History of The Piñata

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History of the piñata

Most people think of piñatas as a fun activity for parties. The history of the piñata reveals many
interesting facts that go beyond the playing of a game, although piñatas certainly have been
intended for fun.

Piñatas may have originated in China. Marco Polo discovered the Chinese fashioning figures of
cows, oxen or buffaloes, covered with colored paper and adorned with harnesses and trappings.
Special colors traditionally greeted the New Year. When the mandarins knocked the figure hard
with sticks of various colors, seeds spilled forth. After burning the remains, people gathered the
ashes for good luck throughout the year.

When this custom passed into Europe in the 14th century, it adapted to the celebrations of Lent. The
first Sunday became ‘Piñata Sunday’. The Italian word ‘pignatta’ means "fragile pot."
Originally, piñatasfashioned without a base resembled clay containers for carrying water. Some say
this is the origin of the traditional pineapple shape. Also the Latin prefix ‘piña’ implies a cluster of
flowers or fruits as in ‘pineapples’ and ‘pine cones’.

When the custom spread to Spain, the first Sunday in Lent became afiesta called the ‘Dance of the
Piñata’. The Spanish used a clay container called la olla, the Spanish word for pot. At first, la
olla was not decorated. Later, ribbons, tinsel and fringed paper were added and wrapped around the

At the beginning of the 16th century the Spanish missionaries to North America used the piñata to
attract converts to their ceremonies. However indigenous peoples already had a similar tradition. To
celebrate the birthday of the Aztec god of war, Huitzilopochtli, priests placed a clay pot on a pole in
the temple at year's end. Colorful feathers adorned the richly decorated pot, filled with tiny
treasures.. When broken with a stick or club, the treasures fell to the feet of the god's image as an
offering. The Mayans, great lovers of sport played a game where the player’s eyes were covered
while hitting a clay pot suspended by string. The missionaries ingeniously transformed these games
for religious instruction. They covered the traditional pot with colored paper, giving it an
extraordinary, perhaps fearful appearance.

The decorated clay pot also called a cantero represents Satan who often wears an attractive mask to
attract humanity. The most traditional style piñata looks a bit like Sputnik, with seven points, each
with streamers. These cones represent the seven deadly sins, pecados -greed, gluttony, sloth, pride,
envy, wrath and lust. Beautiful and bright, the piñata tempted. Candies and fruits inside represented
the cantaros(temptations)of wealth and earthly pleasures.

Thus, the piñata reflected three theological virtues in the catequismo.(religious instruction or
The blindfolded participant represents the leading force in defying evil, ‘Fe’, faith, which must be
blind. People gathered near the player and spun him around to confuse his sense of space.
Sometimes the turns numbered thirty three in memory of the life of Christ. The voices of others cry
out guidance:

¡Más arriba! More upwards!

¡Abajo! Lower!
¡Enfrente! In front!

Some call out engaños (deceits, or false directions) to disorient the hitter.

Secondly the piñata served as a symbol of ‘Esperanza’, Hope.

With the piñata hanging above their heads, people watched towards los cielos (sky or heaven)
yearning and waiting for the prize. The stick for breaking the piñata symbolized virtue, as only
good can overcome evil. Once broken, the candies and fruits represented the just reward for keeping

Finally the piñata symbolized ‘Caridad’, Charity. With its eventual breaking, everyone shared in
the divine blessings and gifts.

The moral of the piñata: all are justified through faith.

Today, the piñata has lost its religious symbolism and most participate in the game solely for
fun.Piñatas are especially popular during Las Posadas, traditional processions ringing in the
Christmas season and at birthday parties. During festivities, people traditionally sing songs while
breaking thepiñatas.

“Dale, dale, dale, no perdas el tino,

porque si lo perdes, pierdes el camino.
Esta piñata es de muchas mañas, sólo contiene naranjas y cañas.”

Hit, hit, hit.

Don’t lose your aim,
Because if you lose, you lose the road.
This piñata is much manna, only contains oranges and sugar cane.”

Another popular song for hitting the piñata is rooted in the year 1557 when dignitaries of Felipe II
toured towns in New Spain. While exacting pledges of allegiance, coins of nickel were offered for
coins of silver. This failed to please the people so as they break piñatas during las posadas, they

"No quiero níquel ni quiero plata:

yo lo que quiero es romper la piñata."
“I don’t want nickel/I don’t want silver
I only want to break the piñata…”

Piñatas can be found in all shapes and sizes. Modern ones often represent cartoon or other
characters known to most children. Others are shaped like fruits, baskets, rockets etc. Sometimes
people of political statue are satirized. At Christmas, star-shaped piñatas suggestive of the Star of
Bethlehem are especially popular. One’s imagination is the creative limit.

Traditionally, piñatas are filled with both candies and fruits. Around Christmas in Mexico, wrapped
candies, peanuts, guavas, oranges, jicamas(a sweet root vegetable), sugar cane, and tejocotes (a
kind of crab apple) stuff piñatas. Some types of piñatas called traps, are stuffed with flour, confetti
or ‘flowery water’. Any child without a treat after the goodies are gathered from the ground is given
a little basket full of special candy. These colaciónes are kept on hand to avoid hurt feelings and
tears. The rest of the treats are passed around to everyone before the party is over.

Towns of potters once existed to fashion ‘ ollas piñateras’, bare clay pots sold in the mercado.
(market) People took them home and pasted their own colored paper to them. Cardboard and paper
maché often fashioned over balloons has replaced ‘ la olla’ in many modern piñatas.

The piñata’s versatility contributes to its perennial popularity. Fashioned from a long tradition the
joyous piñata continues to enchant celebrations and parties around the world.

In Mexico you will hear parents and children singing this special Piñata song.

"Dale, dale, dale, no pierdas el tino,

porque si lo pierdes, pierdes el camino.
Esta piñata es de muchas mañas, sólo contiene naranjas y cañas."
La piñata tiene caca,
Tiene caca:
Cacahuates de a montón.
Esta piñata es de muchas mañas,
Sólo contiene naranjas y cañas.
No quiero oro, ni quiero plata,
Yo lo que quiero es romper la piñata.
Ándale Juana, no te dilates
Con la canasta de los cacahuates.
Anda María, sal del rincón
Con la canasta de la colación.
En esta posada nos hemos chasqueado
Porque Teresita nada nos ha dado.
Echen confites y canelones,
a los muchachos que son muy tragones.
Todos los muchachos rezaron con devoción,
De chochos y confites les dan ya su ración.
Castaña asada, piña cubierta;
Echen a palos a los de la puerta.
Ándale Juan, sal de la hornilla
Con la botella de la manzanilla.
De los cerritos y los cerrotes,
Saltan y brincan los tejocotes.
Andale niña, sal otra vez
Con la botella del vino jerez.
Esta posada le tocó a Carmela:
si no da nada le saco una muela.


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Christmas in the United Kingdom

In the UK (or Great Britain), families often celebrate Christmas together, so they can
watch each other open their presents!

Most families have a Christmas Tree (or maybe even two!) in their house for
Christmas. The decorating of the tree is usually a family occasion, with everyone
helping. Christmas Trees were first popularised the UK by Prince Albert, the husband
of Queen Victoria. Prince Albert was German, and thought that it would be good to use
one of his ways of celebrating Christmas in to England.

Holly, Ivy and Mistletoe are also sometimes used to decorate homes or other

Most villages, towns and cities are decorated with Christmas lights over Christmas.
Often a famous person switches them on. The most famous Christmas lights in the UK
are in Oxford Street in London. Every year they get bigger and better. Thousands of
people go to watch the big 'switch on' around the beginning of November.

Like a lot of countries, Nativity Plays and Carol Services are also very popular at
Christmas time. The Church that I go to always has a Carols by Candlelight Service
where the church is only lit up by candles. It is a very special service and always
makes me feel very Christmassy! Lots of other British churches also have Carols by
Candlelight and Christingle services.

Children believe that Father Christmas or Santa Claus leaves presents in stockings or
pillow-cases. These are normally hung up by the fire or by the children's beds on
Christmas Eve. Children sometimes leave out mince pies and brandy for Father
Christmas to eat and drink when he visits them. Now, some people say that a non-
alcoholic drink should be left for Santa as he has to drive!

Children write letters to Father Christmas/Santa listing their requests, but sometimes
instead of putting them in the post, the letters are tossed into the fireplace. The
draught carries the letters up the chimney and Father Christmas/Santa reads the

There are some customs that only take place, or were started, in the UK. Wassailing is
an old anglo-saxon custom that doesn't take place much today. Boxing Day is a very
old custom that started in the UK and is now taken as a holiday in many countries
around the world.

All across the UK, in cities and towns, there are fireworks to celebrate the New Year.
Two of the most famous fireworks displays are in London, along the River Thames,
and in Edinburgh at the Hogmanay celebrations.

…… In England it is sometimes said that a stranger coming through the door carrying
a lump of coal will bring good luck.

In the UK, the main Christmas Meal is usually eaten at lunchtime or early afternoon on
Christmas Day. It's normally roast turkey, roast vegetables and 'all the trimmings'
which means vegetables like carrots & peas, stuffing and sometimes bacon and
sausages. It's often served with cranberry sauce and bread sauce. (Traditionally, and
before turkey was available, roast beef or goose was the main Christmas meal. In
Scotland, some people might even have Haggis instead of turkey!). One vegetable that
is often at Christmas in the UK are brussel sprouts. I love them but lots of people don't!

Dessert is often Christmas Pudding. Mince pies and lots of chocolates are often eaten
as well! The dinner table is decorated with a Christmas Cracker for each person and
sometimes flowers and candles.


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