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ProfEd Complete

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1. Foundations of the teaching – learning process
1.1 Apply philosophical and sociological principles in teaching – learning situations.
1.2 Apply foundation theories of special and inclusive education.

1. What is inclusive education?

A. Placement of students with special education needs in mainstream setting,
along with the other students without disabilities.
B. Placing learners with same disabilities together in one classroom.
C. Putting learners with different disabilities together in one classroom.
D. Putting learners without disabilities together in one classroom.

2. Which are examples of behaviorism – based inclusive education teaching practices?

I. Emphasis on student behavior
II. Manipulating stimulus materials
III. Explicit or direct instruction – based practices that break down task into their
smallest elements.
A. I, II and III C. II and III
B. I and II D. I and III

3. In which order are the steps of behaviorism – based direct instruction done in inclusive
The teacher:
I. Introduces a lesson
II. Teaches a structured lesson
III. Monitors student understanding
IV. Receives student feedback to ensure understanding

4. Which instruction strategies should be used to support the cognitive needs of students
with special educational needs, based on the cognitive theories of learning?
I. Outlining
II. Mnemonics
III. Concept mapping
IV. Advance organizers
A. I and II C. I, III, and IV
B. II and IV D. I, II, III and IV
5. Cognitivism – based inclusive education practice Slavin’s PQ4R works in inclusive
classrooms. What does PQ4R method mean?
A. Preview, Question, Review, Read, Reflect, Recite
B. Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, and Review
C. Preview, Question, Recited, Read, Reflect, and Review
D. Preview, Question, Review, Reflect, Recite, and Read

6. Which metacognitive strategies are used for students with special needs in cognitivism –
based inclusive education settings?
I. Concept mapping
II. Reciprocal teaching
III. Flow chart
IV. Concept maps
A. II and II C. II and III
B. I and III D. I, II, III, and IV

7. Used in inclusive classrooms are cognitivism – based concept maps. What are examples
of concept maps?
I. Charts
II. Graphic organizers
III. Venn Diagrams
IV. Flowcharts
V. Tables
A. A. I, II, III, IV C. I, II, IV, V
B. I, II, IV, V D. I, II, III, IV, V

8. Which constructivism – based activities are used in inclusive classrooms?

I. Situating tasks in real – world contexts
II. Using real – life examples
III. Cognitive apprenticeships
IV. Presenting multiple perspectives
A. I and II C. III and IV
B. I, II, and III D. I, II, III and IV

9. Who are referred to as “teacher” in the Teachers’ Professionalization Act?

I. Persons engaged in teaching at the elementary and secondary levels
II. Full time or part time elementary and secondary school teachers
III. Industrial arts or vocational teachers
IV. Persons performing supervisory and administrative functions in the elementary
and secondary levels
V. Instructor/Professor in college and universities
A. I, II, III, IV, IV C. I, II, and III
B. I, II, III, IV D. I and II
10. Which act is unethical and unbecoming of a professional teacher based on The Code of
A. Applying for a teaching position which is not declared vacant
B. Preparing to the best of her/his ability for the teaching profession
C. Filing valid charges against superiors to competent authority
D. Refrain from disparaging the community

11. On which does a professional teacher base his/her evaluation of learners’ work?
A. Students’ attendance
B. Merit and quality of students’ output/performance
C. Students’ behavior
D. Students’ effort

12. To be a professional teacher, is it enough for a teacher to watch only his/her professional
A. Yes, a teacher’s personal life is separate from his/her professional life.
B. Yes, what matters to schools and communities is the teacher’s professional life.
C. No, a teacher has to pay attention to both his/her personal and professional life.
D. No, a teacher’s personal life is the same as his/her professional life.

13. Does the Code of Ethics consider it unprofessional for a teacher to fall in love with
his/her student?
A. Yes, because it is unprofessional.
B. Yes, because it is not good before the eyes of the class and community.
C. No, provided the teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid
D. No, but better for the teacher to look for a professional like himself.

14. “Once a teacher, forever a learner.” What is the role of the teacher according to the
A. Student C. Professional
B. Guidance counselor D. Coach

15. “The illiterate of the twenty-first century will not be those who cannot read and write, but
those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” What message does this have for 21st
century teachers?
The 21st century teacher ____________.
A. is a lifelong learner
B. is tech savvy
C. is perfect
D. a child
16. The teacher is a facilitator of learning. What does this mean?
A. She teaches only easy subject matter.
B. She doesn’t require students something difficult.
C. She simplifies and concretizes difficult lesson to help students learn.
D. She spares students of subject requirements.

17. Of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with which are teachers directly
A. SDG #1 C. SDG #3
B. SDG #2 D. SDG #4

18. Teacher is a school culture catalyst. Which is expected of her?

A. She facilitates the improvement of school culture by what she says, how she
relates to people and how she works.
B. She enforces school rules to the letter.
C. She puts down slow learners to make every student study hard.
D. She groups students on the basis of ethnicity.

19. As an educational resource manager, what does teacher do?

A. Effectively and efficiently manages learning resources and time.
B. Procures most recent and expensive teaching – learning resources to be
C. Uses technology as substitute for his/her teaching.
D. Sticks to the use of visual teaching – learning aids only.

20. Which should a teacher avoid if he/she has to be a culture catalyst?

A. Ethnocentrism
B. Seeing the good in every culture
C. Respect for all cultures
D. Open mindedness

21. A teacher in the city calls a shy student “promdi”. Which does “promdi” imply?
Those who come from the province _____________.
A. may be little C. are as civilized as the city – bred
B. deserves respect D. are achievers

22. Calling a student “promdi” does not help a teacher who is expected to serve as ______.
A. an educational resource manager
B. transformational leader
C. culture catalyst
D. mentor
23. Which does a transformational teacher leader do?
I. Helps other with their self – development
II. Challenges team members to help them grow
III. Direct colleagues to get things done while she does not lift a finger to help
IV. Set a teaching – learning standards by himself/herself.
A. II C. II and IV
B. I and III D. I and II

24. Which applies to a transformational teacher leader?

A. Provides coaching and feedback
B. Does all the work
C. Decides by himself
D. Looks at poor performance as inevitable

25. Upon which principle/s of personal behavior in all relationships and in all situations
should teachers’ thought and actions be anchored?
I. Self – respect
II. Self – discipline
III. Charity
A. I only C. II
B. I and II D. I and III

26. What are the standards of good teachers in the Philippines?

A. The National Competency – Based Teacher Standard
B. The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers
C. The Professional Philippine Standard for Teachers
D. The Professional Standards for Teachers in the Philippines

27. With the domains of PPST in mind, which does NOT belong?
A. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
B. Learning Environment
C. Diversity of Learners
D. Teacher Preparation

28. Do all these belong to the domains of PPST: Curriculum Planning, Assessment and
Reporting, Community Linkages and Professional Engagement and Personal Growth and
Professional Development?
A. Yes, except community linkages.
B. Yes, except assessment and reporting.
C. Yes, they are all domains of PPST.
D. No, growth and professional development do not belong to PPST.

29. Based on the PPST, in the progression of career stages for teachers, which is highest?
A. Professional C. Distinguished
B. Excellent D. Model
30. Based on the PPST, in the progression of career stages for teachers, which is lowest?
A. Junior C. Apprentice
B. Neophyte D. Beginning

31. Why must a professional teacher organize records and other data necessary to carry on
the work before leaving?
A. To avoid unnecessary disruption of work and service
B. To avoid show proof of accomplishment
C. To challenge the one taking over
D. To make known to everyone especially the one taking over that you are better than

32. To act as a professional, what conditions must be satisfied when a professional teacher
files a complaint against any associate?
I. Criticism must be justifiable
II. Complaint must be put in writing
III. Submitted to the proper authorities
A. I, II and III C. I and II
B. II and III D. I and III

33. Based on the Code of Ethics and in the spirit of professionalism, which should be the
bases of the system selection to get the best for the teaching position?
A. Merit and competence C. Seniority in age
B. Academic qualifications D. Length of service

34. As a school head, you scold a teacher in the presence of the parent for alleged unfair
grading. Is that professional on your part?
A. Yes, to give the teacher a lesson.
B. Yes, to prove to the parent that you care for her child.
C. No, you are supposed to support your teacher before the parent but discuss the
problem with her in private.
D. No, practice empathy.

35. Is it professional for a teacher to tutor her own pupil for a fee?
A. Yes, the tutorial fee is justifiable if done outside the class hour.
B. No, it is unprofessional even if done outside class hour.
C. Yes, if parents insist you to be the tutor yourself since you know best because you
are their child’s teacher.
D. Yes, if approved by the class adviser.

36. Which is the PPST for Southeast Asia?

A. Competency Framework for Teachers, Southeast Asia
B. Professional Standard for Teachers
C. Competency – based Teachers Standard
D. ASEAN Professional Teacher Standard
37. In the Philippines which is the highest career stage for teachers?
A. Highly proficient teacher C. Proficient teacher
B. Distinguished teacher D. Professional teacher

38. In the Philippines which is the lowest career stage for teachers?
A. Beginning teacher C. Proficient teacher
B. Distinguished teacher D. Professional teacher

39. In the Southeast Asia Teacher Competency Framework, who is at the center this
competency framework?
A. The teacher C. The community
B. The school head D. The learner

40. The learner is at the center of the Southeast Asia Teacher Competency Framework. What
does it imply?
A. The Teacher Competency Framework serves as guide for the teacher.
B. The learner is supposed to be taught and so learns.
C. The learner is the ultimate reason for the Teacher Competency Framework.
D. The learner is there for the teacher and the school.

41. Which career stage is PPST is described?

Have gained the qualification recognized for entry into the teaching profession.
A. Stage 4 C. Stage 3
B. Stage 2 D. Stage 1

42. Based on the PPST, which career stage bridges the beginning teacher with the highly
proficient teacher?
A. Proficient teacher, Career Stage 2
B. Professional teacher, Career Stage 2
C. Distinguished teacher, Career Stage 2
D. Expert teacher, Career Stage 2

43. In which career stage is teacher a teacher leader, global in teaching practice and
contributes significantly to improve the quality of teaching?
A. Proficient Teacher C. Distinguished Teacher
B. Master Teacher D. Expert Teacher

44. Before a Filipino teacher in career stage 2 of the PPST obtains distinguished teacher
stage, which stage must he/she pass through?
A. Beginning Stage C. Accomplished
B. Apprentice D. Highly Proficient Teacher

45. As an educational resource manager, teacher manages teaching – learning for learning to
the maximum and to the optimum. Which resource in teaching when lost is lost forever?
A. Time C. Instructional materials
B. Learners D. Internet
46. Based on the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, on which must appointments,
promotions and transfers be made?
A. Teacher’s residence
B. Merit and need in the interest of the service
C. Agreement between/among teachers concerned
D. Years of teaching experience

47. How should school officials, teachers and other school personnel look at the formulation
of school policies or the introduction of changes in the school system?
A. As their cooperative responsibility
B. As their prerogative
C. As the exclusive responsibility of school officials
D. As the sole responsibility of teachers

48. Is it professional on the part of teachers to go on strike to seek redress against injustice
and discrimination?
A. Yes, to go on strike is a right that belongs to teachers in a democratic country.
B. Yes, it is a free country. Teachers have the right to do what they thinks is best.
C. No, teachers on strike jeopardizes the interest and welfare of learners who’s right
to learn must be respected.
D. No, teachers are paid salaries commensurate to their duty to teach and so no
reason to go on strike.

49. With which should teachers be imbued to be truly professional in their relationship with
their fellow teachers?
The spirit of __________?
I. Professional loyalty
II. Mutual confidence
III. Faith in one another
IV. Self – sacrifice for the common good
V. Full cooperation with colleagues
A. I, II C. I, II, III, IV
B. I, II and III D. I, II, III, IV and V

50. How should a professional teacher handle confidential information concerning associates
and the school?
I. Hold inviolate all confidential information concerning associates and the school.
II. Not divulge to anyone documents which have not yet been officially released.
III. Not remove records from the files without official permission.
A. I only C. II and III
B. I, II, and III D. II only
51. Why must a professional teacher organize records and other data necessary to carry on
the work before leaving?
A. To avoid unnecessary disruption of work and service
B. To show proof of accomplishment
C. To challenge the one taking over
D. To make known to everyone especially the one taking over that you are better than

52. To act as a professional, what conditions must be satisfied when a professional teacher
files a complaint against any associate?
I. Criticism must be justifiable
II. Complaint must be put in writing
III. Submitted to the proper authorities
A. I, II and III C. I and II
B. II and III D. I and III

2. The Professional Teacher

2.1 Describe the professional teacher and the ways and means to ensure high standards of the
teacher’s personal and professional life.
2.2 Explain what teaching is and the various roles of a teacher in meeting challenges in the 21 st century.
2.3 Demonstrate understanding of the concepts of the teacher as a school culture catalyst, transformational
leader and educational resources manager with responsibilities as specified in the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers.

53. “To be part of the community” ensure the teachers’ ________.

A. membership C. obedience
B. participation D. freedom

54. Which of the following is NOT done by the teacher or a facilitator of learning?
A. Make learning easier C. Gives the correct answer
B. Concretize the abstract D. Simplify the complex

55. Teachers “living in the unsure times” has a connotation that is _______.
A. positive C. neutral
B. negative D. resolute

56. Internal stakeholders of the school include the following EXCEPT _____.
A. parents C. officials
B. students D. teachers
57. Freedom to exercise one’s religion is guaranteed by the _______ Philippine Constitution.
A. 1987 C. 1986
B. 1935 D. 1945

58. The following pertains to managers EXCEPT __________.

A. work C. innovate
B. do things right D. administer

59. Which is not part of DepEd’s mission is “to protect and promote the right of every
Filipino to a basic education” that is ______.
A. quality C. job – based
B. equitable D. complete

60. Participation in decision making is closely associated with which type of leadership?
A. Servant leadership C. Situational leadership
B. Autocratic leadership D. Democratic leadership

61. Servant – leadership is referred to as a paradoxical term. What does paradoxical mean?
A. Relational
B. Conflicting / self - contradictory
C. Flexible
D. Participative

62. Transformational leaders described as the following EXCEPT ________.

A. charismatic C. collaborator
B. inspirational D. powerful

63. given the importance of the principle of subsidiarity, who should be first in the list?
A. School administrator
B. Stakeholders for the community
C. The people at the lowest rank
D. Barangay officials

64. The success of SBM primarily depends on ______.

A. basic resources
B. school heads
C. local government
D. the Department of Education

65. Which event introduced School – Based Management?

A. Implementation of the TEEP (Third Elementary Education Project)
B. Involvement of stakeholders
C. Participation of local officials
D. Building professional quality
66. Which of these allows private entities to assist public schools in all levels?
A. Brigade Eskwela
B. Adopt – A – School Program
C. Palarong Pambansa
D. Youth Development Program

67. “School culture matters” means that _______.

A. it is facilitative
B. it may not be attended to
C. it has a great influence
D. it is just one factor to consider

68. The teacher hears some students talking while someone was reciting. The teacher calls
the attention of the students. The gesture instills the value of _______.
A. caring C. support
B. respect D. honesty

69. Culture is something that is created or shaped. The idea refers to culture as being a ____
A. collegial C. activity
B. genetic D. social

70. School climate differs from school culture because of the former’s focus on ____.
A. style of the organizational system
B. evolution of school history
C. character of the school
D. orderliness in the school

71. Which from part of school culture?

I. Structure
II. Resources
III. Practices
IV. School Climate
A. I and III C. II and III
B. I, II and III D. I, II, III and IV

72. Administrative leadership of school heads includes the following EXCEPT _______.
A. personal excellence
B. strategies in thinking and innovation
C. stakeholders’ engagement
D. managerial leadership

73. Managers have subordinate; Leaders have _______.

A. officials C. staff
B. followers D. workers
74. The legal basis for the implementation of the National Competency – Based Standards for
School Head is _______.
A. Philippine Constitution
B. DepEd order 8, s2015
C. DepEd order 32, s2010
D. DepEd order 04, s2012

75. Based on the Competency Framework for Southeast Asia School Heads, which are
expected of a school head is terms of personal excellence?
I. Preserving continuous Professional Development
II. Managing Personal Effectiveness
III. Promote Leaner – Centered Activities
A. I and III C. I and III
B. II and III D. I, II and III

76. How can a school head exercise school management and operations?
I. Managing School Operations
II. Use of Technology in School Management
III. Financial Resources Matters
A. I, II, and III C. II and III
B. I and III D. I and II

77. For which educational theory was Paulo Freire known?

A. Social Reconstructionism C. Specialized Education
B. Critical Pedagogy D. Empirical Approach

78. The legal basis for the implementation of the K – 12 program is _____.
A. RA 10533 C. RA 9155
B. RA 10157 D. RA 7722

79. How education serves the need of society thru skills development is the focus of ____.
A. symbolic interaction theory
B. conflict theory
C. structural – functional theory
D. liberal education theory

80. Government corruption includes the following EXCEPT ______.

A. nepotism C. freedom
B. patronage D. embezzlement

81. What does functional literacy include?

I. Reading
II. Writing
III. Numeracy
A. I and III C. I, II and III
B. I and II D. II and III
82. Which phrase below refers to one’s being prepared for his/her future roles?
A. Character formation C. Anticipatory socialization
B. Values development D. Introduction process

83. Which do tool making, adherence to group behavior and language illustrate?
A. Growth patterns C. Education products
B. Life – skills D. Societal aims

84. Which of the following period focused on the rediscovery of classical philosophy,
literature and art?
A. Athenian period C. Reformation period
B. Medieval period D. Renaissance period

85. If education is a functional society, it has to be _____.

A. free C. selective
B. complete D. relevant

86. Which law integrated kindergarten education into the basic education system?
A. RA 10157, Jan. 22, 2012 C. Executive Order No. 117
B. RA 1079, June 15, 1954 D. RA 10533, May 15, 2013

87. A “community of inquiry” will lead to which of the following?

A. Create a group of social workers
B. Engage learners into problem solving
C. Participate in research project
D. Address community concerns

88. What educational idea did George Counts espouse?

A. Teachers as agents of change
B. Teachers as classroom managers
C. Teachers as leaders as the community
D. Teachers as school leaders

89. Which is NOT true of John Locke’s views on education?

A. Learning through the senses
B. People governing themselves
C. Necessity for civic education
D. Need for people to earn a living

90. “Survival of the fittest” is associated with _______.

A. Paulo Freire C. Herbert Spencer
B. Theodore Brameld D. John Dewey
91. All statements are descriptive of school policies EXCEPT that _________.
A. they are supportive of the learning process
B. they guide all sector towards the attainment of school goals
C. the suffocate school climate
D. they ensure smooth flow of school operations

92. Which of these gave the Filipinos an integrated system of education?

A. Educational Decree of 1863
B. Political Constitution of 1869
C. Executive Order No. 134 (1936)
D. Educational Act of 1982

93. Which educational aims was promoted during the Japanese Occupation?
A. Institution of private education
B. Training by military officers
C. Vocational education
D. Developing love of labor

94. Which are the core values of DepEd? Maka-Diyos, Maka-Tao, Makakalikasan and _____.
A. Makawika C. Makabayan
B. Makabansa D. Makahayop

95. It has been said that “schools are highly authoritarian with the teachers as central focus.”
A solution to this would be ______.
A. modify program offerings
B. improve the curriculum
C. change the teachers
D. use performance assessment

96. Which of the following address the development of Filipino character?

I. The Values Education Framework
II. K – 10 Curriculum Guide doe EsP
III. Moral Recovery Program
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I and III D. I, II and III

97. What’s wrong with the Filipino sense of humor?

A. When he takes things lightly
B. When he jokes without hurting people
C. When serious things are not taken seriously
D. When he is always joyful

98. You said something which made another, person feel stupid or worthless. Which type of
violence was committed?
A. Cultural C. Emotional
B. Physical D. Sexual
99. What form of violence occurs when one’s belief in a supernatural being is used to
manipulate that person?
A. Psychological C. Cultural
B. Spiritual D. Emotional

100.Which is NOT included in the DepEd Primer on School Community Partnership?

A. School used as an evacuation center
B. School used as a polling place
C. School used for PTA meetings
D. School used for medical mission

101.As a teacher, you are facilitator of learning. What is expected of you?

A. Allow students to use their cellphones anytime.
B. Use video clips
C. Gives assignment daily
D. Conduct student activities

102.School leaders need to use which skills?

I. Human
II. Professional
III. Technical
A. I and III C. I and II
B. II and III D. I, II and III
1. The teacher and the School Curriculum
1.1 Demonstrate research – based knowledge of the concepts, theories and principles in curriculum
Planning, design, development and evaluation.

1. During the insurgence of the pandemic, the world seemed to have turned upside down.
What aspect of school curriculum was drastically modified?
A. Written Curriculum
B. Delivery Curriculum
C. Assessment Curriculum
D. Content of Curriculum

2. Which of the following terminologies that relate to curriculum in recent times does NOT
belong to the group?
A. Blended Learning Delivery
B. Bichronous Learning Delivery
C. Hybrid Learning Delivery
D. None of the above

3. The PISA examination results in 2019 revealed that the Philippine performance ranked at
the bottom of all the participating countries. This is very alarming and dismal. Some
observations for this result imply that ________.
A. the Enhance BEC Curriculum was not correctly implemented
B. the teachers support to implement the curriculum was not enough
C. the strategies used were not aligned to the content of the lesson
D. All of the above

4. Curriculum experts recognize that to develop the whole child, teachers should use
teaching – learning methods that allow _______.
A. cooperation and individualism
B. competition and individualism
C. competition, individualism and collaboration
D. cooperation, collaboration

5. The most acceptable time-tested curriculum design places the learner at the center of the
learning process. Which design follows the opposite of this model?
A. Mastery of the subject matter is the end goal of curriculum.
B. Curriculum must be anchored on the needs and interest of learners.
C. Prior learning should be considered in planning a lesson.
D. Self – development is the ultimate objective of learning.
6. Direct instruction, Guided instruction, Mastery Learning and Systematic Instruction all
belong to the Behaviorist Cluster of teaching methods. The most compelling action is to
A. make the learners actively involved in collaborative work
B. compel the teacher to take the lead role in learning
C. encourage teacher’s control of learner’s behavior
D. provide free choice for learners to learn or not

7. Which of the following standards for teacher quality in the Philippines is being used to
design, implement and evaluate outcomes of learning for beginning and experienced
teachers od DepEd?
A. PPST C. CMO 74-82

8. Kurt Lewin’s Force Field Theory in Curriculum Change, describes that change will occur
if one of these conditions is present. Which condition?
A. Driving force is greater than the restraining force.
B. Driving force is equal to restraining force.
C. Driving force is less than the restraining force
D. Restraining force is equal to other forces.

9. As a teacher, which of the following clusters of teaching – learning strategies will you use
to achieve the highest level to maximize learning potential of students?
A. Reading, Hearing, Seeing
B. Reading, Listening, Looking
C. Watching, Looking, Seeing
D. Doing, Discussing, Demonstrating

10. Based on the wider view of school curriculum, how are parents as stakeholders involved
in the schooling of their children?
A. Join the Brigada Eskwela
B. Follow up lesson at home
C. Accompany minor learners in outdoor activities
D. All of the above

11. RA 10968 refers to which reference system of national standards that specifies what an
individual has learned in and out of schooling?
A. ASEAN Reference Framework
B. Philippine Qualification Framework
C. Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers
D. Philippine Quality Assurance

12. “It takes a whole village to educate a child” is an old proverb that originally came from
A. Philippines C. Africa
B. America D. China
13. According to the Department of Education, grades of the learners should be shown every
quarter of the year in different percentage proportion to include _______.
I. Written work
II. Quarterly assessment I
III. Performance tasks
IV. Group project
B. I, II, III, IV D. I, II, IV

14. The global pandemic has drastically changed the lives of all human beings more so, the
school of learners.
What aspect of the school curriculum was drastically changed?
A. Planning C. Implementing
B. Evaluating D. Reviewing

15. In education 4.0 which statement most appropriately apply?

A. Learning can be done anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
B. Learning can only happen with the teacher.
C. Young learners cannot benefit from technological advances.
D. Schools should be free to traditional support materials.

16. Which is considered as the turning point in Philippine Education in 2013?

A. Republic Act 10533
B. Republic Act 7836
C. Republic Act 10968
D. Republic Act 7722

17. What was the major reason for the additional two years of basic education as the senior
high school?
A. To provide global comparability of the Philippine education
B. To enable basic education learners to mature before college
C. To comply with constitutional provision
D. To reduce the college students’ population

18. Which of the following is shown by the learners if curriculum is said to be effective?
A. Perfect attendance of the learners for the whole year
B. Learners can memorize their textbooks
C. Learners demonstrate the achieved learning outcomes
D. Teachers are made busy for the whole school year

19. Constructive alignment in the curriculum enhances the chances of the learners to achieve
learning. How is constructive alignment manifested in the school curriculum?
A. When the teacher will have finished teaching the planned lesson.
B. When the learners’ attention is sustained during the class.
C. When the teacher’s objective matches with the strategy and assessment.
D. When teacher assigned a homework at the end of the lesson.
20. Which of the following landscapes characterizes the 21st century classroom?
A. Teaching and learning are aimed to develop life skills.
B. All classrooms have become virtual and remote.
C. The role of the teacher has been drastically reduced.
D. Schools have slowly vanished in the society.

21. The pandemic has created a new and emerging lifestyle among parents, teachers and
learners. Which of the following is NOT common description of the situation?
A. Teacher’s role in teaching have become complicated.
B. Learners have been dependent on non-human intervention in learning.
C. Parents have instantly become the surrogate teachers of their children.
D. Learner’s school attendance has been constantly monitored.

22. The Covid 19 pandemic has taught curriculum alternative ways of delivering education to
assure that the rights of every child will be upheld. Which was NOT an appropriate
response to the pandemic?
A. Remote learning C. Flexible learning
B. In – person learning D. Hybrid learning

23. The world has shrunk because of the modern inventions that even attempt to replace
human beings. What is the best evidence to prove this observation?
A. The internet of things
B. The people’s mind
C. The global landscape
D. The global schools

24. What situation calls for the replacement of teachers in the classroom in modern times?
A. When teachers are unable to use technology in teaching and learning.
B. When teachers are enthusiastic with the changes in teaching.
C. When teachers keep abreast with the use of social-media and networking.
D. When teachers combine work with pleasure, maintain health and well-being.

25. Who among the curricularist has a progressive view of the curriculum?
A. Robert M. Hutchins C. John Dewey
B. Arthur Bestor D. Joseph Schwab

26. When Covid 19 swept the whole world, one of the most affected sectors of society was
the learner. How do most educators describe this effect?
A. Learning loss C. Learning reward
B. Learning disability D. Learning chaos

27. The keys to learning are assimilation, accommodation and equilibrium. Who espoused
this theory?
A. Lev Vygotsky C. Howard Gardner
B. Jean Piaget D. Robert Gagne
28. Who among the great names in education predicted the shocking future and foresaw the
idea of homeschooling?
A. Ivan Pavlov C. Edward Thorndike
B. Robert Gagne D. Alvin Toffler

29. A teacher’s lesson plan should always contain the following components which should be
aligned: (I) Intended Learning Outcomes (II) Subject Matter/Content (III) Teaching
Learning Strategies (IV) Assessment of Learning. Which of the components will
determine if the learners have learned?
A. Subject Matter/Content
B. Teaching Learning Strategy
C. Intended Learning Outcomes
D. Assessment of Learning

30. There has been a clamor to review the K to 12 Curriculum of the Department of
Education. The most controversial issue that surrounds the K to 12 is the ______.
A. additional of two years in the senior high school
B. use of the mother tongue in the early years
C. lack of internet connection in schools
D. overcrowded classrooms due to enrolment

31. The Tyler curriculum design approach focuses on the following core principles except
one. Which is the exception?
I. Determining the learners’ and community needs
II. Determining the objectives
III. Identifying experiences
IV. Evaluating effectiveness
A. I C. II

32. How can curriculum be made relevant to student’s lives according to John Dewey?
I. Practice learning by doing
II. Make students do the teaching
III. Develop student’s practical life skills
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I and III D. I, II and III

33. To which does a hidden curriculum refer?

A. The formal subjects taught to students
B. The elective subjects offered to students
C. The course requirements asked of students
D. The unwritten rules and implicit cultural messages
34. Hilda Taba’s model of curriculum development is inductive. How does an inductive
curriculum development process begin?
A. By diagnosing the learner’s need.
B. By planning the learning experiences based on given on curriculum goals.
C. By organizing curriculum content.
D. By selecting learning experiences.

35. Which statement on curriculum development is TRUE?

A. Tyler’s curriculum development model is inductive.
B. Taba’s curriculum development model is deductive.
C. Tyler’s curriculum development model is inductive.
D. Tyler’s and Taba’s curriculum models are deductive.

36. Which statement on curriculum development is TRUE?

A. Tyler’s curriculum development model is deductive.
B. Taba’s curriculum development model is deductive.
C. Tyler’s curriculum development model is inductive.
D. Tyler’s and Taba’s curriculum models are inductive.

37. Which statement on curriculum development is TRUE?

I. Tyler’s curriculum development model is inductive.
II. Taba’s curriculum development model is inductive.
III. Both Taba’s and Tyler’s curriculum models are deductive.
A. I only C. I and II
B. II only D. II and III

38. Who developed the cyclic model of curriculum development?

A. D. K. Wheeler C. Ralph Tyler
B. Hilda Taba D. John Dewey

39. What is meant by a cyclic model of curriculum development?

A. The objective formulation phase leads to identification of learning experiences.
B. Curriculum development ends with the evaluation process.
C. Curriculum development starts with identification of learning experiences.
D. The evaluation phase leads once more to the identification of new objectives.

40. Why Hilda Taba’s approach to curriculum development described as the grassroots
A. Curriculum development should be a top-down process.
B. Curriculum development should be a bottom-up process.
C. Curriculum development is the root of subject/topic identification.
D. Curriculum development is the concern of top management.
41. If we employ “designing backwards” in curriculum development, which do we do first?
A. First determine the outcomes
B. Determine authentic assessments to assess attainment of learning outcomes
C. Choose relevant learning experiences
D. Select appropriate content

42. Which is the second step when we follow a backward design in curriculum development?
A. Determine the outcomes.
B. Determine authentic assessments to assess attainment of learning outcomes.
C. Choose relevant learning experiences.
D. Select appropriate content.

43. Why the term backward design in curriculum development?

A. Selecting content comes ahead of the determination of outcomes.
B. Choosing relevant experiences comes before the determining outcomes.
C. Determining authentic assessments come before selecting appropriate content and
relevant experiences.

44. What is the essence of an OBTL curriculum design framework?

I. Its first step is identifying intended learning outcomes.
II. Identifying learning outcomes is followed by aligning subject matter, teaching and
learning activities and assessment tasks.
III. The selection of subject matter should be followed by the identification of
learning outcomes.
A. I and II C. III
B. II only D. I only

45. Which term applies to what Dep Ed has defined as indispensable in the teaching-learning
process to equip learners with skills for subsequent grade levels and for lifelong learning.
A. Most Essential Learning Competencies
B. Minimum Learning Competencies
C. K to 12 Core Standards and Competencies
D. K to 12 Curriculum Guide

46. RA 10533, the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, states that the curriculum shall be
I. learner-centered
II. inclusive
III. developmentally appropriate
A. I only C. II and III
B. III only D. I, II and III
47. RA 10533, the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, states that the curriculum shall be
I. culture-sensitive
II. contextualized
III. global
A. I only C. I and III
B. II and III D. I, II and III

48. Based on RA 10533, which adjectives describe the pedagogical approach to be used in
the K to 12 curriculums?
I. Constructivist
II. Reflective
III. Collaborative
IV. Integrative
A. I and II C. II and IV
B. I and III D. I, II, III and IV

49. As provided for in RA 10533, the K to 12 Curriculum shall use the spiral progression
How is the spiral progression approach implemented?
I. Key concepts are presented repeatedly throughout the curriculum but with
deepening layers of complexity.
II. For the Science subjects, General Science is taught in Grade 7, Earth Science in
Grade 8, Biology in Grade 9 and Physics in Grade 10.
III. Students learn the same topic repeatedly but with increasing details and
A. I and III C. II and III
B. I only D. II only

50. Does RA 10533, otherwise known as the K to 12 law, allow the schools to localize the K
to 12 curriculum?
A. Yes
B. Yes, if schools are capable
C. No
D. Yes, if the schools are trained

51. Which is the intention of the Indigenous People’s Education (IPEd) Curriculum
A. Serves as basis in designing a curriculum exclusively for Indigenous People (IPs)
B. Serves as guide in designing a separate K to 12 Curriculum for Ips
C. Serves as guide for teachers in their preparation of IP instructional materials.
D. Used as basis in developing an education program to ensure that the values, needs
and aspirations of a school community are reflected in the education program.
52. What does RA 11476, otherwise known as the “GMRC and Values Education Act”
require in the DepEd curriculum?
I. Teacher GMRC from Grade 1 to 6 as a separate subject with the same time
allotment as the other core subjects.
II. Integrate GMRC in the daily learning activities in the Kindergarten level.
III. Teach Values Education from Grade 7 to 10 as a separate subject with the same
time allotment as the other core subjects.
A. I only C. II only
B. I and II D. I, II and III

53. Which is TRUE of the GMRC and Values Education

A. It requires the integration of Values Education in Grade 11 and 12.
B. It requires the teaching of Values Education as a separate subject in Grade 11 and
C. It requires only the integration of Values Education from Grade 7 to 10.
D. It requires the teaching of Values Education in Grade 1 to 6.

54. One key principle of curriculum design is it should be balanced. What does balanced
The curriculum:
A. promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative, emotional and physical
development as equally important.
B. avoids making unreasonable demands by matching level of challenge to a pupil’s
current level of maturity.
C. makes implicit connections and links between the different subjects.
D. develops intra-disciplinary habits of mind; the subject matter is taught in a way
that is faithful to its discipline.

55. A curriculum design should be coherent. What does coherent mean?

A. Promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative, emotional and physical
development as equally important.
B. Avoids making unreasonable demands by matching level of challenge to a pupil’s
current level of maturity.
C. Makes implicit connections and links between the different subjects and
experiences encountered.
D. Focuses on progression by carefully sequencing knowledge.

56. A curriculum design should be appropriate. What does appropriate mean?

A. Promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative, emotional and physical
development as equally important.
B. Avoids making unreasonable demands by matching level of challenge to a pupil’s
current level of maturity.
C. Makes implicit connections and links between the different subjects and
experiences encountered.
D. Focuses on progression by carefully sequencing knowledge.

57. A curriculum design should be relevant. What does relevant mean?

A. Promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative, emotional and physical
development as equally important
B. Avoids making unreasonable demands by matching level of challenge to a pupil’s
current level of maturity
C. Makes implicit connections and links between the different subjects and
experiences encountered
D. Connects the valued outcomes of a curriculum to the learners being taught

58. A curriculum design should be focused. What does a focused curriculum design mean?
A. Promotes intellectual, moral, spiritual, creative, emotional and physical
development as equally important
B. Manageable because only the most important key concepts are taught
C. Makes implicit connections and links between the different subjects and
experiences encountered
D. Connects the valued outcomes of a curriculum to the learners being taught

59. In which type of curriculum model are students encouraged to seek answers to real world
A. Problem-centered C. Subject-centered
B. Learner-centered D. Community-centered

60. In which type of curriculum model are student’s need and interests given extensive
A. Problem-centered C. Subject-centered
B. Learner-centered D. Community-centered

61. Which type of curriculum design is focused on review of facts, ideas, skills that are
critical to a subject area?
A. Problem-centered C. Subject-centered
B. Learner-centered D. Community-centered
2. Methods and Strategies of Teaching
2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that build and enhance new literacies inclusive of multi-
Cultural, social, media, financial, cyber/digital, ecological, arts-and-creativity new literacies across the
2.2 Prepare developmentally sequenced lesson plan with well aligned learning outcomes and competencies
Based on K-t0-12 spiral curriculum requirement.
2.3 Utilize the concepts of new literacies in the 21st century (globalization and multi-cultural literacy, social
literacy, media literacy, financial literacy, cyber literacy, digital literacy, eco literacy, arts and creativity
literacy, interdisciplinary explorations and other teaching strategies) and shared cultural practices across
learning areas.

1. Which should teacher do to help students with different learning and thinking styles learn
more effectively?
A. Provide general overview of the lesson
B. Use one reflection strategy
C. Use one collaborative teaching strategy
D. Give students choice to demonstrate what they learned

2. Which order follows effective questioning technique?

A. Ask question, pause, call on a student
B. Ask the question, call on a student, pause
C. Call on a student, ask the question, pause
D. Call on a student, pause, ask the question

3. When you engage yourself in brainstorming, which should you avoid?

A. Judge students’ answers as either right or wrong
B. Be open to all answers
C. Expect only correct answers
D. Be ready to listen to spontaneous answers

4. When do you use direct instruction?

When you teach:
I. Facts
II. Rules
III. Correct procedure of doing things
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I, II and III

5. You want to teach facts and rules. Which one will you make use of?
A. Direct instruction C. Indirect instruction
B. Self-directed instruction D. Collaborative learning
6. Which learner’s skill do you develop in debates?
A. The skill to persuade
B. The skill to put down an opponent
C. The skill to point out false reasoning
D. The skill to win an election

7. If you want your students to master the multiplication table, which activity is most
A. Drill C. Reflection
B. Game D. Simulation

8. In which way will the tutor academically benefit from peer tutoring as a teaching
A. Acquires mastery of subject matter
B. Gains a friend
C. Becomes “teacher assistant”
D. Earn admiration of the class

9. What factors must be considered in the choice of best method to be employed in the
I. Aims and objective of the lesson
II. Nature of the learners
III. Available materials in the community
A. II and III C. I and III
B. I and II D. I, II and III

10. What will be the most effective way of dealing with non-participative students?
A. Remind them that participation is part of the grade
B. Refer the matter to the Guidance Counselor
C. Tell them that no participation means a score of zero
D. Be interactive in your teaching strategy

11. Two of your students fought in class while the lesson is going on. Which respond to be
the best?
A. Settle the issues immediately even if you have stop the lesson
B. Take the two students immediately to the principal’s office
C. Stop the fight and place the two boys in the corner
D. Refer the matter to the class

12. You want your class to propose a solution to a lingering problem on solid garbage in your
school. You group them and ask each group to propose a solution and implement the
proposal after approval by the person in authority.
Which teaching method did you employ?
A. Project-based learning C. Problem-based learning
B. Demonstration method D. Apprenticeship
13. The subject matter is very new, there is not much reference about the subject yet. You are
an expert on the subject matter. Which is the most effective way to teach the new subject
A. Use project-based learning.
B. Give a lecture.
C. Employ problem-based learning.
D. Make students research and report in class.

14. Which is/are TRUE of project-based learning

I. Lends itself to building intrinsic motivation in students
II. Helps student to develop teamwork
III. Helps student develop problem-solving skills
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I and III D. I, II and III

15. Which is/are TRUE of the flipped classroom method?

A. The students are made to read or watch video related to the lesson outside the
class then come to class to share what they have learned about the lesson.
B. The teacher makes his students to read in class or watch video then gives the
students homework to be accomplished after class.
C. The students work on projects in class.
D. The students are made to discuss real-world problems in group in class.

16. My class is hard up at drawing generalizations. For effectiveness and efficiency in which
way should I develop my lesson?
A. Deductive C. Inductive
B. Intuitive D. Reflective

17. How will I develop my lesson plan if I want to develop my students’ skill to draw
generalizations from a given set of data?
A. Inductively C. Deductively
B. Reflectively D. Intuitively

18. I wanted my pupils to find the rule on subject-verb agreement after I have given them
sufficient number of sentences that show agreement of subject-verb agreement.
Which method did I used in my lesson plan?
A. Expository method C. Reflective method
B. Deductive method D. Inductive method

19. If I want to teach my students how to come up with a PowerPoint presentation according
to a set of standards, which method of lesson development is most appropriate?
A. Inquiry method C. Discovery method
B. Direct method D. Inductive method
20. Cooperating Teacher B demonstrates to Student Teacher B how to use the content in
science in the teaching language skills in English in Grade VI. Which approach does
Cooperating Teacher B demonstrate?
A. Inductive C. Integrative
B. Deductive D. Experiential

21. Will ethnocentric beliefs promote multiculturalism in the classroom?

A. No, ethnocentric beliefs imply that some cultures are better than others.
B. Yes, ethnocentrism makes everyone feel good about his/her culture.
C. If teacher as authority promotes ethnocentrism, it may promote multiculturalism.
D. It depends on the kind of students present in class.

22. Teachers have to utilize the concepts of new literacies such as globalization and multi-
cultural literacy. Which words are associated with globalization and multi-cultural
I. Interconnected world
II. Cross-cultural fluency
III. Global awareness
A. I only C. II and III
B. II only D. I, II and III

23. You want to develop in your student’s social literacy. Which will you teach?
I. How to read people
II. How to get along with others
III. What are socially acceptable and socially unacceptable in different contexts
IV. Adapting one’s behavior to various contexts
A. I and II C. II, III, and IV
B. I and III D. I, II, III and IV

24. You want your students to develop informational literacy. Which will you help develop in
I. Knowledge to find credible sources
II. Ability to evaluate sources relevant to your purpose
III. Ability to use effectively the needed information
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I and III D. I, II and III

25. When teacher advises students to distinguish fake news from genuine news, she teaches
them ______ literacy.
A. information C. media
B. cyber D. social
26. How does media literacy differ from information literacy?
A. Information literacy refers to the tool in communicating message while media
literacy refers to the content of the message to be communicated.
B. Media literacy refers to the tool in communicating message while information
literacy refers to the content of the message to be communicated.
C. Information literacy refers to the critical use of digital tools while media literacy
refers to the critical evaluation of information.
D. Media literacy and information literacy are basically the same.

27. Teacher Z wants to teach his students how to keep a sustainable human communities and
societies. Which form of literacy does he help to develop in his students?
A. Social literacy C. Ecological literacy
B. Multicultural literacy D. Digital literacy

28. To help learners, teaching and non-teaching personnel make sound financial decisions,
DepEd teacher trainings and DepEd Curriculum included which form of literacy?
A. Ecoliteracy C. Financial literacy
B. Digital literacy D. Media literacy

29. A song taught in the elementary schools goes this way:

“… There’s so much that we share
that it’s time we’re aware
It’s a small world after all.

Which literacy is referred to?

A. Global literacy C. Ecoliteracy
B. Cyber literacy D. Creativity literacy

30. Which are examples of digital literacy skills?

I. Using your phone to check emails
II. Using an online search engine to find the answers to a question
III. Using online search to complete a research project
A. I only C. III
B. II and III D. I, II and III

31. Which of the following guidelines on questioning technique is NOT pedagogically

A. Call only on non-volunteers.
B. Rather than emphasizing a “right” answer, teachers should use questions that
stimulate higher cognitive achievements.
C. It is better to be unpredictable in calling on students to answer questions than to
follow a predictable order.
D. Vary length and difficulty of questions.
32. Jones is not paying full attention to Ms. Cruz. Ms. Cruz looks at him and communicates
with her eyes in her desire to make Jones pay attention. Which influence technique does
Ms. Cruz employ?
A. Interest boosting C. Proximity control
B. Signal interference D. Antiseptic bouncing

33. Which of the following classroom management practices contradicts Abraham H.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? Teacher must ______.
A. scold a hungry student for his lack of attention
B. believe in their students
C. criticize the misbehavior not the students who misbehaves
D. structure the classroom environment to make it supportive

34. How is Martin Buber’s “dialogic principle” applied in the teaching-learning process?
A. Encourage dialogue between students and teacher and among students.
B. Teacher is expert and so must impose his thoughts on students.
C. The above average student knows much more than the rest and so his ideas must
always prevail.
D. Teacher, being more experienced, must do all the sharing.

35. For learning to the maximum and optimum, teachers and students should participate in
these levels of computer use. Which order arranges computer use from simplest to
A. Computer literacy, computer competency, computer expertise
B. Computer competency, computer literacy, competency expertise
C. Computer competency, computer expertise, computer literacy
D. Computer literacy, computer expertise, computer competency

36. Teacher Joy tells the misbehaving student: “You are spoiling it for the rest of your
classmate”. What disciplinary technique is this?
A. Interest boosting C. Antiseptic bouncing
B. Direct appeal D. Restructuring

37. Immanuel Kant once taught: “Reflection without action is empty; action without
reflection is blind.” This teaching supports schools’ practice of ____ teaching and
A. interactive C. reflective
B. collaborative D. integrative

38. Which non-verbal praise can accentuate the positive in class for effective class
A. Thumbs up signal C. Shaking head
B. Raising of eyebrows D. Frowning

39. Assuming that the following are possible, which activity will be most appropriate if a
teacher wants to have a first-hand knowledge of a marine community?
A. Viewing exhibits C. Educational trip
B. Film viewing D. Still pictures

40. From the Household and School Matching Survey (HSMS) conducted in 1982 it was
found out that school factors have less influence on learning when compared to
community and home background variables. Which one is implication of this finding?
A. DECS must create more teacher items.
B. The school must focus on mastery learning.
C. DECS should work for 1:1 child-book ratio.
D. The school needs to strengthen its partnership with parents and community.

41. Which of the following groups of activities should teacher use to provide an open
environment in which group members can discuss their opinions without being judged as
A. Panel C. Buzz session
B. Forum D. Philips 66

42. In the value clarification approach which may a teacher NOT do?
A. To pass judgment on student’s values
B. To listen to his/her students share what they value
C. To help students know what they are really value
D. To share his/her own values

43. A common behavior of Filipino students is recording verbatim what the teachers says and
giving this back with little processing. This can be an effect of which Filipino trait?
A. Lack of initiative C. Authoritarianism
B. Colonial mentality D. Lack of discipline

44. For a well-managed classroom, which of the following should a teacher refrain from
doing in the formulation of classroom regulations?
A. Teacher and the class should make as many regulations as possible
B. State the classroom regulations as clearly as possible
C. Enforce classroom regulations consistently and fairly
D. Enlist student aid in the formulation of classroom regulation

45. Which one makes a teacher view that his culture is better than those of others, a concept
that should be avoided by all means to develop an inclusive learning atmosphere?
A. Cultural relativism C. Ethnocentrism
B. Ethical relativism D. Xenocentrism

46. Roy is a senior student with a keen sense of what he can do and cannot do. Based on
Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory in which intelligence is Roy high?
A. Intrapersonal intelligence
B. Logical-mathematical intelligence
C. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
D. Interpersonal intelligence

47. One basic element in cooperative learning is positive interdependence. Which one
correctly explains what positive interdependence means?
A. Each student must communicate effectively.
B. Students must feel they are responsible for their own learning and that of the other
members of the group.
C. The student leader must be held accountable for the completion of the assigned
D. Students must work on their own.

48. A teacher fails to listen to what a poor performing pupil says because of teacher’s bias to
pupil. Which Filipino traits is illustrated in this case, a trait which should be out to make
classroom inclusive?
A. Extreme personalism C. Passivity
B. Extreme family-centeredness D. Lack of reflection

49. A student is bored and is restless. Teacher looks for an opportunity to incorporate athletics
into discussions because it is the student’s interest. Which did teacher do?
A. Direct appeal C. Integrative teaching
B. Interest boosting D. Injecting humor

50. Bernadette has a strong linguistic intelligence. For optimum learning, which will be most
appropriate for Bernadette?
A. Games like scrabble and anagrams
B. Graphs, charts, tabular data
C. Reflection activities
D. Nature walk, field trips
3. Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning
3.1 Employ teaching strategies, methods, instructional materials and technology, classroom management
Techniques appropriate to subject areas and inclusive learners from indigenous groups.
3.2 Demonstrate skills in developing and using a variety of conventional and non-conventional resources
Including Information and Communication Technology to address learning goals and needs of various

1. Which of the following sentences says something about problem-based learning?

Problem-based learning is an educational model that ______________.
A. is used only in kindergarten
B. is based on lectures and notes
C. is teacher-led using memorization and testing
D. asks questions and allow students to investigate the answers

2. What 21st Century Skill are you trying to develop if you ask your students to post their
work in social media, solicit comments, and ask how a task of similar nature is done in
other parts of the world?
A. collaboration
B. critical thinking
C. computing/ICT
D. cross-cultural understanding

3. Which of the following scenarios will most likely to develop students’ 21st Century
A. Teacher A starts with real-world problem for group of students to solve first and
then gives them ample time to search and discover possible answers before having
a discussion.
B. Teacher B asks groups of students to report on a topic that is directly lifted from
their textbook or reference material.
C. Teacher C gives out teacher-prepared notes for her students to read and then does
a lecture based from the material.
D. Teacher D asks his students to copy notes from his instructional material and then
asks his students to memorize this for a short quiz the following session.

4. In a Project-based Learning (BBL) unit, the teacher can do the following EXCEPT;
A. smaller, benchmark products to showcase student learning.
B. opportunities for students to write reflectively.
C. text sets incorporating fiction and nonfiction text.
D. provide learning experiences that allow collaboration.
5. Which activity among the different actions in the 5 phases of scientific inquiry brings the
most impact to society by allowing an innovation to be applied after numerous testing and
review by other scientists?
A. Choose a topic C. Plan an investigation
B. Interpret the data collected D. Publish the results

6. Collaborative learning, using the tools of technology, is mainly about co-creation of

scientific knowledge after consensus building. This is made possible by different online
platforms EXCEPT:
A. hands-on activities.
B. learning management system.
C. social networking sites.
D. webinars

7. Which is a design approach whereby both face-to-face and online learning are made
better by the presence of the other?
A. E-learning C. Online learning
B. Distance learning D. Blended learning

8. Teacher A uses an online learning approach by which content provides links to

information at other locations and serves as a focal point for a distance education
experience. Which of the following does she use?
A. Computer-aided instruction C. Teleconferencing
B. Self-paced program D. Web-based instruction

9. Teacher F would like to create a Community Practice (CoP). Which of the following
theories BEST explains how CoP is informed when students share common ideas and
A. Social learning theory C. Cognitive Theory
B. Cooperative learning D. Flexible learning theory

10. Teacher B wants to check whether or not her students learned what she intended to teach
and so formulated a quiz that should be bases on his _____________.
A. additional reading C. student’s ability
B. instructional objectives D. subject matter

11. Which is method of administering tests in which the responses are electronically
recorded, assessed, or both?
A. Assessment C. Formative Assessment
B. Computer-based Assessment D. Summative Assessment

12. In which of following applications can we best conduct a multiple-choice type of a test in
an online class?
A. Google Forms C. Plickers
B. Kahoot D. PowerPoint
13. Teacher C is teaching in the school where the internet is not available. Which of the
following applications can she use to create a computer-based assessment?
A. Google Forms C. PowerPoint
B. Kahoot! D. Zoom

14. Authentic instructional materials are appropriate and good instructional materials.
Which of the following presents an authentic material?
A. Teacher A uses different sports balls in discussing volume and density to an all-
boys class.
B. Teacher B presents taxidermy of local insects in teaching external morphology of
common insects.
C. Teacher C brings a model of the Underground River as a material in teaching
volcanoes and their classification, composition and eruption.
D. Teacher D shows to the class a big map of the Solar System with the eight planets,
five dwarf planets and other Solar System bodies highlighted.

15. One characteristics of good technology tools is sustainability. Which of the choices below
does NOT show sustainability of tools in teaching?
A. Teacher A need the help of tech support from Dell every time his laptop breaks
B. Teacher B has been using his Ipad mini for storing reading materials and
assessment tools for three years now.
C. Teacher C integrates his old files such as documents, pictures, and videos to the
new learning system purchased by the school.
D. Teacher D utilizes the new learning management system in making tests checking
students’ quizzes, giving them feedback, and even informing their parents about
their performance.

16. Teacher B is a bookworm. He usually reads books everywhere. Which of the following
resources should he use to read his favorite books whenever he wants to?
A. PRINTED BOOK. He always brings his favorite books.
B. ELECTRONIC BOOKS. He has downloaded his favorite books in his mobile
C. AUDIO BOOKS. He will listen to his favorite books without reading them
because the books contain audio system.
D. WEBPAGES. He can search for his favorite books in the Internet and read these
books conveniently in the Web.
17. Multimedia should minimize extraneous processing according to Mayer (2001).
Which of the following are applications of this function?
I. Write the definition of meiosis direct to the point
II. Puts audio in his PowerPoint presentation on blood typing
III. Colors the significant biology terms about biodiversity red
IV. Places the caption of his illustration on mutualism right below it
V. Cuts his video presentation about the circulatory system into segments
B. I, III, IV D. I, III, IV, V

18. Teacher F wants to try out his prepared video about his research on indicators of Science
achievement among Asian countries. Which of the following questions should he
consider in this stage?
A. Should the video be terminated?
B. Does this video meet the needs of my students?
C. How is the quality of my video in terms of comprehensiveness?
D. Is there anything difficult when using the video that needs modification?

19. Teaching can be done in various modalities to address learning styles, availability of
materials and time, expertise of the teacher or even the conditions of the country.
Which method emerges as currently used in a global classroom?
A. On-line methodologies
B. Face-to-Face methodologies
C. Hybrid learning methodologies
D. A, B, C

20. Which should be considered in formulating sound educational aims?

A. Needs of a learner
B. Contents of subject matter
C. Availability of instructional materials
D. Competency of the teacher

21. What is a primary requirement for individualizing instruction?

A. skillful teachers
B. resources preparation
C. recognizing learner’s need
D. varied instructional method

22. How can teacher help the learner in learning ICT skills? Choose the correct order of the
following steps:
1. Give feedback for improvement.
2. Provide explanation and verbal description.
3. Guide the learner in his practice.
4. Give opportunity for independent practice.
A. 1 2 3 4 C. 4 2 1 3
B. 2 3 4 1 D. 3 1 4 2
23. ICT learning through the process approach motivates the learner. What is the reason?
A. Engages in experiential activities
B. Assumes responsibility for his learning
C. Uses his thinking skills to solve problems
D. All of the above

24. Which is a collection of a students’ work that can advance learning by providing a way
for them to organize, archive, and display work?
A. Electronic Portfolio C. Vodcasting
B. Podcasting D. Website

25. Which of the following applications is BEST to create brochures, labels, greeting cards,
certificates, flyers, invitations, and business cards?
A. Office Word C. PowerPoint
B. Publisher D. Excel

26. Which of the following method will you use to verify certain findings and to make the
learners handle apparatus properly?
A. Textbook method C. Laboratory method
B. Field trip method D. Project method

27. Which condition of learning is NOT quite appropriate for the objective below? To make
riddles of the given nouns
A. Shown some pictures C. Give some examples
B. Through group work D. After the discussion

28. Which of the following refers to using learning technologies to introduce, reinforce,
supplement and extend skills?
A. Technology Integration C. Instructional Technology
B. Educational Media D. Technology Education

29. Teacher A requires students to present a concrete result on the problem on Solid Waste
Management through symposium. What method is used by him?
A. Inductive C. Deductive
B. Project D. Demonstration

30. Teacher F allows his students to build models of what they are studying, play a game that
requires some movements or act out a particular concept. This teacher style that
complements learning style is ___________.
A. concrete to abstract C. hands-on learning
B. immerse the senses D. learning styles focus

31. What is the most essential role of the teacher in the 21st Century?
A. The sage on the stage C. The expert demonstrator
B. The guide on the side D. The best resource speaker
32. Which of the following is an example of non-projected media?
A. Overhead transparencies C. Models
B. Opaque projections D. Slides

33. Which of the following is an example of projected media?

A. Real objects C. Field trips
B. Films D. Visual

34. What kind of question drives the Problem-Based Learning or Project-Based Learning?
A. Answerable question
B. Essential question
C. Important question
D. Learning-centered question

35. Which of the following is the end project of Project-Based Learning?

A. Cooperative experience C. Final product
B. Culminating project D. Finale

36. Cite reasons why the use of ICT motivates the learner?
A. Assumes responsibility for his learning
B. Engages in experiential activities
C. Uses his thinking skills to solve problems
D. A, B and C

37. The class where students are given opportunities to plan class activities is __________.
A. teacher-directed
B. student centered
C. teacher-controlled
D. teacher and learner agreement

38. Which of the characteristics that affect instruction preparation is easiest for teachers to
obtain yet least thoroughly studied?
A. Societal responsibilities
B. Instructional materials
C. Learner characteristics
D. Teacher’s characteristics

39. What is the reason why learning activities should be carefully planned?
A. The accomplishment of learning outcomes depends on it.
B. The learners’ skills and attitude are developed.
C. They are centered on the learners’ energies.
D. The teacher’s ability to plan is tested.
40. “The illiterate of the 21st century will not those who cannot read and write but those who
are not willing to learn, unlearn, and relearn”, according to Alvin Toffler.
Based on this statement, what are the important responsibilities of the teacher?
I. To enable learners to adapt to change
II. To teach learners the basics
III. To equip them with skills to learn
A. II and III C. I and II
B. I and III D. I, II and III

41. Teacher Carla decides to produce a digital story for her class. Which digital literacy skill
does she exhibit?
A. Media literacy
B. Communication and collaboration literacy
C. Identity management literacy
D. Digital scholarship literacy

42. All your learners are on social media. How can you ensure that they learn despite
constant use of the social networking site?
A. Post quotations that will remind them to focus on their studies.
B. Post your photos so they can comment on them and be reminded of you as their
C. Create a prank account and threaten them that they will fail when they use social
D. Create a page in the site where you can post supplementary materials for your

43. Ms. Susan’s account was phished. What issue on ICT did she experience?
A. Freedom of expression and censorship
B. Privacy and security
C. Surveillance and data retention
D. E-pollutants from E-waste

44. Why is it important to preview the materials before presenting them to the students?
A. For the teacher to enjoy watching them
B. For the teacher to determine what questions to ask about the materials
C. For the teacher to check of the materials are of good audio and visual quality
D. For the teacher to determine whether they are appropriate to the students and the
lesson objectives

45. To show how blood circulates in the heart, which of the following devices will be the best
A. Mock up C. Real objects
B. Diorama D. Model
46. You were assigned to handle a class in a remote barrio. With the scarcity of technology
tools, what can you do?
A. Use pictures all the time.
B. Borrow materials from friends.
C. Buy a projector from own salary.
D. Utilize materials available in the community.

47. A student was required to submit an explainer video. She wanted to submit the best
produced video in order to get a good grade so she copied one from youtube and edited it
to claim as her own. What did she violate?
A. Theft C. Plagiarism
B. Hacking D. Copyright infringement

48. Ms. Rose was hired as a teacher in an indigenous community. To make her learners learn
meaningfully, which among the following practices is appropriate for her to do?
A. Use computers and projectors.
B. Use videos about people in the cities
C. Use online applications and software.
D. Use real objects available in the community.

49. Which is NOT an alternative way of delivering instruction in an asynchronous way?

A. Modules C. TV based instruction
B. Radio based instruction D. Video conferencing

50. Teacher Annie thought it would be nice to let her kindergarten learners learn a classic. So
using the school’s smart television, she let them watch Romeo and Juliet of Shakespeare.
What rule in the selection of the multimedia did she violate?
A. Practicality of the activity
B. Objectivity of the activity
C. Appropriateness of the film
D. Suitability to activity

51. Teacher Marissa is preparing her lesson plan. What should be her first consideration in
the choice of instructional materials?
A. Teaching strategy
B. Objectives of the lesson
C. Learning style of learners
D. Availability of the materials

52. Acknowledging the different learning styles of students, which of the following materials
is appropriate for those who are hard of hearing?
A. Podcast C. Audio Recording
B. Pictures D. Videos with captions
53. Teacher Marlene needs a tool to help keep a numerical record of students’ performance.
Which productivity tool is most appropriate?
A. Sites C. Spreadsheet
B. Document D. Slide presentation

54. James Sean is a Grade 3 learner who needs to master the multiplication table. What kind
of instructional software will his teacher use to make the activity interesting for him?
A. Tutorial software C. Drill and practice software
B. Simulation software D. Problem solving software

55. Due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus, Principal Carol decides to let teachers meet
their classes online. Which of the following technological tools is NOT appropriate for
online learning?
A. Modules C. Online productivity tools
B. Video conferencing tools D. Learning management system

56. Teacher Martin has a student living in off grid remote areas. What is the most effective
way of delivering instruction for these students during the pandemic?
A. Modules C. Messenger chat
B. Web conferencing D. Radio Bases instruction

57. Instead of giving worksheets for spelling and vocabulary building activities, Teacher
Laurie gives her students Word Search and Wordle. What instructional software is she
giving her students?
A. Games C. Simulation
B. E-books D. Drill and practice

58. Teacher Diana prepared a display board. She made sure that letters are big and readable
for the audience. What guideline in designing conventional instructional materials is she
adhering to?
A. Unity C. Legibility
B. Clarity D. Consistency

59. If Teacher Vernie wants to show a three-dimensional scene depicting the struggles of the
people during the COVID-19 pandemic in her lesson in Health, what is the best material
to use?
A. Diorama C. Flip Chart
B. Nature Table D. Wall Display

60. How can you make your instructional materials highly engaging?
A. Make them interactive
B. Make them multisensory.
C. Buy from those available commercially.
D. Choose from those available in the community.
61. How can you best teach the concept of digital citizenship to your students?
A. Let them know their digital rights.
B. Ask them to memorize the digital laws.
C. Teach them how to observe netiquette.
D. Inform them about the different cybercrimes.

62. Which is the best example of collaboration among teachers in a school?

A. Two teachers prepare their instructional materials together.
B. The senior teacher insists on the younger teacher the use of conventional materials
because they are time-tested.
C. The older teacher allows the younger teacher to lead because she thinks the latter
has more ideas being fresh from college.
D. A senior teacher with a skewed TPACK favoring the content and pedagogical
knowledge teams up with a new teacher whose TPACK favors technological

63. Why is there a need for you to preview the materials before using them in class?
A. To gain confidence in using them
B. To prepare for the questions to ask
C. To avoid potential problems that might occur when using them
D. To ensure appropriateness of the materials with the objectives and target audience.

64. Which is a good example of tapping the learners’ ingenuity in technology integration?
A. They will be made to use mobile phones in learning.
B. They will be made to create a digital story and present it in class.
C. They will be made to comment on the slide presentation prepared by their peers.
D. They will be made to listen to the lecture of the teacher in well-prepared Google

65. Teacher Myrna is designing a new instructional material to enhance the reading level of
the children. What must be included in the instructional material?
A. References
B. Teaching strategies
C. Learning texts and tasks
D. Instructions on the use of the material

66. Miss Sheena, an English teacher, wants her learners to write a journal. Since all of them
are adept in technology use, which is an appropriate tool for this activity?
A. Wiki C. Email
B. Blog D. Messenger

67. Which is the best technology tool to use when some of your students cannot attend in-
person classes to avoid COVID-19 transmission?
A. Podcasting C. Electronic mailing
B. Instant messaging D. Video conferencing
68. Which of the following issues on ICT is directly linked to climate change?
A. Freedom of expression C. Electronic mailing
B. Instant messaging D. Video conferencing

69. In a project-based multimedia learning strategy, the students learn new knowledge and
basic skills. Aside from being actively engaged in the learning task. They get involved in
A. acquiring teaching skills rather than content
B. making use of extended period of time allowed
C. learning to use the computer to communicate with people
D. planning, designing and producing a multimedia product for presentation

70. When considering “color background” for a slide presentation, it is more preferable to use
A. dark text on a light background
B. wallpaper background
C. light text on a dark background
D. pastel colors

71. For instructional purposes, which lettering style is acceptable to use in the main text of
multimedia presentations?
A. Script font C. Old English font
B. Sans-serif font D. Serif font

72. Utilizing materials in the ASSURE Model refers to ____________.

A. selecting, modifying, or designing materials.
B. planning how the materials will be used and how much time will be spent using
C. requiring learners to practice what they have learned.
D. adopting, constructing, or adapting materials.

73. Which is the most legible letter combination for letter cut-outs?
A. Orange and red C. Green on blue
B. Black on yellow D. Pink on lavender

74. During the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, many students were able to purchase their
books and school supplies from shops through the internet. What element of digital
citizenship did they benefit from?
A. Digital access C. Digital commerce
B. Digital communication D. Digital security

75. Practice Teacher Carla made a display board with too many pictures, words, and graphics.
The audience needs to pause for a minute or more to be able to grasp the concept of the
board. On what principle of designing conventional materials does PT Carla need to
A. Unity C. Consistency
B. Simplicity D. Clarity

76. Which among the following is NOT a correct practice in using the time-tested writing
A. Face the board while writing and talking to the learners.
B. Allow sufficient time for learners to copy the information.
C. Use chalk for pens that contrast with the background of the board.
D. Underline headings and important words for emphasis.

77. Which of the following materials is appropriate for learners who want to visit the
museum but cannot go due to the risks involved in long travel?
A. Picture C. Video of Virtual Tour
B. Digital Story D. Podcast

78. Sir Mike is going to teach fractions to Grade 1 learners. Following Bruner’s Theory of
Representation, which material should be presented first?
A. Numerical symbols representing the slices of pizza
B. A picture of pizza cut into slices
C. Fractions in the form of numbers
D. A whole pizza divided into slices

79. Which material is appropriate for presenting information containing pictures and charts
about COVID-19 disease?
A. Slide presentation C. Infographic
B. Survey form D. Flat picture

80. How are Padlet and Canva classified as technological tools used in the class?
A. Productivity tools C. Creativity tools
B. Collaboration tools D. Online community tools

81. Matalino Academy implements blended learning. Which describes their implementation
of classes?
A. Some of the learners’ classes are online while some are on the campus.
B. Their classes are held online with synchronous and asynchronous sessions.
C. Their classes are open to anyone who is willing to learn and with no limit on
D. Their classes can be done anytime, anywhere, and in any manner.

82. How can social networking sites be beneficial to learning?

A. They connect people together to become friends.
B. They provide information that can easily be accessed.
C. They provide opportunities for young people to earn.
D. They are venues for publicity.

83. The following are learning management systems EXCEPT ONE. Which is it?
A. Google C. Schoology
B. Moodle D. Brightspace

84. Which is NOT a sound advice for a student who engages in social networking sites?
A. Log out every time you use public computers.
B. Keep the posts public to gain popularity.
C. Accept only invites from people you know.
D. Report cyberbullying and other cases of harassment.

85. As implied in Dale’s Cone of Experience, which will work best for preschool learners?
A. Models C. Workbooks
B. Real objects D. Videos

86. The following EXCEPT ONE are the dangers of social networking. Which of these is the
A. Learners become prone to cyber bullying.
B. There are trolls who instigate conflict or provoke negative emotional responses.
C. Learners might be hooked on the internet and ignore the real world.
D. Learners have the opportunity to explore the educational potential of the sites.

87. Using the ASSURE model in technology integration, which is the first step?
A. Apply appropriate materials. C. Select subject matter.
B. Know your learners. D. Evaluate learning.

88. In her class, Teacher Myrna let the students take the exam using Google Form instead of
paper and pen. Applying the SAMR model in technology integration, in which level is
this practice?
A. Substitution C. Augmentation
B. Modification D. Redefinition

89. The following are ICT tools which can be used for formative assessment, except one.
Which is the EXCEPTION?
A. Mentimeter C. Quizlet
B. Kahoot D. Quillbot

90. Who among the following is a global digital citizen?

A. An internet user who creates a prank account to stalk others
B. An internet user who observes proper behavior online and offline
C. An internet user who creates interesting content to earn money
D. An internet user who is carefree to perform anything he wants in the digital world.

91. The use of technology will enhance the 21st century skills along ____________.
I. development of instructional tools
II. critical thinking problem solving
III. designing learning environment and spaces
IV. all of the above
A. I only C. I, II and III
B. II only D. IV only

92. A universal standard in the use of ICT in teaching and learning in the classroom requires
all teachers to ______ EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION?
A. Use gadgets when teaching all the time.
B. Understand and issues and safety policies.
C. Abide by ethical policies on the use of ICT.
D. Use of technology tools when possible.

93. One of the constraints in the application of ICT for the enhancement of standards among
teachers and students is _______________.
A. lack of encouragement from school heads.
B. internet connectivity of the school
C. indifference of qualified teachers
D. learners’ interest and motivation

94. When did educational technology become part of teachers’ attention and interest in
several conferences and workshops?
A. During the digital age with the use of computers
B. After World War 2, when there were many inventions
C. During the 21st Century when there was a digital superhighway
D. Since the time instructional support materials were used in the classroom

95. Teacher Betty was looking for the meaning of unfamiliar word she came across. She
asked a friend, texted another teacher, googled the word in the internet and picked up
another dictionary. All the methods used implies __________.
A. internet C. computers
B. technology D. gadgets

96. As educational technology comes to the attention of all teachers from a new perspective,
which of the following statements is a FALSE message?
A. To teach in the 21st Century, technology is indispensable.
B. The use if technology has modernized teaching and learning.
C. Millennial teachers are not ready to use technology in teaching.
D. The use of technology enhances creativity and innovation.

97. How did new technologies open new frontiers for the researchers in the educational field?
I. Provided modern ways of processing quantitative data
II. Provided different ways of collecting data even during the pandemic
III. Allowed researchers to gather data without researching
IV. Allowed researchers to develop research tools which are robust
A. I only C. II only
B. I, II, IV D. All of I, II, III, IV

98. How can learners benefit most from technology even during pandemic, when teaching
and learning are done through remote means?
A. Sustains interest in learning despite physical absence of the teacher
B. Enables learners to participate in the on-line gaming
C. Increases addiction to social media like TikTok or Tweeter
D. Creates learning distractions thus loss of learning

99. In the use of digital facility, which should be avoided in the use of digital applications?
A. Logging off when internet use is finished
B. Grabbing pictures even if unauthorized
C. Appropriate lighting when using computer is necessary
D. Use of anti-glare screen when available is necessary

100. All the choices except one are NOT allowed. Which is allowed?
A. Fire extinguisher should be made available in all internet laboratory.
B. Foods and drinks should be handy in the computer table.
C. It is enough to have only one electrical outlet inside a laboratory
D. Computer desks should be near each other for sharing.

101. Teacher Carol was assigned in a geographically isolated and disadvantaged area (GIDA)
and she wanted to use instructional support materials in her lesson in science. What
should she use first because they are most available for her?
A. Pictures C. Flip chart
B. Diorama D. Real object

102. Teacher Andres is a newly-hired teacher. He wanted to illustrate a lesson in tree planting
as a way of mitigating climate change. Which of the material below would be most
A. Blackboard C. Nature table
B. Diorama D. Flip chart

103.Here are some varied ways why ICT tools can be integrated in teaching and learning.
Which is the least help that ICT tools provide?
A. Allows collaboration and cooperation among learners
B. Facilitates easy processing of information
C. Challenges internet use with limited connectivity
D. Promotes creativity and innovation

104. What is the educational use of a QR code for teaching-learning?

A. It is a quick response gadget
B. It can be used to provide instructions for learner’s task
C. It motivates learners to copy from each other
D. It connects to the internet of things

105.Which is a shortened representation of a very long information through a visual

representation or image such as diagram, chart or picture that can be read and understood
A. Visual aid C. Visual image
B. Infographics D. Digital aid

106.An ePortfolio is one exciting contribution of technology to teaching and learning

specifically in the assessment of learner’s performance. Which one does not fit the intent
of the ePortfolio?
A. It contains students’ reflection that discusses how they were able to accomplish
the task and what they have learned in the lesson.
B. It contains varied evidences of students’ work and documentation of their outputs.
C. It is a compilation of pictures like a photo album.
D. It is similar to a physical portfolio, but the entries are digitally uploaded.

107.Which situation exemplifies the best use of an application or digital technology allowing
collaborative work?
A. The whole class sending an email individually
B. A forum page as a class site where solutions to a problem are posted
C. Conducting an on-line survey of the whole class on a particular issue
D. Constructing an individual ePortfolio

108. In technology integration, what should be considered as a primary concern of the

A. It must be new and user-friendly
B. It must be updated and relevant
C. It must stimulate and sustain student interest
D. A, B and C

109. All your learners are on Facebook. How can you utilize this situation to ensure that their
engagement on FB will add to their learning?
A. Create FB page for the whole class where assignments and supplementary
materials will be posted.
B. Create a prank account and stalk them to discover what they say.
C. Make a strict rule that they should remove their individual FB page.
D. None of the above.

110. Which literacy skill is referred to as a core skill in the 21st century, and is essential in
developing the ability to work well with others by tapping on each other’s talents and
A. Creativity C. Collaboration
B. Critical thinking D. Citizenship

111. In the 21st century, all teachers and learners should become _________.
A. digital natives C. digital immigrants
B. digital citizens D. digital police

112. Which statement applies to Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience?

A. The closer the learner is to the base of the cone, the more direct the learning
B. The farther the learner is from the bottom of the cone, the more direct the learning
C. The closer the learner is to the apex of the cone, the more direct the learning
D. The cone of experience represents the learners’ progression from the apex to the
base as ascending.

113. TPACK, SAMR, iPadagogy, and Blooms Taxonomy are frameworks and models that are
useful in the use of technology in teaching and learning. Which description DOES NOT
correctly describe the framework or model?
A. TPACK shows the intersection of teachers’ content, pedagogical and technological
knowledge needed in teaching for the 21st century.
B. SAMR is redefined as a transformative attempt in guiding students to create
something not perceived before.
C. Bloom’s revised taxonomy focuses on more active perspective with use of action
verbs rather than nouns.
D. iPadagogy wheel provides mutually exclusive tools in integration and application
of instruction.

114. Producing a digital story requires important elements that can determine the quality of its
output. Which of the elements is not considered in a digital story?
A. Sound trach C. Point of view
B. Storyboarding D. Emotional content

115. Teacher R assigned her students to create a video presentation about the current problems
in the school. What should be the quickest way and the first thing that a smart student
should do?
A. Conduct survey on line.
B. Ask permission from the student’s affair to conduct survey.
C. Make a video presentation right way.
D. Survey the YouTube to find examples on how to create video.

116. Madelyn is excited to find promotional business on the internet. She clicks on all promos
that she can see on the screen. What would threaten her digital security?
A. Hacker C. Virus
B. Password theft D. Scammer

117. Mrs. Porras was able to pay her household bills through bank transfer from her account.
This practice is an example of _________________.
A. digital access C. digital communication
B. digital commerce D. digital rights

118. What does netiquette refer to?

A. Appropriate behavior in parties and social gatherings.
B. Good manners in dealing with parents and stakeholders.
C. Good manners and right conduct in school.
D. Appropriate behavior in the use of the worldwide web.

119. Antonio was required a written report as his class project. To get high grades, he thought
of copying a blog from the internet without citing the source. What violate action did he
A. Hacking C. Theft
B. Plagiarism D. Cyberlibel

120. Teacher Edgar used a downloaded video documentary in his class, which should be the
best practice that he has to do with this documentary?
A. Show the video to the class without informing where the source is.
B. Tell the class that it was his video production that he is sharing.
C. Tell the class that the video was shared by a friend.
D. Inform the class of the source where the video was uploaded.

121.Which of the following is not part of the general flow of events in resource-based
A. The teacher determines the purpose for the examination of the class.
B. The teacher presents the problem to the class.
C. The student finds information on the problems.
D. Students organize their information in response to the question.

122.To develop creativity in the planning and evaluation of computer application programs to
use, the following key tasks may be recommended to be done by the teacher, EXCEPT __
A. conduct brainstorming activities
B. act on the evaluation done
C. evaluate ideas shared
D. identify the tasks for the team
123. Which of the following is/are incorrect?
I. Government aims to raise the quality of school education by promoting the use of
IT in teaching and learning.
II. Since it is understood that state policies will continue to change, it is helpful to
examine prevailing ICT policies and strategies in any country.
III. The plans for achieving the national goal for IT must be left to individual states
and territories.
A. I, II, and III C. I and III only
B. I and II only D. III only

124. Statement 1. Virtue is in moderation and so, there is truly a need for teachers to balance
their time for the preparation and application of instructional tools.
Statement 2. With continuing changes in high-speed communication, mass storage of
data, including the revolutionary changes among school libraries, educators should be
open for more drastic educational changes in the years ahead.
Which can be said of the statements?
A. Only statement no. 1 is correct.
B. Only statement no. 2 is correct.
C. Both statements are correct.
D. Both statements are not correct.

125. Which of the following can the learners do upon successful completion of the basic
Microsoft Word Tutorial?
I. Manage files and folders
II. Interlink Documents
III. Create standard documents using template
A. I, II and III C. II and III only
B. I and III only D. III only

126. The following are models of school learning that are ideal to achieving instructional
goals through preferred application of educational technology EXCEPT _________.
A. meaningful learning C. constructivism
B. discovery learning D. rote learning

127. Read statements 1 and 2 then state if the statements are true or false.
1 – It is not yet accepted that the contribution of the computer pedagogy is computer
makes up for “good instruction”.
2 – Invest in technology hardware/system that may become a white elephant in a few
years’ time.
A. true, true C. false, true
B. true, false D. false, false
128. Which model gives opportunities to gain new experiences that is related to what the
learners already know?
A. Meaningful learning C. Constructivism
B. Discovery learning D. Rote learning

129. In this model, it is important that the student becomes personally engaged and not
subjected by the teacher to procedures he/she is not allowed to depart from. Which model
is referred to?
A. Meaningful learning C. Constructivism
B. Discovery learning D. Rote learning

130. Which is an accepted principle of constructivism?

A. Learning consists in what a person can passively assemble for himself and what
he can receive actively.
B. The role of learning is to build what people already know in order to interpret and
respond to new experiences.
C. The role of learning is to help the individual live in/adapt to his personal world.
D. Learning consists of the person’s personal goals and strategies to achieve these

131. The following are phases of application of educational technology in teaching and
learning EXCEPT one.
A. Setting of learning objectives
B. Designing specific learning experiences
C. Evaluating the effectiveness of the learning experiences
D. Eliminating the use educational technology as an element of teaching-learning

132. Which of the following statements in Project-based Learning (PBL) processes is/are
I. The process of project implementation takes the students to the steps, efforts, and
experiences in project completion.
II. The process is more important than the product.
III. The process refers to the thinking/affective/psycho-motor process that occurs on
the part of the learner.
A. I, II and III C. I and III only
B. I and II only D. III only

133. Which of the following is/are example(s) of IT-based projects?

I. Resource-based projects
II. Web-based projects
III. Simple creations
A. II only C. II and III only
B. I and III only D. III only
134. Most educational IT applications are hypermedia which include the following EXCEPT
A. plug and play
B. tutorial software packages
C. knowledge webpages
D. simulation instructional games

135. From several studies made on cooperative learning, it is manifested that cooperative
learning in its true sense is advantageous since it does all EXCEPT one. Which is the
A. Increase academic performance
B. Rejects interdependence
C. Promotes literacy and language skills
D. Improves teacher effectiveness

136. The computer can provide vast amounts of information in various forms, such as texts,
graphics, sound, and video. With this provision, a computer is used as a/an ________.
A. information tool C. constructive tool
B. communication tool D. co-constructive tool

137. Students can use constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a shared
understanding of new knowledge. How are computer technologies used in this scenario?
A. Information tool C. Constructive tool
B. Communication tool D. Co-constructive tool

138. If the computer is used for manipulating information, visualizing one’s understanding,
and building new knowledge, which kind of tool is it?
A. Information tool C. Constructive tool
B. Communication tool D. Co-constructive tool

139. What process is done in Project-Based Learning (PBL) when one is distinguishing the
similarities and differences of a certain project condition and sees the project gaps as
problems to be solved?
A. Analysing C. Promoting
B. Synthesizing D. Creating

140. Students can fully maximize educational technologies to sell their new ideas to allow the
public to test the ideas themselves. What process is this in Project-Based Learning?
A. Analysing C. Promoting
B. Synthesizing D. Creating

141. Which of the following is/are CORRECT?

I. There is integrative process if the teacher makes students play computer games to
give them a rest period during classes.
II. There is integration of technology in a class if teachers merely teach students
computer skills.
III. Integrating technology with teaching means the use of learning technologies to
introduce, reinforce, supplement and external skills.
A. I, II, and III C. I and III only
B. I and II only D. III only

142. In traditional learning model, _____________________.

A. teacher is a guide and facilitator
B. textbook is key source of information
C. there is a focus on learning inquiry/ quest discovery
D. there is an emphasis on process

143. Which of the following is a Resource-Based Learning approach to instruction?

A. Focus on facts
B. Emphasis on process
C. Assessment is quantitative only
D. Teacher is an expert and an information provider

144.The production of self-made multimedia projects can be approached ________.

I. as an instructive tool
II. as a communication tool
III. as an information tool
A. I, II and III C. I and II only
B. II only D. Neither of the three

145. Software application programs on basic spelling or math skills are examples of ____.
A. an instructional game
B. a simulation programs
C. a problem-solving software
D. multimedia encyclopedia and electronic books

146. The following characterizes a well-developed multimedia presentation EXCEPT ______.

A. text is kept to a maximum
B. slides do not have too many bullet points
C. no more than two types of fonts are used
D. spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct.

147. Ms. Cruz wants to show photos in her social studies class, but the pictures are small. She
decided to use the computer, scan the photos for computer projection to the class.
Result: Good class presentation followed by a discussion.
This is an example of what level of integration?
A. High level integration C. Simple/basic level Integration
B. Middle level Integration D. None of the above

148. Which is NOT TRUE about multimedia?

A. May not involve computers
B. Can only be shown with the internet
C. Use any combination of different media
D. Often include hyperlinked text and objects

149. Which is a copyrighted software that can be downloaded and use for a limited time for
A. Shareware C. Freeware
B. Application D. Office

150. Which is a copyrighted software that are distributed free of charge and can be modified
or redistributed?
A. Shareware C. Freeware
B. Application D. Office

151. Which is a process of teaching and learning which emphasizes active involvement of
student in acquiring knowledge through activities or experiments.
A. Process approach C. Development
B. Inquiry D. Project

152. Which process skills should be done by students if you present a statistical data about the
growing population of the country?
I. Interpreting data
II. Measuring
III. Predicting
IV. Collecting Data
A. I & II C. I & III
B. II & III D. II & IV

153. Which behavioral indicator of a critical thinker?

A. Makes reasonable conclusions and defends them
B. Defines simple words
C. States a generalization based on opinions
D. Summarizes what he/she reads

154. Students working on an inquiry-based learning activity engage themselves in various

activities. Which among the following is NOT one of them?
A. Sort out information and decide what is relevant
B. Take time try out ways of finding solution to a problem
C. Communicate ideas with various media
D. Expect to be told what to do before experimenting

155. Which should a teacher avoid when asking students to do inquiry?

A. Adapts his/her level of instruction
B. Help students to use documentary tools
C. More involved in directly teaching students
D. Create a conducive learning environment where students develop skills

156.Your students want to find out what causes bullying in the classroom. What role should
you assume to help them start their inquiry activity?
A. Carefully listen to students’ initial ideas and questions.
B. Tell them how they should do their investigation.
C. Allow them to do their inquiry until they submit their finished project.
D. Give them all the resources they need.

157. In assessing students’ inquiry-based activity, a teacher uses multiple means of assessment
for which important reason?
A. Find out the students who are just dependent on their groupmates.
B. Identify areas in which students are having difficulty.
C. Try out various assessment tools.
D. Let students know that you’re monitoring them.

158. Technology can be very indispensable while students work on their inquiry activity since
it offers a lot of benefits. Which is not a benefit from the following?
A. Internet helps students hone their communication skills.
B. Computer animations allow students to visualize complex concepts.
C. Students can gather more data from various source on the web.
D. Technology allows students to copy as much information as they can to
supplement their outputs.

159.What is true about project-based learning?

A. Teacher-centered.
B. Students focus on particular discipline.
C. Students construct their own learning.
D. Students compete to solve an issue.

160. The two distinguish components of project-based learning are ________ and ________.
I. a driving question to frame the activities
II. a concrete product or multiple representation
III. collaborative activity
IV. independent learning
A. I & II C. I & III
B. III & IV D. II & IV

161. Using project-based learning improves student learning for a number of reasons.
Which are these reasons?
I. Stimulates all the senses
II. Leads to acquisition of inquiry skills
III. Allows students to become technology literate
IV. Make use of multiple intelligences
B. I, II, IV D. I, II, III, IV

162. Which are the methodologies observed in a project-based classroom?

I. More coaching and modelling
II. More specialization
III. More paper and pencil testing
IV. More performance-based assessment
A. II & III C. I & III
B. I & IV D. II & IV

163. When do we say that teaching is transformative?

A. Responsibility for learning is transferred from the teacher to the learner.
B. Learners learn with students.
C. Reflection on learning experiences is evident.
D. Evaluation is continuous.

164. Students in a project-based classroom move from knowledge of facts, terms, and content
to __________.
A. understanding processes
B. being empowered
C. being independent
D. carrying out self-directed learning activities

165. Using project-based learning can pose challenges in terms of finishing the subject matter
because of this.
A. Standardized tests are required.
B. There is a mandate to cover the curriculum.
C. Valid assessment is complex and difficult.
D. Administrative support is lacking.

166.How does a teacher ensure that students are focusing on the content of their multimedia
presentation? Choose the best answer.
A. Remind the students from time to time.
B. Let the students show draft of their planned output through a storyboard.
C. Highest percentage should be given to the topic content of the student output.
D. Peer critic the work of another group.

167. Information and Media literacy skills are 21st century skills that need to be integrated in
the lessons for these skills to be developed. Which situation illustrates this?
A. A student downloads articles and copies these on his/her written outputs.
B. A student analyzes data gathered from various sources.
C. A student discriminates a web page according to its animations and graphics.
D. A student accesses information on any web site.

168. Which are indicators of a creative and intellectually curious student of the 21 st century.
I. Staying open to ideas
II. Communicating new ideas to others
III. Exercising personal responsibility
IV. Responsive to diverse perspectives
B. I, III, IV D. I, II, IV

169.In which critical thinking and systems thinking be developed?

A. Students analyze how their actions contribute to global warming.
B. Students enumerate solutions to global warming.
C. Students define what global warming is.
D. Students dramatize the effects of global warming.

170. Internet provides a supplementary resource for students as they engage in productive
learning activities. Which does not show productivity?
A. Students interact with peers around the world on a project.
B. Students engage themselves with experts in particular fields.
C. Students can get information not easily accessible in print materials.
D. Students exchange personal information in social networks.

171. Which teacher is integrating technology most appropriately in teaching-learning process?

A. Ms. Garcia uses multimedia presentation in every lesson for her lectures.
B. Ms. Espiritu downloads a virtual laboratory and shows this to her class since the
activity is too dangerous to perform in class.
C. Mr. Robles requires his students to check out his web site for pictures taken
during a class outing.
D. Mr. Bernardo gives out handouts for every multimedia presentation he makes.

172.When students are connected to the World Wide Web, they are vulnerable to harassment
of predators. How will you help protect students from being exposed to bad elements on
the net?
I. Install software that will block all adult non educational sites in the computers
being used by students.
II. Discuss the hazards of giving out personal information on the net especially to
people that they barely know.
III. Tell their parents to remind their own children.
IV. All of the above
B. I & II D. I & III
173. Which of the following is not part of the general flow of events in resource-based
A. The teacher determines the purpose for the examination of the class.
B. The teacher presents the problem to the class.
C. The student finds information on the problems.
D. Students organize their information in response to the questions.

174. How many pictures can you download from a group of artists?
A. 5 C. 15
B. 10 D. 20

175. You wanted to download a whole article without sending a letter of permission to the
author but words exceed the limitation which is 10% or 1000 words whichever is less.
What is the best thing to do?
A. Download it anyway.
B. Summarize the article so there is no need to cite the source.
C. Just get the portion that you need most.
D. Paraphrase the whole article and consider it your own work.

3.1 Employ teaching strategies, methods, instructional materials and technology, classroom management
Techniques appropriate to subject areas and inclusive learners from indigenous groups.

1. Which are correct steps that Ms. Victoria should do if she plans to integrate technology
and media in her English class?
I. State the objectives
II. Analyze the learners
III. Require learner participation
IV. Select methods, media, and materials

2. Teacher Erised would like to enhance her students’ understanding of the process of
scientific inquiry. Which of the following would help her meet her objective?
A. Using the internet to join in virtual field trips
B. Using database software to organize scientific data
C. Using the internet to browse on recent technological breakthroughs
D. Using simulation software and apps to design and conduct experiments

3. A grade 7 teacher has only one computer in the classroom that has internet connectivity.
What would be the most suitable way for the students to utilize this computer?
A. For research activities
B. To practice basic productivity tools
C. To finish drill-and-practice activities
D. As a reward for exceptional performance

4. What does the statement, “The teacher is the best visual aid” mean?
A. The best teacher always uses visual aid.
B. A colorful visual aid is a must in every lesson presentation.
C. The best teacher is always the source of learning in the classroom.
D. The teacher is always the best medium in the teaching – learning process.

5. As a club adviser, you are planning to put up an exhibit. What materials are you going to
use to a certain maximum participation of those attending?
A. Sophisticated equipment C. Coloring print-outs
B. Interactive models D. Big books

6. Mr. Luciano, an accounting teacher in senior high school, wants to show his students the
fluctuations of the price of gasoline and other petroleum products over the last 12 months.
Which of the following could best aid him?
A. List of prices from MS Word
B. A colorful template from Canva
C. Line graphs and tables from MS Excel
D. An eye-catchy animation from MS PowerPoint

7. Teacher Shiela will be discussing about wild animals next week. Which teaching material
is NOT appropriate for her to utilize?
A. Realia C. Mock-up
B. Illustration D. Models
8. In Jerome Bruner’s Three-Tiered System of Internal Representations, in which level do
specimens and realias belong?
A. Enactive C. Symbolic
B. Iconic D. Vicarious

9. In Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, which of the following is considered least abstract?
A. Audio-recordings C. Mock-ups
B. Audio-visual aid D. Videos

10. Based on Bruner’s Three-Tiered System of Internal Representations, which of the

following teaching materials can be considered under enactive experience?
A. Audio-recordings C. Makerspace
B. Audio-visual aid D. Videos

11. Which of the following is the usual factor that makes teachers have second thoughts in
utilizing realias in the classroom?
A. Availability C. Interactivity
B. Concreteness D. Storage

12. Teacher Vhon would like to show in his science class how solar and lunar eclipses occur.
Which is the BEST instructional aid for his lesson?
A. Picture C. Realia
B. Model D. Video

13. Mr. Pedrosa designs a literary analysis for his students on the novel “To Kill a
Mockingbird”. Which of the following is the appropriate experience for this?
A. Enactive C. Symbolic
B. Iconic D. Vicarious

14. Edgar Dale’s recommendation is: “Avoid using directly at the symbolic level of thought
without sufficient foundation of the concrete.” Which practice/s is/are contrary to Edgar
Dale’s recommendation?
I. Defining photosynthesis at the beginning of the class
II. Folding a piece of paper into many parts to teach fraction
III. Demonstrating the steps on how to dance Tango
A. I only C. II only
B. III only D. II and III

15. Teacher Nicole presented an actual gumamela to show the different part of a flower.
Which principle in the selection, development, and utilization of education technologies
did she apply?
A. Appropriateness C. Responsiveness
B. Authenticity D. Simplicity
16. Ms. Nocillado instructed her students to bring headset or earphone in the next meeting. In
which activity in the teaching-learning process is headset or earphone most effective?
A. In memorizing poems
B. In building concepts
C. In developing listening skills
D. In enhancing creative thinking

17. Dr. Corpuz grouped her students towards the latter part of the class and asked them to
summarize the lesson using two-dimensional illustration. Which of the following visual
materials will the students make?
A. Brochure C. Model
B. Graphic Organizer D. Mock-up

18. Which is the correct steps in designing and utilizing instructional materials?
A. Design, utilization, evaluation, development
B. Design, development, utilization, evaluation
C. Development, design, utilization, evaluation
D. Development, utilization, evaluation, design

19. Teacher Zarah put the text description near the picture that she placed in the slide of her
Canva presentation. Which principle in the utilization of educational technology did she
A. Appropriateness C. Simplicity
B. Meaningfulness D. Spatial Contiguity

20. Before, teachers using overhead projector (OHP) but now, teachers are using multimedia
projectors which are lighter and smaller compared to OHP. There are even projectors now
which are almost the size of the palm. Which principle of educational technology does
this show?
A. Appropriateness C. Simplicity
B. Portability D. Usefulness
21. Which of the following materials is the most limited in terms of the amount of
information transmitted?
A. Chalkboard C. Internet
B. Graphs D. Video

22. You were assigned in a far-flung school. You noticed that there are very few instructional
materials available. As a resourceful and innovative teacher, what are you going to do?
A. Ask your principal to purchase instructional materials
B. Design and prepare improvised materials
C. Lecture with a lot of energy and passion
D. Borrow materials from the city schools

23. Which of the following is an example of iconic experience?

A. The students read the short story.
B. The students themselves dribble the ball.
C. The students watch the video to learn to tie knots
D. The students observe the teacher cook adobo.

24. Which of the following best describes an indigenize teaching material?

A. It is a learning resource that utilizes high-end technology.
B. It is an instructional material to address the learning gaps.
C. It is strategic and innovative teaching materials originally made by a teacher.
D. It is teacher-made material based on the culture and practices of the learners and
the community.

25. Which refers to the tactile code that helps the blind visually impaired to read and write?
A. Braille C. Sign Language
B. Morse’ Code D. Decibel

3.2 Demonstrate skills in developing and using variety of conventional and non-conventional resources
including Information and Communication Technology to address learning goals and needs of various learners.

26. Which is concerned with posture, design, positions and orientations in using computer
systems in school and other workplaces?
A. Computer-Based Instruction
B. Ergonomics
C. Information and Communication Technology
D. Educational Technology

27. What potential disadvantages does the overuse of technology in the delivery of
instructional pose in the students?
A. Learning gaps
B. Lack of critical thinking
C. Laziness
D. Virtual instead of real-life learning
28. Teacher Mila analyzes the teaching challenges that she is presently facing and identifies
technology-based methods that may offer sounds solutions. Teacher Mila is undergoing
which step in the Technology Integration Planning Model?
A. Objectiveness and Assessment
B. Relative Advantage
C. Instructional Environment
D. Integration Strategies

29. Mr. Talavera plans to integrate technology in his teaching. He prepared all the device and
software needed in the media center. Which step in the Technology Integration Planning
Model is Mr. Talavera doing?
A. Objectiveness and Assessment
B. Relative Advantage
C. Instructional Environment
D. Integration Strategies
30. Which refers to the teacher’s mastery of the subject matter and his expertise in delivering
the instruction utilizing technology?
A. Andragogy C. Cybergogy
B. TPACK D. Heutagogy

31. In this generation, which serves as the library of extensive and real-time information for
global students?
A. Internet C. TikTok
B. Facebook D. Wikipedia

32. In the address provided http://www.pafte.org/membership, how is membership called as

part of the address?
A. Domain designator C. Server
B. Locator D. Suffix

33. During the pandemic, when face-to-face classes were not allowed, technology made it
possible for education to continue through virtual classrooms. All of the following can
serve as virtual classroom EXCEPT _________________.
A. Google Meet C. MS Teams
B. Google Chrome D. Zoom

34. As a teacher, you consume much time in checking the test paper of your students
especially when the class size is big. Which of the following can help you check faster
the multiple-choice part of your test?
A. Mentimeter C. Padlet
B. Kahoot D. Zipgrade

35. Which technological tool can function like a cork board by facilitating students to post
notes in a common place?
A. Mentimeter C. Padlet
B. Kahoot D. Zipgrade

36. Teacher Aprielle wishes to integrate technology in her values Education class. While
planning, she asked herself, “What performance tasks shall my students do to show what
they have learned?” Teacher Aprielle is in which step of Technology Integration
A. Objective and Assessment
B. Relative Advantage
C. Instructional Environment
D. Integration Strategies

37. Aubrey would like to easily go back to the address www.LETReviewer.com, the next day
she browses the internet. What does she need to do?
A. Memorize the web address
B. Write the web address on a piece of paper
C. Copy, paste, and save it on her Notepad
D. Bookmark the web address

38. Mrs. Bueno asked her students to make an online compilation of their works so that they
can see their growth and progress over time. Which of the following is she asking the
students to create?
A. Flipbook C. Scrap book
B. Digital Portfolio D. Display Easel

39. Which of the following are examples of communicative tool?

I. MS Excel IV. Multimedia Encyclopedia
II. Electronic Mail V. Teleconferencing
III. Facebook Messenger
A. I, II, and III C. II, III, IV
B. I, III, and IV D. II, III, V

40. Mrs. Mendiola will be absent for three days because of a national conference. She wants
her students to work on a certain module while she is not around. What is the most
efficient way of sending the module to all her students?
A. Email the module to her students
B. Message each of the students on a social networking site
C. Create a class in google classroom and post the module there
D. Text each leader of the group to help her disseminate the module

41. Teacher Krischelle wants to increase her productivity as a teacher by utilizing

technology. This is manifested in the following EXCEPT
A. Saving all his files in the cloud for easy retrieval
B. Collaborating with co-teachers using google docs
C. Administering examinations using google forms
D. Checking manually the test papers of the students

42. Dean Faltado wishes to invite the proponents of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) from
another country to serve as resource speakers in a seminar but he cannot afford to spend
for the transportation of the said educators. Which of the following can he use so that the
OBE proponents could still lecture even without going to the venue physically?
A. Instant messaging C. Distant communication
B. Video conferencing D. Podcasting

43. Mrs. Doctolero, a Physics teacher, discussed her topic projectile motion with the aid of
Phet software which modelled the real phenomenon with a set of mathematical formulas.
Phet is an example of _____________.
A. productivity tool C. collaborative tool
B. communicative tool D. simulation tool

44. Which is a program that consists of instructions used to control hardware and accomplish
tasks in a computer?
A. Hardware C. Software
B. Malware D. Input

45. Which productivity tool are you going to use to record and compute the grades of your
A. Word C. PowerPoint
B. Excel D. Publisher

46. Which technology tool can Prof. Escarmosa use to communicate synchronously with his
A. Video Conferencing C. Email
B. Vlog D. Online Forum

47. Your principal procured new computer units for your Learning Resource Center. Which
of the following should be your last consideration in using the technology?
A. Computers can be used for research activity
B. Computers can be used for interactive presentation
C. Computers can be used for social media interactions
D. Computers can be used to reinforce discussion of difficult concepts in class.

48. Many of our students today are Gen Z and are frequently called digital natives. Which of
the following characterizes a digital native?
A. A person brought up during the digital age and therefore familiar with computers
at an early age.
B. An individual who learned to use computers at some stage during his/her adult
C. An individual who did not grow up with ubiquitous computing or internet.
D. A person who grew up in a world dominated by print and television.

49. Ms. Naida, a computer teacher, would like her students to increase their speed in typing
using the keyboard. Which of the following computer-based instructional materials will
she use to achieve her objective?
A. Games C. Drill and practice
B. Tutorial D. Simulation

50. Ms. Ruiz made use of some media features like red color, dark lines and eye catchy shape
to stress on something in her presentation. Which principle in designing instructional
materials did she demonstrate?
A. Balance C. Unity
B. Emphasis D. Simplicity


1. Headstart for Toddlers, Child and Adolescent
1.1 Apply pedagogical approaches to the student-centered teaching-and-learning process that is
metacognitive, innovative, inclusive and developmentally appropriate for child and adolescent

1.2 Appraise a learning environment that is responsive to learners from various family backgrounds,
economic level groupings, and socio-cultural affiliations.
1.3 Demonstrate understanding of differentiated teaching to suit the learner’s gender, strengths,
interests, experiences and needs.
1.4 Draw implications of research findings related to child development along biological, cognitive,
linguistic, socio-cultural dimensions.

1. When is teaching-learning said to be metacognitive?

A. When teacher makes students reflect on their learning
B. When teacher requires students to speak the language of instruction
C. When learners ask questions about the lesson
D. When learners work together

2. When is teaching-learning inclusive?

A. When all students regardless of gender, origin and condition learn together
B. When for specific purpose a school is open only to boys or girls
C. When for hiring purposes, school prioritizes teachers from the community where
the school is located
D. When school is open to activities for religious, social and educational purposes

3. Which has no place in metacognitive teaching and learning?

A. Teacher “spoonfeeds” learners.
B. Students write their reflections for the day.
C. Students feel free to reasonably disagree with one another including teacher.
D. Students are asked to share their most significant learning for the day.

4. Which support/s the integrative teaching-learning?

I. Teacher uses science lessons as she teaches subject-verb agreement.
II. Teacher teaches values in every lesson.
III. Teacher teaches grammar in all subjects every time there is opportunity.
A. I only C. I and II
B. II only D. I, II, and III

5. With the collaborative approach in mind which does NOT belong?

A. Games C. Independent study
B. Peer tutoring D. Group discussion

6. For the metacognitive approach to work, which is/are necessary?

I. Mastery of the basics
II. Skills to connect ideas
III. Ability to reflect
A. I only C. I and II
B. II only D. I, II and III

7. If you are engaged in metacognition, which apply/applies?

I. You are aware that you have difficulty remembering names in the History class.
II. You remind yourself that you should do something to help your poor memory of
A. I only C. II only
B. I and II D. None

8. SEL can help make schools and classrooms more inclusive. What does SELmean?
A. Social and Emotional Learning
B. Social Effective Learning
C. Social Efficient Learning
D. Social Educational Learning

9. Which statement on inclusive classroom is TRUE?

A. Inclusive classroom is good only for elementary schools.
B. Integrating social and emotional learning helps build inclusive classrooms.
C. The more a school practices SEL, the less inclusive the classroom becomes.
D. Inclusive classrooms don’t believe in social and emotional learning.

10. In the context of Piaget’s cognitive theory, how will a teacher explain a pre-school child’s
behavior who says “gaya kahapon” (like yesterday) when in a restaurant the waiter asks
him what he wants to order?
A. Egocentric thinking predominates in pre-operational stage.
B. Intelligence is demonstrated through the use of symbols in the pre-operational
C. The child is in the pre-operational stage.
D. The child is incapable of seriation at his stage.

11. Before distribution, Kindergarten Teacher Paz divided the pineapple juice equally among
5 kids. Unfortunately, she only had 4 uniform paper cups and so for the 5th cup she made
use of a taller but thinner cup the capacity of which is the same as that of other 4. She
found out that all the 5 kids preferred the taller but thinner cup. How can the kindergarten
pupils’ preference for the 5th cup be explained in the context of Piaget’s theory?
At the operational stage, the child _____________.
A. does not understand the quantity is conserved even if the appearance changes
B. assumes that other people see things and the world as he/she does
C. think only of himself/herself
D. is convinced that he/she is always right

12. The kindergarten pupil does not understand that quantity is unchanged even if the
appearance changes. Which theory/ies of Piaget is/are explained?
A. Egocentrism theory C. Conservation theory
B. Animistic thinking theory D. A and C

13. Hannah, a preschooler, does not want her teddy bear to be left in the cold. Based on
Piaget’s theory, which preschooler’s mode/s of thinking is/are illustrated?
A. Animistic thinking C. Conservation
B. Egocentrism D. A and B

14. Two preschoolers are arguing. Neither one understands the other’s side of the argument.
Which characteristic of preschoolers is explained?
A. Animistic belief C. Conservation
B. Egocentrism D. Selfishness
15. You are trying to explain something to a child and even though it seems obvious to you,
the child just doesn’t seem to understand. Or the child repeats the same mistake and you
get frustrated. Based on Piaget’s cognitive developmental theory, what do these imply?
1. Considering the developmental stage of preschoolers, which is appropriate for
A. The child is naughty.
B. The child has low IQ.
C. It is your fault that the child does not understand.
D. The child is in a cognitive developmental stage where he/she is not yet capable of
understanding what you are trying to explain.

16. Which is/are TRUE of Montessori classrooms?

I. Self-directed activities
II. Hands-on learning
III. Collaborative play
IV. All learning styles accommodated
A. I and II C. I, III and IV
B. II and III D. I, II, III and IV

17. Which is the primary aims of Montessori education?

I. Nurturing each child’s natural desire for knowledge, understanding and respect.
II. Providing a carefully planned stimulating environment to help the child acquire an
excellent foundation to succeed.
III. Making the child master the 4Rs whether he is interested or not.
A. I only C. I and II
B. II only D. II and III

18. Which is TRUE of cognitive development based on Piaget’s theory?

A. One developmental stage can be missed out in person’s development.
B. Individuals vary in the rate at which they progress through stages.
C. All individuals attain the last stage.
D. Individuals go through each developmental stage is exactly the same way.

19. Which is TRUE of the concrete developmental stage of Piaget?

A. Learners think logically much more successfully if they can manipulate real
B. Learners can successfully learn from abstractions.
C. Learners are highly egocentric.

20. For learners in Piaget’s concrete operational stage, which one should be done?
A. Ask learners to reason out about abstract problems.
B. Ask learners to reason out about materials that are physically present.
C. Ask learners to reason out hypothetical problems.
D. Ask learners to follow an argument without specific examples.

21. Which activity/ties should be used for students in the formal operation stage of Piaget?
I. Make them come up with hypothetical questions to explore.
II. Teach facts and make them connect the facts.
III. Make the students pay attention to the BIG ideas.
A. I, II and III C. II and III
B. II only D. I, II and III

22. Which teacher practices are appropriate for teaching children of different cultural
I. Reflect on their beliefs about people from other cultures
II. Reflect on their own cultural frames of reference
III. Observe and study other cultures
A. I only C. II and III
B. II only D. I, II and III

23. Which is response of DepEd to the call for inclusive education?

A. Inclusion of identified learners with disabilities in the general basic education
B. Establishment of more SPED centers
C. Putting identified learners with disabilities in one classroom
D. Team teaching in every class

24. Which prove the inclusiveness of K to 12 Curriculum?

I. Indigenous Peoples Education
II. Madrasah Education
III. Alternative Delivery Modes and Alternative Learning System
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I, II and III

25. Children who lack interaction with others show extreme, long-lasting language deficits.
Which view of language development does this point to?
A. Pragmatic C. Interactionist
B. Environmental D. Biological

26. Based on Erikson’s life-span development theory, what does generativity versus
stagnation mean in middle adulthood?
The person in middle adulthood either:
A. contributes something good or do nothing for the next generation
B. discovers where he/is going in life or is confused about his/her direction
C. develops a sense of fulfillment or despair
D. develops mastery of knowledge and skills or incompetence

27. Is an innovative pedagogical approach developmentally appropriate?

A. Not always
B. Yes, or else it is not innovative
C. Never
D. It depends on the origin/author of the innovative pedagogical approach

28. Here is one theme for developmentally appropriate education: Domains of learners’
development – physical, cognitive, socio-emotional are closely linked and development in
one domain can influence and be influence by development in other domains. Which is a
teaching implication of this theme?
A. Plan learning experiences that connect physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional
domains of development.
B. Plan learning experiences considering only the learner’s physical developmental
C. Plan learning experiences considering only the learner’s cognitive developmental
D. Plan learning experiences considering only the learner’s socio-emotional
developmental stage.

29. Here is one principle for a developmentally appropriate education:

Individual variation characterizes children’s development.
What is an implication of this to teaching-learning?
A. Complete learners with one another to determine who is best.
B. Let learners compare themselves with other to draw their best performance.
C. Let learners progress at their own pace without comparing them with others.
D. Group learners according to performance and organize a contest among the
different groups in class.

30. Development is influenced by multiple social and cultural contexts. Which is an

educational implication of this principle?
A. Teachers must show ethnocentric behavior.
B. Teachers must organize feeding program for learners in need
C. Teachers must understand the effect of poverty, culture and ethnicity on learner’s
D. Teachers must lower learning standards for learners from poor families.

31. The constructivist claim that learners are active learners, not empty minds to fill.
What is a teaching-learning implication of this?
A. Make learners memorize what were taught for the test.
B. Challenge learners to collaborate with other learners.
C. Engaged learners in drills for mastery of subject.
D. Learners are expected to construct meaning out of their experience.

32. How does proximodistal development of a child’s motor skills proceed?

A. From the center outward
B. Outward toward the center
C. Top to bottom
D. From the bottom upward

33. What explains proximodistal development?

The development of motor skills starts from _________.
A. the center of the organism then to the extremities
B. the head then goes down
C. below then goes up
D. sides towards the center

34. Which describes cephalocaudal development?

A. Bottom-up growth trend
B. Top-down growth trend
C. Center towards the extremities
D. From the sides towards the center

35. Why are the pencils for Grade I pupils much stouter than the pencils of Grade VI pupils?
A. Because the Grade I pupils are only beginning to write their names.
B. Because the Grade VI pupils are already expert in writing.
C. To suit the level of hand and finger muscle development of Grade I pupils.
D. To distinguish the Grade I from the Grade VI pupils.

36. Which statement are TRUE of Havighurst’s developmental tasks?

I. Human development is characterized by a series of developmental tasks that
individuals have to learn throughout their lives.
II. Successful attainment of age-specific developmental tasks leads to happiness and
success in achieving subsequent tasks.
III. Failure may result in unhappiness in the individual, disapproval by the society,
and difficulty with later tasks.
IV. Attainment of age-specific developmental tasks means high self-esteem and low
A. I and II C. II, III, and IV
B. II and III D. I, II, III, and IV

37. With the developmental tasks of adolescent in mind, which does NOT belong?
I. Learning to get along with friends of both sexes
II. Accepting one’s physical body and keeping it healthy
III. Becoming more self-sufficient
IV. Making decision about marriage and family life
B. II D. None

38. With Havighurst developmental tasks of adolescent in mind, which does NOT belong?
I. Preparing for a job or career
II. Acquiring a set of values to guide behavior
III. Becoming socially responsible
IV. Selecting a life partner

39. Based on Havighurst’s developmental stages, in which stage is the student in college?
A. Adolescence C. Middle adulthood
B. Early adulthood D. Late adulthood

40. Based on Havighurst’s developmental stages, in which stage is the student in high school?
C. Adolescence C. Middle adulthood
D. Early adulthood D. Late adulthood

41. Based on Havighurst’s developmental stages, in which stage is the elementary school
A. Early childhood
B. Middle childhood
C. Late childhood
D. Adolescence

42. Based on Havighurst’s developmental stages, in which developmental stage is a seven-

year-old child trying to make friends?
A. Adolescence C. Middle childhood
B. Early childhood D. Late childhood

43. Based on Havighurst’s theory, what results when a person fails to achieve developmental
I. Difficulty with later tasks
II. Unhappiness in the individual
III. Disapproval by the society
A. I only C. II and III
B. II only D. I, II, and III

44. Based on Havighurst’s developmental stages, in which developmental stage is a seven-

year-old child trying to make friends?
A. Adolescence C. Middle adulthood
B. Early adulthood D. Late adulthood
45. Based on Havighurst’s developmental tasks, which tasks are expected in early adulthood?
I. Finding a partner
II. Achieving a masculine or feminine role
III. Beginning a career
A. I only C. II and III
B. II only D. I, II and III

46. Which characterizes a developmentally appropriate teaching?

A. Neither too difficult or stressful nor too easy and boring for the learners’
developmental level.
B. Challenges learners to think beyond their developmental stage.
C. Includes current global issues.
D. Makes the learner research for answers/solutions.

47. The life-span perspective of human development views development as ___________.

I. life long
II. multidimensional
III. plastic
IV. contextual
A. I and II C. I, III and IV
B. II and III D. I, II, III, IV

48. Human development from a life-span perspective claims that development is

multidimensional. What does this mean?
A. Age, body, mind, emotions and relationships are changing and are affecting one
B. While body changes, the mind gets dormant.
C. Intellectual skills get fixed at a certain developmental stage.
D. All forms of human development occur within a context.

49. Human development is contextual. What does this mean?

A. A person’s development is influenced by the family, school, peer group,
B. Historical context is not part of the context of human development.
C. Life events is not included in the context of human development.
D. Human development is endless.

50. For the people who adhere to the social comparison theory, what’s the basis of one’s
personal worth?
A. Their self-assessment as compared to others
B. Their own accomplishments
C. Their realization of their dreams
D. Their amount of savings

51. What is the nature-nurture issue in human development?

A. Whether development is primarily influenced by heredity or environment
B. Whether development is gradual or abrupt
C. Whether early traits persist or change throughout life
D. Whether personality changes as people go through the adult year

52. Which statement on human development is correct?

A. There are connections between the periods/stages of the human life span.
B. There are no connections between the developmental stages in one’s life span.
C. Each developmental stage is independent of the other stages of human
D. Biological processes do not influence cognitive processes in the same way that
cognitive processes do not influence biological processes.

53. Based on Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, how can behaviors be learned?
I. By observation
II. By modeling
III. By practice
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I and III D. I, II and III

54. Which describes inductive reasoning, a process which emerges in childhood?

A. “Bottom-up processing” C. Concrete reasoning
B. “Top-down processing” D. Abstract reasoning
55. Based on Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximodistal Development when the MKO (More
Knowledgeable Other) scaffolds, the process moves in 4 levels. In which order should the
following steps be?
I. I do, you watch.
II. I do, you help.
III. You do, I help.
IV. You do, I watch.
A. I, III, II and IV C. I, II, III and IV
B. IV, III, II and I D. I, II, IV and III

1. Validating theoretical knowledge in the actual assessment of learning
1.1 Demonstrate understanding of principles in constructing traditional, alternative/authentic forms
of high-quality assessment.
1.2 Apply knowledge skills in the development and use of assessment tools for formative and
summative purposes.
1.3 Apply rules in test construction and use of authentic assessment tools for product and process
1.4 Demonstrate skills in interpreting assessment results to improve learning.
1.5 Comprehend and apply basic concepts of statistics in educational assessment and evaluation.
1.6 Demonstrate knowledge of providing timely, accurate and constructive feedbacks to learners
and parents.
1. Which is referred to as assessment for learning?
A. Summative Assessment C. Diagnostic Assessment
B. Formative Assessment D. Self-assessment

2. Which is referred to as assessment as learning?

A. Summative Assessment C. Diagnostic Assessment
B. Formative Assessment D. Self-assessment

3. Which is referred to as assessment of learning?

A. Summative Assessment C. Diagnostic Assessment
B. Formative Assessment D. Self-assessment

4. If the scores in formative assessment are recorded, for which purpose?

A. For record keeping to trace student’s progress
B. For grading purposes
C. For comparison of the progress of one student against other students
D. For the school record needed for regular reporting

5. Should formative assessment be graded?

A. No, formative assessment just intends to find out where students are so teacher
can adjust instruction.
B. No, teaching has not begun; there is no sense assessing for grading purposes
C. Yes, like other forms of assessment
D. Yes, so students will get inspired to study more

6. In Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL), which is the basis of what to assess?
A. Intended Learning Outcomes
B. Subject matter
C. Teaching-learning activities
D. The development stage of the learner

7. Which statement on Outcome-based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) is CORRECT?

A. The subject matter determines the intended learning outcome.
B. The teaching-learning activities likewise determine the learning outcome.
C. The assessment task determined the learning outcome.
D. The intended learning outcomes determine/s subject matter, teaching-learning
activities, learning resources and assessment task.

8. Study this multiple-choice test item then answer the question.

Which is the capital city of the Philippines?
A. Manila C. Quezon City
B. Baguio City D. Manuel L. Quezon
Is the test item a good one?
I. No, option D is poor distracter because it is obviously wrong.
II. No, not all distracters are good.
III. Yes, it has four good distracters and a clear question.
A. I only C. II only
B. III only D. I and II

9. Here is a test item. Study it then answers the question below:

_____________ is said to be the “rice granary of the Philippines.”
How can the question be improved?
A. Put the blank at the end or near the end of the sentence.
B. Specify if you are asking for a region, province etc.
C. Make it a True-False test.
D. Make it a multiple-choice test.

10. Which is a form of pre-assessment that allows a teacher to determine individual student’s
prior knowledge including misconceptions before the instruction?
A. Diagnostic test C. Formative test
B. Summative test D. Preliminary test

11. Which test is primarily used to determine what students already know and don’t yet know
in order to guide instruction.
A. Diagnostic test C. Formative test
B. Summative test D. Preliminary test

12. Should the scores in a pretest be recorded and included in the computation of grades?
A. Yes, recorded for posttest comparison purposes but not for grading.
B. No, this creates in students negative attitude toward tests.
C. Yes, recorded and also included in the computation of grades.
D. No. What matters is students improve their score in the pre-test.

13. In a 15-item True-False test, all the answers are False except the first and the last items. Is
this a test formulated in accordance with rules in test construction?
A. Yes, the answers are a combination of “True” and “False”.
B. No, the answers are mostly “False”. The number of “False” and “True” must be
more or less equal.
C. No, the answers should be either all “True” or all “False”.
D. Yes, if 5 are more items are added to the number of True-False statements.

14. Read and analyze this multiple-choice test then answer the question:

Who has been proclaimed as the national hero of the Philippines?

A. Andres Bonifacio C. Jose Rizal
B. Bagumbayan D. Emilio Aguinaldo

Are all the options plausible?

A. Yes, they are all possible answers.
B. Yes, except Emilio Aguinaldo, who did not found the Katipunan.
C. No, because Bagumbayan is implausible, it being a name of a place not a person.
D. No, because there are sectors who still insist that Bonifacio should been the
proclaimed national hero.

15. In a completion test, where should the blank be?

A. At the beginning of the sentence
B. At the middle of the sentence
C. There is no best location for the blank
D. At the end or near the end

16. In a matching type of test, the options are in the first column and the questions (stem) are
in the second column. Is this CORRECT way for constructing a multiple-choice test?
A. Yes.
B. It depends om the choice of the test constructor
C. No, the question must be in the first column and the options in the second column.
D. If the options are longer, then they must be in the first column.

17. Here is an essay test:

Cite the 4Cs of the 21st century skills. Explain each in not more than 2 sentences and
illustrate how each can be developed in not more than 4 sentences each.

Which does the essay question lack?

A. Scoring rubric
B. A sample answer which serves as a model
C. Student’s choice in essay test item to answer since there is only one
D. Explanation on how to answer the question

18. What is an example of extended essay?

A. On which did Rizal not agree with Andres Bonifacio?
B. If Rizal would be alive up to today, which comments would he give on our present
Philippine politics?
C. What did Rizal accomplish while in exile in Dapitan?
D. What was Rizal’s last poem?

19. Which is an example of restricted essay?

A. Why did Rizal disagree with Bonifacio with regard to armed revolution against
B. What does the professionalization of teaching imply?
C. Explain the nature-nurture issue on human development.
D. What is the best teaching method? Justify your answer.

20. Which is TRUE of a perfect matching type of test?

A. The number of items in both columns is equal.
B. Each item in Column 1 can match with only one item in Column 2.
C. There is a “joker” (distracter) in Column 2.
D. Each item in Column 1 can match more than one item in Column 2.

21. Which is TRUE of an imperfect matching type of test?

A. The number of items in both columns is equal.
B. Each item in Column 1 can match with only one item in Column 2.
C. There is a “joker” (distracter) in Column 2.
D. An item in Column 2 can match with more than one item in Column 1.

22. Which are other terms for authentic assessment?

I. Alternative assessment
II. Non-traditional assessment
III. Scoring rubric
IV. Written Assessment
A. I and II C. I and III
B. I and IV D. II and III

23. Is the practical test in Physical Education a form of an authentic assessment?

A. No.
B. Yes.
C. Yes, if it is accompanied with a written test.
D. No, if given individually.

24. A student submits a set of pajamas personally worked in by her as a requirement for the
TLE class. Under which type of assessment does this fall?
A. Diagnostic assessment C. Traditional assessment
B. Formative assessment D. Authentic assessment

25. A student is required to work on a PowerPoint presentation on a given intended learning

outcome. Under which type of assessment does the PowerPoint presentation fall?
A. Formative assessment – written
B. Traditional assessment – practical test
C. Authentic assessment – performance
D. Authentic assessment – product

26. For objective scoring of a product or performance assessment and for quality output
which should teacher do?
I. Make use of a scoring rubric.
II. Explain the scoring rubric to the class.
III. Distinguish between a scoring rubric and a checklist.
A. I only C. II only
B. I and II D. I, II and III
27. In the context of Outcome-Based Teaching-Learning, which statement/s on assessment
is/are CORRECT?
A. If what is assessed was what was taught and which was in accordance with the
intended learning outcome, then the assessment task is aligned to the learning
B. If what is assessed was what was not taught and which was not in accordance with
the intended learning outcome, the assessment task is aligned to the learning
C. The assessment task determines the learning outcome and the subject matter.
D. The subject matter determines what is to be assessed.

28. In Outcome-Based Education, which determines the what and the how of instruction and
A. Assessment task C. Teaching-learning activities
B. Learning outcome D. Subject matter

29. Which is the philosophical bases of traditional assessment?

I. A school’s mission is to develop useful citizens who must possess certain body of
knowledge and skills.
II. The school is entrusted to teach this body of knowledge and skills and determine
if the students have acquired these knowledge and skills by testing the students on
these knowledge and skills.
III. A school’s mission is to develop useful citizens who are capable of performing
useful task in real world and so the school must assess students on tasks that
duplicate or imitate real world situations.
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I only D. I and II

30. Which is/are the philosophical basis/es of authentic assessment?

I. A school’s mission is to develop useful citizens who must possess certain body of
knowledge and skills.
II. The school is entrusted to teach this body of knowledge and skills and determine
if the students have acquired these knowledge and skills by testing the students on
these knowledge and skills.
III. A school’s mission is to develop useful citizens who are capable of performing
useful task in real world and so the school must assess students on tasks that
duplicate or imitate real world situations
A. III only C. II only
B. I only D. I and II

31. Which of the following are features of authentic/performance assessment?

I. Doing open-ended activities for which there is no correct, objective answer and
that may assess higher thinking.
II. Students have choice to construct their own responses.
III. Teacher employing direct methods of evaluation.
A. I only C. II and III
B. I and II D. I, II and III

32. With authentic assessment as basis, which does NOT belong?

I. Recite a poem with feeling using appropriate voice quality, facial expressions and
hand gestures. Perform a skit on the importance od national language-Mother
Tongue, Grade 3.
II. Demonstrate the generation of electricity by movement of a magnet through a coil
– Science, Grade 10
III. Sings themes or melodic fragments of given Classical period pieces.
A. I only C. II only
B. III only D. None

33. Read the following sample intended learning outcomes then answer the question:
I. Create an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate or present
data or information related to specific professional track.
II. Make a lesson plan following the inductive lesson development.
III. Formulate multiple-choice test items aligned to the learning outcome.
IV. Develop a scoring rubric for an oral defense of a research paper.

With authentic assessment task as basis, which do/does NOT belong?

A. I only C. III only
B. II and IV D. None

34. Which is the basis of grading if we adopt norm-referenced grading?

A. Performance of others
B. Performance of the upper group of the class
C. Performance of the lower group of the class
D. Intended learning outcomes

35. Which is a shortcoming of the checklist as an assessment tool?

A. The checklist does not include an evaluation of the quality of the product or
B. It is too complicated.
C. It is very simplistic.
D. It requires much time.
36. Which assessment tool consists of a list of specific characteristics with a place for
marking the degree to which each characteristic is displayed? For example, in public
speaking, the characteristic “make eye contact” – is it done frequently, occasionally,
seldom or never?
A. Checklist C. Rating scale
B. Scoring rubric D. Checklist and Rating Scale

37. If I rate how often students exhibit behaviors or learning skills, I will use the words
Always, Frequently, Sometimes, ____________.
A. Frequently C. Never
B. Rarely D. None

38. To rate if my sentences begin with capital letters, which scale will I use?
A. All sentences, most sentences, some sentences, none of the sentence.
B. Always, frequently, sometimes, never.
C. Consistently, often, sometimes, rarely.
D. Always, usually, sometimes, never.

39. If I use this rating scale to assess if my work exhibits a list of given characteristics, which
will be the last word? Always, usually, sometimes, _______.
A. No C. Rare
B. None D. Never
40. Non-test assessment allows the students to manifest their acquired knowledge and skills
from the lesson. The following are examples of non-test assessments EXCEPT ______.
A. Portfolio C. Teacher observation
B. Journal D. Multiple-choice quiz

41. The following are examples of non-test assessments EXCEPT ________________.

A. Hand signals
B. Cartooning
C. Completion (Fill-in-the blanks written test)
D. Games

42. When do you choose to use a holistic rubric?

A. When a quick or gross judgement needs to be made
B. When you want to assess each criterion separately
C. When you find scoring several criteria cumbersome
D. When gross judgement can equally satisfy the analytic judgement of a

43. Study the table below then answer the question. Which is TRUE of this table?

3 – Excellent Speaker

 included 10-12 changes in hand gestures

 no apparent inappropriate facial expressions
 utilized proper voice inflection
 can create proper ambience for the poem
2 – Good Speaker

 included 5-9 changes in hand gestures

 few inappropriate facial expressions
 had some inappropriate voice infection changes
 almost creating proper ambience

1 – Poor Speaker

 included 1-4 changes in hand gestures

 lots inappropriate facial expressions
 used monotone voice
 did not create proper ambience

A. It is analytic.
B. It is holistic.
C. It is a combination of holistic and analytic rubrics.
D. It is not rubric.
44. Which is first basic step in developing a scoring rubric?
A. Formulate for each criterion the description of performance along a continuum of
B. Identify the appropriate criteria to assess.
C. Assign numbers such as 1,2,3, and 4 for each criterion.
D. Choose descriptors for each criterion level.

45. Here is an example of descriptors for a product:

Exemplary, Proficient, Marginal _________
Which descriptor fits the blank?
A. Meeting standards C. Unacceptable
B. Intermediate D. Approaching

46. If you use these rubric descriptors in rating a student’s project, which will be the first
_________________, Meets expectation, Doesn’t meet expectation
A. Exceeds expectation C. Perfect
B. Highly acceptable D. Excellent

47. Which statement/s on rubrics is/are CORRECT?

I. Rubrics help teachers teach.
II. Rubrics help students learn.
III. Rubrics help coordinate instruction and assessment.
A. I only C. II and III
B. II only D. I, II and III

48. How do rubrics help teachers teach?

I. With rubrics, they have not to find time to make one.
II. With rubrics, they become more focused on what to teach.
III. With rubrics, what they should assess become very clear.
A. I only C. II and III
B. II only D. I, II and III

49. Here is a set of scores: 20,20,20,20,21,22,23,24,24,24,24,25,26,27,27,28,28,29,29,30.

which is TRUE of the score distribution?
A. It has extremely high and low scores.
B. It is bimodal.
C. The mean is equal to the mode.
D. The median is below 15.

50. Here is a set of scores: 20, 20,20,20,21,22,23,24,24,24,24,25,26,27,27,28,28,29,29,30.

Which is the range?
A. 10 C. 20
B. 20 to 30 D. 22

51. Which statement on a score distribution is TRUE?

A. The higher the Standard Deviation the more spread the scores.
B. The higher the Standard Deviation the less spread the scores.
C. The lower the Standard Deviation the more spread the course.
D. The function of Range and Standard Deviation are opposite.


1. Documentation of Experiential Learning
1.1 Describe authentic experiential learning from field study and actual classroom immersion as a
prospective teacher.
1.2 Demonstrate skills in teaching assistantship and guided mentored classroom teaching.
1.3 Prepare portfolio on process of learning behavior, motivation, classroom management and
assessment direct observation of teaching learning episodes in an actual school environment.
1.4 Demonstrate reflective thinking and teaching.

1. Why us there a need to take Field Study Courses?

A. To fulfill the requirements of the course
B. To be familiarized with the world of teaching
C. To be more aware of the nature of the teaching world
D. To link all the theories learned to practice
2. The approach used in Field Study is the OAR approach (Observe, Analyze, Reflect).
Which one trains you to become a critical thinker?
A. Observation C. Synthesis
B. Analysis D. Reflection

3. Reflecting on your life experiences in the field study courses will make you a ____.
A. keen observer
B. critical thinker
C. life-long learner
D. systematic and organized learner

4. After each field study episode, you are tasked to write a reflection journal, what is the
best item to include when you write this?
A. Important words in the lesson
B. Detailed daily observations
C. Pictures of the performance tasks
D. Learnings and insights gained in the episode

5. What learning artifacts must be included to show that learning has taken place in the
A. Pictures
B. Letter of your pupils
C. Results of assessment tasks
D. Comments given by your resource teacher

6. When class seems chaotic and disorderly, what does this signify?
A. The students are diverse.
B. The teacher is disorganized.
C. The rules were not formulated.
D. Classroom management has not been established

7. Which of the physical aspects of classroom management must be taken into consideration
in order to get to know more your students?
A. Classroom bulletin boards
B. Seating arrangement
C. Entrance and exit doors
D. Line formation

8. When is the best time to explain and discuss classroom rules?

A. At the beginning of the school year
B. Once an offense is committed
C. When asked by students what to do
D. When the administration requires
9. Teacher A uses the same tone all throughout her/his classes, why is there a need to
modulate one’s voice in class?
A. To sustain class interest
B. To ensure class attention
C. To prevent students from sleeping
D. To refrain having an unruly class

10. The best way to ensure that all classroom rules are followed by the students, what must
be done?
A. Explain the rules well.
B. Conduct an orientation session
C. Involve the students in crafting the rules
D. Post the rules in the classroom strategically

11. What is the best way to get to know your students better at the beginning of the year?
A. Create a functional seat plan
B. Memorize their names
C. Request them to give an index card with their picture
D. Collate data from concerned offices to get an accurate data about the student.

12. Why is there need to follow the dress code of the school if there is no prescribed uniform
for teachers?
A. To ensure consistency in school rules
B. To make the school teachers more dignified
C. To meet the requirements of the school
D. To avoid sanctions on personality and good grooming

13. Why is positive discipline enforced in schools?

A. To maintain a good system in the classroom
B. To ensure consistency in school’s implementation of rules
C. To avoid inflicting corporal punishment
D. To create a caring a nurturing classroom environment

14. How can you prevent cutting classes in the class?

A. Have a list of students at risks
B. Refer the students to the Guidance Office.
C. Monitor these students consistently.
D. Investigate the root causes of cutting classes.

15. How do you maintain cordial relationship among your students?

A. Establish your rules and consistently implement them.
B. Refrain from being too familiar with your students.
C. Always be nice to your students at all times.
D. Ignore unruly behavior in your class.
16. You observe that there are inattentive students at the back of the class. What will you do?
A. Ignore the situation.
B. Signal or make a motion to the teacher that there are inattentive students at the
C. Stand in front of the inattentive students to call their attention.
D. Call the attention of the students by making some gestures to call their attention.

17. The Resource Teacher was giving a formative test during your observation. You noticed
two students copying from one another. What will you do?
A. Pretend that you did not see them.
B. Tell a classmate that those two students were cheating.
C. Go to them and tell them to stop cheating.
D. Call the attention of the Resource Teacher discreetly about the situation.

18. Why do we routinize the line formation especially for the lower grades?
A. To have better line formation during assemblies and activities.
B. To ensure order and discipline in entrance and exit to and from classes and
C. To maintain systematic line formation all throughout the year.
D. To get the attention and praise of the school community.

19. Why is smooth transitioning from one class to another needed in classroom management
and routines?
A. To maintain proper decorum at all times.
B. To ensure systematic and orderly movement.
C. To maximize the contact time in all classes.
D. To ensure safety and security in all classes.

20. Which of these competencies does NOT belong to the group?

A. Personality and Grooming
B. Strategies used in class
C. Delivery of the lesson
D. Preparation of Instructional materials

21. Why is there a need to set clear expectations in the class?

A. To guide the teacher in her/his daily tasks
B. For the observers to know the class expectations
C. To ensure that the lesson for the day is being tackled well
D. To guide the students on the learning outcomes for the day

22. As observers, which is the primary consideration when you look into the learning
A. Check if the outcomes are stated behaviorally.
B. Count the number of learning outcomes.
C. Find out if the outcomes were mentioned at the beginning of the class.
D. Find out if the learning outcomes are aligned with the activities and assessment.
23. What will be your gauge to find out if the learning outcomes are attained?
A. The teacher will specify if the learning outcomes are achieved.
B. The class is highly engaged and participative.
C. The students are happy and find enjoyment in the class.
D. The students got satisfactory grades in the formative test/performance tasks.

24. What materials must be designed and created when some materials are not available in
the community?
A. Real objects / realia C. Simulated materials
B. Indigenous materials D. Printed materials

25. Why is review being conducted in classes?

A. For better memory and retention
B. For greater participation and interaction
C. For better grades and class performance
D. For connecting the past lesson to the previous lesson

26. What is meant when we say that learning is cooperative and collaborative process?
A. All teachers must take part in lesson planning.
B. Students and teachers must participate in planning the lessons.
C. All stakeholders must take part in planning the lessons.
D. Students must be engaged in planning the lessons.

27. Based on Bloom’s and Anderson’s taxonomy of objectives, which of these objectives is
the lowest in level?
A. Enumerate all teaching strategies employed in the lesson.
B. Differentiate the concepts and ideas learned in the lesson.
C. Explain the insights gained in the lesson.
D. Create a meaningful performance task based in the lesson.

28. How will you re-teach the lessons you have observed?
A. Re-demonstrate the lessons you have observed.
B. Replicate the lesson plan conducted by the Resource Teacher.
C. Re-demonstrate the lesson and employ your own innovations.
D. Replicate the lessons based on the instruction of the Resource Teacher.

29. For meaningful learning, what must you do as an observer?

A. Take meaningful notes and apply.
B. Share the best practices in class.
C. Create a portfolio in every performance task.
D. Connect the lessons in the broader aspects of life.
30. What are the components of the lesson plan?
I. Outcomes and Assessment
II. Assessment and Teaching Methods
III. Outcomes and Teaching Methods
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I, II, and III

31. During the scheduled observation in Field Study, will not able to attend because you are
indisposed. What is the best thing to do?
A. Just take note of your attendance and be mindful of the rules.
B. Tell your classmates to inform the Resource Teacher.
C. Let it be marked as absence since you are really sick.
D. Ask your classmates what took place in the observations and do what is required.

32. You were tasked to prepare a lesson plan based on the lesson conducted by the Resource
Teacher. What are the important parts of the lesson that you must consider?
A. Learning Outcomes, Activities, Assessment
B. Learning Content, Instructional Materials, Assessment
C. Assessment, Motivation, Discussion
D. Learning Content, Learning Outcomes, Instructional Materials.

33. Why is there a need to take down notes during the observation?
A. To place these notes in the portfolio
B. To serve as piece of evidence in your observation
C. To help you write a better reflection journal
D. To ensure completeness of your report

34. Which of these activities considered highly interactive?

A. Class reporting
B. Use of dioramas
C. Use of PowerPoint
D. Conducting focused group discussion

35. Which of these objectives is considered a low-level objective?

A. Define planet
B. Compare the characteristics of the different planets
C. Make a matrix of the different planets
D. Create a model of the solar system

36. Which domain is considered the thinking skill?

A. Cognitive domain C. Psychomotor domain
B. Affective domain D. Metacognitive domain

37. The assessment task given by the teacher is writing a diary. To what learning outcome is
it aligned?
A. Create your one’s diary
B. Search on different types of diaries
C. Research on writing a diary
D. Demonstrate writing skills in writing a diary

38. When do we say that one’s reflection is well-written?

A. Clear and supported with what was observes and analyzed
B. Clear but lacks depth and with documents
C. Clear but shallow with some documents
D. Clear but not supported by documents

39. You noticed that some of the students cannot answer the questions of the Resource
Teacher. Which must be employed?
A. Repeat the question several times.
B. Wait for the students to answer.
C. Ask follow-up questions.
D. Rephrase the questions.

40. Which of these questions is divergent?

A. What is a clean environment?
B. How do you differentiate a clean from a polluted environment?
C. What makes a clean environment?
D. If you were an environmentalist, what innovations will you employ?

41. When do you consider learning as meaningful?

A. When there is an active learning process.
B. When the learning outcomes are achieved.
C. When the learning is connected to student’s life.
D. When the learning activities are enjoyable.

42. What is TRUE about convergent questions?

A. It gives varied answers.
B. The answers depend on the respondent.
C. This is higher level question.
D. There is only one correct answer.

43. Which is NOT considered a classroom routine?

A. Lining up
B. Scheduling of activities
C. Passing of books and papers
D. Submission and collection and materials

44. How do you know that the routines were well established?
A. When the learners can do them well
B. When the learners can imitate the teacher
C. When the learners can consistently do them
D. When the learners enjoy what they are doing

45. Why do we have to enforce positive discipline?

A. To maintain order in the class.
B. To make the students at ease at all times.
C. To establish system in the classroom.
D. To ensure a caring and nurturing environment.

46. While observing the class, the Resource Teacher requested you go to the principal’s office
for a simple errand. What will you do?
A. Inform the Resource Teacher that you don’t know the location.
B. Request somebody to be with you.
C. Follow the instruction as directed.
D. Decline the request politely.

47. You were requested to prepare instructional materials but your school allowance is not
enough. What you must you do?
A. Borrow certain amount from your classmates to buy the needed materials.
B. Just prepare the materials based on your budget.
C. Prepare improvised materials to save on cost.
D. Inform the Resource Teacher that you cannot fulfill the requirements.

48. The Resource Teacher always considers the different needs and interests of the students.
What domain is being addressed?
A. PPST Domain 1 C. PPST Domain 3
B. PPST Domain 2 D. PPST Domain 4

49. Which of these instructional materials do NOT belong to this group?

A. Laptop C. Laptop LCD projector
B. Dioramas D. Overhead projector

50. Which of these assessments do NOT belong to this group?

A. Checklist C. Rating scales
B. Essay D. Reflection journal

51. While observing the online classes, you noted that one of the students left the virtual
room. What must you do?
A. Ignore the incident.
B. Record your observation.
C. Inform your Cooperating Teacher privately in the chat box.
D. Call the attention of the students next meeting.
52. Why are classroom routines established at the beginning of the school year?
A. To ensure order and discipline in the class.
B. To make students highly attentive
C. To make the teachers ready during classroom observations
D. To enable students to be more attentive in class.

53. Which among the following is NOT a classroom routine?

A. Opening and closing prayer
B. Line formation
C. Class transition
D. Raising questions

54. Which is considered the blueprint of all the teaching and learning activities?
A. Curriculum Guide C. Teaching Guide
B. Lesson Plan D. Academic Budget

55. Old time-tested methods are also used in classes. Which statement describes old time-
tested methods?
A. They are learner-centered.
B. Procedures are flexible.
C. Subject matter is logical.
D. They are teacher-directed.

56. Which of these objectives does NOT belong to the group?

A. Produce innovative materials in the English class.
B. Make a dialogue for the English class.
C. Create and play applicable to the literature just read.
D. Differentiate noun from a pronoun.

57. Which learning aids, materials, and resources are used in the teaching-learning process?
A. Learning guides
B. Visual aids
C. Graphic organizers
D. Instructional materials

58. As a pre-service teacher, you must consider the different learning styles of students.
Which is NOT an element of learning style?
A. Physical C. Sociological
B. Emotional D. Spiritual

59. You were requested by your Cooperating Teacher to prepare activities for visual-spatial
learners. Which one will you create?
A. Doing locomotor motion
B. Doing graphic organizers
C. Creating dance movements
D. Planting in the garden

60. Which of the illustrative verbs in stating objectives does NOT belong to the group?
A. Define C. Enumerate
B. Cite D. Explain

61. The teacher is still the best visual aid. What does this statement mean?
A. The teacher is always the source of learning.
B. The teacher must always use effective visual aids.
C. The teacher must always prepare visual aids.
D. The teacher is always the best medium in the teaching-learning process.

62. Why are there more illustrations in elementary books and less in the upper levels?
A. Elementary pupils are slow in the reading process.
B. High school students are more mature and imaginative.
C. Elementary pupils are less capable of abstract thinking yet; they need more
D. More illustrations motivate the elementary pupils all the time.

63. When checking projects made by your pupil, what must be done to ensure objectivity in
giving grades?
A. Prepare rubric in giving grades.
B. Request somebody to grade the projects of your classes.
C. Rate the projects by batch checking.
D. Rate the projects in descriptive and not in a quantitative manner.

64. Which of these materials will be most interesting to the global learners?
A. Realia C. Printed materials
B. Non-printed materials D. Electronic materials

65. In designing instructional materials, which is the most important thing to consider among
the given variables?
A. Durability C. Color
B. Cost D. Practicality

66. When is the best time to establish classroom routines?

A. At the start of the class C. During the discussion
B. At the end of the class D. At any time in the lesson
67. Which of the following items is NOT a part of physical classroom management?
A. Acoustic C. Lighting
B. Grooming D. Ventilation

68. Which among the aspects of personal classroom management greatly affects the rate of
learning (absorption of knowledge)?
A. Personal grooming C. Manner of dressing
B. Voice of the teacher D. Personal graciousness

69. To make the students greatly focused in the discussion, what must you do as teachers
especially if your students are unruly and noisy?
A. Employ innovative strategies.
B. Explore various means of giving sanctions.
C. Ignore the students who are misbehaving.
D. Refer the unruly and noisy pupils to the Guidance office.

70. Which initial step must homeroom adviser do at the beginning of the class?
A. Prepare a seat plan.
B. Secure the class list.
C. Memorize the names of the students.
D. Get to know each member of your class.

71. You were requested by your Cooperating Teacher to prepare your seat plan. Which must
be your primary consideration?
A. Needs of your students
B. Strength of students
C. Physical illness of your students
D. Grades of students

72. When the class seems unruly during the discussion, what is the best technique to employ?
A. Let them stand for a while.
B. Prepare un freezers / energizers.
C. Stop the discussion and ignore the noise.
D. Ignore the students who are making noise.

73. What must you establish at the beginning of the class to ensure order and discipline?
A. Elect the classroom officers.
B. Set your rules and expectations.
C. Impose your sanctions for erring students.
D. Let them know that you are firm and strict.

74. How will you help the shy and timid students in your class?
A. Let them be as they are.
B. Treat them naturally.
C. Refer the matter to the Guidance Counselor.
D. Encourage them to join as many activities in class.

75. What will be the most effective way of dealing with non-participative students?
A. Let them do what pleases them.
B. Employ engaging and enjoyable activities.
C. Refer the matter to the Guidance Counselor.
D. Give them grades they deserve based on their performance.

76. Corporal punishment is punishable by law. How can you instill discipline through non-
violent means?
A. Establish your policies and give your expectations at the beginning of the class.
B. Refer all disciplinary measures to the Students Affairs Office.
C. Refrain from admitting erring students.
D. Ignore disciplinary problems.

77. There is a statement that says, “No amount of good instruction will come out without
good classroom management.” Which of the following best explains this statement?
A. Classroom management is important to effect good instruction.
B. There must be classroom management for instruction to yield good outcomes /
C. Classroom management means good instruction.
D. Good instruction is equal to effective classroom management.

78. Which is NOT part of classroom routines?

A. Line formation during recess, lunch and dismissal.
B. Passing of papers.
C. Greeting teachers and classmates.
D. Studying lessons before, during and after classes.

79. Giving rewards is one way to motivate students to behave properly at all times. What is
the best positive reinforcement that can be employed?
A. Praising them with good words
B. Giving medals for every good work done
C. Acknowledging the potentials of each student
D. Distributing tokens / materials for every best work

80. To create order and discipline in the class, various classroom management techniques are
employed by teachers. Which one should NOT be done?
A. Giving sanctions commensurate to the offense.
B. Reinforcing good work through giving of praiseworthy comments.
C. Referring unruly behavior only when necessary
D. Writing reports / referrals only when all the possible means have been explored.
81. Students are less likely to ask questions during the discussion. How will you encourage
them to be active in formulating questions?
A. Prepare questions for them to read.
B. Assign leaders to prepare the questions.
C. Provide all the opportunities for them to raise questions.
D. Ignore the students. Raise all the questions you may ask about the topic.

82. In raising questions, how will you empower your students to give more critical and
creative answers to the given questions?
A. Use prompting techniques.
B. Give probing questions.
C. Use the funneling techniques.
D. Ignore the students. Raise all the questions you may ask about the topic.

83. As innovative teachers, we must empower our students to give/make decisions based on
certain content. How do you do this?
A. Create situations and let them decide.
B. Provide activities and let them create decisions.
C. Give them alternative solutions for a certain problem.
D. Create problems for them to make decisions.

84. How do you know that a student has learned the concepts / knowledge in your class?
A. Knowledge of a skill
B. Transfer of knowledge to a classmate
C. Transfer of the skills in real life situations
D. Transfer of knowledge from the classroom to the community

85. Which classroom activity will you utilize to enable you to get to know all your students?
A. Create a seat plan.
B. Let them recite often.
C. Ask for their pictures.
D. Take time out to interview and get to know your students individually.

86. In creating worksheets for a class activity, which of these factors is a primary
A. Time element C. Technology used
B. Nature of the learners D. Objectives of the lesson

87. You were discussing your lessons but several students were sleeping in your class. Which
strategy must you employ?
A. Let them rest and sleep for a while.
B. Allow them to go to the clinic and sleep.
C. Wake them up and reprimand them.
D. Call their attention thru enlivening activities.

88. Students come from different socio-economic status. Which classroom activities must be
A. Meaningful but less work
B. Meaningful but less supervision
C. Meaningful but less tedious
D. Meaningful but less costly materials / activities

89. To ensure quality and better orientation sessions, what must you do?
A. Record the orientation sessions.
B. Attend all the required orientation sessions.
C. Focus on all the things you need to follow and accomplish.
D. Take down important notes during the orientation sessions.

90. Why is there a need to be familiarized with the school’s facilities?

A. To know where you can work and rest.
B. To tell where you can be located during rest periods
C. To enable you to know where to go when instructed
D. To ensure that you know where to get the needed instructional resources

91. Which refers to the list of lessons to be discussed by the teachers?

A. Learning Plan C. Learning Content
B. Learning Procedures D. Learning Resources

92. As a pre-service teacher, which activities can you give to reinforce students’ learning?
A. Artwork C. Written work
B. Activities D. Performance tasks

93. As pre-service teachers you are required to submit a detailed-lesson plan. What does this
A. Students’ activities
B. Teacher’s activities
C. Students’ and Teacher’s activities
D. Only the activities are indicated

94. As pre-service teachers what type of lesson plan are you expected to prepare?
A. Daily Lesson Log C. Detailed Lesson Plan
B. Demonstration Lesson Plan D. Daily Learning Activities

95. Why is there a need to have an effective classroom management?

A. To ensure an organized and systematic structure
B. To keep students always on their toes
C. To make the tasks of the teachers easier and less burdensome
D. To promote positive discipline.

96. Why do we need to establish classroom routines at the start of the school year?
A. To instill order and discipline
B. To ensure that you know all the students
C. To save on costs and time
D. To promote harmonious relationships in the class.

97. All of these can be routinized EXCEPT ____________.

A. transition in classes
B. prayer and greetings
C. entrance and exit in classes
D. doing of assignments

98. What shall you do to minimize inattentiveness in class?

A. Prepare a seat plan.
B. Call on those who are not listening.
C. Talk to the inattentive students personally.
D. Prepare highly engaging and interactive activities.

99. What/who must be the primary consideration in preparing your instructional materials?
A. The learners C. The learning contents
B. The cost D. The objectives

100. Which is the most effective way of dealing with indifferent students?
A. Let them do what pleases them.
B. Recognize their potentials and empower them to lead some activities.
C. Refer the matter to the Coordinator of Discipline and Guidance Counselor.
D. Give them the grades they deserve based on their performance.

101. During the pandemic, why is there a need to shift from residential (face to face) to
flexible learning including Teaching Internship?
A. To cut on unnecessary expenses among the students
B. To protect all the stakeholders from harm
C. To enforce the health protocols of the government
D. To ensure health, safety and security of all the stakeholders

102. Teaching Interns are immersed in both public and private schools where they
experienced real teaching and learning scenarios. How are these schools called?
A. Clinical Schools C. Laboratory Schools
B. Cooperating Schools D. Practicing Schools
103. Teachers act as coaches and mentors to practice teachers when immersed in their
teaching internship, what processes do they employ?
A. Critiquing and Evaluating C. Coaching and Mentoring
B. Teaching and Scaffolding D. Diagnosing and Cliniquing

104. Dr. Aquia Danika Asuncion was assigned by the Dean to monitor, supervise and evaluate
the Field Study Students (FSSs) and Practice Teachers (PT’s) in their Experiential
Learning Courses, what is her role in Teaching Internship?
A. College Supervisor C. Resource Teacher
B. Practicum Supervisor D. Teaching Supervisor

105. Hailey Miabelle was assigned to a Cooperating School under the tutelage of a
Cooperating Teacher. How many hours she need to complete?
A. 120 hours C. 300 hours
B. 240 hours D. 360 hours

106. There is a need to offer quality education during the pandemic, all institutions are
mandated to emphasize which one?
A. Minimum Learning Competencies
B. Most Needed Learning Competencies
C. Most Essential Learning Competencies
D. Most Learned Learning Competencies

107. Cooperating Teachers are requested to assign teaching-related tasks to Practice Teachers
to ensure that quality education is achieved. All Cooperating Teachers are encouraged not
to give which tasks?
A. Ancilliary Tasks C. Performance Tasks
B. Managerial Tasks D. Unrelated Tasks

108. Which program describes the learning modalities by the basic educational schools such
as online instruction, radio-based, television-based and modular instruction?
A. Asynchronous Sessions
B. Learning Modules
C. Learning Delivery Modality
D. Synchronous Sessions

109. Which contains the policies and guidelines in the deployment of Pre-service Teachers for
Field Study and Teaching Internship?
A. Republic Act 7722
B. Republic Act 9155
C. Joint CHED – Dep Ed Memo no. 1 Series of 2021
D. Joint CHED – Dep Ed Memo no. 2 Series of 2021

110. To ensure that there is quality in the deployment of practice teachers, how many students
must be assigned for each Cooperating Teacher?
A. Only one within a specific term
B. Two practice teachers within a specific term
C. At least three practice teachers within a specific term
D. As many as possible if accommodated by the Cooperating Teacher

111. What is the most important item to be included in the Orientation Program of Practice
A. Expectations of the Cooperating School
B. Requirements of the Cooperating Teacher
C. Dep Ed Policies and Guidelines
D. Reward System and Sanctions

112. Why is learning plan important?

A. It is requirement of the course.
B. It is needed during classroom visits.
C. It helps teachers manage their time.
D. It guides teachers in their daily activities.
113. You are a new teacher in the school. The principal requested you to write an on-the-spot
lesson plan. What will you do?
A. Ask a sample template which you can follow
B. Go to the library and surf some samples which you can follow
C. Request the principal if you can submit the next day
D. Write a lesson plan based on the one you learned from your Teaching Education

114. The head teacher requested you to revise the existing lesson plans, what do you think can
you do to best improve the lesson plans?
A. Re-state the learning outcomes
B. Change the learning competencies
C. Improve the assessment tools
D. Utilize varied teaching strategies

115. As a practice teacher, you were assigned to prepare some instructional materials in the
class. What materials must you create to ensure maximum participation of your students?
A. Printed materials C. Electronic materials
B. Non-printed materials D. Multi-sensorial materials

116. Cooperating Teacher requested you to go to the library to enrich your lesson in class.
What will you look for?
A. Additional readings C. Differentiated activities
B. Some relevant topics D. Suggested references

117.Cooperating Teachers belong to a team of teachers handling the same subjects, what must
you do to learn more from the other teachers?
A. Borrow their lesson plans of the same subject.
B. Replicate the materials they used in class.
C. Attend their meetings if allowed.
D. Request your Cooperating Teacher to allow you to observe other classes.

118.Your Cooperating Teacher attended an emergency meeting. What will you do?
A. Give the students writing exercise
B. Create simple activities to keep them busy
C. Continue the lesson until the Cooperating Teacher come
D. Let the students do their own activities until the class is over

119.The principal requested your cooperating teacher to go on official business for three days
and requested you to take over her class. What is the best thing to do?
A. Tell your cooperating teacher that you might find difficulty in handling the class.
B. Prepare contingency lessons and let her/him check before she/he leaves.
C. Give activities to keep the class going
D. Bring them to the library and assign additional topics for reading.

120.You were assigned to handle one of the classes of your cooperating teacher. What is the
first thing to do?
A. Have a Pre-Conference with your cooperating teacher.
B. Write your lesson plan and let her check before delivery
C. Prepare your materials for the lesson
D. Construct your assessment tools

121. After the demonstration lesson, your cooperating teacher informed you of your best
features and areas for improvement. What must you do?
A. Hone your skills on the areas mentioned by your cooperating teacher
B. Request her/him to demonstrate on the areas that you need to improve
C. Tell her that you need more time to improve
D. Go to the library and read some more on the topics mentioned.

122.One of your fellow practice teachers told you that your cooperating teacher tells nasty
things about you to her co-teachers. What must you do?
A. Tell her co-practice teacher to stop talking about it
B. Ignore the things you heard about you
C. Tell your college supervisor about it
D. Confront your cooperating teacher immediately

123.You noticed that your cooperating teacher is selling items to his / her class? What is the
best thing to do?
A. Tell her that selling is against the law
B. Report the incident to the principal
C. Confer with your college supervisor on what to do
D. Just ignore the incident
124. You were having a face-to-face demonstration lesson using a PowerPoint presentation.
All of a sudden, there was a power interruption, what is the best thing to do?
A. Stop the discussion, until the current is restored
B. Get out of the classroom and look for space where you can continue the
C. Call or inform your cooperating teacher
D. Stay in the room until the current is restored

125. You were indisposed and cannot go to school for you scheduled lesson. What must be the
first thing to do?
A. Inform your friend to tell your cooperating teacher
B. Tell your college supervisor
C. Call or inform your cooperating teacher
D. Give an excuse letter upon reporting

126.The instructional materials you prepared in one of your lessons were requested by your
cooperating teacher. What shall you do?
A. Tell her politely that you cannot give in to her request.
B. Give his/her the materials as requested
C. Inform her that you will replicate the materials requested
D. Ignore the request.

127. The principal requested you to do some clerical tasks in her office, what will you do?
A. Accept the tasks willingly
B. Decline the request politely
C. Ignore the request
D. Report this to the college supervisor

128.Which methods are best to cater to global learners?

A. Emergent and progressive methods
B. Old, time-tested methods
C. Exploratory methods
D. Discovery methods

129.You were assigned to substitute in a Physical Education class, which of these activities is
not appealing to bodily-kinesthetic learners?
A. Making math moves
B. Doing simple calisthenics
C. Sketching/illustrating events
D. Joining extramural events

130. You noted that most of your students in class are not good in memory work, which of
these techniques will you employ?
A. Making notes about facts
B. Making flashcards
C. Completing an outline
D. Creating songs for the facts learned

131. You are teaching a science class. Which one is not appealing to naturalist learners?
A. Visiting an orchidarium C. Going to the zoo
B. Exploring an aviary D. Writing poems

132. Which is NOT a characteristic of an analytic learner?

A. Learns from whole to part C. Works on details
B. Enjoy memorizing D. Sequences objects in order

133. What do global learners in your class enjoy most?

A. Working on puzzle
B. Generalize ideas from specific to general
C. Likes to plan ahead
D. Formulate generalization from details
134. To cater to the linguistic competence of students, which of these activities must be
A. Doing calisthenics C. Creating dance steps
B. Constructing models D. writing rap based on the lesson

135. Which refer/s to the preferred way/s by which an individual processes information?
A. Understanding by Design C. Learning styles
B. Multiple intelligences D. Brain-Based Learning

136. One of your students learn best when verbally describe the lessons. What type of student
is she/he?
A. Visual C. Tactile
B. Auditory D. Kinesthetic

137. If your students learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through
listening, and to what others have to say, which type of learners are they?
A. Auditory C. Tactile
B. Visual D. Kinesthetic

138. Most of your students are tactile learners. Which ones will not appeal to them?
A. Movement activities C. Group activities
B. Games D. Posters

139. You were assigned to demonstrate in an English class. All your instructional materials
were prepared. Unfortunately, the power point presentation can’t be used since there is a
power shortage. What must you do?
A. Re-schedule the demo at another time.
B. Teach using the other resources in the school.
C. Request another teacher to take your place.
D. Tell your supervisor that you cannot teach without the said materials.

140. In preparing your instructional materials, which primary factor must you consider?
A. The learning outcomes
B. The diversity of the learners
C. The methods and techniques
D. The technology available in the classroom

141. Which of the following materials will be most practical and useful in remote places?
A. Posters C. Realia
B. Maps D. Indigenous materials

142. Which of these instructional materials will be most effective if you are teaching in the
early grades?
A. PowerPoint Presentation C. Real Objects
B. Acetate / Transparencies D. Film Strips

143. You were assigned in a heterogenous class. To cater to the needs of the diverse types of
learners, which materials must be prepared?
A. Colorful materials C. Big and bold materials
B. Durable materials D. Multi-purpose materials

144. Why do teachers need to use a variety of teaching materials in class?

A. To promote higher-order thinking skills
B. To raise pupils’ awareness
C. To sustain the interest of the learners
D. To keep the student busy all the time

145. Students learn best when they discover things by themselves. What materials will be
most effective when conducting experiments?
A. Posters and charts C. Models and real objects
B. Film and slides D. Manuals and illustrations

146. When teaching in the lower grades, which learning materials must be used to develop
manual dexterity?
A. Big C. Durable and safe
B. Colorful D. Highly manipulative

147. In preparing storyboards for PowerPoint presentations, which must be strictly observed?
A. There should be varied animations.
B. There must be different colors to attract the learners.
C. The rule of 6x6 must be applied in the slides.
D. There must be an illustration per slide.

148. To make the materials highly engaging, which must teachers do?
A. Make the materials highly interactive.
B. Prepare materials that are easy to make.
C. Create materials which are less costly.
D. Design materials similar to commercial ones.

149. In the preschool class, which among these materials will greatly help in developing
manual dexterity?
A. Big books
B. Colorful illustrations / drawings
C. Building blocks / models
D. Flashcards and pictures

150. There is a scarcity of materials in remote barrios. As a creative and innovative pre-
service teacher, what must you do?
A. Just use the lecture method.
B. Prepare improvised / indigenous materials.
C. Buy commercially-made materials.
D. Borrow materials from your co-teachers.
151. What can the teacher in one school do to maximize their community resources to ensure
effective instruction at all times?
A. Request the school to purchase materials.
B. Require students to bring materials for their teacher.
C. Let a company / agency sponsor the building of a resource center.
D. Have a learning resource center of materials prepared by all the teachers.

152. You were assigned to handle a multi-grade class, what instructional materials must be
utilized to provide for the needs of each level?
A. Multi-sensory materials
B. Colorful, useful and durable materials
C. Materials of high-level thinking skills
D. Differentiated materials to cater to different levels.

153. In putting up exhibits, what instructional materials must be displayed to ensure increased
A. Coloring projects C. Sorting materials
B. Completion of puzzles D. interactive models

154. You were requested by your cooperating teacher to prepare your seat plan. What must be
your primary consideration?
A. Needs of your students C. Physically illness of your students
B. Strength of Students D. Grades of Students

155.How will you utilize the leadership skills of some of your students to help your class?
A. Let them just do what they please.
B. Refrain from calling them all the time.
C. Recognize their leadership skills.
D. Empower them to initiate activities in class.
156. How will you prevent truancy among students?
A. Allocate budget for each student.
B. Improve sanctions on absentees.
C. Check attendance regularly.
D. Prepare your lesson effectively at all times.

157. There are 5S in discipling children. Which is the correct order for this approach?
A. Stare, Silence, Seek other’s help, See him personally, Separate him
B. Stare, Silence, Separate him, See him personally, Seek other’s help
C. See him personally, Seek other’s help, Stare, Silence, Separate him
D. Separate him, Seek other’s help, Stare, Silence, See him personally

158. Your class is grouped heterogeneously. Aware of the various abilities and interests of
your class, which classroom activities must you employ?
A. Provide activities to promote higher-order thinking skills.
B. Provide activities based on the demands of the school administrators.
C. Provide activities that are less tedious but challenging.
D. Provide activities that cater to the multiple intelligences and learning styles of

159. How will you empower your students to search for different learning materials?
A. Assign the topics they need to read.
B. Give the list of references they need to read.
C. Tell them to ask the librarians to help them.
D. Allow them to use various resources and let them explore.

160. When teaching in reading class, what technique is best employed when you want more
ideas based on a given word?
A. Cline C. Semantic webbing
B. Clustering D. Buzz session

161. Why is it best to use simulation scenario in class activities?

A. To let them know the activities in the field.
B. To let them be aware of the actual conditions in the field
C. To have additional activities in class
D. To have them feel / respond to actual conditions in the field.

162. Persons have different opinions about certain topics. What activity must you utilize?
A. Brainstorming C. Debate
B. Circular response D. Panel discussion

163. How will you manage your time in classroom activities?

A. Let a time keeper watch the time.
B. Just teach as you please.
C. Always look at your class.
D. Allocate time for each activity in class.

164. Which is the best classroom activity for the fast group of learners?
A. Give them research works.
B. Let them work on other activities.
C. Let them do the same activity as others in class.
D. Let them explore on activities which will cater to their needs and interests.

165. To make the class highly engaging, which of these activities must be employed?
A. Group writing C. Lecture by class
B. Group reading D. Socialized discussion

166. What activities may be conducted in between the discussion when the class gets bored?
A. Games C. Picture games
B. Puzzles D. Structured learning experiences

167. Which of these activities does NOT belong to the group?

A. Clining C. Context clues
B. Clustering D. Discovery

168. You were requested by your cooperating teacher to make an assessment for performance
tasks/activities which are subjective in nature. Which mode of assessment will you
A. Invite a judge C. Make a checklist
B. Prepare a rubric D. Do translation techniques

169.Why is there a need to conduct orientation sessions for Teaching Internship?

A. To avoid future problems
B. To make the practice teacher ready
C. To comply with a requirement of the school
D. To establish a harmonious relationship with the school

170. Which must be the most important aspect to be included in the orientation?
A. School Facilities
B. Graduate attributes
C. Vision, Mission, Goals of the School
D. Do’s and Dont’s in Teaching Internship

171. Why are observation done during the first week of internship?
A. To comply with the requirements
B. To know your students in class
C. To meet your cooperating teacher(s)
D. To allow the practice teacher to be immersed in the class

172. Which contains the instructional activities of the teacher in the lesson plan?
A. Learning Plan C. Learning Procedure
B. Learning Content D. Learning Materials

173.As a Pre-service teacher, you noticed that some of the high school students are cutting
classes? Which is the best way to minimize cutting classes among your students?
A. Look at his/her Facebook account
B. Report the incidents to the Guidance Counselor
C. Write a letter to the parent about cutting classes incurred by the student
D. Call the parent/guardian for a conference about cutting classes incurred by the

174. You prepared a PowerPoint presentation on verbs for your English class, however, there
was a power cut-off, which should you do?
A. Go to another lesson
B. Give a seatwork instead
C. Use the available materials in class
D. Borrow learning materials from another teacher.

175. Which is needed to prepare teachers adequately in the use of ICT?

A. Conduct demonstration lessons
B. Sponsor a training workshop
C. Hold capability building training
D. Have a needs assessment of teachers on ICT

176. Your cooperating teacher gave you so many test papers to check, what will you do?
A. Ask help from your peers
B. Tell your cooperating teacher that you have other tasks to do
C. Manage your time to comply with the tasks
D. Report the matter to your college supervisor and principal

177. How will use the leadership skills of some of your students during class activities?
A. Give them additional tasks
B. Let them just do as they please
C. Call for other volunteers to lead the class.
D. Delegate some tasks to enhance their leadership skills

178. How will you help the students who are overactive in class activities?
A. Treat them naturally.
B. Let them be as they are.
C. Refer them to the Guidance Office.
D. Talk to them personally about your observation.
179. As Pre-service teachers, why do you need to participate in school programs and
A. To showcase our potentials
B. To support and assist the cooperating teachers
C. To experience how activities are being implemented and evaluated
D. To comply with the required number of hours

180. To instill the importance of the right kind and amount of food among children, what
school activity must you plan?
A. Literacy Week
B. United Nations Week Celebration
C. Nutrition Month Celebration
D. Valentine’s Day Celebration

181. Which is the best way to know why learner is always absent in class?
A. Call the parent/guardian.
B. Write letter to the parent.
C. Report to the Guidance Counselor.
D. Look at his/her Facebook account.

182. Which activities promote the use of numbers through estimating, calculating, budgeting,
A. Media C. Numeracy
B. Literacy D. Information

183.Which activities develop reading as well as the use of media and technology?
A. Media Literacy C. Numeracy
B. Technology D. Information

184. Which activities allow the learners to explain and discover the learning concepts through
their application in the real-world context?
A. Musical activities C. Hands-on activities
B. Performance tasks D. Real work activities

185.Which strategies include group work and collaboration?

A. Team teaching C. Cooperating strategies
B. Team work strategies D. Collaborative strategies

186. Hands-on activities are provided to learners in order to _________.

A. develop self-esteem
B. promote independence
C. ensure teamwork and unity
D. let them enjoy and learn at the same time
187. In order to benefit from the use of instructional materials used in the classroom, which
one must the teacher consider?
A. Selection of instructional materials
B. Classification of instructional materials
C. Organization of instructional materials
D. Utilization of instructional materials

188. What are the key points in a demonstration lesson?

A. Showing and doing C. Acting and doing
B. Telling, showing and doing D. Telling and doing

189.To be effective how should instructional materials be used?

A. It should stimulate the learners.
B. It should be aligned with the teaching learning activities.
C. It should be the output of the learning.
D. It should be designed carefully.
190. Which law is applied when a teacher conducts a review before presenting a new lesson?
A. Law of readiness C. Law of exercise
B. Law of effect D. Law of reward

2.1 Demonstrate to identify teaching-learning problems and offer recommendations based on research.

1. All XYZ students are scholars of the government. Susan is an XYZ student. Therefore,
Susan is a scholar of the government. What type of reasoning was used in the argument?
A. Inductive C. Inductive – deductive
B. Deductive D. Deductive – inductive

2. Which method for searching for truth is limited by common-sense knowing?

A. Reasoning C. Research
B. Experience D. Phenomena

3. According to Francis Bacon, what is the weakness of deductive reasoning?

A. The arguments are weak because there are few rules during their time.
B. The rules that the reasoning is based on are not established by experts.
C. The rules make the conclusions biased because they are preconceived notions.
D. There is nothing absolute in this world and so there should be no rules.

4. Which of the following is NOT a contributor of deduction and induction to the

development of science?
A. The recognition of the importance of a hypothesis
B. When developing hypotheses, there must be some form of logic
C. The process of clarifying and interpreting scientific findings
D. The use if common-sense knowing in the conceptual framework

5. In research forum, people are given the time to ask questions from the presenters. The
question can be on the findings, method or the theory by which the paper is leaning on.
These forums can be a venue for people to point out concerns on your paper’s methods
and results. What characteristics of research does this support?
Research is _________________________.
A. systematic C. self-correcting
B. empirical D. controlled

6. “Do students who are text-anxious finish an exam sooner than non-anxious students?”
Which goal of scientific research does this research question address?
A. Prediction of behavior
B. Description of events
C. Determination of the causes of behavior
D. Explanation of behavior
7. Which of the following is necessary for obtaining informed consent?
A. A description of what is expected from the respondent
B. A description of the purpose of the research
C. A description of the test instrument
D. A list of publication of the researcher in the last ten years

8. Ideally, the research participant’s identity is not known to the researcher. What do we call
A. Anonymity C. Deception
B. Confidentiality D. Fallacy

9. Mrs. Smith is writing her daily observations of a student and writes, without
interpretation, that the student is not completing the class work and is constantly speaking
out of turn. Which of the following objectives does she appears to be using?
A. Prediction C. Explanation
B. Description D. Exploration

10. Which of the following statements is true of a theory in the context of research?
A. It most simply means “explanation”
B. It answers the “how” and “why” questions.
C. It can be a well-developed explanatory system
D. A, B and C

11. In what way can a background in research methods help people?

A. Read research reports critically
B. Identify one best method for all problems
C. Create conclusions by reading the framework
D. None of the above
12. The direction of a graduate program in educational research wish to see what types of
jobs their graduates take after they finish their program. They randomly sample students
from the program and have them fill out questionnaires with items asking about the types
of jobs they had. They also are asked to describe the roles they play in their current
positions. Which of the following purpose of research does this project try to accomplish?
A. Description C. Explanation
B. Prediction D. Control

13. If a research finding is statistically significant, which of the following is true about the
A. It is probably not due to chance.
B. It cannot possibly be due to chance.
C. It is probably a chance result.
D. It is accepted as truth in all circumstances.

14. What do we call a condition or characteristic (considered in research problems) that can
take on different values or categories?
A. Constant C. Relationship
B. Variable D. Phenomenon

15. What do we call the variable that is presumed to have the potential to cause a change in
another variable?
A. Categorial C. Independent
B. Dependent D. Intervening

16. Why is the statement “What are the effects of extracurricular activities on cognitive
development of school-age children” not a good statement of a quantitative research
A. There is no connection between extracurricular activities and cognitive
B. There are not enough school-age children engaged in extracurricular activities to
conduct the study.
C. The study would be too difficult to do is given the researcher’s involvement in
various extracurricular activities.
D. The statement was not specific enough to provide an understanding of the
variables being investigated.

17. Which of the following is a characteristic of qualitative research?

A. Generalization to the population
B. Random sampling
C. Unique case orientation
D. Standardized tests and measures

18. Which type of qualitative research describes the culture of a group of people?
A. Phenomenology C. Ethnography
B. Grounded theory D. Case study

19. Which of the following is usually NOT a characteristic of qualitative research?

A. Design flexibility C. Dynamic system
B. Naturalistic inquiry D. Deductive design

20. Which non-experimental research looks to establish a relationship (i.e., non-casual)

between or among variables (all quantitative variables)?
A. Casual-comparative C. Ex-post-facto
B. Correlational D. Survey

21. Which research paradigm is least concerned about generalizing its findings?
A. Quantitative research C. Mixed research
B. Qualitative research D. None of the above

22. Which of the following best describes quantitative research?

A. Collects non-numerical data
B. Attempts to confirm the researcher’s hypotheses
C. Exploratory in nature
D. Attempts to generate a new theory

23. Which of the following is NOT true about quantitative research?

A. It relies primarily on the collection of numerical data
B. It can produce important knowledge about cause and effect
C. It uses the deductive scientific method
D. It is rarely conducted in a controlled setting or environment

24. What is the defining characteristic of experimental research?

A. Resistance to manipulation
B. Manipulation of the independent variable
C. The use of open-ended questions
D. Focuses only on local problems

25. Which of the following research designs aims to demonstrate causality but random
assignment to groups is not possible?
A. True experimental C. Casual-comparative
B. Quasi-experimental D. Single-subject experimental

26. Which of the following is NOT true about qualitative research?

A. It is typically used when a great deal is already known about the topic of interest.
B. It relies in the collection of non-numerical data such as words and pictures.
C. It is used to generate hypotheses and develop theories about phenomena in the
D. It uses the inductive scientific method.
27. What do we call research in which the researcher uses the qualitative paradigm for one
phase and the quantitative paradigm for another phase?
A. Qualitative research C. Quantitative research
B. Basic research D. Mixed method research

28. Which of the following includes examples of qualitative variables?

A. Age, temperature, income
B. Grades, anxiety level, reading performance
C. Gender, religion, ethnic group
D. Height, weight, arm span

29. Which of the following can best be described as a categorial variable?

A. Age C. Grade point average
B. Annual income D. Religion

30. Which of the following can be true of the paper entitled The Pre-Service Teacher’s
Experience in the Teaching of Mother Tongue?
A. It is quantitative research.
B. The results of this study can be generalized.
C. This is a single-case study.
D. It is a qualitative study.

31. What should the statement of the problem be able to accomplish?

A. Identify the design of the study
B. Identify the intent or objective of the study
C. Specify the type of people to be used in the study
D. Describe the study

32. Which of the following is NOT a step-in planning for research?

A. Identifying a researchable problem
B. Statement of the research question
C. A review of current research
D. Conducting the research

33. Which of the following can be a source of researchable problems?

A. Researchers’ own experiences as educators
B. Practical issues that require solutions
C. Theory and past research
D. A, B and C

34. Which of the following can a review of the literature prior to formulating research
questions allow the researcher to do?
A. To have a list of possible participants/respondents of the study
B. To help develop the tool to be used in the research
C. To develop a list of problems relative to the phenomenon of interest
D. To choose the best statistical method for the data at hand
35. Which of the following is different from the group?
A. Research centers C. Experimental units
B. Classroom laboratory D. Test units

36. Under what category can we classify the other items that can be grouped together in #35?
A. Highly-controlled research settings
B. Partially-controlled research settings
C. Uncontrolled research settings
D. Natural research settings

37. Which of the following is NOT part of the criteria for determining when research is
needed and should be undertaken?
A. Frequency of occurrence of problem
B. Amount of money affected by problem
C. Editorial policy of the research journal
D. Researchability of the problem

38. Which of the following statements about researcher is/are TRUE?

I. Inductive and deductive reasoning can never be used together in research.
II. Research is a systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation.
III. Research does not take into consideration experience and reasoning.
IV. The researcher can be a producer and consumer of the research done.
A. I and II C. IV and III
B. II and IV D. II and III

39. What is the correct sequence of the steps in undertaking research according to Smith and
Glass (1987)?
I. A theory about the phenomenon exists.
II. A research problem within the theory is detected a and research question is
III. A research hypothesis is deduced (often about the relationship between
IV. A research design is developed, operationalizing the research question and stating
the null hypothesis.
V. The research is conducted.
VI. The null hypothesis is tested based on the data gathered.
VII. The original theory is revised or supported based on the results of the hypothesis
40. Which of the following is NOT part of the methodology to be prepared in the plan before
the conduct of the research?
A. Subject/respondents C. Data treatment
B. Recommendations D. Instrument

41. Which section of the research paper discusses in detail the research participants?
A. Introduction C. Conclusion
B. Method D. Framework

42. Which of the following does the Method section of the research typically specify?
A. The interpretation of the results
B. The results of prior studies that address the phenomena of interest
C. The apparatus, instruments, and materials for the research study
D. The references used in the study

43. What is TRUE about the Introduction section of the research paper?
A. Gives an overview of prior relevant studies
B. Discusses the data gathering procedures in detail
C. Reflects the schematic diagram of the framework
D. Presents the informed consent and tool used

44. When referencing other works, you have cited within the text of the research paper,
which of the following should be done (APA Format)?
A. State the first and last name of the author
B. Use the author, and date of publication
C. Use an asterisk and footnote
D. Insert the complete citation in parenthesis

45. Which of the following is not one of the major parts of a journal article?
A. Result C. Method
B. Abstract D. Recommendation

For 46-50, read through the abstract below and answer the questions that follow.


The purpose of this study is to identify the enabling factors of elementary
Mathematics teaching. It is anchored on the Attribution Theory, specifically on Weiner’s
Model of Achievements Attributions. This study seeks to analyze the variables that influence
the Mathematics teaching performance of Generalist pre-service student teachers and
determine what factors have bearing on their elementary Math teaching performance.
Variables tested in this study include the student’s teachers’ input variables, living
arrangements, source of financial support for their studies, subject matter knowledge (SMK),
a pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). All of these variables were measured against the
student teachers’ average grades in elementary Math teaching in the intermediate level.
Seventy student teachers from XYZ University were randomly chosen as respondents.
Based on the findings, it is concluded that ability and a certain amount of effort
are enabling factors for success in Elementary Mathematics Student Teaching Performance.
Weiner’s Model of Achievement Attributions stands true as the Otis-Lennon School Ability
Test (OLSAT) and the Grade Point Average in High School Mathematics both reflect the
student teachers’ innate ability to face the demands of student teaching and both require
effort to be achieved. These two are considered determinants of effective Elementary Math

46. What is the overall methodology used in the study?

A. Qualitative method C. Can not be determine
B. Quantitative method D. None of the above

47. What are the best keywords for this study?

A. Mathematics Education, Student Teaching, General Education
B. Pre-service Training, Elementary Students, Mathematics
C. Mathematics Education, Elementary Education, Phenomenology
D. General Education, Elementary Students, Phenomenology

48. Which of the following is not variable that is looked into in the study?
A. XYZ University
B. Pedagogical Content Knowledge
C. Source of Financial Support
D. Average Grade in Elementary Math Teaching

49. After testing, which variables have resulted in having a statistical difference when
correlated to the student’s average grade in elementary mathematics teaching?
A. OLSAT and the GPA in High School Mathematics
B. Certain amount of effort and innate ability
C. GPA in High School Mathematics and a certain amount of effort
D. OLSAT and innate ability

50. Given the conclusion, which of the following can be recommended?

A. Discourage the enrolment of students who don’t really want to become teachers
B. Remove the grade requirement for first-year applicants in the college of teacher
C. Encourage schools to administer an entrance examination for future teachers
before admission
D. Focus on overall grade point average requirement and disregard individual grade

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