Ed 227 Ail Syllabus Gimena Bsed-Ss 2e
Ed 227 Ail Syllabus Gimena Bsed-Ss 2e
Ed 227 Ail Syllabus Gimena Bsed-Ss 2e
SSE 216
1st Semester
2023 - 2024
The vision of the University: This university aims to be the standard of excellence in higher education, fostering a culture of innovative, collaborative, service-oriented, and
technologically-inclined empowered individuals who stand with integrity, compassion, and competence for an inclusive community toward a sustainable future.
Mission of the University: The University is multifaceted, aiming to provide leading-edge degree programs, innovative professional development, entrepreneurial initiatives, and
technical instruction. It shall primarily provide accessible, high-quality education, and advanced professional and technical instruction that fosters critical thinking, creativity, and
ethical leadership for fields of industrial trade, agriculture, fishery, forestry, aeronautics, and land-based programs, arts and sciences, health sciences, information technology and
other relevant fields of study. It also strives to cultivate a diverse and supportive learning environment that promotes lifelong learning and community engagement.
Goals of the University:
● To cultivate technologically inclined and service-oriented individuals equipped with comprehensive knowledge, practical skills, and essential attributes for success in their
chosen fields.
● To foster interdisciplinary research collaborations aimed at addressing real-world issues and challenges and translating research findings into tangible applications that
benefit society.
● To promote global exchange and collaboration among individuals, encouraging cultural diversity and international engagement.
Graduate Attributes: The graduates of the university will demonstrate competence on global standards as highly skilled individuals with qualities such as effective
communication and collaboration abilities, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, ethical leadership and service-oriented responsibility, and commitment to lifelong learning
necessary to excel in their professional and personal lives.
Course Description:
This course guides the students to demonstrate knowledge of the principles of microeconomics with a focus on market structures and price-output determination. This course
covers theoretical analysis and practical examples, and students are required to explore the various types of market structures including perfect competition, monopoly,
monopolistic competition, and oligopoly. It enables the students to have a thorough understanding of how market structures impact price and output decisions by firms, and the
implications of market behavior in consumer welfare, market efficiency, and government regulation.
Course Learning Outcomes: Within the semester, the students should be able to:
1. Analyze the characteristics and behaviors of different market structures, including perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly.
2. Evaluate the factors influencing firm behavior in each market structure, including pricing strategies and output decisions.
3. Analyze market behavior to understand the effects of changes in market conditions of prices, quantities supplied and demanded, and consumer welfare.
4. Critically assess the role of government intervention in regulating markets and addressing market failures, such as externalities and public goods.
5. Demonstrate the ability to interpret and analyze real-world economic situations using microeconomic principles, and communicate findings effectively through written and
oral presentations.
Course Content:
Intended Remarks/
Assessment Tasks Teaching-Learning Content Learning
Learning Reference/s Time Evaluation
(ATs) Activities (TLAs) Resource
Outcomes Table Notes
/ Learning
ILO1. Relate the ⮚ Written narrative ⮚ Facilitated discussion on VMGO (Vision, ISO Forms BOR Approved
relevance of the on the relevance the relevance of the Mission, Goals, Student Resolution
VMGO to the course of the VMGO in VMGO in the new normal. and Objectives) Manual
in the new normal. the new normal.
A. Understand and ● Oral ● Lecture/Discussion Market Structures -Laptop or - Bade, R., & Week 7-8
differentiate between Recitation: using PowerPoint and Price-Output Computer Parkin, M. (2015).
various market structures Presentation on Determination Foundations of
including pure ● Individual Market Structures - Projector or TV economics (7th ed.).
competition, monopoly, Output: and Price-Output 1. Market Pearson. (Page 271)
monopolistic - Students Determination Structures - Slideshow
competition, and will conduct - Pure Competition Presentation - Mankiw, N. G., &
oligopoly, identifying web-based ● Case Study - Monopoly Taylor, M. P.
key characteristics and research on Analysis: Provide - Monopolistic - Multi-Media (2014). Economics
examples for each. real-world case studies Competition Presentation (3rd ed.). Cengage
examples of representing - Oligopoly Learning. (Page
B. Identify and examine companies different market - Modules 314)
factors such as the operating in structures and 2. Determinants of
number of firms, product different scenarios and Market Structure - Textbooks/ - Perloff, J. M.
differentiation, barriers market discuss the Online Articles (2018).
to entry, and information structures similarities and 3. Price and Microeconomics:
availability, to and analyze differences between Output Theory and
comprehend how these their pricing the price-output Determination applications with
determinants shape and output determination calculus (5th ed.).
market structures. decisions. processes across 4. Graphical Pearson. (Page 390)
various market depiction of
C. Explain how supply ● Written structures. market behavior - Carlton, D. W., &
and demand interact to Quiz Perloff, J. M.
determine equilibrium in ● Worksheet for (2005). Modern
various markets, and ● Reflection Graphing Exercises industrial
analyze the effects of paper. organization (4th
government policies and ed.). Addison-
external factors using Wesley. (Page 24)
graphical models.
- Samuelson, W. F.,
D. Interpret graphical & Marks, S. G.
representations of market (2015). Managerial
demand, supply, and economics (8th ed.).
equilibrium to analyze Wiley. (Page 49)
market behavior,
illustrating the impact of
changing market
Course Requirements:
1. Major Exams 3. Learning log/ Reflective Journals/ Outputs per topic
2. Summative quizzes 4. e-Portfolio/ Compilation of Assessment Tools/Scoring Rubrics
Consultation Hours:
Room: ED 305
Online & Face-to-Face: MWF 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM, TTH 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Subject Teacher