Pathfit02 Prelims Reviewer

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BIOMECHANICS - the science of the Core principles of FITT-VP

movement of a living body.
Frequency: How often?
-Science of studying the mechanical aspects of
living organisms. Intensity: How much effort or amount of effort
or work is exerted?
Mechanics – analysis of force interactions.
Time: exercise duration
Human body - most widely studied living
organism in the fields of kinesiology and Type: specific physical activity or exercise
exercise science. mode.
Internal forces - created by muscles. Volume: What is the total amount of exercise
External forces - acting on the body.
Progression: How advanced is the program?
Knowledge of biomechanics helps in:
 prevention, protection, and rehabilitation 3. Progression Principle - gradually increased
of sports injuries over time.
 correcting postural deformities.
4. Rest and Recovery Principle (Recuperation
Two main areas: Principle) - must take place in proportionate
 improvement of performance amounts to avoid too much stress.
-phases into blocks, or periods
 reduction or treatment of injury
Periodization - phases of stress followed by
phases of rest.
 performance improvement
5. Adaptation - repeated exposure.
 technique improvement
 equipment improvement. -it becomes easier to perform.
6. Reversibility Principle - the Regularity
Fitness Principles for Exercise Program Principle
-'use it or lose it'
-keys to selecting appropriate exercises
7. Principle of Individual Variability - no two
1. Specificity Principle - body adapts to the individuals will respond in the same way to a
specific demands placed upon it. similar dose of physical activity.
-different forms of exercise produce varying
results. Healthy Eating Plate - focus on the quality of
your diet.
-specific muscular and movement patterns.
-select suitable activities
SAID - specific adaptation to imposed demand
2. Overload Principle - exceed the
body's resting level and surpass their
accustomed workload.
 gradual return of the blood.
 decrease muscular and skeletal injuries.

≥ 5days per week of moderate exercise, or

≥ 3 days per week of vigorous exercise, or
A combination of moderate and vigorous on ≥
3—5 days per week is recommended.

1. Moderate and/ or vigorous intensity -most
Sugary beverages- a major source of calories, 2. Light to moderate intensity exercise -
they offer little nutritional value in the diet. deconditioned individuals.
Cardiorespiratory Training 30-60 min/day of purposeful moderate exercise,
Cardiorespiratory endurance - measurement or
of how well your heart, lungs, and muscles work 20-30 min/day of vigorous exercise, or
together to keep your body active over an A combination of moderate and vigorous
extended period. exercise per day is recommended for most
Health advantages: <20 min of exercise per day can be beneficial,
especially in previously sedimentary individuals.
1. Helps condition improve lung and heart
2. Reduces the incidence of heart disease, lung
Regular, purposeful exercise that involves major
cancer, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and other
muscle groups and is continuous and rhythmic
in nature is recommended.
3. Improve the body’s ability to endure dynamic
exercises Group A - Endurance activities requiring
minimal or physical fitness to perform (e.g.
4. Boost your sense of well-being. walking, leisure cycling, slow dancing)
Group B - Vigorous intensity endurance
activities requiring minimal skill (e.g. jogging,
Warming Up - preparation for physical running)
exertion. Group C - Endurance activities requiring skill
to perform. (e.g. swimming, skating, dancing)
Benefits: Group D - Recreational sports (e.g. racquet
 brace yourself mentally & physically sports, basketball, soccer)
 raise your heart rate & blood flow
 enhance movement efficiency HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING
 Improve your range of motion - repeated bouts of high intensity effort followed
by varied recovery times.
Cooling Down - transition to resting.
- maximum capacity.
HITT Benefits:
 heart rate returns to its resting rate.
1. Effective weight loss
2. Lose fat, not muscle
3. Fast, flexible and fun
4. Improved Heart Health

SPECIFIC – simply and clearly define what are
you going to do.
MEASURABLE - you should be able to
provide tangible evidence.
ACHIEVABLE – make goals that are both
challenging and realistic.
RESULT-DRIVEN – goals should be relevant
and measure outcomes.
TIME-BOUND – should be linked to a time

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