Fivaxyouth Booklet
Fivaxyouth Booklet
Fivaxyouth Booklet
The Chairwoman of the Culture and Youth Commission in FIVA, Nataša Grom Jerina
FIVA was founded in 1966 and is now However, none of FIVA’s missions can
active in over 80 countries, representing be successfully completed or sustained
millions of historic vehicle enthusiasts over time without the active involvement
both globally and in organisational of young individuals. For this reason, the
capacities. It receives support from its FIVA General Assembly in 2015, which was
six international Commissions as well as held in Krakow, Poland, voted to formally
other active participants. Since 2017, FIVA add Youth to the mandate of its then-
has been a partner of The United Nations Culture Commission—a significant step in
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural the right direction, namely, the future. We
Organization, or UNESCO (, frequently hear that young people are the
in recognition of the significance of our key to the future, and for good reason—
shared global motoring heritage and its they are the future!
numerous social, cultural, technological,
and economic facets.
According to FIVA’s extensive research and analysis, which
was revealed in the Socio-Economic Survey 2021, 20% of clubs
already have activities targeted specifically at their younger
members. However, this is not even close to where we would
like to be.
Today, there are 1.8 billion people between the ages of 10 and 24 — the
largest generation of youth in history. Nearly 90% of them reside in
developing countries, where they constitute a sizable proportion of
the population. Their numbers are expected to grow — between 2015
and 2030, approximately 1.9 billion young people are expected to
reach the age of 15. Young people, who are more connected than ever
before, want to and are already contributing to the resilience of their
communities by coming up with innovative solutions, driving social
progress, and inspiring political change.
They are also agents of change. Young people can be a driving force for
supporting the development and promotion of peace and security if given
the tools and opportunities they need to realise their potential.
In order to translate the FIVA agenda into local, national, and regional
policy, FIVA strongly encourages its members to implement youth-focused
activities and programmes at the national level. Young people have the
power to make the world a better place for all if they are politically engaged
and given access to sufficient resources. FIVA encourages its members to
organise events centred on “eco-friendly solutions and responsible use of
historic vehicles,” as well as smart thinking in all aspects of one’s life.
Together, we can spice up the events to make them more enticing for youth,
support educational programmes in schools, and modify club meetings so
that young people feel welcome and fascinated by the historic vehicles…
Do you remember your school lessons and how boring they could be?
What memories pop into your head? Perhaps excitement, tales of 1. First automobile: 1886 Benz Patent-Motorwagen and Bertha Benz
adventure, or perhaps just daydreaming as you drifted off into your own story, also available on YouTube as a short film
little world! 2. Local topic: First local automobile (national and local), the first
driver, and the first female driver
Let’s work together to make those classes memorable and exciting 3. FIVA presentation – very short and general
enough for young people to want to learn more about the subject. 4. Organisation of an exhibition of children’s model cars and pedal
cars, followed by some local automotive historical photographs, local
The Culture and Youth Commission has prepared some templates to assist automobilia, and/or information about local events
you with this challenging task. 5. Workshop for children – colouring books, pedal cars, cards, play
steering wheels, etc.
6. Discuss with them the vision of future cars, autonomous driving,
electrical vehicles, and the importance of preserving HV
7. Q&A
(Note: please consider that at this age, children need to learn the
information through play and games)
1. First automobile: 1886 Benz Patent-Motorwagen and Bertha Benz story, 1. First automobile: 1886 Benz Patent-Motorwagen and Bertha Benz story, also
also available on YouTube as a short film available on YouTube as a short film
2. First local automobile - history of a historically significant local vehicle 2. Local topic: First local automobile - a brief history of local automobiles and
(model or owner) - history of some local automobile or motorcycle event - motorcycles - a history of a historically significant vehicle (model or owner) - a
industrial automotive heritage history of a local automobile or motorcycle race – industrial automotive heritage
3. FIVA presentation - historic vehicle definition, Protect, Preserve, Promote - 3. FIVA presentation - historic vehicle definition, Protect, Preserve,
Charter of Turin (general) Promote - Charter of Turin
4. Local example of an existing historic vehicle with implemented FIVA goals 4. Local example of an existing historic vehicle with implemented FIVA
and Charter of Turin; historic vehicle HV preserved in family ownership; HV goals and Charter of Turin; historic vehicle HV preserved in family
in school owned by a teacher; locally recognised historic vehicle restored ownership; HV in school owned by a professor; locally recognised historic vehicle
according to FIVA; exhibition of local historic vehicles restored according to FIVA; exhibition of local historic vehicles and old bicycles.
5. Exhibition of old bicycles (invite students to bring their bicycles for 5. FIVA video stories, screens, workshops with internet research on HV, museums,
display), local automotive historical photographs, local automobilia, and/or online museum guide 360o, possible virtual reality connected with HV, use of
information about local races or events tablets for some quizzes, entertainment…
6. Workshop – One HV for children to freely play in – seat inside, play steering 6. Workshop with HV – How to start an engine, driving instructions -
wheel, opening and closing doors etc. possibility for students to drive the HV for a short distance (with adult
7. involve local representatives of FIVA Global Partners to help with specific supervision), how to maintain it. Short workshop on SKILLS – maintenance –
examples on tires, colours, oils… changing oil, spark plugs, air filters. Exhibition of various tools (who will repair
7. Q&A cars in the future). Certificate of attendance in HV skills and maintenance
FIVA warns that specialist training is urgently needed to prevent vital restoration skills from 7. Exhibition of local automotive historical photographs, local automobilia, and/or
becoming extinct. information about local races
We must encourage the preservation of historic vehicles and pass them on to future generations
8. involve local representatives of FIVA Global Partners to help with specific
in working order. To this end, a mature restoration industry is just as important as it is for other
areas of cultural heritage, such as paintings and historic buildings. examples on tires, colours, oils…
9. Q&A
to organise the classification and issuance of FIVA Cards for historic as one that is:
FIVA ID CARDS are issued for vehicles that are at least 30 year old.
22 FIVA for youth For more information on the FIVA Youth working group and all its members please visit our website:
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FIVA Home Page Culture & Youth
Villa Rey
Strada Val San Martino Superiore 27/B
10131 Torino – Italy
With thanks to our global partners.
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