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Moita Master Plan

Territorial Planning Fundamentals

Prof. Dr. Beatriz Condessa
Maryam Jafari (ist1102261)
Prof. Dr. Maria da Graça Moreira
Fernanda Pereira (ist1102261)
Prof. Dr. Patrícia Abrantes
● Objectives
● Methodology
● Moita-occupation and demographic evolution
● New centrality and demographic data
● About Moita's master plan
● Moita's master plan evolution
● The new Moita master plan
● Planning and urban management mechanisms of
the new plan

● Legal framework for the elaboration of the master


● Conclusions and discussions

Main: Study Moita Municipal Master Plan as a development strategy that
establishes a territorial development set of policies that integrates and articulates
with other level laws.

● Qualitative analysis on the legal regimes from the local to national levels
● Identify the possible constraints concerning the study area
● Analyze the process of evolution of the laws in force
● Familiarization with all level laws, policies and programs
● Analyze parameters to some existing detailed plan

Collection and analysis of the following documents:

● PDM of the municipality of Moita along with some detailed plans to
understand which regulations apply to the study area at all levels.
● PDM revision to observe which changes were recently made.
● All levels of laws in effect are related to Moita which interacts with local

Moita Location
● The first occupations of Moita appear about six thousand years ago
(beginning of the Neolithic);
● The settlement of the riverside strip occurred with the
pacification of the area, presumably after the reconquest of Alcácer
do Sal in 1217;
● Received the Town status (1477), municipal power (1479) and a
charter (1514).
● Centuries XVI and XVII adds Barreiro and Moita lands. Small
settlements began to appear, demonstrating a slow occupation;
● Alhos Vedros slowly declined around 1691. Eventually became
two towns and two counties with respective jurisdictional areas.
● In the XIX century, Alhos Vedros lost its municipal autonomy and
integrated as a parish, initially in Barreiro (1855) and later in Moita
● With the extinction of the county of Moita (1895), Alhos Vedros
was temporarily annexed, to Barreiro, then reintegrated,
definitively, in the county of Moita (1898).
New Centrality and demographic data
● One of the first municipalities to have a local Master Plan (1983), its new centrality and accessibility were brought by the
construction of the 25 de Abril (1966) and Vasco da Gama Bridges (1998), landmark in the metropolitan occupation
acceleration and a driver of new opportunities for local and regional development.

● Population had increased back then but from 2001 there was a 0.17 yearly decrease with a tendency to stagnate (Population

Total Moita number of Inhabitants and by age group evolution 1864-2021 (INE reports, 2020) Moita projection 2021-2081 (The authors)
Evident asymmetries between the North of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and the Setúbal Peninsula:

● The GDP of the North Edge is 117% higher than that of the Setúbal region (INE 2021);

● From 2011 to 2016, the evolution of unemployment and social insertion support had a higher incidence in
the Setúbal region compared to the North Edge.

● The application of Structural Funds at the national level resulted in the economic divergence of the Setúbal
Peninsula after insertion in NUTS II and III of AML, and the consequent reduction of community funds.

Table 2: Moita Parishes Area, Population and Density according to preliminary Census 2021 (CM Moita,
Table 3: Moita Main Demographic Indexes Comparison to LMA and Portugal (CM Moita)
Moita ● Moita launched its first PDM in 1983, taking the lead in interventions in the territory that had previously
been very sporadically committed to the Central Administration and, above all, to the dynamics and
interests of private owners and promoters;

Master ● Before PNPOT, PDMs were not of local competence and in fact the elaboration and application of the
Municipal Master Plans was an initiative and demand of the Local Authorities, it was understood, after

the 25th of April, they should have a new type of approach to respond to the needs of the populations in
the new political context of the country , with lack of financial and human and technical means at the
Moita Master Plan evolution
● The Municipality of Moita was the first in the Lisbon
Metropolitan Area to draw up a Municipal Master
Plan, even before the publication of Decree-Law 208 of
● This pioneering version prioritized identifying
problems of the resident and working populations,
largely rural and agricultural. The working population
in industry and services in Barreiro and Lisbon was also
accounted for;
● It focused on urban requalification and the
improvement of the populations' living conditions.
● The 1983 PDM already had the understanding of a
municipal policy instrument with the participation of
the population throughout the process, which made it
obtain the "Cadernos Municipais Award", and a
reference for municipal management.
Moita 1983 First Zoning Plan (CM Moita)
Moita Master Plan Review Phases:

1st Phase (1998-1999)

Characterization and diagnosis - with the participation of associations and
organizations in the municipality, as well as the Parish Councils. which generated
the review on the fields below:

Metropolitan Framework and Strategy for the Municipality of Moita

Demography and Demographic and Social Dynamics
Education and Teaching
Economic Activities and Employment
Culture and Sports
Tourism and Leisure
Characterization of Soil, Subsoil and Natural Resources; Characterization of
Social Equipment
Housing, Real Estate and Soils
Urban Characterization
Urban Infrastructures (Basic Sanitation, Solid Waste, Electrical Networks,
Road Network, Transport Systems and Accessibilities
Legal Framework of the PDM
Financial Analysis of the Municipality
Household Survey
Moita Master Plan Review Phases:

2nd Phase (2000-2002)

Integrate the Municipality of Moita in the Development
Dynamics of Lisbon Metropolitan Area, and Setubal Peninsula
in particular, to improve the Quality of Life and Sustainable
Development of the Municipality.
Other objectives:
01 Deepening territorial integration in the Setúbal Peninsula,
reinforcing urban and county complementarities;
02 Enhancement and integration of the social fabric of the
03 Structuring and qualification of the municipality territory 3rd phase (2002-2005)
and its
and its urban spaces;
CCDR-LVT worked directly with the City Council
04 Enhancing the identity of the municipality and the projection and the Plan Project was betting throughout to the
its Image abroad; respective opinions of the Technical Monitoring
05 Development of Participation and Citizenship.
The current Moita Master Plan

● Focuses on physical development, covering economic activities, culture, tourism, with

integrated and flexible vision of the reality of the municipality.

● Aimed to the preservation of rural space and agricultural and livestock activities; the
creation of a municipal ecological structure of environmental support to human
occupation; the infra-structuring and qualification of the existing urban areas,
recognizing differences and lacks in the territorial context; to attract new public and
private investments.

● With the publication of this version (Notice No. 10488/2010 and amended by Notice No.
3439/2019) Moita evolves and innovates again by improving and adapt to the reality of
the integrated laws that order the Municipality.

● The new procedures should respond better to the current needs, necessities and
concerns of the communities, whether in the support of employment, housing and
mobility, in the provision of collective equipment and leisure spaces, in the preservation
and ecological balance, ideas that today are consensual and defended by all.

Moita 2010 Review Zoning Plan (CM Moita)

2019 review Planning and urban management mechanisms
● Allows the reformulation of urban management for more
flexible binding procedures, based on the elaboration and
implementation of new studies, plans, and programs that are
subsidiary to the Master Plan.
● Urbanization Plan (PU) and the Detailed Plan (PP) are now only
subject to approval by the Municipal Assembly, speeding up
the process;
● Compensatory Compensation for one or more plan areas with
more than one owner, also provided for in the current Legal
Regime of Territorial Management Instruments (RJIGT);
● Land Perequation encourages the rehabilitation of spaces in the
fragmented urban system, where the land ownership is made up
of small and medium-sized properties from old partitions,
successive detachments, or clandestine action;
● Also incentivates the programming of the land about a time
horizon: the implementation of this new Plan implies the
sequential programming of land use.
Image 6: Moita 2019 Review Zoning Plan - Aviso n.º 3439/2019 (CM Moita)
Legal framework of the 2019 Master Plan review
The municipal Urban Management has reviewed 5 guiding ● Determines to present within every two years a synthesis on the
state of the spatial planning of the territory of Moita, based on
axes: Law of Bases of the Policy of Territorial Planning and Urbanism
(LBPOTU-Law No. 48/98 of 11 August) and the Legal
a) Structure the urban space as a whole, integrating from the Territorial Management Instruments (RJIGT - Decree-Law No. Regime of

Arco Ribeirinho to the South of the Tagus - PROTAML; 46/2009 of 20 February, 6th amendment);
● The Strategic Report of the Municipal Spatial Planning of Moita
b) Develop urban and environmental qualification spaces, (REOTMM-I) must indicate the balance of the execution of the
guaranteeing land reserves and new equipment and public instruments in force, as well as evaluate the levels of internal and
external coordination obtained, justifying a possible new revision
spaces; or alteration of the plans in force.
c) Create conditions for new activities and equipments at ● Considering the two years, these determinations have been
fulfilled since the approval of the Municipal Master Plan of Moita in
municipal and supra-municipal levels; 2010;
d) Increase demands in Real Estate Development to
qualify the housing supply, making it more attractive and
e) Preserve the rural areas, applying the restrictions on
construction outside the urban perimeters;
f) Estimate the enlargement of the collective equipment
offer, from the perspective of social and cultural
development and of the valorization of the new ways of
urban life. Table 4: Equipment Reference chart with projections by +100.000 inhabitants (CM Moita, 2005)
Structuring Municipal Programs
PMRU - Programa Municipal de Reabilitação Urbana Moita 2025: (Notice DR 5538/2019), based on national plans
RJRU (DL n.º 307/2009, de 23/10) and RJIGT (DL 80/2015, from 14/05), it outlines the strategic basis for a Municipal
Program of Urban Rehabilitation in Moita for the implementation of the actions of Urban Rehabilitation Operations
(ORU). Also specifies the Urban Rehabilitation Areas (ARUs), benefits, and tax incentives provided for building
rehabilitation works.
PMPPC - Municipal Program of Walking and Cycling Paths (2012-2015): oriented to promote the use of bicycles in
articulation with pedestrian travel. It was based on the Sustainable Urban Mobility Action Plan (PAMUS) under
Portugal's 2020 strategic plan, which defines the mobility strategy for municipal Operational Programs.
Moita Instruments and Its structure with other related Scale plans (the author)
New 2022 review

● Based on the legal provision provided in article 199 of RJIGT, the Municipality of Moita initiated
in 2022 the process of the 3rd amendment of their Municipal Master Plan to adapt to the new
Law of General Bases of the Public Policy of Soils, Spatial Planning and Urbanism (DL n.º
52/2021, of 15/06) and the new Legal Regime of Territorial Management Instruments (DL n.º
45/2022, of 08/07).
● Aims to identify which norms are framed by the legislation in force and which should be
changed. It is an opportunity to make detailed adjustments to the regulations and the
territorial model, particularly in regards to the most consolidated urban areas, characterized as
with the greatest dynamism of urban activity, and the permissible uses for urban land, where
there has been a growing demand for areas for the establishment of economic activities to the
detriment of residential use.
● The public participation period has begun on November 12th, 2022, and it intends to redefine
the area to host the 5th Planning and Management Operation Unit (UOPG 5), by removing a
2.5 ha plot of land to allow the construction of a healthcare facility, consequently changing the
Land Development Chart.
Final Thoughts
● Moita presents some of the lowest development indexes of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, due to its peripheral
location in relation to the Greater Lisbon and Setubal Peninsula and its low economic resources that limit
● However, it is not constrained by the expansion and qualification of its business land, the use of its landscape
potential, the valorization of its human heritage as a driving force for development, in the face of the major new
projects prospected, namely the new Lisbon Airport, the Third Crossing of the Tagus and the Lisbon-Madrid high-
speed rail link;
● The current PDM adapts and complements the other levels current instruments from a local perspective.
● It is essential that future planning be done by the priorities of urban execution, always supported by the planning
model, considering this to be the best strategy to face the internal and external complexities and fragilities which
characterize and influence the municipality. They shall contribute to the continuing success of future Plans, through
future studies, plans, or programs, reviewing the priorities of urban execution, the quality of the natural and urban
environment, and raising the awareness of the citizens, technicians and other private agents, so that dialogue is
always privileged.
● Sometimes revisions of PDMs seem to confirm the statement of the French sociologist François Ascher that the public
administration of urbanism has "a structural tendency to deny the specificities of cities, sites, cultures or to reduce
them to simple decoration". In the case of Moita, it is clear the Municipality's intention is to keep the instruments
updated according to all instances and inhabitant needs.
INE (2021). Recenseamentos Gerais da População. Available at: (Accessed: December 26, 2022).
INE (2021). Censos - Dados Estatísticos. Available at: (Accessed: December 26, 2022).
Moita, C.M. (2004) Retrato em Movimento, Issuu. Município da Moita. Available at: (Accessed: December 1, 2022).
Moita, C.M.(2019) Câmara Municipal de Moita website. Revisão do Plano Diretor do Município da Moita. Available at:
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Moita, C.M. (2011) Intervir Moita Nº 5 Magazine. Município da Moita. Available at: (Accessed: December 1, 2022).
Moita, C.M. (2013) Relatório de Estado do Ordenamento do Território do Municipio de Moita. Município da Moita. Available at: (Accessed: December 1, 2022).
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peninsula-de-setubal-14271010.html (Accessed: December 1, 2022).
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República, Diário da (2022). Resolução do Conselho de Ministros nº 76/2022 - Plano para a Aquicultura em Águas de Transição para Portugal continental.
República, Diário da (2016). Decreto-Lei 76/2016 - Plano Nacional da Água.
República, Diário da (2016). Rectificação 22-B/2016 - Plano Nacional de Planeamento e Ordenamento do Território -PNPOT.
República, Diário da (2002). Resolução do Conselho de Ministros nº 68/2002 - Plano Regional de Ordenamento do Território para a Area Metropolitana de Lisboa-PROT-AML.
República, Diário da (2008). Resolução do Conselho de Ministros nº 115-A/2008 - Rede Natura 2000.
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Wikipedia (2022) Moita City. Wikimedia Foundation. Available at: (Accessed: December 1, 2022).

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