Ela 322 Act.

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Name: Althea Alva Deanne C.

Year & Section: 3A BSED-ENGLISH
Subject: ELA 322- Technology for Teaching and Learning 2
Date: March 25,2024

Step 1: The Learning Area of the Learning Plan

Identify the learning area in language education that your plan will cover. Is it
English, Filipino, Mother Tongue, or other Foreign Language Course? What year
level and what grading period?

Step 1: The Learning Area of the Learning Plan


Step 2: The Specific Coverage of the Learning Plan

Identify the topics which your teaching will cover. Give a brief description of the main
concepts that must be learned by your students during this lesson.

Step 2: The Specific Coverage of the Learning Plan

TOPIC 1: Literature Studies

Students explore character development within novels and short stories, gaining
insights into how characters evolve and influence the narrative. The students also
learn about the use of symbolism and metaphor in poetry, understanding how
these literary devices add depth and meaning to the text. Additionally, they
compare and contrast themes across different literary genres, fostering a broader
understanding of literature and its diverse forms.

TOPIC 2: Grammar and Vocabulary

Students will delve into complex sentence structures and advanced grammar rules
to enhance their writing skills. Additionally, students will expand their vocabulary
by studying synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms, enabling them to express
themselves more precisely. To add depth and creativity to their language, students
will also practice using figurative language such as similes, metaphors, and
personification. These activities aim to strengthen students' linguistic abilities and
enable them to communicate effectively and imaginatively.
TOPIC 3: Reading Comprehension

Students will engage with complex texts from different genres, learning how to
analyze and understand them effectively. Additionally, they will develop strategies
to decipher unfamiliar words and phrases in context, enabling them to grasp the
overall meaning of the text. Furthermore, students will practice inference and
prediction skills, allowing them to draw conclusions and make educated guesses
about the content. These activities aim to strengthen their ability to comprehend
and interpret a wide range of written materials.

Step 3: K to 12 Standards and Competencies

Identify the Basic Education Competencies, with the content and performance
standards, that are targeted by your learning plan. This will ensure that the students
meet important curriculum standards and goals. Focus on few targeted
competencies to ensure that these will be fully demonstrated by your students at the
end of the implementation of the learning plan. Search for the Curriculum Guide from
the Official Website of the Department of Education (DepEd).

CONTENT The learners demonstrate their expanding vocabulary
STANDARDS knowledge and grammatical awareness, comprehension of
literary and informational texts, and composing and creating
processes; and their receptive and productive skills in order to
produce age-appropriate and gender-responsive texts based
on their purpose, context, and target audience.
PERFORMANC The learners apply comprehension of literary and informational
E texts and produce narrative and expository texts
STANDARDS (enumerationdescription, time order: chronology and
procedural) based on their purpose, context (christenings and
weddings), and target audience using simple, compound, and
complex sentences, and age-appropriate and gender-sensitive
Step 4: The Learning Plan Summary
Briefly describe the topics, key activities, student products, and possible roles that
students assume in a project scenario.


TOPIC 1: Literature Studies

1. Noting important elements (story grammar)
2. identifying author's/speaker’s point of view
a. First POV
b. Second POV
c. Third POV
3. Sequencing at least 6 events
4. Identifying type of plot: sequential
5. Analyzing sound devices
a. onomatopoeia
b. alliteration
6. Inferring: setting, theme, genre
7. Making predictions: outcomes of events
8. Drawing conclusions
9. Identifying the main idea
10. Summarizing story events
11. Differentiating fantasy from reality
12. Applying the important story elements to one’s schema: relating story to one’s

TOPIC 2: Grammar and Vocabulary

1. Using subject-verb agreement
a. number of nouns: regular
b. kinds of nouns: mass, count
c. subject pronouns
2. Using kinds of verbs: action
3. Using tenses of verbs
a. simple
b. present
c. past
d. future
4. Using active and passive voices
5. Using adjectives: quantitative/numeral
6. Composing complex sentence
TOPIC 3: Reading Comprehension
1. Noting important information through outlining (topic, main idea, supporting
details): inductive organization
2. Identifying text types
a. enumeration-description
b time order: chronology
c time order: procedural
3. Identifying author’s purpose
a. entertains
b. informs, explain, describe
4. Drawing conclusions
5. Making a summary

Step 5: The Learning Objectives or Learning Outcomes of the Learning Plan

Based on the standards and competencies identified by DepEd for the Learning Plan
Topic, list the general objectives that focus on your learning concepts.


1. Identify and analyze important elements of literature, such as story grammar,

author's point of view, plot types, sound devices, and genre.
2. Develop language skills by using correct grammar and vocabulary.
3. Enhance reading comprehension skills by noting important information,
identifying text types, understanding the author's purpose, and drawing
4. Apply their understanding of literature, grammar, and reading comprehension to
real-life experiences.
5. Demonstrate their ability to outline and organize information effectively.
Activity 2
Up-to-date and Emerging Productivity Tools for Language Teaching

Moodle Provides a centralized Students can access
online space for course digital reading materials,
management, content textbooks, and articles.
sharing, assignments,
and assessments.

Microsoft Facilitate collaboration Students can collaborate

and communication on writing projects,
among teachers and provide feedback, and
students. edit documents together.

SMART Board Enable teachers to create Students can participate

interactive lessons with in interactive writing
multimedia content. activities, fill in the blanks,
or complete sentences.
Babbel Provide interactive Students can listen to
language learning audio recordings,
exercises and activities. dialogues, or
pronunciation exercises.
iTalki Connect language Students can engage in
learners with native one-on-one or group
speakers for language conversations with native
practice and tutoring. speakers.

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