Balladeer Apr 08
Balladeer Apr 08
Balladeer Apr 08
April 2008
Meghan Glue
Nick Burfield
Acoustic Routes Report from the president on the Review of
Acoustic Routes activities
PO Box 27-191 Marion Square I want to report on the meeting of from a formal report that was pre-
Wellington, New Zealand. the sub-committee recently estab- sented to the committee. Thanks to
lished to discuss the issues raised in Dale Lacey who chaired the subcom-
Murray’s letter and subsequent com- mittee and gave us a process to use in
Acoustic Routes (Wellington Folk
ment and input from members. But conducting the review, and to Mur-
Centre) is a club for people who enjoy first, a notice: ray and Col Wright who joined Dale
performing and listening to music with Wanted – energy, ideas, and I as the Sub-committee.
the emphasis on folk and acoustic Thanks also to Ken Allen, Carol
styles. drive … a new President Bean, Margaret Pullar, Jill Brasell,
Monthly Concerts are held at Toi It’s getting well into 2008 and Nik Curry and Andrew Yeoman who
Poneke (Wellington Arts Centre, Abel before we know it, we will be at an- all contributed ideas and opinions
Smith Street), on the fourth Sunday of other Acoustic Routes AGM. I
each month at 8pm. These feature an for us to consider. Some of those
invited guest performer, with a variety wouldn’t usually be raising this so ideas raise even more discussion so
of supporting acts to open the show. early but this year we want to make a issues will continue to be considered
Door charges are $7 for members, $10 change ... I’ve had the privilege of and discussed.
for non-members, and school-aged being President for 4 years now. It’s
kids free. Free tea and coffee. Watch the space for changes to
been a lot of fun and very rewarding the nature of events – and please
Singarounds are held at Toi Poneke – but the 4 years has taken a lot of
on the second Sunday of the month. contact me at
These are more informal sessions energy and I feel like channeling my (or
where anyone can perform or lead a energy in other (more flexible) ways phone 565 3432) if you would like to
song. Door charge $5. so I won’t be standing for re-election add further to our thinking. The sub-
Jam Nights happen at Toi Poneke on this year. So this is a memory jogger committee did not make any
the third Sunday of the month. Door for anyone who would be interested
charge $5. The emphasis is on making
recommendations that go to the
in taking on the President’s role … heart of club organisation or
music together as a group - joining in
and having the opportunity to lead or start thinking about it … yes it takes governance so the sub-committee
add your own flavour to the mix. commitment but it also brings great didn’t see a need for the special
Murray Kilpatrick will facilitate but rewards – close involvement in set- meeting of members suggested in
everyone will have the opportunity to ting the club programme, getting to
lead a song or tune Dale’s original process plan.
know our guest performers better, Some of our member feedback
Club Committee 2007-8
and the satisfaction of seeing our raised questions about pricing of
: Gerard Hudson 565 3432 friends and audiences’ reactions to a events and membership. The sub-
: Sue Ikin 478 4160 great gig or club night – and know- committee did not delve into the ing you contributed to that event. complexities raised by these subjects
: Sue Hirst The club has heaps of potential, a – focusing on the issues with attend-
Mike Hickman 232 3123
great committee (who really share ance, activities, event structure and
Ruth Birnie 565 3432 the workload) and a great group of social issues that were raised in loyal members. If you have ideas, Murray’s letter. I have taken up this
Shirley McGregor 478 0390 energy, and would like to get in-
discussion directly with the full com-
volved let us know – express interest mittee and invite other comments on
Janette Munneke 477 2563 and we have time to tell you anything the value members feel they receive you want to ask ... within reason … for their subscriptions and concert
!?!??! Also feel free to nominate oth- fees.
ers (or prompt them to volunteer)!
The Balladeer Sub-committee report
Cheers, Gerard
Keeping up attendances
Here are the letters that were considered by the 7 months.) The Balladeer would be included in $100
review sub-committee along with the comments in memberships, but not loyalty-card memberships.
the October and November 2007 issues. Please note Non-members could still subscribe separately to the
that all were discussed at the sub-committee meet- Balladeer as at present.
ing, and it was felt that Jill Brasell’s in particular Advantages
should be discussed by the wider membership. Any I can see many advantages to this arrangement:
changes to the cost of membership has to be ratified - the club would get more of its income upfront
by the AGM, so it would have to be proposed in early in the year
advance of the AGM in August 2008, and come into - there would be less cash handling at concerts
play the following year - so there’s plenty of time to - low attendances at particular concerts would be
give Jill’s proposal some serious thought. less of a financial concern
Ed - club members, having paid in advance, would
want to get their money's worth and so be less likely
Keeping up attendances to skip events
Following Murray's recent article about the direc- - not having to pay at the door would give mem-
tion of the club, attendances at events, how to make bers a greater sense of belonging and status
it a club rather than a venue, etc, here's an idea that - the loyalty card would give non-members an
the discussion group might like to add to their agenda. incentive to attend more frequently.
The membership maths Let's discuss it
A single membership (without discount) costs Perhaps there are some disadvantages to this idea
$35. If the member goes to, say, 9 concerts during the I haven't thought of, but in any case some discussion
year @ $7 (= $63) and 5 other Sunday events at $5 of it would be good, both in the group set up for it and
(=$25), their year's worth of folky entertainment will here in the Balladeer. What do you think?
cost them $123. Jill Brasell
However, if they decide not to join, but go to the
same events, their total outlay will be only $115.
(Although, as they haven't paid anything in advance, Extra curricula activities
they are probably less likely to attend as many events.) Gerard,
Without labouring the point, it's clear that the Just a few thoughts I’ve had to add to all the
maths doesn't offer much incentive to join, or to debate. I think it’s great that the committee is having
make a habit of attending club events. a look at this and know how hard it can be. It’s
A better way? impossible to please everyone.
Let's say membership is $100, with all regular Some random thoughts on the folk club
club events free for members. Non-members contin- I first found the folk club as a 16 year old and while
ue to pay $10 for concerts, but they get a loyalty card I always loved the music I probably would not have
stamped each time (and a "half-stamp" for $5 stayed if it weren’t for the friends I made. In those
events). If they get 10 stamps within a financial year, days it was very easy to get to know people because
they are granted membership and the rest of that there were many activities offered that were not
year is free. (If they attend a concert and a singa- totally about the music.
round every month, they will achieve membership in Weekend tramps
Continued on page 4
Letters to the Editor, continued from page 3 concerts (blind date, next generation etc),
novelty sports, dressups, campfire, sing
Fancy dress parties around etc. (Quiet words of encouragement
Novelty sports days can help them along). This would be obviously
Raft races much smaller than the festival and therefore
Car rallies much easier for people to mix without all the
little cliques. Advertise through Acoustic
Weekend sports challenges with other folk
Routes but also approach any possible young
clubs (tiddlywinks etc)
people (from festival list) and encourage
Folk festivals
people to bring along friends.
Guitar lessons
Focus especially on new younger people but
Country dance classes (with Joan P before don’t forget the needs of existing members. (I
Morris took over) know from experience once you get out of the
All these activities had a strong social aspect as habit of regular attendance it is hard to get
well has plenty of music in the evenings. back into it even if your intentions are good.)
Because I was looking forward to seeing my This has been any on going problem for many
friends I often didn’t know who was playing at the years and maybe it can never be totally fixed. The
club I went along knowing I would catch up with Wellington I grew up in had very little on competing
people and often some of the best music I heard was in any way with us. Now there is so much to choose
from guests I knew nothing about. from. Maybe we should be celebrating the fact that we
How can we make it more welcoming for new are getting so many young ones along to our festival -
people and make them want to come again? we’ve come a long way.
Start on time. If you’re new to a place and Good luck
don’t know anyone, waiting for a concert to Margaret Pullar
start while everyone is chatting can be very
Talk to new people - make them feel welcome. Folk tribe
Provide ways that they can get to know other
Music is tribal – the Folk tribe demographic in
people (some of the above)
New Zealand is aging – this is because it is not
What do I think might encourage more young
reproducing (let’s not be too literal here). Perhaps
people (and some of the older ones)?
this is because the tradition is sterile.
Look at a different night for some of the
I have never felt I belonged in the New Zealand
events (Friday or Saturday) - as a mother of 2
folk scene (and, I confess, have enjoyed not
teenagers I am very reluctant to let them have
belonging). In the US there have long been people
a late night on a school night and I certainly
doing what I try to do (and so much better) – writing
find for me it sets the week off badly having a
current acoustic songs, (Kate Wolf, Greg Brown etc)
late night.
who are considered mainstream ‘folk’ – but in New
Start earlier (this would also be good on Zealand we still seem to be wedded to ‘dear old
Sundays). Many ‘young’ are on restricted Blighty’ – and a tradition which, incidentally, was
licences and have to be home by 10pm, which pretty much instantly created in the 60’s (the nasal
makes it hardly worthwhile coming down. If singing of the likes of Martin Carthy and the lovely
they are into the ‘party scene’ they might come bell-like voices of the likes of Maddy Prior and
on the way and most ‘young’ parties don’t get Sandy Denny). Prior to that ‘folk’, in as much as it
underway until 11pm. They may even end up existed at all, was performed in the music hall style.
enjoying themselves so much they don’t move Looking to the past is a peculiarly modern
on. They may bring friends who are going on phenomenon – not so long ago everything was grist
out with them. (As a ‘young one’ myself I to the mill of the now. But now we stop the clock
remember there was often the problem of and preserve the past as some polished artificial
what to do while you were waiting for the late object. Blame commercialisation of music (yes, even
party to start.) Starting earlier catches people folk), blame recordings which preserve the past, hell
on their way home from work or before they why not go further back and blame notation. ‘Tis
settle into their evening and don’t bother sad, but a simple fool like me with a handful of
getting out. chords and a longing to describe my world in simple
Maybe start with bring along takeaways and words, does not fit the ‘folk’ label. My mother is
start with tea (nice and cheap). Scots and I lived in Britain in the early 70’s, but
Have a couple of camping weekends away at somehow I failed to become a ‘folkie’.
Brookfield, booking just a part of the area, (or But hey, don’t lose the faith – relax the standards,
somewhere close) with nothing organised welcome riff raff like me – and you’ll lose your tribal
except the venue. This makes it much cheaper identity – and ‘folk’ will disappear under the noise
and very easy to set up. Get the young ones to floor of the cacophony of modern music.
organise once they are there. Things like
Jon Sanders and Michael Black
Wellington Irish Society Rooms, album that’s beautifully simple and simply
Fifeshire Avenue, Wellington beautiful….Michael’s voice shines through on every
Thursday 10 April, 8pm track’.
Michael Black was brought up in the For this concert Michael is accompa-
same musical tradition, and in fact, fami- nied by the inimitable Jon Sanders on
ly, as his better-known sisters, Mary and bouzouki and guitar. Jon is based jointly
Frances. After a lifetime of playing music in Dingle, Ireland, and Auckland so he
and singing songs (his great love) in Ire- needs little introduction to NZ audienc-
land, England and his current home, Cal- es. Recognised as a leading exponent in
ifornia, Michael has rejuvenated his solo drop D and DADGAD guitar playing, his
career. He has recently performed at ven- style draws on the freedom within the
ues around the US, Canada and Iceland. contemporary acoustic music scene in-
His solo album Michael Black, pro- corporating elements of jazz, funk, latino
duced by John Doyle was voted “Album and gaelic styles, somewhat reminiscent
of the Year” by Celtic Connections (Radio of Sylvain Luc, Pierre Bensusan and An-
show broadcast in 22 states). The Irish Times in its tonio Forcione, yet instantly different.
review of the album noted, ‘There’s enough pristine Don’t miss this rare opportunity to see these two
music tucked inside this solo collection ….to power a exponents of Irish and acoustic music together in
rocket’. Irish Music Magazine stated, ‘This is an concert.
April events Folk Clubs & Contacts
Thursday 3 April
Acoustic Routes
Pukerua Bay Folk Club Concert 4th Sunday of month, Wellington Arts Centre, Abel Smith
Blues @ The Bristol Street, 8pm (except April when it is Easter Sunday). Informal sing-
Friday 4 April around 2nd Sunday, Jam session 3rd Sunday, and Blackboard con-
Bluegrass Society Blackboard cert 5th Sunday, same time & place. See page 2 for details and contacts.
Tuesday 8 April The Singers’ Club
Mainly Acoustic - Wilson Murdoch Last Tuesday of month, on hold until further notice. Venue tba. Guest
performers and Singers’ Club residents. Contact: Tony Hillyard (021)
Thursday 10 April 253 8996 email:
Michael Black & Jon Sanders concert
Blues @ The Bristol Mainly Acoustic Music Club
2nd Tuesday of month, 7.30, Mayfair Cafe, 166 Main Street, Upper
Friday 11 April Hutt. Contact: Kevin or Sue Meehan, 970 4068
Wairarapa Folk Club
Pukerua Bay Folk Club
Levin Folk Club 1st Thursday of the month, 8pm, 9 Donlin Rd, Pukerua Bay. Contact:
Ceol Alba Murray or Julie Kilpatrick, 239 9951; email:
Sunday 13 April
Wellington Bluegrass Society
Singaround, Toi Poneke 3rd Friday of month, 8.30 pm, Petone Function Room, 54 Richmond
Tuesday 15 April Street, Petone. Blackboard concert 1st Friday of month. Contact:
Kapiti Live Music Club Andrew Bicknell, 477 0069
Thursday 17 April Kapiti Live Music Club
Blues @ The Bristol 3rd Tuesday of month, blackboard 7.30, guest 8.30. Murphy’s Law,
Friday 18 April Main Road, Waikanae. Website
Bluegrass Society Concert Levin Folk Club
Sunday 20 April 2nd Friday of month, Horowhenua Scottish Society and Pipe Band
hall, corner Bartholomew Rd and Middlesex Street. Blackboard con-
Club Jam session cert plus guest artist: $5 including supper. Workshop 4th Friday of
Tuesday 22 April month (no charge). Contact: Anne Campbell (06) 368-3777
Owen Hugh House Concert
Wairarapa Folk Club
Thursday 24 April 2nd Friday of the month; Contact Remco de Ket or Jenny Freeman-
Blues @ The Bristol tle, (06) 370 1021 -
Friday 25 April Ceol Alba – Scottish Music Club
Levin Folk Club Workshop 2nd and 4th Friday s of the month.
Ceol Alba Phone Lynne Scott, 565 0164:
Sunday 27 April International Folk Dancing
Acoustic Routes concert Wednesdays 7.45-9.15pm, Deirdre Tarrant Dance Studio, 125 Cuba
Mall. Contact: Cashy Yates 569 1618.