0, 32, or 36
If Validate mode, the bytes used to generate the message for the validation. X and
Data5 OtherData 0 or 19 Y should be zero length in this mode and this parameter comes immediately after
S in the input parameter stream. Should be zero length for all other modes.

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Table 9-51. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

Returns a value of zero if the signature of the message can be verified using the public key.
Response 1 Returns a value of one if the signature does not match, or another error code if there is some form
of parsing or execution error.

The message to be used for the ECDSA Verify operation depends on the mode as follows:
 Stored, External, and ValidateExternal Modes
The contents of TempKey should contain the SHA-256 digest of the message.
– 283 bit private (566 bit public) Keys (ECC108A only)
TempKey is extended as follows:
If SN[8] has a value of 0xEE, then the contents of the TempKey register are zero extended to form
the message, which is input to the ECDSA Verify algorithm in addition to the signature and public
key; otherwise, TempKey is extended with SN[0], SN[1], SN[8] and a fourth byte of zero.
– 256 bit private (512 bit public) Keys
TempKey does not need to be extended with any pad bits prior to execution of the ECDSA Verify
 Validate or Invalidate Mode
The contents of TempKey should contain a digest of the PublicKey at KeyID. It must have been generated
using the GenKey command over the KeyID slot. The device then generates a message based on the
same format as the Sign(Internal) command, except that the parameter and state bytes are copied
from the input parameter OtherData. The message is formatted as follows:
32 bytes TempKey (must have been generated by GenKey)
1 byte Sign Opcode
10 bytes OtherData[0:9]
1 byte SN[8]
4 bytes OtherData[10:13]
2 bytes SN[0:1]
5 bytes OtherData[14:18]

This message is hashed using SHA-256 and used as the message input to the ECC Verify operation.

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9.19 Write Command
The Write command writes either one four byte word or an 8-word block of 32 bytes to one of the EEPROM
zones on the device. Depending upon the value of the WriteConfig byte for this slot, the data may be required to
be encrypted by the system prior to being sent to the device. This command cannot be used to write slots
configured as ECC private keys (see Section 9.12, PrivWrite Command).
The following restrictions apply to writes within zones using this command:
 Configuration Zone: If the Configuration zone is locked or Zone:6 is set, then this command returns an
error; otherwise the bytes are written as requested. Any attempt to write any byte for which writes are
permanently prohibited (see Section 2.2, EEPROM Configuration Zone) results in a command error with
no modifications to the EEPROM.
 OTP Zone: If the OTP zone is unlocked, then all bytes can be written with this command. If the OTP zone
is locked and the OTPmode byte in the Configuration zone is read-only or legacy, then this command
returns an error; otherwise, OTP mode should be consumption and this command sets to zero those bits in
the OTP zone that correspond to the zero bits in the input parameter Value. When the data and OTP zones
are locked, encrypted writes to the OTP zone are never permitted regardless of OTPmode.
 Data Zone: If the Data zone is unlocked, then all bytes in all zones can be written with either plain text or
encrypted data. After the Data zone is locked, the values within the WriteConfig bytes control access to the
data slots. If the WriteConfig bits for this slot are set to Always, then the input data should be passed to the
device in the clear. If Bit:14 of SlotConfig is set to one, then the input data should be encrypted and an input
MAC calculated. If the slot is individually locked using SlotLocked, then this command always returns an
Four byte writes are only permitted in the Data zone if all of the following conditions are met:
 SlotConfig.IsSecret must be zero.
 SlotConfig.WriteConfig must be always.
 The input data must not be encrypted, i.e. Zone:6 must be zero.
 The Data/OTP zones must be locked.
Four byte writes are only permitted in the OTP zone if all of the following conditions are met:
 Config:OTPmode must be consumption.
 The input data must not be encrypted, i.e. Zone:6 must be zero.
 The Data/OTP zones must be locked.
The two input address bytes are formed in a manner to achieve compatibility with the ATSHA204 (see Section
9.1.4, Address Encoding). The least significant three bits, Address[0:2], indicate the word within the block, or they
are ignored if an entire 32 byte block is being written. Address[3:6] contains the slot number for writes to the Data
zone, or the block number for the Configuration and OTP zones. For the Data zones, Address[8:9] is used to
indicate the block within the slot. Address values beyond the size of the specified zone result in the command
returning an error.
For Slots 8 to 15, if KeyConfig.PubInfo indicates that the slot contains an ECC public key which can be validated,
then the key will be invalidated by writing 0xA to the most significant four bits of byte zero of Block 0 of the slot
when any block within the slot is written. If KeyConfig.PubInfo is zero, then the most significant four bits of byte
zero of Block 0 of the slot are written with the data from the input parameter.
If KeyConfig.PubInfo is one and the ECC public key has been validated, then writes will fail if WriteConfig is set to
0001 (PubInvalid).
Any attempt to write the OTP and/or Data zones prior to the Configuration zone being locked results in the device
returning an error code. When writing to the Data zone, if the corresponding SlotLocked bit is zero, then this
command returns an error regardless of whether or not the OTP/Data zones have been locked.

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9.19.1 Input Data Encryption
The input data may be encrypted to prevent snooping on the bus during personalization or system operation. The
system should encrypt the data by XORing the plain text with the current value in TempKey. Upon receipt, the
device will XOR the input data with TempKey to restore the plain text prior to writing to the EEPROM.
Whenever the data is encrypted, an authorizing input MAC is always required. This MAC is computed as follows:
SHA-256(TempKey, Opcode, Param1, Param2, SN[8], SN[0:1], <25 bytes of zeros>,
Prior to locking of the OTP/Data zones, Zone:6 is used to indicate to the device whether or not the input data is
encrypted. After locking of the OTP/Data zones, Zone:6 is ignored and only bit 14 of the slotConfig corresponding
to the slot being written is used to determine whether or not the input data is encrypted.
If data encryption is indicated, TempKey must be valid prior to this command being called, and it must be the
result of GenDig. Specifically, this means that TempKey.Valid and TempKey.GenDigData must both be set to
one. The last slot used by GenDig for TempKey creation and stored in TempKey.KeyID must match that in
SlotConfig.WriteKey. Prior to data locking, any key can be used to generate TempKey and the GenDigData bit is
The KeyConfig.ReqRandom, KeyConfig.ReqAuth and KeyConfig.AuthKey are ignored by this command
because they will have been checked by the GenDig command for the parent encrypting key.
When performing an encrypted Write to a partial block at the end of slots 0 thru 7 and 9 thru 15, all 32 bytes of
input must be sent to the device, with the unused bits being used only as part of the MAC calculation. Their value
will not affect the final contents of the EEPROM.

Table 9-52. Input Parameters

Name Size Notes

Opcode Write 1 0x12

Bits 0 – 1: Select among Config, OTP or Data. See Section 9.1.5, Zone Encoding.
Bits 2 – 5: Must be zero.
Param1 Zone 1 Bit 6: 1 = The input data has been encrypted; otherwise the input data is in the
clear. Ignored after the Data zone is locked.
Bit 7: 1 = 32 bytes will be written; otherwise four bytes are written.

Address of first word to be written within the zone.

Param2 Address 2
See Section 9.1.4, Address Encoding.

Data_1 Value 4 or 32 Information to be written to the zone may be encrypted.

Data_2 MAC 0 or 32 Message authentication code to validate address and data.

Table 9-53. Output Parameter

Name Size Notes

Success 1 Upon successful completion, ATECC108A returns a value of zero.

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 91 9
10 Compatibility

10.1 Atmel ATSHA204

ATECC108A is fully compatible with the ATSHA204 devices. If properly configured, it can be used in all
situations where the ATSHA204 or ATSHA204A is currently employed. Because the Configuration zone is larger,
the personalization procedures for the device must be updated when personalizing the ATSHA204 or
ATSHA204A. For proper compatibility, care should be taken with the KeyType, ReqRandom, and ReqAuth slots
containing keys that are used with ATSHA204 or ATSHA204A sequences.

10.2 Atmel ATECC108

ATECC108A is designed to be fully compatible with the ATECC108 and ATECC508A devices. If properly
configured, can be used in all situations where ATECC108 is currently employed. In many situations, the
ATECC508A can also be used in an ATECC108 application without change. The new revisions provide
significant advantages as outlined below:

New Features in ATECC108A vs. ATECC108

 Intrusion Detection Capability, Including Gating Key Use
 New SHA Command, Also Computes HMAC
 X.509 Certificate Verification Capability
 Programmable Watchdog Timer Length
 Shared Random Nonce and Key Configuration Validation (Gendig Command)
Larger Slot 8 which is Extended to 416 bytes

Minor Changes in ATECC108A vs ATECC108

 The GenDig Command Verifies that a Random Nonce is Used When Generating Transport Keys
 The Info Command DevRev Mode Now Returns 0x1006 for ATECC108A. This value should not be
used in the software as it will vary with each minor revision.

Fixes vs. ATECC108

 Minimum VCC is 2.0V
 TTLenable Bit in the Configuration Zone Switches the Input Thresholds Per the Datasheet
 SIO Sleep Mode Errata Eliminated
 I/O Timeout Meets Datasheet Specification

I C Start/Stop and Repeated Start No Longer Returns the CRC Error
 Individually Locked Slots Can Properly Be Read

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92 ATECC108A
9 [Datasheet]
11 Mechanical

11.1 Pinouts
The device is offered in multiple packages: 8-lead SOIC, 8-pad UDFN, and 3-lead CONTACT (i.e. non-solder)
package. The pinout is as follows:

Figure 11-1. Package Pinouts

Name Pin





NC 1, 2, 3, 7

11.2 Wiring Configuration for Single-Wire Interface

Using the Single-Wire Interface allows the connection of ATECC108A to a host using only a single pin (SDA) to
transfer data in both directions. This interface does not use the SCL pin, which should be tied to ground.
To prevent forward biasing the internal diode and drawing current across power planes in the system, the resistor
pull-up on the SDA pin should either be connected to the same supply that is connected to the V CC pin or to a
lower voltage rail.
If the signal levels for SDA are different than the VCC voltage, consult the parametric specifications section of this
document to ensure that the signal levels are such that excessive leakage current will be minimized when in
sleep modes. This situation might occur if the ATECC108A device is physically distant from the bus master
device and the supply voltage for the bus master is different than the supply voltage for ATECC108A.

Figure 11-2. 3-wire Configuration for Single-Wire Interface

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 93 9
12 Ordering Information
Atmel Ordering Code Package Interface Configuration
ATECC108A-SSHCZ-T 8-lead SOIC, Tape and Reel Single-Wire
ATECC108A-SSHCZ-B 8-lead SOIC, Bulk in Tubes Single-Wire
(2) 2
ATECC108A-SSHDA-T 8-lead SOIC, Tape and Reel IC
(1) 2
ATECC108A-SSHDA-B 8-lead SOIC, Bulk in Tubes IC
ATECC108A-MAHCZ-T 8-pad UDFN, Tape and Reel Single-Wire
(2) 2
ATECC108A-MAHDA-T 8-pad UDFN, Tape and Reel IC
(3) (2)
ATECC108A-RBHCZ-T 3-lead CONTACT, Tape and Reel Single-Wire

Notes: 1. B = Bulk
2. T = Tape and Reel
 SOIC = 4,000 units per reel.
 UDFN = 15,000 units per reel.
 RBH = 5,000 units per reel.
3. Please contact Atmel for availability.
4. Please contact Atmel for thinner packages.

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94 ATECC108A
9 [Datasheet]
13 Errata

13.1 ATECC108A

Issue: For device revisions 0x1005 and lower (use the Info command to get device revision).
 Slot 8 is limited to 224 bytes. Attempts to write data beyond this limit will result in errors.
 GenDig modes of SharedRandomNonce and KeyConfig not supported.

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 95 9
14 Package Drawings

14.1 8-lead SOIC

E E1


e b
(Unit of Measure = mm)


A – – 1.75
A1 0.10 – 0.25
b 0.31 – 0.51
C 0.17 – 0.25
D 4.90 BSC
E 6.00 BSC
E1 3.90 BSC
Notes: This drawing is for general information only. L 0.40 – 1.27
Refer to JEDEC Drawing MS-012, Variation AA 0° – 8°
for proper dimensions, tolerances, datums, etc.

8S1, 8-lead (0.150” Wide Body), Plastic Gull Wing
Package Drawing Contact: SWB 8S1 H
Small Outline (JEDEC SOIC)

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96 ATECC108A
9 [Datasheet]
14.2 8-pad UDFN

1 8
Pin 1 ID
2 7
3 6

4 5


A2 A
A1 E2
b (8x)

8 1

Pin#1 ID (Unit of Measure = mm)
A 0.50 0.55 0.60
5 4 A1 0.0 0.02 0.05
e (6x) A2 - - 0.55
L (8x) K D 1.90 2.00 2.10

BOTTOM VIEW D2 1.40 1.50 1.60

Notes: 1. This drawing is for general information only. Refer to E 2.90 3.00 3.10
Drawing MO-229, for proper dimensions, tolerances,
E2 1.20 1.30 1.40
datums, etc.
2. The Pin #1 ID is a laser-marked feature on Top View. b 0.18 0.25 0.30 3
3. Dimensions b applies to metallized terminal and is
C 0.152 REF
measured between 0.15 mm and 0.30 mm from the
terminal tip. If the terminal has the optional radius on L 0.35 0.40 0.45
the other end of the terminal, the dimension should
e 0.50 BSC
not be measured in that radius area.
4. The Pin #1 ID on the Bottom View is an orientation K 0.20 - -
feature on the thermal pad.

8MA2, 8-pad 2 x 3 x 0.6mm Body, Thermally
Package Drawing Contact: Enhanced Plastic Ultra Thin Dual Flat No-Lead YNZ 8MA2 H Package (UDFN)

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 97 9
14.3 3-lead CONTACT

(Unit of Measure = mm)


D 2.40 2.50 2.60
E 6.40 6.50 6.60
A 0.45 0.50 0.55
e 1.60 1.70 1.80
b 1.90 2.00 2.10
L 2.10 2.20 2.30
f 0.30 0.40 0.50
g 0.05 0.15 0.25
h 2.30 2.40 2.50
j 4.30 4.40 4.50

Package Drawing Contact: 3RB, 3-lead 2.5x6.5mm Body, 2.0 mm pitch, CONTACT PACKAGE. (Sawn) RHB 3RB 01

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98 ATECC108A
9 [Datasheet]
15 Revision History
Doc. Rev. Date Comments

Updated write endurance from write cycles of 100,000 to 400,000 minimum and the 8S1
8895CX 01/13/2016
and 8MA2 package drawings.

8895BX 03/26/2015 Removed preliminary document status.

8895AX 02/15/2015 Document release only under non-disclosure agreement.

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ATECC108A [Datasheet] 99 9
Atmel Corporation 1600 Technology Drive, San Jose, CA 95110 USA T: (+1)(408) 441.0311 F: (+1)(408) 436.4200 │

© 2016 Atmel Corporation. / Rev.:Atmel-8895CX-CryptoAuth-ATECC108A-Datasheet_01/13/2016.

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Atmel®, Atmel logo and combinations thereof, Enabling Unlimited Possibilities®, CryptoAuthentication™, and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel
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100 ATECC108A [Datasheet]
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