Reviewer Enviro Sci Mid 2
Reviewer Enviro Sci Mid 2
Reviewer Enviro Sci Mid 2
Consist of two main components:
Components of an Ecosystem
Biotic components is the living component of na
Palawan as the country’s last frontier. ecosystem
It is known as the last frontier as it still retains more Abiotic Component is the non-living component of
than 50% of its original forests and harbours an ecosystem
o The Trans-Himalayan region with its sparse Desert Lavender (Condea emoryi)
vegetation has the richest wild sheep and goat 4. WESTERN GHATS
community in the world.
o The mountains along the west coast of peninsular
The snow leopard is found here, as is the migratory India are the Western Ghats, which constitute one
black-necked cranes. of the unique biological regions of the world.
o The Himalayas consist of the youngest and o This region consists of parts of Rajasthan, Kutch,
loftiest mountain chains in the world. Delhi and parts of Gujarat.
o The forests are very dense with extensive growth o The climate is characterized by very hot and dry
of grass and evergreen tall trees. Oak, chestnut, summer and cold winter. Rainfall is less than 70
conifer, ash, pine, deodar are abundant in cms.
Himalayas. There is no vegetation above the
snowline. 7. GANGETIC PLAIN
Several animals live in the Himalayan ranges. Chief o In the North is the Gangetic plain extending up to
species include monal, wild sheep, mountain goats, the Himalayan foothills. This is the largest unit of
ibex, shrew, and tapir. Panda and snow leopard are the Great Plain of India.
also found here.
o The Great Plains cover about 72.4mha area with
3. SEMI-ARID AREAS the Ganga and the Brahmaputra forming the main
drainage axes in the major portion.
o Adjoining the desert are the semi-arid areas, a
transitional zone between the desert and the 8. NORTH-EAST INDIA
denser forests of the Western Ghats.
o North-east India is one of the richest flora regions
o The natural vegetation is thorn forest. This region in the country.
is characterized by discontinuous vegetation cover
with open areas of bare soil and soil-water deficit o It has several species of orchids, bamboos, ferns
throughout the year. and other plants.
Asiatic lions, Birds, jackals, leopards, eagles, Here the wild relatives of cultivated plants such as
snakes, fox, buffaloes are found in this region. banana, mango, citrus and pepper can be found.
*Larger parts of the coastal plains are covered by Solutions on for this..
fertile soils on which different crops are grown. Rice
is the main crop of these areas. Coconut trees grow ~ Protecting remaining intact section of natural
all along the coast. habitat.
The variety and richness of all the plants and ~Solutions to habitat loss can include planting
animals species at different scales in space-locally, trees, planting home gardens so as to reduce need
in a region, in the country and the world. for man to need large lands for agricultural farms
which lead to habitat loss.
And the type of ecosystem, both terrestrial and
aquatic within a define area. Poaching
Biodiversity can be observed at three levels Poaching is the hunting and harvesting taking of
wild plants or animals, such as through hunting,
1)Genetic diversity harvesting, fishing, or trapping.
How does poaching affect the environment? Farmers sometimes poison and shoot wild animals
as they damage their crops, but this can be
~Poaching or illegal hunting causes animals prevented by taking certain measures.
endangered of being extinct. If more animals
becomes extinct there's a disruption in the food 2006-07/31/342
chain, and that will cause major problems in our
ecosystem, resulting eventually in new adaptations 2007-08/34/241
of animals, and or species beyond human control. 2008-09/46/726
~Poaching results in animals being hunted too soon 2010-11/52/689
for them to have time to reproduce and repopulate.
Ways to reduce the conflicts
Man-wildlife conflict
Governments is working on improvement of habitat
wildlife) is unacceptably disadvantageous to other to augment food and water availability and to
Increase in man wildlife conflict is due to resource reduce movement of animals from the forests to the
limitation like : habitations.
Some endangered and endemic species of India Over-exploitation of natural resources and
poaching of wild animals also leads to their
Asiatic lion extinction.
The Asiatic lion which survives today only in the Gir Climate change brought by green house gases
forest of Gujarat, were also known as Indian lion or threatens organisms and ecosystems leading to
Persion lion. In 2005 Gujarat government reported their death and extinction.
that 354 Asiatic lions were sighted in the Gir forest.
Factors affecting endemic species.
Nilgiri tahr
Habitat loss and fragmentation due to draining and
Nilgiri tarh is endemic to nilgiri hills and the filling of inland wetlands. Pollution also plays an
southern portion of western ghats in the states of important role.
tamil nadu and kerela in southern India.
Sumatran rhinocerous AND ENDEMIC SPECIES
Sumatran rhinocerous is the smallest rhino Know what species in your area are endangered.
weighing about 500-800 kg. The decline in the Volunteer your time to protect the wildlife in your
number of sumatran rhinocerous is attributed area. Make certain that your home is not a hazard
primarily to poaching for their Forns. They are to wildlife.
estimated to be 300 in number.
Plant native flora. Do not use toxic herbicides or
OTHER ENDANGERED SPECIES pesticides. Watch the road and drive carefully.
Recycle and buy recycled or reusable products.
Asiatic cheetah Bengal fox
Do not purchase illegal products that come from
Gaur endangered species. ✓ Support zoos and other
wildlife parks. Get active and spread the word In terms of the number of organism and number
Reduce the amount of pollution that you cause of species of each kind, biodiversity has varied
markedly through geological time
Read up on the subject.
In terms of present day species richness,
biodiversity varies greatly across the globe.
BIODIVERSITY at GLOBAL LEVEL The present global patterns in biodiversity
The Global Patterns in Biodiversity indicate that the species richness tends to vary
geographically according to a series of well define
The present geological era is perhaps the richest
in biological diversity .
For example case of terrestrial environments:
About 2.6 million species have been identified till
date, while many more species are believed to Warmer areas hold more species than the colder
exist. areas.
According to UNEP (1993-94) (UN convention on Wetter areas hold more species than the drier
environment protection) estimate, the total number ones;
of species that might exist on Earth range between
9.0-52 million Larger areas hold more species than the smaller
• Invertebrate animals and plants make-up most of
the speces. For example, case of terrestrial environments:
About 70% of all known species are invertebrates Areas of varied climate and topography hold
(animals without backbones such as insects, more species than the areas of uniform climate and
sponges, worms, etc.); topography
About 15% are plants. Areas at lower altitude (elevation) hold more
species than the high altitude areas; and
The rest of the species constitute 15%
Less seasonal areas hold more species than the
Mammals, the animal group to which man belong, highly seasonal areas
comprise a comparatively small number of species.
In case of pelagic marine species
Of all the global species, only 10 to 15% live in
North America and Europe.
BUT the major centers of greatest biodiversity tend ⚫ there tends to be more species in warmer and
to be in the tropics. less seasonal waters(i.e. at lower latitudes.)
The twenty countries most rich in biodiversity are In a simplified way, it can be said that there are
listed in Table much more species, both per unit area and
overall, in the tropics than in temperate regions.
Patterns in Biodiversity and somewhat more in the temperate regions
than in Polar Regions.
Species are not uniformly distributed over the
Earth, The moist tropical forests
diversity varies greatly from place to place. •The moist tropical forests, in general, are the
most species rich areas /environments on earth
Though they cover about 7% of the world's
surface; but may hold more than 90% of the INDiA as mega diverse biodiversity
world's species,
Biodiversity has three aspects, viz genetics,
In constrast species and ecosystem.
If small tropical forest insects are discounted, then India is uniquely rich in all these three aspects.
the areas with similar richness will be in; The country has a rich heritage of biodiversity,
encompassing a wide spectrum of habitats (from
tropical rainforests to alpine vegetation, and
from temperate forests to coastal wetlands.)
• Coral reefs; and areas of Mediterranean climate
in South Africa and Western Australia. Almost ALL the biogeographical regions of the
world are represented in India.
These areas are rich in angiosperm species.
With a mere 2.4% of the total land area of the
Reasons for Greater Biodiversity in the Tropics
world, the known biodiversity of India contributes
1. Tropical areas receive more solar energy over 8.22% of the known global biodiversity
the year. Therefore, tropical communities are more
india is one of the twelve mega-diversity nations of
productive resulting in a greater resource base
the world accounting for 7.31% of the global faunal
that can support a wider range of species.
and 10.88% of the global floral total species.
2. Warm temperatures and high humidity of Currently India is in tenth position in the world and
tropical areas provide favourable environmental fourth in the Asia in plant diversity. INDIA ranks
conditions for many species. tenth in mamimallan sp in the world, and in terms of
endemic species of higher
3. Over geological times, the tropics have had a
more stable climate than the temperate areas. In Indias one of the twelve mega-diversity nations of
tropics, therefore, local species continued to the world accounting for 7.31% of the global faunal
thrive and live there itself; whereas, in temperate and 10.58% of the global floral total species.
zones, they tend to disperse to other areas.
Currently India is in 10th position in the world and
4. There has been more time for tropical 4th in the Asia in plant diversity. INDIA ranks 10th
communities to evolve as they are older than in mammalian sp in the world, and in terms of
temperate ones. endemic species of higher vertebrates, it ranks 11"
In temperate areas, there is reduced pressure India has ten biogeographic regions, namely the
from pests, parasites and diseases due to cold, that Trans-Himalayan, the Deccan Peninsula, the
Himalayan, the Indian desert. the semi-arid zone,
6. In tropics, higher rates of out crossing among the Genetic plain, North-East India, the Islands, and
plants may lead to higher levels of genetic the coasts
India is one of the 12 mega-diversity nations of the
ALIENT FEATURE TERES OF NATIONAL India has the origin of 30,000 to 50,000 varieties of
BIODIVERSITY RICE,pigeon-pea, mango, turmeric, ginger,
sugarcane,gooseberries, etc. and ranks 7th in
India is one of the 12 centres of origin of cultivated terms of contributionto world agriculture.
India also boasts rich marine biodiversity,along the
There are two hotspots that extend into india. There coastline of 7516.5 km with exclusive economic
are the Western Ghats Sen Lanka and the Indo- zone of 202 million,supporting the most
Burma region productive ecosystems such as mangroves,
estuaries, lagoons and coral reefs.A number of