Assignment 1 Pedagogic 1
Assignment 1 Pedagogic 1
Assignment 1 Pedagogic 1
Please read carefully all the Part 1: “LANGUAGE, LEARNING AND TEACHING” of the
Main Study Material “Understanding Language Teaching” by Kumaravadivelu
(Chapters 1, 2 and 3) and develop the following task. This can be done in groups of 2 or 3
students and only one should submit the file. Please make sure to include the names of the
participants for the corresponding feedback and grading.
Based on the chapter 1 of the Main Study Material by Kumaravadivelu, B. define:
What is language and what are the three perspectives that the author mentions.
Which one do you feel more close to and why? Think of some class activities that
exemplify each of the perspectives.
Develop a graphic organizer (mind map, comparative chart, Venn diagram, etc.) in
which you summarize the different definitions and positions on the concept of
“Competence”. Please establish clearly what Kumaravadivelu’s definition is and
what your opinion on that is.
Language is the system through which man informs his ideas and feelings, whether through speech,
writing or other usual signs, using all the senses to convey an idea, the author defines it as a system
that focuses on phonological, semantic and syntactic elements. Language is the main vehicle of
The author proposes three scenarios of language, which are language as a system, which focuses on
the semantic, syntactic and phonological elements of language, taking into account that in a system
each element that forms it must work together to make it work. On the other hand, language as
discourse, which makes us understand the comprehension of a coherent and coherent written or oral
text, taking into account that discourse is the staging of aspects of reality, with which ideas can be
manifested. And finally, language as an ideology that is based on the forces, dynamics of power and
domination that impact the structures of language.
I identify with language as a system because it is a very important part since it is a way in which I
can express a communicative concept, in which the structuring of language must be effective. Also,
when communicating the message, you must identify the means and how I can communicate it
taking into account possible noise. And, of course, that the distinctive unity of the sounds of a given
language is an important element to understand all the aspects that make up a message
The competences are important because, in one way or another, the various ways in
which a message can be transmitted with which we will use several of the mentioned
aspects such as grammar, discourse, sociolinguistics, and strategy are being made known.
Complete the following chart based on the chapter 2 of the Main Study Material by
Kumaravadivelu, B. Make sure not to just copy and paste but paraphrase and
include proper citations when necessary. If evidence of copied information is seen,
the task will be invalid.
INPUT DEFINITION: The input is the different sources of communication in which the
student can easily use to learn the foreign language
VIEWS: Input, output: the product view - Input, intake, and output: the process
view - Input, input, and output: a quantitative view.
DEFINITION: Refers to the collection of texts that students prepare either orally
or in writing.
In this chapter, the author talks about three different types of learning strategies:
metacognitive, cognitive and social/affective strategies. Please look for a class
activity that seeks to promote each type and describe them.
Type of metacognitive Type of metacognitive
Type of metacognitive
strategy: Elaboration strategy: Cooperation
Strategy: Metacognitive.
Objective: Improve the Objective: Allow the student
Objective: direct attention to
student's ability to capture to become subject to the
key information, linking it
and understand information language they study and
with new information.
practice it
Activity: The student will
Activity: Draw the main ideas
make a comprehensive Activity: In a group, based on
from a text and build mental
reading and according to what a topic, students will analyze
schemes that organize and
has been read and without the information obtained and
explain the information.
seeing the reading again, he each one will present their
must answer three questions point of view based on their
in his own words own experiences
Listening Reading Writing Speaking
WEEK 2 Reconozco Identifico Recito y canto Needs Analysis Identify students’ needs
Getting started cuando me palabras Copio y rimas, poemas y Classroom language and interests in relation
3 hours of hablan en inglés relacionadas transcribo trabalenguas Greetings to grammar and topics.
autonomous y reacciono de entre sí sobre palabras que que comprendo, Alphabet Requests and provides
clarification on how
tasks Numbers 0-20 names and unknown
words are spelled
temas que me Classroom language
son familiares. Participates in a short
WEEK 3 con ritmo y Classroom and Everyday conversation where
Personal manera verbal y entonación objects
Reconozco comprendo y he/she provides his/her
Information no verbal. adecuados. Personal Basic
palabras y frases que uso con name, age and basic
3 hours of Expreso mis information
cortas en inglés frecuencia en el information to
autonomous Entiendo cuando sentimientos y Verb to be in present
en libros, salón de clase. professors, friends and
tasks me saludan y se estados de (affirmative)
objetos, acquaintances.
despiden de mí. ánimo. Possessive adjectives
propagandas y
Personal information
lugares de mi Escribo el
WEEK 4 Sigo Menciono lo Numbers 20-100 Understands and uses
alrededor. nombre de
Daily Life instrucciones que me gusta y Titles and Names familiar words and short
lugares y
3 hours of relacionadas con lo que no me Personal pronouns phrases about routines,
Relaciono elementos que
autonomous actividades de gusta. Verb to be in present (- daily activities and
ilustraciones con reconozco en
tasks clase y and ?) preferences.
oraciones una ilustración.
recreativas Deletreo Yes/no questions
propuestas por palabras que me Introducing yourself and
mi profesor. son conocidas. Understands instructions
WEEK 5 Reconozco y Respondo others
related to class, school,
Jobs and sigo brevemente a las Jobs and occupations
Comprendo Nombro and community activities
Occupations instrucciones preguntas “qué, Wh words
3 hours of canciones y algunas cosas Verb to be in present (- and expresses them in
sencillas, si están quién, cuándo y oral and written form to
autonomous rimas, y lo que puedo hacer and ?)
ilustradas. dónde”, si se evidence his/her
tasks demuestro con y que no puedo Wh questions with verb to
refieren a mi understanding.
gestos y hacer be
Puedo predecir familia, mis
movimientos. Daily routine verbs
una historia a amigos o mi
Respondo a Hobbies/ Likes and Describes the basic
WEEK 6 partir del título, colegio.
preguntas sobre interests characteristics of people,
Leisure time las ilustraciones
cómo me siento. Prepositions of time things, and places found
3 hours of y las palabras
clave. Frequency adverbs/ in his/her school, city or
Simple present community using short
(affirmative with I, you, phrases and sentences.
we and they)